Kitchen sink by the window: all the pros and cons on the Nedvio website

Did you know that houses in the USA are specially designed so that the window in the kitchen is located strictly above the sink? It's surprising, but most American housewives consider any other layout unthinkable.

There are no such traditions in Russia. And kitchens in houses are designed without taking this factor into account (i.e., where there is a window, there it will be), or they are designed without windows at all.

In this article, we decided to figure out what are the advantages of such a layout? Does it make sense to place the sink in the kitchen near the window or is it better to place it some other way?

Pros and cons of location

Advantages of sinks located under the window:

  • Beneficial effects on psychology. Observing what is happening helps you relax, and natural daylight has a gentle effect on the psyche.
  • Increased functionality. By moving the sink under the window, the work area becomes almost a meter larger. In addition, the new location can contribute to the formation of a proper work triangle.
  • Humidity adjustment. In a small, damp kitchen, moving the wet zone will reduce the level of humidity - just open the door briefly after washing the dishes.
  • Expansion of the working surface. Most often, the countertop is combined with a window sill - part is occupied by the sink, and in the empty space you can organize the storage of dishes and connect household appliances.

The photo shows a U-shaped layout with a sink in the center

There are also a lot of disadvantages to having a sink by the window in the kitchen:

  • Transfer of communications. In an ordinary apartment, water pipes and sewerage will have to be carried almost through the entire kitchen. The process requires effort and time; a large number of connections is fraught with leaks and flooding.
  • Frequent cleaning. The window opening here is like a mirror in the bathroom: the glass will constantly be splashed with detergents and water.
  • Difficulty cleaning windows. When making a wide tabletop, immediately think: how will you wash the windows? Especially from the outside.
  • Battery problems. In Khrushchev and socket buildings, heating radiators are usually located under the window - by installing a sink you will lose the flow of heat. You will have to cut ventilation holes in the countertop or move the battery. The second is more difficult, but more effective.
  • No dryer. Those accustomed to a standard kitchen set, where the cupboard is located directly above the sink, will have to relearn. The dryer can be placed on the wall at the side of the opening, in a lower cabinet or on a countertop.

As for the view from the window, this is a controversial issue. Of course, if your apartment offers a panoramic view of the city or a forest thicket is visible from your cottage, all the disadvantages can be forgiven for the view alone. What if you can see the fence of a private house or the backyard of ordinary city life? In general, before moving the sink, think: are you ready to look at the landscape every day?

Window sink problems and ways to solve them

If a narrow window sill is installed in the kitchen of your house, then, alas, it will not be possible to completely solve the problems. In this case, it may be worth considering a different option for placing the sink. Or be prepared for the inconveniences described above.

If the tap interferes with the ventilation of the kitchen, then, in principle, you can change its location. For example, mount it not in the center of the sink, but from one of the edges. Either choose a faucet with a retractable flexible hose, or some folding option.

You can also avoid problems with access to the window if you provide in the kitchen a high level of the window sill relative to the work surface and its sufficient width.

Please note that modern windows are very functional. And if you have not yet chosen windows for the kitchen, think about what options would be more optimal. Today you can buy windows, the design of which provides several options for opening the sashes. So there will be no problems with ventilating the kitchen.

Which sink is best to use?

Choosing a kitchen sink to place on a windowsill is not much different from any other: it should match the style, size of the furniture, and be comfortable for you.

The sink can be overhead, mortise at the top or bottom (recessed). The first option, when the sink protrudes slightly beyond the countertop, is convenient for narrow work areas. The other two can be mounted in regular and wide surfaces.

The photo shows a sink with installation from below

Based on the design, choose the model that is most convenient for you: minimalistic single, single with a wing, double, double with a wing. In small kitchens, give preference to compact but deep sinks without wings. For large rooms the choice is unlimited.

And the last thing is the material. There are metal (stainless steel), composite (artificial stone) or ceramic sinks.

  • The first ones are the cheapest, do not require special care when caring, but can make a lot of noise.
  • The latter are more expensive, they can be integral with the countertop (the absence of joints is a plus for hygiene), but they are expensive, and the light ones absorb dyes (tea, coffee, beets).
  • The latter are usually overhead: caring for them is no more difficult than caring for a washbasin or bathtub.

