Kitchen on the balcony: pros and cons of the layout, ideas for decorating the space and placing design elements (photo + video)



Most older apartments have small kitchen sizes. Buyers of apartments in new buildings located in large cities also face the same problem. The average room size is 6-9 m². For this reason, in small apartments, every square meter counts. A kitchen on a balcony is considered one of the most optimal options for increasing the usable area of ​​an apartment, since the balcony itself is not a living space.

By combining the kitchen with a balcony or loggia, you can successfully expand your living space

Architectural features

When starting a kitchen remodel, it is worth remembering several important points regarding the loggia.

First, contact the management organization and find out whether the technical characteristics of the loggia allow you to place heavy objects on it, such as a refrigerator or a gas stove. In most cases, the balcony slab is a “sprout” of the main floor slab and it cannot withstand the same load as the entire floor of the apartment.

Secondly, when planning, remember that the wall between the kitchen and the loggia is almost always load-bearing and demolishing it to enlarge the kitchen will not work. The partition will still remain. If it can be demolished, then you will need to apply to several authorities at once for permission.

Thirdly, even if the floor of the loggia can withstand such a load, there will be very little space left on the balcony after installing the furniture. Fourthly, moving water supply, gas pipes and sewerage to the balcony will be very expensive and not always possible.

Therefore, when planning to combine the kitchen and balcony, think about moving the refrigerator or dining area there, rather than the entire work surface.

You should start re-equipping a balcony by glazing it or replacing the old double-glazed window with a new, warmer and more economical one. After all, the heat that will now penetrate from the kitchen will easily blow out through low-quality windows.

Interior decoration

So, a kitchen combined with a balcony step by step. Upon completion of construction work, the interior will be completed.

Important: It is important not to place massive structures on the kitchen-balcony and not to use heavy building materials: excessive load on the balcony slab is prohibited (discussed in detail in the article: “How much can a balcony withstand”). If you still plan to move heavy equipment or furniture into the developed areas, it is necessary to reinforce the balcony slab in advance.

An equally important condition for arranging furniture for balconies is free access to windows for the purpose of ventilating the room.

When thinking through options for safe, interesting projects for your kitchen interior, you should listen to the following tips:

  1. Even on stationary partitions and walls, you should not hang hanging cabinets. It is better to replace them with open shelves, perhaps with sliding doors or special mechanisms for lifting them. This saves space and does not put stress on the surfaces.
  2. When installing furniture options with removable tabletops, it is worth ordering options with rounded edges. It's safe and saves space. For a dining table, it is convenient to provide a tabletop equipped with a folding mechanism.
  3. Massive handles and heavy accessories will be out of place in new areas. Placed in a limited space, they are not aesthetically pleasing and rude.
  4. A visual increase in the balcony can be achieved by painting work surfaces and walls in light colors: beige, peach, light green, gray, milky, pastel blue. The same applies to the color of curtains, curtains, and lamps.
  5. If the height of the new dining area is small, designers recommend the use of asymmetrical curtains. It is advisable to hang a long curtain on the door, reaching the floor level, and cover the window only to the window sill. This way the balcony door is completely masked, and shortened curtains on the windows increase the height of the ceilings.

Advantages and disadvantages

A kitchen with access to a balcony can be a great way to expand the space. When planning a redevelopment, you need to take into account all the advantages and disadvantages of a kitchen combined with a balcony. Among the advantages are:

  • The emergence of extra meters of space, and this can be up to 5 square meters of area. This is especially valuable for one-room apartments;
  • Possibility to move some of the furniture to the balcony and free up kitchen space;
  • If you move your desk or sink onto the loggia, it will be more convenient to work thanks to the abundance of sunlight from the windows, and this will also provide additional savings on electricity bills.

The main disadvantages of this redevelopment:

  • For each stage of repair you will have to obtain permission from special authorities;
  • Transferring communications to the balcony, insulating walls and floors is expensive;
  • The partition between the balcony and the kitchen often cannot be completely demolished.

Advantages and disadvantages of a kitchen combined with a balcony: what not to do

The main advantage of designing a kitchen combined with a balcony is considered to be an increase in the usable area of ​​the room, which is especially important for small apartments in which leaving 2-4 m² for a balcony is unprofitable. Other advantages of combining a small kitchen with a balcony include:

  • separation of the dining area from the working area;

Before starting redevelopment work, you need to draw up a project that shows the arrangement of furniture

  • sufficient supply of natural light due to the large glazing area;
  • increasing the working surface and the ability to install the required number of household appliances;
  • the likelihood of creating an unusual design.

