Office on the balcony: pros and cons of such a solution, list of required work, design examples

There may not be a particular need for a full-fledged home office, but a private place where you can deal with documents, occasionally retire to a hobby or work on a laptop will certainly not be superfluous.

If, when looking for the location of such a place, you chose a loggia or a glazed balcony, read this post - we’ll tell you how to organize an office on the balcony in a comfortable and stylish way.

Design: Fruktov Interiors

Design: Fruktov Interiors

Balcony cabinet: pros and cons

If recently balconies and loggias were used for storing and storing unnecessary things and played the role of a kind of storage room, today they are beginning to be converted into full-fledged rooms with a special purpose , starting with a mini-gym, a playroom for children, an area for creativity, a compact summer kitchen or a bar and ending with work rooms equipped with all the necessary furniture and appliances.

On a note! It is not at all necessary to turn the balcony into an office space: for example, you can create, as in the photo, a manicure room on the balcony.

Despite the fact that the balcony was not originally intended for work purposes, equipping an office on its territory has a number of advantages :

  • Thanks to the presence of several windows (often high and wide), the office will be well lit during the day. This will have a positive effect on your vision, as well as your morale, and will affect your productivity at work.
  • It will also be much more convenient to ventilate such a room. This means that your brain will work better, since you can easily provide your body with oxygen.
  • Due to partial or complete isolation of the balcony and loggia area, you can abstract from the outside world and spend time alone with yourself, fully concentrating on work.
  • If you take care of the correct finishing, the balcony will protect you from extraneous noise, which quite often distracts you during the work process.
  • Equipping an office office on the balcony will save space in the apartment for other important purposes.

If you decide to convert your balcony into a study, then be prepared to experience some of the disadvantages of such an idea .

First of all, we are talking about high repair costs , since to ensure comfortable conditions you will have to additionally think through the issues of insulation, sound insulation and many others. After all, with the onset of cold seasons, you may feel uncomfortable working in a cool and damp room.

Well, of course, a lack of free space can also affect your productivity, so we recommend planning all the details in advance and choosing the most appropriate way to organize the space.

Workshop for men

An owner with “golden hands” simply needs a corner for creativity . To work with wood, metal and other materials, it is recommended to purchase a metal workbench with an additional wall. With the help of special fasteners it is easy to place small tools on it.

To store material and special equipment, it is necessary to install a cabinet or rack.

What kind of office can be arranged on the balcony?

For an enterprising person, organizing a workplace on the balcony without leaving home is a huge help in your business :

  • office work in such an office has all the conditions for its successful conduct;
  • the massage room will allow you to place a folding massage table or one with quick-release supports;
  • organizing a manicure and pedicure room will not cause any particular difficulties. Excellent ventilation will prevent the smell of acetone from spreading throughout the apartment;
  • a small hairdressing salon with a large mirror, hairdryer and other appropriate equipment will create a cozy and trusting atmosphere in a well-equipped room.

Workshop for needlewomen

The main dream of any craftswoman is to have her own corner. For some women it is a hobby, for others it is their main job. When equipping a workshop, you should provide convenient shelving for storing work equipment and materials. If this is a seamstress' workshop, you need to consider a place for the sewing machine and good lighting. The needlewoman should feel comfortable.

How to turn an unequipped balcony into an office

Let's assume you got the most complex, expensive option - a room completely unprepared for living, that is, a structure with a concrete floor and metal fencing. We will try to analyze the steps that are necessary to transform a non-residential space into a comfortable work area .


The balcony area is cleared of all unnecessary things . A careful measurement of the enclosing structures of the future office on the loggia is carried out. Make a list of required building materials. After purchasing and delivering the materials, they begin arranging the office on the balcony.


If, when you open the balcony door, you immediately find yourself on the street, the first mandatory step is glazing. It is also necessary if the only sign of comfort is old wooden frames with cracked glass. Modern double-glazed windows mean warmth and comfort .

A couple of tips to help when choosing a glass structure:

  • pay attention to the quality of the profile and fittings - often problems arise not because of the glass, but due to the rapid abrasion of the seals or the loosening of corner units;
  • single-glazed windows are used only for the improvement of cold rooms; you need two-chamber structures (in the northern regions - three-chamber ones);
  • think about the size of the structure - floor-length glazing is hardly appropriate; it is better to go with the traditional half-wall option with blank ends;
  • think about how the frame design will combine with the wall decoration;
  • There are options for color design, lamination, wood and stone styling - but don’t overdo it with creativity.

Please note that the doors can be hinged, folding, sliding , or with a combined opening method. Choose those that are more convenient to use and plan to install the movable frames not opposite the workplace, but a little further away.