The photo shows a white ceramic model with two bowls

Moving the sink under the window

The process of moving the sink to the window sill cannot be called easy and quick, so you will have to prepare yourself for long and tedious work. In this case, it is necessary to take into account its main stages and nuances of implementation:

  • The set is placed in such a way that the height of the tabletop does not exceed the corresponding parameter at the window sill. Otherwise, the entire window opening will need to be redone, which is impossible to do in an apartment building.
  • Water pipes must be installed taking into account the correct slope - from 3 to 5 cm for each meter of the product. This will prevent possible blockages. Another solution in this case could be a special shredder for washing. This is a fairly convenient option, but its implementation will require additional funds.
  • It is necessary to take care of the correct operation of the radiator, which will be covered by the sink in place of the window sill. To do this, special grilles are built into the structure, which transmit heat from the equipment. Moving the radiator to another location is highly not recommended, since only a standard location can provide effective heating of the room.
  • Great care should be taken when choosing a sink and countertop for this layout. It is better to give preference to deep sinks so that splashes fall on the windows as little as possible. The material for the countertop can be plastic or natural stone - these are the most resistant products with respect to temperature changes.
  • The window must open freely, so it cannot be covered with appliances or furniture. The size of the sink and faucet must be selected so that they do not obscure the window opening. You should also consider the appropriate distance to the edge of the structure. If there is not enough space, then you can opt for folding or swivel faucets.

Mixer selection and location

The design of a kitchen with a sink near the window does not end with the choice of the bowl itself: near the window frames, the mixer is of greater importance. It is necessary to select and install it correctly, first of all, so that the window sashes open: a matter of comfort, a safety requirement.

By choosing a standard model, you can save a lot, but you should clearly calculate the distance from the window: the tap should be clearly in the center so as not to interfere with the opening of any of the sashes.

The depth of the countertop is not enough; a regular faucet cannot be positioned so as to open the window? Pay attention to folding devices. The idea is that the faucet can literally be taken out of the hole, placed next to it, and then returned to its place in a couple of seconds - no tools are needed.

Another way to avoid the problem of the valve colliding with the faucet is to install a flexible mixer. It is not removed from the socket, but simply bent.

All recommendations refer to the location of the sink in the center of the opening. Is the wet area shifted towards the slope? Place the faucet as deep as possible in the corner.

Home and Garden

Stylish and comfortable home

How to do it right: 5 ways to decorate a window sill in the kitchen

In the fight for quality of life, all means are good. Even abandoning the standard window sill.

A window sill in a small kitchen is like a bike path for a motorist in a traffic jam. In ordinary life and in a spacious kitchen, it has every right to be empty, but in a tiny one, every centimeter counts. How to use a window sill in the kitchen? What nuances may arise when “reorienting” the window sill? And what non-standard ideas for refurbishment of a window sill exist?

1. Window sill in the kitchen as a work area

How to make a countertop instead of a window sill in the kitchen depends on the renovation budget and the dimensions of the kitchen. Let's start with the last one.

The standard height of the set (and its tabletop) is 85 cm. But sometimes it is made higher due to height-adjustable legs and an enlarged base. The correct height of the working area is 15 cm from the bent elbow. Please keep this in mind when ordering your kitchen.

So, if the height of the window sill is approximately equal to the height of the table top plus or minus a couple of centimeters, we simply continue the working area along the window. The battery at the bottom can be left open.


Consider the width of the slopes when choosing the countertop that you plan to install instead of the window sill. And pay special attention to their material.

It is important that the tabletop does not get wet from condensation on the window; the end must be protected from moisture penetration. But if the wall is “wet” and also freezes, do not use a chipboard tabletop as a window sill. Better take an artificial stone.

If the window sill is higher than the table top

In this case, the “riser” between the upper and lower countertops is usually decorated with tiles or covered with a plinth, depending on the design of the kitchen. They make a wide window sill from the same material as the tabletop and use it as an additional shelf.

If the window sill is left in its original form, it is cut to the width of the slope. In the example in the photo, the height difference was used to insert ventilation grilles to circulate warm air from the radiators.

If the window sill is lower than the tabletop

The most obvious thing is to block part of the window opening with bricks and order a smaller window. But this solution is only suitable for a private home. If the building is multi-apartment, you will break the law by changing the architectural appearance of the building.

