Cornice decor: overview of modern design and design options. Rules for choosing the color and material of decorative elements (105 photos)

The interior will be harmonious provided that it is thought out to the smallest detail. When it comes to creating the interior of a residential building, one of the main components of an attractive design is the design of window openings. The role of curtains is difficult to overestimate. They emphasize the style of the house, protect from prying eyes and sunlight. But not all curtain elements can always fit harmoniously into the design. Most often, difficulties arise with the cornice. Often you want to hide it, make it invisible. In this case, you need to use a hidden curtain rod. It will make the functional part of the design invisible, hide some of the imperfections of the walls, and make it possible to focus all attention on the beautiful, bright curtains. How to make and install a hidden ceiling curtain rod is described in more detail in this publication.

Interior aesthetics sometimes imply the absence of unnecessary details

When the cornice is not visible, all attention is paid to the beauty of the curtains

Brief description of the design, advantages

The cornice is usually closed with a special niche. Its arrangement and design features must be planned in advance - even at the stage of finishing the ceiling. In a niche you can hide all the unwanted functional parts of the curtain, install lighting, and create the effect of a floating curtain.

The niche space does not require special finishing; it will still be hidden by curtains

For hidden fastening of curtains, a cornice of any convenient design is suitable

Note! If you do not provide a niche in advance, in the future you will have to dismantle part of the decoration, change the tension structure, or come up with a decorative element to hide the suspension.

The dimensions of the niche depend on the structure that needs to be placed in it

What is a bando?

In the narrow sense, a bandeau for curtains is a dense synthetic material used as a lining in the manufacture of decorative elements for window curtains. This product is often called “shabrak” - the essence is the same, the differences are due to the names of the manufacturing companies that supply the lining to the market.

The material may differ in density - there is a rigid band for curtains, used for sewing solid lambrequins, and low-density linings, used to give the fabric the desired shape. In the category of soft linings, a transparent bandeau for organza is presented, which allows you to sew a beautiful soft lambrequin from light fabrics - organza, chiffon and tulle.

Shabrak linings are also classified based on the presence of an adhesive layer, according to which they are distinguished:

  • Linings with a hot-melt adhesive layer, fixed to the fabric when ironed with an iron at a temperature of 130-140 degrees;
  • Linings with a self-adhesive layer covered with a protective film. To fix it, just remove the film and press the chabrak to the textile.

On one side, the shabrack may have a layer of foam rubber or pile, which is used to secure the finished product with Velcro.

In a broader sense, bandeau curtains are panels decorated with a rigid lambrequin - smooth (solid) or openwork type.

An openwork bandeau is a rigid patterned lambrequin with an ornate shape. To make such products yourself, you use a chabrak lining or frame bases made of thick cardboard, plywood or chipboard, which are covered with fabric and complemented with decorative accessories and fittings.

Openwork bandeau

In industrial production, laser cutting of lambrequins is used, which allows you to create expressive products with the finest geometric patterns.

When should it be used?

When do you need to place curtains behind the ceiling plinth, in a special niche? There are two objective reasons for this.

  1. Functional necessity.
    This need arises in rooms with a stretched ceiling. It is forbidden to mount rigid structures on the surface of the film; wall-mounted cornice options are also not suitable for all. The easiest way is to provide a special niche at the installation stage. Its dimensions are determined individually. The threads of this curtain seem to flow from the stretch ceiling; you cannot achieve this effect with an open cornice.
  2. Interior preferences.
    Standard cornices have long lost their popularity. They are difficult to fit into modern interior styles. Today it is fashionable to decorate windows with airy curtains flowing from the ceiling. This effective design technique is especially relevant for minimalism, modern, and loft styles. If the cornice does not match the style of the space, you can simply hide it


The most important advantage is aesthetics. The photos in our article will give everyone the opportunity to see how attractive and unusual a floating curtain looks. Closed pendants mask unattractive parts of the wall, visually adjust the height of the ceiling, and make it possible to decorate the design with light lighting.

Hidden fastening of curtains is appropriate in rooms with low ceilings

Possibility to adjust the distance from the window. Some apartments have wide window sills. In this case, the wall mounting option for curtains is absolutely not suitable. You can place the fabric on the ceiling at any distance from the opening - for any width of the window sill.

Fixing the curtains in a niche eliminates the problem of choosing the design of the cornice and accessories

Focusing on decor. Less than attractive fasteners will not distract from the beautifully flowing fabric. Even the lighting installed in a niche will not attract much attention. They will only slightly emphasize the textile composition.

Using lighting you can easily create a unique atmosphere in your bedroom

Thick curtains covering the entire wall will make a narrow room visually wider

How to easily and simply make a bandeau for curtains with your own hands

Among the variety of ways to decorate window curtains, using a bandeau is one of the most extravagant options.
By decorating the curtains with a bandeau you created yourself, you will give them a second life - the resulting design will be elegant and unusual, and even old curtains will sparkle with new colors. Bandeau for curtains

From this article you will learn how to sew a bandeau for curtains with your own hands. We will look at the features and decorative purpose of this accessory and provide a detailed master class on its manufacture.

