Dormer window on the roof design and what it is used for

Most of those who have seen dormer windows in the attic cannot tell exactly for what purpose they are needed, and only a few know whether roofs can be erected without the use of such structures. Civil engineers, experienced roofers and architects can justify why such a structure as a dormer window on the roof is needed, as well as how to correctly draw up a drawing of such windows. For future owners of private housing construction, it is important to know and understand why dormer roof windows are needed, especially since this knowledge is needed if you already have your own home.

Dormer window on the roof and its functionality

A dormer window is a special opening/hole located in the roof of a building. This window differs from the usual ordinary window opening in its smaller size and its functionality. The main purpose of a dormer window on the roof is to perform the following functions:

Example of a dormer window on a roof

  1. Providing access to natural light into the attic space.
  2. Ventilation and air circulation in the under-roof space.
  3. Auxiliary access to the roof is directly from the attic.

In addition to the listed functions, such a dormer window serves as a decorative detail of the external decoration of the house, when it is equipped taking into account the individual characteristics and tastes of the owner.

Also, such a dormer window on the roof, design and drawing, which can be anything, brings the following advantages for individual housing construction:

  • No matter how high-quality the thermal insulation of interfloor ceilings is, heat loss in the attic space is inevitable. In other words, heated air masses always tend upward to the roof surface, where they collide with the colder roofing covering - tiles, steel, slates. Condensation forms on the under-roof planes, and moisture destroys not only wood rafters;
  • in a damp and unlit room, the formation and development of fungi and mold is significantly accelerated, and their spores, over time, will penetrate into indoor spaces;
  • when there is no sunlight and normal circulation of air masses in the attic, the air becomes musty and even dangerous to human life: it is filled with black mold spores, which causes serious problems for human health;
  • dormer windows also act as a check valve in strong winds. Such strong wind loads can break the roof or even simply tear it off its place, since the wind, blowing under its surface, forms rarefied currents that lift the edges of the roof. It is the dormer windows that are able to withstand such exposure to bad weather, and the winds will break them faster than completely tearing off the roof from the house;
  • in addition, even when the house is very large, with a massive heavy roof, and the risk that the wind will tear it from its place is minimal, dormers are still needed.

They act as a valve that prevents vibration that is not beneficial to house construction.

Installation of the base under the valley

Arrangement of roof valley sheathing.

To properly lay the valley, it is necessary to prepare the correct base for it - waterproofing material on a continuous sheathing.

For additional sealing, another layer of waterproofing material or sealant is laid along the lower element of the false valley. A special valley carpet made of corrugated roll roofing or non-corrosive metal can act as an additional seal. A layer of rolled roofing material is made from polyester fiber, impregnated with high-quality bitumen and covered on both sides with coatings: basalt on top, sand on the bottom.

Such a carpet will effectively protect joints from moisture penetration, is highly durable and turns the drainage gutter into a single element. Installation of the carpet is carried out by gluing or nailing every 20 cm.

Scheme for laying the valley carpet: 1 - valley axis. 2 - self-adhesive bitumen-polymer material. 3 - valley carpet. 4 - lining carpet.

Installation of the base under the valley:

  1. A waterproof membrane is placed under the valley carpet to prevent condensation.
  2. Corrugated roll roofing is laid in the center of the valley with the sandy surface down.
  3. The valley carpet is pressed against the ridge and secured with nails at 2.5 cm intervals, starting at the outer ends.
  4. The lower edges of the roof are trimmed. On both sides of the roof strip, strips of plastic cement 10 cm long and 1.5 mm thick are applied. When making a butt joint of the roof, the upper section should overlap the lower section by 30 cm and be secured with plastic cement.
  5. Then a strip of corrugated rolled valley carpet is laid on top of the previous one, also with its face up, and reinforced with cement and nails.
  6. Before laying the roofing panels, two lines are drawn with chalk along the length of the valley with a 10 cm indentation from each side of the ridge.
  7. A waterproof membrane is laid under the anti-corrosion metal or valley carpet. Installation of such a waterproofing layer will provide maximum protection from moisture and condensation and will extend the life of the roof.

Types of dormer windows

Dormer windows are often also called dormer windows, because they are located in the details of the rafter structure that forms the roof of the house. Structurally, these window roof openings are typical - an opening/hole in the roof planes. However, roofing builders have come up with different types of these elements, on which the rafter structure of the house-building roof directly depends:

Dormer window configurations

  • with side walls and roofing above the window dormer opening;
  • without walls and the formation of a roof on the dormer - this design is called a skylight;
  • directly in the façade plane and with the side walls.

