Plastic window with a window - advantages and disadvantages

Plastic windows are in incredible demand today. And this is not surprising, because such structures have an attractive appearance, provide excellent protection from noise and cold, and also have a long service life. Most often, PVC windows are a single structure, and some of them have a tilt-and-turn mechanism, through which you can quickly and easily ventilate the room.

But such a ventilation system is not always convenient, especially in areas with a harsh climate. It is for this reason that manufacturers began to expand their range and now you can purchase a plastic window with a window.

What it is

In buildings of the old type, vents were a common part of every window.
This can be seen in the examples of “Stalinka” and “Khrushchev”. In the panel high-rise buildings that replaced them, they were no longer available. But the residents added a functional component. A window is a small opening that is installed in a window system. Used to fill the room with fresh air.

Most windows are provided with a rotary type fastening and a hinged mode. Buyers believe that these functions are sufficient for sufficient ventilation of the room. However, it is not.

Double-glazed windows with a window are a complete method of ventilation. In addition, there are many additional benefits.

This part of the window unit plays an important role - it is a way to create a favorable microclimate in the room.

Plastic windows with vents are safe - they limit access for children and animals, preventing them from falling out.

With its help you can ventilate the room during a smoke break. The smoke disappears in a matter of minutes.

Windows of plastic and wooden types are in great demand among buyers. But not everyone uses the ventilation function, using, in the old fashioned way, the full opening of the window in a plastic window. This method is not always convenient.

In winter, the accessory will be a salvation - it will ensure unhindered penetration of air into the room. At the same time, there is no threat to human health from hypothermia and plants standing on the windowsill.

The window element will be indispensable when preparing food, as the resulting pungent odors permeate the room. In this case, the window is an irreplaceable thing.

Why is it better to worry about the window in advance?

Thanks to the window, you can conveniently ventilate the room without having the winter ventilation function. The advantage of using it is that when opening the window, it does not draw cold air across the floor, which often happens if the window is in the winter ventilation position. This way, you can ventilate without fear that you or the children playing on the floor will get blown out.

In addition, the window is convenient if children live in the house. They will not be able to reach it, open it or fall out, and they will not crush their fingers. If the window is on the ground floor and you have a cat, she will be able to enter the house without waiting for you to open the window.

Sometimes window owners wonder whether it is possible to make a window in a plastic window? The answer is yes, but to do this you will need to supplement the profile with another crossbar, purchase a special double-glazed window, and the window itself. It is much more convenient to immediately order a window with this function. This will cost much less than remodeling an existing structure.

Windows are often used by pensioners who are accustomed to standard wooden structures. It is difficult for them to adapt to modern technologies, so they prefer to use the window the old fashioned way. A window will make the design practical, but will not force a person to learn how to use modern fittings.

A window with a window is not only functional, but also stylish. The design may include a retro style, and the windows fit it perfectly. Thanks to this element, the window looks more comfortable and homely: the office element disappears from the interior. The window will be quite relevant for the bedroom. For a comfortable sleep, there should always be fresh air in the room, and the room temperature should also be comfortable. The most convenient way to adjust this is by ventilating the room regularly.

The cost of plastic windows with a vent

As mentioned above, first of all, the cost depends on the type of window itself and the size of the window. The company manufacturing the window profile also plays a role. The most famous companies on the window market are: VEKA, REHAU, KBE, which produce profiles using German technology. The cost of their products is almost the same, for example, for a window with a window measuring 1300x1300 mm you will pay:

  • From 9,000 rubles – a standard window in a blind plastic window;
  • From 9,500 rubles – a window with a window and an adjacent non-opening sash;
  • From 10,500 rubles – a solid sash with a window and an opening adjacent sash;
  • From 11,500 rubles and above - a window with a transom and fully movable sashes.

It is worth keeping in mind that a separate fee will need to be paid for delivery of the window and its installation.
Dismantling of an old structure is usually free of charge. Smaller windows will cost less, larger ones will cost more. The profile of German origin is rightfully considered the best. Unfortunately, there are many unscrupulous companies on the window market that mercilessly exploit the word “German”. Most of these products are produced using cheap labor and energy resources, and the cost is compared with the original. Therefore, order windows only from well-known manufacturers who have positive reviews and provide a guarantee for their products.

RehauPartner - quality without overpayments

Cooperation with REHAUpartner allows clients to receive a number of significant advantages.

The REHAUpartner company is the official partner of the German manufacturer of plastic profile systems REHAU, which obliges us to constantly monitor the quality of products and use only certified components. During its activity, the company has earned a good reputation, as evidenced by grateful reviews from many of our clients. The specialists who install window structures undergo special training at the Rehau Academy, so they are able to cope with a task of any complexity.