Photos of kitchens with a balcony demonstrate that such interiors look much more interesting and unusual than standard ones. By increasing the area of ​​the room, it is possible to apply unusual approaches to kitchen design. Below you can see a photo gallery of kitchen designs with large panoramic windows.

The main disadvantage of organizing a kitchen design with a loggia is the complexity of the work on insulation, waterproofing, cladding and redevelopment of the space. Other disadvantages of such repairs include:

  • high cost of work;
  • mandatory receipt of documentation;

Converting a balcony into a kitchen makes it possible to install additional household appliances

  • the need for additional insulation.

When creating a combined space, it is not allowed to carry batteries and other elements connected to central heating. Instead, you should consider the presence of electric heating or heated floors. In order to retain more heat in the apartment in winter, it is recommended to install a sliding partition made of frosted glass at the border between the kitchen and the balcony.

Important! You should not install a water-heated floor in a remote kitchen - it is better to install a cable or infrared one.

What can result from incorrect and unauthorized redevelopment?

If the redevelopment is carried out incorrectly, numerous problems may arise that not only lead to a violation of fire safety standards, but also cause a violation of the permissible load on the load-bearing structure of the building. Increased pressure on the fastening of the balcony slab can lead to cracking of the structure with its subsequent destruction.

It is better to legalize the redevelopment of the balcony in order to avoid problems in the event of selling the home

Another possible consequence could be a deterioration in the microclimate not only in the kitchen, but also in the adjacent rooms. In a situation where problems are observed in neighboring apartments, the result may be the payment of a large fine. This is due to the fact that all financial and legal responsibility for unapproved redevelopment lies with the owners of the apartment. If, after complaints from neighbors, an inspection is carried out, and the necessary documents are not available, then problems cannot be avoided. Other possible difficulties of unauthorized planning include:

  1. Difficulties that arise when selling real estate. An apartment with illegal redevelopment cannot be sold at its market value: the price is usually reduced.
  2. Impossibility of privatization. If the apartment does not correspond to her passport data, then it will not be possible to privatize it until she receives the necessary documents.

Therefore, in order to avoid problems, it is necessary to note in the project all the technical points regarding the redevelopment, as well as indicate the purpose of refurbishment of the rooms. Only a project certified and approved by the territorial housing inspection gives the right to carry out repairs.

There are administrative fines for illegal redevelopment

How to design a kitchen with a balcony: what can be placed there

Before starting repairs, it is advised to think in advance about the location of work areas in order to make the most efficient use of the added space, and plan how communications and cables will pass. It is recommended that you first view photos of kitchens with a balcony in order to decide on the interior design in which the room will be decorated.

In most cases, if you look at photos of kitchen designs with access to a balcony, you can see that a significant portion of large household appliances are located in this area. Here you can successfully place a large refrigerator or electric oven, which usually take up a lot of space in the kitchen, leaving minimal space for comfortable movement.

You should not plan in advance to place household appliances on the balcony that operate from a centralized gas or water supply, such as a gas stove, washing machine or dishwasher. It will be very difficult to obtain permits to change the location of such devices. In the kitchen with access to the balcony you can arrange the following areas:

  • working;

It is better to place a refrigerator or oven on the balcony, which most often take up a lot of space in the kitchen

  • lunch;
  • relaxation area or living room;
  • bar counter;
  • cabinet;
  • dressing room;
  • greenhouse;
  • pantry.

Helpful advice! In some photos of kitchens on balconies you can see that the additional area is used as a play area for children. It’s very convenient when a mother can work in the kitchen while the children are under her supervision.

The kitchen on the balcony can be made a separate room or a dining area can be placed in this part

Preliminary construction work

Before you start designing a kitchen with a balcony, you will need to carry out preliminary construction work. First of all, you need to glaze the balcony, if this has not already been done. An already glazed balcony must be insulated, this applies to both walls and floors. After combining the kitchen and loggia, heat will escape faster through the window glass. It is also very advisable to install additional heating.

If there is no space for radiators or it is impossible to obtain permission to install them, it is worth installing underfloor heating or an electric air heater. Especially if there is a hob and work desk on the balcony. After all, the housewife spends most of her time in the kitchen above the stove.

Next, they begin to work with the balcony block. In order to completely demolish a wall, you will need a whole package of permits.

If you leave the low partition, then fewer documents will be needed, and the partition can be used as a leg for the dining table top or turned into a work surface for cooking (for ease of use, it will need to be raised a little).

