What are panoramic aluminum floor-to-ceiling windows and how to install them correctly?

Modern civil construction widely uses the installation of panoramic glazing based on aluminum frames.
These designs have today become an indicator of an elite lifestyle, creating a special style of buildings and a “zest” of the interior.

These structures are expensive and difficult to install, so before the owner decides to install them, he must know the design, technological requirements for the installation and operation of panoramic aluminum windows, as well as their advantages and disadvantages.

What are they?

Such designs, which architects and designers also call French, are a type of large-sized window systems that occupy at least 2/3 of the wall area , and in height from floor to ceiling. Panoramic structures can be located on two sides of the house, including forming a corner.

They create not only a unique interior, but also provide the most complete natural level of lighting for the apartment and house. Can be installed without frame structures and guides. In this option, one aluminum plate is installed over the entire wall, onto which a glass block is attached. Such panoramic glazing creates the illusion of transparency and weightlessness.

Acceptable installation areas

Aluminum panoramic structures in new construction are installed according to the project, in this case their energy efficiency and reliability are checked.
When installing them, in addition to the economic and thermal components of the choice, there must be the feasibility of an external review .

It is difficult to imagine the level of comfort of residents in a house whose panoramic windows are directed towards a landfill or are located overlooking the pedestrian part of the street with a huge flow of people.

General cases when installation of panoramic windows is allowed:

  1. Having a beautiful view outside the window, for example, a garden or square, mountains or sea.
  2. This is a design solution for “view” apartments, usually located on the upper floors.
  3. The design of the walls allows the installation of such window designs.
  4. The location of a house or other object allows for the protection of personal living space, especially for the first and second floors.
  5. For small private houses to visually expand the space.
  6. For rooms with narrow, elongated loggias, which will provide maximum light flux and visually enlarge the room.

Important ! When reconstructing window units in an old housing stock, their installation is permitted only upon development of a reconstruction project and an expert opinion that the house will not lose its reliability and other operational characteristics after the installation of such dimensional window units.

Installation of such structures for the following objects is not allowed:

  1. In brick and block houses with wall thickness less than 51 cm.
  2. A house that has served most of its allotted service life.
  3. The house does not have design documentation, which means there is no way for it to perform verification calculations for strength.
  4. In Khrushchev-era houses.
  5. In areas with high wind load.

Is it possible to do it?

The installation of a French window is nothing more than redevelopment of an apartment , and it cannot be started without a properly approved project. Technical, legislative and organizational issues are closely intertwined, therefore, before you start “straightening out the papers”, you need to find out whether they will allow it? After all, any of the many authorities that will have to go through can impose their veto, and this can happen at the very end, when a lot of money and time have been spent.

We’ll give you some advice right away: the easiest way to “Frenchize” an apartment is to have French windows on the balcony. Especially if the balcony is combined with the room. According to the stereotype of thinking, the attached balcony is turned into a bedroom, but why not make it a corner for resting the soul, and solve the issue with the bedroom differently? Residential square footage is still being added. It is much easier to obtain a package of permits for combining a balcony with a room than for a French window separately.

  • First, technically: the balcony opening can be left as is, i.e. there is no need to touch the load-bearing wall. This simplifies and reduces the cost of both obtaining documentation and the work itself.
  • Secondly, psychologically. It’s one thing – “he’s greedy, Frenchman!”, but quite another thing – a low-income citizen wants to somehow expand his living space.
  • Thirdly, aesthetically: the balcony can be glazed from top to bottom on three sides, creating a truly panoramic view.
  • Fourthly, in terms of light: the overall illumination in the apartment will still increase significantly, but the balcony opening will act as a diaphragm, so costly and time-consuming rendering calculations can be eliminated.
  • Fifthly, in terms of design: since we are no longer tightly tied to the light, the design and decoration of the room can be done simply to your liking, and “redesigning” a failed balcony, if necessary, is not so difficult.

The French window on the loggia attached to the room is especially attractive. Its parapet is not a load-bearing structure, and a strong concrete box will provide reliable support for the glazing, which, by the way, for a French window will require a very solid one - our climate is not Provençal. Obtaining permission to demolish the parapet and refurbish a loggia with a panoramic window will be much easier both in terms of money and time and hassle.