Also, these window dormer openings differ from one another in their geometric shape:

  1. In the shape of a semicircle/arch.
  2. In the shape of a trapezoid.
  3. In the shape of a triangle.
  4. Rectangular in shape combined with an arched roof.

According to the type of roof above the dormer window opening:

  1. With two sloped planes.
  2. Hip.
  3. With one sloped plane.

Important: the window roof opening can be installed directly in the roof of the building with an extension beyond or with glazing of the entire plane of the window roof opening.

Work plan and tools

Whether it is installing a roof window in a soft roof or a metal tile, for any option, the installation instructions are as follows:
  • preparing the opening;
  • frame installation;
  • heat and waterproofing;
  • preparation of the drainage system;
  • installation of flashing parts;
  • installation of double-glazed windows;
  • interior finishing, including installation of slopes and vapor barrier.

Installing roof windows with your own hands is quite a feasible task, but the master will not be able to do it without a suitable tool:

  • screwdriver and screws;
  • wooden slats and beams;
  • level;
  • nails;
  • materials for heat and waterproofing.

Dormer window on the roof design, drawing, design features

As with the independent design of any other roofing structures, the design of windows in the roof of a house requires compliance with SNiP, other building rules and regulations approved by various government bodies and taking into account all the technological features of the arrangement of some parts of private housing construction. Taking into account such standards, dormer windows will be reliable and wear-resistant, and will not reduce the overall performance characteristics of the building.

Dormer window drawing

Experts have the following basic requirements for the design of window roof openings of this type:

  1. The roof slope must be more than 35 degrees.
  2. The superstructure above the roof opening must be removed from the external walls of individual housing construction at a specified distance.
  3. The sashes of the window roof opening must also be of a certain size:
  4. minimum – 60×80 centimeters;
  5. maximum – 120×80 centimeters.
  6. A quadrangular opening with a hip roof should not be a continuation of the wall of the under-roof (attic) space.

These requirements also include advice on choosing building materials for cladding, which are used for arranging roof dormers. The following are best suited for these purposes:

  1. Copper sheets.
  2. Sheet steel.
  3. Tile.

It is important to remember that during the preparation of the project, under any conditions, a drawing is made of each planned element of the roof of the structure being built. When it is difficult to draw such a project yourself, you need to turn to highly qualified specialists for help.

Installing a window in the old attic roof

Quite often, when the owners of private houses want to install a window in the attic, they still do not want to completely redo the roof. In this case, arranging an auditory opening would be an acceptable solution. It is quite possible to make such a skylight with your own hands.

Selecting a location

According to regulations, the width of the window should not exceed 10% of the roof perimeter. This is due to the fact that large openings lead to significant losses. Moreover, glazing is not able to fully protect the roof from external influences. It is best if the window opening is located in the center of the roof between the load-bearing beams.

Design of dormer roof windows

The structural features of a window roof opening depend on its frame.

Design of the frame of the dormer window opening

Main characteristics of the dormer window frame design:

  • the width of the window roof opening must be greater than 1/2 the width of the immediate attic room;
  • the frame of this element is installed simultaneously with the supporting structure of the roof, because it also has its own supporting system and sheathing (with gable-type openings and a ridge unit);
  • installation of reliable rafters, the total load of the structure is distributed on them;
  • parts of the window structure can be cut according to a template, which will greatly facilitate the installation process;
  • all components of the dormer roof window structure are secured with steel fasteners;
  • the side walls of such an opening in the under-roof space are sewn up with moisture-resistant building materials, and the same is done with the joints (this will help prevent the formation of leaks).

It is recommended to use the following as moisture-proofing building materials:

  1. Membrane films.
  2. Silicone sealants.
  3. Pressure strips.

In an already constructed roof, you can also install dormer windows of almost any type. For these purposes, it is necessary to follow the following rules for its arrangement:

  • the roof window opening is located in the center of the roof slope/attic wall - between the load-bearing rafters;
  • after cutting out the opening, load-bearing rafters are installed, and the window frame is mounted on them (fastened tightly with self-tapping screws);
  • The final stage is sealing the constructed dormer window.

