Solar control film for windows: advantages and disadvantages

Owners of apartments located on the first floors experience inconvenience due to the glances of passers-by or a nosy neighbor. A similar situation can arise for residents of apartments on any floor if the windows of another building are located opposite. At night, you can simply close the curtains. But how to combine the desire to fill the house with daylight and at the same time maintain privacy?

Window film from neighbors will help keep everything that happens in the apartment behind the scenes. Protective films expand the functionality of windows due to the specific features of the material.

Window screens come in transparent and tinted varieties. The darkening effect is provided by a layer of metallized coating. This does not affect the level of daylight passing inside. The materials differ in their internal structure.

Solar film on windows as one of the effective methods of combating indoor heat

Every year modern manufacturers develop new technologies that allow them to achieve maximum comfort and improve the quality of life. Solar control film on windows helps solve one of the most common problems, such as heat in the home. Tinting has become widespread due to the low cost of both material and installation. By gluing the film, you can reliably protect the room from excessive sunlight and ultraviolet radiation.

Using window tint film is an inexpensive but highly effective method of sun protection.

Types of sun protection films

Reflective films have different bases, the degree of transparency will differ, but they all cope with the task. Here's what you can stick on your windows to protect from solar heat:

  • In most chain supermarkets or construction stores, there are inexpensive products with a foil layer . They cost little, and the effect depends on transparency. To attach it, just moisten the glass with water and spread the film on it.
  • Tinting. From the inside it looks like a mirror, from the street it can be colored or look like tinted. It has an adhesive and protective layer. It costs more, but can be found in specialized stores or window installation shops.

    Are there colored or colorless?

  • Athermal . Sold in special stores, auto shops, it costs more than others, but is also more effective. Often happens with an applied adhesive layer.

These are the most common, not too expensive and generally available options. Any of these types will protect wall coverings and furniture from direct sunlight.

What is solar window film made of, what functions does it perform?

In the summer, in a metropolis, the constant heat turns an apartment or house into a real steam room. Therefore, most residents are wondering how to protect the premises from the penetration of sunlight and reduce the temperature in the home. Despite the fact that reflective film on windows from the sun was first used specifically to protect a car, recently it can be increasingly found on apartment windows. The material became widespread due to the large number of advantages that car lovers identified for themselves.

In the manufacture of tint film, polyester is used, which significantly improves the strength and elastic characteristics of the material.

Today, solar protective films for windows are used not only in residential premises, but also in office buildings, shopping and entertainment centers, which have a large glazing area. The main advantage of use is that without losing the transparency of the window, it is possible to significantly increase the comfort and convenience of living or staying in the room. Another advantage is improving the appearance of the home and giving it a more modern look.

The main substance from which solar protective film is produced is polyester, and the specific properties are achieved through the application of a thin metal layer. The main materials here are:

  • aluminum;
  • titanium;
  • nickel;
  • bronze;
  • silver.

On a note! As a rule, manufacturers recommend gluing reflective film to windows with the metal side. This method of gluing will simplify the dismantling of the material.

Using the decorative function of covering the film, you can create a special shaded atmosphere in the room.

Many people want to use film painted in a certain color. Such a product will consist not of two, but of three layers. The third layer will be a material that is applied under production conditions using a laminator. This technology ensures longer color retention, and the additional layer will provide better sun protection.

Modern manufacturers have made it possible to solve several problems with the help of reflective materials: some glue film to windows so that what is happening in the room from the street cannot be seen, and others purely to protect the home from the penetration of solar flow. The simplest product options can only provide room protection from the sun, while more expensive branded products prevent the penetration of ultraviolet radiation into the room, thereby preserving the surfaces of furniture and household appliances from fading and loss of color.

It is with the help of the decorative function of the coating that it will be possible to create a special shaded atmosphere, give the room coziness and, if necessary, fill it with the desired color scheme. Decorative film can be used to decorate both the facade and interior design of a room, when it is necessary to highlight or, conversely, emphasize the style of the room.

The metallized layer acts as a kind of screen for solar radiation.