Types of windows

Vents for plastic windows can be of three types:

  • Mortise window: this is the most expensive and aesthetic option. The mortise window is an integral part of the window profile, so it matches the window perfectly in color and size. This window is strong and durable.
  • A split window is a window that is installed in a finished window profile by cutting one of the sashes. The glass unit in it is replaced, the window is held on by overhead hinges. Such a window is not very reliable and not very beautiful. This option is suitable if you do not intend to change the window, but want to provide them with vents.
  • The sliding window is an exclusive option. Such windows are made only to order. The glass is fixed on horizontal runners, which simultaneously hold the window and allow it to move. Very flimsy design.

You can also distinguish the following types of windows:

  • An opening window in a “blind” window;
  • An opening window and a sash under it with a “blind” second sash;
  • Opening window and movable large shutter;
  • Fully movable doors and window.

The vents in plastic windows can be opened either in a rotary or folding manner. Options with a tilt-and-turn method are possible.

Conventional windows (a rectangle one-third the size of a sash) are more common, but there are also transom windows (a folding rectangle occupying the upper third of the window).

For wooden windows

Materials and tools

Unlike plastic windows (as well as modern timber structures with full-fledged clamping fittings), for a wooden window the window leaf is almost the only element that provides ventilation to the room. That’s why it’s worth figuring out how to make a window in a wooden window, and, if necessary, using this knowledge.

The frame is best made from laminated veneer lumber

To make the simplest design we will need:

  • wooden beam for the sash;
  • glazing beads;
  • glass 4 mm thick;
  • window hinges (2 pieces per sash);
  • latch or other locking mechanism (1 piece per sash);
  • wood glue;
  • wood screws.

The simplest locking mechanisms

Like any carpentry work, making a window with your own hands requires the use of a variety of tools and devices. And if our ancestors made do with an axe, a saw and a couple of chisels, today we have the opportunity to make our lives much easier.

So, you will need:

  • wood saw (reciprocating, circular or hacksaw);
  • electric planer or milling cutter for shaping the beam profile;
  • jigsaw;
  • carpenter's chisels;
  • hammer;
  • screwdriver;
  • measuring tool (tape tape, caliper level).

Using an electric planer or milling cutter, the workpiece is profiled (as in the photo, but adjusted for scale)

In addition, if the window is installed in an already finished window, then we will need to partially shorten the glazing. For this, it is best to use a glass cutter - roller or diamond.

Preparing the foundation

Window design with two detachable sashes and a window

So, when everything you need is ready, let's start making the window and installing it in the window. The instructions assume the following sequence of actions:

  1. First, we prepare the place to install the window. To do this, remove the glazing beads from the window sash or blind part, remove the glass, then dismantle the top crossbar and shorten the sides to the required height.
  2. When the sidewalls are shortened, we place the dismantled upper crossbar on them and fix it - it will play the role of the lower base for the sash of our window.

Inset diagram

If tenons were used to connect the top crossbar to the sidewalls, then it will most likely have to be replaced by cutting out a piece of similar size from the timber and securing it with self-tapping screws.

  1. Then we cut the removed glass to the size of the new opening (use a glass cutter), install them in the grooves and fix them with glazing beads. By the way, the side beads also need to be shortened to the length of the sidewalls.

Thus, we get a window in which one of the sashes is now smaller. We will install our sash in the resulting free space.

We make the window ourselves

The process of making a sash itself is similar to assembling a window - but, of course, all the parts need to be made in a smaller version. In addition, you need to remember that in most houses we have double frames (single frames are cold!), so all operations will need to be repeated twice, making sure that the thickness of the bursa used allows the two sashes to fit together.

I proceed like this:

  1. Using a router or electric planer, I profile the beam, choosing grooves in it for installing glazing and for fitting to the frame/top crossbar of the sash located under the window. The presence of these grooves is highly desirable, since we will not be able to achieve the required tightness only through the seal at the junction of two strictly horizontal planes.

Profile shapes for timber

  1. I cut blanks from timber and file their ends to 450.
  2. I form tenons on the sections to connect the parts of the frames to each other.
  3. Using wood glue and self-tapping screws, I assemble the frames of two sashes for the window.

Blanks with cuts and tenons

After gluing, it is worth tightening the parts with clamps to maintain the perpendicularity of the sides.

  1. I treat the structure with moisture-proof impregnation and antiseptic. Subsequently, it can be opened with varnish or painted.
  2. I install glass cut to size into the grooves. I fix the glazing with glazing beads, nailing them with thin nails.
  3. I install hinges and latches.