In this case, sealing is performed with a sealant with an acrylic/silicone base or a waterproof film.

Important: in typical designs for dormer windows on the roof, the design (drawing) almost completely repeats the general shape of the roof, but in a very reduced form.

Accommodation options

Roof options are divided into 2 types.


The simplest solution is a flat roof with a slight slope and a slightly larger canopy.

Regarding the requirements for the device, the following can be noted: since its angle of inclination is small, the smaller the degree, the more slippery the coating should be.


This is a hybrid of a single slope and a triangle, i.e. triangular cap and the presence of side walls. Such options are erected mainly for the sake of creating a certain architectural style, since they are more complex than triangles in execution, and are less functional than single slopes.

Construction stages

  • cutting into the roof rafters is unacceptable;
  • the foundation must be strengthened;
  • the frame is assembled after preparing the elements according to the template;
  • the bottom of the window should be at an appropriate distance from the “clean” floor.

Finished frame After construction, the frame is sheathed and the roof is laid.

Design drawing of a dormer window on the roof of a private house - video

Features of the design and installation of dormer windows for roofs


  1. Functional purpose
  2. What are they?
  3. Constructive decisions
  4. Design and installation
  5. Frame development
  6. Frame installation
  7. Peculiarities

Dormer windows on the roof are installed as a source of natural light and ventilation in attics and attics. And thanks to all sorts of design solutions, they also perform an aesthetic function - the facade of the house acquires an attractive and finished appearance.

Video description

About the undoubted benefits of dormer windows in the following video:

Dormers are an important part of designSource

Functional purpose

Houses with a roof with a dormer window always stand out from the general development with their original, unique appearance.

What is a dormer window for? Its main function is to provide ventilation and lighting of the under-roof space. When choosing the location of the source of natural light in the attic or attic, it is important to take into account the orientation of the future dormer window to the cardinal points. It should face south, then all the requirements for natural insolation of the room will be achieved.

The attic window can be replaced with a ventilation grille. The absence of even a small ventilation duct in the roof structure will entail significant troubles:

  1. Heat loss will inevitably occur into the attic space, where when the air cools, condensation forms, which, due to the lack of ventilation, will accumulate in a closed room.
  2. Due to the lack of lighting, mildew and mold will spread very quickly in the attic.

The grille can be installed on the facade of the house from any material. These can be brick, wooden, block houses.

Also, a dormer window on the roof can provide access to the roof for repair or installation work.

If we talk about the architectural appearance of the building, then a hip, hip or half-hip roof by its very design suggests the installation of dormer windows.


First of all, you need to evaluate the entire scope of the upcoming work.

Installation of a window in the attic


In terms of its design, a roof window can be compared to a layer cake; it is this technology that allows for maximum durability and efficiency of the window:

  • A – roller shutters or awnings, it is advisable to install such protection in case of heavy hail;
  • B is a kind of frame, in fact, the main protection of the entire window structure. It can consist of various materials, it all depends on the roof itself. The frame can be either smooth, made of tin or copper, or wavy, made of metal tiles, ondulin and other similar materials. Everyone tries to make sure that the window protrudes beyond the aisles of the slope plane as little as possible.
  • Varieties of flashing: for smooth sheets that simply do not have waves; for soft bitumen shingles - a wave of no more than 8 mm; for roofing with a wave not exceeding 16 mm; for roofing with a wave not exceeding 30 mm; and for roofing materials with a wave the biggest.
  • C – the dormer window itself;
  • D – hydrothermal insulation circuit; you cannot do without this circuit; first of all, it protects against moisture getting inside;
  • E is already a decorative element, a completely optional element;
  • F – internal slopes, like all windows in the house, this one should also have slopes.

It turns out that the attic window has its own “character” and, thus, its own instructions for installing it yourself

What are they?

There are different solutions. The window structure can be built into the roof plane or it can be vertical glazing.

The use of small triangular, arched and trapezoidal openings with a fully glazed vertical plane is common.

Dormer windows on the roof, the structures of which have side walls, vary depending on the type of roof:

  • flat;
  • quadrangular single-pitched;
  • quadrangular gable;
  • triangular;
  • semicircular;
  • panoramic trapezoidal;
  • light lanterns;
  • round.
  1. Single-pitch

This is the simplest type, characterized by the presence of a flat roof, the slope of which is less than the slope of the roof.

