How to repair a plastic window handle yourself

Situations often arise when one fine day you open a window with your usual movement, but suddenly its handle refuses to turn or even appears in your hands. This can happen both with window systems that have been in use for many years, and immediately after their installation. If you are wondering how to repair a broken handle on a plastic window, then use our tips given on this page.

The most common problems with handles

Before repairing the handle of a plastic window with your own hands, you need to prepare tools, expand your knowledge and gain confidence in your abilities.
The tools you will need are:

  • a screwdriver - usually a Phillips head is enough, sometimes you need star bits;
  • pliers;
  • lubricant;
  • rag, rags, sponge, etc.;
  • 4mm L-shaped hex key.

This set solves most problems.

The handle is loose

If the handle is loose, it is better not to delay maintenance.
Neglect of prevention leads to aggravation of the situation, for example, breakdown of the entire mechanism. A loose handle can blow, which will lead to a global problem such as blowing and draft. Loosening occurs when a window is constantly opened and closed. The problem is easily solved. There is a rectangular pad under the handle. It hides the bolts. This pad needs to be pryed from above and below, pulled towards you with your fingers, and turned 90 degrees. Then use a Phillips screwdriver to tighten the bolts. After this, all that remains is to return the pad to its place.

Adjust if it turns hard

A handle that is difficult to turn entails not only inconvenience of use, but also subsequent replacement, as this indicates premature wear and breakage. There may be several reasons why the handle turns tightly, as well as options for solving the problem:

  1. Mechanism clogged . A fairly acute and common problem, especially during renovations. Dust clogs the moving parts, which requires effort to open/close the window. To restore ease of control of the window sash, you need to remove all the fittings, clean, lubricate and reinstall.
  2. The answers are placed incorrectly . Incorrect installation or adjustment leads to a draft. It is very important not to start adjusting yourself, as this process requires some experience and some knowledge, so you need to invite a specialist.
  3. Defect in production . If the quality control department did not notice that the handle turns tightly, then it will have to be replaced.

The handle is broken

Sometimes the handle breaks off. This happens more often with cheap handles made from low-quality PVC. For repairs, you don’t need to change the entire window; it’s enough to buy the same handle, or better yet, a high-quality one that fits the parameters. Then the work proceeds in this order:

  • the overlay is removed, as in the previous paragraph;
  • the bolts are completely unscrewed;
  • the handle is pulled towards itself, to make it easier it is shaken from side to side;
  • a new part is inserted;
  • the bolts are tightened;
  • the pad is put on.


If the broken handle is removed and the window needs to be opened, this can be done with a square or hex key. To do this, just insert it into the groove for the tetrahedral rod of the handle and turn it. If you don't have a suitable wrench, a wide straight screwdriver will do. It is inserted into the groove diagonally and rotated.


Mechanism options - which are the best?


In order for window fittings to “live” as long as possible, it is very important to choose the right quality handle.

Based on their set of functions and design features, they can be divided into the following types:

  • ordinary (classic). They do not have any special or additional functions and are only able to close/open the window and set it for ventilation;
  • with locking mechanism. Such fittings have a built-in lock that can be locked with a key. It is not possible to open the window without turning the key, which is especially important if there are small children in the room;
  • with push-button lock. As with the previous version, the push-button mechanism is designed to provide greater security;
  • shell handle. It is mounted from the outside and is necessary to cover a window/door while outside, for example on a balcony;
  • with a bend. Such fittings are used in cases where window sashes open outwards;
  • anti-burglary option. The mechanism blocks the window if it is subjected to mechanical action or pressure from the outside;
  • removable. These are often used in office spaces, hospitals, schools, etc. to ensure maximum safety;
  • Double-sided handles are used for windows and doors that lead to a loggia/balcony or terrace.

Once the set of functions has been determined, you need to turn your attention to the material from which the fittings are made. The most common ones are plastic handles. They have a low cost, but their service life leaves much to be desired.

Better quality manufacturers use other, durable materials:

  • galvanized steel;
  • brass;
  • aluminum, etc.

The base is varnished, and for an aesthetic appearance, a layer of plastic is applied on top of it. These pens can be used for many years without problems. Despite the fact that high-quality products are a little more expensive, due to their long service life, they fully pay for themselves.

Before making your final choice, you also need to hold several types of models in your hand to determine the tactile sensation. Handles may have finger grooves, be arched, or be smooth. Any option can satisfy a specific consumer and become a wonderful addition to the interior.

