What is the service life of plastic windows after installation in an apartment or house?

Many owners who want to replace wooden windows with PVC window structures are interested in the question of the service life of metal-plastic windows.
In commercials you can hear various numbers: from 15-20 years, and even up to 40-50.

No matter what the manufacturer promises, it is possible to extend the life of plastic windows only with proper installation, proper operation and timely maintenance.

What does the concept mean?

The concept of “service life and operation” does not mean the period that metal-plastic windows served without repair service, but the time when these structures finally lost their performance qualities.

The average service life is calculated according to the characteristics of all components of the window structure :

Analysis of regulatory documents

The first plastic windows were installed in Germany in the late 50s of the last century. Some of them still serve “faithfully.” However, based on current regulatory documents, such structures have limitations on their service life. These indicators are partially described in GOST 30674-99.

The service life does not mean the time of non-repair operation, but the final loss of performance. The average indicator is calculated based on the characteristics of the following components of a plastic window:

  • Profile. The frame, sash and other load-bearing elements are made from it. The choice of profile is well written here.
  • Fittings system. Designed for operation of sashes, transoms and similar moving parts.
  • Double-glazed windows. Provide an influx of sunlight and prevent heat loss.
  • Sealing contours. Necessary for tightly pressing parts of plastic windows, ensuring tightness.

It should be immediately clear that GOST 30674-99 does not indicate actual service life. This regulatory document regulates the time period for providing a warranty on structures. It is 1 year from the date of installation.

How many years do the products last?

The service life can be guaranteed or actual. Let's consider these concepts separately.

Under warranty

The warranty period is a period of time during which the product should not lose its external and performance qualities under conditions of careful and proper handling.

In the “Law on the Protection of Consumer Rights”, Article 29 explains that the warranty period for installed windows must be specified in the agreement for the installation of products, which is drawn up by the customer and the contractor.

During the warranty period , the company that installed the structure must repair free of charge any breakdowns that were not caused by the consumer. Or replace the product if the breakdown occurred due to the fault of the manufacturer.

According to GOST 30674-99:

  • The guaranteed shelf life of plastic windows is 1 year from the date of shipment of the product by the manufacturer;
  • The warranty period for PVC windows is specified in the supply contract and is at least 3 years from the date of shipment of the product by the manufacturer.

Current regulatory documents determine the service life of individual parts of a metal-plastic window unit:

  • profile – 40 conditional years of operation;
  • double-glazed window - 20 conditional years of operation (GOST 24866-99);
  • the window as a whole: for profiles - 40 conditional years, double-glazed windows - 20 conditional years; seals 10 conditional years (GOST 30674-99, 23166-99).

In fact

Based on the technical documentation of manufacturers of metal-plastic windows, the average service life for each part is determined :

  • for plastic profiles – 20-40 years;
  • for double-glazed windows – 15-20 years;
  • for fittings – 15-20 years (20 thousand openings and closings).

If the installation of PVC windows was carried out by professionals in their field, and it was installed in compliance with all rules and regulations, then the structure will work properly for at least 20 years.

If installed poorly, some part of the system may fail within a few years. This indicator also depends on the quality of the window structure and the manufacturer.

Lifespan of each element

The most expensive part of the entire structure is considered to be the plastic profile. The manufacturer claims that according to GOST, a plastic window will last up to 50 years or even more. But only with proper care. All manufacturers use polyvinyl chloride when creating double-glazed windows. But this does not mean that their quality is the same. Essentially, PVC is a pure powder that is highly resistant to solvents. But plasticity, resistance to temperature changes, and strength are provided by various additives. Thus, for everyone, and, alas, a low-grade product will not be immediately identified.

In order for the service life of plastic windows to reach the required 40 years or more, it is worth purchasing only products from trusted brands. For example, high quality German brands.

What affects the service life?

Modern metal-plastic windows are assembled from profiles made of PVC with the addition of special substances that increase the strength and resistance of the material to sunlight. Important characteristics are also: the thickness of the plastic profile, installation depth, characteristics of the metal amplifier.

PVC profile

The service life of PVC windows is influenced by the following factors:

  • quality of protective film that prevents the negative effects of UV rays on plastic;
  • mechanical damage, the influence of aggressive product care products;
  • atmospheric influences and weather factors.

It is the environmental component of the region that plays a significant role in the damage to the plastic profile. Harmful substances in the air settle on the surface of the window frame , and their negative impact can be aggravated by contact with water (precipitation).


The mechanical parts of a plastic window are made of steel and coated with zinc. Due to the complexity of machining, stainless steel is not used for the manufacture of fittings. The average service life of fittings is about 20 years or 20 thousand complete opening cycles. This period depends on the following factors:

  • correct installation of the window structure;
  • timely cleaning and lubrication of moving parts of fittings;
  • thickness of the protective coating protecting against corrosion;
  • periodic adjustment of elements to avoid uneven distribution of load on certain mechanisms.

Double-glazed windows

A double-glazed window consists of glasses connected by an aluminum or plastic frame , which is filled with a material that absorbs moisture. The perimeter of the glass unit is treated with a material that seals the structure.

The maximum service life of a double-glazed window is 20 years. Over time, the absorbent will stop absorbing moisture and condensation may begin to appear inside the glass unit.


This element can be made of rubber or ERDM material (a mixture of rubber and rubber). The average service life of the seal is 10 years. After this time, it loses its elasticity and begins to crack, which affects the tightness of the structure.