After this, interior decoration begins. If only the balcony is being renovated, its design should match the design of the kitchen that already exists.

Next, equipment and furniture are transferred. If you have an electric stove, then, like a refrigerator and microwave, you can immediately move it. Permits will again be required to move the gas stove.

Stages of renovation in a kitchen combined with a balcony: how to minimize heat loss

The first thing you need to do to renovate a kitchen with a balcony is to dismantle the old finish. If old wooden or thin plastic double-glazed windows were used, they should be replaced with a high-quality three-chamber double-glazed window, which reliably protects not only the kitchen, but also other rooms from the penetration of cold. Also, by choosing durable double-glazed windows, you can prevent the formation of condensation, which subsequently becomes the cause of fungus.

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The volume of a loggia or balcony can be increased by moving the window unit a little forward, mounting it on a metal frame, the depth of which is 30 cm. The result of this action will be not only the presence of a small additional window sill, which can be used as a tabletop, but also improved illumination of the room.

The next stage is insulation. The kitchen on the balcony in the apartment must be carefully insulated both outside and inside the building. To minimize possible cold bridges, not only the walls, but also the ceiling and floor should be insulated, especially if the kitchen is located above a basement or an unglazed balcony. Energy-saving lightweight materials are suitable for this, such as:

  • fiberglass;

The kitchen on the balcony in the apartment should be carefully insulated with energy-saving materials

  • basalt or mineral wool;
  • foam sheets;
  • penoplex;
  • penofol.

When choosing a material for insulation, you need to take into account that the thicker the thermal insulation layer, the easier it will be to heat the room and maintain the desired temperature in it. An important stage of insulation is the sealing and waterproofing of seams, because the external external part of the balcony is constantly in interaction with the street, where it is exposed to high humidity and temperature changes.

How to organize heating, move communications and select materials

You should also think about heating in advance, since according to the rules, batteries connected to a centralized system cannot be placed on the balcony. Therefore, the best solution is to install electric radiators and install an electric floor. To quickly warm up the room, you can place a Ufo heater under the ceiling.

To heat a loggia or balcony converted into a kitchen, it is safest to use electric radiators

Regarding the issue of transferring communications, the main condition is considered to be maintaining the angle of inclination of the sewer pipe being built up. This will ensure spontaneous and unhindered drainage of the waste liquid. To supply a room with cold or hot water, plumbers most often use conventional flexible hoses.

Advice! Instead of a gas stove, in order to avoid problems with gas services, it is still better to install an electric hob.

The final stage of interior design for a kitchen with a balcony is finishing work. In this case, the choice of materials depends on what area will be developed here. To design a kitchen on a balcony, they often purchase the same materials as for decorating a standard kitchen. The main factors that influence their choice are practicality, durability and easy care. The materials should be consistent in color and texture with the rest of the apartment’s interior.

Tiles are most often laid on the floor, but if you plan to have a balcony with a kitchen-living room, then it is better to lay parquet boards or high-quality laminate. If your budget is limited and you don’t want to spend a lot of time leveling the floor, you can lay insulated linoleum.

It is better to lay tiles on the kitchen floor on the balcony

For wall decoration, it is recommended to choose practical ceramic tiles, durable tempered glass panels (especially if you are decorating a work area), as well as vinyl or acrylic wallpaper. It should be taken into account that if the walls are constantly exposed to sunlight, you need to select materials that are resistant to fading in advance. Below you can view photos of the interiors of loggias, in which plastic panels are used instead of ceramic tiles to lighten the structure, or ordinary painting of the walls is performed.

For the color design of the walls, you can choose any options, the main thing is that they do not contradict the interior of the rest of the space. It should be noted that when designing a small kitchen with a balcony, it is better to give preference to light colors, and the ceiling should be lighter than the vertical planes.

Tension and plasterboard structures, as well as their combinations, remain popular methods of organizing the ceiling. Using a reflective glossy surface, you can visually increase the height of the room, but it is easier to beautifully install various lighting options into a plasterboard structure. At the same time, a stretch ceiling has a main advantage – resistance to moisture.

It is better to design the kitchen ceiling on the balcony as tension or plasterboard structures

Tiered structures can be successfully used for zoning a room, but this option should not be used when designing a small kitchen with a balcony, so as not to visually reduce the volume of space. Below you can see a good selection of photos of kitchen designs with a balcony, which show various ways to create a ceiling.

