How to properly install soft PVC windows for gazebos and terraces with your own hands

Soft windows for gazebos have become very popular and continue to gain even greater popularity. This is largely due to the low prices of these products. But you can save even more if you install soft windows yourself. Installation of plastic curtains does not require special skills or expensive equipment and can be done independently.

You must understand that the appearance of your gazebo or veranda depends on how correctly the measurements and installation are carried out.

DIY PVC curtains for gazebos: features

The material that is selected for manufacturing must provide protection from bad weather and have the following properties:

  • Have a high degree of resistance to direct ultraviolet radiation (that is, do not fade in the sun)
  • Have a wide range of operating temperatures (preferably -30°C/+40°C)
  • Be breathable, resistant to biological factors, high humidity and other destructive factors
  • Be inert to fats and oils
  • Have a long service life

Curtains and drapes made of polyvinyl chloride (PVC) have all these qualities; in addition, they are quite easy to install if you have even basic installation skills, which is why many owners of summer cottages prefer to make PVC curtains for gazebos with their own hands. Such curtains can be colored or transparent, but it is not recommended to choose too bright colors, so as not to distort the color of objects and things inside - this will make them look unnatural.

Care Tips

Window care is very simple and consists of following some rules:

  • if there is no visible contamination, simply rinse the surface with water;
  • The film can only be washed with ordinary soapy water and then rinsed with water from a hose;
  • We do not recommend using other liquid detergents, as this can lead to clouding of the film and the appearance of streaks on it;
  • When washing, do not use a hard sponge to avoid scratches.

We hope we were able to demonstrate that PVC surfaces are easy to maintain. In addition, they are easy to store. Before removing the film, wash and dry it and assemble it into a roll. With subsequent use, they return to their original shape.

The cost is within 1.5 thousand rubles (including fastening elements) per 1 sq. m.

Manufacturing and installation

If you want your curtains or drapes to last a long time, choose a material with a density of at least 630 g/m2.

Before installing soft windows with your own hands or PVC curtains for a gazebo, you must carefully measure the openings in which you plan to install them. For higher precision in cutting PVC material, it is recommended to make a pattern with allowances. Each blank will need to be covered with awning fabric, creating a kind of frame and strengthening the edges of the PVC film.

Next, you need to select the fixation methods and fasteners that will be used for installation. Often home craftsmen choose guides, hooks or roller mechanisms that are installed in the openings. With their help, you can easily move/spread the PVC canvas without the risk of damaging it.

You can also create a special frame around the entire perimeter of the opening using staples. It is very easy to attach fabrics to such staples using eyelets (plastic or metal), which are attached to a PVC curtain or curtain. This is a very convenient and simple way if you need to fix the canvas on all sides - the curtain is firmly fixed, creating a reliable shelter. Eyelets are installed at equal distances in pre-drilled holes. It is necessary to ensure that the diameter of the hole matches the size of the grommet.

You can also use belts, zippers and other components as additional elements.

How to take measurements

Is it possible to take window measurements without the help of a specialist? If the opening that requires covering with film has a flat surface and a regular, simple shape, you can measure it yourself:

  • determine the exact dimensions of the light part of the window opening;
  • add 5 cm on each side to the edging.


  1. Try on the “soft” window on the opening, with the overlaps being equal on both sides.
  2. Secure both upper corners with self-tapping screws (the film should not be stretched too much).
  3. After making sure that the initial fixation is correct, secure the upper part of the tension window completely.
  4. Mark and attach locks to the bottom two corners of the window.
  5. Mark the remaining locks.
  6. Roll up the window, securing it temporarily with twine, and screw in the remaining locks.

Don't forget to clear the window data

What are the advantages

Windows made from high-quality polyvinyl chloride or polyurethane with a density of 500-750 g/m² create a comfortable environment on terraces, gazebos, and verandas. They protect from wind, dust, rain and annoying insects, retaining heat and letting in enough light.

Advantages of soft windows:

  • profitability - you will need 3-5 times less money than for wooden or plastic windows;
  • resistance to deformation;
  • ease of installation and dismantling;
  • safety - fragments are excluded in principle;
  • heat saving - such windows can be used in frosts down to -40⁰;
  • practicality - no special care required;
  • quite long service life - about 10 years;
  • attractive look.

Color variety of “liquid glass”

An effective solution is to buy soft windows for a gazebo with colored edging, which can be of almost any shade. Multi-colored transparent canvases are also popular.

Components of flexible windows.

An excellent option for soft windows for gazebos attached to the house is to choose a shade to match the windows of the building itself. This technique will preserve the color harmony of the facade.