Of course, if the kitchen window opens onto a glazed balcony, changes in the facade will be invisible. But in any case, it will not be easy to agree on such changes, which means that in the future there may be problems with updating the registration certificate and selling the apartment. In addition, you will worsen the insolation of the room.

The simplest option from a technical point of view is to build a kitchen line on top of the window sill, leaving 10-15 cm so that the window sash can be opened for ventilation. The “groove” between the kitchen furniture and the window glass can be filled with potted plants. This may not be the most ergonomic option, but it is the most economical. You won’t have to change the double-glazed windows or make tricks with the furniture. However, in this case the window will not open completely. This will make it difficult to wash and will worsen fire safety.

If you were going to change the windows anyway, you can order a double-glazed window with a horizontal impost (frame element) at the level of the tabletop. The window will look like this photo, only the horizontal lintel and the edge of the countertop will match. Part of the glazing will be under the tabletop. If you have cabinets there, that’s okay, but you can also organize open shelves with natural lighting.

The advantages of this solution are that you do not interfere with the facade, the window opens, there are no cracks. The downside is that the amount of sunlight decreases.

Finally, you can play up the height difference, as was done in the project in the photo. The work area by the window is lowered to the level of the window sill. It’s not too inconvenient to cook there, but it’s quite possible to arrange storage areas and some kitchen appliances. At what height the microwave, toaster and kettle are located is not so important, but they take up a lot of space. The height difference is played up by the colored tabletop.

In this project, only part of the work area with a sink and cabinets was organized near the window. The other part was combined with the stove and taken out to the island (or you could simply put it in a line to the opposite wall). Since the surfaces do not meet, the height difference is invisible. Of course, placing the sink far from the stove is not very ergonomic, but in this case the distance is small.

What to do with the battery

A full-fledged countertop instead of a window sill in the kitchen also means arranging cabinets underneath it. In this case, you need to figure out what to do with the battery. It is not recommended to close it - it is harmful to nearby furniture, and also affects the temperature in the kitchen.

Free air circulation is necessary around the battery. This means that you need to provide holes in the countertop, base and/or doors. Cold air should flow to the battery, and warm air should rise calmly. The window sill-countertop in the kitchen from the photo has a convection grille.


if pipes and batteries remain visible, you don’t have to hide or move them, but, on the contrary, highlight them with color and make them an accent detail.

A popular option for solving the problem with a battery is lattice or louvered doors that do not interfere with air exchange. However, keep in mind that even a half-closed radiator will heat the kitchen worse. If you have trouble with heating, consider moving the radiator to another wall, an additional radiator or heated floor.

Formally, moving a battery is an operation that requires a design and even a thermal calculation. In fact, if you do not change the number of sections, the consent of the management company will be sufficient. Without it, nothing can be done anyway - they will have to turn off the riser and drain the water. Therefore, batteries are usually changed in the summer. Do not move the battery to an adjacent loggia - this is prohibited. Moving the battery from under the window automatically implies insulation of the window sill block. Especially if there is a refrigerator cabinet there.

The photo shows another window sill-countertop in a small kitchen, where the problem of distributing warm air is elegantly solved. Plywood facades with large perforations cover the storage area and do not interfere with air circulation.

Recommendations for arrangement

What kind of kitchen the kitchen will look like depends not on the type of faucet or sink, but rather on the layout of the kitchen unit.

You can only place a direct kitchen under a window along a long wall (minimum size ~3 meters): keep in mind that approximately half of the space is eaten up by the opening, which does not allow the installation of upper cabinets.

A more ergonomic option is a corner one. There is a window on one wall, the main storage, hob, and cooking area on the other. The U-shaped one will also look advantageous, especially with a sink in the central part (the bridge of the letter P).

Kitchen along the window - no big deal!

An eternal problem is lack of space. Especially in the kitchens of old houses, where this room was not given enough space and most of them today are from 6 to 9 squares, which is very small. Once you look at a photo of such a room, you immediately wonder how to properly arrange it so as not to reduce the space and accommodate everything you need.