Partial kitchen relocation

If the balcony is not insulated, then the kitchen combined with the balcony can only be partially moved. Then you can make a winter garden on the loggia with plants that are not afraid of cool weather.

If there is heating, but also a partition, it would be a good idea to move some electrical equipment there, such as a microwave oven or coffee machine.

A square kitchen with a balcony with an area for drinking tea or reading looks good. You can also have lunch at a table located on the partition or create a mini-office with a laptop and a table lamp. This option will be especially appreciated by freelance housewives.


First of all, you need to find out whether transfer is possible. To do this, they study the building design and take into account various factors and parameters.

There are some differences in arranging a kitchen on a balcony and a loggia:

  1. Balconies are remote structures that protrude beyond the load-bearing wall. Such projections can be insulated and glazed, and can be used as a kitchen area. They are also suitable for creating a relaxation area. But you need to take into account various nuances. For example, craftsmen point out that such structures cannot withstand significant loads (heavy furniture, household appliances, etc.). Balconies are often partially furnished: for example, a table with a microwave oven, a small cabinet with groceries, etc. are installed. This place is also suitable for a dining room with a medium-sized table.
  2. The loggias do not protrude beyond the load-bearing wall; they are supplemented by one or two side walls. Often there is a partition between the loggia and the room. It is permissible to install household appliances and stoves here, since this space is no different from other rooms. After insulation and glazing, you can make a small kitchen area here.

One of the optimal planning methods is to combine rooms in an apartment made like a studio, where every meter is especially important.

The use of this technique will free up additional space, which will be useful for arrangement.

In standard apartments, such renovations will also refresh the atmosphere. Before starting work, the owners submit an application to the BTI and agree on a new project. The commission is given two plans for consideration: a new one and an old one. The kitchen with balcony is being renovated by craftsmen.

Full transfer

If the owners are determined and have obtained permission to completely demolish the wall, the interior of the kitchen with a balcony can be radically changed. Then you can get confused and move almost the entire kitchen set, along with the stove and sink, to the balcony. Then the kitchen area will increase significantly. This is beneficial for owners of one-room apartments and studio apartments.

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Kitchen balcony interior

You can design a combined balcony in different ways. Photos of a kitchen with a balcony are presented in many options on the Internet. Check them out and get inspired by ideas. There are several directions in design:

  • If your kitchen was 9 sq. m. with a balcony and now the entire set is on the loggia, it is better to decorate the entire space in the same style;
  • If a dining area is placed on the balcony, it should echo the general style of the kitchen, but the color of the walls and ceiling may be different;
  • If there is a sitting area or office on the balcony, you can decorate it in a radically different style from the kitchen.

Organization of premises in the kitchen combined with a balcony: photo of the remote working area

If you are designing a kitchen with a balcony of 12 sq. m (or more), then in this room you can completely place all the working surfaces. It is recommended to leave the main area of ​​the kitchen space for decorating the dining area. If there are no difficulties with installing household appliances, then you will have to tinker with the transfer of water sewerage and pipes. If you decide to move your work area onto the balcony, you need to consider high-quality waterproofing of the floor. This is necessary so that in the event of a break in any of the pipes, the underlying balconies will not be damaged.

As mentioned earlier, you should not bother with installing a gas stove on the balcony. It is recommended to immediately opt for an electric hob, which is much easier to connect without breaking the law. The main thing to consider when installing the surface is compliance with electrical and fire safety rules.

It is necessary to carefully select materials for remodeling the balcony; they must be light to avoid overload on the ceiling

Helpful advice! It is recommended to install the maximum possible number of sockets in the kitchen so that several household appliances can be connected at the same time. For powerful electrical appliances, such as an oven, it is better to install a separate wiring line that is designed for high loads.

You should also think about the placement of cabinets and household appliances in advance so that they do not interfere with each other when opening. The sink should not be placed near the hob so that it is not constantly exposed to water. Below you can see a selection of successful photos of kitchen designs on a loggia and balcony.

How the dining area on the balcony with exit from the kitchen is designed: photo

If you need to organize a kitchen design with a balcony of 10 square meters. m (and even less), then the option of removing the dining area is considered the most optimal. At the same time, even the smallest balcony, with the correct selection and arrangement of furniture, will become an excellent place for the family to gather around the dining table.

