Tulle in the living room: TOP-115 photos of beautiful options for stylish window decoration (modern design ideas)

The hall is a place that is constantly under close attention, because it is where the whole family gathers in the evenings and guests on holidays, so the design of the living room needs to be thought through very carefully. It is necessary to take into account all the nuances - color combinations, layout and decor. The final and important stage is the design of window openings. With the help of tulle you can completely change the image of a room, making it light and airy. It seems that all the possibilities of tulle are already known, but every year designers create new interesting options for using this material as decoration.

Living room design features

Since the room is designed to receive guests, here you can realize your wildest fantasies. Including color and texture combinations of fabrics, as well as multi-layer compositions.

However, bright design is appropriate if the emphasis of the chosen design is on the window. If you want to visually highlight other interior items, you should give preference to a more modest option.

It is worth considering that the purpose of the living room makes its own adjustments. Unlike the bedroom, the goal here is not to close the window from daylight or artificial night light. And compared to the kitchen, the materials get dirty less. This gives greater freedom in choosing materials and design methods.

Color spectrum

When choosing a color, you can act boldly and creatively or give preference to more proven tones and shades.


A color that can fit into any interior. Visually expands the living room space, making the room airier and lighter.


Versatile and natural. Beige tulle will successfully hide all the imperfections of the windows and walls in the room.


Deep, rich and solemn. The brown color in the room goes well with natural wood furniture and brings significant solidity to the interior.

The photo shows a white room with a brown sofa and tulle on the windows.


Noble in its elegance. Green tulle curtains will have a positive effect on the atmosphere in the living room, causing positive emotions and tranquility.


This color transforms the room in the hall and gives it versatility and aristocracy. Ideal for classic style and light Provence.


The color of weightlessness, lightness and romance. The hall decorated with pink tulle gives tenderness, warmth and comfort.


Blue relieves fatigue and relaxes. This color is popular in Provence, chalet, shabby chic, rococo or loft style living rooms.

The photo shows a living room with windows decorated with blue curtains.

What influences the choice of tulle

The choice of tulle is determined by:

  • Dimensions and shape of the room;
  • Window parameters;
  • Stylistic design;
  • Owner's preferences.

Thus, lush curtains with an abundance of decorations will look ridiculous in a small living room. On the contrary, the right color, material and length will help brighten up the shortcomings of the room. As a result, it will look cozy and attractive.

Drawings and patterns

A universal solution to any interior issue.


A two-color stripe will increase the space of a small room, and depending on the color of the stripe, it can add playfulness or restraint to the interior. For a living room with low ceilings, you should not choose tulle with horizontal stripes.


Openwork lace in the room will give it a gentle romantic look, and also bring comfort and coziness.


This floral arrangement creates a mood, gives energy and freshness to the room. Floral patterns with curls are often used in a room in Provence, country or rustic style.

With embroidery

Embroidery gives the curtains a rich and luxurious look. In this “outfit” the window looks expensive, returning the living room interior to the Baroque and Renaissance era.

With a smooth color transition

Ombre effect, transition from one color to another. The modern trend will certainly decorate your room.

Types of tulle for the living room

The effect created by curtains is largely determined by the properties of the material, its transparency, ability to drape, color and other characteristics.

Therefore, before purchasing tulle, you need to assess your needs and preferences in order to weed out inconvenient options among the huge assortment. This will simplify the task and also help you make the right choice.

What rooms is it suitable for?

Arched tulle on windows and doorways look great. At the same time, the atmosphere feels lightness and tenderness, which long canvases cannot provide. This in no way detracts from the importance of the latter, because each model of curtains creates its own mood in the interior.


Eyelets give curtains a more modern look and are appropriate on any curtain.
Tulle arch for the kitchen is one of the most popular window design options. The specificity of this room is that moisture and fat vapors are constantly present in it. When processing food, small particles fly to the sides. In addition, any textile that is not treated with special impregnations absorbs the odors of cooking food. Keeping traditional curtains clean in this case, especially when the area is small, becomes problematic. A short, laconic kitchen tulle is easy to wash, dries quickly, and also leaves the window sill free.

On a window in a small kitchen, such decor looks perfect and does not eat up the already small space.