All manufacturers of such structures must comply with state requirements for them, specified in SNIP, GOST and SP.
Such designs can only be implemented if there are quality certificates that guarantee that the lighting system meets all the requirements established in the Russian Federation.

Basic requirements for geometric characteristics:

  1. The block must have an area of ​​no more than 6 m2.
  2. Large structures are equipped with partitions that divide the block into parts with a unit area of ​​no more than 2.5 m2.
  3. Thick reinforced sashes 1.5 mm, limited in area to 0.9 x 2.1 m, or 1.2 x 1.5 m.
  4. The weight of the block sash cannot exceed 75 kg.
  5. The arch radius must be more than 0.3 m.
  6. Frost resistance, correspond to class no less than M.
  7. Thermal protection coefficient is not less than 0.70 m2*C/W.

Important ! Panoramic windows are an increased source of cold in the room, therefore they require the installation of a special heating system; as a rule, floor convectors are installed as heating elements.

Large windows - love at first sight

Large windows are gaining popularity all over the world. This trend is also relevant for Russia. Floor-to-ceiling structures often replace entire walls (panoramic glazing). The demand for real estate with panoramic glazing is growing every day.

XXL size windows have a number of undeniable advantages:

Expand the space

Panoramic windows expand boundaries and create a feeling of freedom and unity with the outside world. Even a small property will appear larger.

Photo: Schüco Livlng Slide* Lift-and-slide system More light

Large windows let in more light and give a feeling of lightness, comfort, and well-being!

Photo: panoramic glazing Schüco Livlng 82 mm in St. Petersburg Positive emotions

Contemplation of the surrounding world through panoramic glazing gives positive emotions. The view from the large window is mesmerizing. It creates a feeling of spaciousness and light, the gaze no longer rests on the wall. I would like to live and dream in such a house!

Photo: elite residential complex “Riviera”, Yekaterinburg, panoramic glazing Schüco PVC* Prestige

Owners of properties with large windows understand investment.

Photo: panoramic glazing with sun protection elements The demand for housing with panoramic glazing is growing every day and emphasizes the high status of the owner.


The maximum dimensions of such structures are established by regulations and cannot exceed a height of 2.75 m and a width of 2.65 m . The developer, when choosing panoramic window blocks, must proceed from the design of the walls, taking into account the above-mentioned limit.

Modern aluminum windows have the following characteristics:

  1. Energy saving glass.
  2. Service life from 80 to 100 years.
  3. Fire resistance - 600 C.
  4. Thermal resistance - Ro = 0.55-0.57 m2ooC/W.
  5. Sound protection - 48 dB.
  6. Uf coefficient is less than 0.8 W/m2K.
  7. The degree of protection against burglary is WK3.
  8. Durable, permissible moment of inertia of the aluminum profile in the plane Ix = 6 cm4.


Several dozen modifications of aluminum panoramic windows are used for industrial and civil construction. In order for customers to be able to navigate their design, they are grouped according to a number of characteristics.

The main types of aluminum panoramic windows:

  • By type of opening: swing and tilt-and-turn, the most popular, with highly functional fittings, durable, heat- and sound-proof.

  • Parallel-sliding frames move relative to each other, are installed where there is a shortage of free space, have lower heat and noise protection characteristics, as well as limited functionality.
  • “Accordion” can only be installed in southern regions or indoors, due to low energy efficiency.
  • Blind - non-opening, non-functional, but create high protective characteristics.
  • According to the frame design option: with an impost, which is installed in the center of the frame to hang the sash and strengthen the panoramic structure. Can be horizontal/vertical or simply for decorative purposes.
  • With a shutter - a bar installed on the sash to prevent the frame from opening to the street.
  • Frameless glazing has a number of advantages in terms of versatility, since it is suitable for any opening, diversity, comfort due to its high protective characteristics in terms of heat and sound.
  • By type of glazing: cold with low energy efficiency only for southern regions or for external glazing of the facade; warm - energy efficient, installed in any climatic regions, as the main glazing of residential and industrial buildings.

Basic concepts. Floors, ceilings, walls, doors, windows

Are you planning not a cosmetic renovation, but a serious refurbishment of your apartment, associated with a change in the design of the room itself? Even if you are going to seek help from a designer, it will not hurt to understand some architectural concepts. First of all, it is worth clarifying what your building is from an architectural point of view, what elements (parts) it consists of.