The glazing can be additionally sealed with acrylic or silicone

  1. I hang the window sashes into the opening, securing the hinges with self-tapping screws. On the frame or second sash I install the counter parts for the locking mechanism.
  2. I check how freely the window on the hinges moves and, if necessary, adjust its position. In places where the sash adjoins other parts of the window or window opening, I glue seals made of porous polymer materials to ensure the tightness of the narthex.
  3. After completing the work, I install curtains (regular or roller), aluminum or wooden blinds, etc. on the windows.

In general, it would be wrong to say that making a window with your own hands is an easy task. You will have to work hard, but if you have tools, materials and at least basic carpentry skills, it is quite possible to cope with it.

The result of the work after installation and painting

Window with a window - a healthy microclimate in the house

Window designs with a window have a beneficial effect on the indoor microclimate. And even if at the moment you do not have the required amount to install a new window frame, you should not be upset, because you can embed a window into a plastic window after its installation. Our specialists will do everything quickly, efficiently, and most importantly – at a very reasonable price.

Choose a type of window that has several opening modes, so you will feel comfortable in any weather.

The following types of ventilation are traditionally used:

  • Swing mode – the window opens completely;
  • Micro-ventilation mode (winter) – the upper part of the window is opened slightly, similar to the tilt-and-turn design of solid windows;
  • Summer ventilation mode – the upper part of the window tilts completely.

It is not recommended to try to install a window in a plastic window yourself, otherwise you will definitely not be able to avoid a complete replacement of the double-glazed window.

How to buy wooden windows profitably?


My name is Konstantin Rybyakov, I am the head of the wooden windows department of the Leningrad Windows and Ceilings company. I have been working with wooden windows since 2005 and know almost everything about them.

Are you planning to install wooden windows in a cottage or apartment? Call or write to me.

I will answer your questions and calculate the cost of your order at the best price.

Don't know what to choose?

Call! I, or one of my measurers, will come to your site with a free consultation! Or you can come to my office, where I will show you samples of windows made from different types of wood, options for window sills, fittings and double-glazed windows. Quality and benefit are in your hands. Call!

Types of opening windows in PVC windows

A window, like other window sashes, can have one or more opening modes. The swing mode is the most popular and allows you to open the window wide for ventilation in the summer. The tilting mode is often used in transom-type windows. Opening in micro-ventilation mode is especially important during the cold season. It allows ventilation around the clock, while maintaining a comfortable temperature in the room. All three opening modes can be obtained by ordering a window design with a tilt-and-turn sash.

Swing opening

Wooden windows with double glazing

There are two common modern types of wooden windows in St. Petersburg:

  1. “Scandinavian” aka Finnish windows (we do not sell)
  2. “European” also known as “Bavarian”, “German” windows or simply “wooden Euro-windows” (our specialty!)

The Scandinavian type of windows came to us from Finland and consists of two frames: the window itself with double-glazed windows and an additional external frame with single glass (usually 4 mm). Both frames are connected by a “screw hitch” and open simultaneously. Such wooden windows are designed for the harsh Lapland winters and provide good energy saving performance. However, such designs have 5 (five) very serious disadvantages:

  1. It takes twice as long to wash: instead of two surfaces, you need to wash four on each sash.
  2. In addition, each time you wash, you will need to unscrew and tighten the “hitch-screws”. Is it too much attention for such simple operations?
  3. The doors do not have a tilt opening mode. Hello, fresh air ventilation!
  4. The wide frame “eats off” a decent part of the window sill.
  5. When opening, the doors may jam: if the first one opens normally, then the second outer (driven) one on the “screw hitch” may seem to stick. It's hard to explain, but we hope you understand.

Bonus: finally, Scandinavian wooden windows have a fairly high cost + add to this the cost of fresh air ventilation (in a good way).

Roto NX fittings – a new stage in the evolution of tilt and turn sashes

In 2022, Roto Frank introduced the 6th generation of window fittings to the Russian market - Roto NX. The model replaces the previous version Roto NT. The new product features advanced engineering solutions that improve comfort and increase the safety of windows.

New technical solutions have been implemented in Roto NX fittings in window ventilation modes (tilting and micro-ventilation):

  • provision of burglar resistance class RC2 in standard ventilation mode when using new anti-burglary strips;
  • The micro-ventilation mode has moved from the category of an additional option to a built-in function.

The RC2 resistance class in ventilation mode is ensured in Roto NX thanks to specially developed anti-burglary strikers.

Photo: Roto anti-burglary strikers: at the top – standard, at the bottom – with the ability to maintain class RC2 in ventilation mode*

In the tilting mode, these strips allow the sash and frame to remain engaged with each other, preventing the sash from opening.

Photo: tilt and turn sash in ventilation mode: on the left - with a standard strip, the sash does not engage with the frame; on the right - with a special strip, the engagement of the sash fittings with the frame fittings is maintained, providing burglary resistance class RC2*

Special anti-burglary strips are placed on the vertical sides of the frame (left and right) and on the lower horizontal side.

