My experience in arranging a double-glazed vestibule in a private house

Extensions next to cottages often serve as a hallway or storage room. A buffer zone between the entrance to the house and the yard protects the space from cold air. If you do not want to create expensive structures made of stone or concrete, you can use plastic options. Before building a PVC vestibule, I decided to understand the design features.

What it is

A compact room is built near the entrance to the cottage. The structure must have walls, a roof and a door. The main task of a transit building is to retain heat in the area next to the house. The vestibule helps minimize the penetration of cold and debris from shoes into living spaces.

Structures made from double-glazed windows look much airier and cheaper than options made from brick or timber. I noticed that there are 3 types of extensions next to the door:

  1. Canopy. A space without heating may border on utility buildings. Used as the main entrance to the house, boiler room or garage. Gardening tools are often stored inside.
  2. Veranda. The abundance of glass windows in summer allows it to be used as a place to relax. Due to the thermal cushion in winter, the zone protects the porch from icing.
  3. Hallway. The structure will become a physical extension of the cottage. Electricity and heat are supplied to the room, and built-in furniture is installed.

The vestibule will be a useful space, combining the functions of a corridor, a storage room and a place to relax. In the buffer zone you can organize a gym, a game room and a secluded area for the dog. The structure adjacent to the house minimizes heat loss through the walls. In the morning and afternoon, glass blocks will provide natural light, which will save on electricity.


The disadvantages of a PVC vestibule include the low strength of the material. Closing the door suddenly can cause the glass to crack or break. Breakdowns are more difficult to repair on your own than with structures made of wood or brick. In order not to damage the structure, I recommend paying attention to models with shockproof characteristics or replacing glass with polycarbonate.

Source window.rf

PVC vestibules, like windows, are very demanding in terms of maintenance. The plastic surface attracts dust, so the structure looks dirty and untidy. When constructing a structure, I give preference to dark laminated options. Of course, the cost of the models will be more expensive than traditional ones, but cheaper than buildings made of brick or timber.

Materials for the construction of vestibule structures

Materials for the construction of a vestibule structure are selected depending on the type of vestibule, your financial capabilities, and design solutions. Will insulation be needed, or will the extension perform only economic functions?

So, for the construction of a vestibule structure they mainly use:

  • brick;
  • plastic;
  • glass;
  • tree.

If the main building is made of brick, then the question of choosing material for the vestibule disappears in itself. Naturally, a brick extension will look most harmonious. Brick is a strong and durable material that will serve not only you, but also your children. A big plus is the fact that brick walls do not need to be additionally finished; with careful laying and jointing, they can simply be opened with varnish on the inside.


Plastic is a more modern material that has recently occupied a leading position in the finishing industry. PVC panels used in construction are highly durable and resistant to weather conditions. The only drawback of a vestibule room is the need for insulation using any type of insulation.


Glass is an ideal option if you need to decorate your veranda with panoramic windows. The cost of the project is quite high, since it will be necessary to equip the veranda-vestibule with heated double-glazed windows. But you will get a room that can be used as a terrace in summer and as a winter garden in winter.


A wooden structure is ideal for wooden houses. The only drawback of this material is wear, so the vestibule will have to be repaired every 10-12 years. You can extend the service life by additional processing, varnish coating, for example. Wood is an amazing material. which fits perfectly into different interior styles.



The design should not be too bulky or very compact. The minimum depth of the structure is 1.4 m, and the width is 1 m. With such parameters, the structure only serves as a thermal cushion, without taking up much space on the site.

I find a vestibule convenient, the width of which is within 3-4 m. A compact shoe rack or a hanger with hooks for outerwear can easily fit in the buffer zone. Structures with dimensions of 5 m or more can be equipped as a veranda. After insulating the room, it is worth decorating the dining room or relaxation space.

