Large windows in the house - beauty that requires sacrifice on the Nedvio website

Today it has become fashionable to use panoramic windows everywhere in construction. It all started with new business centers: no matter which one you look at, they all have floor-to-ceiling windows. The trend has also come to suburban construction. Today we often see new projects of houses and villages with large and sometimes enormous glazing areas. In some of them, only the facades are decorated with large windows, while in others, such glazing covers the entire perimeter of the house, even its corners (corner windows).

All this is certainly beautiful, impressive and fills the home with sunlight, but the question arises: how practical is it? And what is the real price for large windows in your own home?

A riot of colors

Choose stylish blinds.

If you don't want to use fabric curtains, which create too many washing problems, you're better off choosing horizontal or vertical blinds. Specialized stores offer a luxurious range of colors for these accessories. They are ideal for any setting and create a complex and original decor.

Large glazing - big problems

As we noted above, a large glazing area leads to large heat losses in the house during the cold season, especially in winter. This problem is aggravated by the fact that in the Moscow region, and in most regions of Russia, there are not so many sunny, cloudless days a year to compensate for these losses with solar energy.

But these are not the only problems with large windows:

  1. Such structures are very heavy, one window can weigh 50-100 kilograms, and even more if with a door (terrace structure). Opening and closing them without an electric drive will be problematic for children, pensioners and people with impaired physical capabilities;
  2. Large windows are difficult to wash and clean. Requires special tools. And if you don’t want to do it yourself, you’ll have to spend more money on cleaning services;
  3. With large windows there is less privacy - you are “in full view” of all your neighbors;
  4. Houses with such windows are more attractive to burglars. Even equipping windows with anti-burglary fittings does not provide any guarantee against penetration;
  5. Through large windows, not only more solar heat enters our home, but also UV rays and even solar radiation, which theoretically can cause skin cancer if left near them for a long time;
  6. And finally, such structures are very expensive - from 15,000 rubles per m2, corner ones - from 20-25 thousand rubles. per m2. So glazing your house with panoramic and large windows can cost you a tidy sum of several hundred thousand rubles.

Curtains of different lengths


To create a stylish and unusual interior, experts recommend hanging curtains in a non-standard way. An example is this image, where you can see that they are arranged in a pirouette shape. If your room is decorated in a traditional style, decorations such as fringe and tassels will look very organic.

House with large windows: pros and cons

Large windows on the facade look very impressive, becoming the hallmark of modern architecture. Thanks to them, the object gains more expressiveness, becomes more modern and attractive.

Such glazing significantly increases the prestige of the building. Even a modest house with a simple architectural form becomes more impressive when it is designed with panoramic windows or portal structures.


Small windows - small troubles, large windows - big?

Despite the many advantages, large-sized glazing also has a number of disadvantages. Fortunately, innovative technologies appear every year that can significantly increase the attractiveness of panoramic structures in the eyes of the end consumer. The modern market is doing everything to refute the opinion that “Small windows are little troubles, big windows are big troubles.” And for this it is important to determine the strengths and weaknesses of large-sized glazing. Although, if you take a closer look, the pros and cons of this type of window are rather apparent: what at the first moment is perceived as an undeniable advantage, with a more careful approach can hide, albeit a small, minus, and vice versa. The partner of the “Window Company of the Year” (WinAwards Russia) project, an expert in the field of window and door fittings, the SIEGENIA company, whose portal systems occupy a leading position in the Russian market, will help you understand the intricacies of choosing large-sized glazing. “Portal systems operate successfully in all regions of Russia, including such “extreme” regions in terms of climate as Eastern Siberia and the Far East. 20 years of experience in Russia shows that portals are suitable for any climate, with one condition. The correct manufacture and installation of the portal structure becomes important. In this case, no less important is the choice of the highest quality components that will provide the structure with the necessary reliability and high thermal insulation properties,” said Alexey Shchukin, product manager for PORTAL systems.

