Mirror tinting of balcony windows: what color and type to choose?

If earlier office buildings and shops could boast of tinted windows, today the fashion for tinting has also affected residential buildings - private houses and apartments in high-rise buildings. In addition to decorative, tinting also performs a protective function - it protects from the bright sun, prying glances and attempts by criminals to get into the building by breaking glass.

Photo gallery of windows with tinted glass

Solar control windows with tinting from

The client can order tinted window designs in a variety of sizes, shapes and types.
The company manufactures products based on plastic, aluminum and wood profile systems. 1. Plastic windows

2. Wooden windows

3. Warm aluminum windows

In addition to conventional single- or double-chamber tinted double-glazed windows, functional ones can be used:

  • energy-saving - provide heat in the room, preventing it from escaping into the external environment;
  • thermal packages - have high heat-protective properties, thanks to the use of inert gas to fill the chambers between the glass of the structure;
  • multifunctional - in cold weather they protect the house from heat loss, and in the summer heat they prevent overheating of the room by reflecting the heat of the sun's rays;
  • noise-protective - significantly reduce the noise level even in rooms located near busy highways;
  • shockproof - can replace grilles, since they can withstand the attempts of intruders to break the glass for a long time.

Cost of services

Material, price per 1 sq. m 6900 rub.
Work, price per product500 rub.
Engineer visitfor free*
Delivery within the Moscow Ring Road800 rub.
Delivery, from MKAD to MBK1200 rub.
Delivery in the region for MBC1200 + 30 rub./km

* - Calling a specialist in Moscow, within the Moscow Ring Road + 10 km beyond the Moscow Ring Road, as well as in: Shchelkovsky district, Korolev, Sergiev Posad, Ivanteevka, Yubileiny, Pushkino, is included in the order price. If, after consulting our specialist on site, you have changed your mind about seeking our services, then the visit and consultation will cost you 500 rubles. In the Moscow region, within the Moscow Small Ring, a visit from a master costs 700 rubles, in the Moscow region, within the Moscow Big Ring - 1,000 rubles, in the Moscow region, outside the Moscow Big Ring - 1,000 + 30 rubles/km.

Types of tinting of double-glazed windows:

1. Tinted glass in bulk

It is tinted during glass melting - a coloring component (oxides of various metals) is added to the glass melt. The disadvantage is that there is not a very wide variety of colors, only bronze and gray, as well as the high cost. However, it is more resistant to mechanical damage and easier to process compared to conventional;

2.Tinting film for windows

A polymer film that is glued to transparent glass. Many craftsmen use it to tint their windows themselves. It has a wide variety of colors and is capable of holding fragments if the glass unit is suddenly broken.

Why is glass in plastic windows tinted?

July 23, 2019

Despite the fact that most clients order standard plastic windows, not burdened with additional aesthetic and functional features, tinted glass is still considered one of the most popular elements of the emerging order for windows, doors, balconies and loggias. This is explained simply. Tinting is not the most expensive procedure. But you get much more advantages from ordering it than disadvantages. The number of the latter, by the way, sharply approaches zero. In this review, we will talk in more detail about the benefits of tinted windows, as well as the types of modern tinting.

Advantages of tinted glass

1. Protection from bright sun. Perhaps the most obvious advantage. If your room is too bright from the annoying rays of the sun, then tinting is the best way to protect yourself from this. Of course, you can curtain the windows with curtains or hang blinds, but in this case you will completely cover the translucent structure with a third-party object. Tinting will allow you to limit the light output as much as you need. No more glare on the screens of TVs, computers and other gadgets.

2. Protection from harmful solar radiation. If you often sit near a window that receives a lot of sunlight, the exposure of your skin to radiation may be hazardous to your health. The same applies to indoor plants on your windowsill, for which too much sun can be fatal. Window tinting will reliably protect the interior of the room and its inhabitants from harmful solar radiation.

3. Protection against burnout. Too much sun can have an extremely detrimental effect on the richness of colors in your interior. This applies to room wallpaper, your furniture, and even the screen of your TV or monitor. Tinted glass will also help you protect all of the above from fading.

