DIY window tinting in an apartment: mirror, protective, matte

Why tint windows

  • I want to say that the eastern and southern sides of the house are subject to significant exposure to sunlight. If your windows face these sides of the horizon, then you have probably noticed that wallpaper and curtains fade there very quickly. Tinting windows in such rooms will help solve this problem.
  • Window tinting will help protect the human body from exposure to ultraviolet and infrared rays.
  • If you live on the first floor of a multi-storey building, then everything that happens in the apartment can be observed by anyone passing along the street. Window tinting will be a great option to hide your privacy from prying eyes.
  • Tinted windows are quite stylish and beautiful. You should not make the room a real closet. It is possible to simply darken the windows, or give them some shade. This solution can significantly decorate the interior.
  • If you use a tint film, options for tinting car windows are suitable, it will protect the surface from mechanical damage and contamination.
  • In the summer, window tinting saves you from the heat and significantly lowers the temperature in the room.

Prices for windows with tinted glass units

Tinted PVC windows

Product price: 7,300 rub.Product price: 11,740 rub.Product price: 14,160 rub.
Turnkey: 14,600 rub.Turnkey: 21,500 rub.Turnkey: 25,100 rub.

Tinted wooden windows

Product price: 21,550 rub.Product price: 29,500 rub.Product price: 34,850 rub.
With installation: 30,150 rub.With installation: 42,900 rub.With installation: 50,650 rub.

Tinted windows made of warm aluminum

Product price: 23,800 rub.Product price: 32,700 rub.Product price: 38,100 rub.
With installation: 31,900 rub.With installation: 44,200 rub.With installation: 51,300 rub.

* Prices for windows are calculated taking into account the average discount for a volume of 3 or more products

Methods of applying tint

  1. When purchasing or replacing plastic windows, you can order already tinted windows. They are made directly at the factory. To obtain the desired shade, a dye of the required color is added to the composition.
  2. Another way to darken windows is spraying. This process involves applying a tinting layer by spraying onto the glass while it is still hot.
  3. Vacuum tinting is also a way to darken windows only at the factory.
  4. If these options do not suit you, then there is the most common and cheapest way to tint the windows in your apartment or house. This is the use of adhesive film. Tinting using this method is quite simple; you just need to choose the appropriate color and shade.

How can you tint the windows in your apartment?

There are several tinting options, depending on the intended purpose. Very often in the summer we want as little sunlight as possible to penetrate into the house. Ultraviolet radiation significantly heats objects, increasing the temperature in the room, which makes the living conditions in it uncomfortable. Therefore, the best option is to use products that reflect the sun's rays. Using blinds or Roman shades is less effective, since some of the sun's rays are still absorbed even by light-colored curtains, and increase the temperature in the room.

How can you tint windows in an apartment, types of films:

  • Dark mirror
  • Mirror opaque


Advantages and disadvantages

Window tinting has its advantages and disadvantages. Having considered all sides of the issue, you can make an informed decision: do you need a tinting film or not. Let's start with the advantages:

  • The film is installed on any type of windows, including glazing of a balcony or loggia. Its direct purpose is to absorb ultraviolet rays. The material copes with this task perfectly, transmitting only 1% of ultraviolet radiation. As a result, the room does not heat up, and furniture and wallpaper are protected from fading.
  • The protective film prevents heat loss; therefore, by tinting the loggia, you will make it suitable for living at any time of the year. Let us immediately clarify that without a heating system, living on a balcony in the winter season will be very difficult.
  • Performs tinting and protective functions. Glazing a balcony is an excellent solution, but if your apartment is located on the ground floor, there is a risk that the window will be broken. For example, children playing in the yard will accidentally hit the loggia window with a ball. If we ignore the costs of restoring the window (this responsibility can be assigned to the parents of the bully), the issue of safety remains. Flying glass can injure people on the balcony. If a tinting film is applied to the windows, the risk of injury will be reduced to zero: the fragments will be held together by the film.

  • Thanks to tinting, you will perfectly see everything that happens outside the apartment, but you won’t be able to look inside the room from the street. Accordingly, residents of the first floors can do without curtains during the day.

USEFUL INFORMATION: Warm and cold aluminum profiles for windows: differences, manufacturer's choice

Protective films also have disadvantages:

  • Only a certain spectrum of rays passes through the tinting of balcony windows and loggias, so the apartment will always be twilight.
  • Protection from sunlight in winter will also have a negative side: the apartment will warm up slowly. This is especially noticeable if there are heating problems in the city.
  • You won’t be able to completely abandon the installation of curtains: when it gets dark outside, the lights turned on in the rooms will provide an excellent view from the street.

