Tulle in the living room: TOP-115 photos of beautiful options for stylish window decoration (modern design ideas)

Living room design features

Since the room is designed to receive guests, here you can realize your wildest fantasies. Including color and texture combinations of fabrics, as well as multi-layer compositions.

However, bright design is appropriate if the emphasis of the chosen design is on the window. If you want to visually highlight other interior items, you should give preference to a more modest option.

It is worth considering that the purpose of the living room makes its own adjustments. Unlike the bedroom, the goal here is not to close the window from daylight or artificial night light. And compared to the kitchen, the materials get dirty less. This gives greater freedom in choosing materials and design methods.


Fabric characterized by a strong composition that is resistant to the active influences of the whole family. There are no puffs left on it, it is wear-resistant. The fabric is based on silk, viscose and polyester.

Organza has a wide range of colors and is very easy to combine with other fabrics. The lightness of organza allows enough sun to enter the room and create a light airy veil on the windows. This gives the room lightness and adds coziness. We can safely say that organza is the best tulle for the living room.

What influences the choice of tulle

The choice of tulle is determined by:

  • Dimensions and shape of the room;
  • Window parameters;
  • Stylistic design;
  • Owner's preferences.

Thus, lush curtains with an abundance of decorations will look ridiculous in a small living room. On the contrary, the right color, material and length will help brighten up the shortcomings of the room. As a result, it will look cozy and attractive.


Beginning housewives often do not understand how to correctly calculate the size of tulle for their future living room? The length allows you not only to simply close the window, but also to determine the mood of the entire room. How it works? How to make a beautiful tulle design?

Types of tulle for the living room

The effect created by curtains is largely determined by the properties of the material, its transparency, ability to drape, color and other characteristics.

Therefore, before purchasing tulle, you need to assess your needs and preferences in order to weed out inconvenient options among the huge assortment. This will simplify the task and also help you make the right choice.

Color spectrum

The Soviet-era stereotype that tulle must always be white is becoming a thing of the past. Today, designers offer to play with colors and use any tone from beige to red or even black.

In addition, the product can combine several colors and be complemented with ornaments or photo printing elements. Images on fabric are a trend in modern interiors.

With its help, you can transform the window opening and focus the attention of guests on this part of the room.

Tulle material

Popular options for window decoration are:

  1. A mesh that attracts with its versatility and ease of care. It differs in the structure and size of the cells. Therefore, mesh tulle is convenient to match to any interior.
  2. Jacquard, characterized by durability and an unusual texture that decorates the interior. The material is sold in matte, glossy, plain or patterned.
  3. Organza fills the room with space, lightness and light due to good light transmission. However, the transparency of the material, which poorly hides what is happening in the apartment, is not always convenient for residents of the first floors.
  4. Veil. The material is popular due to its environmental safety, the ability to not attract static electricity and the ease of creating drapery.
  5. Satin that gives the room a feeling of luxury. The fabric also lends itself well to draping.
  6. Lace from which you can create an original window design.

Other options could be tulle, nylon, silk or muslin. Natural materials for tulle are linen and cotton. However, high shrinkage and creasing make it difficult to care for.


Another common fabric. Lightweight cotton fabric. Its difference is its tight weaving. It is especially popular in the East. Its amazing ability is to darken the room, but not slow down the air circulation process. It is for this property that they love her.

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It is worth noting that muslin can be used not only as a curtain, but also as a fabric separating one zone from another. This way you can set up a workplace in the living room or separate a relaxation area.

Choosing tulle color for the living room

Interiors in conservative styles accept exclusively white tulle.

In other cases, you can experiment with the color scheme, considering:

  1. The tone of the walls and furniture in the room.
  2. Room location. It is appropriate to decorate windows facing the sunny side with curtains in cool colors. On the contrary, warm colors will suit a living room located towards the north.
  3. Room dimensions. Dark tulle and curtains will make a cramped space more gloomy and depressing. Such a living room can be visually expanded with white, cream or beige colors.

Creative individuals can complement the interior with tulle in non-standard shades (purple, black, burgundy).

Ready-made black and white models, as well as products with photo printing, can look stylish. The main thing is that they blend organically with the interior of the room.

How to sew curtains with Velcro with your own hands

Making roller blinds is certainly not easy, but you can easily sew classic balcony curtains with Velcro with your own hands. To do this you will need:

  • textile;
  • Velcro;
  • sewing machine;
  • ruler;
  • scissors.

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. The first step is to measure the parameters of the window to determine the size of the curtains and make cuttings. You need to add a margin of 5 cm to the height of the window, and about 1 cm to the width. If the width of your window is 265 cm, then sew 4 curtains, each of which will be 66 cm wide.
  2. Then you need to prepare 16 ties. They can be sewn from the same fabric. The length of each should be equal to the length of the curtain with a margin of 5 cm, and the width is 10 cm.
  3. For each piece you need to sew the bottom edges, then fold them in half lengthwise from the wrong side and sew them too. Turn it inside out, fold the top edge and stitch. The ties are ready, all that remains is to carefully iron them with an iron.
  4. Next, you should cut the curtain fabrics according to measurements, bend them in half and stitch the sides of the curtains. Attach 2 ties to each curtain with pins, 7 cm from the edges.
  5. Then you should fold the top and stitch the soft part of the adhesive tape along with the ties to its underside. Do the same with the lower edges of the blanks, but do not sew the ribbons, but leave them so that they move freely in the holes.