Photo: number and location of special anti-burglary strips on the frame (marked with red ovals)*

Micro-ventilation of NX ROTO fittings occurs due to a special new design of standard frame scissors, which allows the sash to be fixed in micro-ventilation mode when the window handle is positioned at an angle of 45 degrees. Thus, all tilt and turn sashes of the Roto NX fittings are equipped with the following modes: swing (pivot opening), tilt (ventilation) and micro-ventilation by default.

Photo: standard scissors on the frame of the Roto NX fittings provide the possibility of micro-ventilation *From 2022, the Roto Frank concern plans to completely switch to Roto NX fittings.

Plastic windows with a window - 24 photos - an excellent selection

Today, the demand for plastic windows with vents is constantly increasing. More and more clients, when ordering a window, discuss with the manager the possibility of having a window in it. And companies that manufacture windows are trying to find the most rational solutions in this direction. And although it seemed to everyone that the vents were a relic of old, wooden windows. They have many useful qualities and do not lose their relevance in our time. The advantage compared to large revolving doors is the ability to more effectively control the amount of air permeable into the room. In winter, when the temperature outside the window is sub-zero, opening a large sash for ventilation is impractical. Another important factor is the use of windows in homes where there are small children and pets. Agree, there is a risk of falling out of an open window, which is located at a much lower altitude. Plus, the structural elements of the window make it possible to strengthen the window frame, which is important for high wind loads.

Depending on the tasks assigned, windows with built-in vents can be of different types according to their design: hinged (mounted at the top); transom (mount, below); opening flap (side mounting); mutually sliding horizontal; suspended single and double (capable of turning 180 degrees).

The top flap is suspended and extends at different angles, which provides excellent control over the air flow.

The vertical reversible window can be rotated in the other direction to adjust the air direction.

The presence of window handles contrasts with large panoramic windows, then pneumatics and automation come to the rescue.

For large vertical windows, where the top position of the window is difficult to reach, it is effective to make a suspended sash in the middle of the window. This will also give additional reliability to the entire window.

For small rooms, small single-leaf windows are installed. And dividing them into two zones will help ventilate the room.

Small hinged doors on the sides of entrance doors have not only a practical, but also an aesthetic purpose.

Arched windows have a complex design and if ventilation is provided for, then only by dividing them into rectangular and semicircular parts.

In kitchens where something is constantly being cooked or fried, and the window opening is small, hanging shutters are suitable, which make it possible to fully open the window.

It is not possible to install automatic, self-opening windows. What is programmed for specific tasks. For private houses, windows with double hung sashes are suitable. Which can be opened together or separately.

For large rooms designed for a large number of visitors, the largest reversible doors are used. To activate them, a winch-type mechanism is used. Windows with casements made in a classic style will be an excellent design solution that will look equally good both from the street and inside.

Everything new is well forgotten old. Therefore, due to their qualities, vents will certainly become fashionable. And as you can see from the photographs, they can be very beautiful and harmonious, regardless of their design. A window is an ideal solution for natural ventilation of a room without large heat losses. And professionally designed windows with vents will be an excellent addition to the renovation. One must always be open to new ideas and not be afraid to experiment. So everyone has to decide for themselves whether they need a window or not.

Wooden windows made of pine, larch and oak

In 2014, we began producing wooden windows in St. Petersburg. New equipment, qualified specialists and automated production processes give us the opportunity to produce wooden windows with double-glazed windows quickly and efficiently.

We produce windows only from proven quality materials. Our models are assembled from timber with a thickness of 74 to 110 mm at the request of customers and are equipped with 2- or 3-chamber double-glazed windows with a seal from the German company Schlegel.

Wooden windows made of pine

In terms of their heat-saving and performance characteristics, pine windows are not inferior to windows made from more expensive types of wood. Moreover, such windows are as affordable as possible.

Wooden larch windows

Larch is the most reliable material for our climate. The pores of this tree contain a lot of resin, due to which larch windows have increased moisture resistance and durability.

Related article: Mini-cassette roller blinds for plastic windows

Wooden oak windows

Oak windows are the most reliable, durable and beautiful. By installing oak windows in your cottage or apartment, you will emphasize your level of connoisseur of beauty and strength.

Micro-ventilation in the swing-out doors solved the problem

The next development for tilt-and-turn windows was “micro-ventilation”, or micro-slit ventilation (MSV), which solved the problem of winter ventilation in tilt-and-turn windows.