The result of glazing is the creation of a full-fledged living space , separated from the street by a reliable wall made of glass and plastic/aluminium.

On a note! A large glass area will need curtains to protect it from direct sunlight and from the prying eyes of neighbors.


A replacement for natural lighting will be needed in any case - for work at late hours, for evening relaxation. Therefore, the second thing that needs to be taken care of is the creation of an electrical network that would fully meet the requirements of the work area. This is, first of all, a bright but soft light, which allows you not to strain your eyesight and does not distract from work.

In addition to choosing lighting fixtures and the type of lamps, it is necessary to design a wiring diagram, supply electricity to the balcony, install sockets, and designate the placement of lamps . The wires are usually pulled from the adjacent room. There are two installation methods - closed (in wall grooves) and conditionally open (under facing material or box). When choosing the second method, take care of reliable insulation, for example, lay the cable in a protective corrugation.

It is better to place lamps and sockets on a wall shared with the room - this makes it easier to work with wires; you do not need to run them under the floor or in the ceiling. However, if the workplace is far from this wall, it is better to move the outlet to the table - it will be easier to use the equipment, and there will be no need to buy extension cords.

On a note! Working with electricity requires certain knowledge, so if you are not confident in your own abilities, invite an electrician. A short circuit caused by improperly laid cables or careless connection of devices is a risk of fire.


To ensure that the idea of ​​turning a balcony into an office does not fail, insulate all surfaces - floor, ceiling, walls. Let's consider one of the methods.

Working in an office requires many hours of hard work, so a temperature of +15ºС, which is typical for glazed loggias and balconies, is not enough. It is necessary to insulate the room so that during the time spent at work, a person never feels the desire to wrap himself in a blanket or put on woolen socks.

Action plan:

  1. Thermal insulation of non-glazed parts of external walls. The best option is extruded polystyrene foam; the thickness is chosen based on the weather conditions of the region (on average, from 50 to 80 mm). If it is important to preserve useful space, pay attention to Penofol - a thin 5 mm insulation with a metallized layer.
  2. Insulation of a wall shared with the apartment. Everything is simpler here: for finishing a relatively “warm” surface, the same Penofol is suitable, the main difference of which is its minimum thickness without losing the main qualities of the insulation.
  3. Floor arrangement. Expanded polystyrene or basalt wool slabs are laid in the lathing on the prepared base.
  4. Insulating ceiling finish. In fact, the ceiling on the balcony is also a concrete slab, therefore, the same methods are applied to it as are used for thermal insulation of walls and floors.

Having chosen a method of insulation, it is important to follow the technology and use high-quality materials , because after finishing it is difficult to get close to the layers of insulation.


It is impossible to start decorating the balcony for an office until the heating system has been thought out . Like any living space, the office requires regular heating. In summer there is no need for heating, but with the onset of cold weather this becomes an important condition for using the residential area.

It would seem that nothing could be simpler: we extended the central heating pipes and installed 1-2 radiators. But this simple, inexpensive plan will not work, since taking batteries outside the apartment is prohibited . Loggias and balconies do not fall under the definition of living space. There are examples when residents sought permission to install radiators, but the approval process will take a lot of time, effort, and possibly money.

Heating options that can be implemented legally:

  • infrared heater;
  • electric convector;
  • warm floor.

Devices and systems operate when connected to electricity , and this does not require permits or approvals from government agencies.

If the room is small in size and the insulation is high-quality, then a conventional electric heater is sometimes enough for complete heating. High-power appliances are efficient, but your electricity bills will increase.


This is the most enjoyable - creative stage in the arrangement process, as it is the beginning of creating the interior of the study on the balcony. To ensure that the result looks stylish and harmonious, a project that reflects the main design direction and detailing is necessary.

An office is a work room, so the interior should be more businesslike, practical, and not distracting . Accordingly, when choosing a palette, we give preference to neutral shades - gray, brown, white. But the choice of materials can be anything. Some people like environmentally friendly cladding made of wooden panels, others like smooth painted walls, and others like easy-to-clean plastic.

What flooring to use:

  • laminate;
  • carpet covering;
  • boards;
  • linoleum;
  • tile.

But keep in mind that carpeting is a “warm” type of flooring, while tiles or linoleum are “cold” types . If you don't use slippers, it's better to go with a warm option. Wood will also work, since wood usually “stays” at room temperature.

The ceiling is often lined with clapboard or plastic panels , but for an insulated loggia, a tension structure is appropriate. When installing any type of ceiling, do not forget to pre-mark the mounting locations for ceiling lights, if they are planned.

On a note! When landscaping an office on a small balcony, do not forget about the lack of free space - choose only those building and finishing materials that allow you to save useful centimeters.