Finished products can be attached directly to the frame. Such a curtain will protect the residents of the house from mosquitoes and will reliably protect them from the scorching rays of the sun. In order to wash the curtains, you just need to peel off the Velcro and then just glue them back. It is very convenient and practical.

Tulle length

Here the choice will be between the product:

  • To the floor;
  • To the windowsill;
  • To the middle of the battery.

The first option is distinguished by aesthetics and elegance. It helps to visually lengthen the ceiling. The second is convenient for windows in niches without radiators. The third option is rarely used due to a number of limitations. In addition to the lack of a radiator, such models require a combination of several colors and mandatory decor.


When talking about curtains in the living room, curtains cannot be overlooked. They mean a lot in the process of decorating a room and allow you to choose one or another interior solution. What curtains are popular today?

  • Deliberately displayed - most often rounded, with beautiful elements on the sides. The color varies depending on the interior color scheme;
  • Hidden - either in a niche by the window, or made as neutral as possible to preserve the effect of floating fabric on the window.

Basics of creating multi-layer compositions

To make the window design look organic, experts recommend considering the following options:

  • Build a composition based on contrasting colors while maintaining a single texture;
  • Combine smooth fabrics with voluminous lace;
  • Use of soft color transitions;
  • Classic without ruffles and an abundance of decorations;
  • Combination of matte and glossy fabric;
  • The choice of material where the pattern is made in combination with a weak stripe;
  • Playing on different intensities of natural colors that combine with each other.

If appropriate, tulle can be accessorized. The contrast between fabrics of different colors and textures is sometimes created through lambrequins. They differ in rigidity, the presence of openwork elements and other parameters. This should be taken into account when choosing.


Chiffon can vary in density. It drapes well and has long been loved by owners of minimalist interiors. Chiffon is usually made from cotton or silk. This is a true symbol of sophistication. Chiffon has many varieties, for example:

  • Chiffon jacquard;
  • Chiffon crepe;
  • Chiffon-satin and others.

It can be found in any color. The color palette is so diverse that it will make even a sophisticated shade connoisseur give up.

Design tips

When choosing tulle, you should rely on the following criteria:

  1. In a room without a specific style, curtains in pastel colors are optimal.
  2. It is better to highlight an elaborate interior with tulle in light colors.
  3. Plain curtains go well with patterned wallpaper.
  4. Tulle in subdued colors will not distract attention from the decorative elements in the living room.
  5. When choosing the type of fastening, you should focus on the geometry of the room.

Let's summarize: The guest's impression of visiting the house is largely determined by the living room. And a competent approach to window design will not go unnoticed.

When choosing the material, color and length of tulle, you should take into account the size of the window opening and the room. Then the curtain will not only decorate the room, but also disguise any imperfections, including low ceilings or narrow windows.

In cramped living rooms, preference is often given to simple curtains in a minimalist style. Spacious rooms open up more design possibilities, taking into account the selected furniture and wallpaper on the walls.

How to make glue from starch

It is easy to use a synthetic compound to secure the tulle to the glass. But such a product can spoil the work, as it often turns yellow from sunlight and emits an unpleasant aroma when heated. It is better to mix the solution yourself from natural ingredients.

Preparation of tulle glue from corn starch:

  1. Pour 0.35 liters of boiling water into the container.
  2. Add 2 tbsp. l chilled water.
  3. Gradually add 2 tbsp. l powder.
  4. Stir the liquid with a wooden spoon or kitchen spatula.

The solution should be homogeneous, the lumps should be thoroughly ground. For a uniform structure, you can rub the fabric glue through a fine sieve.

A composition for tulle is prepared from a high-quality component to obtain a bright snow-white color. Dissolve the product before decorating the window.

From potato starch:

  1. Pour 3 liters of hot, but not boiling water into a convenient container.
  2. Pour first grade powder in a thin stream.
  3. Mix the ingredients for 15 - 20 minutes until smooth.

The optimal consistency is a solution of medium viscosity.

Photos of new tulle designs for the living room

Number of layers

Forget about hanging tulle the size of the window. An abundance of draperies and tiers will complicate the design. In the photo, the tulle samples for the living room look especially impressive if you lay out the draperies correctly and play with color.

The stores offer a wide range of products in various colors and sizes. All samples correspond to standard dimensions in width and height, which can spoil the interior.

To make the combination of tulle in the living room interior as natural as possible, but at the same time beautiful, you should use the help of an atelier or professional craftswomen.

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A product made to individual sizes is superior to standard options.

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