Heat-saving film for windows - benefits for your home!


In winter, the main heat loss occurs through windows. Warm air becomes cold when it comes into contact with glass, and the street is heated. The function of athermal film on windows is energy conservation. Does not transmit infrared, ultraviolet rays, remains transparent, transmits light, warm air remains in the room.

Heat protection material

How to save heat in a room or prevent it from overheating?

To make the temperature of an apartment or office comfortable for a person, the following measures are usually used:

  • install modern double-glazed windows;
  • equip the premises with adjustable radiators;
  • connect additional electric heaters;
  • seal window cracks with polyurethane foam;
  • insulate external and internal walls;
  • In hot weather, air conditioning is installed.

These measures are expensive and require a lot of energy. Is there an alternative? You can go by increasing the amount of heat, or you can take measures to keep it inside. Research shows that indoors the largest amount of heat is lost through glass windows, and the larger the area of ​​window openings, the greater the loss. In winter, these losses amount to up to 70%. In order to avoid heat loss through glass windows and doors, measures must be taken to increase the thermal insulation of glass panels. Heat-saving film for windows will help us with this.

Photo through a thermal imager

Do-it-yourself insulation of windows with thermal film

Before installing the “Third Glass” film on a plastic window, you should prepare tools such as a stationery knife, scissors and a household hair dryer. These simple tools are available in almost every home. It is easier to install with two people, but you can do the job alone. For detailed video instructions on installing heat-saving film in an apartment, see the end of the article on the website.

Do-it-yourself insulation of plastic windows with thermal film

Instructions for thermal film “Third Glass”

Start insulating roof windows with a small window opening. The surface of the frame should be treated with a degreasing compound and dried. Next, double-sided tape, included in the kit, is attached around the perimeter of the glass unit; The film in the package is folded in half; it should be separated and cut out. Cutting is done in accordance with the size of the window, taking into account the fastening of the thermal film with tape. Check the dimensions of the film by applying it to the window opening being processed; Remove the protective strip from the tape and carefully glue the film to the double-sided tape

Do not pay attention to possible folds, the main thing is that the film is securely attached around the entire perimeter of the frame with double-sided tape; Blow the film with hot air using a construction or household hair dryer; under the influence of temperature, the material will shrink. As a result, the heat-saving film will stretch and become perfectly smooth over the entire area.

Stages of installing heat-saving film on a window

Insulation of plastic windows with heat-saving film

An important advantage of this material is that it increases the strength of the glass unit - the glass will not scatter in different directions into small pieces, which will reduce injuries. The film can be used to insulate wooden and plastic frames; the effect of the material can be compared to installing a double-glazed window. The film reduces the heat transfer of energy from a warm room to a cold one near a double-glazed window.

We will give some more important recommendations based on reviews. When insulating windows for the winter, it is better to install thermal film in October-November. It is recommended to remove it in May, as daylight hours increase. If the film accidentally breaks during installation, do not be upset - the tear can be quickly repaired using ordinary tape.

What is heat-saving film?

Heat-saving (or energy-saving) film is a thin transparent material that consists of several layers. The film is based on polyethylene terephthalate polymer with a thickness of 80 to 200 microns. A component of the film is a thin metal layer. It is made by sputtering particles of gold, silver, chromium or nickel. The transparency of different types of film varies from 47% to 70%. The price, depending on the constituent materials, starts at 144 rubles and can reach up to 3,000 rubles.

Overview of species

Architectural thermal film is transparent, it is used on glass windows of buildings, buildings and cars. The usual one does not have transparency; it is placed under suspended ceilings, wall panels, laminate and parquet, and hidden under the trim (upholstery) of the car interior. Both of them separate owners and/or workers from the heat outside in the summer, and retain most of the heat in the winter. In both cases, air conditioning and heating costs are significantly reduced.

Conventional (ceiling and wall, underfloor) thermal insulation film is made on the basis of the following materials:

  • foamed polyethylene;
  • fibrous polypropylene;
  • Mylar fiber or fabric.

Based on the method of applying the heat reflector, the film is divided into the following types:

  • foil layer;
  • a composite layer obtained by spraying.