Benefits you can get by installing solar control film on your window

The wide popularity of solar reflective films for windows can be explained by the large number of benefits that the user receives as a result of its use. Let's consider the main advantages of using such products.

The ability to transmit visible light, but at the same time block infrared radiation and ultraviolet radiation. All modern window tinting films work this way, although earlier versions of the materials simply darkened the windows, but did not prevent overheating. The latest technology is designed in such a way that the sticker does not absorb visible light, but the temperature in the room can be reduced in some cases by 10 degrees.

Preservation of heat during the cold season. Sun protection for windows helps to retain about 50% of the heat in the room, which indicates sufficient energy-saving properties. The principle of providing this advantage is as follows: the material from which the film is made repels infrared rays in the direction from which they come. Therefore, the heat generated in the apartment does not escape through the windows, which is especially important for houses with panoramic windows or apartments with a large glazing area.

Window tint film can reduce infrared radiation by up to 80%.

Creating a mirror layer that does not allow prying eyes to observe what is happening in the room. This property is useful for both residential and commercial premises located on the ground floors or near other buildings. In addition, the interior, thanks to the mirror tint film, is reliably protected from optical-visual surveillance devices.

Additional security. If for some reason the integrity of the window is damaged, the glass will not crumble into small fragments, but will be fixed on the glued protective film. This will avoid injuries and cuts.

Note! Despite the fact that a window with film does not crumble into small pieces, it is still quite easy to break it from inside the apartment, which is required by fire safety standards. This is because if there is a fire in the house, windows may be the only way to escape safely.

The unique film manufacturing technology allows us to minimize the amount of incoming solar energy without significant loss of optical visibility.

Rearranging colors

If it is not possible to move the flowers away from the window, then rearrange the flowers on the windowsill. This option is especially relevant for those gardeners who have many plants. Place desert cacti and sun-loving succulents, as well as certain types of palms, in close proximity to the glass.

You need to remove the sun from windows during the most dangerous hours - from 12 to 16 hours

Desert cacti (mammillaria, echinopsis and astrophytum) are able to do without water for a long time and tolerate direct sun absolutely calmly. Agave, Crassula, Adenium and Sansevieria are sun-tolerant succulents. Of the palm trees, you can place the Canary date and Bismarckia nobilis in the foreground.

The second row should be occupied by plants that prefer bright, diffused light. Most indoor flowers belong to this group.

Positive qualities of window tint film highlighted by most users

In addition to the practical side of using solar films on windows in an apartment, one can also highlight the aesthetic component. This includes the ability to choose the optimal color of glass, which will be an excellent addition to the exterior and interior. Thanks to a large selection of shades (from silver to soft purple, blue or gold), you can choose the best option that matches the color of the roof or walls of the building.

According to reviews, sun-protection films for windows have the advantage of being able to protect expensive curtains from fading, because even high-quality textiles can lose color under constant sunlight. Thanks to the wide temperature range (from -40 to +80 °C) at which it is permissible to use the film, both textiles and furniture will have their original appearance for a long period.

If you take into account the fact that the coating protects the windows from the sun, which causes an increase in the temperature in the room, you will be able to save a little on the electricity that is spent on air conditioning. There is also the possibility of purchasing a device of lower power and operating it in energy-saving mode. The cost savings will be especially noticeable if you apply the film in an apartment or cottage with large windows or in a spacious retail or office space.

The tint film allows you to avoid possible overheating of the room in hot weather.

Most users consider the possibility of simple, self-installation to be another important advantage of solar glass film. The material can be applied to already installed windows. There is no need to remove glass, unscrew frames or purchase special tools. All that needs to be done before work is to thoroughly wash the windows with soapy water, removing excess moisture with a slime, and let them dry thoroughly. The entire installation process is unlikely to take more than a few hours. If you don’t have confidence in your own abilities, it is better to invite a specialist to do the work, which will avoid damage to the material.

Other advantages of solar control films for windows and some disadvantages

In addition to the advantages listed above, using glass film will help prevent glass fogging, which affects the appearance of the entire room, especially if there are no curtains on the windows. This is true in apartments where “crying windows” are observed in winter. An additional protective layer will prevent the glass from freezing, which is why condensation forms on the inner surface of the window.