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Large windows: higher heat loss

In older buildings, small windows were a compromise in terms of energy conservation. The smaller the hole in the wall, the less heat loss from the room heated by the heating system. In modern buildings, an increasingly large part of the surface of the facades relative to the walls is occupied by translucent structures. Unfortunately, large-sized glazing carries the risk of quickly cooling down the premises, which does not fit into current building regulations. To prevent this, it is necessary to install modern windows, in which both double-glazed windows and profiles are “warm”. Excellent thermal insulation can be provided not only by windows made of plastic and wood, but also by “warm” aluminum, as well as by combined windows. It all depends on the quality and production technology. If we talk about PVC windows, then the frame must be made of profile systems with an installation width of at least 70 mm and preferably closed reinforcement. In the case of panoramic sliding windows, energy-saving characteristics can be enhanced using a special threshold design, special seals and double-glazed windows. Additionally guaranteeing reliable protection from street noise and dust. “The energy efficiency of a structure depends on a number of factors, including the parameters of components: double-glazed windows, profile systems and fittings. Thus, a new threshold with 10-chamber insulation, which has unique thermal protection properties, has appeared in the line of lift-and-slide portals, noted an expert from the window company. – In portal systems “lift-and-slide folding portal”, special attention is also paid to the issue of energy-efficient properties: thanks to the well-thought-out design of the portal, the seal is not pinched along the entire perimeter of the structure, unlike, for example, conventional plastic windows. Thus, portals of this type provide maximum tightness and protect against heat loss (or coolness, if it’s hot outside and the air conditioner is running in the house), and this is a significant saving in energy for heating or cooling the house.” Heated double-glazed windows are still a little widespread technology on the Russian market, but a very promising technology. This glazing allows you to maintain a comfortable indoor microclimate by adjusting the glass temperature depending on climatic conditions. Theoretically, with minimal energy consumption, large heating windows can completely replace traditional heating systems. An example is “Thermokna”, a patented product, winner in the “Innovation of the Year 2015” category. WORTH KNOWING! The investment in such systems is not small, but the highest quality energy-saving panoramic windows can easily compete with the thermal insulation of the wall.

Large windows: better light transmission

The lighting of a home has a significant impact on the atmosphere in it. We generally prefer bright interiors that, in daylight, appear more spacious and cleaner. With plenty of daylight coming in, you can use less electricity during the day, which is a clear advantage. In addition, solar energy heats the interior and, with adequate ventilation, helps remove moisture from the room. Energy-efficient buildings welcome spatial glazing installed in the south and west, which allows for significant savings on heating the living room in winter. The other side of the coin is excess insolation in the summer. But here, too, there are effective solutions: a multifunctional double-glazed window that has the property of reflecting thermal radiation. In the cold season, infrared radiation is reflected inside the room, and in the warm season - outside, creating a comfortable microclimate inside. LIFE HACK: An additional solution can be blinds integrated into the double-glazed window, which will not only help control light transmission, but also require absolutely no maintenance, which is important in the case of large-sized accessories.

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Large windows: close to nature

Windows overlooking the green spaces surrounding the house allow unlimited time to admire the surroundings. Constant contact with the surrounding nature has a good effect: it has a positive effect on the mood and well-being of the inhabitants of the house. Large windows create a kind of interior decoration and can easily compete with paintings. Natural images of the surrounding world are enclosed in elegant frames in the form of glazing profiles. Contact with living vegetation, flowers and water will be more complete the larger the window. A significant effect is achieved by a glazing format that occupies an entire wall, or a strip of narrow windows from floor to ceiling along the entire wall. Even narrow French doors (portfenetry), due to high glass parapets going down to the floor, are able to let in a lot of light and allow you to enjoy the beauty of the garden at any time of the year. Advice! For homeowners who decide to include panoramic windows in the project, it is very important to start a dialogue with the manufacturer of the future portal at the design stage in order to eliminate possible pitfalls. First of all, it is important to evaluate the parameters of the designed opening in order to select the optimal portal structure in terms of characteristics. It happens that the opening is not optimal in its parameters, and it is necessary to make minor changes to its parameters for the portal to work properly, as a rule, without losing the desired visual effect. At this stage it also makes sense to consult with the manufacturer regarding the floor, or more precisely, its level. Often the floor level inside and outside the portal is different, and a very large difference will interfere with the correct installation and operation of the portal. Additionally, your choice of portal threshold—high barrier, low barrier, or completely barrier-free—may also necessitate design changes.”

