The key cannot be inserted into the car or apartment door lock

Even the best quality door locks fail over time - as a result of use, the parts of the locking mechanisms, as well as the keys to them, wear out. Many owners of cars and real estate forget about this and remember the need for replacement only when they cannot open or close the door leaf at the most necessary moment. One of the symptoms of an imminent failure of a locking product is that the key cannot be inserted into the lock of the door of a car, private house, apartment, office or other room.
  • Reasons why the key is not inserted into the door lock
  • Basic ways to solve problems
  • What to do if the key cannot be inserted into the front door lock?
  • Tips for restoring the functionality of car locks

Reasons why the key is not inserted into the door lock

In such situations, two things are possible: the key is not fully inserted into the door lock or only partially goes inside. The reason for such phenomena is not necessarily the natural deterioration of the components of the locking mechanism. Often problems with locking devices arise due to:

  • Poor-quality material used in the manufacture of the duplicate, as a result of which microcracks and bends appeared on it.
  • Pranks of children who inserted matches, toothpicks and other foreign objects into the lock hole. Sometimes ill-wishers can spoil the mood of the owner of the mechanism by pouring quick-drying glue into the cylinder.
  • Accumulations of dust and dirt, thickened grease, which makes it difficult to move secret pins.
  • Contamination of the cutting element of the unlocking element.
  • Incorrect installation of the lock, which led to misalignment of internal components.
  • Moisture gets inside the car door lock mechanism, which leads to corrosion.
  • Freezing of the core in winter.


There is a misconception that if a lock is jammed, then it is a cheap and bad lock. But such a problem can happen both with an expensive locking mechanism and with a cheap one. Common reasons for jammed locks are:

  • manufacturing defects;
  • mechanical damage;
  • improper operation;
  • sagging of the canvas.

Important! It’s easier to prevent jamming than to look for solutions later at the most inopportune moment! Jamming does not happen overnight, except in cases of deliberate damage to the lock; there are almost always prerequisites. For example, this could be noises and squeaks when turning the key, jamming of the key when opening/closing the lock, difficulties when inserting/pulling out the key, etc. Therefore, in case of such phenomena, it is worth thinking about preventive measures or replacing the lock.

Basic ways to solve problems

There is no locking mechanism that cannot be opened. The main thing is to maintain restraint, composure and calm. If you are unable to solve the problem with an incompletely inserted key blank yourself, you can always call an employee of the Ministry of Emergency Situations or a specialist from a specialized lock company. In the latter case, access to the inside of the object is guaranteed with the least damage.

If the owner of a car or real estate is determined to fix the problem on his own, he should prepare the appropriate tools, materials and devices, study the recommendations of professionals and only then get down to business.

Preventive measures

The following preventive measures will help avoid force majeure with a stuck key in the future:

  • periodically clean and lubricate the keyhole;

  • do not allow door hinges to sag or sag;
  • use special protective attachments to avoid getting into the keyhole;
  • periodically treat the lock with an anti-corrosion compound and (if necessary) an anti-icing agent;
  • use the unlocking device only for its intended purpose;
  • If you notice the first signs of problems, immediately contact a specialist;
  • just in case, keep with you a business card of a repairman or repair service who can help in case of force majeure.

If you strictly follow all these points, there should be no more problems with the lock..

What to do if the key cannot be inserted into the front door lock?

First you need to accurately determine the cause of the problem, and then try to fix it. Most often, problems when the unlocking elements are poorly inserted into the door lock arise with cylinder mechanisms. Even if the owner managed to forcefully insert the key rod into the cylinder and turn it, it is worth paying attention to this. Perhaps next time there will be a piece of debris in your hands, which will further complicate the situation.

Often troubles arise because of the key. During operation, partial abrasion of the metal occurs, the thickness and size of the protrusions that open the movable pins of the mechanism decrease. Excessive force applied when opening the lock often causes deformation of the workpiece, which also does not allow it to be completely inserted into the lock.

Advice. If the key is deformed, you can gently tap it with a hammer, thereby straightening it. If microcracks appear during the operation, it must be replaced immediately.

The unlocking element rod may not be inserted into the door mechanism due to the presence of foreign objects inside. Their presence can be detected by carefully examining the inside of the larva using a flashlight. If foreign bodies are detected, they must be removed using a needle, awl, pin or thin wire.

Advice. It is better to immediately try to dismantle and replace the core of the cylinder product, filled with glue.

