What is maintenance of plastic windows, can you do it yourself?

For many years now, PVC windows have been leaders in the domestic market among other types of equestrian structures.
They are installed both in apartment buildings and private buildings, as well as in buildings of institutions and industrial enterprises.

Each manufacturer of metal-plastic windows provides a multi-year warranty on the operation of their products, however, without regular preventive maintenance and proper care of the elements of the window structure, even the highest quality window can fail.

Do you need any special care?

Metal-plastic windows are a complex structure, so during operation it is important to properly care for them so that the fastenings do not loosen, the sashes do not sag, and the rubber gaskets do not dry out.

During the entire period of operation of the window structure, dust from the street gets clogged between the fittings, which adheres to the lubricants that were used to treat the parts during the manufacture of the windows.

Over time, they turn into an abrasive material, which leads to rapid wear of the moving elements.

Damaged fittings begin to creak and crack when opening/closing the sashes , as a result of which the window gradually begins to open poorly and the handles become difficult to turn. This leads to a violation of the tightness of the structure and ventilation of the windows.

Advice. In order for metal-plastic structures to last much longer than the warranty period, maintenance of moving and fixed elements must be carried out at least 2 times a year - in spring and autumn.


There are simple measures for the care and prevention of metal-plastic window structures, thanks to which you can increase their service life:

  • Washing windows is not only an aesthetic care procedure, but also a good preventative measure, as it helps clean the entire structure from dust and dirt that accumulates on all parts.
  • Inspection and care of rubber seals, which, when the doors are closed, should fit tightly to the frame and prevent the penetration of noise, dust, moisture, and cold air into the room, which can lead to the formation of condensation.
  • Periodic cleaning of hardware elements with a brush helps remove accumulated dirt and dust from metal parts, followed by their lubrication with technical oil or other special means. This needs to be done 2 times a year - after the summer season and after the winter.

Important! Edible vegetable oils should not be used as a lubricant.

They dry out on the surface of the parts and turn into an abrasive material, which leads to wear of the elements:

  • The moving elements of the fittings begin to become loose over time, therefore, it is necessary to adjust them, as gaps may appear. This is done once a year.
  • With good care, the rubber seal lasts a long time, but over time it can deteriorate: it can tear, crack, and the window begins to blow out and fog up.
    In this case, the old rubber gasket will need to be replaced with a new one. It can be made not only from rubber, but also from silicone.

Operation of double-glazed windows

Not everyone knows how to properly wash plastic windows, so cleaning double-glazed windows often turns into a lengthy and ineffective procedure.
The biggest problems are caused by newly appearing smudges, which force you to wipe the glass several times after you finish washing the windows. This happens when the profiles on the street side remain dirty and cloudy drops flow from them onto the glass. To prevent this from happening, you must first wash and dry the frames, and only then start working on the double-glazed windows. The best way to wash plastic windows in such cases depends on the degree of contamination on the outside. In most cases, warm water is sufficient, which is recommended to be replaced with clean water several times. Street dust and organic matter can be easily removed from glass using ordinary heated water. For severe stains, it is recommended to first use a warm soapy solution. Double-glazed windows are washed from top to bottom, and after completing the procedure, you need to remove the moisture with soft microfiber. To avoid leaving streaks, clean glass is wiped dry with paper towels. Household chemicals are needed only to add shine or remove stubborn dirt. After all, after using it, there are almost always stains left that have to be removed with clean paper towels. If you don’t figure out in advance how to properly wash windows, this process will not only be long and ineffective, but will also force you to spend money on unnecessary household chemicals. However, as we see, with the right approach, expensive funds are not required.

Double-glazed windows must not only be kept clean, but also adhere to certain rules during operation. If the recommendations are not followed, the thermal performance of the windows will deteriorate. Depressurization of double-glazed windows is also possible. To avoid these problems, you must take the following precautions:

  • do not install double-glazed windows at a distance of less than 300 mm from heating devices and 200 mm from the floor level;
  • avoid sudden changes in temperature;
  • do not independently change the orientation of the glass units recommended by the manufacturer;
  • do not stick films on unstrengthened glass that can change its optical properties;
  • do not allow the humidity level in the interior to rise above 60%.

Only if all recommendations are followed, windows will be able to maintain their original energy efficiency and noise absorption level longer.

How to properly serve?

Metal-plastic window systems are a complex structure consisting of materials with different physical properties. All the mechanisms and parts that PVC windows are equipped with are assembled together and interact with each other, ensuring the flawless operation of the entire structure.

In order for windows to perform their intended function efficiently, it is necessary to properly care for them throughout their entire service life. Failure to follow simple rules can lead to deformations, destruction of complex parts and failure of the tightness of double-glazed windows.