Jamming due to dirt

Gradually the mechanism becomes covered with dust and the lubricant dries out.
This makes it difficult to open or close the sash; more effort has to be applied, which can lead to serious damage. To clean, you need to remove the handle, then use a vacuum cleaner, rag or brush to remove all debris and dust. If rust or traces of corrosion are visible, the mechanism is treated with special compounds - for example, WD-40. The main thing is to try to prevent this liquid from getting on the seal. You can use a special window lubricant. It is better to buy it in trusted construction stores.

When lubricating mechanical parts, you need to move from top to bottom. After lubrication, the handle is installed in place, the sash is opened and closed several times to evenly distribute the lubricant.

Plastic windows can last for decades. If something goes wrong, the first thing is the fittings - usually the problems start with the handles. Repairing this part is simple; you can handle it yourself. The main thing is accuracy and a leisurely approach.

How to change it yourself?

If restoring the handle is not possible, then you will need to purchase a new piece of hardware and replace it. This process is not difficult, so it can be done independently.


The handle itself must be moved to a horizontal position, after which you will find a protective plastic panel underneath it, which must be turned in one direction or the other and you will find mounting screws underneath it.


This panel can be easily rotated by hand, so no need to use a screwdriver or other tools.

Now you need to select a suitable Phillips screwdriver for these screws, which need to be completely unscrewed.

After they are unscrewed, the handle can be easily removed, since it no longer has any clamps or fasteners.


Now in place of the old handle, you need to put a new one, but it is very important to ensure that its position is identical. The handle is fixed with the same screws, since almost all parts of PVC windows are brought to a single standard.

But if there is a need for additional reinsurance, then you can first dismantle the old handle and go with it to buy a new one in order to find an identical one.

The screws must not be tightened all the way , and then check whether the handle was installed in the correct position in all window opening modes. Next, you need to securely fasten the handle, return the protective strip to its place and use the window for your pleasure.

Causes of handle breakdowns

Various reasons lead to repairs. But one of the main ones is the installation of low-quality or defective parts. One sudden or careless movement is enough and the handle breaks. This usually happens when a developer, trying to save money, installs cheap plastic windows in a new building and attaches second-rate fittings to them.

Another reason is careless use. Too sharp, frequent openings quickly wear out the mechanism. It can “seize” and fail due to friction.

There are other possible reasons:

  • Changing the profile geometry. Frames sometimes become deformed when exposed to high or low temperatures. Often problems arise when the house shrinks.
  • Clogging. Over time, the mechanism becomes covered with dust and dirt gets into it.
  • Drying of the lubricant. A dried out or even more so a rusted mechanism works poorly, not completely.
  • Loosening of fasteners. A natural consequence of active use of the window.
  • Sometimes several reasons occur simultaneously.

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Main characteristics

To choose a quality product for a plastic window, you need to know its design features. You need to pay attention to them first of all:

  1. Manufacturer country .
    Among the leaders are Germany, China and Poland. Chinese handle locks are of excellent quality and are cheaper than their European counterparts. It is not necessary that the manufacturer of the Russian and other accessories be the same.

  2. Pin length . The most successful option is 35 mm. Typically, such handles fit perfectly into common sizes of plastic windows. But it’s better to measure the distance between the fastening screws on the sash before purchasing.
  3. Material . Products made of aluminum or zinc serve best. The material can be easily painted in any color to
  4. Button or key . The optimal solution is a key that fits all handle locks in the apartment. A device with a button performs a better protective function and locks the sash much faster. There are combined offers from manufacturers that combine the installation of a lock and a button. In this case, the mechanism is locked with a button, and the window can only be opened with a key.

After locking with a key, be sure to check the locking of the sash.

There are two types of handles with a lock :

  1. With fixation in one position. This is a budget option.
  2. With fixation in two positions. In this case, the lock allows you to fix the sash in closed mode and in ventilation mode. The second position is more popular and comfortable.

The cost of a handle with fixation in two positions is higher than that of the first option.

The window does not close

If the handle is moved to the closed position, but the sash does not close, the problem is a jammed lock. This element prevents involuntary rotation of the mechanism when the window is opened in a tilting manner for ventilation or fully open in a rotary mode. Problems with the blocker occur due to too sudden openings.

The method for solving the problem depends on the brand of installed fittings. You can determine the brand by opening the window and inspecting the metal parts. The name is usually written on the end or near the handle itself.


To disable the lock in the fittings of this company, you need to put the sash in a vertical position, find a plate with a spring at its end, press it firmly and turn the handle.

Maco and Roto.

Here the blocker looks like a metal plate. Normally, when the window is open, the plate should be parallel to the sash, so you need to press on it, bringing it to the correct position, and then turn the handle.


Lockers on fittings of this brand are sometimes located on the scissors of the tilt-and-turn mechanism, which makes repairs difficult if they jam.