However, even despite the existing disadvantages, window tinting is very popular.

Benefits of tinting

Tinting plastic windows has a lot of pros and cons. To come to a final conclusion, you need to consider both sides.


  • You can stick the film on glass in any room (on a loggia or balcony). It absorbs ultraviolet radiation, allowing only 1% to pass through. The room is provided with a comfortable temperature, furniture, curtains and wallpaper do not fade.
  • Tinting the windows of the loggia will reduce heat loss, making it suitable for living in the summer.
  • Protective function. On the first floors there is a risk that a window may break. Thanks to the film, the glass will not fall inside the apartment and will not fly down. They will adhere to the film, thereby reducing the risk of injury.
  • During the day you can see everything that happens outside, but you cannot see what is happening indoors. Even on the first floor you don’t need to use curtains.
  • You can use a film with increased impact resistance for maximum protection.
  • To determine the degree of darkness that is comfortable for each person, you can choose any shade of the film.
  • Provides optimal light supply for indoor plants. The film will prevent them from dying in the summer heat.
  • Protects glass from minor external mechanical damage.

Different types of films for your home

You can choose the type of film that suits you:

ToningMirrorProtectiveEnergy saving
for absorbing sunlight, shading a room, protecting furniture, wallpaper from fading, and general comfort in the home. for protection from sunlight and prying eyes. In this case, it will be impossible to view the room through the windows. to increase the impact resistance of glass, protection from mechanical damage, protection from small and large fragments if the window is damaged. for comfort in summer and winter. In hot weather, such windows reflect heat, and in winter they do not let it out of the room, increasing the overall energy efficiency of the house or cottage.

You can order any type of film for your home or cottage from our company. We will offer decor options, take window measurements and install film.

Sun protection

Solar control films are usually installed on the south side of the house. Glass with such films reflects part of the solar energy. As a result, the room does not heat up as much on a sunny day, and there is no glare on TV screens and computer monitors.


If your apartment is on the ground floor or an apartment building is built nearby and the neighbors' windows are located in close proximity to yours, you have to constantly keep the curtains drawn. In this case, installing tinting with a mirror effect (so-called one-way visibility) will help. With its help, it will be impossible to view the room from the outside. But only during the daytime. In the evening or at night, when the light inside is much brighter than outside, this effect disappears.


Another remarkable effect of tint films is their protective function. Security films can protect premises from unauthorized burglary due to their anti-impact properties. Depending on the modification of the film, the glass can either be completely unbreakable, or you will need to apply enough force to break it. In addition, if children accidentally break a window in a children's room, the glass will break into large pieces, which will protect them from cuts.


If glass partitions are built in an apartment or office, using frosted solutions you can improve the functionality of these structures at the lowest cost. To limit transparency, instead of frosted glass, you can install regular glass and cover it with matte tint films. This method, among other things, will protect office personnel from injury when partitions are destroyed. And the economic benefits of using films instead of using expensive special glasses are obvious.

In our world, any phenomenon has both pros and cons. This also applies to tint films. In addition to the undeniable advantages, there are also disadvantages. For example, twilight in your apartment will come a little earlier than in your neighbors. This is due to the limited capacity of the tinted window. The second disadvantage can be considered the ability to transmit light radiation only of a certain spectrum. If, for example, you use a film of silver shades, then the interior items in the room will be in gray tones.

Types of tint films

Having finally decided on the need to tint the windows, not everyone thinks about how important it is to purchase high-quality material. As a rule, they buy the first film they come across, but this is highly undesirable.

First, you need to understand what protective films are, and then finally decide on the choice of the appropriate material.

Option #1 - sun protection

Sun protection or darkening film is one of the most popular materials for tinting balconies and loggias. It is capable of blocking about 98% of ultraviolet radiation.

By covering the glass on the balcony with sun protection film, you don’t have to worry about the sun’s rays damaging your equipment or interior items

In addition to its main function - to protect the room from sunlight, this film allows you to maintain a comfortable temperature on the balcony all year round.

Option #2 - mirror

This version of the film is used to create visibility from only one side of the glass, most often the inside.

At the same time, from the street side, the effect of a mirror surface is created, thanks to which no one will see the furnishings of your loggia, the clothes dryer or the mess on the balcony.