It is more expedient to move the dining group to the balcony, this will free up quite a lot of space for other furniture in the kitchen

A variant of such a layout will not take much time, since in this case, unlike the design of a work area, there will be no need to move and expand communications. To organize a dining corner, you just need to stretch the electrical cable and do the wiring correctly, which should be done at the stage of renovating the room. If the loggia or balcony is large, then, in addition to the dining table, you can place a refrigerator here, which is considered the most significant element of the kitchen, occupying a lot of usable space. In the event that a kitchen design of 10 square meters is being organized. m on the balcony, it is advisable to place a comfortable soft corner along the window.

If you move the dining group onto the balcony, then quite a lot of space will be freed up in the kitchen to create a spacious work area, which will be enough for convenience while preparing food. However, in this case, every effort should be made to perform high-quality insulation, because few people will like to dine in uncomfortable conditions.

A harmoniously selected dining group will help to decorate such an area and highlight it from the general space. Above the table you should definitely place a pendant with several lamps, which will visually isolate this area.

A window block can be used for the base of a bar counter, thus delimiting the area into zones

Rules for small kitchen designs on the balcony: photo

When designing a mini-kitchen, you should not try to fill the area with all the items. You need to understand that it should be convenient not only to stay there, but also to move around. During the cooking process, it is better when all the items are at hand. In this case, one of the best ways to decorate a kitchen is to have a bar counter, which can act as a countertop and dining table. In addition, it is recommended to place more shelves, drawers and cabinets here.

The main rule for designing kitchens with a balcony of 9 square meters. m or less - use only those pieces of furniture and equipment that are really necessary. If not so long ago it was considered expensive and difficult to choose compact but functional household appliances, now many well-known manufacturers produce electrical appliances designed for installation in small spaces. For example, such equipment includes a hob with horizontal burners, which can be either 2 or 4.

In small kitchens, preference should be given to built-in appliances and modular furniture. So, in a small closet, you can compactly place a small refrigerator and microwave on top of each other. If you consider that now you can buy a microwave with an oven function, then this solves 2 problems at once.

With a rational approach, even a small kitchen can be turned into a cozy and functional room

Furniture in a kitchenette should be functional. A large selection of retractable mechanisms allows even the smallest kitchen to rationally use every centimeter for storing things and working in the kitchen. Transformable furniture makes it possible to hide a tabletop that slides under the hob. In the mini-kitchen located on the loggia, you can use a folding table as a dining table, which will be an extension of the window sill.

To visually increase the area of ​​a small kitchen on a loggia, you need to use the maximum amount of chrome fittings and glossy surfaces, which visually fill the room with volume and light. It is also necessary to take into account that an important point is the absence of dark areas in a small room. Therefore, in the photos of mini-kitchens you can see a large number of lighting fixtures, which, in addition to organizing lighting, play the role of delimiting functional areas.

Rules in design

Whatever style you choose for your balcony, you should follow a few rules:

  • It is desirable that the floor on the balcony and in the kitchen be the same;
  • The ceiling is also desirable to be the same or similar;
  • The balcony area needs to be illuminated with separate light sources. Spotlights are suitable for the work area; in the dining room you can place a pendant lamp with a lampshade above the table; for the relaxation area, choose a sconce or a floor lamp.

Window sill design options

An insulated loggia, as a rule, has a fairly wide window sill. For owners of a small apartment, the presence of such a feature represents a unique opportunity to rationally use free space.

The most interesting and practical options are:

  • By slightly expanding the window sill, you can use it as a bar counter. It can also be a tabletop with a set of chairs.
  • Instead of a window sill, you can organize a shelf for dishes, or install a drying rack for kitchen utensils.
  • For sufficiently reinforced balconies, a sink and hob are often installed near the window opening. This approach is associated with the possibility of optimizing ventilation in the kitchen.

Under the wide cornice there can be a shelf or rack for storing dishes, household appliances, and currently unnecessary devices or utensils.

Balcony in the studio

Houses containing studio apartments are often built in such a way that there are no load-bearing walls between the balcony and the room. This greatly facilitates the redevelopment of the home.

The kitchen on the balcony in the studio looks the most organic. You can move the entire kitchen island into the balcony area and thus free up even more space in the studio.

Combining a kitchen with a balcony: is it necessary to coordinate the redevelopment?

Both in modern new houses and in old ones, the kitchen is rarely spacious, so the situation when there is an exit to a balcony or loggia next to the room is considered very advantageous. It should be stated in advance that in most cases, when combining a kitchen with a loggia, the redesign will need to be approved by the administrative authorities.

To avoid problems with the law, you need to collect the necessary documents from the relevant authorities

Important! The need to obtain permits is due to the fact that actions performed during redevelopment may violate the integrity of the supporting structure, which will jeopardize the safety of other residents.