Large windows: minimum privacy

Large windows, while offering panoramic views, do not go hand in hand with the theme of privacy. If the house is surrounded by a beautiful garden and none of the neighbors or passers-by can see what is happening inside, the problem disappears. It’s worse when the site is located in a city, where outsiders can not only track our actions, but also, for example, when the windows of a nearby building are directed directly at the glazed part of the house. If necessary, you can curtain the windows, which, unfortunately, deprives large-sized glazing of some of its charm. Curtains for large windows are also not an easy thing, including caring for them. Non-standard models, individual tailoring or combined solutions are required. In addition, all this requires additional costs. A good solution is double-glazed windows with variable levels of transparency, which allow you to block the view of the apartment from the outside without blocking the view from the inside. This glazing allows you to regulate the flow of excess solar heat in the summer, reducing the use of air conditioning to a minimum or completely replacing it.

Large windows: more difficult to maintain

Maintenance of large glazing surfaces is a real challenge. Most often, in a large house you will need the help of cleaning companies or the purchase of additional equipment. For cleaning it is necessary to use window vacuum cleaners on telescopic supports and ladders. You can also use modern electrically controlled gadgets. Using magnets, the glass cleaning brush is attached to both sides of the glass unit, which allows you to simultaneously wash windows from the outside and inside. However, if you choose a self-cleaning glass unit that will keep the outside clean longer, this will reduce the effort required to keep your home clean. Dirt does not stick to such glass, and most contaminants decompose when exposed to sunlight and are naturally washed off with rain. Unfortunately, this version of windows is also a more expensive option. WORTH CONSIDERING! Many, wanting to save money, decide to install blind panoramic windows. When choosing this glazing option, you should pay attention to the possibility of caring for it without risking your life.

Large windows: more investment in security

Fashionable, modern houses are those that are generously glazed. However, a project with a large number of windows, especially those with structures larger than standard sizes, requires special solutions that would ensure the safety of residents and property. Firstly, large windows that open mean the presence of heavy sashes that must be securely fastened so as not to lead to injury. Thus, it is necessary to install extremely reliable fittings. Today the market offers many options to make it easier to operate heavy sashes. In particular, special carriages, drives, and Teflon-coated aluminum guides ensure easy sliding of even the widest and most massive window sashes. Double-glazed windows are also an important element of user safety. For panoramic glazing, it is better to choose shatter-resistant triplex, which will simultaneously increase the burglary resistance of the windows. Secondly, according to statistics, private homes are a favorite hunting ground for thieves. The presence of such real estate in itself speaks of the financial status of the owner, and panoramic windows reinforce this opinion in the eyes of intruders. Accordingly, the burglary resistance of large windows should be at the highest level. Anti-burglary hardware systems integrated with window alarms can effectively stop a thief from breaking into your home. Naturally, this also affects the cost of the product, but peace of mind for your loved ones and property is worth a lot! IMPORTANT! Portal systems, as standard with fittings, have a basic level of security: they have at least two anti-burglary locking points that prevent the sash from being pressed away from the frame, which can significantly complicate the task of a criminal. These types of structures can also be ordered in a burglar-resistant design up to a high burglary protection class of RC 2, however, for this it is necessary to follow the recommendations not only for fittings, but also for the profile, glass unit and installation. The manufacturer may indicate in the specification that the fittings meet the Russian burglary resistance class PV-2 (or European RC 2) according to GOST 31462-2011.


Large windows: transportation and installation are more problematic

It’s hard to argue with this that larger structures are more difficult to transport and install. When it comes to glazing the first floor, there are often no obstacles, but when it comes to multi-story buildings, problems arise. In some cases, installers have to show miracles of ingenuity to insert a panoramic structure into a window opening. The use of modern technology naturally affects the cost of installing this glazing. Expert. To reduce costs and installation time, the supplier of portal structures proposed an integrated approach. The large-sized structure is delivered to the site fully equipped and maximally adapted for the installation process.

