Why was there a window between the kitchen and bathroom and 3 ways to solve the problem

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Vadim February 7, 2018

At least half of the multi-storey buildings in our country were built in Soviet times; they have various architectural excesses, but the most famous is the window in the Khrushchev or Stalin era between the bathroom and the kitchen. Today we will try to figure out why a window from the bathroom to the kitchen is needed, and I will tell home craftsmen how to seal the window between the bathroom and the kitchen in 3 ways.

Most Soviet-built apartments have a window in the wall between the bathroom and the kitchen.

Why do you need window treatments?

The interior decoration of plastic windows has not only a decorative function, but also a protective one. The installation seam must be reliably protected from the influences exerted on it so that the window system as a whole functions correctly: the glass does not fog up or freeze, and condensation does not accumulate on the slopes .

The installation seam on the outside must also be reliably protected from exposure to precipitation, wind and sunlight, under the influence of which the polystyrene foam is destroyed. You can effectively protect it by installing metal slopes and trims on plastic windows for exterior decoration, which will give the window a neat, finished look.

For the interior decoration of a window opening in a house, different types of material are used. This could be decorative plaster, do-it-yourself installation of PVC panels or drywall on the slopes of plastic windows. The finishing of internal slopes with decorative artificial stone looks impressive. To understand which of these methods is better, it is worth considering each of them separately.

Pros and cons of having a window in the bathroom

Having a window in the bathroom has its advantages and disadvantages:

  1. Additional light source. Even a small window in the bathroom will make this room brighter and more spacious.
  2. Natural ventilation. Open doors not only bring fresh air into the bathroom, but also prevent mold growth.
  3. Possibility to grow plants. Even the most unpretentious flowers will not take root in a dark and damp room; natural light from a window is another matter.
  4. Good view. Not all private houses and apartments have these advantages, but if you are lucky, you will be able to admire the sunset and landscapes while enjoying water treatments.
  5. Energy saving. Your energy bill will be reduced by eliminating the need to turn on the lights during the day.
  6. Relaxation. The human psyche is designed in such a way that the presence of even a small window helps relieve stress.
  1. Visual access. If you have a bathroom with a large window, you will need to decorate the glass or hang curtains to hide it from prying eyes.
  2. The need for additional hood. Leaving a window open in winter or autumn is at least inconvenient.
  3. Probability of drafts. A low-quality or poorly installed double-glazed window can be blown by the wind and cause constant colds.
  4. Inconvenient to use. If the opening is under the ceiling and above the bathroom, it will not be easy to open it for ventilation.

Decorative plaster

When carrying out renovations in a house, interior decorative plaster is often used as a finishing material for walls. This material will make the slopes on the windows unusual and spectacular.

Decorative plaster is often used for interior decoration of slopes

Decorative plaster may contain fillers of various fractions and origins - these can be natural wood fibers or stone chips or artificial granules of various sizes. Decorative plaster is used as a finishing layer, creating an unusual textured surface or an intricate pattern, like Venetian plaster.

As a material for interior finishing of slopes, decorative plaster has the following characteristics:

  • effectively masks base unevenness;
  • it can be applied to any base material: brick, concrete, plasterboard, wood;
  • this material does not absorb odors;
  • safe, non-flammable and environmentally friendly composite;
  • has soundproofing qualities;
  • in case of minor defects in the base, preliminary repairs are not required;
  • when treated with wax or painting, the plaster layer becomes moisture-repellent;
  • has breathability;
  • Repairing the plaster layer is very simple, there is no need to remove all the finishing; finishing of arched window structures is possible.

Types of decorative plasters

Depending on the type of filler and main substance, decorative plasters are:

  • textured plaster has a pronounced pattern that is known in advance;

    Texture plaster creates a pre-known pattern

  • structural plaster has a less pronounced relief than textured plaster, but its pattern is unpredictable in advance; Structural plaster creates an unknown pattern
  • Venetian plaster has many layers, resulting in an intricate pattern and smooth surface.

    Venetian plaster creates a smooth, multi-layered surface

Surface preparation

The durability of the plaster layer depends on a well-prepared surface . Therefore, finishing window slopes inside with decorative plaster should begin with preparing the base.

Cozy reading corner

Are the overhangs of your window sill wide enough for you to sit there and read a book? If so, then you should definitely turn it into a small reading nook. Add pillows for comfort and lightness, and place a bookshelf nearby and a table lamp for evening reading. If the situation is the opposite, but you really want to have such a cozy place, then you can put a small bench or banquette right under the window or windowsill.

Drywall slopes

Finishing slopes with plasterboard is quick and does not require special construction skills. Installation is possible using polyurethane foam or putty as an adhesive or on a metal frame. Drywall for windows must be marked GKLV.

Drywall on slopes can be mounted on a metal frame

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It is characterized by the following positive qualities:

  • environmental friendliness;
  • affordable price;
  • simple installation;
  • decorative effect when finishing with any materials;
  • smooth, durable surface;
  • durability;
  • possibility of designing arched openings.