Foil in damp rooms is subject to accelerated destruction. Because of this, foil penofol or fiber is not used in baths and saunas, bathrooms, toilets and in the kitchen. The spraying is protected by a thin, microscopic layer of plastic; metal (aluminum) dust particles do not deteriorate. The heated spraying is slightly fused into the polymer base at the production stage. This is a higher technology than foiling, the observance of which is carefully monitored in factories.

Thermal film for walls and floors - stenofon - is similar to ordinary penofol. It has a porous or bubbly structure

It is placed under a decorative covering, which makes it impossible to avoid heating the wall panel from inside the room, but this is not as important as the actual escape of excess heat through the wall to the outside


This subtype is similar to the film used for the screen of a smartphone or tablet. For clear gluing, without air bubbles under specks and fluff, the room is thoroughly cleaned and all “dusty” things and objects are taken out. To protect the adhesive side from dust and moisture during transportation, a protective layer is applied to it by the manufacturer. The production of “self-adhesive” is a technology that requires ultra-clean factory conditions; the same cleanliness is ensured at the consumer's site.

It is difficult to paste this film yourself - one distortion, and it is difficult to remove wrinkles, since removing and re-sticking the same piece of film will dramatically affect the transparency and attractiveness of the window or glass. This film is glued starting from any of the corners, gradually pulling off the protective layer. Tinting a car requires no less care than gluing film to the windows of a house or building.

Heat shrink

Heat shrink option - film for window frame. It is secured with double-sided tape. An air gap is formed under it, preventing heat from quickly leaving the room. The initially glued heat-protective film resembles crumpled polyethylene. To straighten it, direct hot air from a hairdryer onto it - now the stretched material looks neat.

Under soap solution

This coating is similar to tinted glass and is durable. The second advantage is ease of application. Any soap without fragrance additives is suitable as an attractive layer.

What types of heat-saving films do manufacturers offer?

Manufacturers offer two types of heat-insulating films:

  • films that are glued to the glass surface;
  • films that are fixed to the window opening using double-sided tape.

The first type is the most aesthetic and invisible. In this case, the film creates a “third glass”, that is, a thin air layer appears between the window glass and the film, which protects the room from heat loss. The second type of film is effective in the absence of modern double-glazed windows, as it allows you to close the gaps between the glass and the frame.

Cost and reviews

The price category of material and components depends on many factors:

  1. Manufacturer's mark (brand).
  2. Thickness.
  3. Size of canvas (the larger the area purchased, the cheaper).
  4. Possible delivery services.
  5. Call a specialized worker who can correct some of the nuances.

Preliminary cost by size:

  • 1200×2000 mm – 150-200 rubles;
  • 1200×3000 mm – 230-300 rubles;
  • 1500×2500 mm – 220-310 rubles;
  • 2000×3000 mm – 350 rubles;
  • 3000×6000 mm – 650-700 rubles;

Examples of prices.

  1. Window size 900x1200 mm - will require material in the size of 940x1240 mm and also colorless adhesive tape about 2.4 meters long.
  2. The size of a large window is 1500x2000 mm - you need 1520x2020 mm of film, and about 7.3 meters of adhesive tape.

Consumer Reviews

  1. User Evgeny. “It seems that I bought normal windows from a well-known company with two cameras, but in winter I noticed ice on the bottom of the glass unit - this really surprised me. I read an article about film and hired workers. They installed it, and all the problems began to resolve themselves. I’m happy, but I don’t know about others.”
  2. User Nataporshe. “My husband installed the film on the windows, at first I didn’t feel any special differences, but later I paid attention to the temperature in the apartment. Previously, with the same boiler operation, the rooms were cool, but now they are quite comfortable.”
  3. User Kessler. “I installed the film last year, around August, and have not torn it off until now. I didn’t find any visible defects and I think I’ll only take it off when it breaks. I'm satisfied."

To save heat, not only high-quality windows and their timely repair are necessary, but also the use of an auxiliary product by the owner - polymer film.

Despite its unimpressive appearance, it has many advantages, and the main one is maintaining heat in the house. The low cost of the material only increases its popularity among potential consumers.

Shooting with a thermal imager - the need for insulation is obvious

Hello. Today I’ll tell you about independent insulation of windows in an apartment and in a country house. Thermal insulation of windows is a very important stage of property renovation, which should not be neglected if you are interested in the energy efficiency of your home and reasonable heating costs.