Thickened grease, dust and dirt settling inside the core impede the mobility of the coils of springs and other components. Jamming of secret pins that are unable to move freely inside their grooves is a common reason when the key does not fit completely into the cylinder. When removing the workpiece in such a case, it may become jammed.

You can solve the problem on your own if you lubricate the larva with WD-40. Through a special tube that comes with the can, the product is injected into the locking mechanism. After a certain time, dissolved dirt will begin to come out of the larva along with the liquid. If necessary, clean the core and repeat the procedure.

Advice. If there is no cleaning liquid, you should not use any oil: its effect is short-lived. Soon it will thicken and collect even more dust and dirt, which can completely damage the lock.

Dirt accumulated in the grooves and grooves that the key has can also be easily removed with WD-40. After the workpiece has been treated with the product, it is wiped with a napkin or paper towel.

Disassembling and replacing the lock

In order to correct the problems that have arisen, you need to know how to disassemble a lock installed on the front door leaf or embedded in it. The principles for disassembling locking mechanisms are somewhat different from each other and primarily depend on the placement of the device.

Cylinder lock

Regardless of the standard used to manufacture the cylinder lock, the common feature of their design is the ability to replace the cylinder mechanism. To disassemble the lock you will need a screwdriver.

Initially, the fastening screw of the locking mechanism is unscrewed. The most common location for fasteners is on the end of the lock plate. To remove the cylinder, unscrew the screw counterclockwise. Quite often, to remove the lock cylinder mechanism, you need to press it a little from the inside. Often special fastening clamps do not allow removing the mechanism. In order to remove the larva, if present, the key is slightly turned in the keyhole. This will allow you to easily remove the cylinder.

Despite the almost complete external identity of the cylinder cylinders, when purchasing a replacement device, it is imperative to compare their sizes. If the holes and dimensions of the mechanism do not match, its installation will be impossible.

When installing a new part, the cylinder is placed in the existing hole and secured with a screw. To accurately fit into the grooves, it is recommended to slightly move the secret in the lock block. However, this procedure must be performed with the key inserted into the hole and turned to the “closed” position.


In mechanisms of this type, in case of malfunctions, it is not always possible to replace individual elements. Most often, a new lock is required to install on the front door. The reasons for this are the design of the device. Not all locks of this type contain removable elements.

To disassemble the device, you must have a socket wrench and a set of various screwdrivers on hand. The removal process consists of the following steps:

  • First of all, you need to remove the door handle. To do this, in most designs it is simply pulled out after removing the fasteners;
  • The decorative trim is removed;
  • When disassembling models with a missing insert, the fasteners on the end of the door leaf are unscrewed.

When choosing a replacement locking mechanism, it is much more convenient to purchase a device with similar dimensions. This will allow installation to be carried out immediately without the need for additional procedures for adjusting the hole.


To dismantle the rim lock, the fixing elements located in the end part of the door leaf are initially removed. After this, the decorative trim is removed and the remaining fastening screws are unscrewed.

The installation process is carried out strictly in reverse order.


The process of dismantling and disassembling a padlock type locking device is the simplest. To do this, use a suitable screwdriver to remove the fastening elements. Next, the protective housing is removed and the supporting mechanisms are removed. Some models of padlocks require the removal of a number of additional fasteners.

Thus, understanding the principle of dismantling and disassembling the mechanism, you can easily understand how to proceed in order to reassemble the padlock of the front door after replacing the failed parts.

To facilitate the process and control the correct location of parts, we recommend photographing each of the disassembly stages.

Tips for restoring the functionality of car locks

The reasons for problems with car locks are mostly similar to situations that arise with entrances. The problem is even more complicated in cases where the car is equipped with an alarm system and it turns out to be faulty. The only possible solution here is to restore the functionality of the car door lock.

When the mechanical unlocking element is not used for a long time, dust, dirt, and metal products accumulate inside the core of the mechanism. All this hardens over time and sticks to the internal elements. The special liquid WD-40 comes to the rescue again. It must be poured through a tube into the larva, and then repeat the procedure for opening the car door.

Advice. Some drivers use silicone lubricant for mechanisms. You should not do this, since silicone hardens over time and forms a thin film on the surface. As a result, after some time, the unlocking element again does not enter the lock. Subsequently, in many cases, this problem can only be solved by replacing the larva.

Some car owners who use an alarm key fob to open and close their car periodically remove the larvae and soak them in kerosene. As a result, the deposits, dirt and rust that have accumulated inside become soaked and come out. After the procedure, the core is generously lubricated with WD-40 and developed.

