What does a plastic window consist of - 5 important parts

When choosing a plastic window, you want to understand its structure in order to make the right choice. The article discusses 5 important parts of the window that are worth paying attention to.

Photo: main parts of the window Let's consider what a plastic window consists of and how important each detail is.

The first part of the window is a PVC profile

A PVC profile is the basis of a window, a durable frame for a double-glazed window, which should serve for many years, not let heat out, emphasize the beauty of the facade and decorate the interior.

Photo: an incorrectly selected window profile will cause many problems for future owners. Problems due to an incorrectly selected profile:

  • Large heating bills in the house;
  • Cold in winter;
  • Poor sound insulation.

Photo: when choosing a profile, you should pay attention to the width and number of cameras Profile width

The wider the system, the warmer and quieter it is.

  • 60mm systems (economy class) these include systems with a width of 58-64 mm. This profile is called narrow, economical. The systems are intended for installation in non-residential premises or southern regions of Russia.
  • 70mm systems (standard) - for residential premises, apartments, where heating bills are formed based on generally accepted standards, but comfort is required. The system is wider, and therefore warmer - 10% warmer than 60s systems, while being quieter and more reliable in operation.
  • 80mm systems and more (premium class) - for private houses, where heat saving is especially important, and heating costs are 100% borne by the owner. It is recommended to install the premium profile in properties with panoramic windows. The systems are 20% warmer than 60s systems, while being more durable and durable. The profile in combination with a special double-glazed window allows you to achieve high sound insulation.

Number of air chambers in the profile

A less significant parameter, but important. Air chambers add heat conservation and sound insulation to the profile.

Photo: the number of cameras varies from 3 to 8. The number of cameras should only be considered in combination with the width. The most common width/number of chamber ratios are: 60/3, 70/5, 80/6.

Attention! When choosing between profile width and number of chambers, preference should be given to width.

Profile quality

In addition to the width and number of cameras, you need to pay attention to the quality of the profile. Quality directly affects durability. Experiments with reducing the cost of the formulation, saving on expensive additives (titanium dioxide, impact resistance modifier) ​​will lead to the need to replace the window again after 5-7 years.

Problems with the window due to poor quality profile:

  • Cracks in the profiles and welds of windows (window replacement will be required);
  • Deformation of the profile under the influence of temperature changes (problems with opening and closing the valves, blowing);

Photo: the most common problem is loss of whiteness and gloss (yellowing, permanent stains) The durability of the profile is confirmed by test results in research centers. You can get acquainted with them in the test reports - responsible manufacturers do not hide this information and provide it to their customers.

Profile color and design

In addition to choosing a high-quality and suitable type of profile, it is necessary to take into account that the profile is responsible for the color and design of the window.

The color of the profile can be:

  • Colored (wood, aluminum, colored);
  • White.

Photo: profile lamination can be on one or both sides. The profile can be colored using:

  • Film lamination (on 1 or 2 sides);
  • Coloring;
  • Aluminum linings.

The form may be:

  • Rounded and ergonomic;
  • Direct and brutal;
  • Elegant with figured glazing bead;
  • Low – gives more light.

Using designer profile models, you can create an exclusive window that will become a real decoration of the interior or facade of the house. Change the color of the window when it is installed more expensive and not.


To replace elements, you do not need to completely dismantle the profile - all work is carried out on site.

What might require replacement?:

  • the owner wanted to increase the system’s burglary resistance class;
  • old elements began to rust;
  • I just wanted to replace low-quality fittings with more reliable ones.

In theory, it is possible to do the work yourself, relying on online master classes. But if manipulations are carried out with an expensive system, and there is no experience, it will be more practical to use the help of a specialist.

More information here.

The second (invisible) part of a plastic window is reinforcement

The PVC profile, although it is the basis of the frame, is given strength by a steel liner - reinforcement. This is, without exaggeration, a real skeleton of a window. Without reinforcement, the most expensive plastic profile will not support the weight of the double-glazed window and sash.

Photo: reinforcement is inserted inside the profile, and it cannot be checked in the finished window. Problems due to poor quality reinforcement:

  • Sagging of the sashes, detachment of hinges and falling out of the sashes;
  • It is impossible to keep the sash open for a long time, otherwise it will sag;
  • Restrictions on maximum dimensions without jumpers; large products cannot be manufactured;
  • Problems with opening and closing the doors;
  • Blowing.