How does heat-saving film work?

The metal layer of the film reflects infrared rays emanating from heating devices, and the heat remains in the room. This layer is practically invisible to the naked eye, so the lighting of the room does not suffer, especially since in winter you cannot do without additional light sources. In extreme heat, the film has the opposite effect: it acts as an air conditioner, leaving the room cooler than the air outside. An additional advantage of the heat-insulating film is that it strengthens the glass body, making it more durable and does not allow the glass to shatter into pieces upon a strong impact: even if the glass breaks, it remains attached to the film.

How to use

Based on reviews from customers and professionals, this product is glued only in the cold season, and removed in the spring. If you carefully separate the film from the window, it can last for more than one season.

The main thing is to protect this item from prickly objects during use. Those. It is not advisable to place flowers such as cactus and other such plants with sharp thorns or needles on the windowsill. And also protect the film from mustachioed prankish cats.

In what cases is it advisable to use heat-saving film?

Heat-saving film is recommended to be used in the following cases:

  1. if it is necessary to significantly increase the heat level without using energy-consuming and air-drying heaters;
  2. if it is necessary to significantly reduce the heat level without using air conditioners, which tend to accumulate pathogenic bacteria in their filters;
  3. if an old double-glazed window is installed in the room, which has significant thermal insulation flaws: gaps between the frame and the wall, between the frame and the glass;
  4. if the room has large window openings that occupy almost the entire wall space;
  5. if you need to protect the room from sudden temperature changes that are typical for most of our country;
  6. if you need to protect the decoration of the room from exposure to ultraviolet sunlight, that is, from fading, which is especially necessary for walls, furniture, and antiques.

Thus, the scope of use of heat-saving film is quite wide, and this type of product is gaining popularity due to its availability and relative ease of installation.

Thermal film making process

The production of such material for thermal insulation is carried out on the basis of knowledge of the properties of the spectrum of sunlight.

It, in turn, consists of three parts:

  • Infrared radiation.
  • Ultraviolet radiation.
  • Visible radiation.

The second part of the spectrum is visible, i.e. This is the light that is required for biological processes in the human body. These physical properties are fundamental when creating a heat-saving film, which has extremely positive reviews. Let's look at all the advantages and disadvantages of using an insulation product instead of a third glass.

Advantages of using thermal film

Let's consider the advantages of thermal film on glass:

  • Energy-saving film for windows has a unique, unique functioning. It filters light radiation, but at the same time preserves two parts of the light spectrum (ultraviolet and infrared). But visibility is still maintained, so throughput remains at the highest level.
  • Thanks to the physical characteristics listed above, energy-saving thermal insulation film is an excellent barrier to thermal energy escaping from a room. At the same time, the room will maintain a cozy and comfortable temperature for everyone.
  • Using thermal film is simple, and you can purchase it at the construction market or at any specialized store.
  • You can save money by saving on heating during the winter season and on air conditioning during the summer.
  • After you use heat-saving film, the appearance of the interior will not change and will be no different from the original, since this material filters ultraviolet rays, which are the cause of interior fading.
  • This product does not have a mirror reflection, and the window will remain transparent even after using the film.
  • But from the outside there will be a mirror effect. The window has only one-way visibility, and the insulating film itself looks aesthetically pleasing.

These are the main advantages of such a thermal insulation product.

Negative aspects of using thermal film

Now it’s worth talking about the main disadvantages:

  • The main negative point is that such a thermal insulation product cannot function normally in the spring, since during this period the central heating will be turned off, and the building will no longer receive enough heat in the cool season.
  • The instructions for installing thermal film indicate that it cannot be used for the construction of greenhouses, since electromagnetic radiation is vital for plants, which will enable them to develop and grow uniformly. For this reason, if you use such a film in rooms where there are plants, it will have a negative effect on the latter. You will be required not to place flowers on the windowsill.
  • To get the desired result, you will need to strictly follow all the nuances and rules. For this reason, only professionals can do such work. They will be able to perform all work at the highest level, with high quality.

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Now let's talk about installation.

Which manufacturers offer heat-saving film and what are their prices?