Final stage

painting the walls and ceiling at the final stage of arranging the office on the balcony

After all the rough repair work, only cosmetic repairs remain - painting the walls and ceiling. It is best to use gentle, pastel colors, perhaps with drawings of plants and exotics. In practice, specialists get tired of the rest too quickly, but it all depends on tastes and preferences.

How to organize a work area on the balcony

First consider two options for using the new premises :

  • exclusively as an office;
  • as an office and resting place.

If you chose the second option , and your recreation is not limited to playing computer “shooting games” and “strategies”, divide the territory into two parts - a work area and a recreation area:

  • in the first we install a desk with all the necessary accessories, a computer, an office chair, shelves or a cabinet;
  • in the second there is a sofa, a coffee table, flowers.

If desired, even on a 3-meter balcony you can create two compact but cozy corners.

Let's consider what to consider when organizing a workplace :

  1. The style is businesslike, restrained, minimalist.
  2. Lighting is thoughtful. During the day, protection from bright sunlight is important, in the evening - artificial lighting, sufficient for work, but not in the eyes.
  3. Free windows. A narrow window sill and double-glazed windows are an area that is best not cluttered with decor. The only exception is curtains, curtains or blinds. The discreet design of a balcony for an office does not tolerate anything superfluous.
  4. Furniture dimensions. If you are lucky with the balcony area, you can ignore this point, but we recommend that owners of typical city high-rise buildings choose furniture of reduced sizes, or even better, order a working set according to their size.
  5. Wheelchair. This traditional office accessory is more than appropriate on the balcony - if necessary, it can be easily moved to the relaxation area.
  6. Maximum use of walls. Since their area is small (most often these are two narrow end walls), it is important to use shelves, racks, and full-height cabinets.


At the loggia, it is important to save space. The office should have enough space to sit with a friend over a cup of coffee or do a little exercise after a hard day.

Light colors on the walls will add freshness and lightness to the design: peach, green, white, lemon. Combined with contrasting furniture, the design will look great. It is important to ensure that there are more light areas in the room - then the room will seem larger.

Among the details in the interior of the loggia office, flowers, a bookshelf, and a small carpet on the floor would not be out of place. Among the necessary things are an aerator and an air conditioner. But it is important not to overload the interior with heavy details: do not choose huge vases or bulky figurines.

Do not load only one side of the loggia: soon rubbish will begin to accumulate in the free space again, and the wonderful office will again turn into an ordinary balcony.

Focus on the taste and convenience of the owner of the office. He spends a lot of time here, everything must be thought out to the smallest detail, the design must set him up for productive work.

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Furniture for an office on a loggia

The office, equipped on the balcony, should be as functional as possible . Therefore, buy compact, ergonomic furniture. If your budget allows, it is better to make it to order. Due to the small size of the balcony room, it will be difficult to choose ready-made tables and chairs that will fit into the interior. In small spaces, every inch needs to work, so it's best to fit the furniture close to the wall and railings.

A minimal set of furniture is appropriate for an office on a loggia.:

  • desk or computer desk;
  • a hard chair or a chair on wheels;
  • racks;
  • shelves on the wall;
  • bedside table

On a note! To save space, limit yourself to a tabletop, a comfortable chair and a couple of shelves. These items will provide good working conditions without “eating up” the free space.

Desk (computer)

A desk or computer desk is best placed at the end of the balcony , positioned across its entire width.
Sometimes it is installed at an angle, using the window sill as an additional surface. The side from which artificial or natural light should fall on the table surface depends on which hand the person writes with: right or left.

As for the material, it can be anything. Desks are made from :

  • Chipboard, fibreboard or MDF are the cheapest materials;
  • metal (not always convenient, but it looks stylish and original);
  • wood (wooden products are of high quality);
  • Tamburata is a new lightweight material from which original designs are created.

Note! If you want to use the balcony not only as an office, but also for other purposes, then you can make the tabletop folding. When needed, you can unfold it, and the rest of the time it will not take up space.

Office chair

installed on a balcony cannot be too large .
Give preference to ergonomic rather than massive furniture. Large “director’s” chairs look impressive on spacious loggias; on ordinary balconies they only get in the way. Everyone chooses the shape and type of construction independently, based on personal preferences. A chair with a soft, semi-soft or hard seat is equally appropriate for an office . In any case, it is equipped with a gas lift - a mechanism that adjusts the seat height. It is better to choose a product with an anatomical adjustable backrest.

Suitable for upholstery:

  • natural or artificial leather;
  • eco leather;
  • net;
  • textile.

