Mirror sun protection film for windows - a barrier from the scorching sun

Mirror film on windows allows you to protect the room from sunlight and prying eyes. Mirror film tinting is suitable for windows of country houses, cottages, offices, shopping and entertainment centers, and gyms. This film can be glued to any structure.

In our company you can order turnkey installation of mirror film. We work in Moscow and the Moscow region. We use only high-quality film from well-known manufacturers and therefore we confidently guarantee that it will not begin to bubble or peel. We employ only professional toners with extensive experience.

Prices for mirror film

Film typePrice per 1 m2 with work
Silver 15% – mirrorFrom 750 rub./m2
Silver 35% – mirrorFrom 750 rub./m2
Silver 50% – mirrorFrom 750 rub./m2
Gray – mirrorFrom 750 rub./m2
Gold is a mirrorFrom 750 rub./m2
Bronze - mirrorFrom 750 rub./m2
Blue – mirrorFrom 750 rub./m2
View full price list

To find out the cost of the work, you just need to leave a request on the website or call, we will do the rest ourselves.

Surface preparation, delivery of materials and booking of windows are carried out without the participation of the client. You can simply pay the bill according to the approved estimate.

We undertake the full range of services for the selection and installation of armor films.

Our other tinting services

  • Office partition tinting
  • Office window tinting
  • Building tinting
  • Window tinting in the apartment
  • Tinting of balconies and loggias

Advantages of mirror film

  • The film pays for itself in just 1-2 years;
  • The service life of the material is from 10 to 20 years;
  • Don’t worry that the room will be darker - this won’t happen, because 90% of the film transmits sunlight;
  • Overheating of the room becomes impossible, the film absorbs up to 75% of solar energy;
  • Thermal energy is reflected up to 70%, thanks to this in the summer you can save up to 80% on air conditioning;
  • Heat losses in winter will drop to 60%, which will reduce the cost of heating the room by 2 times;
  • The strength of glass and its resistance to impacts and damage increases;
  • Furniture, wallpaper, interior items are reliably protected from fading;
  • You are protected from noise from the street; any film reduces vibration on the glass.

Who do we recommend this window film to? First of all, owners of ordinary apartments, cottages, offices, gyms, boutiques, beauty salons. Mirror film for windows is ideal for owners of greenhouses and conservatories - it is an excellent investment in the business, growth, beauty and health of your plants.

Rules of care

Caring for tinted glass involves periodically cleaning the surface from dust. Cleaning should be done with a slightly damp, lint-free cloth. It is important not to use any sharp objects or rough rags. The film can be damaged by mechanical impact, especially thin film with a slight shading effect.

Do not use abrasives or brushes. To remove dust, a homemade solution of water and liquid soap (or baby shampoo) is suitable.

Our works

Why work with us

6 main advantages of our company

10+ years of experience. Currently, the total area of ​​window tinting projects we have completed is more than 100,000 sq.m.


Professionalism We employ exclusively highly qualified and highly specialized craftsmen.


High-quality materials We use only high-quality materials from foreign manufacturers in our work.


We work on a turnkey basis. A full range of work - from project development to its implementation in a release.


Free visit Free visit of a specialist to take measurements with samples of materials recommended for use.


We don’t leave trash behind. We can arrange for trash removal/removal after our work.

Place an order for window tinting right now and receive a free consultation from a specialist! To do this, you can either call 8 (499) 113-46-50 or leave yours using the feedback form and we will call you back.

9:00 – 20:00 Daily

[email protected] Ask a question

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How to prepare for tinting windows in an apartment with your own hands

When calling professionals, the issue of preparation is usually not an issue, but since the gluing procedure is very simple and does not require special tools and skills, it can be done independently.

What tool will you need?

If you plan to glue the film to the glass in a window profile, you will need to use two scrapers at once. The first scraper is a standard one, which is usually used to clean windows. It has a rubberized edge, so no marks are left on the glass. The second scraper is for cleaning glass, so it is equipped with a sharp blade.

Also, if you planned to glue the film on the windows from the sun, you will need the following set of tools:

  • Standard stationery sharpened knife.
  • Spray.
  • Paper towels or microfiber cloth.
  • A rubberized spatula or plastic spatula of large width so that it can cover a large area in one movement.
  • Household detergent that does not contain aggressive or abrasive substances.

On video: Do-it-yourself tinting of apartment windows with mirror film.

What should you consider before gluing the film?

If you do not understand how to properly glue protective self-adhesive film to glass, then it is recommended to take a closer look at the following recommendations:

  • Work must be carried out at positive air temperatures (range - from +5 to +35o C). Otherwise, the adhesive composition will take a long time to dry.
  • Air humidity should also not be too low or high. If the humidity is above 80%, then gluing the film is not recommended, because After some time it will probably go away. If the humidity in the room is insufficient, a sprayer is used to increase it.
  • Before gluing the film to the glass, the room needs to be thoroughly cleaned with a damp cloth so that there is as little dust as possible in the air. The glass surface itself must be thoroughly washed and dust free before gluing.