Note! Few people know that after gluing a protective layer on the glass, the harmful effects on the eyes resulting from too bright lighting are reduced. This will keep your vision normal for longer. You will also be able to use computer equipment and watch TV with greater comfort, because rays will not hit the screen.

Poorly applied or low-quality film can peel off from the glass unit.

As you can see, the coating has a large number of positive qualities, the main one of which can be considered to be the protection of the room from overheating.

But before buying, you should familiarize yourself with the main disadvantages, such as:

  1. Fragility of the material. The surface of the film is thin, which is why it is quite easy to damage, especially if you are not careful during installation.
  2. Excessive stickiness. In some cases, the self-adhesive film on glass may stick so strongly that it cannot be torn off even with the use of heating devices.
  3. Excessive darkness on cloudy days. Due to the fact that the coating blocks some of the light, you will most likely have to use lighting items more often, especially if it is cloudy or dark outside.

In general, the service life reaches 7-10 years. Here everything depends not only on the installation technology, but also on the quality of the purchased products. A poorly glued or low-quality film can peel off or has an insufficient light-repellent effect.

What is athermal solar film for windows?

Athermal film for windows is distinguished by a special type of energy-saving coating, the primary task of which is to ensure maximum heat retention in the room. It was the relevance of energy-saving coatings that led to the development of multilayer films characterized by the presence of several protective layers. Various ultra-thin coatings are created using rare earth and precious metals, through which the visible spectrum of light passes, but the penetration of infrared and ultraviolet radiation is reduced to a minimum.

Athermal film for windows ensures maximum heat retention in the room.

The use of athermal coating reduces heat loss through window glass by 35-45% in the cold season, and in summer it protects the room from excessive heating. Thanks to these advantages of the material and the manufacturing features of the spraying, it is possible to cover windows with film located not only on the brightly lit side of the building, but also in rooms that are oriented to the north.

A significant positive property is also considered to be the creation of a special protective screen using a metallized coating, which prevents electromagnetic radiation from entering the home. In this case, the propagation of electromagnetic waves does not extend in both directions.

Higher spray density makes glass with adhesive film safer and increases the ability of windows to withstand significant loads. Many manufacturers produce a large number of protective films for windows, which have different transmission capacities - from 90-95% to complete blackout. Most often, such products can be found on balcony windows, staircases and winter gardens.

Various ultra-thin coatings on athermal film are created using rare earth and precious metals.

It’s hot in the apartment – ​​will air conditioning help?

One of the most common, but controversial options is installing an air conditioner. Climate control equipment will automatically maintain the optimal air temperature, creating coolness, and in the cold season, if necessary, heat the room.

Photo: an air conditioner from the heat in an apartment can cause illness. Disadvantages of air conditioners:

  • High cost of equipment and installation (on average 40,000 rubles for a room of 20 m2), constant costs for electricity and maintenance (cleaning, antibacterial treatment, etc.). For example, for a two-room apartment, the amount of one-time costs will be about 120,000 rubles; maintenance and operation will require another 12,000 rubles per year.
  • Health hazard. Air conditioning dries the air, due to which the body dehydrates, and also dries out the mucous membranes of the nose, reducing the body's defense against respiratory infections, and therefore the risk of getting sick increases sharply.
  • Some people cannot tolerate air conditioning, as a result of which they feel unwell or often get sick, so this method of dealing with heat in an apartment is not suitable for them.

Features of using tinted mirror film on windows

The main characteristic of window tinting film is the ability to completely block the ultraviolet flux emitted by the sun. Most of these coatings do not transmit more than 1-3% of the total radiation volume. Due to its attractive appearance, tinted protection is often used not only to cover facade elements, but also to decorate interior plastic or glass surfaces in an apartment. Depending on the production characteristics, the tinting film can have a matte or glossy structure, and also have different densities and thicknesses.

After applying a special coating, the incoming light is scattered, which makes it more convenient to use office equipment and view programs even on an out-of-date screen that does not have a built-in anti-glare system. Depending on the manufacturer and manufacturing features, films differ in size, appearance and functions.