In practice, there are two main methods for organizing kitchen design with access to a balcony:

  1. Dismantling only window and door blocks leading to the balcony, without demolishing the wall located under the window. It is considered the simplest option.
  2. Thorough dismantling of the structure including the wall, window, door and threshold. It is a more labor-intensive method, but frees up more space.

There is no documentation in the legal framework that would regulate this kind of redevelopment in an apartment, when the balcony is connected to any of the rooms. There are no prohibiting or permitting documents for such work. Each case of redevelopment is considered by the commission separately, and the individual characteristics and safety margin of a particular building are assessed.

Removing walls, windows, doors and the threshold to the balcony frees up more space for the kitchen

Kitchen on the balcony: what services is the project coordinated with?

In most cases, it is unlikely that it will be possible to completely dismantle the wall, because most often it is load-bearing. Even when demolishing a window and door unit, in order to avoid fines and problems with the law, you should collect the necessary documents from the authorities in advance:

  1. Project agreed with BTI. Here you need to obtain permission for the possibility of redevelopment. The type and age of the building, floor and material from which the house is made are taken into account.
  2. A document confirming the safety of the structure, obtained from the SES and the Ministry of Emergency Situations. Typically, employees go out and inspect the premises and evaluate options for acceptable redevelopment.
  3. A package of permitting documents from the housing office.
  4. An approved technical supervision agreement agreed upon with the housing inspection, allowing the commencement of repair work.

Redevelopment requires special permits, so all approvals should be obtained before renovation begins.

The final result of the received documents is the final act issued by the housing inspection, which contains permission to carry out actions to redevelop the premises and repair work. To put the premises into operation, permission from the city architectural service is still required. You also need to take into account that you will need to obtain separate documents for the installation of such devices as:

  • gas stove;
  • water pump;
  • water and sewer drains;
  • hood with non-return valve.

Unusual solutions

Non-standard solutions are also possible on the balcony. For example, you can move the sink and washing machine onto the loggia. Due to the small size of the bathroom, a washing machine is often installed in kitchens and takes up quite a lot of space.

You can also build an impromptu laundry area on the balcony, install a washing machine, electric dryer and ironing board there. A small balcony space is also well suited for a secluded office or an area for homework for a schoolchild or student.

Photo: options for organizing space

Video instructions: what you need to do first if you decide to install a kitchen on the loggia.

Home coffee shop

On the former balcony, which is insulated and heated, it becomes an excellent area for drinking tea. The balcony partition serves as a coffee table; an electric kettle, coffee maker and dishes can be placed on a cabinet or table, and an easy chair or small sofa can be placed under the large windows. This area is especially effective on balconies with floor-length panoramic windows.

Whatever the functional purpose of the balcony after combining it with the kitchen, this will definitely add free square meters in your apartment and give room for design imagination.

Preparation for repair

After obtaining the necessary permits, you can begin repairs. First of all, it is worth glazing the balcony. Choose high-quality three-dimensional double-glazed windows that are guaranteed to provide warmth even in the most severe frosts. In addition, condensation does not form on the glasses and they are not covered with ice. It is advisable that the number of sashes be small - this will help retain heat better. The second important point is the insulation of the kitchen balcony. The kitchen will be cold if all seams and cracks are not sealed from the outside. For this, it is best to use polystyrene foam, penoplex, fiberglass or multi-layer combined insulation. It is better to entrust such a task to industrial climbers. Next you need to start insulating the floor. As you know, no one will give permission to move the radiator, but there is another, more convenient way - to install a heated floor system. It is easy to use and does not consume much electricity.

Be prepared for messy demolition work

Experts advise starting renovations in the spring so that the room is insulated by the beginning of the heating season. This way there will be no additional difficulties with bad weather and heating. Further, the arrangement of the room can be carried out in two ways: completely moving the kitchen to the balcony along with household appliances and communications, or the dining area on the balcony, and the workplace in the kitchen. In any case, you should first consider where and what equipment and furniture will be placed. An online program that demonstrates the future interior in 3D will help with this. For those who do not have design skills in PC programs, it will be easier to draw a sketch of the kitchen on the balcony with a pencil on a sheet of paper.

Insulation and glazing of a cold balcony will require significant effort and money

Photo of the kitchen on the balcony

Redevelopment options

In fact, there are only two of them. The choice is determined by the type of partition between the zones. It can be ordinary or load-bearing.