Ready-made tulle for the kitchen is always on sale in a large assortment. If an arched curtain seems too simple, you can always complement it with an interesting lambrequin. Another interesting solution is that two tulle lambrequins hung with a cross form an arch.

Living room and hall

In the living room, arched tulle is most often used as a lambrequin, as an addition to long curtains or curtains.
A tulle arch for a living room, which is often visited not only by members of the household, but also by good friends or visitors who come on business, often becomes not just a decorative decoration, but a symbol of hospitality. In this part of the apartment or house it is hung not so much on the windows as on the doorway. Agree, going from the corridor to the hall not through a door, but through a beautifully decorated high arch is a completely different matter. In addition, in this way it is convenient to divide the living room into zones in studio apartments. But a “naked” doorway looks faceless, boring, and official. Such tulle on the living room windows resembles a lambrequin rather than curtains. But it’s better to hang muslin on the doorway.


The bedroom needs shading, so arched tulle should be used in conjunction with other curtains or blinds.
In the bedroom, the tulle arch also serves only as decoration and does not replace traditional curtains. Since it is smarter to hang curtains on the floor with classic curtains, they are usually not combined with arched tulle. But if you decorate the windows in the bedroom with Roman or rolled canvases, such tulle against their background will look harmonious and will come in very handy. It will soften the strict forms of lifting models. As a result, the entire environment will become much more comfortable, and an atmosphere will reign in it that will promote a pleasant immersion in the world of dreams. But coziness and comfort are concepts that simply must be present in a room for sleeping and relaxing.


If you hang long curtains in the nursery, for the safety of the child, take care of the strength of the curtain rod.

In a small nursery, a transparent “arch” is responsible for comfort, and natural light is regulated by a lifting curtain.
for example, Roman, as in the photo. In terms of its purpose, a children's room is something between a sleeping room and a playroom, and tulle for it is chosen according to approximately the same principles. True, the choice here is more difficult, since you have to worry not only about comfort and beauty, but also about safety. In this case, arched tulle is also combined with lifting structures: roller blinds, Roman blinds, horizontal blinds, pleated blinds.

Such models do not fall below the window sill; a child cannot reach them and, playing too hard, collapse the structure. An additional plus is that an open window sill will also come in handy here. They place some objects on it or even use it for studying when the room is small. At the same time, the main purpose of tulle in the nursery does not change. It creates comfort.

Tulle material

Popular options for window decoration are:

  1. A mesh that attracts with its versatility and ease of care. It differs in the structure and size of the cells. Therefore, mesh tulle is convenient to match to any interior.
  2. Jacquard, characterized by durability and an unusual texture that decorates the interior. The material is sold in matte, glossy, plain or patterned.
  3. Organza fills the room with space, lightness and light due to good light transmission. However, the transparency of the material, which poorly hides what is happening in the apartment, is not always convenient for residents of the first floors.
  4. Veil. The material is popular due to its environmental safety, the ability to not attract static electricity and the ease of creating drapery.
  5. Satin that gives the room a feeling of luxury. The fabric also lends itself well to draping.
  6. Lace from which you can create an original window design.

Other options could be tulle, nylon, silk or muslin. Natural materials for tulle are linen and cotton. However, high shrinkage and creasing make it difficult to care for.

Advantages and disadvantages of arched tulle

Tulle in the form of an arch does not perform any practical tasks, being only a decoration. However, its use has many advantages. The main ones are:

  • Designing an opening like this is a way to let in as much natural light as possible. Indeed, in this case the rays do not encounter obstacles on their path.
  • Short curtains do not prevent the flow of heat from the radiators into the surrounding space. This becomes relevant during the heating season.
  • To make a curtain with an arc, you don’t need a lot of material, so sewing it will cost quite a budget.
  • A lightweight curtain made from a minimal amount of textiles visually makes the living space more spacious.
  • Canvases that do not reach the window sill allow it to be used as an additional work surface. This is a great solution for a small space.
  • A tulle arch into the kitchen, when the room is small, with small windows facing the north side or into a well, will be almost the only possible way to decorate them.

There are few disadvantages to such curtains. Let's list the main ones:

  • They perform only a decorative function and do not protect the interior space from light and views from the street.
  • Batteries and pipes are left open to view.
  • Due to the peculiarities of the cut and unusual shape, they are not suitable for all design trends.