All architectural and structural elements of a building are interconnected and are divided into load-bearing, enclosing and load-bearing-enclosing. Load-bearing elements carry all the loads present in the building and acting on the building. Enclosing elements protect the building from atmospheric influences and also help isolate rooms from each other. Load-bearing-enclosing elements combine the functions of load-bearing and enclosing elements. The main architectural and structural elements of a building are the foundation, individual supports, floors, walls, partitions, roof, stairs, doors, windows.

When working on organizing your living space in an apartment in an apartment building, you are unlikely to be able to make any changes to the foundation, stairs or roof. But having a general understanding of walls, ceilings, doors, and windows will not be superfluous. This is due to the fact that alteration of the main elements of the building is possible only after all the nuances of the alteration have been agreed upon by certain authorities. Ignoring the norms and procedures for redevelopment by individual citizens usually has sad and even tragic consequences.

Speaking about walls, it should be clarified that they can be external and internal. Both play a protecting role. Exterior walls separate interior spaces from exterior spaces, and interior walls separate rooms from each other.

Walls are also divided into load-bearing (capital), self-supporting and non-load-bearing. Load-bearing walls take the load of their own weight and other parts of the building, and transfer this load to the foundation. There are structures when the walls, resting on the foundation, bear the load solely from their own weight and do not take the load from other structures. These are self-supporting structures. Walls that are only enclosures and supported by other elements of the building are non-load-bearing.

An important element of the building is also the floors - structures that separate adjacent rooms in the building by height. Floors provide rigidity to the building. They are load-bearing structures because, in addition to their own weight, they can withstand the loads created by the weight of people and all objects in the room. The floors separating the floors are called interfloor. There are also above-basement floors (they separate the first floor from the basement), lower floors (they separate the lower floor from the ground), and attic floors (they separate the upper floor from the attic). If there is no attic in the building, instead of an attic floor, a non-attic covering is used, combining the functions of the attic floor and roof.


- these are walls that divide the internal space of a building into separate rooms within one floor. The partitions rest on the floors and do not bear any load (except their own weight). As a rule, they are small in thickness and weight.

Posts, columns and similar structural members are used to support walls or floors. Floors can also be supported by the so-called. purlins are powerful beams laid on columns. Together with the columns, the purlins form the internal frame of the building.

A floor created in the attic space is called an attic. The connection between floors in a building is carried out using stairs, for which, as a rule, a separate room is provided - a staircase. Any residential building also has windows for insolation of rooms and ventilation with air, and doors necessary to go outside or move from room to room.

If you are planning major changes in the arrangement of your home, you should not refuse the help of a designer. Only an experienced and competent interior designer will be able to take into account all the features of your room and create a professional and competent design project. If you have some knowledge in the field of architectural construction, it will be easier for you to understand the language that the designer speaks. This means that your joint project has a chance to be truly interesting and unique.

Tips for choosing the right type

The main criteria for selecting a panoramic block made of aluminum are the strength and reliability of the structure, with low weight, so as not to exceed the load on the floor slabs.

The selection is made based on the following indicators:

  1. The double-glazed window should not be very massive, so as not to increase the total weight of the structure; many choose a single-chamber energy-saving package, with M1 glass in accordance with GOST 111.2001, which has a wide distance between the sheets of glass.

  2. For northern regions, a heat-protective coating is used and gas is filled in the internal space to reduce heat loss.
  3. Double-chamber packages are installed in houses located near highways or other noisy places. To protect such an expensive double-glazed window from mechanical damage, triplex or reinforced glass is installed on the outside. This will protect it from mechanical damage.
  4. In places that are exposed to increased sunlight, the windows are additionally tinted.
  5. The fittings must be functional and durable, providing at least 10,000 openings over their service life. It must have protection, for example from children, prevent sagging of the doors and other types of protection, depending on the operating conditions. Internal elements must be made of durable anti-corrosion metal.
  6. Seals in accordance with GOST 30778.2001 made of EPDM must be frost-resistant and moisture-resistant.
  7. The frame must have a closed section with a profile thickness of 1.3 mm and a coating of powder dyes with polyester resins with a thickness of at least 50 microns. Durable, permissible moment of inertia of the aluminum profile in the plane Ix = 6 cm4.