Photo: during micro-ventilation, the sash moves away from the frame by 2-3 mm at the top

With micro-ventilation (position of the window handle at an angle of 45 degrees), the sash moves away from the frame (reclines) only a few millimeters only at the very top. Thanks to the complex configuration of the frame and sash profile, this allows the room to be ventilated without the through flow of cold air - it enters at an angle of almost 90 degrees only in the upper part of the room. Before entering the living area of ​​the room, the outside air has time to mix with warm indoor air and warm up.

Let's look at micro-ventilation options using the example of the most popular fittings in Russia - Roto. The company produces single-stage and multi-stage (up to 12 different angles of tilting the sash) micro-ventilation.

Ways to solve the problem of closing the window

To bring the sash into working condition, it is necessary to carry out simple manipulations to eliminate the cause of the wedge. This does not require special skills or fancy tools. Prepare a 4mm hexagon and regular pliers, this will be enough. Let's get started?

Eliminating the distortion

Vertical or horizontal adjustment will help remove the distortion of a PVC window. The screws that can be easily found on the inside of the profile are used to return the mechanism to one plane. You need to get to the side and bottom screws, hidden on hinges under special caps.

Having removed the decorative plugs, the position of the sash is calibrated with a hexagon. In this case, the bottom screw is responsible for alignment along the “top-bottom” axis, and the side screw is responsible for “right-left”. When you have finished setting up the system, close and then open the window. Repeat several times to make sure the problem is resolved.

And is it necessary? — What’s wrong with folding back the entire sash?

When we were children, all the windows were wooden. And they ventilated the room with a tiny window - in the summer it did not close at all, and in the winter it was not cold to sleep under it.

Now that the windows are plastic, the need to make a micro-sash seems to have disappeared. After all, tilt-and-turn fittings and slot ventilation do an excellent job. Are they coping? And with what task?

What is a window

Judging by GOST 23166-99 “Interstate standard. Window blocks, a window leaf is a sash element with dimensions, as a rule, not exceeding 350x450 mm, connected through a hinge connection with the bars of the sash or frame, intended for ventilating the room.

It turns out that the window is not just a window element, but also a ventilation equipment. This explains, for example, why vents for ventilating rooms are placed in the upper part of the window (this is the only way the cold winter air has time to mix with warm air and warm up on its way into the room). In winter, it is always cooler near the windows than in the center of the room. And if you also install a window at the bottom of the window, when it opens, it will be completely impossible to sit next to you. That's why the window is always at the top.


The last argument of supporters of installing modern windows without a survey and design: “They are beautiful.” Of course, there is no arguing about tastes, but since beauty requires sacrifice, the customer sacrifices money, time, nerves, and, most importantly, health - his own and his children's. In general, replacing windows with energy efficient ones can be compared to getting a tattoo or piercing: it may be beautiful, but it can be dangerous to your health. The mass fascination with these windows is somewhat reminiscent of the not so long ago fascination with “financial pyramids” - “MMM” and the like.


There are many types of vents that are installed in plastic windows. They differ in characteristics and installation method:

  • split - the template is mounted in the section of the window door;
  • mortise - with a pleasant appearance and higher in price than other types;
  • sliding - having the appearance of glasses, evenly moving relative to each other.

The first type of plastic windows with a vent can be installed in the opening. To install such a system, it is necessary to remove a section of the blind sash by installing a rotating product.

Mortise windows are popular models among buyers. When manufacturing a double-glazed window, the element is already designed to guarantee the stability and safety of all mechanisms.

The mortise sash can be mounted in both wooden and plastic double-glazed windows.

The sliding type is labor-intensive to produce and the most comfortable. For installation, grooves are used in the plastic window, through which a double-glazed window or pairs of glasses, mounted in a light frame, pass. The sliding window can be horizontal or vertical.

Additional views of this part of the window:

  • located in a “blind” opening;
  • with a mobile large sash;
  • with all doors fully moving.

Where are they used?

The first double-glazed windows presented on the market served to decorate window openings. Over time, the scope of application has grown significantly. However, due to the high price, not everyone could afford to buy such a design.

The window industry has improved, which has led to the emergence of competition. The promotion of new technology has affected the pricing of the product.

The development of the scope of application has led to considerable popularity of the glazing service for balconies and loggias. Plastic windows with a window have a significant bonus. This means that you can glaze a hole of the required dimensions.

Products of this type are applicable both in residential and industrial premises. They can be seen not only in window openings, but also in movable or fixed walls.

There are small organizations in the service market, making the use of PVC windows widespread.


The first double-glazed windows used to be an excellent decoration for a window opening. But over time, the scope of their use expanded, as a result of which double-glazed windows began to be actively used for glazing loggias and balconies. Their main advantage remains ease of installation and custom installation. Thus, it becomes possible to glaze an opening of any size. Such a wide demand for these products gave impetus to the production of PVC windows with a window. You might be interested to see how iron shutters work and look like on garden windows, which can also be installed on plastic windows.