The most common surfaces include:

  • mirrored;
  • protective;
  • decorative;
  • sun protection;
  • matte.

Mirror solar reflective film is characterized by the presence of a mirror effect.
Mirror solar films for windows can be found most often on windows, because their presence is easy to recognize with the naked eye. The main component in the manufacture of the coating is metallized polyethylene terephthalate, the main function of which is to reflect solar flow. In addition, after applying the coating, personal privacy increases, because it will be impossible to see what is happening inside the room. It is important not to forget the fact that in the evening, when the light is on, the reflective effect of the film will be significantly reduced.

On a note! Leading manufacturers claim that the mirror coating can block 99.5% of ultraviolet rays. This allows you to protect your living or working space from bright lighting, associated heat and harmful solar exposure, increasing the comfort of staying indoors.

It is this type of film that helps to retain the main heat inside the building in winter, because heat rays are reflected exactly in the direction from which they come.

According to the installation method, solar mirror films for windows are classified into two groups:

  1. External. They are installed on the glass from the street side and are distinguished by the presence of an additional protective layer that can withstand various types of atmospheric influences. Products are available for purchase in light shades and dark metallic colors.
  2. Internal. You can purchase mirror films for windows of any degree of darkness. Installation takes place either between the chambers of a double-glazed window or on the inside of the glass that is located in the room.

The mirror layer can be located on the inside or outside of the glass.

Blinds and curtains blackout or sun-reflective from the heat in the apartment

The easiest way to block sunlight, and therefore reduce heat, is to close the windows with blackout blinds or curtains. There are various options from budget to premium.

Advantages of blinds and curtains, blackout or solar reflective:

  • do not transmit or reflect sunlight due to the use of special materials and weaving technology;
  • Various design options are available (classic curtains, pleated curtains, roller blinds, cassette, Japanese, Roman blinds);
  • the ability to quickly adjust the level of illumination (when the sun is open it will heat the room).

In order for the materials to acquire an additional reflective effect, some models use metal or acrylic coating. Preference should be given to options in light colors.

Photo: interior option with blackout curtains from the heat in the apartment Disadvantages of blackout curtains and blinds:

  • during the daytime you will have to use artificial electric lighting (electricity costs);
  • thick curtains may look too heavy and do not always match the interior, and blinds are difficult to fit organically into the home interior; they give the room an “office” look;
  • after washing, the properties of the reflective coating deteriorate;
  • requires care - washing, wet cleaning;
  • do not have heat and sound insulation properties;
  • hot air still penetrates into the room due to heating of the glass, the space between the window and the curtain (blinds) becomes hot.

To combat heat in an apartment, this method cannot be considered effective enough. The main function of blinds and blackout curtains is protection from light, not relief from heat. Therefore, it is worth assessing how justified their purchase is, given that the difference in cost between ordinary and opaque curtains is about 35%.

Other popular types of reflective films for windows

The so-called solar control curtain film for windows is installed primarily in order to protect the room from sunlight and at the same time maintain full lighting inside. Installation of this type of film is recommended only on windows with a southern orientation in order to ensure coolness in the hot season. The level of ability of such a coating to retain solar rays reaches 98%, and the amount of retained infrared radiation reaches 95%, while the throughput is more than 75%. In winter, installing solar control film helps to retain the heat coming from heating devices.

A special version of protective film for glass is considered a cheap alternative to window grilles, because they have anti-vandal and anti-burglary characteristics. The coating is recommended for use by residents of the first floors or owners of private cottages. In this case, the thickness of the polymer reaches maximum values ​​- 115-600 microns, which is almost twice as much as in previous versions of sun protection coatings.

The films have a high level of protection that meets European standards A1, A2, A3. This suggests that breaking such glass will be problematic. Even if the integrity is broken, it will remain on the polymer; it will not be possible to remove it completely quickly.

Fire protection film can be used in residential premises.

Note! Some manufacturers offer their customers coatings that can minimize the consequences of explosions, as well as those that have fire-fighting properties and delay the spread of fire and smoke for a long time.