Photo: window deformation - curvature of the profile, which makes it difficult to open and close the window When choosing reinforcement, you need to know that:

  • For white windows of standard sizes, the thickness is at least 1.2 mm, and preferably 1.5 mm;
  • For colored windows of standard sizes, the thickness is at least 2 mm - such windows change size more strongly when heated by the sun, and therefore require more powerful reinforcement.
  • For panoramic windows, the thickness and shape of the reinforcement must be selected individually depending on the size and color. The thickness should definitely not be less than 2mm.
  • The shape and dimensions of the reinforcement must comply with the requirements of the window profile manufacturer. It is better to choose the original reinforcement recommended by the manufacturer to avoid problems during operation.

The thickness and grade of reinforcement should be initially discussed with the window manufacturer at the purchase stage and the information should be recorded in the contract. This will be insurance against possible problems with the window in the future.

Window opening mechanism: types of fittings for plastic windows

A window unit is present in almost any room. There are many varieties of windows, but none of the options could function without the appropriate auxiliary mechanisms.

Today, there are many different types of mechanisms on the construction market, and they are all united by a common concept. This is their modular type. However, all accessories are divided into two main groups:

  • universal - present in most classic models, for example, a window opening mechanism that allows you to turn, tilt the sashes or turn and tilt them; special - designed for structures that have a non-standard shape, which can be moved apart with their help, and the sashes can thus open either symmetrically or with deviation relative to the central axis of the window block.

The window opening mechanism is a mount equipped with a hinge device, due to which the sashes move relative to the stationary frame.

Part 3: seal - an invisible but important part of the window

In the window, all parts must fit tightly to each other, otherwise blowing cannot be avoided. Only an elastic seal (elastic band) is able to compensate for small gaps between the frame and the sash and create a complete seal of the windows without blowing or noise from the street.

Problems due to poor quality seal:

  • Blowing;
  • Poor sound insulation
  • A sealant cut from pieces and welded in the corners can cause blowing.
  • Need to be replaced after 2-3 years.

An important property of the seal is elasticity - the ability to maintain and restore its shape under temperature changes from low (from -20 and below) to high (+30 and above). The type of material directly affects the elasticity of the seal.

Seal material.

Manufacturers mainly use four types of seals:

  • VMQ silicone seals are the most elastic and durable. Temperature range from -80° to +100°С, and service life up to 40 years. They are the most expensive of all materials and manufacturers rarely offer them.
  • EPDM rubber seals (ethylene propylene diene rubber) with a service life of up to 30 years and a temperature range from -55° to +80°C. Optimal price-quality ratio.
  • TPE-S or thermoplastic elastomer works in the range from -40° to +70°C. A more affordable, but less durable seal.
  • Soft plastic PVC (plasticized polyvinyl chloride) changes its shape irrevocably at subzero temperatures.

Photo: if the choice is between a beautiful color or a higher quality material, then it is better to give preference to the second. The color of the seals is:

  • Black – base color of epdm (rubber seals)
  • Gray – it looks more “fresh” and invisible in the window, mostly TPE-S seals, sometimes EPDM
  • White - less commonly used, dirt is immediately visible on it, mainly TPE-S.

Number of sealing circuits in the window:

  • 2 circuits - the most common
  • 3 contours are less common - premium. The third circuit increases sound and heat insulation

The quality of the seal is very important for the proper operation of the window. We recommend ordering an original seal from the profile supplier, installed as a single bundle with a joint in the upper part of the opening.


In systems currently produced, all elements are interchangeable, so repairs are not difficult. New fittings are installed if cleaning, lubrication or adjustment does not correct the problem. The main thing is to understand which node is the problem. Diagnostics is performed by an experienced specialist. While parts are being replaced, the active leaf may be temporarily dismantled.

Full article on hardware repairs here.

Part 4: fittings - window motor

If the window does not have fittings, it cannot be opened. Such windows are called “blind”. A non-opening window can be considered half a window; it performs only part of the functions assigned to it - it lets in light, but not fresh air.