Such designs are not inferior in reliability and ease of use to solid double-glazed windows. And this is due to the fact that the presence of a window allows for circular ventilation of the room. In addition, you don’t have to worry about drafts, since there simply won’t be any.

If we consider a window without a window, then it can be opened in two ways: turning or tilting. It’s hard not to agree that such ventilation leads to the formation of drafts, and here it’s not far from getting sick. And thanks to the window, you can saturate the room with fresh air without overcooling it.

But how to adjust plastic windows winter and summer, and how to do all the work yourself, is indicated here.

For those who have not yet decided to install PVC windows with a window, it is worth familiarizing yourself with the following advantages of these structures:

    An excellent choice for families with small children. Then he will not be able to open the window on his own.

  • A PVC window with a window is an excellent choice for those who like to grow flowers at home. Now there is no need to remove them from the windowsill.
  • Such designs are very popular for the bedroom. Thus, it is possible to maintain optimal temperature conditions at any time of the year. You can also choose PVC windows with a window for the kitchen. Then the room will be ventilated while cooking, and it doesn’t matter what the weather is like outside.
  • It is convenient to install vents even for large windows in a house or apartment. Now there is no need to completely open the bulky structure.
  • A PVC window with a window is a design that is very convenient for older people. After all, they cannot always figure out new mechanisms.

    But you can learn how to repair and adjust plastic windows, and how to do it yourself, from the article at the link.


    It is impossible not to notice the positive qualities when using plastic windows with a window:

    • access to fresh air;
    • there is no need to free the window sill from objects located on it;
    • the existence of an auxiliary impost to increase the power of the structure;
    • installation anywhere - for example, an opening in the lower section of a window for cats;
    • narrowing the area for ventilation;
    • reliable opening design;
    • The location of the window vent in the upper section of the double-glazed window is safe. The element prevents access for children or animals;
    • when preparing food, fresh air can be accessed;
    • does not allow drafts.

    Much also depends on the size of the window. We have three-leaf windows. Initially, only two outer doors were provided for opening, and only one of the doors (the right one) had a window under the ceiling, and the middle door was stationary (without opening). The frames were double-leaf, including the window. I. in my opinion, the two-line arrangement solved the issue of sound insulation from the street, because the sound was damped in the passage between the frames, it entered the room at much lower decibels, and I also don’t remember that the windows were lined with insulation. I grew up in this apartment since childhood and it was always warm and the window was always slightly open. When I replaced them with plastic windows, I regretted it only in one case. Sound insulation has become ideal, almost zero, but provided the window is completely closed, but ventilation began to bring great sound discomfort - all the cars are now “DRIVING” through our room)))). By the way, in the new window I moved the window to the middle part of the sash, and left the outer ones stationary. I think that the right-side location of the window in the previous windows was justified - the sound from the street was directed into the inter-frame space with a large area and was damped there))

    Insertion methods

    There are vents planned in advance and installed after the fact. When a customer immediately buys plastic windows with a window, he deprives himself of problems.

    This can be done here at People's Windows.

    It happens that a window has been standing for 10 years and then they decide to put a window in there. Many people think that this is a simple operation. In reality it is difficult - we do not do this. And that's why.

    Let's say there is a window with two sashes. There was a desire to embed the micro-sash. This means that a piece of the profile is needed for the new impost (future partition).

    Let's say you forgot what kind of profile you have and there are no markings on it. There are about 40 profiles on the market and they are all similar. Your profile may have been discontinued. Already difficult.

    Now, you need to order 2 double-glazed windows from production. The old one cannot be cut in half. Although, it is possible, but in this case you will lose the seal and the inert gas will escape into the atmosphere.

    You also need a piece of profile for the sashes, a machine that welds profiles, a machine for inserting handles and two sets of fittings.

    I have a lot of questions for those who write that you can embed a window into finished windows. A product with a window is easier to order new from the factory.

    Types of opening

    The windows have three opening modes. These are rotary, tilt-and-turn and transom.

    Rotary - when it swings open, for example, from left to right. Tilt and turn - when the upper part of the sash can also move away from the frame by 8 - 12 cm.

    A fanlight opening is similar to a folding one. It differs in that the transom has full hinges along the bottom edge. Opens in one way and can open all the way.

    What rooms are they needed for?

    Windows with windows are more needed in the bedroom and kitchen.

    In the bedroom we constantly need fresh air. Many people like to open the windows at night. Often a mosquito net is placed on the microwindow. During the summer this door is constantly open.

    In the kitchen, a window with a window is needed to remove odors from the stove. Everyone knows that warm air rises. A door under the ceiling helps warm air flow out while keeping cold air out of the kitchen.