Source ray-stroy.rf

The fight for purity

Dirt on shoes can tell you where a person has been during the day. Small pebbles, snow, and dust will eventually come home with your shoes and find their place. It is necessary to make sure that the vestibule is the place where all the dirt remains without getting into the house. Usually the whole struggle ends with laying the rug on a rag or rubber base. They quickly fill with dirt and cease to perform their functions.

Dirt protection systems are the most effective in operation and easy to maintain. They are made from metal, aluminum, and combined with rubber inserts. They perfectly collect coarse dirt and prevent thin heels of women's shoes from getting stuck.


According to building codes, heating equipment is prohibited from being installed in a room with an outside door. In severe frosts, coolants may freeze. Connecting a plastic vestibule to the house system will lead to a decrease in temperature in residential premises and an increase in energy costs.

I recommend installing a “warm floor” made of cable inside the extension. The buffer zone creates a pleasant temperature for removing shoes and clothes. An air curtain of fans above the doorway will help prevent the structure from icing in severe frosts.


It all depends on the application. If this is a hallway with light and warmth, with the necessary furniture, the design should be in the same style as the house. The walls can be plastered, painted, or covered with wallpaper. You should choose based on personal preference. It is advisable to put tiles on the floor, since they are functional and wear-resistant. Linoleum and plank flooring are also acceptable options, but more demanding to maintain.

Finishing can be very varied

In a cold vestibule, the floor can be tiled, concrete, wood - anything that can withstand low temperatures and humidity. It is better to paint or plaster the walls. Please note that it can be very damp here in winter and autumn. Fungus or mold may appear. It should be treated promptly with special solutions.

Tambour in the house

Design for your interior

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Types of glazing

If there is no additional insulation in the vestibule, then the extension can be glazed with ordinary glass blocks installed on a profile frame. The transparent surface of the windows perfectly transmits light, while protecting from wind and precipitation. With a southern location, blinds and ventilation will save you from overheating in the summer. The structure with sliding partition doors looks original.


A transparent vestibule with partial glazing is more practical to use than a completely glass model. There are window blocks in the upper part, and impact-resistant plastic panels at the bottom. The design resembles the arrangement of a balcony, but with an external entrance door.

When extensively glazing the vestibule, I recommend assembling the base body from brick or timber. The design takes into account openings for installing double-glazed windows. The inside of the structure must be insulated and a built-in contour for the floor must be installed. If the door does not serve the function of protecting the house, then a transparent model is sufficient.


Briefly about the main thing

In most of Russia, equipping a private house with a vestibule is not a whim, but a necessity. The idea can be implemented in different ways: you can confine yourself to the hallway, build a canopy or veranda. The designs vary in size and design, but perform the same functions.

In order for any of these rooms to properly serve as a buffer, it is necessary to think through their arrangement, lighting and insulation. The vestibule can be made warm or cold, each option has its own advantages.

Tambours are built from a variety of materials: brick, wood, glass and plastic. Lighter, wind-protective structures are made from polycarbonate and siding. In interior design, special attention is paid to the flooring material.


The tilting of the structure at a certain angle ensures natural removal of sediment. Between the roof and the ceiling, I recommend installing a thermal curtain of fans that will create a flow of hot air. The cladding can replicate the roofing of the house or be transparent (glass).


Furniture selection

In most cases, a standard set of furniture is used for small hallways: a hanger, an umbrella rack and a shoe rack. If the space allows, the set is complemented by a bedside table, pouf and mirror.

When planning a spacious hallway, the main element is the wardrobe. You can store all your clothes and shoes in it, and if it has a mirror, it can create the impression of expanding the space. If the wall with the adjacent room is not load-bearing, you can build a wardrobe into it. No official permission is required for this.

Placing a sofa or sofa and a coffee table in a large hallway makes it a place to relax and meet guests. Decorative elements in the form of flowerpots and figurines placed on original hanging shelves will create an atmosphere of comfort.