Features of operation and duration of operation:


The fittings are made of steel coated with a protective layer of zinc. The fittings have a 20-year service life , but the period can be shortened or extended depending on the conditions of use and maintenance. It is recommended to regularly check the accessories, monitor their operation at least once every six months, and when cold weather sets in, do not forget to switch to the winter mode of use.

Double-glazed windows

The physical properties of glass can last for several centuries. But, unfortunately, the double-glazed window also has other, less durable elements. The glass in plastic windows is equipped with a spacer frame made of aluminum or plastic, filled with a moisture-absorbing absorbent. The perimeter of the frame is treated with a layer of sealant.

All this significantly reduces their service life, allowing them to be used without loss of tightness for two decades . Over time, the absorbent stops absorbing moisture, as a result of which the windows begin to fog up from the inside.

The service life of a glass unit is affected by the following parameters:

  • the density of pressing the sash to the seal;
  • climatic features of the region in which the window is used;
  • use of spacers and their quantity.

There are many examples where a window is not replaced even after the glass unit’s service life has expired. The product still retains its consumer properties.

Sealing rubber

A 10-year service life of the rubber seal is established , after which there is a loss of characteristics of the sealing tape, loss of elasticity and poor clamping. Special lubrication of the material and control of the position in the grooves of the circuit will help extend the service life of the seal. Since changing the sealing tape is not difficult, the parameters of this element and its service life have little effect on the overall service life.

Practical advice: how to extend?

In order for a metal-plastic window to last for several decades, it must be properly and regularly looked after and used correctly.

  1. Regularly clean the seals from dust and dirt. Lubricate them with special products at least 2 times a year.
  2. Take care of the fittings. Between seasons, lubricate the turning and tilting mechanisms with machine oil or a special product to extend their service life. Switch modes from summer to winter and vice versa.
  3. At the first sign of failure of the mechanism, replace it with a new one.
  4. Pay attention to the slopes so that cracks and cracks do not form in them.
  5. If difficulties arise in the care and adjustment of the mechanical components of the window, it is better to trust the maintenance of plastic window structures to professionals.

These are the basic recommendations, following which any owner of a plastic window will be able to keep the metal-plastic structure in working order for many years.


The shelf life of this part of the window depends on GOST, as well as the loads to which the fittings are subjected. And the force of influence on it is considerable. When constantly opening or closing a window, a person puts pressure on these elements, so over time they wear out.

To increase the operating period, proper operation is very important, as well as the choice of reliable products. The best results are demonstrated by such brands as Roto, Maco. Maintenance is also of great importance: the fittings should be periodically lubricated and cleaned of dirt.

Good products will last up to 20 years, but cheap fakes will last only 3-5 years.


It comes in two types - regular rubber or EPDM. The latter is a mixture of rubber and caoutchouc and has the best performance qualities. To ensure tight pressure, it may have internal air chambers and several “petals”.

The regulated service life is up to 10 years. After this, it loses its plasticity, not providing a tight clamp. To increase this period, you can use special lubricants and constantly monitor the position of the circuit in the grooves. However, the ease of replacement minimizes the impact of the service life of the seal on this indicator of the entire structure.

You should also take into account the quality of installation, which affects the service life of windows. The video provides step-by-step instructions:

Duration of service of double-glazed windows

According to the laws of physics, glass is an almost eternal material. Unless, of course, you break it. However, even glass has its own service life and is about 30 years. What is the reason for such a modest shelf life?

A double-glazed window itself does not consist of just one piece of glass. The design also includes sealant and spacers. During operation, the sealant loses its properties over time, and air gets inside, which leads to condensation. But this does not mean that you can no longer use such plastic windows. Simply, the heat and sound insulation properties will be reduced.

Basic structural elements of PVC windows

The main components of a window block are:

  • Frame is a rigid frame that is inserted into the window opening. For trouble-free and quick installation, be sure to measure each opening and prepare a project based on the dimensions.
  • Casements are the blind or opening parts of a window. To open, use a rotary or tilt-and-turn mechanism. Depending on the size of the opening, one-, two- or three-leaf models are installed.
  • Double-glazed window - a system of two, three or more glasses fixed in a spacer frame. To remove excess moisture, an absorbent is placed inside, and all joints are sealed with sealant. Double-glazed windows are inserted into the sashes. They can have a different number of chambers, be filled with dry air or inert gas, and have an energy-efficient or multifunctional coating.
  • Glazing beads are plastic strips that hold the glass unit in the frame.
  • Sealing rubber is an element that is mounted around the perimeter of the sash, ensuring its tight fit in the closed position.
  • Fittings are the mechanisms by which the sash opens and closes and is fixed in a given position. Security fittings prevent children from opening the window and protect against break-ins.

Regardless of the type and model, the window consists of the following components. Its technical and operational parameters are determined by the characteristics of the profile and glass unit.

Profile systems are made from environmentally friendly reinforced polyvinyl chloride. The more chambers, the more durable, warm and quiet the profile will be; classification is based on this indicator.

The chamber is a section that is located between the stiffeners. The sections are filled with air, so they play the role of a heat insulator. Each section performs a specific function. The first one removes excess moisture, the second one is used for reinforcement, the third one is used for installing mechanisms and fittings.

The number of cameras depends on the depth of the profile system. The 60 mm wide model consists of three chambers, the 86 mm wide model consists of six sections. In the finished structure, the sections are located under the surface of the profile. When ordering, you can view the profile in section.

The double-glazed window is the largest part of the window, which occupies up to 90% of its area. Light transmittance, sound insulation and thermal insulation depend on its parameters. The number of glasses can be from one to several pieces, with air or argon in the interchamber space.

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