Advice. Timely periodic lubrication of the larva will avoid such troubles as freezing of the water in it in winter. This is a common occurrence that prevents the owner from opening the door or trunk lock. You have to warm the insides of the larva using various methods or by spraying a defroster inside.

Common lock problems

Since no mechanism is perfect, it is possible for any of them to develop problems over time. The main reasons for the malfunction of the locking mechanism are:

  • Mechanical damage;
  • Failure to comply with operating conditions;
  • Warping or sagging of the door leaf;
  • Failure to comply with door installation technology.

The main measures to prevent jamming of the locking mechanism are regular lubrication of structural elements and cleaning them from accumulated dust. Also, for durable and high-quality operation of the device, it is necessary to follow a number of rules:

  • The use of protective pads is recommended. Their presence will provide protection against the ingress of various foreign objects and dust accumulation;
  • The use of non-original keys, as well as duplicates of poor quality, entails jamming of the unlocking mechanism;
  • Mechanical damage to keys resulting from improper use also causes breakdowns;
  • Forceful manipulation of the lock, as well as sudden slamming of the door leaf, also negatively affects the operation of the mechanism.

Incomplete occurrence of the key

The main reasons for this phenomenon are:

  • Dust accumulated in the mechanism;
  • The presence of foreign objects in the well, including key fragments;
  • Mechanical damage.

The first measure to remove contamination and restore proper operation of the device is to disassemble the lock and lubricate its elements. The best way to properly lubricate the front door lock is a specialized WD-40 spray. If it is not available, you can use machine oil or kerosene. Lubricants are poured into the keyhole hole using a pipette, medical syringe or oil can.

After the lubrication procedure, the key is gradually inserted into the keyhole in several passes and also carefully removed. After several approaches, you can try to open the lock. In some cases, the removal of the decorative trim is required to fully insert the key.

If there are foreign objects, they are removed by scraping them out using a small hook or tweezers. You can also use a brush. However, you should use a product with stiff bristles so that during manipulation, hairs do not remain inside the mechanism.

The key won't come out

Problems of this kind most often arise as a result of breakdown of internal mechanisms. You can remove the key using WD-40 spray, which is used to treat the keyhole. After such manipulations, the key, slightly swaying in different directions, must be slowly pulled out. In cases where the key breaks right in the keyhole, it should be pulled out using pliers or another tool. To do this, you can first remove the lock mechanism cylinder.

To avoid recurrence of the problem, the lock cylinder must be replaced.

The mechanism jams when the key turns

In such a situation, several options are possible. If the device operates normally when the door leaf is open and problems occur when closed, it is necessary to bore the frame. Manipulations are performed at the point where the lock bolt enters the groove.

If the locking mechanism jams in both positions of the door leaf, it is necessary to clean the device from accumulated debris and lubricate the component elements. In extreme cases, the mechanism may need to be replaced.

The tongue is jammed

To initially eliminate the problem, use any available item that has sufficient flexibility and rigidity. A metal ruler, an unnecessary plastic card or a knife are perfect for such purposes.

The selected item is carefully and smoothly inserted in the area between the door and the frame at the location of the tongue. It must be pushed to a depth sufficient to touch the far end of the tongue. After which attempts are made to push through the jammed part.

Subsequently, in order to avoid recurrence of the problem, it is necessary to disassemble the device and clean and lubricate the parts. In some cases, it may be necessary to replace the motor elements of the structure.

Why contact us?

We have experienced consultants who will quickly help you choose a product and provide competent advice.

On our website you can choose keys, locks, immobilizers for a car of any brand. Using modern equipment, we will also make new keys for you if your old one is lost or broken, which will be no different from its predecessor.

The work will be completed as quickly as possible, the driver can be confident in the quality of the work we perform. We value our clients by providing them with the highest quality services. With us - quickly and reliably!

Every motorist knows perfectly well that it is impossible to start driving a car until the engine is started. And to do this, first insert the key into the ignition switch. When this happens, on most cars the electrical charge from the battery goes to the starter. The ignition switch contact group plays a key role here. The driver inserts the key, turns it in the desired direction, activates the ignition, and then turns it to the extreme position. It is at this moment that the starter should operate. But sometimes it happens that the key does not want to turn. This is a fairly common problem that you can fix yourself. If you do not want to take risks, then it is better to invite a specialist or deliver the car by tow or tow truck to a car repair shop.

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