    Both in the kitchen and in the rooms, we like to make the most of the window sill. There are a lot of flowers and boxes on it, cats love to sit here. The door under the ceiling gets along well with everyone.

    Dimensions of vents for plastic windows

    Dimensions are limited by the type of profile and fittings. In simple terms, the larger the size, the easier it is to make.

    We make products in different sizes. The smallest folds have an overall size of 400*450 mm. In this case, the opening with an open sash is 350*400 mm. These products have swivel fittings. The minimum dimensions of sashes with tilt-and-turn fittings are 450*450 mm, while the opening with an open sashes is 400*400 mm.

    Our recommendations

    Despite their low prevalence, plastic windows with a window still have many more advantages than disadvantages. Therefore, it makes sense to install them, both in apartments and in private households.

    But the window is different from the window. If you still decide to order a window with a window, then make sure that it is done correctly.

    — The fittings are only tilt-and-turn. The option with opening downwards is extremely impractical and does not allow you to regulate the intensity of ventilation.

    - The size should not be too large (maximum height 40-45 cm, but it is better to limit it to 20-30 cm).

    — Placement only at the very top of the window. Making a window somewhere in the middle, as in some Soviet window designs, is pointless.

    Installation is most relevant in the kitchen. But in living rooms, plastic windows with vents will obviously not be superfluous, especially for people with pets and small children.

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    Prices from different manufacturers may vary, but not very much, since too high a cost will simply drive away buyers. On average, it can fluctuate between 21-22 thousand rubles, which is about 3 thousand more than an ordinary double-glazed window.

    Windows from different manufacturers can be adjusted according to the same principle as the window itself: that is, fit and sag, geometric arrangement.

    The adjustment process is also similar: the upper and lower loops are brought out and the uniformity of the position is established along the entire perimeter. You can do this, as they say, by eye, or you can use different levels, but in any case, the clamping mechanisms of the loops should be tightened in place.

    1. If the dimensions are small, then installation usually takes place on non-adjustable canopies; you can simply mechanically move them a little out of place, and it can stand up on its own as needed. To carry out the work, you need special screwdrivers with an asterisk attachment.
    2. Pull the top hinge to the side clockwise and tighten the screws.
    3. A similar adjustment is also necessary for the lower hinge.
    4. If the sealing materials have failed and more frosty air has begun to flow through them, it makes sense to replace them with new ones. Remove the old material, treat the surface with degreasing agents, apply the appropriate adhesive, lay the material, and press.


    Plastic windows with a window in the kitchen also have disadvantages.

    1. The presence of a small door with the ability to open complicates the window design, increasing the cost. The width of the sash exceeds the height and, as a result, increases the load on the hinges.
    2. Insufficient dimensions of the window for mounting a full-scale fittings system on it. We have to be content with a small one - a rotary opening without a microventilation function, ventilation of a stepped type.
    3. The significant width of the profile panels reduces the light opening. This means that the location of the window will shade the room.
    4. The handle is usually placed at eye level for a person of average height. To close or open you will need to apply force, this is not very convenient.

    A modern window with a window is a relic of the past

    New technical solutions for new generation fittings make it possible to finally abandon the small “door” in the window. The window, which served faithfully for many decades, has lost its relevance. Now the tilt and turn doors perform its functions perfectly.

    Installing vents in modern windows carries a number of negative factors:

    • The symmetry of the window is broken, which makes its appearance less aesthetic;
    • The light space is “eaten up”. The PVC profile is higher than the old wooden frames, so the window is visually striking and less light enters the room;
    • Increase in price of windows. A rotary window increases the cost of a window by about 600-800 rubles, and a tilt-and-turn window increases the cost of a window by 2000-2500 rubles;
    • Increased operating costs. If there is a window, the number of sets of used and serviced fittings increases, which can lead to additional costs for maintenance and possible repairs.

    Photo: a window with a window (right) looks asymmetrical and has less light space.
    A comparative analysis of a modern tilt-and-turn window and a window with a window can be reflected in the form of a table.

    Comparative characteristics of modern tilt-and-turn windows and windows with a window

    Characteristic being assessedModern tilt and turn windowModern window with vent
    Ventilating the window++
    Micro-ventilation of windows++
    Intrusion protection in ventilation mode (with similar configuration)++
    Window aesthetics+
    Light transmission+
    Operating costs+
    Window price compared to turning window+

    Photo: a window in a modern window is a relic of the past

    We offer wooden windows manufactured using European technology EURO IV-78!

    Why? Such windows have excellent energy-saving characteristics, are simple and reliable to use and, most importantly, have become very affordable! Examples of prices can be viewed in a specially created section.

