Is it worth making semi-warm, extendable Sliders on the balcony?

A sliding structure of this type was first invented in Korea, and in the 90s it appeared on the territory of the Russian Federation.

Glazing balconies with the sliders system significantly saves space on a small balcony, looks aesthetically pleasing and is also excellent for harsh Russian winters. Glazing of balconies with a slider profile reliably protects the internal space of the external structure from wind and precipitation, while leaving the possibility of ventilation.

It is not surprising that recently many people prefer these translucent systems.

Profile characteristics

A warm, or rather semi-warm, sliders profile is a three-chamber or single-chamber double-glazed window (18 mm thick), the profile thickness is 58 - 60 mm. The system creates a reliable barrier against cold, wind and precipitation. Those who have already installed slider glazing in a Khrushchev-era building claim that when closed, the doors are completely impenetrable; rainwater, snow, dirt, dust, and insects do not penetrate through them. This high level of tightness is ensured by the presence of multi-circuit brush seals with patented moisture-proof inserts. Thanks to special rollers, the doors move apart easily and smoothly.

The main thermal insulation load is carried by double-glazed windows.

To increase energy efficiency, the chambers are filled with inert gas, and the glass is coated with i-spray. There is also a windproof insert, thanks to which it does not blow through the window sashes.

The sliders sliding profile successfully withstands strong wind loads thanks to additional reinforcement and can withstand significant frosts provided that the balcony is insulated and heated with high quality.

If you want to glaze an external structure with the sliders system in a “lightweight” (and cooler) version, choose a profile with glass rather than double-glazed windows. Glass thickness is 4-6 mm. Compare the level of thermal insulation:

  • Rdef=0.15 m2 ◦C/W with glass,
  • Rdef = 0.33 m2 ◦C/W – with double-glazed windows.

In addition to windows, it is possible to install sliding doors on the balcony, including non-standard sizes. You can easily find diagrams and sections of the slider system, as well as photos of glazing options for balconies on the Internet.

Why Sliders? How does it differ from analogues?

Semi-warm balcony glazing with the sliders system is an innovative technology modified for use in inhospitable northern winter conditions.
The sliders profile is ideal for warm glazing of loggias. It is twice as warm as an aluminum frame. In winter, the blocks do not stick to the glass, unlike similar aluminum glazing frames. But such a system costs a little more.

The developers also took care of the presence of burglary-proof fittings in case the loggia, glazed with the sliders system, is located on the 1st - 2nd floors. A special element, “filingpiece,” and a galvanized reinforced profile serve the same purpose.

Due to the reinforced profile and high-strength corner system, the reliability of the entire system increases. The use of innovative “inner corner” technology significantly reduces the price of glazing using the sliders profile.

The sliders sliding system is the only way to glaze a designer arched balcony. The sliders profile is generally often used to implement author’s ideas and atypical designs, for example, for glazing loggias 2 m high, round, “heeled”, U-shaped, etc.

It is convenient that during operation you do not need to remove the mosquito net. If it is not needed, it can simply be moved to the side using a special rail.

The sliders sliding system has many other advantages:

  • Expanding the usable area of ​​the balcony (you can move around it freely even with the doors wide open;
  • Reduction of noise level to 30 - 46 dB;
  • Excellent protection against dust and precipitation;
  • A noticeable increase in the thermal insulation of the balcony (provided that three-chamber double-glazed windows are used);
  • Possibility to combine a loggia, balcony with a room or kitchen, make a greenhouse, office, etc. on the balcony.
  • Sufficient strength and durability.

In addition, the slidors balcony is made from environmentally friendly materials and is therefore completely safe for health. Affordable prices make Sliders products accessible to almost all segments of the population.

PVC windows to the balcony (loggia)

They are suitable when you need to turn the loggia into a full-fledged living space, heated all year round. To do this, you need to properly glaze it, and then insulate the floor, walls and ceiling. Otherwise, the effect will be minimal: the heat retained by plastic windows will escape through the ceilings.