Preparatory work

Surface preparation consists of the following steps:

  • foam removal; Removing foam residue
  • taking measurements of future products;

    The sides are measured from the outside and inside

  • manufacturing of parts;

    Using a stationery knife, cut sheets according to measurements.

  • sealing base defects and leveling the surface;

    Level the surface of the slope

  • surface primer.

Using polyurethane foam, you can finish a window opening without having any construction skills. It is important to remember that drywall is a fragile material, so the necessary parts must be cut out of it carefully, without any effort .

To get smooth edges at the cut points, it is necessary to make an incision along the drawn line on a sheet of drywall, applying a ruler, using a sharp construction knife. You need to cut the top paper layer and a little inside. Then you can lightly tap along the cut - the drywall will break itself along the intended line.

Foam mounting

Niche in the wall in the corridor. The versatility of a niche in the hallway

Owners of their own homes who do not like ordinary cabinets and numerous shelving in the hallway may prefer a built-in wardrobe in the hallway niche. Advantages of such a solution:

  • significant space savings;
  • creating a place to keep the necessary things;
  • saving money on purchasing expensive pieces of furniture.

Niches made of plasterboard in the hallway can be complemented by shelves made of glass or natural wood, and the design is very similar to the finished rack.

If you want a niche to decorate the corridor, then it is not necessary to adhere to certain geometric shapes.

Using your ideas, create an original ornament, complement it with exclusive lighting, applying several shades to the details of the niche using special paint.

By designing a niche in the hallway, you can successfully emphasize the taste preferences of the homeowners. If you correctly adhere to the nuances during the construction process, the design will visually expand the room.

Thanks to the characteristics of plasterboard, it is possible to build both classic rectangular structures and various arched models of complex shapes; the photo of a niche in the hallway in the presented catalog confirms this.

At the same time, the style of the niche must certainly be combined with the design of the corridor, only then the design will become its unsurpassed decor. Otherwise, it will be inappropriate in the interior space and will spoil the pleasant impression of the interior.

Finishing slopes with plastic panels

Finishing of window slopes inside can be done using plastic ceiling panels or multi-layer sandwich panels. The installation of this material is so simple that it is possible to finish the inside of plastic windows with your own hands. How to make slopes for plastic windows in a house will be described below.

PVC panels are most often used to finish slopes from the inside.

Sandwich panels are better than ceiling panels due to the presence of a layer of insulation inside. However, ceiling ones also have thermal insulation qualities due to the air chambers between the internal stiffeners.

Installation and repair of slopes inside a building using these finishing materials is possible due to their qualities:

  • PVC slopes are durable;
  • the use of panels for finishing window slopes gives them an attractive, neat appearance;
  • finishing options can be very diverse thanks to a wide range of colors,
  • which have external surfaces of panels;
  • it is possible to install plastic on arched structures;
  • Repairing plastic slopes is not difficult;
  • ease of installation - window openings are finished with your own hands, and installation does not take much time;
  • PVC is easy to process;
  • slopes lined with plastic on the inside are easy to maintain;
  • finishing window openings with this material increases the energy efficiency of the window system;
  • The interior decoration of windows prevents them from fogging and freezing.


How to install internal slopes for windows made of PVC panels is shown below.

  • remove excess polyurethane foam using a stationery or construction knife; To remove residual foam, use a stationery or construction knife
  • We fix a wooden block along the perimeter of the window opening near the frame using self-tapping screws; Secure a wooden block around the perimeter of the frame
  • We attach the starting profile to the block; The starting profile is attached to the block
  • We install a strip along the outer perimeter of the window; The rail is fixed along the outer perimeter of the frame
  • It’s better to insert the side elements first;

    Side panels installed first

  • then insert the top panel, bend it, foam it a little and fix it in the required position;

    A small layer of foam is blown between the upper slope and the PVC panel

  • fix the side parts in the same way;
  • After the structure has dried, the corner parts are decorated with decorative elements - corners or platbands.

    Corners are covered with platbands

Sandwich panels can be installed in the same way or without a starting profile. In this case, the panel is placed in a groove cut in the mounting foam. This installation method is relevant when it is not possible to place the block around the perimeter of the window frame.

How to close a niche in the corridor. Unusual use of curtains in the interior

Curtains are associated with window decoration, but with the growing popularity of Scandinavian interiors, they are appearing everywhere - instead of cabinet doors and for decorating a washing machine.

We have put together a selection for you of how else you can use them in your home or apartment.


Curtains can replace closet doors in the hallway. What's the point of this? Very simple! In winter, all layers of outer clothing will be hidden behind them, and in summer they can be opened or even removed - the hallway will become more spacious.


Curtains can be used to decorate the entrance to the dressing room and hide the contents of cabinets and niches behind them.