It is characterized by the presence of sufficient space under the ceiling compared to the gable option. When installing it, attention should be paid to providing high-quality drainage for rainwater and other precipitation. The downside of a slight slope is the reduction in the number of options for roofing materials that can be used.

  1. The traditional solution is a window located in the wall plane on a gable roof.

The design of the gable roof itself is characterized by a small space above the head. The window can have a pointed or rounded shape. A complex structure will require greater financial costs than a lean-to structure. The downside is that the space under the roof will actually decrease.

  1. The external design of a hip window evokes an association with a measured and comfortable life. The angle of inclination of the structure and the roof repeat each other.
  2. The arched design gives the appearance of the house the atmosphere of a mansion. In addition to the horizontal placement of dormer windows, vertical placement is possible.
  3. A window called “skylight” will add visual lightness and airiness to the exterior of the building.
  1. Panoramic windows on the roof provide high visibility and maximum natural light.
  2. The enclosing side surfaces of the trapezoidal window are covered with roofing material.
  3. A window called a “bat window” is better suited for window designs with a slight slope.
  4. Dormer windows do not serve to decorate the facade. They perform the practical task of providing the attic living space with sufficient natural light and fresh air. Installation of these windows will not require the construction of auxiliary structures. In terms of waterproofing qualities, modern window systems are reliable and durable.

Existing standards

The following requirements are imposed on hearing blocks: product strength, required convection and illumination. The number and their sizes are strictly regulated by SNiPs. For example, the minimum quantity is determined depending on the total area of ​​the roof of the house in horizontal projection (1:300). With a cottage area of ​​8x8 m (64 m²), the window area will be 0.21 m² - this is a square window of 45x45 cm.

They cannot be installed on all roofs. This is allowed if the angle of inclination of the roof covering is more than 35 °. They should not be installed above the contact points between the slope and the roof support beams.

Ignoring these standards, as well as unauthorized changes to the standard, will lead to the adverse consequences that were indicated above.

Windows can be formed on the pediment or roof slopes.

Recently, variations of glazing in the roof have become widespread, and are increasingly used for attic buildings. They are original and very effective, but will not be discussed in this article, since they relate to residential attics, not attics.

The traditional installation method is vertical installation of the convection unit. The following technologies are used:

  • side walls located within the contour of the building are used;
  • side walls extending beyond the contour of the building are involved;
  • are equipped without the use of walls inside the contour of the house.

Combined option

Design and installation

Before starting design, you should familiarize yourself with the requirements of SNiP II-26 and SNiP 21-01. Why do this? Compliance with them guarantees that the constructed structure will meet the requirements of reliability and durability, while the roof parameters will not lose the reliability and quality of their technical parameters.

SNiP conditions regarding the construction of dormer windows:

  1. The roof slope must have a slope of 35 degrees - in this case, installation is considered possible.
  2. If it is necessary to erect a superstructure, it is important to take into account the distances recommended by the standards from the external building envelope.
  3. The minimum size of the sashes that open and are located on the window is considered to be 0.6 by 0.8 meters, therefore, the permissible parameters of a roof window will be 1.2 by 0.8 meters.
  4. It is impossible for the facade of a window with a hip roof and a quadrangular opening to continue the wall of the building.

GOST requires the use of different facing materials: copper, sheet metal, tiles. Windows can be equipped with overhangs, their own roofing or gutters.

If the opening is of sufficient size and there is a building envelope, it is possible to construct a balcony.

Frame development

After determining the parameters of the opening, it is necessary to begin developing a drawing of the future structure, which should be not only functional, but also aesthetically attractive.

The width of the auditory opening is taken so that it exceeds half the width of the attic room.

Frame installation

The installation of a dormer window should occur at the stage of installing the load-bearing system of the main roof of the building.

Structurally, the dormer opening is a roof in miniature. Its roof is equipped with its own load-bearing structures, lathing and, if necessary, a ridge.

First of all, gables are made on the roof surface. Then the ridge beams and rafters are fastened, and openings are made in the designated places.

It is necessary to fence the openings using strong rafters, which will distribute the main load. The rafters can be double or triple.

Next, install transverse beams that are attached to the rafters. The placement of the lower beam should be level with the outer wall of the building. Top – in accordance with the window parameters.

The racks are placed on the beam located below, connected at the top using a block. As a result, the structure must be connected using beams to the upper beam.

The result will be a frame that does not yet have its own rafter system.