Advantages of PVC windows:

  • Good thermal insulation, which is provided by a multi-chamber profile and sealed double-glazed windows.
  • Durability and resistance to environmental influences.
  • High noise reduction rates, which is important in urban noise conditions.
  • Affordable price. Plastic windows are cheaper than insulated aluminum and wooden analogues.
  • Many design options, the ability to choose a model for specific conditions.
  • Possibility of self-installation. Installation is relatively simple. With minimal construction skills, you can do it yourself, and this means significant savings on the services of builders.

Requirements for a parapet for installing a profile

If the balcony parapet is new and strong, there are no special requirements for installing sliders.

In order to properly install the slidors, you need to use a drill to make holes in the frame to remove moisture, which is mounted on the balcony parapet. Then the roller guides and sashes are inserted. Their location must be adjusted during the work process. Don't forget about the drains at the bottom of the balcony.

After glazing the external structure with the sliders profile, leave it closed for one day.

In Stalinka, Khrushchev and other old houses, the installation of the slidors system is carried out only after a thorough examination of the condition of the base of the balcony and parapet.

It is necessary to calculate all possible weight loads on the slab (including insulation of walls, floors and ceilings, the weight of the heating system, furniture, people who will stand on the balcony at the same time). Keep in mind that the weight of a warm type structure is significantly higher than cold glazing. And all this mass will put pressure on the parapet of the structure. Therefore, a weak parapet will have to be strengthened before installing slidors. You should not neglect safety - cases of balcony collapses are not at all rare.

The lightweight profile has one absolute advantage - it can be mounted even on a weak parapet.

Prices and ratings of Slidors glazing companies in Moscow and Moscow Region

Any warm glazing costs 30–50% more than “cold” glazing, but it’s worth it.

The price of “warm” glazing with a slider system consists of the cost of the design itself, high-quality installation, and the availability of additional options and accessories. The final amount is affected by individual parameters:

  • opening size,
  • number of sashes,
  • the presence of additional accessories, such as a window sill, ventilating valves, a protective mosquito net, fastening slopes, barriers and locks for children, tinted films, painting the frame according to the RAL scale, lamination),
  • design of frames and the entire extension structure (with extension, angular, rounded).

Glazing with extensions, turns, and roundings of the perimeter of the external structure is more expensive. Such glazing can cost up to 22,000 rubles. for 1 m². Relatively inexpensively glazing balconies with the cold sliders system.

To reduce costs, you can refuse the window sill, mosquito net and additional fittings.

In Moscow, it is more profitable to purchase slidors directly from manufacturers, without extra charges. If you have certain experience and knowledge, sliders can install the glazing of a loggia or balcony yourself, which reduces costs by about half. Just don’t forget to carefully strengthen the balcony parapet if you plan to install slidors in a Khrushchev or Stalin building.

Here are approximate prices for semi-warm glazing of a balcony with the sliders system in Moscow.

The cost of a 2 m balcony is approximately 20,000 rubles, a 4 m loggia is 39-40 thousand, a 6 m loggia is about 59-60 thousand rubles. When installing windows with double-glazed windows, the cost will increase by approximately 5 thousand rubles. The price often includes installation of a frame on a loggia/balcony, fastenings, and slopes for windows.

For heel balcony glazing, prices exceed 33 thousand rubles. A U-shaped remote system will cost 29 thousand rubles. The corner variety can cost 26 thousand rubles. (Offers semi-warm sliding systems from RUB 32,700. Reliable glazing with a good reputation.