Installing frosted film on windows will cost several times less than installing frosted glass. A distinctive feature of the coating is high light transmission of 87%, with minimal visibility from the street. Most often, partitions or entrance doors in the office, as well as the surfaces of display cases, are covered with matte films. A large number of films of different shades are available for purchase. The main advantage is the ability to apply a store or company logo to the matte surface.

Decorative film is installed on windows primarily to decorate the glass. Currently, you can purchase products with various ornaments or designs that allow you to perfectly fit the window opening into the surrounding interior and add a “zest” to the room. This type of film is often used on windows and partitions in the bathroom. Also, in houses and apartments with a vintage interior, it is important to stick stained glass films on windows as the cheapest possible alternative to real stained glass.

Decorative film can have different colors.

Should I glue the film myself or entrust it to the experts?

Let's compare!

For self-installation:

  • It is important to correctly determine the window size/amount of film so as not to overpay.
  • the surface must be prepared for the film to last long.
  • You need to glue carefully and carefully to avoid cracks, swelling, and peeling.
  • It is advisable to use special equipment so that the surface is perfectly flat.

Film sticker by “Safe Glass” craftsmen:

  • accurate measurements : regardless of your room, window area and number.
  • neat work : without damage to the film, cracks, blisters and scratches.
  • quick sticker : a full range of work without wasting time and lengthy preparation.
  • high-quality result : with minimal effort from the customer and time.
  • inexpensive : and with exact compliance with what the client wants to receive.

Rules for selecting colors and density, popular manufacturers of window stickers

The ability of a coating to transmit light flux is expressed as a percentage, and the higher the indicator, the more sunlight can pass through the material.

Density is selected based on the following indicators:

  • the need to ensure the confidentiality of the premises;
  • room lighting conditions;
  • personal preferences of the owners.

Choosing the desired coating color in retail establishments will not be difficult due to the large assortment of shades. When choosing the right color scheme, you should focus not only on the surrounding interior, but also on the degree of light transmission of each shade. It is the color of the film that will subsequently become the main component of the appearance of the interior, because each tone has its own transparency indicators.

Below are the transparency levels (in percentage) of the most commonly purchased shades:

  • purple, gray and bronze – 15;
  • smoky – 20;
  • gray, blue, golden – up to 35;
  • silver – up to 50.

A wide selection of film densities allows you to achieve the desired result without any problems.
When purchasing self-adhesive film for glass, you should not try to save money, because there is a high probability of purchasing a low-quality product. Cheap materials may have uneven application. In addition, over time they stick to the surface so much that it becomes impossible to separate them from the window, and it is recommended to change the coating once every 7-8 years. In order not to regret the purchase and the money spent, it is recommended to initially give preference to products from trusted manufacturers.

The following brands have proven themselves best:

  1. Eastman Chemical. The largest American company with the most modern equipment for film production.
  2. Ultra Vision and Armolan. Other companies from the USA that are constantly developing new technologies, offering the buyer functional and thoughtful innovations. They are considered companies that sell products with an optimal price-quality ratio.
  3. Professional Window Film. A South Korean company that supplies high-quality film to the domestic market at an affordable price.
  4. Sun Control. A well-known UK company, but the main enterprises are also concentrated in South Korea. The distinctive features of the films are premium quality and high cost.

Various methods and features of installing window film

Installing solar reflective film on windows is not a difficult task, but requires minimal skills. You shouldn’t try to do everything quickly - it’s better to spend a few hours, but do the job efficiently. If you are not confident in your own abilities, you can turn to specialized companies for help, whose contacts are usually known at the point of sale of the material.

When gluing the tint film, the temperature in the room should be maintained from +5 to +40 degrees.

Before gluing the solar control film on the window yourself, you should make sure you have the following tools:

  • a spatula, and it is better to take not a metal one, but a rubber or plastic one, to avoid damage;
  • stationery knife;
  • scraper;
  • spray bottle;
  • glass cleaner or regular liquid soap.