Double-glazed windows for panoramic windows

The choice of glass and double-glazed windows must be made consciously and taking into account all factors that influence operating conditions. Let's consider what kind of glass is used for the manufacture of double-glazed windows and what has a decisive influence on the choice.

Double-glazed window diagram

Table. Types of glass for panoramic windows.

Type of glassSpecificationsPlace of use

Armored glass

The most durable material, not afraid of significant dynamic loads and impacts from sharp objects.Installed in panoramic windows on the verandas of luxury buildings. It has minimal heat saving characteristics and is not used in heated rooms.

Sun protection

It has a special coating that does not transmit infrared rays.Recommended for installation in regions with warm climates or on the south side of façade walls. Minimizes the likelihood of overheating of premises, improves the microclimate. In addition, solar control glass limits the possibility of unwanted persons inspecting the premises.

Energy saving

The latest development of scientists makes it possible to save a significant amount of internal thermal energy. Can save up to 50% heat compared to conventional glass. For northern regions, it is recommended for the manufacture of panoramic windows in residential premises.


The cheapest (besides the ordinary one), in terms of physical strength is much inferior to the armored one, but superior to the ordinary one.Universal purpose, the most used material for the manufacture of double-glazed panoramic windows.

Energy-saving low-e glass

Strained glass

Important! The better the glass, the more reliable and expensive the panoramic windows. As for the number of double-glazed windows, the main criterion during selection is the climate zone of residence and the specific location of the window installation (residential or non-residential premises).

Classification of double-glazed windows

Installation features

Before installing panoramic windows, the work area for installation must be carefully prepared: the old frame is removed, the wall opening is protected from debris and excess concrete, the surfaces are leveled and the perimeter of the opening is primed.

Technological stages of installation:

  1. Prepare the block for installation operations. The window, depending on the size and agreement between the buyer and the seller, can be supplied either assembled or disassembled with structural elements and fittings.
  2. If the product was delivered in blocks, then the frame is removed from the glass unit.
  3. Set the frame level and strengthen it with wedges.
  4. Holes for fastening are drilled along the perimeter of the frame structure and adjacent walls.
  5. The anchor plates are secured with dowels.
  6. The assembly seam is made. It is foamed, waited for 2 hours and the wedges are removed, after which the remaining holes are treated with foam, and after final drying, the irregularities are cut off.

  7. A vapor-permeable tape is attached to the external assembly seam, which will prevent moisture from entering the room.

  8. The ebb is laid from the outer lower part of the structure, securing it with self-tapping screws. The cracks are also treated with foam, followed by removal of excess and treatment with sealant.
  9. The window sill is installed in a pre-prepared groove under the frame, the base is leveled and foamed with a layer of polyurethane foam.
  10. To install a double-glazed window, you will need experience, since this technological stage is very labor-intensive and requires certain skills.
  11. Install liners along the entire perimeter of the frame structure. A double-glazed window is installed, fixed with glazing beads, which are compacted with rubber hammers. Before installing the sash, the handle is left in the “window open” position. The sash is hung on the lower hinge, and the top of the frame gradually sits on the corner hinge.
  12. Fixation is performed with a pin, pushing it upward until it clicks.
  13. The window is adjusted by tightening or loosening the adjusting screws.

Caring for such glazing

Owners of panoramic glazing have several types of care for such huge windows:

  1. Professional washing from companies.
  2. Telescopic mops (regular, steam, highly specialized window mops).
  3. Magnetic sponges and other innovative devices.
  1. External structures such as scaffolding, hanging cradles and ladders, from where it is easy to wash the window with ordinary means.
  2. Removing double-glazed windows from the inside for washing.

The last method of temporarily removing double-glazed windows in order to wash them is possible only if the window is broken into sections by imposts or sashes. But frequent removal is fraught with loss of tightness; it is better to use this folk method in emergency cases when it is impossible to clean the window in any other way.

Advantages and disadvantages

These window systems have a fundamental advantage - a visual increase in space, especially if the room has a small area.