Great masters: they turn any disadvantages of windows into innovations

As we can see, any shortcomings of glazing can be significantly reduced by using the right technologies that the SEC market is ready to offer today and, in particular, the partners and nominees of the Russian professional Window Award. From the participants of the second season of WinAwards Russia, the organizers expect exclusive solutions and new ideas for turning windows into a useful element of a modern home, regardless of their size. The award also seeks to show that great masters of the domestic market, thanks to an innovative approach to work, perceive any disadvantages associated with the operation and installation of glazing as an opportunity for improvements and increasing the competitiveness of their brands. The nominations “Innovation of the Year” and “Product of the Year” are aimed at identifying such window companies on the Russian market and introducing the end consumer to new glazing options for the 21st century home.

About the Prize

The Russian professional award “Window Company of the Year” according to is being held for the second time. The purpose of the Award is to show the possibilities and directions of development of the translucent structures industry in Russia. Identify and popularize in society the best companies, products, and services on the SEC market. To stimulate the industry towards high-quality professional growth, reliability and responsibility to consumers. Founder and organizer: Internet portal Official partners of the Award: “National Window Union”, NIISF RASN, National Research University “Higher School of Economics”, Fund for Infrastructure and Educational Programs (RUSNANO Group), “Interregional Window Institute”, NP Ecological Union, MA “FETFOX”. Industry partner – International Forum of SPK Manufacturers STiS. With the support of market leaders in window components SIEGENIA, WINKHAUS, profine RUS, Deceuninck and IVAPER. Competition rules, nomination conditions and application form are on the official website of the Award Press center – Liliya Kalashnikova press(а)


Natural shades.

If there is still a need to partially close the glazing, you can use fabric blinds that are gaining popularity, choosing which part of the window to cover - the top or bottom. This solution is especially relevant for bathrooms and toilets. It is advisable to use calm natural colors that can give the room a natural and harmonious look.

Window installation - step-by-step instructions

In general, the sequence of actions for glazing window openings in a frame house is as follows: preparing windows, aligning and fixing them in the opening, forming an assembly seam. Each stage of work has its own characteristics and secrets.

Preparation of glazing structures

Before installation in the opening, the windows are unglazed - the opening sashes are removed from their hinges, and double-glazed windows are installed from blind frames. To do this, remove the fixing beads along the perimeter of the frame. At the preparatory stage, anchor plates are attached to the window blocks. In this case, construction screws with a diameter of 5 mm and a length of 40 mm are used. They are fixed at the corners of the frame (at a distance of 15 cm from the edge) and in the center so that the structure does not dangle in the opening.

Note! If the block provides for a vertical impost, then the distance from it to the fasteners must be at least 120 mm.

Installing a window block in an opening

When installing a frame block in an opening, it is important to correctly determine the installation depth, align the structure along its axes and fix it.

Traditionally, 1/3 or 1/4 of the thickness of the outer wall is taken as the installation depth. This allows you to effectively close the thermal circuit and avoid problems with condensation and window freezing.

Alignment of the structure in the opening is carried out using mounting wedges - special plastic or made from small bars. The position of the frame is checked using a building level. Most often, alignment begins along the horizontal axis and continues along the vertical axis.

After being positioned in the opening, the window block is fixed with galvanized self-tapping screws with a diameter of at least 6 mm.

Formation of the assembly seam

The installation seam along the perimeter of the window performs the function of heat and waterproofing and additionally secures the structure in the opening. It consists of three layers:

  • external - waterproofing from the street side;
  • middle – polyurethane foam;
  • internal - vapor barrier film.

The outer layer can be: PSUL (sealing tape), plastic strips, special sealant. Their function is to protect the polyurethane foam from the effects of precipitation, temperature changes, and UV rays.

Polyurethane foam as a middle layer additionally fixes the window in the opening and retains heat in the frame house. For foaming, a gap of at least 20 mm is left between the frame and the wall, taking into account that the foam increases in volume up to 70%. Before work, protect the window frame from contamination with masking tape, which is removed after the seam has hardened.