Full union

If the partition is safely removed without consequences, you will get the maximum amount of usable space when combined. Accordingly, you can take the dining table, furniture, and even household appliances onto the balcony.

The partition is removed completely or partially. Then a small decorative arch is formed on top.

This option is suitable for studio apartments, where any boundaries between rooms are bad manners that you just can’t put up with.

Partial transfer

In cases where it was not possible to coordinate a complete transfer with the removal of the structure, arrange a partial one. With it, the window and door are dismantled, and the partition is successfully adapted to the bar counter. Or a countertop.

It turns out to be a nice option with a clear division of the kitchen space into a cooking area and a dining area.

The refrigerator is placed on the balcony - this is convenient, so it is often noticeable in interiors.

Interior and equipment

Before making a decision on choosing an interior, you need to decide how you imagine the future room. You can create a cozy homely, modern fashionable atmosphere, or a conceptual option that will amaze with its originality. It all depends on your imagination and taste.

The advantage of combining is not only an increase in space, but also the originality of the design of kitchens with a balcony:

A separate part of the kitchen is organized, separated from the main room, for example, by a bar counter. Part of the wall is dismantled, which increases the area by about a third.

Balcony as an auxiliary area Source Kitchen sketch Source

The choice of arrangement of furniture and household appliances depends on the preferences and number of residents. For a single person or a young family without children, it would be optimal to use the window sill between the kitchen and the balcony as a dining table. A family of three or more people will need more space, so you need to consider: a round or oval table, compared to a rectangular one, takes up less space.

The easiest way to use the room would be to move household appliances. You can place a microwave, refrigerator, coffee maker, multicooker, and other kitchen paraphernalia on the balcony. The costs are minimal - all you need to do is install electricity.

Modern design style Source

It is advisable to equip small kitchens with folding furniture, ergonomic, built-in appliances that allow for more efficient use of space. Choose color shades that favor light tones. Minimize the presence of decor (especially for curtains), it is better to use roller blinds, Roman curtain models, and use blinds. Panoramic glazing not only increases the amount of light, but also creates the effect of increasing the area.

Rooms smaller than 12 m2 look great in a minimalist or high-tech style, featuring light colors and strict, straight lines. An increase in space is achieved through the use of transparent partitions and reflective floor coverings.

White set Source

For kitchens combined with a balcony with an area of ​​15 m2 or more, the industrial loft style is used. Massive geometric lamps, raw concrete or brick walls, leather upholstery - all this makes the environment look solid and efficient.

Balcony insulation

When combining a balcony with a kitchen, you need to know that insulation involves not only internal insulation, but also external insulation.

For outdoor insulation, foam plates and mineral wool, mounted to the wall using a metal profile sheathing, are perfect. Afterwards all that remains is to sew it up with sheets of siding. But for this you will need to call industrial climbers. Watch in the video how to quickly insulate a balcony outside the house.

The internal balcony is insulated with penoplex. Experts also advise making a heated floor, as well as installing heaters or fan heaters.

Step-by-step instructions for insulating a balcony or loggia are discussed in this video.

When glazing a balcony, give preference only to high-quality and efficient materials that will retain heat in the room. To avoid making common mistakes when insulating a balcony or loggia, I recommend watching this video. It tells you what material needs to be used for insulation and a lot of useful information.

What's the best way to arrange furniture?

When combining, it is important to rationally use the resulting usable area. Not only kitchen ergonomics, but also the visual appearance of the room as a whole depends on this.

Kitchen set on the balcony

Not the most popular arrangement option due to the complexity of redevelopment in general: you need to move not only furniture, but also communications. But the usual kitchen ergonomics remain in order.

If you have enough space, you can use a corner layout. It is most convenient to place the sink in the center of the window or in the corner. The cooking area thus shifts to the right, where you can fully build an apron. There are also household appliances and a refrigerator.

You will find the most beautiful design options for a kitchen apron here.

Dining group on the loggia

Delicious breakfast against the backdrop of a beautiful landscape outside the window. Why not? Decorating a dining area on the loggia is a completely logical solution that allows you to create a comfortable and relaxed atmosphere. On the other hand, you can wisely divide the kitchen space into functional zones.

It’s good if a full-fledged table fits on the free square meters.

If not, then you can ingeniously and simply solve the problem by using a bar counter as a tabletop. Or a cabinet dividing the space into zones, as in the photo below.

Find the trendiest kitchen bar options here.

You can even abandon tables altogether. Kill two birds with one stone: arrange a tabletop along the window. It will serve as a convenient bar counter, and simply look like a spectacular window sill, especially if you add interesting decor. You can do it along the window. Or you can touch the wall adjacent to it.