A fixed (non-opening) window has its advantages:

  • The price is 1500-2000 rubles cheaper than the opening one
  • The light opening is approximately 10-12% larger.

There are many more disadvantages to fixed windows:

  • There is no way to ventilate the room. The lack of fresh air leads to a deterioration in health, the development of pulmonary diseases, especially in children, and a decrease in performance.
  • Converting a fixed window into an opening one will cost 30-50% of the cost of a new window.
  • A fixed window cannot be an emergency exit in an emergency.

Photo: “blind” openings are not safe to wash. According to GOST, windows above the first floor must open. With the help of fittings in the window you can:

  • It is comfortable to ventilate the room in summer (in folding mode) and in winter (in micro-ventilation mode);
  • It is safe to wash the window;
  • The ability to look out the window (shout something) or climb out the window in an emergency (fire, evacuation).

When purchasing a window, you should pay attention to the quality of the fittings so as not to change them after 3-5 years.

Problems due to the choice of low-quality fittings:

  • The appearance of rust on fittings;
  • Broken handle, tight turn of the handle;
  • The sash is stuck, it is impossible to open/close;
  • Mechanism failure;
  • Loose fit of the sash to the frame and ventilation;
  • Sagging or separation of the sash from the hinge.

What you should consider when choosing a brand of fittings:

  • Manufactured by a proven European manufacturer.
  • Reliable protective coating for long-term rust resistance.
  • A wide range of adjustments allows you to adjust the operation of the sash during operation.
  • Easy and quiet movement of the fittings - no extraneous sounds when opening/closing, moderately tight turn of the handle.
Roto is the most popular brand of turn-and-turn fittings and has won love all over the world.

The 6th generation Roto NX fittings with reinforced hinges, thicker metal and built-in micro-ventilation make people's lives more comfortable. Roto NX anti-burglary fittings ensure security not only in the closed position of the sash, but also in ventilation mode. Improved class 5 coating increases durability and guarantees reliable operation for at least 10 years.

Photo: Victor Frank's invention of tilt-and-turn windows created a real revolution in the industry* It must be remembered that in addition to choosing a brand from a reliable hardware manufacturer, you need to decide on the number of additional options that are not included in the standard package.

Fitting options that may be needed in the window:

Photo: micro- and tilt-and-turn ventilation - winter-summer. These features will allow you to breathe fresh air without drafts all year round.

Photo: anti-burglary fittings for protecting windows on the first and last floors, including in ventilation mode. A small overpayment (about 1000 rubles) will allow you to avoid bars on the windows*

I Photo: Tilt First children's fittings (tilts before opening) with a special children's handle for the safety of children and peace of mind for parents. Children will not be able to open the window wide, but the room can be ventilated in tilt mode*

Photo: automatic opening Roto E-tec drive – for lovers of increased comfort or high-positioned windows that are difficult to reach. The electric drive is hidden inside the window and does not spoil its appearance*

Photo: the Comfort option with a handle at the bottom will allow elderly people and wheelchair users to open the window without getting up from their chair*

A mistake or savings when choosing accessories can cost lives or lead to deterioration of health. Only a window with high-quality fittings will work like clockwork for many years.

Buy windows with Roto* fittings

What it is?

Window fittings are a device that combines different mechanisms that expand the functionality of a window. What are the systems used for:

  • allow the doors to be opened in different directions;
  • make it difficult to break into;
  • prevent accidents;
  • protect against leaks and blowing;
  • provide ventilation, etc.

Few people, having installed a window unit, think about the condition of the handles, hinges, seals and other elements - but it would be worth it. Even a seemingly insignificant breakdown of a plastic window block, especially in winter, at sub-zero temperatures, will lead to unpleasant results. For this reason, increased attention is paid to the quality and assembly of all elements of PVC windows.

Part 5 transparent – ​​double glazing

Double-glazed glass is such an important component of a window that buyers often confuse it with a window. No wonder - thanks to the double-glazed window, light enters the room.

A double-glazed unit can have two, three or four glasses, hermetically connected to each other by spacers and sealant.

Problems due to poor quality or incorrectly selected double-glazed windows:

  • The house is cold in winter and hot in summer;
  • High heating and air conditioning bills;
  • Burnout of furniture from the sun;
  • The room is not protected from prying eyes;
  • Fogging of windows;
  • Cracks in double-glazed windows;
  • Condensation inside the glass unit;
  • Need to be replaced after 2-3 years.