You will find all the information about gazebos made of metal and polycarbonate here.

Installation Features

When measuring and installing soft windows, accuracy is required. This is one of the most important conditions for long service life of the structure.

For example, when solving the problem of how to sew up an open terrace, you need to:

  • determine the width and height of the light opening;
  • measure the height and width of the beams separating the openings;
  • To each value add a five-centimeter allowance for fasteners.

Then you should calculate the required amount of materials. Film rolls have a standard width of 1400 mm. For reinforcing edging, you need a 50 mm PVC edging or Oxford-600 fabric. When purchasing fasteners, you should remember that the side windows are fixed every 40 cm, the top - every 30 cm.

After the preliminary issues have been resolved, it is time to install flexible windows. How to attach them to the frame? Special equipment required.

In this capacity are:

  • swivel brackets with a spring mechanism;
  • staples with tension straps;
  • lightning;
  • sliding mechanisms.
  • the unfolded film is marked according to calculations and cut;
  • the edging is soldered around the perimeter;
  • install eyelets and fastenings for rotating brackets on it;
  • the canvas is placed in the opening of the future window and temporarily secured;
  • the material is given time to hang out;
  • determine the side marks of the basic installation of brackets;
  • install staples;
  • finally fix the canvas.

Work is carried out in dry and warm weather. At temperatures below -5⁰, installation should be postponed. Our phone

terms of Use

Rolled PVC, unpretentious to the environment, does not require any special operating conditions.

It is enough to follow the following rules:

  1. Periodically clean the material from dirt with soft brushes, woven cloths or foam rubber. Do not allow contaminants to be absorbed into the film.
  2. For washing, use inexpensive shampoos, liquid soap or dishwashing detergent. Do not use aggressive compounds or solvents based on acetone.
  3. Do not carry out any manipulations to remove, install, or roll the film after the ambient temperature drops below 0ºC.
  4. It is better to leave the windows in a stretched state during the winter. If the climate is very cold, they should be removed from the hinges to avoid tears in stressed areas. For fixation, you can use temporary plastic ties connecting the staples and grommets.
  5. If you decide to remove roll structures for periods of frost, it is better to roll them rather than fold them. In places where there are kinks, the polymer may crack.

The requirements are simple, but compliance with them will help maintain the practical and aesthetic properties of soft windows throughout the entire warranty period specified by the manufacturer.

Business with minimal investment: Soft windows for terraces, verandas and gazebos made of PVC

The open-air trails and gazebos and verandas are so good in the warm season, but as soon as the weather gets worse, there is strong wind or rain, all the fun will be ruined. Also, such premises are not practical during the rest of the year. Fortunately, this problem can be solved with the help of windows made of PVC film - soft windows . This is a niche with little competition, so it is a great business with minimal investment.

Soft PVC windows have a lot of advantages:

  • safe for others;
  • have an aesthetic appearance;
  • reliably protected from bad weather;
  • a more economical option compared to conventional windows;
  • transmit light well;
  • simplicity and speed of installation.

High-quality soft windows will reliably protect the interior of the gazebo from wind, dust, and rain. Manufacturing soft windows can be a great business.

If you are already tired of the annoying midges, then you can use a rolled mesh according to the same principle as in metal-plastic windows. And uniform production allows us to produce a variety of options for film curtains for every taste and with additional decoration options.

Installing soft windows in a gazebo or veranda will allow you to stay there for up to 8 months a year from mid-spring until the first frost. Also, PVC film is not afraid of heating with electrical heaters. Moreover, polyethylene retains heat better than glass.

There are two types of soft PVC windows:

  • made using a sewing machine. Soft windows of different configurations are sewn together using a sewing machine. All this is sewn together with soft synthetic fabric with water-repellent impregnation, and special lavsan threads are used that are resistant to temperature fluctuations.
  • welding of soft windows using special equipment, and the seams are taped.

The process of welding soft PVC windows is presented in the video below:

Installing such windows will not be difficult even for an amateur, and dismantling them during the cold season will not cause any particular difficulties.

You can buy such soft PVC windows at a hardware store and specialized manufacturers. For those who want to save money, do-it-yourself soft window kits are sold.

The film itself transmits about 90% of the sun's rays, that is, even with soft windows you will feel close to nature and feel like you are in the fresh air. Also popular are multi-colored fabrics, as well as combinations with transparent and opaque fabrics. Until recently, it was believed that opaque fabrics were of significantly higher quality, but with the improvement of production technologies, transparent PVC film is in no way inferior.