Heavy, dense, solid curtains for the dressing room (left) and light curtains, the main color of which matches the color of the walls (right):

The fabric, which holds its shape well, is pleasant to the touch and matches the color of the interior, looks modern and is immediately clear that this is not a temporary solution:

If heavy curtains do not fit into the budget or you don’t like the style, it is better not to choose an intermediate solution, but to look straight at thin tulle or curtains. The solution on the right, by the way, is offered by IKEA in its collection of ideas, but with a ceiling cornice:

On the left is an option with minimal decor, and on the right the fabric looks very interesting, as if with a slight gradient. Even if it’s not there, gradient fabric will be more relevant now than ever:

Another illustration of different tastes. Blackout curtains and curtains with frills. If you like romantic frills, use them before they become boring. Right now.

Since only one thick curtains say that this is how it was intended, double curtains look even more solid. Shirts and sneakers collection on stage:

A partition curtain divides the room into a bedroom and a dressing room. I highly recommend trying this option for people who are planning a renovation, but can’t decide whether to make a separate dressing room or a better closet.

Important! Don't forget about lighting.

Curtains in the attic

Standard furniture does not fit well under the roof slope. Curtains are a budget-friendly replacement option for a custom cabinet. And it looks cozy.


Platbands or casing for internal slopes for PVC windows can be made of different materials, but its functional purpose is the same - protecting the installation seam from destruction and giving the window opening an aesthetic appearance.

Types of platbands

Platbands differ in appearance and functionality:

Flat platbands. This is the easiest and most inexpensive type of cash withdrawal.

Profiled platbands have a convex surface of different profiles, aimed at enhancing the decorative function of cashing.
Shaped platbands can have a complex relief and imitate natural wood.

Carved platband is the most expensive type of cash, made to order according to individual sizes.

Materials for production

The most common material for making cash is sheet plastic. It is used for the manufacture of budget flat platbands, which can be used for finishing windows indoors and outdoors .

This material is not afraid of temperature changes, exposure to moisture or sunlight. Its surface can be laminated and take on any color or imitate various types of natural wood. Therefore, choosing cash to match the color of the window facade will not be difficult.

Plastic cash can be made to match any façade

Plastic platbands are not prone to deformation due to temperature changes and exposure to moisture.

Profiled PVC trims have the same properties, but may have a shaped surface. They are also used for interior and exterior window decoration.

MDF trims can also be flat or profiled, but they are used exclusively indoors, since the properties of MDF do not allow them to be used outdoors under the influence of surrounding natural phenomena.

For external use, dense foam casing can be used. This material is easy to process and install. The most intricate and complex shapes can be cut from polystyrene foam. It can be decorated with any finishing materials. It has negligible weight, so it does not put any load on the wall.

Foam trim can be used for exterior window decoration

The most expensive window design option is the installation of wooden carved cash. Carving can be done manually or mechanized. Handmade is very expensive due to its individuality and exclusivity.

Profiled and shaped platbands made of natural wood, made on a machine, will cost less.

Wooden platbands require careful care, since wood, when used in conditions of exposure to the external environment, has some disadvantages:

  • wood can become deformed when absorbing moisture or crack as a result of drying out;
  • Such cashing looks harmonious on wooden windows or on timber facades. On modern facades such cashing will look ridiculous.


Paper crafts are a quick way to decorate windows for the New Year in any style and color scheme. Thick craft is suitable for simple flat decorations; small elements are made from thin materials. Paper accessories are placed on the cornice, window glass, and window sill. Massive jewelry looks better at the bottom of the composition.

Beautiful vytynanki for the New Year

The color scheme of New Year's decor is chosen to match the tone of the interior or in contrast with it. Traditional white color and light warm range of natural shades are suitable for most interiors. Restrained interiors in light shades will be complemented by paper accessories made in eye-catching contrasting colors or using companion colors.

Elements of originality

Curtains will help change the appearance of the window if you hang them in an unusual way. The original look will be created by intersecting canvases.

Old curtains are suitable for decoration, but to enhance the effect it is advisable to hang something exclusive.

Features of the color scheme

Proper color design can solve many problems: visually expand the space, hide some defects, visually increase the height of the room. Considering that hallways are often small and dark, it is better to choose light and warm colors for them. Otherwise, there is a risk of getting the effect of non-residential premises.

Photo: Instagram idesing_spb

It’s better not to get carried away with dark tones; they visually make the room smaller. There shouldn’t be a lot of saturated and bright colors. They are best used as accents. It is better to select the color of furniture based on the walls and floor. Its tone should be combined with the shade of the flooring or walls or be contrasting.

Photo: Instagram mebelbos.by

Colored glasses

We are all accustomed to ordinary glass, so replacing it with colored glass will add variety to the interior of the room. To do this, it is not necessary to change everything; some of the colorless glass can be left. Little time is spent on work, but the result is visible immediately.

When choosing yellow glass, the room will have pleasant lighting in the room even on dull cloudy days. If there is a lot of indoor vegetation in the room, green glass will make it even brighter.

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