4. Protection against room overheating. Did you know that certain types of glass tinting can cope not only with light, but also with heat flow emanating from the sun's rays? If your room is too hot in summer, a possible cause may be overheating under the influence of bright sun, which is especially true for windows facing south. Tinted glass will effectively cope with this problem by reflecting thermal radiation back to where it came from.

5. Protection from mechanical damage. If a tinting film is used when tinting windows, it will provide additional protection against mechanical damage to the glass unit. In simple words, if a double-glazed window suddenly breaks accidentally, the glass shards will remain on the tinting film and will not spill out onto the head of one of your household members.

6. Protection from prying eyes. Any option for colored glass tinting will create the effect of privacy, which is especially important for residents of the first floors or those apartments that are located opposite multi-story buildings. In this case, there is no need for additional protection of window units with blinds or blackout curtains.

7. Softness of light. This item can be included in protection from the bright sun, but it is still worth considering that the color of the tint may be different. As a result, the degree of softness of the light inside the room will also be different, creating the effect of relaxation or, conversely, an incentive to take active action (depending on the chosen tint shade).

8. External and internal beauty. Tinted glass looks not just beautiful from the outside, but expressive and accentuated. You will definitely make tinted windows stand out from the total mass of PVC windows in a multi-storey building. As for internal beauty, the effect of glass coloring creates harmony with the overall interior design of the room, influencing the aesthetics in the most positive way.

Additional advantages of tinting include the ease of care of the glass surface, which can simply be wiped with a soft cloth dipped in soapy water, and then wiped dry. The tinting will not be affected. It is worth noting that any type of glass tinting creates a very strong and durable coating. It is difficult to damage by mechanical forces, plus it is reliably protected from long-term exposure to solar radiation, without fading, cracking or peeling over time.

Having decided to order plastic windows with tinted glass, you will need to decide on the tinting method. Please note that tinting is done at the production stage of the double-glazed window, so this should be taken care of when placing an order. In extreme cases, you will have to change the entire double-glazed window, replacing it with a tinted one. In modern conditions, glass tinting can be done by painting in the mass, applying a protective film, by pyrolysis, as well as by the vacuum method. The choice is yours.

In addition to choosing the color of glass tinting in your plastic window, you will need to decide on the type of tinting, depending on the goals that this process sets for itself. In addition to the usual tinting film, which paints the glass in the shade you need, there are special sun protection films designed to reflect solar radiation. Mirror tinting will not only help create an impressive aesthetic effect, but will also completely eliminate prying eyes from the outside. Matte film also promotes privacy, plus takes care of aesthetics and provides a record 70 percent light transmission. Finally, protective tinting makes the glass unit resistant to impacts. This film is also called “vandal-proof”. Please note that glass tinting can be carried out not only in windows, but also in doors, entrance lobbies, balconies and loggias, shop windows, etc.

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Pros and cons of tinted windows in the house


They dim the brightness of sunlight, protecting furniture and other interior items from fading, which is why it is especially suitable for windows oriented to the south.
Prevents sun glare on TV screens or computer monitors.

They serve as an additional decorative element, creating a special atmosphere in the room.

They protect from the curious glances of passers-by or neighbors during daylight hours.


  • With the lights on, if the windows are not covered with curtains, in the evening everyone from the street can see what is happening indoors.
  • Tinted double-glazed windows oriented to the northern, dimly lit side will create a gloomy atmosphere in the room.

Step-by-step instruction

Before you start tinting a PVC window with film, take into account the ambient temperature; it should not be lower than 10 and higher than 30 C, since in this case the film can be easily deformed.

Technology of tinting the glass package with film:

  1. The film must be rolled out on a flat and hard surface.
  2. Accurately measure the size of the glass and add at least 4 cm around the perimeter.
  3. Thoroughly clean the glass surface from all contaminants.
  4. To do this, moisten the glass generously with soap and carefully remove the solution with a rubber spatula. This operation is repeated several times to obtain maximum effect.
  5. A clean, dried surface is moistened with a soap solution from a spray bottle.
  6. Carefully remove the protective paper from the film; it is better to perform this step together.
  7. Neutralize the effect of the glue on the film by wetting it with soapy water; in this case, the film will not immediately stick to the glass, but can be leveled.
  8. First apply the film to the uppermost border of the glass with the adhesive side and carefully, using plastic movements of the palms, smooth the film over the surface.
  9. Check that the tint covers the entire plane of the window.
  10. Using a rubber spatula with slight gentle pressure, smooth the film from the center to the edges, removing moisture and air.
  11. Carefully remove the protruding edges of the film with a knife and, if necessary, smooth the film again with a rubber spatula, especially along the edges.