There are several simple rules for caring for metal-plastic structures:

  • due to the complete sealing of PVC windows, it is necessary to open them more often for ventilation;
  • wash windows as they become dirty, using mild detergents;
  • do not allow dust and dirt to accumulate on moving metal parts of fittings and on seals;
  • clean the ventilation holes in the frame from dirt;
  • Lubricate mechanisms and sealing cords with special products 2 times a year.

How to lubricate plastic windows: the best care products and rules

Every day, dust and street dirt adhere to the standard lubricant of the window mechanism system. If you do not pay due attention to this factor, then over time it will become increasingly difficult to close such a window. Of course, problems of this kind do not manifest themselves immediately: for this reason, many homeowners do not even realize that the fittings of plastic windows need the same care as the car parked under the window. From this material you will learn: how to lubricate plastic windows, why to perform this procedure and how.

It is included in the kit?

For care and prevention, you can purchase ready-made kits, which include:

  • plastic window frame cleaner;
  • seal care liquid;
  • means for lubricating moving metal elements;
  • a special napkin or melamine sponge.

The number of products in ready-made kits may vary. The average cost of such a kit is from 300 to 700 rubles, depending on the manufacturer and the kit’s configuration.

But if you wish, you can make do with the tools and materials that can be found in any home:

  • To wash the plastic profile, use any non-aggressive detergent;
  • lubricate the fittings with machine oil;
  • wipe rubber gaskets with pharmaceutical glycerin;
  • Instead of a special cleaning cloth, use a microfiber cloth, which any housewife has.

To adjust the fittings, you should stock up on a hex key with a diameter of 4 mm.

Find out what is included in the window care kit and what else you can use from the video below:

mosquito net

Mosquito net maintenance is essential – it is a matter of health and safety. Small particles of dirt and dust on the mesh additionally pollute the air.

It needs to be cleaned seasonally or whenever it gets dirty. Primary cleaning is carried out with a vacuum cleaner. To avoid damaging the canvas when cleaning corners and hard-to-reach places, use a soft-bristled brush. In winter, the nets must be removed for indoor storage.

How to care for PVC structures yourself?

If washing window frames and glass is a common window care procedure, then lubrication and adjustment of moving parts, as well as maintenance and replacement of seals require some knowledge.

Procedure for lubrication of hardware components:

  1. Open the window sashes and remove dust, dirt and old grease residue from the metal moving parts using a brush and rag.
  2. Using special grease or machine oil, lubricate all handle elements, brackets, hinges, bolts and other moving parts of the plastic window. Lubricants in the form of sprays are very convenient to use. They have special nozzles and the oil easily penetrates into hard-to-reach parts of the fittings.

Advice. All moving metal parts of the window structure must be lubricated at the same time.

From the video you will learn how to service plastic windows yourself and lubricate the fittings and seals:

Adjusting fittings

Even with regular maintenance of window systems, moving parts may need to be adjusted. Do this procedure if the following faults are detected:

  • the doors began to open and close with difficulty;
  • the seal was broken and the window began to leak;
  • the sash sagged;
  • some part has failed.

In order to adjust the fittings of a metal-plastic window, you need to prepare pliers, screwdrivers (Phillips and star-shaped) and a hex key with a diameter of 4 mm.

There are several ways to adjust the sash pressure:

  1. To adjust the sash pressure, eccentrics are installed around the perimeter of the frame.
    With the onset of cold weather, it is necessary for the window to close more tightly; to do this, the eccentric needs to be turned slightly clockwise.

    To loosen the pressure, turn the eccentric counterclockwise.

  2. Also, the sash pressure can be strengthened or weakened using the clamping mechanism located on the hinge side.
    To strengthen the pressure on the lower corner, rotate the lower hinge screw; for the upper corner, rotate the upper hinge screw. The more the “tongue” sticks out, the stronger the pressure. The key stroke should be 0.8 mm. The direction of turning the key is the same: to pull the sash to the hinge - clockwise, to loosen the pressure - counterclockwise.
  3. You can adjust the sash vertically. To do this, you need to remove the protective cover from the lower hinge and use the upper hole. When it rotates clockwise, the window sash will rise, and when rotated counterclockwise, it will lower. The key stroke in this case is 2 mm.
  4. If the handle is loose, you need to rotate the plate covering the handle mount to a horizontal position and tighten the mounting bolts more tightly with a screwdriver.

Video instructions for adjusting PVC windows with your own hands:

Replacing the seal

The seal is a rubber or silicone cord with a tubular or other shaped cross-section. Replacing a worn sealing element with a new one is carried out in the following order:

  1. remove the damaged seal;
  2. clean the grooves and treat them with a degreaser;
  3. drip a little glue at the corners of the frame;
  4. place the new cord in the grooves so that it lies around the perimeter of the frame in one piece;
  5. cut off the excess part of the sealing cord, secure the junction of the ends with glue.

Note. The sealing cord does not need to be pulled tightly; it should fit into the grooves freely.