With a sofa, such a kitchen will look even more soulful and attractive. In addition to comfort, there is an obvious dividend: you can use a smaller table or abandon it altogether.

The secrets of choosing and installing a sofa in the kitchen are revealed in our separate article >>> go.

Rest zone

After redevelopment, in place of the balcony, a cozy corner for reading or just relaxing in a comfortable environment suggests itself. All you need for this is a soft sofa or ottoman, as well as decorative pillows.

It’s good if you can add a coffee table. You can put drinks or books on it.

Don't forget about greens. Plants always look great in such a corner, creating unique comfort and adding ease to the atmosphere.

If the configuration of the balcony does not allow placing a sofa on it, replace it with a couple of armchairs. They can be placed opposite each other or, conversely, next to each other.

Selecting a color

Thanks to playing with color schemes, a kitchen with a balcony can be visually made larger or smaller. Choosing the right solution should be approached carefully, choosing tones that will combine with each other. The right color not only sets the mood: it can create a bright accent or hide a problem area.

Snow-white set Source Large wooden kitchen Source Gray and white combination Source

There is no tone that cannot be used in this room, but there are colors that require the right placement. You can come to the right decision by understanding a few basic rules, the main ones of which are the following:

Decorating a dining room on the balcony Source Interior of a combined kitchen in wood color with yellow elements

Don't use all the colors you like. In practice this is what happens. After the finishing is completed and the kitchen set is installed, the little things begin. “Or maybe I should buy a yellow apron for a green kitchen? Or is it not worth it and it’s better to hang orange curtains?” gradually your kitchen will become “clogged” with these colorful little things and will look like chaos. Therefore, no matter how much you want it, you need to select and highlight in color one thing that you want to pay attention to first.

Kitchen with a door to the balcony Source Decoration in olive color Source Kitchen with a dining area on the balcony Source

The second rule is the classic version - 60/30/10. If you adhere to this condition, the kitchen combined with the balcony will have the ideal color scheme. The presented scheme distributes colors as follows:

  • 60% is dominant, background, which will allow you to see other colors on it.
  • 30% is complementary.
  • 10% - accentuating.

Mosaic tiles in the work area Source Dark blue upper cabinets in the kitchen Source Elements of orange in the kitchen interior Source

The favorite color in this rule remains the last one, the accent color.

Kitchen in Art Nouveau style on a loggia Source Kitchen with island Source

Which style and color is better to choose?

The color scenario of the room is determined by the chosen design style. The shades should resonate with each other and not conflict in temperature. It’s very easy to arrange even with completely different sets of furniture next to each other: just add decorative pillows or covers to match one of the other. Harmony!

Gray is always the best color. It perfectly ennobles even the most modest interior, and in the case of an expensive one, it enhances pomp and scale. In a good sense of the word, of course.

See also: 105 of the most stylish kitchen interiors in gray tones

One of the surest options is a loft. Faithful in the sense of suitable. Indeed, a loft works well with rooms without partitions and is perfect for combining a kitchen with a balcony. It is characterized by the use of woody motifs, the predominance of gray and burning black colors.

The Mediterranean interior, on the contrary, is based on a more colorful and welcoming palette. If you really love Italy and greenery, then it is created for you. Be sure to include blue in all its temperature expressions. And don’t skimp on bricks to decorate the partition between zones: red is most suitable.

The best options for decorating a kitchen in blue tones in our separate article

A south-facing kitchen provides a much greater choice of color options. You can - and even need - to play with contrasts, feel free to include black or halftones as close as possible to it. Graphite and anthracite will also look great - popular colors among modern minimalist interiors.

But northern rooms require a careful and thoughtful color scheme. It is advisable not to overdo it at all with saturation in order to avoid disharmony in perception. Monochrome beige wall decoration is welcome, and with the help of furniture and decorative elements the final color scheme of the room is formed.

When there is no time to work out the style, but you just want to complete the renovation and live in a comfortable environment, it is better to stick to light, airy shades. White in combination with blue or turquoise is just right. Freshness, comfort, pleasant mood are guaranteed.

You may be interested in:

143 fashionable beige kitchen interiors

120 photos of the most beautiful white kitchens in the interior

If your set has carved elements, then you can enhance the Provence accents and add furniture with characteristic covers or trim. This style will best reveal itself in a space where you don’t need to count every free square meter.

Typical shades are beige, cream, purple, etc.

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