There are three coating methods:

  1. Inside the glass unit. Provides reliable protection against overheating. But installation of the film is only possible at the window manufacturing stage, because it is located on the inside of the glass facing the street.
  2. On the outside of the outer glass. This type of installation ensures maximum heat reflection; the coating is cooled by wind blowing.
  3. From inside the room. The laminated inner part of the glass, which opens into the room, helps to retain heat inside the room, and in the summer it does not allow the room to overheat unnecessarily. In this case, you need to choose the right level of light transmittance of the material, which should not be less than 30-40%.

Window tinting, including balconies and loggias, can be done on the inside or outside of the glass.

Film gluing technology

The canvas for gluing to glass is cut 5-10 mm larger than the size of the glass, measured from bead to bead vertically and horizontally. You need to work with an assistant.

Most reflective films are applied using the “wet” method. To do this, the glass surface is moistened with a solution of liquid detergent (colorless shampoo, dishwashing liquid) in distilled (purified) water in a ratio of 1:200. It is desirable that the solution does not foam.

Apply the solution to the glass surface using a spray bottle.

The film is applied from the top edge of the window. First, remove a strip of film 30-50 mm wide from the protective backing and apply it to the upper edge of the glass. An assistant aligns the canvas vertically so that the excess film evenly extends onto the side beads.

After this, using a rubber spatula 100-150 mm wide, using vertical movements from top to bottom, squeeze out excess soap solution from under the film, trying to avoid the formation of air bubbles.

An assistant evenly releases the film from the protective backing, and you keep the top edge from sliding while simultaneously smoothing the film with a spatula.

Never remove the backing from the entire film! After this it will be almost impossible to stick it evenly.

After gluing is completed, use a sharp retractable knife (with replaceable blades) to cut off the excess film along the glazing beads. Remember to break off the edge of the blade after each cut on the glass to keep the blade sharp at all times.

More on the topic:

  1. Decorative films for windows. Features of choice and installation subtleties
  2. Energy saving film. An effective way to keep your apartment warm
  3. Is the use of heat-saving film on windows justified?
  4. What to stock up on and what to be careful of when trying to remove the film from a plastic window?

Tools for work

To apply the sun protection film you will need the following tools:

  1. a scraper designed for washing windows;
  2. spray;
  3. stationery knife;
  4. scissors;
  5. rubber spatula;
  6. ruler;
  7. detergent,
  8. lint-free fabric.

The water used is ordinary, purified.

General rules for gluing film

It is advisable that the weather be sunny during installation; at this time the glass is warm, which has a positive effect on gluing. Before gluing the solar control film to the apartment window, you need to do a wet cleaning.

Cleaned glass should be free of lint. When cutting, you need to leave a margin of 3 mm on each side. At the end of gluing, you can trim off the excess with a sharp knife.

Where to glue

Sunscreen window film is used for covering residential windows, offices, industrial buildings, and shop windows. There are models that are glued to the outside or inside of the room. Using mirror self-adhesive film, furniture and store windows for advertising are decorated.

Glass gluing technology

It is advisable to install solar control film on glass that is pulled out of the frame. But this is not always possible, so installation usually takes place directly on the windows.

When gluing, the air temperature should be between +4 and +40. If the room is colder, the glue will take a long time to dry, but in hot weather it will dry quickly. Recommended air humidity is from 20 to 80%.

Stages of preparing a window for pasting:

  1. Wash the glass with baby shampoo.
  2. If there is dried dirt, use a scraper to clean the glass.
  3. Remove glazing beads, if any, and wash them.
  4. Before pasting, wipe with a clean, lint-free cloth.

Film gluing process:

  1. Measure the glass.
  2. Check the quality of the material, make sure there are no gaps, unroll the roll and turn it towards the light.
  3. Using a ruler and pencil, make markings and cut out carefully so as not to tear the film.
  4. Wet the glass with soapy water using a spray bottle.
  5. Remove the protective layer from the film and moisten the window with water to neutralize the action of the glue.
  6. We attach the upper edge to the glass with the adhesive side and smooth it smoothly, removing all the bubbles.
  7. Using a spatula, we expel all the air; if it still remains, you can lift the film a little and get rid of the bubbles. Just do this quickly so that the glue does not dry out.
  8. To control, you need to go through the spatula again, especially along the edges.
  9. Trim off the excess with a knife.