Calculation of the amount of foil for windows from the sun

When planning to organize sun protection for windows in an apartment, you should take measurements in advance. Most often, film for windows “from neighbors” and the sun is sold in rolls 3 m long and 0.5 m wide. Rolls of 1 m and 0.75 m are available. If the area to be covered is large, it may be more profitable to purchase film in rolls of 30 m, such materials are produced with a width of 1.52 m and are most often used for tinting plastic windows and translucent facades in office and public buildings. Therefore, when calculating the required quantity, it is worth taking into account the width and length of the glass.

Example: for a balcony with a total glazing length of 3800 and a height of 1400 mm, the film dimensions for each individual glass will be 700x1400 mm for the front windows and 500x1400 mm for the side windows. In this case, the reduction of panels by the width of the frames is not taken into account - this size is determined locally.

Film with a width of 1 m is not suitable for such windows; the optimal option in terms of minimizing losses is a roll with a width of 0.75 m and 0.5 m. Taking into account the standard roll length of 3 m, one roll is enough for two windows. Accordingly, you need 2 rolls of 0.75x3 m and one 0.5x3 m. The total cost of covering windows with solar control film will be 2..6 thousand rubles, depending on the manufacturer and quality of the material.

Preparing the surface

The first step is to clean the window of all excess and wash the glass. It is best to glue windows on a sunny summer day, when the glass is warm. Please note that the room temperature should not be lower than 4 and not higher than forty degrees. It is also desirable that the humidity in the room be 20 percent or higher.

Then, using a plastic scraper, you need to clean the glass from heavy dirt. Walk carefully around the edges of the window, as a rag will not remove stubborn dirt.


Make sure that there are no lint, hairs or other debris left on the surface of the window!

To save material, measure the width and height of your window. Cut the film to the required size using scissors or a stationery knife.

Helpful advice!

When cutting out the tint film, do not forget to leave an allowance of half a centimeter on each side (or maybe a little more); after gluing, the excess can be trimmed off.

Open the films

First of all, before gluing the film to the window, measurements are taken. It is necessary to think through the cutting so that there is a minimum amount of waste.

If during the measurements it was discovered that the width of the film is definitely not enough to treat the entire window surface at one time, then you will need to select the least noticeable joint. It is very good if it runs along the existing edge, and not in the area where the film material was cut.

Important! During the cutting process, it is necessary to leave an allowance of 2-3 mm.

Installing film on a window

Before gluing regular or stained glass film, you need to moisten the glass with clean water (you can use plain water from a bottle) mixed with a small amount of baby shampoo.

Further work is performed as follows:

  1. The protective layer is removed from the film material, and the film itself is placed on a flat surface. It is necessary to ensure that different areas do not stick together. If this happens, the film material will no longer be suitable for use.
  2. Next, carefully glue the film onto the glass surface, holding it by the edges. It should be taken into account that you first need to slightly moisten both the film material and the glass to make gluing easier.
  3. 3. Alignment must be done from the center to the edges.
  4. 4. Using a stationery knife, you need to cut off the edges that fall outside the glass surface area.
  5. 5. At the next stage, you can adjust the location of the film material if it is positioned incorrectly somewhere. Once there is no moisture left under the product, adjustments will no longer be possible. Finally, use a spatula to remove all the water.

Important! Before removing the protective layer, it is recommended to seal the edges with adhesive tape and fold the strips together. In this case, it will be possible to remove the protection as simply as possible.

Afterwards, you need to leave everything as is to dry completely. The duration of this process can be 7-10 days. Gradually, the film material will begin to lighten and become more transparent, because the water will evaporate.

Important! Air bubbles should not be removed because they should disappear on their own.

What problems may arise when applying film to glass yourself?

  • If you do not properly prepare the window for pasting, the film will stick with defects (there will be specks and bubbles under the film).
  • If you make mistakes in cutting, you may not have enough film for all the windows, or you will have to add strips of film to the windows, which will greatly spoil the appearance.

How to order film tinting

Everything is very simple:

  • Leave a request on the website or by phone.
  • Wait for our measurer and select the desired type of film from the catalog.
  • Ask all your questions.
  • Sign an agreement with us.
  • On the desired day, wait for specialists for installation.
  • Accept the work and our guarantees.

The employees of our company know very well how to glue mirror film on windows and the whole process will take several hours. Contact us today to start living in comfort soon!

Mirror tint film: any of your choice!

Our company offers several types of mirror effect film. Depending on the goals and objectives of purchasing mirror glass tinting, you can choose one of the following materials:

  • decorative models - mirror film for glass on which decorative images are applied;
  • energy-saving - relevant for rooms whose windows face the sunny side; such models provide maximum reflection of sunlight;
  • shockproof - the most durable models that ensure the safety of people in the room due to the fact that when hit from the outside, glass covered with such a film does not shatter into many fragments, but is mostly preserved in the window frame.
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