    Related article: Purchase and sale agreement for PVC windows

    Production technology

    Our production was established in St. Petersburg in 2001 and over the years we have accumulated enormous experience. We must understand that the use of modern technologies is impossible without the use of modern equipment and high-quality European components.

    1. The production facility is equipped with German woodworking equipment from Weinig. Read our story with illustrations and videos.
    2. Wooden windows are made from three-layer laminated timber with a cross-section of 78*80mm - this is an ideal material for windows that is not subject to warping. A wooden beam will never lead. Why? You can read more about the construction of timber here!
    3. The windows have a “thick” 2-chamber double-glazed window (3 glasses). Read more.
    4. The lower part of the frame (as standard) must have a drainage tire to protect it from the effects of precipitation. Closer picture.
    5. For reliable operation of all window functions (turning, tilting, micro-ventilation), German fittings Siegenia Aubi are used. Read more about accessories.
    6. It is mandatory to comply with the necessary environmental and green standards: harmless German water-based Adler paints are used. You can find out more about painting here and here read about the processing of wood and joints.
    7. The most modern German Q-Lon Shlegel seal is used as the sealing contour. Read more here.

    What types of wood do we offer?

    We offer pine, larch and oak.


    Thanks to the excellent ratio of cost, consumer properties and appearance of products, pine windows have recently become very popular! Increasingly, consumers are abandoning plastic in favor of inexpensive wood. Depending on the configuration, pine windows will be approximately twice as expensive as the simplest plastic windows (for example, Veka Euroline). And if you compare it with more expensive systems such as Veka 70 or Veka 82 mm, the difference will tend to zero.


    Larch windows are only 20-30% more expensive than pine windows, but the hardness and strength of larch is comparable to the strength of oak windows

    ! According to research conducted by the Moscow State Forestry University, the fire resistance of larch wood is approximately twice as high as that of pine wood. It is believed that the strength of larch becomes higher over the years due to the polymerization of resins (larch is a rather resinous tree).

    In addition, larch is an amazing material for its resistance to water and moisture! Larch windows do not swell or rot. As evidence, we can recall the thousand-year-old wooden piles of Venice, the walls of Siberian forts, the ships of the Pomors, the windows in the Hermitage, and finally! We can safely say that larch windows are recognized as the safest and most reliable wooden windows for St. Petersburg in the lower price range (among hardwood windows).

    Oak windows are approximately twice as expensive as standard pine windows. However, oak has a remarkable property: after being in water for decades or in moist, airtight soil or climate, it becomes unusually strong, hard, and at the same time acquiring a dark brown color. Believe it or not, oak has its own special energy that brings peace and prosperity to the home! We can proudly say that oak windows are the strongest wooden windows, perfect not only for St. Petersburg but also for the entire North-Western region.

    Roto NT fittings

    In Roto NT fittings, micro-ventilation can be carried out in 2 ways:

    • multi-stage;
    • single-stage (fixed).

    Various options for multi-stage micro-ventilation:

    • Using a special corner switch with a gear element, which allows you to set 3 micro-ventilation modes according to the amount of air passed through;
    • Installation of a gear element with 3 micro-ventilation modes on the main lock;
    • In wide or high sashes, install special scissors with 12 ventilation modes.

    Photo: options for multi-stage ventilation: a) on the main lock, b) on the corner switch, c) on scissors
    Single-stage (fixed) micro-ventilation:

    Installation of a special micro-ventilation striker on the frame.

    Photo: on the right – micro-ventilation striker (1) next to the standard anti-burglary strip (2); on the left – the position of the slats on the window frame

    The advantage of multi-stage micro-ventilation is the ability to smoothly regulate the flow of air from the street.

    Disadvantages of multi-stage micro-ventilation:

    • the need to install special rare elements on the window. Not all window industries may have them;
    • Requires careful handling during operation. You need to understand how to use it. Otherwise it may break;
    • complicates the process of window production;
    • some options have a window size limitation;
    • more difficult to install on a finished window. You will have to change some of the fittings (additional costs), requiring the involvement of a specialist;
    • a noticeable increase in the total cost of the window.

    Advantages of single-stage (fixed) micro-ventilation:

    • simplicity of design;
    • ease of installation;
    • Possibility of installation on a finished window;
    • low cost.

    The disadvantage of single-stage micro-ventilation is the inability to regulate the degree of opening of the sash. On the other hand, there is no particular need for multi-stage micro-ventilation in windows. A difference of 1 mm in multi-stage micro-ventilation is difficult to feel. Fixed micro-ventilation copes with its function quite well.

    What should you pay attention to?

    • A window with a window costs more than a regular one.
    • The window is located high, making it inconvenient for children, who are already able to independently take care of the temperature of the room, and for the elderly. In order to open the window, short people will have to climb onto the windowsill or climb onto a stool/chair.


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