When choosing heat-saving films, you need to take into account that inexpensive types of this product create only an air gap (third glass effect), and expensive types, for example the South Korean Ultra Solar Block , in addition to thermal insulation, prevent the penetration of infrared rays into the room, which helps reduce the cold in winter and the heat in the summer. Various types of heat-saving films are produced in Germany, Poland, South Korea, China, Turkey, Russia, and Ukraine. Online stores offer the following brands: “Thermo Tap”, “NANOFILM”, “Ultra Solar Block”, “ESB Technologies” (Russia), “Heat Technologies” (Poland). German and Polish brands are usually more expensive than domestic goods. The larger the size of the canvas, the cheaper the product will cost. The film is sold in rolls or in sheets folded in half. Films can have a self-adhesive base or be glued to a soap solution. For a window measuring 1400 by 1300 mm, you need to purchase approximately 1.82 m2 of film and 5.5 m of tape. As a result, Polish film will cost 150 rubles for 1 window.

Scope of application and operating principle

The main material is polyester, used in creating not only heat-saving film, but also for reflective, anti-glare, tinting, energy-saving and sun protection materials.

Excellent technical indicators allow it to be used in other areas:

  1. Thermal insulation material for glass facades.
  2. Additional insulation for greenhouses and greenhouses.
  3. Finishing natural solariums and light transparent roofs.
  4. Insulation of loggias and balconies.
  5. In rare cases, to create thermal insulation for walls during renovation work.

It is due to the air “vacuum” that heat cannot quickly turn into a cold state. Thanks to it, natural resources for heating and, of course, money are saved.

What are the main characteristics of heat-saving film?

All types of heat-saving films have the following main characteristics:

  • multilayer;
  • subtlety;
  • versatility.

More detailed characteristics can be considered using the example of energy-saving film “Save Energy 30”: Solar energy transmission – 57%; Solar energy reflection – 8%; Solar energy absorption – 41%; Visible light transmission – 30%; UV radiation reflection – 98%; Overall reduction in solar energy – 38%; Film thickness – 2 mm.

Negative properties of film

In addition to the positive ones, the film also has negative properties.

The most serious of these is the almost complete reflection of the sun's UV rays. Indoor plants growing on a windowsill or balcony suffer the most from this negative property of the film; they begin to wither and die. Therefore, if you use heat-saving film on windows in winter, be sure to provide 12-hour illumination with phyto-lamps for the plants located on your windowsills, which provide the correct radiation spectrum necessary for normal plant growth and allow you to compensate for the lack of natural light from the Sun. True, in this case, there can be no talk of any “energy saving” in your apartment. Even very economical phytolamps on LEDs, with daily illumination of plants for 12 hours, will completely “absorb” your savings on heating the room.

The second negative effect of heat-saving film applied to the windows of an apartment or balcony is its complete ineffectiveness in the spring and autumn. When the heating in the apartment is not yet turned on, or is already turned off, the film prevents the penetration of the sun's heat from the street. It becomes cold and damp on the balcony and in the apartment, especially in spring.

Another disadvantage of heat-saving films is their ability to reflect radio waves. The radio signal coming to your television antenna or mobile phone will be reflected by the metal coating of the film, and the signal coming from your mobile device will also be reflected inside the apartment.

Therefore, cellular communication in houses where heat-dispersing film is glued to the windows is, as a rule, very poor.

What are the advantages of installing heat-saving film?

The following advantages of installing heat-saving film on windows can be highlighted:

  • significant savings in energy costs;
  • increased “confidentiality” (the visibility of the glass from the outside is reduced and access for radio waves is made more difficult);
  • reduction of thermal and ultraviolet radiation;
  • increasing the strength and safety of the glass sheet;
  • reducing the brightness of light, which contributes to the comfort of the room;
  • comfortable microclimate.

Material advantages

Coverage features:

  1. Energy-saving multilayer material. It is endowed with reflective and heat-saving qualities by metal plating - gold, silver, nickel, chrome. High transparency of the coating is maintained.
  2. Each layer has a minimum thickness of several microns.
  3. The coating is universal - it increases the comfort of staying indoors both in summer and in winter.