Options for hidden ceiling cornices

There are two masking options:

  • in a special niche;
  • camouflage using baguette structures.

The first option involves constructing a recess in a suspended ceiling or in a plasterboard ceiling. The optimal niche for curtains will have individual dimensions. They depend on several criteria: the width of the window sill, the features of the curtains, the dimensions of the suspension itself (it can have several stripes). The depth of the trench is usually standard - from four to fifteen centimeters. The depth will depend on the features of the ceiling structure.

A niche can be provided when installing a suspended ceiling

You can also make a separate structure that covers only the cornice itself.

If you do not want to install curtains, you can resort to the standard mounting method - wall-mounted. At the same time, the unsightly suspension is masked with decorative baguettes. Decorative overlays can cover fasteners, decorate the interior, and do not require effort for installation. This design method is relevant for classic designs.

Types of curtain fastenings

In 2022, we can highlight several of the most popular design options for fasteners for tulle and curtains.


A classic option that will be relevant for any interior. The model consists of a rod with a circular cross-section. A variety of materials are used in production.

Direct fastening of the fabric is carried out using rings. An attractive addition to curtains is the presence of removable ends, which are also made from various raw materials, but mainly from glass or metal.


From the name you can quite understand that the product consists of two strings that are stretched between the brackets.

This option is used for placing tulles.

  • The maximum permissible length is 5 meters.
  • There are models with 1-3 strings.
  • Additional ones are designed to accommodate lambrequins.
  • The downside is that the strings may sag over time.

To remove this defect, you should use a special tension mechanism.


Some people call this option the tire option. The profile has a large length along which the mount will move.

There is an extensive model range on sale, from which you can choose the optimal upgrade by:

  • Production material;
  • Configurations;
  • Number of gutters

Overall, the design is durable, reliable, and can last for many years.


Designers offer curtain rods that combine several types of fastenings. They can accommodate different types of curtains at the same time. The optimal combination is a string and a pipe.

Making a hidden suspension yourself

The easiest way to cover the cornice is to make a trench from plasterboard. To do this, you need to know in advance the features of the curtains, the length, width of the curtain rod.

Calculation of niche width

You should also prepare some tools and materials:

  • construction tape;
  • sheet of drywall;
  • long metal ruler;
  • knife with replaceable blades;
  • roughing plane;
  • ceiling, guide profiles;
  • screwdriver;
  • self-tapping screws

First you need to prepare the drywall. We cut it into strips of the required size - from four to fifteen centimeters. We cut drywall using a knife.

Having made the blanks, you can begin installing the ceiling guide profiles. From these you need to build a metal niche frame. The profiles are attached according to the markings. It can be applied to the ceiling with a regular pencil or paint cord. When fastening, we adhere to one rule - the dowel spacing is at least 60 centimeters.

First, the first profile is installed strictly according to the markings

Then a frame of short jumpers and a lower profile is mounted

Then we form the sides of the box. To do this, we use prepared plasterboard sheets. We fasten the sheets in increments of at least fifteen centimeters. Then we mount the end sides in a similar way. We process them with a plane. At the end, the bottom of the box is sewn up.

The box is ready for putty, which is done with a reinforcing mesh

After this, you can start designing the decorative component. The box can be puttied, painted, or wallpapered.

After completing the dirty work, you can fix the cornice

DIY bando - master class

We bring to your attention a master class, following which you can make a bandeau for curtains with your own hands. We will make simple bandeau curtains with a solid lambrequin covered with curly patterns that stand out against the background of the main fabric.

As a pattern for the pattern, let's take wallpaper with a design we like; the space for imagination is unlimited here - use ready-made store patterns, draw patterns yourself, or print patterns from the Internet and make a lambrequin based on them.

Choosing a cornice

The choice of hidden curtain rods usually involves selecting a design based on three main criteria: the weight of the curtains, the length of the window opening, and the number of strips. Also, when choosing, you should take into account the material from which the suspension will be made.

First you need to decide on the design of the curtains, and then choose a cornice

A separate niche above each window is a labor-intensive solution, but very original.

Types of materials and brief characteristics of cornices are discussed in the table:

Type of cornice according to the material useda brief description of
WoodSuitable for absolutely any room. They harmonize especially well with classic, Provence, and country styles. Most often, wooden models are installed in children's bedrooms. These rooms always have high environmental requirements. Wooden hangers can withstand high loads.
PlasticModern plastic does not turn yellow for a long time, is environmentally friendly, and durable. Affordable price is another important advantage. Plastic models are usually chosen for light curtains.
MetalThey are distinguished by a variety of designs, high strength, and can withstand enormous loads. Ideal for hanging heavy, multi-layer curtains.
StringIdeal for light, airy tulles. They are a metal string. The design of the cornice is as simple as possible and can last a long time. The main condition is not to hang heavy curtains on the strings. Due to the high load, the string will begin to bend over time.