To ensure that the rafters do not lose their load-bearing capabilities, all elements must be secured using metal fasteners.

After checking the frame in all directions, you can begin installing the ridge beam and the supporting roof structure.


Moisture-resistant material is used to cover the side walls of the structure. The roof covering is laid at the stage of installation of all roofing material.

To avoid leaks, it is important to properly waterproof the joints using membranes, silicone sealants, and pressure strips.

How to make a dormer window on the roof - step-by-step instructions

If additional ventilation is required in the attic and attic of the house, then the first thing to do is to install a dormer window. This kind of design has a lot of positive qualities; in addition, it improves the appearance of the construction project.

Steam and waterproofing

At the junction points of the MO, it is important to ensure reliable vapor and waterproofing. An insulating apron with such capabilities is installed around the entire perimeter of the window. It reliably covers the gap between the roof and the frame. A strip of vapor-waterproofing material can be secured with a stapler, but an adhesive connection is most reliable.

Gluing is carried out from the bottom edge and moves from bottom to top. Modern materials are produced immediately with an adhesive layer, which is covered with a protective film during storage.

The upper edge of the apron is located under the drainage gutter. To prevent moisture from getting under the roof waterproofing, cut when preparing the opening, the edges are sealed with butyl-based sealant.

What is a dormer window?

The structure is located in the upper part of the building; it is a window in the form of a small house. Thanks to it, the attic space is illuminated by sunlight and additional ventilation is created. Thanks to this device, the roof façade itself looks noticeably more attractive.

  • Construction and frame ↓
  • Scope ↓
  • Types and sizes ↓
  • Drawings ↓
  • How to make a dormer window on the roof ↓
  • Step-by-step instructions ↓
  • Installation of grooves in the upper part of the dormer window ↓

Attic window

With the increase in the number of city dwellers in Europe, under-roof areas began to be converted into residential areas. Dormer windows were now installed not only for ventilation and decoration of the space, but also for greater illumination. At the same time, attic windows began to play the role of a passage to the surface of the house (for performing repair procedures and emergency exit).

In current construction, a window on the roof of an attic is a common occurrence. It is often used in private homes, such as:

  • wind;
  • observation;
  • louvered;
  • brass;
  • dome;
  • arched

It is possible to install a small window in the attic:

  • on the side of the roof;
  • in the center;
  • on the slope.

Built-in windows are usually glazed to maintain a comfortable thermal atmosphere in the building. Small semicircular windows on the gables without glass are installed for ventilation. They can be covered with a ventilation grill that prevents debris and birds from establishing themselves in the attic.

Skylights with vertical walls on the sides can be erected on flat roofs, the inclination of which is no more than 15°. Attic windows are complemented by a drain. A different format of windows in the attic: a surface with one slope and a slope of over 15°. You can build an object with two slopes and such houses.

By the type of their own stern, attic dormer windows create:

  • square;
  • trapezoidal;
  • semicircular;
  • in the form of a rectangle;
  • triangular;
  • round shape.

The format and parameters of the windows are designed in accordance with the exterior composition of the structure, the type of its main roofing, and reference to the cardinal directions. The roof of a dormer house with side walls, according to standards, includes a layer of waterproofing and insulation. The building material of such parts of roofs is usually identical to the main roof covering.

Construction and frame

The dormer window is formed by several components, its main part is the frame. Its installation is reproduced along with the rafters. The main material of the structure is wood; in some cases, support points, for example, side walls, are made of brick. In order to begin the procedure for installing a dormer window, it is necessary to create a frame in the building that contains metal fasteners.

It is worth taking care in advance about the arrangement of this structure when building a house , since in the future the procedure for forming a window into transverse beams will become impossible.

Planning and calculations

Installing a roof window into a finished roof should begin with the planning stage. First of all, you will need to calculate the required dimensions. The formula for calculation is quite simple: 1 square meter of glazing for every 10 square meters of room .

It is also necessary to choose the correct height at which the windows will be installed. The location of the skylights should be selected in such a way that the lower part of the frame rises 1-1.5 meters above the floor level.

The lower part of the frame should be 1-1.5 m above the floor level

The choice of installation location and size of a roof window in a metal tile or soft roof should be made in such a way that, if possible, it does not affect the rafter system during installation. The dimensions should allow the window frame to be mounted between the rafters and leave a margin of about 10 cm.