Application on the balcony
Advantages of the material:

  1. Ensuring the privacy of the premises. Visibility remains only from the inside.
  2. The noise level coming through the windows from the street is reduced.
  3. Furniture and finishing materials do not fade due to reduced UV radiation.
  4. In case of mechanical damage to the glass, the sticky layer holds the fragments.
  5. The glass becomes stronger and acquires shockproof qualities. Burglary protection is provided if the film is applied on the street side.
  6. The brightness of sunlight decreases and becomes comfortable for the eyes.
  7. In winter, heating costs are reduced due to a reduction in heat loss by up to 60%, in the summer - on air conditioning.
  8. Service life - over 10 years.

How to install heat-saving film on windows yourself?

To install the film, you need to prepare the following tools: scissors, a stationery knife, a household hair dryer.

If the film is glued directly to the glass sheet using a soap solution, then several stages of work will be required.

Stage 1 of work – washing and drying the window. The window must be thoroughly washed and wiped dry. For washing, it is advisable to use alcohol-based degreasers.

Stage 2 of work – cutting out the film sheet. This is done on a wide, clean table using a pencil and a stationery knife. Before you start cutting, the film should be applied to the window to ensure that the calculations are correct.

Stage 3 – applying soap solution to glass. A regular household sprayer will help with this. The solution can be prepared from uncolored baby shampoo or colorless dishwashing liquid.

Stage 4 – applying the film to the glass. This must be done from the top edge and with a soft rubber spatula or an ordinary rag, remove excess soap solution from under the film. Movements with a spatula are made first from top to bottom, then from the middle of the film to the sides. It is necessary to remove (drive away) large air bubbles so that the film adheres firmly.

Stage 5 – blowing the film with hot air from a hairdryer. As the film dries, small wrinkles disappear and the film straightens out completely.

Installing film on a plastic window:

A similar method is used when installing self-adhesive film. In this case, it is better to work together: 1) a narrow strip is peeled off from the upper edge of the film; 2) the top edge is glued; 3) one person smoothes the film, and the second gradually removes the protective layer, pulling it down.

The installation of shrink film is different in that the film is not glued to the glass, but to the tape glued around the perimeter of the frame. It happens like this:

  1. The perimeter of the window frame is treated with a degreasing compound;
  2. Double-sided tape is glued around the perimeter of the frame;

  3. A blank is cut out of the film, 2 cm larger than the size of the glass;
  4. The protective strip is removed from the double-sided tape;
  5. The film sheet is separated using a knife (or you can blow hard on the edge of the film);
  6. The top of the film is glued to the top strip of tape. It is advisable to have someone help by holding the film by the bottom edge and not letting it stick prematurely. The film should not be over-stretched, as after finishing the work it will reach the required degree of tension on its own;
  7. The film is made uniform and smooth by blowing hot air from a hair dryer;

  8. Damage to the film that occurs during the work can be repaired using transparent tape;
  9. The remaining film is removed with a utility knife.

Installation of energy-saving film

Energy-saving films from different manufacturers differ in the method of their installation. They (in most cases) are heat-shrinkable - which, after being fixed to the glass, require treatment with hot air from a hairdryer, or applied to a damp soapy surface, followed by gluing the film sheet to the glass surface as the liquid evaporates. Depending on this, the methods of gluing them to the window are different.

Thermoresistant paper

The shrink film is applied to clean glass, washed with window detergent, thoroughly freed from dust and fibers and degreased with alcohol or gasoline (“Galosh”).

To do this, double-sided tape is glued around the perimeter of the frame on the room side. From a roll of energy-saving film or from a sheet folded in half, a blank is cut out on a horizontal surface, 2 cm on each side larger than the size of the glass on which it will be applied. Then the protective layer of paper is removed from the tape at the top of the window and the top layer of film is glued. You should not pull it too hard.

After this, if you stick the film alone, gradually remove the protective layer of paper from the left and right edges of the glass and, pressing the film from the middle to the edges of the glass, stick it to the freed area of ​​the tape. It is not worth freeing all the tape, since it will be almost impossible to remove the film accidentally stuck to it from the tape and a piece worth 1000-1500 rubles will only have to be thrown away. So, gradually freeing the adhesive tape from the protective paper, the film is glued along the edges of the glass, last of all, the protective paper is removed from the adhesive tape located below, and the film is glued along the entire perimeter of the glass.

