Double-glazed greenhouse - do it yourself from A to Z, step-by-step photo manufacturing instructions, projects, models, creative ideas, pros, cons

Skilled gardeners create greenhouses from just about anything: these structures are made of plastic, glass, wood and polycarbonate, covered with film. And true fans of summer cottages are always in search of the best material for construction. Nowadays, double-glazed greenhouses are very popular among gardeners, which have established themselves as one of the most expensive, but durable types of these structures.

Double-glazed greenhouse

What kind of double glazing is it?

We are talking about a regular plastic double-glazed window, similar to the version for insulating and sealing a living space. Consists of several glasses connected by a metal frame.

There is dry air in the crotch, thus creating a package design. It is precisely because of this that such a system perfectly retains heat and creates sound insulation.

Important: Double-glazed windows can last up to 40 years, but subject to proper installation and operation. There are versions with one, two and up to five cameras.

Frames for double glazed windows

When installing the frame, you need to select the type of frame. Builders advise making a frame only for large structures. It is advisable to number the frames before starting installation.

Aluminum profile

Frames made of aluminum profiles are equipped with thermally insulating plastic inserts to retain heat. Aluminum is frost-resistant, fireproof and wear-resistant. It is not susceptible to corrosion and moisture. Before installing an aluminum profile with double-glazed windows, you need to remove the glazed sashes from it. It is recommended to put them back at the end of installation work.

Wood profile

Wooden beams are endowed with excellent heat-insulating properties. Wood can be protected from biological decomposition and insect attack by treating the timber with silicate glue/copper sulfate. A timber frame is required on each side of the foundation.

It is advisable to construct the frame part from wooden beams, the cross-section of which is within 100x100 mm. When using old window frames, you must first prepare them:

  • remove the glazing beads;
  • get the glass.

It is recommended to remove the old paint layer from the frame using a sander/sandpaper. After applying primer to the wood, you can fill the surface of the frame. After 30 minutes, you can treat the frame with an antiseptic and cover it with a layer of oil paint. Glass should be installed in frames at the end of installation.

PVC profile

The thermal conductivity of PVC profile is low compared to aluminum. If compared with a tree, this figure will be higher. Plastic does not need to be painted, so the structure will always look presentable, even if the summer resident does not have time to care for the facade. A significant advantage is its resistance to microorganisms, temperature changes and moisture. Before starting installation, it is necessary to remove the sashes from the window frame.

Why create a greenhouse from a double-glazed window?

If you look at many different photos of a double-glazed greenhouse and compare it with a similar structure covered with film, it becomes clear that it is much more attractive. But it's not only that. Subject to the addition of a concrete, brick, or block base, such a greenhouse provides the best conditions for growing plants:

  1. The room is always at the required temperature. For maintenance, you can add a heater of a suitable type;
  2. The greenhouse is reliably protected from rain, snow, low temperatures if used in winter;
  3. Plants gain access to direct rays of the sun; if necessary, they can be limited by additional darkening, thanks to blinds, blankets, and film. Windows are opened to allow air to enter;
  4. Plants are perfectly protected from harmful insects. Windows are used for summer pollination;
  5. Provides protection from strong winds.

In other words, this option offers excellent conditions for year-round cultivation of useful crops.

Advantages and disadvantages

A few words about the positive and negative aspects of using plastic windows as a material for making a greenhouse.

Large double-glazed greenhouse from

The advantages of this design:

  • beautiful appearance;
  • excellent thermal insulation;
  • resistance to wind and snow loads;
  • ability to retain moisture in the required amount;
  • simple and easy repairs;
  • excellent resistance to various physical activities, including impacts;
  • durability;
  • ease of care;
  • environmental friendliness;
  • fire resistance;
  • possibility of arranging a winter garden;
  • fungi and plant pathogens will not be able to live on plastic.

A double-glazed greenhouse has more advantages than disadvantages

Disadvantages of a double-glazed greenhouse:

  • very high cost;
  • impossibility of installation without a foundation;
  • heavy weight of the structure;
  • difficulty in moving the greenhouse from one site to another.

Be that as it may, the main disadvantage of building a greenhouse from double-glazed windows is the high cost of the material. Not every summer resident can afford to spend so much money on a greenhouse alone. At the same time, you should order plastic windows only from trusted manufacturers who supply quality products. And, of course, their goods will be more expensive. But when purchasing cheap plastic, remember a simple truth: the stingy pays twice.

Plastic window

Prices for double glazed windows

double glazed windows

What types of double-glazed greenhouses are there?

Craftsmen rely on their own greenhouse drawings or use examples that have proven themselves to be the best. Therefore, such a structure can be of any shape or size, but rectangular models based on a gable roof are more common.

But there are polygonal versions with 6 corners, lean-to structures, and sometimes part of a house or barn protrudes from one of the side walls.

The most interesting views have an entrance through the living space. It is easy to work in them even in winter in home clothes; for this purpose, the heating system pipes are supplied.

The main thing is that it is convenient for the owner to grow the necessary crops and save the fruits for use.