In addition, users include among the advantages of window blocks:

  1. High degree of natural light.
  2. Particularly attractive view of the house.
  3. Noise protection.
  4. Thermal protection.
  5. Biological safety.
  6. Environmental Safety.
  7. Long service life of the unit, over 80 years.
  8. Fire resistance.

However, such windows, especially if the type and design are chosen incorrectly, may have disadvantages . The most significant ones include violation of privacy, high cost and the need to install special heating systems.

However, existing engineering solutions make it possible to minimize these disadvantages for panoramic aluminum windows.


The pricing policy for such aluminum windows is based on three main principles: brand, type of construction and glazing area. Prices by region of the country differ slightly , by approximately 15-20%, the highest in Moscow and large regional centers.

The total cost of panoramic glazing is calculated in rubles. and consists of the cost of the window and installation work, which includes, at the request of the customer, many additional operations and delivery.

Average prices for products

Prices for this type of aluminum windows depend on the popularity of the brand, the design of the facade, and the type of glazing: warm or cold.
As well as frame configurations: straight, radius and broken, type of configuration, quality of fittings, type of aluminum profile processing, number of chambers and design features.

Average prices for aluminum panoramic window units:

  1. Straight facade, transom design Vidnal F50 SR, double-glazed window 36 mm, RUB 7,500/m2.
  2. Radius facade, beam design Vidnal F50 SR, double-glazed window 36 mm, RUB 9,500/m2.
  3. Broken facade, transom design Vidnal F50 SR, double-glazed window 36 mm, RUB 11,500/m2.
  4. AGS Russia, cold/warm series AGS 50/AGS 68, 11000/13600 RUR/m2.
  5. SIAL Russia, cold/warm series SIAL KP40/ SIAL KPT60, 9000/12000 rub./m2.
  6. Alutech Belarus, cold/warm series Alutech C48/ Alutech W62, RUB 10,600/12,300/m2.
  7. Alumark Germany, cold/warm series Alumark S50/ Alumark S70, RUB 10,900/12,200/m2.
  8. NewTec Italy, cold/warm series NewTec SY50/ NewTec SY68, RUB 11,000/14,200/m2.

For installation

When calculating installation prices, such characteristics as the area of ​​the block, the complexity and volume of installation, the brand and quality of the block, the type of sliding or drop-down sashes, the type of frame - cold or warm, and the insulation system - are taken into account.

Basic and additional prices for installation:

  1. Cold glazing, 6500 rub./m2.
  2. Warm glazing, 8300 rub./m2.
  3. Increasing the impact resistance of a double-glazed window, 3000 rub./m2.
  4. Built-in blinds, 14,000 rub./m2.
  5. Heating of double-glazed windows, 11,000 rub./m2.
  6. Variable transparency of the double-glazed window, 38,000 rub./m2.
  7. Delivery within city limits, 2500 rub./m2.

How to calculate the cost?

Many serious companies that manufacture and install panoramic windows on aluminum frames have websites that integrate special online calculators; the customer can independently calculate the cost of installation and block .
In cases where the manufacturer does not provide such a service to customers, you can make the calculation yourself.

For example, the cost of cold glazing of 10 m2 from an aluminum package Alumark Germany, cold series S50 with increased impact resistance and heated glass unit will cost the customer:

10900х10+6500Х10+3000Х10+11000Х10+2500Х10=339000 rub.

Windows in a frame house - what to look for

To begin installing windows, you need to make sure that all work on the construction of the frame, its insulation, waterproofing and windproofing is completed.

Note! In the area of ​​the openings, the waterproofing material is left with a margin to overlap the window and prevent it from blowing through.

As for the installation itself, it is important to pay attention to the following nuances:

  • depth of installation of the frame - the more the structure is shifted towards the room, the more the outer wall will freeze; the closer the window is to the facade, the higher the risk of freezing and condensation;
  • placement and number of fasteners for frames - it is different for fixed and opening sashes;
  • insulation of the joint between the wall and the window - it should be both inside and outside;
  • correct placement of double-glazed windows in the opening.

Regardless of whether you install windows in a frame house yourself or with the help of invited craftsmen, you cannot do without knowledge of technology. In the first case, this is necessary to obtain a high-quality result, in the second, to control the work of specialists. There are often situations when they make mistakes.

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