After this, use a sharp retractable stationery or construction knife to trim off the excess film that is not stuck to the tape or the tape that is not covered by the film. If this is not done, then dust will stick to it and over time your window will acquire a “mourning” frame.

The final stage of the sticker is treatment with hot air from a hairdryer. Try not to bring the hair dryer close to the surface of the film and do not hold it in one place for a long time. The film must be heated evenly over the entire surface. The completion of gluing will be indicated by a change in the color of the film and its complete transparency.

Wet method of film application

It is also preceded by thorough washing of the window and degreasing it with gasoline or alcohol. The film for gluing must be cut exactly to the size of the glass, without any reserves at the edges. After the film is cut, the window glass must be thoroughly moistened with a soap solution (any uncolored shampoo or detergent).

Moisten the surface of the film and apply it to the surface of the glass, applying the top edge and smoothing it from the center to the edges and stick it over the entire surface of the glass. The film glides well on a damp surface, so you can adjust its position on the glass. After adjustment, use a plastic or rubber window cleaning spatula with an absolutely even edge to squeeze out excess moisture from under the film. This must be done from the center to the edges, from top to bottom.

Particular attention should be paid to expelling air bubbles, since the film will not stick in these places.

For reliability, you can roll the glued film with a small soft rubber roller. As the solution dries, the film will straighten, stretch and stick tightly to the glass.

Advice from the experts

Most experts recommend applying this material to windows for warmth only during the winter season: in March or April it is worth removing the film to reduce heat loss. During the period from October to February inclusive, the difference between the temperature outside and inside the house is most significant, so an additional heating surface is most useful. The rest of the time there is no point in leaving the coating on. If carefully removed, the film can be reused in the future.

During installation and operation, it is necessary to protect the material from damage: it is afraid of the impact of piercing objects, especially when deployed. It is advisable to trim the film with a margin; excess can be removed after application, using, for example, a stationery knife.

If it is necessary to remove the material, carefully pull it by the corners, this allows you to remove the coating so that there are no traces of glue left on the glass surfaces.

Thermal insulation film

  • Functions
  • Price
  • Sticking


But many homeowners, even without a thermal imager, decide that the glass needs to be additionally protected from the cold!
For this purpose, energy-saving, also known as thermal insulation, athermal films are used, which are often called “third glass”. After all, they perform precisely the functions of additional glass, becoming a barrier to the entry of cold into the room and the leakage of heat from the house. Important! Yes, you can immediately buy triple-glazed windows, energy-saving, designed for severe frosts. But thermal film will definitely cost less

That is why it is in demand among owners of apartments and houses who have ordered double glazed windows.

Remember how many homeowners used to simply board up their outside windows with plastic film for the winter? Yes, it didn’t look very nice, you can’t open the window in winter, the street is practically invisible, but this measure helped reduce heat loss through the old wooden windows. Thermal films operate on the same principle and look similar to ordinary polyethylene films. However, they are easier to use, they are attached from the inside, they do not interfere with the ventilation of the rooms, and they do not block the view from the window.

When describing the types of protective films for windows, we mentioned energy-saving ones. Thermal insulation film, despite its external similarity to ordinary polyethylene, is in fact a polyester sheet on which an extremely thin layer of metal or ceramic is sprayed.

It is thanks to this layer, which is applied using the flame discharge method in an argon atmosphere, that the thermal film gains the ability to prevent warm air from escaping from the house in winter, and to prevent the room from overheating in summer. According to experts, energy-saving film on a window can raise the room temperature by at least 3°C.


The cost of thermal films for windows can vary greatly. You can buy a square meter of such a protective coating for 50 rubles, or you can buy it for 500 rubles. The difference is in the properties of the film itself. The cheapest thermal films can hardly be called truly energy-saving; they create the effect of a thermos, serve as a “third glass”, but do not protect from infrared rays.

The second advantage of expensive options is that such films combine several functions. They not only prevent heat loss, but also protect against sunlight and ultraviolet radiation. They are also part of the anti-burglary protection, preventing the window from being broken with a stone or hand tool.