Installation and Installation

At the next stage, you can cut off sections from wooden beams (50*50 mm) that will be equal to the sides of the structure. Next you will need:

  1. Lay the waterproofing on the foundation and lay out the pieces of timber. Using a level and a cord, you can check how level the wood is.
  2. Use self-tapping screws and metal corners to connect the structure. The harness is connected in a similar way. Builders do not recommend using nails, which cause cracks to appear in the beams.
  3. Cut out the racks from the beams. The racks are fixed using metal corners and miters. Installation of double-glazed windows is carried out parallel to the installation of beams on the bottom frame.
  4. Cover the bottom trim with boards. This will make it possible to close all the cracks and strengthen the frame. The construction will be stable.
  5. In the upper area of ​​the frame, you also need to make and fasten the elements using self-tapping screws and corners.
  6. Blow out the cracks with foam after the installation of the frame and windows is completed. This will improve thermal insulation and fix the details of the structure.
  7. Proceed with the installation of the roof (the frame will be made of timber). It is better to assemble the ridge on the ground and install it separately. The frequent arrangement of the cross beams will allow you to easily transfer the snow load in winter.
  8. Use polycarbonate to cover the roof. Having cut the sheets to the required size, you should attach them to the roof frame. Self-tapping screws and thermal washers can be used as fasteners.
  9. The corners should be used to cover the joints of the polycarbonate sheets.
  10. Install doors and double-glazed windows after the main parts of the structure have been installed. The location of doors and windows must be considered at the design stage.

A glass structure based on a metal profile can be made in a similar way. All you need is a welding machine and the ability to work with it.

Important! The roof of the windows can withstand a large layer of snow.

Stages of self-production

First you need to choose a suitable place, and then you can figure out how to make a double-glazed greenhouse with your own efforts. If this condition is met, then we go in order:

  • Reliable drainage is created. A suitable foundation is laid, in this case the tape version is suitable, since it is resistant to precipitation and retains heat well even in the most severe frosts and becomes an insurmountable barrier for rodents.
  • The frame is created on the basis of a metal profile, steel or aluminum is used, wooden beams or industrially produced elements are suitable. The main thing is to ensure accurate and even connections without distortions or deformations that can create stress on the glass.
  • The greenhouse is covered with double-glazed windows of the required size. But it is worth considering that temperature changes can change the shape of the glass. Therefore, small gaps remain in the rubber gasket.

Typically, a single-chamber version of the double-glazed window is used. In central Russia, a two-chamber greenhouse is allowed. In the north, you may need a three-chamber or more reliable version, it all depends on the purpose of operation and year-round weather conditions.

Frame and foundation

In order for the greenhouse to serve for a long time and delight you with an excellent harvest, it must be installed on a foundation. Firstly, in this case it will not warp over time, and secondly, a high-quality foundation can itself influence the conservation of heat (it can reduce heat loss by about 10%).

The foundation, which is suitable for installing a double-glazed greenhouse, can be made of timber or poured with concrete.

Advice! It’s better to stick to a concrete foundation - a tree laid in the ground and constantly getting wet during watering will quickly become unusable. And PVC windows, as you remember, can last 40 years.

We will focus on a standard strip foundation made of concrete, which can be called “capital”.

Step 1. Select a level place in the garden where your greenhouse will be located.

Choosing a location for building a greenhouse

Step 2. According to the building diagram, which you must create in advance, make markings along the perimeter of the future structure strictly according to the dimensions of the greenhouse.

Marking the base

Advice! To apply the markings evenly, use a stretched cord or thread.

Step 3. Dig a trench about 35 cm deep and 30 cm wide around the perimeter.

A trench has been dug for the foundation

Step 4. Pour gravel into a layer of at least 5 cm at the bottom of the trench, level it, and compact it thoroughly. It is ideal if you also place reinforcement in the trench before filling it with concrete mixture.

Step 5. Make formwork around the perimeter - old boards will do just fine for it.

How can formwork for a strip foundation be installed: in a trench dug according to the dimensions of the strip and in a pit with braces

Example of formwork for a strip foundation

Step 6. Prepare the concrete mixture: mix cement, gravel, sand in a ratio of 1:5:3 with water until smooth.

A mixture of cement, gravel and sand

Step 7. Fill the trench with the mixture.

Pouring concrete mixture

Attention! Have time to pour the concrete at one time before it hardens. Otherwise, cracks may form due to uneven drying process.

Ideally, when pouring concrete, you need to install it in the foundation and immediately fix it with the fasteners necessary for the greenhouse (if any), if it is installed on the basis of a frame.

By the way, about the frame. If the greenhouse made of double-glazed windows is small, then you can do without it at all. The fact is that the plastic frames themselves have sufficient rigidity to withstand a relatively small snow or wind load. However, do not forget to provide some connecting structural elements that will prevent the walls from moving apart.

In general, the frame for a greenhouse can be made of wood or metal. If you are installing a double-glazed structure, it makes no sense to purchase and install a plastic one - it will be too fragile. The easiest option for installation is a frame made of 50*50 wooden beams.