Find out how to tint a plastic window with your own hands without removing the glazing bead from the video below:

Possible errors and difficulties

The main mistakes that window owners make when tinting glass are the wrong choice of tinting method and location of window units. So it is strictly forbidden to perform this process on windows located in the northern and western direction, as well as those with other sources of darkening, for example, trees or a nearby building.

In the process of applying protective film to glass, the following mistakes are most often made:

  • The color and model of the film are chosen incorrectly, insufficient or excessive dimming violates sanitary standards in the room regarding lighting.
  • The size of the protective coating is incorrectly measured.
  • When cutting the film, no minimum margins are left for trimming.
  • The work is carried out independently without an assistant.
  • The inner adhesive surface of the film and glass was not pre-treated with soapy water.
  • Smoothing was carried out not with a rubber spatula, but with improvised means; as a result, the film ruptured.

Advantages of self-pasting

The most important advantage of tinting PVC windows is the creation of comfortable living conditions in rooms whose windows face the street, located on the south and east sides. At the same time, the owner will not require serious financial investments, since the method involves the use of available tools and materials.

The disadvantages include the fact that if the technology is violated by the performer, due to insufficient experience, the tinting effect will be absent or negative , due to the wrong choice of the type of film and glazing location, or the film will be completely deformed due to overvoltage.

Where are they used?

Used as an additional decoration element in cafes and restaurants. In offices, they protect the premises from overheating and excessively bright sun. They create the impression of respectability of the organization. Owners of apartments and private houses choose tinted double-glazed windows for several reasons: protection from bright sun, prying eyes and intruders, creating a unique look, preventing overheating of rooms and the occurrence of solar glare. In order to hide what is happening and protect against overheating, many use tinted double-glazed windows for glazing loggias and balconies.

private houses

apartment buildings

cafes and restaurants

office centers

public buildings

Options for tinting films for double-glazed windows

You can order double-glazed windows with various types of tinting:

  • Mirrored - reliably protects the room from prying eyes, also has the functions of heat saving and sun protection.
  • Sun protection - preserves natural light in the room, effectively blocking bright rays in hot weather. The film can be made in different colors.
  • Protective - preserves the integrity of the glass unit. It is much more difficult to break a double-glazed window with protective film than the basic version. In the place of a strong impact, the glass cracks, but does not fall into sharp fragments, but is held in place with the help of a film. Recommended for ground floor apartments, shops and sports facilities.

You can view the film catalog in our sales office. The catalog presents a whole line of tinting material from modern types to classic shades with different darkening coefficients.

Why should you contact plasokna?

When planning to purchase high-quality tinted windows, you cannot rely on price alone or bright, enticing advertising. Among the many offers, it is important to find a company that meets the greatest number of requirements. Such as experience in the market, a positive reputation, the availability of product certificates, good prices and interesting promotions.

The plasokna company meets all the most important requirements, offering high quality services at the best price for more than 12 years. Our installers are trained at the Rehau Academy and are allowed to work only after successfully passing the exam. Confidence in our abilities allows us to provide our customers with an increased warranty on installation - 5 years!

Care and price of tinting films

Thanks to modern technologies, window tinting is made of the highest quality, and this ensures fairly simple maintenance. Usually, wet cleaning is done without using cleaning products containing abrasive particles. You can use a small amount of soap or mild detergent added to warm water. Dip a soft cloth in it and wipe the surface.

Purchase tinting film from specialized construction stores. Its price may vary and range from 120−300 rubles/m2.

The use of tinting on the windows of apartments or shopping centers significantly reduces various types of costs, for example, financial and energy. There are savings on heating and cooling of premises; in winter, heat loss is greatly reduced, and in summer the apartment remains cool for a long time.

Possibilities of appearance of tinted glazing.

The glazing surface of the loggia can be decorated in a specific color. This is made possible by the wide range of solar control film colors available for purchase. Now it is not a big problem to create blue, green, light brown glazing of a loggia just by applying film to the windows of the object being tinted.

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