Photo: the use of low-quality sealant can lead to such an unsightly picture - drips inside double-glazed windows. Depending on the types of glass used in a double-glazed window and the number of glasses in it, its properties can be significantly improved.

Double-glazed windows are:

  • Single-chamber double-glazed window - one air chamber between two glasses. Double-glazed windows are used in non-residential, unheated premises or in residential ones in the south.
  • Two-chamber - three glasses and two air layers between them. Double-glazed windows are suitable for glazing residential buildings in any region of the country where heat conservation is important.
  • Three-chamber double-glazed windows made of 4 glasses are a premium and rare product. Double-glazed windows are installed only in wide profile systems from 80mm. They have the highest rates of heat and sound insulation.

Photo: double-glazed windows vary in the number of chambers. The glass in a double-glazed window can be:

  • Plain float glass is an older version of modern glass, without a coating. In terms of heat conservation and sun protection, they are significantly inferior to coated glass;
  • Low-e glass to retain heat. Due to special spraying, it reduces heat loss through windows by up to 70%. There may be 1-2 such glasses in a double-glazed window. The more of them, the warmer the double-glazed window.
  • Multifunctional – glass to reduce heating and air conditioning costs. Protects against heat from the sun 60% more effectively than regular glass, while heat loss is also reduced by 50-100%.
  • Multilayer – triplex for high sound insulation and burglary resistance. Triplex increases sound insulation by 5-15 dBa, and the window becomes quieter by up to 30% compared to a regular one.

Photo: private glass – during the daytime it allows you not to use curtains. Mirror coating allows light to pass inside, but protects from prying eyes from the street. Modern glass with coatings significantly improves the quality of life. Installing double-glazed windows made of simple float glass without special functions is an unacceptable waste in a difficult economic situation.

Additional equipment

There are elements that are not directly related to the product itself, but are very useful and are widely used. These are the following additions.

  • A mosquito net attached externally with loops, hooks or other devices.
  • Blinds and roller blinds regulate the amount of light. They are installed on top of the frame or on the sash using cassettes.

Many people consider plastic window products to be comfortable designs. They are installed to preserve heat in the house and protect against street noise. But not everyone knows how these complexes work. Awareness of this issue will be useful when selecting, purchasing and using products.

What does a plastic window consist of? Of five important components!

The components of a plastic window occupy different shares in the cost, but they are all equally important for the proper operation of the structure.

If you add thin reinforcement or a low-quality seal to a premium window profile, the service life of the window will be significantly reduced. It is optimal to use premium-class fittings with a similar profile, reinforcement and double-glazed windows.

Replacing a low-quality window is an expensive proposition. Replacement work involves dust and dirt. It’s better to immediately understand the details and enjoy comfort for many years.

General structure

Modern windows made of different materials (plastic, metal-plastic, wood, aluminum) have a similar structure. The reason is the mass production of window structures - it is easier to assemble with a modular approach (the principle of a children's construction set is used). There are differences, but they relate to the elements of the window when examined in detail.

Plastic windows

The design of plastic windows can be considered in a narrow and broad sense. In a narrow sense, a metal-plastic window consists of:

  • boxes (frames);
  • flap(s);
  • double glazed windows;
  • accessories;
  • seals;
  • glazing bead

But a window opening is not only a frame with glass. There must be a drainage system, slopes, and a window sill. This is a plastic window device in the broadest sense.

Without the listed details, it is impossible to ensure coziness and comfort in an apartment or house - they retain heat inside the room, protect the owners from the noise of the street (yard), and also guarantee the correct operation of the window structure.

Wooden window

In a wooden window, in addition to the elements listed above, there is also a window and a transom (in a PVC window they can also be seen, but extremely rarely).


The sash is the opening part of the window. Its shape completely repeats the structure of the PVC frame, where inside there is also a steel reinforcement made of a reinforcing profile. The sash also includes a double-glazed window and glazing beads, and can be made either as a full part of the window opening (its half) or as its upper part (window window). At the moment, windows are equipped with fittings that allow them to be fixed into the sash in ventilation mode; therefore, the need for vents has disappeared.

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