Is it worth installing panoramic glazing on the balcony?

Glazing of a loggia or balcony from floor to ceiling with translucent structures is called panoramic or French. Today this is a popular solution both for residents of busy cities and small provincial towns.

Floor-to-ceiling glazing: pros and cons

The main advantage of panoramic glazing is the maximum intake of natural light. There will be light in the adjacent room, so this method of finishing the balcony is often used in apartments located on the dark side of the building. If you want to arrange a panoramic balcony on the sunny side, you can use tinted or reflective glass.

French glazing is a win-win option for small balconies. This solution allows you to visually increase the space, providing a feeling of spaciousness and infinity. This balcony will be an ideal place for rest and relaxation.

It is worth understanding that you will not be able to store household supplies and unnecessary things here. When using transparent glass, the room will be clearly visible from the street.

The process of installing panoramic glazing on a balcony

If you have decided to implement a plan to reconstruct your balcony, have collected all the necessary permits and chosen the appropriate option, you can begin construction work.

To begin with, it should be noted that the recommendations and tips given are for informational purposes only. Carrying out such work on your own is dangerous, especially without the necessary skills and experience. Therefore, it is better to entrust high-altitude work to professionals.

Preparing the balcony

Before installing the glazing system, the balcony must be prepared, namely:

  • remove all things from the balcony;
  • remove old glazing and frames;
  • clean structures from dust and debris;
  • strengthen the balcony slab.

The last point requires special attention, since the safety of the premises will depend on the quality of the work done.

So, in order to strengthen the balcony ceiling, you need:

  1. Using steel corners, strengthen the perimeter of the slab on the floor above - this will allow it not to collapse under the influence of the weight of the glazing;
  2. Reinforce the balcony parapet with welded metal structures. Particular attention should be paid to surfaces that will come into contact with the glazing structure;
  3. When expanding the area of ​​the balcony, both the lower floor slab and the upper one move forward.

What materials are used for cold panoramic glazing?

  • An aluminum profile is used to create a cold panoramic balcony. It comes in sliding and swing types. It has good light transmittance and is lightweight and durable. The aluminum profile does not create a high load on the balcony slab, while effectively protecting it from precipitation, street noise, and dust.

The design does not have to be completely transparent. Tinted glass with a darkened film will help maintain privacy. It is possible to reduce heat loss with the help of energy-saving glass.

  • For frameless glazing we use the JV Base system. This unique technology allows glazing in rooms of any complexity. Glass can not only be transparent; tinting, photo printing or sandblasting can also be used, which allows you to obtain an exclusive design.

Types of panoramic glazing of a balcony

There are two ways to glaze a balcony with floor-to-ceiling windows. They differ in appearance, design and are suitable for different cases of using a balcony room.

Frameless glazing

As you can guess from the name, this type of glazing does not require frames. This design looks like a completely glass box - it gives the impression of a weightless balcony.

Special tempered glass is mounted on roller guides at the top and bottom, then secured to each other and to the sides. The doors open towards the inside of the balcony or are moved like an accordion.

Advantages of frameless glazing:

  • interesting design;
  • ease of maintenance and operation;
  • maximum room illumination;
  • maximum visibility.

Self-cleaning glass - how does it work?

Considering the large area of ​​the glass surface and the impossibility of cleaning them yourself, over time you have to resort to the services of cleaning companies. The latest achievement in the field of nanotechnology allows us to solve this problem. The use of self-cleaning glass will preserve its original appearance for a long time.

In the production of such glasses, titanium oxide is used, which causes a reaction on the surface. Water molecules break down and dissolve dirt. This coating does not wear out over time and does not wear out; its service life is the same as that of ordinary glass.

Types of window systems

The largest company, a manufacturer of metal-plastic and aluminum profiles, TMK offers window systems for any method of panoramic glazing of balconies and loggias:

  1. Warm option.
    This is done using plastic windows made from KBE profiles with energy-saving double-glazed windows. Able to meet any expectations. A wide selection of models will allow you to choose the most suitable variation in terms of quality, technical characteristics and cost.
  2. Semi-warm.
    Implemented using the Slidors sliding profile system. Saves space and provides a comfortable temperature in the off-season.
  3. Cold.
    It uses frame structures made of Provedal aluminum profiles with single-glazed windows or tempered glass. Reliable, lightweight, aesthetic and affordable. The frameless method involves the use of glass panels mounted on rollers between the guides. Elegant and durable, it loses to all others in terms of thermal protection.