Window openings in the vestibule of the cottage solve the problem of lighting during daylight hours. Additional light sources will protect those entering from stumbling at dusk and when using cabinets. For medium-sized structures, overhead lamps are sufficient; for large ones, around the perimeter of the ceiling and next to the hanger (mirror).

A polycarbonate vestibule allows less light to pass through than conventional glass options. Indoors, I recommend installing lighting fixtures in the area above your head and in the corners. I advise you to hang a movable spot above the door, which can be easily adjusted to suit the features of the extension.

Creating a vestibule

The dimensions of the future extension are determined solely by the preferences of the owner of the home and his plans for further use. There is an opinion that building a vestibule that is too small is economically unjustified; it will be irrational in everyday life, since the limited space cannot be used in any other way. If you are still determined, then the whole process is not particularly difficult and is quite within the capabilities of one worker.

Construction begins with laying the foundation. For a small room, a light foundation is suitable. Usually these are piles installed at the freezing level and a concrete grillage. To install piles around the perimeter of the site, holes of the required depth are prepared. In this process, roofing material will not be superfluous; it will become both formwork during pouring and protection in further use.

When the piles are completely ready, work begins on the formwork for the grillage. If the structure needs to be raised above the ground, the required height is achieved with a sand cushion. Before pouring such a foundation, the bottom of the formwork is covered with film, and then reinforcement is laid. After preparing the foundation, you can begin to build walls. Using reinforcement outlets, the walls of the vestibule can be connected to the walls of the main building. Construction is completed with the installation of the roof.

Extension design

The vestibule is a full-fledged part of a country house. Even if you use the extension as a storage room, you still need to create a cozy atmosphere inside. The ceiling can be covered with light paint, making the space visually higher and hiding the slope of the structure.

When choosing a floor finish for a glass vestibule in a private home, I recommend paying attention to the materials for the hallway. The coating must be resistant to wear and frequent cleaning. Parquet is too difficult to maintain, and linoleum will quickly lose its appearance due to active use. Non-slip ceramic tiles or laminate are ideal, under which it is easy to install heating circuits.


Dirt from shoes remains in the vestibule. To prevent the spread of litter throughout the house, I installed special protective systems made of hard plastic or aluminum grilles with shaped cells in front of the front door. A little further on the floor you can throw a mat or a piece of carpet.

The choice of wall finishes depends on the characteristics of the building. Due to temperature changes, the vestibule should not be covered with wallpaper, otherwise the canvas will begin to peel off. Painting will help transform a room. A well-chosen color will optically change the irregular shape of the structure. Using strokes and drops you can create a textured surface.


Plastic panels are an inexpensive option for the internal arrangement of an extension. The technology is appropriate when finishing the exterior of a country house with lamellas. Vertical or horizontal arrangement of elements is used to increase the width or height of walls.

The tile design looks elegant and simple. The interior looks fresh with plain ceramics with patterned inserts at waist level. A classic, traditional brick finish that matches all styles. Facing with wild stone is appropriate for rustic decorations.

The surfaces in the vestibule are often covered with wood (lining). To add brutality to the extension, I recommend using boards. The deliberately careless arrangement of wood on the walls brings the design closer to nature. To emphasize the texture, it is better to impregnate the material with stain or coat it with colorless varnish.


Construction of a porch at the entrance to a private house

Outside, in front of the front door to the house. arrange a porch. A porch is necessary to protect the front door from precipitation.

In addition, the porch creates comfortable conditions for the person who is preparing to enter the house. You can safely put your bags on the porch, fold your umbrella, brush your feet on the rug, get your keys, or wait for your family to open the door.

Household products

To perform these tasks, the porch must have a roof. A person on the porch feels more comfortable if he is also protected from the wind.

In a house without a vestibule, the porch design is chosen to limit the movement of cold air into the house. To do this, the porch must be protected from the wind.