Video on how to replace the rubber seal on a PVC plastic window with your own hands:

Lubricating hardware

To lubricate the moving parts of the opening mechanism, do not use organic lubricants. The simplest acceptable option is I-40 machine oil for sewing machines. Its use has only one drawback - dust sticks heavily to such a lubricant and therefore the fittings require periodic removal and washing.

A more suitable option would be silicone grease or technical petroleum jelly. You can even use the composition that is used to wipe seals, but this is too expensive. You need to add lubricant in small portions, 2-3 drops, into each segment of the locking mechanism through the existing slots. It is also recommended to keep the tension bands lubricated.

It is imperative to completely dismantle the handle and add a few drops of lubricant to the central locking unit. It is also a good idea to lubricate the hinges, scissor joint and eccentric collets for a softer entry into the strikers.


Possible errors and difficulties

To avoid mistakes when caring for metal-plastic window systems, the following rules should be followed:

  • Do not use products containing acids, solvents, alkali, or abrasives to clean PVC windows.
    In the absence of special means, you can use a regular soap solution.
  • When carrying out repair work, do not allow the fittings to become contaminated with construction waste, plaster, or paint.
  • Do not forget about cleaning the drainage holes - they are necessary so that condensation accumulated inside the windows can flow out.
  • Do not turn the handle when the sash is open - it may jam. To fix this, you need to lower the lock (tongue on the sash) to a vertical position and, without releasing it, turn the handle.
  • Do not insert any objects between the open sash and the frame; to fix the slightly open window, install a comb or a sash opening limiter.
  • The metal-plastic door itself has a lot of weight, so you can’t hang any objects or flower pots on it, so as not to increase the load on the fittings - this could cause it to deteriorate.

Adjustment of window sashes for clamping to the frame

You can adjust the fullness of the window opening for ventilation yourself, without resorting to the services of a specialist.

The pressure of the sash (in its upper part) to the frame is regulated by a mechanism located just on the upper sash. But in order to get close to it, the structure will need to be set in two positions at once - “ventilation” + “open”. It is recommended to neutralize the blocker that interferes with this by pressing a special tab on the handle.

On the sash, opened in the manner described above, the metal “scissors” supporting it will open from above. There is a control element on them (either on the top or bottom side). And if you turn it using a hexagon, the sash is pulled closer and closer to the frame. When the optimal gap is reached, the sash can be returned to its original position.

There may also be a problem with blowing (in winter or late autumn), which can also be dealt with on your own . It usually blows from under the seal, and this can be eliminated by simply pressing the sash against the frame. But if such manipulation does not help, more complex repairs will be required.

The sash pressure can be adjusted independently if you use a trunnion locking mechanism and a striker system used to open/close plastic windows. If you turn the handle, the trunnions engage the bars. You can adjust either one or the other - it all depends on the type of fittings.

Trunnions (round or oval) are located on the sash. And when they are equipped with a hexagonal groove, they are subject to key control. If not, you will have to use pliers.

The adjuster's actions are simple - the trunnions should be rotated so that they are closer to the seal.

Important: the procedure is repeated for all trunnions located on the sash without exception. And you need to ensure that the pressure as a result of the manipulations is uniform.

Average price in the Russian Federation for a service

The average cost of servicing PVC windows in the Russian Federation.

Name of servicePriceNote
Complete preventative maintenance (1 window)from 1050 rub.Cleaning and lubricating fittings, tightening screws, adjusting the sash position, cleaning and lubricating seals
Elimination of blowingfrom 750 rub.Adjusting the sash position
Replacing the sealing cordfrom 350 rub.

Elimination of defects in windows of all brands:

Our service engineers will conduct a quality and professional inspection, sort out and lubricate the components of plastic windows, perform any type of work to replace individual components, and eliminate damage to components of any nature:

We work with fittings from all well-known brands:

- Fornax
- Mako
– Siegenia
- Internika
Dr Hahn
- Doctor Khan
- Kale
- Faubeha
- Fur
- Rhombus
- Shuko
- Vkhs
Saturn Plus
- Schuring

Make an order

Replacing the seal

A cracked or damaged seal is replaced when the window sash is removed. First, the window hinges are freed from the decorative caps. The hinge rod is pulled down from the top loop using pliers. After this, the window sash tilts slightly towards itself and rises.

The window sash is laid on a horizontal surface and the damaged seal is removed from the groove. The groove is thoroughly washed and, after drying, lubricated with technical petroleum jelly or silicone grease.

The new seal is cut along the length of the groove with a margin of 20 mm. The sealant is lubricated with Vaseline (silicone) and inserted into the edge of the groove. After this, carefully pull it along the entire length of the groove, holding the end with pliers. The ends of the seal are cut with a sharp knife so that they overlap each other - vertical and horizontal. The edges of the seal are degreased with gasoline and fixed with silicone sealant.

The sash is installed in place in the reverse order: first, the lower loop is put on the rod, then the upper rod is hammered. After installation, the position of the sash and the degree of pressure must be adjusted.

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