Which balcony is it suitable for?

The French glazing system can be applied to almost any loggia. However, before implementing this idea, think about the feasibility of such a decision. Thus, many experts recommend glazing only small loggias. In this case, glass installed from floor to ceiling will visually make the loggia wider and more spacious, and the massive external structures will be lighter and more elegant.

Of course, wide loggias can also be glazed. However, material expenses can only be justified if residents of the northern or southeastern sides want to acquire a French balcony. Large windows will make the rooms bright.

IMPORTANT! If the loggia that you plan to glaze is attached to the living room, give preference to a double plastic profile with double-glazed windows that save heat. Profiles made of aluminum are not able to retain sufficient heat.

Price for French balcony glazing

In order for the system to be reliable, durable and retain heat well, high-quality products and strict adherence to installation rules are necessary. Our company has already successfully implemented a huge number of panoramic projects in Moscow and the region. The catalog on our website contains samples of standard designs with prices.

We work with individual orders of any complexity. It is very difficult to calculate the exact cost yourself. This requires a mandatory visit of a surveyor to the site. After recording the measurements, determining the work plan and calculating costs, the manager will draw up an estimate and agree on the terms of the contract.

Ordering panoramic windows from TMK is the best and most profitable solution!

Advantages and disadvantages

The main advantages of this type of glazing are:

  1. aesthetic component - attractive appearance;
  2. maximum natural light;
  3. choice of configurations: sliding, hinged, blind, folding;
  4. good heat and sound insulation;
  5. the opportunity to contemplate the surrounding space.

The disadvantages include:

  1. quite high price of panoramic glazing;
  2. the need to install additional heating devices;
  3. obtaining permits (for installation in high-rise buildings);
  4. insufficient confidentiality;
  5. The installation of protective structures is advisory in nature.

Full glazing of the loggia to the floor

This approach achieves several advantages:

  • Ease. The design has minimal weight, reducing the load on supporting structures;
  • Illumination. Natural lighting will be maximum. If the apartment is facing south, you can use blinds or tinting to protect yourself from excess sunlight;
  • Feeling of spaciousness. Visual expansion of the space will allow the owner to feel more free. The use of double-glazed windows with one-way transparency will make what is happening inside invisible to outside observers.

Glazing a loggia to the floor is an excellent solution for a large room if all the windows of your apartment face north. Natural lighting in this form will be minimal; almost no sunlight will enter inside. If you glaze the loggia to its full height, this drawback can be corrected.

In our company you can call a measurement specialist for free

, who will make calculations and answer all your questions.
Calling a surveyor does not oblige you to anything!

A few disadvantages

There are always disadvantages. They did not bypass our systems.

How is it different from normal

  1. Although most manufacturers insist that French loggias are a completely safe type of glazing, many experts admit that one can never talk about the complete safety of the structure, especially if the glazing is made from floor to ceiling. Glass is a rather traumatic material. In this regard, it is recommended to install additional protective structures. As a rule, such a structure can be removable. You can use it, for example, when children are on the balcony.
  2. The beautiful view that opens up is, of course, great and unusual. But your apartment is in full view of your neighbors. When choosing French glazing for loggias, be sure to take care of privacy; close the apartment from the inside with curtains or blinds for the balcony if you do not want all your neighbors to be aware of your intimate life. By the way, you can also install opaque glass, that is, from your side everything will be perfectly visible what is happening outside, but on the back side the glass will have a tinted effect, no one will see what is happening behind them.

Options for structural elements

In order to simplify the care of the doors and make them more protected from prying eyes, as well as to avoid excessive natural light on the southern balcony, loggias, French glazing is made more perfect. For greater safety, high-strength tempered glass with a thickness of 6 millimeters is used. Their doors are made blind, hinged, sliding or hinged. Depending on the customer’s requirements and the location of the balcony, our specialists install double-glazed windows with special characteristics:

  • self-cleaning - more convenient to clean;
  • with tinted or mirror glass - help save on air conditioning and protect from sunlight;
  • with smart glass , which ensures economical use of cooling and heating equipment.
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