Wood frame for greenhouse

Advice! Do not forget to treat the frame with substances that prevent the development of fungus and pathogens. Copper sulfate can be used for processing.

Of course, a metal frame is stronger and more durable, but to assemble it with your own hands from pipes or profiles, you need to have welding skills. If there are none, then it is better to abandon the idea of ​​creating a metal frame. The exception is when you can pay a craftsman to do the frame work for you.

Prices for concrete mix

concrete mixture

Nuances of the greenhouse installation process:

  • To fasten a double-glazed window with a frame, they rely on special elements or locks;
  • Due to the high strength of double-glazed windows, they can withstand atmospheric pressure and exposure to precipitation. Therefore, you should not add stiffeners;
  • The glass unit should be carefully secured. Fastening elements should not touch the glass, as it can crack under high mechanical pressure, which is especially dangerous in winter;
  • The fastening seams are treated with sealant.

Automatic windows and ventilation

Overheating for plants can be much more dangerous than hypothermia. To be able to accurately control the temperature rise, it is advisable to install an automatic window for the greenhouse.

Many people think that an automatic window opener is not such a necessary thing for a summer structure. But it is definitely needed if the room is used year-round or if it is not possible to run around and open the windows manually several times a day. With auto-ventilation, you can forget about unnecessary troubles.

An automatic window opener helps create the ideal microclimate. In summer, this task is accomplished by opening the windows, but in winter, the automatic window opener itself controls the air supply that is safe for plants.

The greenhouse window opening mechanism performs the following functions:

  • ventilation of stagnant air;
  • regulation of humidity levels;
  • thermoregulation.

In addition, opening windows automatically allows the release of essential natural plant pollinators - insects.

Additional equipment for the greenhouse

If you follow the instructions, a double-glazed greenhouse can last 10-40 years. But you should not completely rely on the reliability of the double-glazed window. In winter, the internal temperature must not be allowed to drop below +15 degrees Celsius.

Otherwise, the coating may be damaged. This is especially carefully monitored if the greenhouse is operated all year round. Additional equipment to maintain the viability of a double-glazed greenhouse:

  1. High-quality lighting for work in the evening;
  2. Drip irrigation system;
  3. An efficient ventilation and rainfall system is added;
  4. Reliable heating is provided. To do this, a system is created inside the building based on electric, water radiators connected to a thermostat.

Tip: Additionally, it is worth placing the heating element in sandy soil to a depth of 40-50 cm. This will provide support for the development of the plant root system. The temperature is controlled by special equipment. This will allow you to harvest an excellent harvest when exposed to external frost of -25 degrees Celsius.

Thus, we figured out why a greenhouse is needed and how to create a high-quality model with additional equipment based on double-glazed windows.

This structure can be an excellent source of income, vitamins and nutrients (organic fiber) during the winter.

The owner understands that everything is fresh and environmentally friendly without the addition of GMOs and excessive chemical fertilizers or weed control products.

Your checklist when choosing ready-made greenhouses

List of things to look for before ordering:

  • profile;
  • glass unit;
  • automation;
  • heating.

Also pay attention to the correspondence of the size of the greenhouse made from window frames to the height and dimensions of the summer resident. A person should be able to stretch out to his full height at any time.

One or several automatic windows are installed in the greenhouse. It all depends on the area of ​​the room. Naturally, the presence of self-opening windows increases the cost of the structure. But these costs will pay off in the future.

It is also important to provide for the possibility of hail, strong gusts of wind, and downpours. Choose a profile and double-glazed windows that can withstand such a load. You might want to consider tempered glass or triplex.

Photos of double-glazed greenhouses

Advantages of double-glazed windows over other types of glazing

A greenhouse with double-glazed windows can be used all year round.

A greenhouse with double-glazed windows is relevant not only in regions with a cold climate, but also in other climatic zones for extending the fruiting period of greenhouse crops or year-round use.

The advantages of such glazing are undoubted:

  • Excellent thermal insulation will protect plants from early frosts.
  • The glass unit gently diffuses light, illuminating all corners of the space.
  • Double glass prevents sunburn on the leaves.
  • The tightness of the structure reduces heat loss when heating the greenhouse, which means it saves electricity.
  • The packages will not be damaged by strong wind, rain or hail.
  • With proper handling, the service life of glazing is more than a dozen years.
  • The aesthetic appearance of double-glazed windows allows you not to hide the greenhouse in the backyard, but even install it on the site in front of the entrance. Some owners of original-shaped greenhouses make them the main decoration of their yard or garden.

In addition, manufacturers offer double-glazed windows with a set of some necessary functions, such as special coatings for heat and energy saving, protection from mechanical influences and low temperatures, as well as noise insulation.

Automatic ventilation system for greenhouses.

Double-glazed windows can have special windows for ventilation, which are equipped with devices with an automatic opening function. This is very convenient, since owners do not always have the opportunity to ventilate the greenhouse in time.

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