Mirror film reflects up to 95% of sunlight and 75% of heat, thereby creating a comfortable atmosphere indoors.

Mirror film can reduce the room temperature by 6-14 degrees Celsius. In addition, it becomes a reliable barrier to UV radiation

Option #3 - shockproof

Shockproof or protective film is most often used to protect double-glazed windows by residents of lower floors. It protects the glass from chips and cracks, for example, if a small stone is thrown at it.

In addition, the shockproof film has fire-fighting properties and protects the balcony premises from direct sunlight.

Option #4 - decorative

This film option is perhaps the most diverse of all those listed. There are many colors, patterns and designs available for sale.

In addition to the variety of colors and patterns, decorative films can differ in texture - there are matte and glossy options

If desired, you can choose an option that will fit perfectly into any room design and, in addition to practical benefits, will perfectly complement the interior.

Width of colors

The light transmittance of an athermal product is determined by percentage; the higher this indicator, the more light passes inside.

Color options and their level of transparency:

  • silver: 15-50%;
  • bronze, green, purple: 15;
  • smoky: 20%;
  • gray, blue, gold: 15-35%;
  • solar bronze: 20-35%.


Even if the room is on the shady side, everyone is probably familiar with such unpleasant phenomena as:

  • overheating of the apartment in the summer heat;
  • fading of wallpaper and furniture from constant exposure to sunlight;
  • discomfort from glare when watching TV or working at a computer.

If you shade the room with thick curtains, then this will not solve the problem of overheating in the apartment. In addition, curtained windows make the room gloomier.

That is why they use a special film, the main function of which is athermal. It creates darkness and effectively solves all problems of overheating and color fading on interior items.

Tinting film is a material that perfectly filters sunlight. Thanks to this protection, up to 80% of ultraviolet radiation is reflected, so the room maintains a cool temperature in the summer.

The advantages of tinting are obvious:

  • As a rule, the tint coating is attached in order to significantly muffle the intense bright light of the sun, which hits directly on the glass.
  • Tinting reliably retains heat in the apartment. This is relevant in winter, when the film does not allow warm air to pass out, minimizing the appearance of any “cold bridges”.
  • Any tint film has a mirror surface, so it is impossible to see what is happening in the apartment from the outside.
  • Modern decorative films can become a stylish accent in the interior; they are often printed with photographs, which emphasize the overall design concept of the interior.
  • If glass breaks, its fragments usually fly throughout the room. This does not happen if the window is tinted. In case of any mechanical damage, glass fragments remain on the film. This makes it safer to dismantle the glass unit and troubleshoot problems.

  • Some manufacturers produce films with armored properties. Such options can protect the apartment not only from unwanted light, but also from illegal entry from the outside.
  • Monitor and TV screens do not glare when using film on windows, which allows you to work quietly or comfortably watch your favorite show.
  • A wide range of films offers different degrees of darkening options depending on the user's wishes.
  • Houseplants often die from scorching rays and contact with hot glass. When tinting, an optimal supply of light and heat will be ensured for the flora growing on the windowsill.
  • Among other things, the film protects the coating well from any minor damage and chips.

Of course, film is not an ideal solution. It has its disadvantages:

  • If the window faces north or is shaded, then the overall atmosphere in the room after tinting becomes quite gloomy. This is due to the fact that the film transmits rays only of a certain spectrum, therefore, for example, if a silver-colored film is attached to the glass, then the room itself will acquire grayish tints.
  • Most of the sunlight in contact with tinted windows is reflected, so very few rays get inside, which significantly reduces the degree of heating of the apartment. This is noticeable in cold weather and on stormy days.

The principle of protective film is similar to the effect of sunglasses, which reflect waves of a certain type, size and characteristics. Such a film is produced by mechanical rolling of several layers of polyester, and the thickness of the film and filtration abilities largely depend on the number of these layers.

How to tint windows: reviews

Below you can read reviews from consumers who have used sun protection films.

How to tint windows, reviews:

Valery. I have a sunny side, so I had to resort to several methods of sun protection at once. For these purposes, I initially purchased a regular mirror film, which is glued using static electricity, but this turned out to be not enough. To make the interior of the room more presentable, I purchased ordinary plastic blinds. It looks very nice, but at night there is practically no light visible and it is not clear what is going on outside the window. However, I don’t regret it, because the room became noticeably cooler.