What to do in this situation:

  • the decorative plate slides off the top hinge;
  • the pin that holds the sash in the frame is removed;
  • the sash is removed and placed on the floor;
  • the fasteners holding the scissors are unscrewed;
  • the blocker is removed;
  • scissors and then the sash are set in place.

If the blocker is not jammed, but simply does not come into contact with the response mechanism, you need to:

  • open the sash, find the response mechanism;
  • Unscrew the screws and take it out;
  • place a spacer (for example, a piece of plastic) between the mechanism and the frame;
  • attach the response mechanism back;
  • close the window, checking if the blocker is now working.

This kind of work may seem quite complicated, so if you are afraid of breaking something, it is better to call a specialist.

Required Tools

To repair, you will need an adjustment kit, including keys and screwdrivers. Tools can be collected separately, we list them and additional tools:

  1. Knife, scissors, flat screwdriver, similar tools with a blade/plate, preferably not sharp, for example, a spatula with rounded edges for squeezing out the blocker, moving the decorative cap on the handle socket.
  2. Pliers.
  3. A screwdriver, cross-shaped bits for it of different sizes (window models do not always have fasteners of the same size).
  4. Hex keys 4 (most often), 5 or 6 mm.
  5. Lubrication (we will dwell on this point in more detail in another section below):
  6. silicone (for fittings), oil (for metal parts).
  7. Rags, brush, vacuum cleaner to remove dust and dirt.

Important! Under no circumstances should you use substances containing solvents, such as acetone or acids, to clean the window or its elements: they corrode plastic and rubber. And also, there is no need to use abrasives (hard rags, brushes, soda) - they will scratch the PVC, the surface will lose its gloss, and dirt will get into the microscratches, which will make them noticeable.

If the window is jammed closed and the handle turns and does not transmit commands, then remove it, twist the tetrahedral pin with pliers, or use one on the adjustment module (pictured above in the blue case).

You rarely come across models where the handle is attached with self-tapping screws at the end of the sash (we described such a case at the end of the article), that is, to remove it there is nothing left to do except drill it, you will need a drill or a screwdriver with a drill.

The sash is sagging

The handle does not scroll all the way because the plastic window is sagging. Sometimes a displacement of one millimeter is enough to cause problems with closing. You can do the repairs here yourself. To do this you will need a 4mm L-shaped hex key.

To adjust the vertical position of the sash, you need to remove the decorative plug from the bottom hinge. There is an adjustment groove in its upper part. You need to insert the key into it and turn it. To raise the sash, the key is turned clockwise, to lower it - counterclockwise. After a couple of turns, the operation of the mechanism is checked by attempting to close the window. Sometimes the groove is on the front side of the hinge.

The sash can also be adjusted horizontally, to the right or to the left. The bottom and top are separately adjustable.

The bottom is adjusted by a groove on the bottom hinge, which is located on the side - you can find it by opening the sash. Here you need a 5mm hex key. Turning clockwise moves the sash to the left, counterclockwise - to the right.

The top of the sash is adjusted by an adjustment groove located on the sash itself in the upper part, at the back. To see it, the window needs to be opened wide. Debugging is done in a similar way.

Possible difficulties and errors during repairs

Common mistakes and what people most often forget to do when repairing the opening mechanism of a PVC structure:

  • Repairs should be made after opening the window, if possible for the specific nature of the damage. If jamming occurs when the window is closed, then the damage will be much more difficult to fix - access to the scissors and other elements will be blocked.
  • When replacing the handle, you need to select a model with a pin of the same length and thickness, as well as with the same fastening, with the identical position of the fasteners corresponding to the holes in the frame.
  • A common mistake is putting excessive pressure on the handle, using force when it jams.
    Sometimes it is necessary to apply increased forces, for example, when there is a tight movement, but they should not be excessive, in which there is a risk of breakage. If you feel that it is jammed tightly, then under no circumstances should you use force - this, therefore, will not help.
  • Failure to clean the mechanism before lubrication.

Some symptoms of a pen malfunction are similar, so problems arise in determining the causes. You should check, starting from the simplest to the most complex: for example, first inspect for dirt, then remove the handle with the pin and make sure that all elements, especially the locking ring and rods, are intact.

Is it possible to do without a master?

Thus, most of the problems associated with handles are eliminated in minutes. It is not difficult to adjust the fittings, tighten the handle, or replace it. This significantly reduces the cost of repairing a plastic window, since the price of the services of specialists can be quite high, and otherwise you will only have to pay for a new part or lubricant. It makes sense to call a specialist only if there are serious problems, with a valid warranty, or you are afraid that by your actions and attempts to repair the handle, you will completely break the window.

If you have any questions regarding pen repair, you can always contact me directly, I will try to understand the problem in detail and provide advice.


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