Soft windows photo

When viewing photos of soft windows, the variety of design variations strikes the eye. Materials may differ in the degree of transparency, structure, color of the canvas and finishing. There are windows of a combined type, where the top is made transparent and the bottom is covered with colored material.

soft windows for veranda photo

Colored inserts can be installed alternating vertically with transparent ones - some window openings are decorated with opaque inserts. This solution will protect from unwanted light if part of the room faces the sunny side. Monochromatic solutions are more popular, but if desired, there is room for imagination.

Let's start organizing a business

As you can see, soft windows are extremely practical and popular. This is an excellent business with minimal investment for its production.

To open your own business, the first thing you need to do is register with the tax authorities as a private entrepreneur or open your own enterprise. Don’t forget to indicate the correct OKVED codes (25.23 – production of plastic products used in construction, 51.53.52 – wholesale trade in building materials, 45.42 – production of carpentry and joinery products). Also, do not forget about obtaining permits from Gosstroy and Rospotrebnadzor.

To organize the production of soft windows, you will need a room of at least 60 m2 with ventilation, running water, and good lighting. Next, you need to purchase the necessary equipment and decide how you will sew the windows - using a sewing machine or soldering and gluing. This will determine what equipment you need. It is also worth taking care of a supplier of high-quality film and components for these windows. A roll of standard polyurethane film measures 1.45x4m. Only thickness and tensile strength vary. The higher the price of the material, the higher its quality characteristics. The production of soft windows will directly depend on the quality of the product and installation.

For accurate measurements, you should offer the services of a measurer or refer to the client’s data. For the first time, you should work only by pre-order. And then, as production increases, you can send your products to stores.

From fastenings for soft windows you can choose:

  • silicone straps with brackets;
  • small brass or nickel-plated small locks for windows up to 2 meters wide;
  • rotating brackets made of stainless steel, which are used for fastening windows up to 5 meters wide.

At the same time, fastening elements for soft windows are installed in several ways. In the first case, fastening elements are installed around the perimeter on all sides, top and bottom. This will allow you to dismantle the film (for the winter, for example). In the second case, special fastenings in the form of eyelets are installed on the gazebo, which will only allow the windows to be rolled up, but they cannot be completely dismantled. In this case, it is not always practical (below minus 30 C) and the film may crack due to severe frosts.

The price of components and film per 1 m2 will cost approximately 500 rubles, and the cost of soft PVC windows for gazebos starts from 1,300 rubles. for the same square meter. Installation of soft windows is also a well-treated service. The benefit here is obvious.

Manufacturer about soft windows for gazebos and terraces (video):

If you want to launch the production of soft windows for gazebos and terraces, then organize an advertising campaign correctly. You shouldn’t waste money on advertising, but spending it thoughtlessly won’t bring the desired results either. Additionally, you can call all construction organizations using the telephone directory in your city and offer your services for the production of soft PVC windows.

Application area of ​​soft windows

Soft windows are a budget option for gazebos, verandas, and outbuildings.
The scope of application of transparent roll products can only be limited by the imagination of property owners.

Film windows can be placed in the following places:

  • capital houses;
  • dachas and cottages;
  • garages and workshops;
  • gazebos and terraces;
  • summer kitchens, toilets and showers;
  • bath complexes;
  • change houses and utility rooms;
  • mobile restaurants and cafes;
  • balconies and loggias in apartments of multi-storey buildings.

Enterprising farmers have adapted roll structures for arranging poultry houses, pigsties, cowsheds, greenhouses and hotbeds.

Film selection

Manufacturers make soft windows from two types of film:

  • polyvinyl chloride (PVC) - thickness 500, 700, 800, 1000, 2000 microns;
  • polyurethane (PU) - 500, 700 microns.

The material is supplied in roll form, 140 cm wide. Polyurethane windows are more durable and at the same time thinner than vinyl film, although the price of PU windows is almost twice as high. Polyurethane material is very difficult to damage (pierce), even intentionally, but it darkens over time. When choosing a product, you should carefully study the information about it: manufacturer and thickness.

Among the countries producing PVC film, Japan holds the lead. The highest quality products in this segment are offered by the Japanese, Korean brand "Politex", and the Spanish brand "Expafol". If a company engaged in the manufacture and installation of windows uses the products of one of these manufacturers, this indicates the quality of the services provided. Before ordering window manufacturing, ask to see product certificates.

Although it is difficult to distinguish a branded film from a cheap one in appearance, carefully inspect the material and pay attention to the following details:

  • transparency. High-quality PVC film is almost completely transparent and has a uniform structure;
  • Cheap plastic material may contain various foreign inclusions, sagging, uneven thickening and cloudiness.

Find out more about finishing the veranda with siding.

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