Oksana. I live on the fifth floor, and until lunchtime the sun is in my bedroom. That's why I had to buy mirror film. I bought the cheapest one, in the underground passage. I had no idea how to glue it, so I used regular tape. At work I was told that it is necessary to use static electricity. But it also holds well on tape, although not tightly. Of course, it doesn’t look aesthetically pleasing, especially from the outside, but the main thing is that the room has become much cooler.

Maria. I decided not to bother, so I immediately purchased plastic windows, the glass of which is covered with a special film. I know that you can’t buy sticker films for plastic windows, as they can burst. Therefore, I decided to order from specialists. This is certainly not cheap, I had to spend a lot of money, but now the room is not hot, and there is no large amount of sunlight. I am very pleased with the new windows, they allow you to sleep well and keep the room cool.

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Important features of film for tinting windows in the house

Practical, durable material . Made from modern PVC, the film looks great even after several years of use. It does not lose its properties under the influence of light, rain, snow and other atmospheric factors. Light reflection and heat protection . The film reflects up to 75% of solar heat entering a house or cottage through windows. The degree of film protection (reflection 5-75%) can be selected for each specific case. Infrared protection . Reflects 40-90% of radiation harmful to eyes and skin. Environmentally friendly coating . Non-toxic, does not emit harmful substances, approved for use in private homes. No loss of visibility in the house . The premises will not be deprived of light, it will simply be more comfortable, diffused and safe for the eyes. Unlimited service life . The tinting film is easy to apply and does not require special care or additional measures. Strength of the material . The film glued to the glass protects against accidental damage and impacts. And also from a scattering of fragments, if the glass was still broken.

Required Tools

According to experts, high-quality gluing of glass surfaces is only possible in production. However, home tinting, provided all recommendations are followed, can be in no way inferior to factory tinting.

To tint your glass yourself, you should prepare the necessary raw materials in advance:

  • sun protection film (take as much of it as the area of ​​the glass, about 4 cm more);
  • a solution of liquid soap or baby shampoo, at the rate of three liters of liquid per few drops of soap;
  • spatula equipped with a soft sponge;
  • clean cloth;
  • spatula with a rubber tip.


Window tinting, when carried out in accordance with all the recommendations recommended by experts, easily performs its intended functions. Only adherence to technology guarantees that the composition will stick tightly to the surface of the stele and will not begin to fall off after a short period of use.

Before starting work, you should familiarize yourself with the sequence of mandatory actions:

  1. Prepare glass surfaces.
  2. Cut the film according to the obtained dimensions.
  3. Moisten the glass surface.
  4. Remove the protective layer from the sheets.
  5. Align and fix the canvas on the plane of the window.
  6. Displace water and air using a spatula.

The composition dries completely in about 7 days, during which time the canvas may lighten a little, because excess moisture will come out from under it. The air bubbles that remained on the surface will also gradually disappear.

During installation work, a number of rules must be observed:

  • during gluing, the temperature inside the room should be between 5 and 40 degrees Celsius;
  • the humidity level should be no higher than 80% and no less than 20%: when this figure is lower, you should periodically spray water from a spray bottle near the work site;
  • the preparatory stage necessarily includes thorough cleaning of the glass; if there are foreign particles under the film, it will be difficult to stick it evenly, and it will adhere worse;
  • Before starting work, the window must be cleaned with a detergent that does not contain abrasive substances; when there are obvious traces of dirt, use a scraper.

Care and price of tinting films

Thanks to modern technologies, window tinting is made of the highest quality, and this ensures fairly simple maintenance. Usually, wet cleaning is done without using cleaning products containing abrasive particles. You can use a small amount of soap or mild detergent added to warm water. Dip a soft cloth in it and wipe the surface.

Purchase tinting film from specialized construction stores. Its price may vary and range from 120−300 rubles/m2.

The use of tinting on the windows of apartments or shopping centers significantly reduces various types of costs, for example, financial and energy. There are savings on heating and cooling of premises; in winter, heat loss is greatly reduced, and in summer the apartment remains cool for a long time.