In addition, expensive thermal insulation films are self-adhesive. That is, applying them to glass is much easier - the protective top layer is torn off and the canvas is carefully attached, while, of course, we must not forget about the need to remove possible air bubbles.


If the film is not self-adhesive, you can attach it to the window in the following way:

  1. Wash the entire window, degrease, wipe dry thoroughly to avoid streaks;
  2. Double-sided tape is attached along the prepared perimeter of the frame;
  3. A piece of film of the required size is cut from the purchased roll;
  4. The upper protective part of the tape is removed;
  5. The film is glued;
  6. In order for it to stretch, allow sunlight to pass through and not interfere with your view of the surroundings, you need to go over the surface of the film with a hairdryer - it stretches perfectly and becomes barely noticeable.

Important! Experts insist that the film should be glued to the frame, and not to the glass itself. In this case, an air heat-protective pocket is formed

The thermal film should be changed every year so that the protection of the room from heat leaks remains as reliable. We strongly advise you to additionally check the seals on plastic windows and replace them if necessary. Wooden frames should also be checked and, if necessary, sealed. published

If you have any questions on this topic, ask them to the experts and readers of our project.

The winter season for residents of central and northern Russia is a rather uncomfortable season. From a cold street, people strive to quickly get to a warm place. But often, once in a heated room, a person notices that it is not as warm as he would like. It is especially uncomfortable to live in a cool apartment for a long time or work in a cold office. In summer, on the contrary, it is stuffy and hot.

Types of films and window coverings

Now you know what heat-protective film for windows is, what its properties, advantages and disadvantages are. Now let's talk about its varieties

We will not take into account the cheapest varieties, which cost pennies and dissipate under the influence of solar radiation. It’s better to consider the most worthy examples, strong and hardy. All heat-saving film is divided into three categories:

All heat-saving film is divided into three categories:

  • Self-adhesive is an excellent option, although somewhat difficult to apply.
  • Heat shrink - it is mounted on window frames, not glass.
  • Film for soap solution.

Self-adhesive film is somewhat reminiscent of the one used to protect the screens of mobile phones and tablet PCs. It is glued in a similar way. The procedure is carried out as follows: carefully peel off the backing, apply the main layer to the window, continuing to peel off the backing, carefully glue the entire base layer

Please note that there is a danger of skew here

Before heating with a hairdryer, the heat-shrinkable heat-saving film looks very unpresentable, however, this allows it to be placed on the window frame in the most efficient and correct manner.

Heat-shrinkable heat-saving film is interesting for its originality. It is not glued to the window, but to the window frame using double-sided tape. Due to this, an additional air layer is formed between it and the glass - as you know, air is a good heat insulator, helping to retain heat.

Initially, shrink film looks like a sagging plastic bag - it hangs on the window frame, not differing in normal appearance. The situation can be easily corrected - we take a hair dryer or a regular hair dryer in our hands, turn it on to the heating mode, and direct a stream of hot air onto the surface of the film. Under the influence of heat, it will smooth out and take on a normal appearance. If any segment breaks or becomes unusable, it can be easily replaced.

Heat-saving film mounted on a soap solution allows you to achieve brilliant results. It is somewhat similar to car tinting, forming a strong and durable protective layer. It is glued using a soap solution - use simple soap without any additives (preferably transparent, for example, soap base for homemade soap), transparent shower gel or similar shampoo (the cheapest varieties will do). Make a light solution and begin the procedure:

  • Carefully clean the window of dirt - you can use any glass cleaner for this. It would be nice if it had the ability to remove fat. Remember, the better you prepare the base, the better the heat-saving film will adhere.
  • While the window is drying, cut pieces of suitable size from the film. Use good scissors or a special cutting tool for cutting - this will help you make neat sheets that completely cover the glass surface.
  • Take a spray bottle (it is sold in hardware stores), pour the prepared soap solution into it and apply it to the window.
  • Stick the heat-saving film on the glass, press it down, and remove air bubbles using improvised means (you can use tools for smoothing wallpaper).
  • Iron the film surface again to remove excess soap solution.
  • Take a construction or regular hairdryer, treat the entire surface of the pasting with hot air so that the film stretches and takes its final shape.