It is important! Before applying the foam, the double-glazed windows and sashes are installed in place. Otherwise, the frame will move and assembly of the structure will become impossible.

The inner layer is designed to protect the seam from moisture from the room. Usually it is a vapor barrier film, which is overlapped on the frame and secured with a special tape. As an alternative, vapor barrier mastic is used. The more reliable the installation seam is and the more protected it is from aggressive external influences, the more stable the window is in the opening, the longer it will last.

Two windows in the kitchen: room design options

Before you come to a final decision, you should consider new trends that will be relevant for several years to come. Most often, they are dictated by professional designers who, over the years, have been trying to clear the room of unnecessary things and make it more free and functional.

The second window in the kitchen is a real gift for the hostess.

The first thing you should pay attention to is the presence of a bar counter by the window. This option can not only become a new opportunity in placing household appliances, bottles and plants, but also realizes this area of ​​the kitchen

After all, what could be better than drinking a cup of invigorating coffee while looking out over the city?

For those who spend a lot of time at the stove, good lighting is necessary.

However, the options for what a kitchen with two windows might look like don’t end there. You can see them in the collected photos of finished projects.

Rooms with two window openings have their own characteristics.

With two windows on different walls

Typically, the second window appears when the owners decide to connect the living room with the cooking area. The abundance of light makes the room cozy, bright, positive. The main feature is that you can play with shades as your soul dictates.

If the owner likes deeper and darker tones, then implementing them will not be difficult.

Another question is how to properly organize the space so that two windows do not divide the module and “eat up” a significant part of the kitchen. Designers have already found a solution; you can find inspiration in photographs on the Internet.

In most layouts, both window openings fall on the same wall, but in private houses they can go on different sides.

Ideal if the owners have corner windows. You can easily place a long L-shaped tabletop instead of a window sill; you can verify this in a kitchen with 2 windows.

Arranging furniture in a kitchen with several windows is more difficult than with one.

With two windows on one wall

Typical for standard buildings that were erected back in the distant USSR. Rarely, citizens connect the living room with the kitchen. Despite this, if such a situation arises, then there is nothing difficult in organizing everything correctly.

In such cases, so that the interior does not fall apart into separate modules, it is better to make an individual order according to the size of your room.

The first thing experts recommend is to widen the windows and make them as large as possible. The presence of a panorama significantly frees up space. After all, near such a window you can easily place a dining area, which will delight not only household members, but also guests.

The room has twice as much light, it looks more airy.

As an alternative, we can offer the arrangement of a lounge area, which is so lacking in the city. Using additional landscaping and minimal decor, you can create a small corner for relaxation.

You can place the kitchen unit in an original way by including window openings.

What are the window openings in a panel house?

During the Soviet period, residential development in cities was carried out according to standard designs, therefore, for example, in almost every locality you can find the same type of “Khrushchev” buildings, which in terms of layout exactly coincide with each other. In “panels” with double-leaf glazed blocks, the presence of a window sill is important. If it is wide, then most likely the size is 1.45 m by 1.5 m, but if it is narrow, then most likely it is 1.3 m by 1.35 m. However, there are several series of buildings, and they may differ window openings (there are 1.28 m by 1.34 m, as well as 1.53 m by 0.69 m).

Panel Brezhnevkas are also serial. But there is the most popular size range, this is 1.45 m by 1.21 m (for double-leaf structures) or 2.1 m by 1.45 m (for three-leaf ones).

Modern “sockets” are much more diverse. It is necessary to either take measurements or review the design documentation.

How to choose the right size of plastic window for a summer house

First, select the type of glazing (single or double), which will directly affect the insulating qualities. One stack will be enough for seasonal cottages, as well as for a veranda, balcony, and summer kitchen.

By and large, PVC products for dachas are the most common - standardization affected them too, which led to mass production and reasonable prices. Many architects make this decision - window openings should occupy about ⅔ of the entire floor area in the building (regardless of how many floors it has).

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