The porch is installed on a platform that is raised above the ground on the site. In this case, the surface of the porch always remains dry. It is recommended to raise the surface of the porch relative to the blind area by at least one step - 20 cm. By the way, the minimum height of the basement in a private house is also 20 cm.

A house with a vestibule - a veranda.
Not a good design
- the high narrow porch is open to all winds, rain and blizzards. The porch will constantly become wet, frozen and destroyed by frost. Poorly protects the front door from precipitation. A person feels uncomfortable on such a porch.

The height of the basement of a private house is usually made greater than the minimum. Therefore, the porch is also raised to the level of the basement, arranging steps outside.

In winter, especially in areas with stable snow cover, such a staircase to the porch requires constant cleaning of snow and still often turns into an ice skating rink. The porch with stairs is large. If the steps of the stairs are not protected from precipitation, they become moist and are quickly destroyed by frost.

In areas with severe snowy winters, it may be advantageous to keep the height of the porch to a minimum and place the stairs to the first floor in the vestibule

- in the entryway or veranda, as our ancestors did.

Dimensions of the porch of a private house

The minimum dimensions of the porch area in front of the front door are shown in the figure.

Convenient height of steps for climbing to the porch, 12-18 cm. Tread width 33-40 cm.

If the platform is located at a height of 0.45 m or more, then it is necessary to fence the platform and stairs. The height of the fence and railings on the stairs is at least 0.9 m.

For the safe and convenient movement of people on the stairs, handrails are installed. Children of different ages will be safer on the stairs if the handrails are placed in three levels at a height of 0.5 - 0.7 - 0.9 m.

Fencing will not be required if steps are added on one or two other sides of the porch.

The height of the porch in this option should be no more than 1 meter. If such a porch is located at a height of more than 1 meter, then it is necessary to make a railing on each side of the descent from the stairs.

The standard width of the entrance door to the house is 90 cm . Sometimes a door with a width of 120 cm is installed with two leaves, and the leaves have different widths - 90 cm and 30 cm.

Entrance from the garage to the house. The minimum dimensions of the “porch” area are 60x60 cm.

In an attached garage, the floor level is usually lower than on the first floor of the house.

In front of the door from the garage to the house you have to build a “porch” with steps. To make the porch take up less space, make it as shown in the picture.

Another option is to make the floor in the garage at the same level as the floor in the house. In this case, a ramp is installed at the entrance to the garage.

Reliable insulation

Whether the vestibule will act as a temperature barrier for other rooms depends, first of all, on its thermal insulation qualities.

The outer wall of the vestibule, being part of the external structures of the house, is an integral element of the thermal contour of the building, and its “pie” should help ensure and maintain the “thermos effect”.

The wall is made of the same material as the entire house. But if additional insulation, for example, for a wall made of ceramic block or laminated veneer lumber is usually not required, then in the vestibule area experts recommend installing a layer of thermal insulation made of foam plastic, perlite or mineral wool slabs (basalt or glass wool).

For the latter, a film vapor barrier on the inside is required, which will prevent the insulation layer from getting wet and losing its qualities. From the outside, a reinforcing mesh is strengthened onto the heat-insulating layer and then covered with finishing paint or plaster.

Wall insulation

The issue of insulation should be approached very responsibly. In this way you can create a comfortable indoor microclimate.

  • You can insulate the walls with polystyrene foam or mineral wool, fixing the material with a construction mesh, then you can apply plaster and move on to the outer cladding;
  • to insulate joints with the walls of the building and the foundation, it is better to use fibrous materials and apply sealant on the outside;
  • the joint on the roof can be covered with rafters with a cornice strip.

There should be no gaps in the corners through which heat will escape. You can eliminate them using polyurethane foam.


  • has quite large dimensions (at least 3.5-4 sq. m.);
  • requires investment of funds and time for construction;
  • must correspond to the architectural features of the building (the assistance of design specialists is required).

A plastic vestibule is best suited for houses with a small flow of visitors.

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