Some people solve this problem with square footage by combining several rooms or making a kitchen-studio, that is, a separate corner for cooking and a living or dining area. This is a fairly good option, but not everyone agrees, especially if the apartment is one-room. On the one hand, the kitchen automatically becomes visually larger, and on the other, you get the feeling of sleeping in the dining room.

Nuances of window decoration

The advantage of having a window near the sink is daylight. The downside is the curious glances of passers-by or neighbors, especially if you live on the first floor or there is another one very close to your house.

To have privacy, consider how the windows will close. Light curtains or long drapes will not work: with a light breeze, the former will definitely wrap around the tap, and the latter will look ridiculous, lying on the tabletop.

Suitable options are roller or Roman blinds, blinds. They all have 2 placement options: outside the opening or inside, on the frames themselves. The most practical would be non-fabric curtains (blinds, roller blinds) - they do not absorb water, and it is enough to wipe off dirt with a damp cloth.

You don't need to close the window, but want to decorate it? Choose cafe curtains or short curtains that resemble lambrequins. In some styles, it is appropriate to abandon curtains altogether.


Of course, you can save space by using furniture. For example, put a kitchen island with everything you need for cooking or a small corner equipped with everything you need. However, this will not really solve the problem, especially if there is a large window and you want a wide window sill, which will also take up some of the space. There is a good option - to combine business with pleasure.

Positioning the kitchen along the window is a design solution that is far from new, but very popular. Especially when it comes to a small room. Usually the entire wall along the window is empty if furniture is placed along other walls. And it turns out that the use of space is not entirely rational. If furniture and interior items are placed along the wall with a window, then along the other two you can organize a relaxation corner and a dining area.

This option has another plus - light and air. That is, it turns out that in case of strong fumes, in addition to the hood, you can open the window and quickly ventilate the room, getting rid of heavy odors. However, there is another side to the coin. In the case of the sunny side, bright light can interfere with cooking, so if you still decide to install the kitchen along the window, you can close the window with special blinds or shutters to protect from the bright sun. Another important detail in this arrangement of the room is the absence of curtains and drapes. They will not only be inappropriate, but also dangerous, because there should be a stove or hob nearby.


Another seeming obstacle to conquering space is the battery. It is no secret that in most rooms the battery is located strictly under the window. When installing furniture there, you need to come up with a good way out of the situation. In principle, you can go in two ways: complex and simpler.

Battery transfer

This is rather a very difficult path. After all, it is impossible to do this on your own, without the skills and, most importantly, special equipment. More precisely, it is possible, of course, but the one who does it will be responsible for the consequences. In this situation, the old fittings along with the pipes are cut off. From the remaining ends of the pipes, special polypropylene or other polymers intended for this product are carried to the desired place where the battery will be located. After which everything is welded back.


The furniture can be placed under the window sill, leaving a gap for the battery. You can cover it with a decorative screen or decorate it a little yourself. For example, paint it in an original way. If, for example, the color of the furniture is black or white, you can paint it in the spirit of a piano with keys, but if the kitchen is multi-colored and suggests the presence of bright colors, then it would be appropriate to paint the radiator in a rainbow pattern.

Hide and forget

Another simple way would be to disguise the battery, for example, under a false wall. To do this, it is enough to make a sheathing from a metal profile, and then tighten everything with plasterboard, leaving special ventilation or vents with doors. In this case, the wall will look quite neat along with the furniture.


Furniture placement is an important issue, especially with small rooms, so it’s worth planning and thinking about everything several times before taking action.

How does it look in the interior?

Moving the sink to the window opening is an easy way to make the interior more stylish and up-to-date. The reception is suitable for all styles: classic, neoclassical, modern, scandi, loft.

In the photo there are cafe curtains on the window

See photos of kitchen interiors with a sink by the window, choose your own version of the sink, faucet, location, design.

To summarize, I would like to say: if your desire to move the sink is stronger than the problems with moving communications, heating issues - make your dream come true!

Sink in the kitchen by the window. What problems may arise with communications?

The most difficult aspect of installing a kitchen sink near a window is communications (plumbing, sewerage). In order for everything to work properly, you need to think through every aspect in advance.

You need to understand that rearranging and replacing furniture, kitchen modules, countertops, pipes is equivalent in complexity to minor repairs. It's costly and time consuming. It’s another matter if you foresaw the placement of the sink by the window at the stage of building the house. In this case there will be no problems.