Application area

Such a necessary part of the building as a dormer window is considered to be an innovation. However, this opinion is considered to be erroneous; it was heard about several thousand years ago, but many architects claim that they have an even longer history of existence.

Despite such a long period of existence, they became widely used only a few decades ago, in several areas.

  1. First of all, it is a design object. The dormer window perfectly complements the Gothic style. This part of construction can be seen on objects created under the ancient era;
  2. The device is most widely used among owners of small residential buildings, where it serves as the main ventilation;
  3. In addition to all the properties necessary for life, the structure also acts as building gables and roof overhangs;
  4. In some private sectors it is also presented in the form of a chimney;
  5. Less widely used are dormer windows as decorative details for retail establishments, fences and street partitions.

Types of roof window openings

On modern houses you can see four types of dormer openings:

Window on the pediment (in the gable wall). Making an opening from the front (end) side is the most common solution for gable and mansard roofs. This design is the most economically advantageous; its installation is, in fact, the insertion of a regular window.

Attic window in a gable wallSource

Dormer. A gable roof with a dormer window protruding beyond the roof slope, what is commonly called a cuckoo window. The cuckoo window is a popular option, with many modifications. As an additional architectural element of the house, the cuckoo complicates the roof structure, which leads to additional financial expenses. At the same time, the dormer carries an aesthetic load, increases the living space and expands the all-round view. The glass in the dormer is installed vertically, which somewhat limits the flow of light.

Gable dormersSource

Antidormer. In contrast to the previous design, the antidormer does not protrude beyond the slope, but is built in and recessed into its surface. Antidormer is cheaper and easier to implement than cuckoo, although it requires careful waterproofing. Despite the original appearance, this variety is not widely used, since it reduces the useful volume of the attic space. The antidormer, with its vertical glass arrangement, is suitable for installation in a broken attic roof.

Single-pitched dormer and anti-drumerSource

Dormer window. The dormer window in the attic roof is built into the inclined plane of the roof, which provides maximum natural light. Installing an inclined window is characterized by a small amount of work and financial expenses. Dormer windows of various shapes and sizes look impressive, but are not without some costs - they are more expensive than conventional plastic counterparts, are prone to leaks and, if located high, are inconvenient to use.

Double roof windowSource

One way to fill your attic space with sunlight is to install a skylight. Such translucent structures are installed on flat roofs; They come in a variety of sizes and configurations and make elegant additions to any home style. Rooflights require careful design and selection of materials.

Types and sizes

Installing a dormer in your construction project is quite simple. You can do this yourself, naturally, if you have the necessary skills, materials and equipment. You can also make it to order if necessary. Currently, many construction companies offer the installation and sale of such devices in a large assortment.

There are several classifications of dormer windows:

  1. The simplest option is a flat roof design. A dormer window of absolutely any shape is perfect for it; in most cases, it is presented in the form of a square with a slight extension. The main disadvantage of such a device is its small size;
  2. Another option is an opening with a quadrangular cascade. Its design is identical to the first option. The main feature is that it can only be installed at an angle of at least 15 degrees;
  3. A panoramic window makes the house itself visually lighter and airier ; its peculiarity is that there are no brick supports;
  4. The most interesting option is attic structures , the fastening is reproduced between the rafters and on the slopes at an angle of 15 to 20 degrees;
  5. The most unusual option for a Russian person is a building in which a round-shaped hole is installed; it will definitely attract the attention of passers-by.

In addition to appearance, each type of classification also differs in functional requirements; the level of lighting, ventilation and reliability of fastening depend on them.


To clearly show what a dormer window is and what it looks like, below is a drawing of its most common form.

From the picture you can see that it occupies a central position in the attic. This suggests that the object will have a harmonious appearance in appearance, and radiation and ventilation will penetrate and dissipate into the room in equal proportions. You can also see that the insulation itself does not reach the level of the ridge, therefore, accumulated moisture, steam and chemical fumes will not be able to penetrate under the attic; they will be discharged through the auditory opening.

The design has become widely used due to the minimal dimensions of the supporting structure. You can notice that there are no pipes, beams and other construction elements on the roof. This acts as a major advantage in winter, as it will prevent snow from accumulating on the roof.

This design is also attractive due to the presence of a grille with large gaps. First of all, this is responsible for good ventilation. Also, this quality prevents snow and rain from directly entering the room, which prevents important structural objects, such as insulation, from getting wet.