  • PVC Window Factory: a company with an excellent reputation. Here you can order various types of sliding glazing, including frameless slide. Prices from the manufacturer.
  • here you can safely order sliding window products in accordance with GOST, prices start from 31,500.
  • (or Balcony MSK): a reliable company where you can order not only glazing with the sliders system, but also the whole range of related services (insulation, decorative finishing, etc.), as well as repairs.
  • Plastic Windows: offers a wide range of sliding glazing, including warm PVC, with removal, as well as balconies of complex shapes. Here you can order turnkey glazing.
  • WindowsStreet
  • Mosokna
  • Kaleva
  • Windows of the 21st century
  • Atticus.
  • Beware of fly-by-night companies, on whose websites it is difficult to even find their own name and physical contacts in Moscow and Moscow Region.

    Advantages and disadvantages of casement windows

    The main disadvantages of a casement window
    The advantages of such a glazing system include the following factors:

    1. Good selection of materials for window frames.
    2. Possibility of glazing with ordinary glass and multilayer double-glazed windows.
    3. A large number of fittings that can be used in the design.
    4. Possibility of execution in cold and warm glazing options.
    5. Hinged windows can be combined with blind ones.
    6. It is possible to install horizontal blinds on the windows.
    7. Wide price range from economical option to very expensive systems.

    The disadvantages of structures of this type are:

    • the sash will take up a lot of space when choosing a rotary system for opening into the balcony;
    • the cost of the design can be quite high when installing a warm version with exclusive fittings;
    • If a window sill is provided, then where the sash opens, it must be empty.

    There are many more advantages to casement windows than disadvantages. You can use natural wood or durable plastic, install modern fittings or limit yourself to simple models. These window systems will last a long time.

    Slidors window care

    No special system maintenance is required. It is designed for 50 years of operation without major repairs. Under unfavorable circumstances, there is a possibility that the reinforced frame may rust. But if this happens, it will not be earlier than in three decades. In this case, the window will have to be completely replaced.

    If you want the slider to function perfectly, lubricate the sliding windows on the balcony (guides) once a year.

    You will find information about a suitable product in the window data sheet. This is a specialized window oil. But experienced users also advise using any technical oil, mineral or synthetic (for bicycles, motor oil). Do not use household fats under any circumstances: margarine, butter and sunflower oil, Vaseline, shoe polish. WD is also not the best option.

    Cleaning the slider windows on the balcony is not difficult, since they easily slide apart in different directions. To be able to wash fixed sashes, alternate them with sliding ones.

    Types of sliding windows

    There are three types: coupe mechanism, retractable, and also the English type (vertical sliding). The latter is less popular.

    With coupe mechanism

    Classic choice - windows open along the opening

    The advantage is that they do not take up extra space. Most often, coupes contain aluminum profiles.

    They have several disadvantages: poor quality and insufficient sound insulation. It is better to choose a plastic model.

    The coupe mechanism is the most affordable and popular

    With retractable mechanism

    The system is similar to opening doors on buses

    The model is similar to the previous one. But there are also differences.

    Before opening, the sash folds back and moves towards itself. Then she smoothly goes around the window profile.

    Retractable mechanisms are more expensive, but have better tightness

    Pros: good tightness, heat protection. It is also possible to ventilate the room by opening the window in the upper part.

    This option is better and higher quality than a coupe mechanism.


    Another name is vertical sliding windows

    They are less popular compared to analogues. The mechanism is interesting: the window frames are parallel and horizontal. When opened, the lower frame rises, touching the upper one. By choosing the “English” option, you can glaze the balcony - the advantages of the model allow it.

    All types of glazing have advantages. There are also disadvantages. Sliding options are not installed on the eighth floor and above. The length of the sash should not be more than 1.6 m, and the width - 0.7 m. Otherwise, the wind will penetrate into the room. There have been cases when windows fell out of their frames during strong winds.

    Lifting options are unusual, but in Russia they are quite expensive

    It is not recommended to install plastic windows on an unreinforced balcony - the surface may collapse.

    Plastic windows must have an anti-child key. It is better to order a model from a trusted, well-known manufacturer. He will be able to provide guarantees, service, installation and delivery.

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