Since such curtains do not cover the radiator and heating pipes, it is worth taking care of their aesthetic design.

Choosing tulle color for the living room

Interiors in conservative styles accept exclusively white tulle.

In other cases, you can experiment with the color scheme, considering:

  1. The tone of the walls and furniture in the room.
  2. Room location. It is appropriate to decorate windows facing the sunny side with curtains in cool colors. On the contrary, warm colors will suit a living room located towards the north.
  3. Room dimensions. Dark tulle and curtains will make a cramped space more gloomy and depressing. Such a living room can be visually expanded with white, cream or beige colors.

Creative individuals can complement the interior with tulle in non-standard shades (purple, black, burgundy).

Ready-made black and white models, as well as products with photo printing, can look stylish. The main thing is that they blend organically with the interior of the room.

Design ideas in various styles

It is the window decor that is considered the final chord in the room when it is decorated. The main thing is not to make a mistake and choose curtains that will match the overall style and give the living room a finished look.


Homely and warm Provence. Here special attention should be paid to textiles. To decorate windows, transparent white tulle with an ornament or floral print is suitable.

The photo shows a Provence style hall with tulle on the window.


Luxury in a great room will never go out of style. It is in this style of decoration that a curtain made of thin and plain fabric will come in handy.


Currently, this style is at the peak of popularity. The tulle flowing from the ceiling should also be combined with the overall theme of the room and be functional and practical.

The photo shows a modern-style room with light curtains.


Discreet, black and white and cold minimalism. A voile tulle would be an excellent solution for a hall of this style.

Tulle length

Here the choice will be between the product:

  • To the floor;
  • To the windowsill;
  • To the middle of the battery.

The first option is distinguished by aesthetics and elegance. It helps to visually lengthen the ceiling. The second is convenient for windows in niches without radiators. The third option is rarely used due to a number of limitations. In addition to the lack of a radiator, such models require a combination of several colors and mandatory decor.

Tulle sizes

The choice of length is one of the main components when decorating a window opening, which will allow you to change the shape and size of the room.


An original way to decorate a small space. The length to the window sill is suitable for a room in a classic, country or Provence style.


The most popular length option, it looks elegant, visually enlarges the ceiling and the living room space as a whole.

Basics of creating multi-layer compositions

To make the window design look organic, experts recommend considering the following options:

  • Build a composition based on contrasting colors while maintaining a single texture;
  • Combine smooth fabrics with voluminous lace;
  • Use of soft color transitions;
  • Classic without ruffles and an abundance of decorations;
  • Combination of matte and glossy fabric;
  • The choice of material where the pattern is made in combination with a weak stripe;
  • Playing on different intensities of natural colors that combine with each other.

If appropriate, tulle can be accessorized. The contrast between fabrics of different colors and textures is sometimes created through lambrequins. They differ in rigidity, the presence of openwork elements and other parameters. This should be taken into account when choosing.

Non-standard windows

If you need to emphasize the original or unusual shape of the window, then in this case you can also safely use tulle.

With balcony door

The design of the curtains should match the doors and not interfere with their functioning.

The photo shows a room with a balcony door decorated with tulle.


This form of window opening is itself a decorative element; to enhance this effect, it is worth using tulle compositions for decoration. It is not recommended to use massive structures.

Bay window

When choosing curtains for a bay window, it is better to use not very dense fabric in pastel shades to add spatial depth to the room.

The photo shows a classic-style hall with a bay window and light curtains.

Corner window

In order to give such windows a special sophistication and emphasize grace, you can choose a translucent, weightless fabric in light colors.

For two windows

Two window openings with a partition or a room where the living room is combined with a kitchen can also be decorated with tulle, in which case unnecessary workload can be avoided.

Design tips

When choosing tulle, you should rely on the following criteria:

  1. In a room without a specific style, curtains in pastel colors are optimal.
  2. It is better to highlight an elaborate interior with tulle in light colors.
  3. Plain curtains go well with patterned wallpaper.
  4. Tulle in subdued colors will not distract attention from the decorative elements in the living room.
  5. When choosing the type of fastening, you should focus on the geometry of the room.