Thermal insulation film

  • Functions
  • Price
  • Sticking


But many homeowners, even without a thermal imager, decide that the glass needs to be additionally protected from the cold! For this purpose, energy-saving, also known as thermal insulation, athermal films are used, which are often called “third glass”. After all, they perform precisely the functions of additional glass, becoming a barrier to the entry of cold into the room and the leakage of heat from the house.

Important! Yes, you can immediately buy triple-glazed windows, energy-saving, designed for severe frosts. But thermal film will definitely cost less

That is why it is in demand among owners of apartments and houses who have ordered double glazed windows.

Remember how many homeowners used to simply board up their outside windows with plastic film for the winter? Yes, it didn’t look very nice, you can’t open the window in winter, the street is practically invisible, but this measure helped reduce heat loss through the old wooden windows. Thermal films operate on the same principle and look similar to ordinary polyethylene films. However, they are easier to use, they are attached from the inside, they do not interfere with the ventilation of the rooms, and they do not block the view from the window.

When describing the types of protective films for windows, we mentioned energy-saving ones. Thermal insulation film, despite its external similarity to ordinary polyethylene, is in fact a polyester sheet on which an extremely thin layer of metal or ceramic is sprayed.

It is thanks to this layer, which is applied using the flame discharge method in an argon atmosphere, that the thermal film gains the ability to prevent warm air from escaping from the house in winter, and to prevent the room from overheating in summer. According to experts, energy-saving film on a window can raise the room temperature by at least 3°C.


The cost of thermal films for windows can vary greatly. You can buy a square meter of such a protective coating for 50 rubles, or you can buy it for 500 rubles. The difference is in the properties of the film itself. The cheapest thermal films can hardly be called truly energy-saving; they create the effect of a thermos, serve as a “third glass”, but do not protect from infrared rays.

The second advantage of expensive options is that such films combine several functions. They not only prevent heat loss, but also protect against sunlight and ultraviolet radiation. They are also part of the anti-burglary protection, preventing the window from being broken with a stone or hand tool.

In addition, expensive thermal insulation films are self-adhesive. That is, applying them to glass is much easier - the protective top layer is torn off and the canvas is carefully attached, while, of course, we must not forget about the need to remove possible air bubbles.


If the film is not self-adhesive, you can attach it to the window in the following way:

  1. Wash the entire window, degrease, wipe dry thoroughly to avoid streaks;
  2. Double-sided tape is attached along the prepared perimeter of the frame;
  3. A piece of film of the required size is cut from the purchased roll;
  4. The upper protective part of the tape is removed;
  5. The film is glued;
  6. In order for it to stretch, allow sunlight to pass through and not interfere with your view of the surroundings, you need to go over the surface of the film with a hairdryer - it stretches perfectly and becomes barely noticeable.

Important! Experts insist that the film should be glued to the frame, and not to the glass itself. In this case, an air heat-protective pocket is formed

The thermal film should be changed every year so that the protection of the room from heat leaks remains as reliable. We strongly advise you to additionally check the seals on plastic windows and replace them if necessary. Wooden frames should also be checked and, if necessary, sealed. published

If you have any questions on this topic, ask them to the experts and readers of our project.

Due to rising energy costs, many people are thinking about window insulation. Why is it necessary to insulate windows? Because heat loss through windows is as much as thirty percent, and in winter this value can reach up to seventy.

You can preserve heat using various methods. The most common method of retaining heat is to seal window cracks using polyurethane foam. This helps reduce heat loss by as much as ninety percent. Or you can insulate the walls from the outside and inside.

A modern method is energy-saving films for insulating windows and their use. This material can cope with the task better than other products. Window insulation with heat-saving film is an excellent thermal insulation option.

Window care

Outdated or damaged film must be replaced with a new one. If it is glued to the frame, then you just need to peel off the tape and remove the material. The structure is then thoroughly washed and wiped dry. Some models are glued directly to the glass; removing them is a little more difficult. The lower corner is carefully pryed off with a stationery knife and torn off with a sharp hand movement from the window.

The insulated structure must be carefully looked after. You can wash the glass only five days after gluing the film. Wipe the material with a microfiber cloth or cotton cloth. You should not use aggressive chemicals; just make a warm solution of water and soap.

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