Types of film for tinting windows in apartments and on balconies

Three main types of tinting films are popular on the market:
Sunscreen .
As a rule, windows facing south are covered with this film. The use of such a film allows you to effectively combat sunlight, room heating, and solar glare on devices and household appliances. In practice, it has been proven that modern sun-protection films can save energy and heat consumption.
Mirror .
Its characteristics contribute to the reflection of light during the daytime. The reflective surface does not transmit about 80% of rays into the room, thereby providing a comfortable temperature regime and protection from ultraviolet and solar radiation. The peculiarity of the material is the presence of a large number of colors, due to which the facade of the building takes on a new look.
An indisputable advantage is the effect of one-way visibility, that is, people passing by will not be able to see what is happening inside the room. Matte. Quite popular when gluing interior doors.
It can also be seen on the doors to the bathroom and kitchen. Many manufacturers install it directly at the factory. You can also buy it and stick it yourself. The advantages of film are that it does not replace space, but it is not as effective against sunlight.
Therefore, when covering a balcony located on the sunny side, it is better to use a mirror or sun protection film. Protective .
A special type of film, which, in addition to the advantages of previous types, combines protective properties. In other words, windows with such film are much more difficult to damage, even under strong mechanical stress. Thanks to this, owners can save money on alarms, since it will be quite difficult for burglars to get inside the building. The level of protection depends on the selected type of modification. Manufacturers present films on the market that make glass completely unbreakable, or films with a slightly lower level of strength.

Is it worth tinting plastic windows in the kitchen?

If you live on the lower floors, where not only the sun's rays penetrate, but also prying eyes, then it is best to choose a different method of protection than tinting.

Is it worth tinting plastic windows in the kitchen:

  • The fact is that such a film, which is glued to the inside, is often covered with a greasy coating, which can be easily removed using special means.
  • However, they can destroy the protective layer, and the film will eventually become completely transparent. This may not happen, it all depends on the quality and cost of such film.
  • It is not recommended to use car films, as they are very difficult to remove from windows and produce a blurry image. If it is important for you to maintain good visibility, refuse such films.


DIY window tinting in the apartment and on the balcony

When starting the independent tinting process, you should make sure that you have all the materials and tools, which include stationery knives, rubber spatulas, and a spray bottle with soapy water.

Pasting is carried out by following the recommendations of experienced craftsmen:

  1. Measuring window glass sizes (from bead to bead).
  2. Roll out a roll of film on a flat surface of the floor or table, and transfer the corresponding measurements onto it, with a margin of 1-2 cm.
  3. Carrying out preliminary work to clean window glass from dirt and grease stains. To do this, you will need a pre-prepared spray bottle with a soap solution and a rubber spatula, which will be used to remove the applied liquid from the surface.
  4. Removing the protective layer (liner) from the film.
  5. To remove the sticking effect, which can prevent even adhesion, the surface of the film and glass is wetted with a soap solution.
  6. Window gluing occurs from top to bottom, by smoothly smoothing the film to the surface of the glass.
  7. Using a rubber spatula, remove excess moisture from under the film by smoothing from the center to the edge of the glass.

The final stage of tinting will be trimming all protruding edges of the film. Provided the technology is followed correctly, the final result will not take long to arrive.

How to apply car tint to apartment windows

This composition is highly expensive, but at the same time it allows light to pass through perfectly. As a rule, it reflects up to 54% of radiation, transmitting 80% of the visible spectrum.

There are important nuances here:

  • The composition should be glued using an installation solution, it will help level the coating and eliminate stains;
  • Treat problem areas with a hair dryer, which will cause the film to shrink and the unevenness to disappear. At the same time, this area is processed by forcing.

The same hairdryer is used to remove material from the glass. The surface is heated, then the film is easily lifted and removed.

Features of care

After the window tinting procedure has been completed, it is time to take care of such openings. There are few specific recommendations here. The only thing that is not recommended is to wash the glass surface using chemicals containing abrasive particles. Wipe the windows with a microfiber cloth moistened with warm soapy water. When you want to use a sponge, it is important to make sure that it does not have large pores where dirt can easily get clogged and scratch the surface.

A little effort will help you achieve excellent results, enjoying the warm summer weather, from which you can easily hide at home. Rooms protected from ultraviolet radiation will remain pleasantly cool, even in the hot summer heat.

Caring for a Tinted Window

Glass tinted with film should not be washed during the first week after pasting, so as not to damage the coating.

In the future, when the film finally “lies” on the glass, you can care for the window as usual, avoiding only abrasive cleaning products, hard brushes and sponges.

If dirt has formed on the glass unit, there is no need to scrape it off. It is enough to moisten it with soapy water, and after a while simply remove it with a damp sponge. And then polish the surface with a soft, lint-free cloth.

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