Shelves/racks for books

Racks and shelves should complement the interior of the room .
This will make your workplace more stylish. The shelves are made strong and rigid so that books and folders with documents can be placed on them. It is better to make shelves and racks from the same material from which other furniture on the loggia is made, but variations are possible depending on the design features. Most often, shelves on a balcony or loggia are made of wood, plastic, metal or glass . It is better to hang them above the desk at the ends of the loggia to save space. Shelves can be placed on the side opposite the computer desk or attached to a load-bearing wall so that they do not interfere with free movement.

Drawers for papers and stationery

Drawers ensure the safety of documents, protecting them from moisture, dust, and other adverse factors .
Paper storage bins vary in width and height. These designs come in two types: with full or incomplete extension. They are usually placed under a desk, but variations are possible: wall-mounted or installed next to shelving. Drawers can be made independently, purchased ready-made models, or made to order according to individual measurements. Color and design are selected to match the style of the interior. To make these designs look appropriate in a study on a loggia or balcony, make them from the same material from which other furniture in the room is made.

Shelves for office equipment

An office on the balcony does not need a large amount of office equipment, but its absence can negatively affect the functionality of the workplace. When working at home, you may need a printer, projector, scanner or any other equipment. Some devices can be placed on a computer desk, but it is better to build separate shelves for them on brackets.

It is better to attach shelves for office equipment to a load-bearing wall . Shelves can be made to order according to the size of the equipment that will be placed on them. You can also make them yourself from chipboard, MDF or wood. There is little space on the balcony, so partially unoccupied long shelves are inappropriate here and only get in the way.

Furniture for a study on a loggia or balcony should be ergonomic and multifunctional . It is installed so that nothing interferes with free movement, opening of windows and balcony doors. As a standard, the office is made in the same style, where each item (shelf, chair, decorative elements, etc.) harmoniously complements the interior.

In principle, there is nothing complicated in the design, the main thing is that all the elements are combined with each other and ensure convenient operation . It is better to order furniture according to individual sizes so that it fits perfectly into the space; try to choose lightweight rather than massive structures; they will look much better in a small room. Use decorative elements to make the space feel cozy.


organization of lighting on the balcony

The entire glazing area of ​​the balcony needs curtains. They protect the room from sunlight. To solve this problem, hang curtains that can be easily removed.

Today there are a huge number of options for designing balconies. They are modified to suit the workspace. Find a professional in your field and enjoy the work!

The main nuances of decorating a children's room with a balcony

The most important thing that you will have to decide when decorating a nursery with a balcony is the problem of decorating the door or demolishing it. If it is decided to leave the balcony block, then textiles are used for decoration - fabric blinds or Roman blinds. The type of glazing itself is also important - it is better to choose a door with glass at the top and bottom so that as much light as possible enters the room. The same applies to the glazing of the balcony itself, but do not forget about safety rules.

You can remove the door between two rooms and visually separate spaces with different functionality. To do this, the following zoning principles are used:

  • using flooring: carpet for the recreation area, and laminate or solid board for the games area;
  • using surfaces of different heights - for example, a balcony can be separated by a podium in which a “warm floor” heating system will be built;
  • by using various finishing materials for the walls - for example, the play area located on the loggia is decorated incredibly brightly, and the room is kept in pastel colors. In this case, bright furniture facades can become a unifying element. Not only color matters, but also finishing materials. If wallpaper is traditionally used in the room, then this option will be impractical for the balcony - plastic and paint would be more appropriate here.

The principle of combining the balcony and the room also plays a huge role in the design. Often the existing partition is not completely demolished, since this requires obtaining special permits for redevelopment, but only the window and door are removed. In this case, there remains a section of the wall with a window sill that needs to be decorated. It will make wonderful shelves or a table, and the side elements of the structure can be turned into columns, trees, or decorated with an arch.

Important. When arranging a children's room combined with a balcony, you can completely abandon zoning and division of the room - both visual and physical. Then the increased space can be arranged the way you want - as if there was no balcony, and free space has magically been added to your children's room.

Nuances of choosing colors

When choosing the right color, you should never forget that you are decorating a nursery. So, if the balcony remains a separate room, then it is better to choose light colors for it to create a feeling of spaciousness in a small room.

Bright elements are needed for calm children; they will give them dynamism and activity. If the child is too active, then choose shades that have a calming effect (for example, lilac, coffee, beige).

Don’t forget the child’s gender - traditionally, blue is considered boyish, and pink is suitable for girls, but if there is a playroom for children of different genders on the balcony, then neutral tones should be preferred.

And when decorating a balcony next to the nursery, you should not use overly elaborate decor - it is better if this room clearly corresponds to the functions assigned to it.

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