Let's summarize: The guest's impression of visiting the house is largely determined by the living room. And a competent approach to window design will not go unnoticed.

When choosing the material, color and length of tulle, you should take into account the size of the window opening and the room. Then the curtain will not only decorate the room, but also disguise any imperfections, including low ceilings or narrow windows.

In cramped living rooms, preference is often given to simple curtains in a minimalist style. Spacious rooms open up more design possibilities, taking into account the selected furniture and wallpaper on the walls.

Types of curtains

With the help of curtains you can choose a lot of solutions from simple to complex.


There are large and small ones. When choosing these curtains, you should consider the level of lighting in the living room. When decorated it looks original and unusual.


Thanks to this type of curtains, you can decorate your living room interior in an original way. They look especially good in modern, shabby chic or classic styles.


Translucent fabric with splashes that look like fine rain. It will add a touch of mystery to the living room interior and protect the room from bright sunlight.


The canvas with numerous folds visually looks very impressive and elegant.


They filter light especially beautifully and do not overload the space in the hall. Can be combined with any interior design.


Used to create unique images using several colors at once. Such curtains in the hall look much more interesting and original than ordinary ones.

See also ideas for two-tone curtains in the living room.

The photo shows a room with double curtains on the window.

Photos of new tulle designs for the living room

In what interiors is it suitable?

These cute, delicate curtains are perfect for all “rural” interiors.
To begin with, it is better to name styles where such design is not used in principle. These are all modern minimalist designs: loft, hi-tech, techno, minimalism, modern, Japanese, Chinese and the like. Arched tulle is the epitome of romance. It looks a little like yesterday, vintage and very cute, but what to hide, in principle you can do without it, and the styles listed above are too practical, laconic, tend to straight, strict lines, and do not need decoration.

Transparent curtains with an arched bottom edge are appropriate where it is necessary to create the effect of lightness and spontaneity, namely in romantic and rural interiors.

In any other directions that are not alien to romance, such decoration is used quite often. It best suits national and “rural” styles. Such as:

  • Russian rustic.
  • English shabby chic.
  • French Provence.
  • Italian Mediterranean.
  • Northern European Scandinavian.
  • American country.
  • Eclecticism is a design that implies the absence of any specific direction.

As mentioned above, tulle with an arch is especially appropriate in the kitchen on the windows, or on interior doors (muslin). Such decoration will add lightness and romance to the atmosphere, filling it with light, air and positivity.

How to choose fabric for tulle

The classics of the genre are considered to be veil tulles, plain, without unnecessary details. The veil is resistant to dust and requires washing less often than other materials.

You can simply buy the fabric you want and stitch it along the bottom yourself - and that’s the tulle. As decorative elements, you can add rings made of silk ribbon, an elegant cord for tying, or bow folds.

Modern design options are more difficult to reproduce with your own hands. For example, in order to create a draped mesh with ribbon grommets, considerable experience in needlework is required.

Chiffon and organza also consistently lead among the most popular fabrics. They can be very diverse in structure: lace, patterns, transparent, matte.

The most pompous and difficult to process fabric for tulle is jacquard. It is not suitable for all finishing styles - mainly oriental or rococo.

Pros of a window with tulle without curtains:

  • It visually increases the space. If you close the window with thick curtains, the room will become much smaller than it actually is. This is an excellent solution for small, too narrow rooms.
  • There is more light in the room. This is especially true for the shady sides of the house. In its own way, this results in energy savings.
  • Tulle does not collect a lot of dust, is easy to care for, and dries quickly. A big plus is washing. You can rinse the tulle in the bath at least every month, which is especially convenient for families with allergies and small children.
  • Thick curtains prevent air from entering, making the home less ventilated. There are no such problems with tulle.
  • Clothes for windows made from one tulle will cost much less, like a regular cornice. A light fabric with a stretched string is sufficient; it does not require massive design.

Since the cost of one tulle is much less, it can be updated more often. It’s so nice to change the situation, but you don’t always have the time and money for a complete renovation. This is much easier to do with textiles. In addition, there is now a very large selection of tulle in stores. This is no longer just a white mesh with embossed flowers, which used to hang in every home. Chic patterns, designs, colors, different densities make the textiles self-sufficient and do not require additions.

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