How to make a dormer window on the roof

Before proceeding with the installation of the dormer window itself, a number of preliminary works are required. Fronts, ridge beams, rafters, additional supports and rafter legs must be constructed. As soon as this technology is produced, the main work can begin.

Step-by-step instruction

  1. You can see the sheathing on the rafter legs. Those elements that protrude beyond its limits should be cut off. This procedure is necessary to ensure that the window and the wall are located at the same level;
  2. You should first mark the place where the auditory opening will be located. At the level of the ridge beam you need to attach a metal bracket;
  3. The next operation is welding the ridge beam. But, before this, you should carefully check the verticality of all front frame parts;
  4. In accordance with the template of the future design, it is necessary to install support rafters;
  5. The last, but most significant procedure is covering the slabs, which can be made from moisture-resistant plywood or slabs.


Dormer windows have different shapes. A gable or single-pitch roof is installed over such a structure.

The single-pitched variety is the most common. Snow falls from it towards the glass unit, which can cause its destruction. Therefore, the roof slope must be made larger than in other options. Sometimes it looks ridiculous, since her “hat” stands out significantly from the general background.

It is more difficult to assemble gable roofs, because it is necessary for the ridge to be of increased strength. But they cope with the function of drainage much better, and they look neater than single slopes.

With the modern level of technology and variety of materials, every owner can afford other geometric shapes.

Device classification

They differ in the number of slopes and general shape:

  • single-slope, double-slope, four-slope (hip);
  • flat (French), as well as arched;
  • triangular and trapezoidal.

Glazing can be done partially; ventilation grilles can be installed as an addition. Designs can be made without glass at all; it is completely replaced by convection blinds.

Architectural features

Triangular roof options are especially popular; in terms of vertical projection parameters, they are close to equilateral triangles with slope angles approaching 30°. Typically, their gable is flush with the gable of the building.

For your information! They are located symmetrically to the main window openings of the building. This allows the triangular shape to harmonize with the ensemble of the entire structure.

The main advantage of this option is that the triangular design completely solves the issue of sealing the entire element: the ridge is reliably protected, and there are no insulation joints at the base. Water immediately enters the drainage gutters because the window is formed flush with the common gable.

Design and installation

The construction scheme is simple; for a beginner, only the names of the structural elements of the roof can cause difficulty. The structures have their own frame and are sewn to the frame of the main roof.

Gable frame

It is designed in such a way that the window is located between the rafters of the roof of the house. In places of contact they are strengthened: double rafters are formed.

Construction is regulated by the rules of GOST 1250681:

  1. Load-bearing rafters should not extend beyond the plane of the building.
  2. When installing and fastening, it is unacceptable to cut into the base of the roof, i.e. cutting is prohibited as this reduces the strength of the main structure. Fastening is carried out using nails or self-tapping screws of the required length.
  3. The pediment of the windows must be strictly vertical, in one common plane.
  4. In accordance with the dimensions, two rafters are selected to form a gable triangle, which are attached to the ridge.
  5. The resulting frame is covered with moisture-resistant plywood or sheathing, after which the finishing coating is laid.

Installation of grooves in the upper part of the dormer window

In addition to all the above procedures, sometimes it may be necessary to perform additional actions, which can also require a lot of time and effort. One of them includes the installation of spacers in the upper part of the dormer window. This should only be done if the auditory slopes have a different angle of view. For example, the slope with part of the roof is 65 degrees, while a non-standard window with an angle of 40 degrees is built into it.

This problem can be solved quite simply, in a short time and in just a few steps.

  1. On the top of the roof you will need to install sloping rafters, which will rest on the structures with the smallest dimensions. Pre-short parts must be adjusted to a certain angle. If we focus on this example, then at 65 degrees;
  2. Next, the length of the rafter beams and its other additional dimensions is determined;
  3. The last step is to determine the angle between the side wall and the beam.

If the procedure is performed correctly, then the auditory opening and the load-bearing wall of the building should be presented as a single whole.

Dormer windows are being used more and more often by modern builders. The thing is that in your own home, every area is of great importance. Few people use the space under the roof to store old things. This action is unjustified for already small rooms, because thanks to it you can expand and create another small room.

But, in order to do this, you should definitely take care of a natural source of light and ventilation. The auditory opening is responsible for these two fundamental functions.

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