Let's look at what problems you will face if you decide to move the sink to the window in the kitchen?


In most Russian houses and apartments, heating radiators are traditionally located under the windows. Installing a sink and kitchen furniture in this place will prevent the flow of heat during the cold season. This will negatively affect comfort and microclimate, and can provoke the appearance of mold and other unpleasant moments.

Possible ways to solve the problem:

  1. move the battery from under the window (if it is an apartment or townhouse - after agreeing with the relevant authorities);
  2. remove the radiator altogether and install heated floors;
  3. install ventilation grilles above the radiator, building them into the sink cabinet or window sill.

Water supply and sewerage

It is logical that it will be necessary to supply water to the sink under the window. If you live in an apartment building, such actions require obtaining the appropriate permits. The same applies to the sewerage system.

Useful knowledge

Kitchen set design

Perhaps the best way to use free space in a small kitchen is to install a sink near the window. Agree that it is very nice when you cook food and at the same time you can watch what is happening in the yard. You can organize a niche in the headset itself, and you can even place it on the windowsill. Today we propose to consider what disadvantages and advantages exist, as well as what design solutions are available. By the way, the option of washing by the window will be useful for young mothers who have little time to walk with the child - this way they can do household chores and at the same time look after the child.

For a large room

The design of a room of similar size can be interestingly decorated using different methods. At the moment, the decision to make an “unfinished renovation” is still relevant, and in this case, the entire space near the opening will remain without additional decor. At the same time, it will be a rather interesting solution if the frame is painted in catchy colors. If it is difficult to do without curtains, then the best option would be to use roller blinds. If the room is large and has several windows, then it is worth considering the option of decorative curtains.

It will not be difficult to place everything directly under the window opening in the house, but the same cannot be said about a city apartment. The first problem you may encounter is that all communications will need to be lengthened. After this, you will need to position the countertop in such a way that it involves installing a sink under the window opening. You can line up the entire set right next to the window opening, and next to it there will be a niche large enough to grow flowers. Due to the fact that the sink takes up quite a lot of space in the kitchen, the countertop area will be reduced.

For a small room

The best option for placing elements in a small room is to install them along the wall. In this case, you will be able to use every square centimeter of space. A kitchen sink, which is combined with a window sill, will make it possible to increase the working area, and this will make the cooking process more comfortable and enjoyable. If you think through to the smallest detail, then the window opening can become the main decoration of the kitchen, as well as its dignity. By using additional space, you can increase the working surface. While preparing food, you will be able to observe what is happening outside the apartment. Even if one person washes the dishes, the second person can easily use any part of the kitchen set.

Most kitchens have a slightly elongated shape, and in this case it would be advisable to arrange the furniture lengthwise. Nearby you can place not only cabinets, but also a sink. It is allowed to make shelves at the bottom for small items and utensils; the main advantage of arranging furniture in this order is that the radiator will be completely covered with the help of cabinets. It’s also not worth overloading the kitchen with decorative elements. If the sink is located near a window, you will be able to take full advantage of natural light.

Kitchen corner set

If you correctly place the sink near the window in the corner kitchen, you can even achieve the effect of visually enlarging the room. If the room has a non-standard shape, then it would be advisable to place everything on the side of the window opening so that the battery is disguised. In the corner part it is worth putting an attractive corner cabinet for kitchens. It is enough to open the window a little when washing dishes, and excess moisture will evaporate much faster.

Please note that in the corner part you can place shelves for dishes or a plasma TV model. By designing a corner kitchen, you can create a completely comfortable work area that will outwardly resemble the shape of a triangle.

Yes, when doing homework in the kitchen, it will be much more pleasant to look out the windows than at bare walls or rest your forehead on the cabinet in which all the dishes are stored. If you arrange pieces of furniture correctly, you will be able to significantly save space, and this is the optimal solution for small kitchens. With the help of wooden furniture you can add sophistication to the room and create a truly unique interior. In Europe, for example, a similar arrangement of the sink is completely customary, and it will be quite difficult to surprise anyone with this way of decorating a kitchen space. Please note that you should plan your kitchen set so that the height of the countertop is not higher than the height of the window sill.

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