You can look at your work from the outside and once again check the quality of the pasting.

How to install and care for window foil

In order to apply the coating without shifts, air bubbles and other nuances, you should pay attention to exogenous factors, such as:

  1. Ambient temperature. The optimal range is considered to be from 5 to 35 °C. If you glue the coating at a temperature below the minimum recommended, it will take a lot of time for the glue to dry, and if it is too high, the glue will dry out quickly, and the coating will not have time to fix.
  2. Humidity. Despite the fact that during the work you need to use a spray bottle, you need to pay attention to humidity levels, which should be in the range of 30-75%.
  3. No dust. Before gluing, you should wet clean the room so that dust particles in the air cannot deteriorate the quality of the gluing.

On a note! Installation usually begins with surface preparation and cutting of reflective film for windows. To completely cover the window glass in one piece, take a piece whose dimensions are 2-3 cm larger than the parameters of the glass.

When gluing, the film should not contain foreign particles.

Installation includes the following steps:

  1. After the window has been thoroughly washed, clean water is sprayed onto the surface of the glass: in this case, it is better to use bottled or distilled water.
  2. To prevent dust from floating in the air, it is recommended to spray a little water 60 cm from the glass.
  3. The protective coating is removed from the surface of the film, and the material itself is sprayed with water from the sprayer. This is done in order to prevent hardening and to provide an opportunity, if necessary, to correct installation flaws.
  4. A pre-prepared piece is applied to the window.
  5. Using a rubber spatula, remove water from under the film by pressing movements from the middle to the edges of the sheet.

After completing the work, you should carefully inspect the surface to ensure that no water, air or dust accidentally remains under the sheet. It is also necessary to ensure that the film adheres evenly to the glass. After this, the excess material is cut off and the edges are pressed tightly against the glass. It is not recommended to touch the film for 5-7 days until the glue is completely dry.

The humidity level when installing foil should not exceed 80% and be below 20%.

Like any other protective coating, the film requires care and respect. To avoid integrity violations, the following rules must be followed:

  1. Do not use any abrasive substances or detergents that contain elements that can scratch the coating to clean windows.
  2. Do not use a hard sponge during the washing process. The best option is a microfiber cloth or a special soft material for polishing glass and mirrors.

On a note! The best way to clean the surface is a solution consisting of warm water and liquid soap.

No matter how good the foil for windows is, you will still have to remove it over time. To do this, it is recommended to use one of the methods:

  1. Mechanical. It is carried out using a sharp knife, with which the canvas is cut into small strips and removed in parts.
  2. Chemical. For this method, you will need ammonia, in which a cotton cloth corresponding to the size of the glass is generously moistened and applied to the window for 2-3 hours. After this, you just need to rinse the window thoroughly.
  3. Using a hair dryer. After heating the glass surface, the film can be easily removed, but traces of glue may remain, which must be removed with a solvent.

Foil, like any protective coating, requires care and respect.
Purchasing reflective solar film for windows is considered a profitable option, because the material is low cost and easy to install, which you can do yourself with minimal skills. In addition to the fact that the coating will reduce the impact of ultraviolet radiation on the organs of vision and prevent excessive heating of the room, the film will give the room a cozy look and make living more comfortable at any time of the year.

Types of mosquito nets for plastic windows (read more)

What are the consequences of using low-quality film?

First of all, the quality of adhesion to the glass during the gluing process. The thicker and more uneven the thickness of the film, the more difficult it is to remove air bubbles from under it.

A film that is different in thickness or has defects on the surface, pasted on a window, when held up to light, will clearly (visually) show you the defect in the form of different density, weakly colored areas, a spotted or striped structure, streaks or defects that cannot be eliminated by any means.

If the reflective film has an unevenly applied adhesive layer to the surface, then during operation, as it dries, it can tightly stick to the glass and it will be very difficult to remove it without the use of tools or chemical solvents. And their use may result in scratches on the glass or damage to the paintwork of the window frame.

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