The most commonly used option is a plastic profile rail, which can be hidden in a niche just a few centimeters deep.

Boom painting

For a certain type of rod, you need to choose the right paint. For wooden cornices, it is better to use quick-drying water-based paints, silk or vinyl emulsions. The drying process can be accelerated with a hairdryer, and the painting can be protected with varnish. Enamel paint will provide a durable coating. For a copper or metal rod, use spray paint, metallic paint, or enamel paint. These paints are also suitable for wooden cornices.

When choosing a paint color, use the curtain fabric as a basis. You can repeat the background of the curtains on the rod. To create color harmony, paint the rings and cornice brackets in different colors. You can transfer the fabric pattern to the barbell. Stripes look impressive.

To paint the rod you will need:

  • rod and brackets
  • thin skin
  • silk or vinyl emulsion
  • matte or glossy polyurethane varnish
  • White Spirit
  • enamel, metallic or spray paint
  • solvent
  • brush 25 mm
  • old newspapers
  • brushes for watercolor paint
  • synthetic sponge
  • latex gloves
  • hair dryer

Before starting work, cover things and the floor with newspapers. Spray the paint in a well-ventilated area and clean the spray nozzle after use.

— Using fine sandpaper, sand the surface of the wood, metal or plastic rod to remove paint flakes, stains or varnish.

— To paint a rod in one layer or one color, support it on the backs of two chairs and rotate it as needed. Let the paint dry, then apply a second coat of paint.

- Paint the ends and brackets one by one. Hold the ring by the ear, apply paint to one side first and let it dry. Then paint the rest. You can string the rings onto a string tied to a shelf, secure them with knots, and paint the hanging rings. Apply a second coat of paint or create decorative effects.

— Apply 1-2 layers of polyurethane varnish to the water-based coating of the rod, applying it in the same way as paint.

Stripes on the bar

For a plain or striped curtain, you can paint the cornice with horizontal, vertical or diagonal stripes. Rings and other curtain accessories can be colored to blend in with the stripes on the fabric.

First you need to paint the barbell in the main color, which will be the background. Use the lightest colors for the background and darker colors for the stripes.

Adhesive tape is used to draw stripes.

Applying vertical stripes:

On the barbell, use a pencil and a tape measure to mark the sequence of stripes. Wrap adhesive tape around the rod and secure the edges of the first set of strips. Apply paint between the strips with a sponge or small brush. Let the paint dry and apply another coat of paint if necessary. The adhesive tape is carefully removed after the paint has dried. Repeat the operation to apply stripes of a different color.

How to hide hangers with a ceiling plinth: photos, examples

You can cover some shortcomings in wall decoration and hide the suspension using a regular ceiling plinth. However, this requires basic skills in installing skirting boards on the ceiling. First you need to choose the baseboard itself. It should be wide and have a flat surface on top so that it can be fixed to the ceiling.

If the curtains are suspended from a ceiling cornice, it is quite easy to create the illusion of a hidden cornice using an ordinary baseboard

Products made from polyurethane foam, polystyrene foam or duropolymer are suitable for this purpose.

Note! Ceiling plinth plays an important decorative role in the interior. Its design, color, and ornament must be in harmony with the overall style of the room.

In order for the baseboard to hold securely, you will need to install a vertical base in the form of a plank.

The design must completely hide the curtain fastening elements

Next, you should purchase glue for attaching polyurethane products. It must be applied to the baseboard and the canvas pressed tightly against the ceiling. The glue sets quickly enough to securely fix the product. The plinth is attached at a short distance from the cornice. The same skirting boards should be placed around the entire perimeter of the room. Then its design will look solid and harmonious.

You can see photo examples of such methods of masking suspensions below.

Features of the gang

Bando lambrequin is used as a decorative element for decorating curtains. Solid and patterned lambrequins are combined with classic soft fabric swags, frills, and molds.

An openwork bandeau is a great way to decorate a curtain rod with your own hands; it hides the cornice and shifts the visual emphasis to the curtain itself, which allows you to use cheap plastic profiles for attaching curtains and not overpay for decorative products with artistic forging and expensive accessories.

There are horizontal and vertical models of bandeau curtains. Vertical products are extremely rare; they frame the window opening along the side contours, which is only appropriate when decorating large panoramic and bay windows.

The horizontal version of the curtain with a bandeau involves attaching a rigid lambrequin to the upper contour of the window opening. Often the frame is made with oval curves on the sides and has a ∩-shape. This solution is used when decorating windows of any type. For small windows, it is preferable to use openwork curtains with a bandeau; they look light and weightless.

Photo: Beautiful examples in the interior

CurtainsDescription of electric curtain rods with automatic drive


CurtainsDescription of cornice for Roman blinds: components, fastening

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