Interesting facts from the history of the appearance and development of plastic windows


Technologies from other industries are used in the production of PVC windows

1) The idea of ​​​​creating windows with PVC profiles belongs to the Americans. Despite this, the first prototype was manufactured in Germany in 1954. However, even before the Americans came up with and the Germans implemented the idea of ​​​​a PVC profile, double-glazed windows were created and patented - also in Germany, but a hundred years earlier, in 1865.

2) Both in Russia and throughout the world, the plastic window market is developing incredibly quickly. For example, in our country in six years (from 2005 to 2011) it increased 15 times.

3) Today's generation of double-glazed windows is already the fifth in a row. Moreover, the latest inventions in this area - advanced heat-saving technologies - were made by accident, during testing of materials for the production of space stations and satellites.

Ancient hole

At the dawn of our culture, windows performed strictly two functions. Firstly, they let daylight into the room, and secondly, they ensured an influx of fresh air.

They were just a hole in the wall, which, due to favorable weather conditions, did not even need to be covered with anything.

In harsher climates, they began to be covered at night using animal skins or various fabrics. This protected our ancient ancestors from the cold and guaranteed privacy, which was so underestimated at that time.


From aesthetics to efficiency, windows are one of the most important and interesting features of any building or home. They bridge the gap between our safe, home lives and the elements on the street. Their unique and ever-changing style has inspired architects and homeowners for hundreds of years. As a tribute to the beauty, comfort, and value windows add to our lives, we're sharing 12 facts about windows that you might find interesting or maybe even useful in the future!

Before the invention of glass, windows were usually made from paper, cloth, animal skin, flattened pieces of animal horn, or thin pieces of marble and wood.

Leaky and inefficient windows, skylights and glazed doors account for more than 25% of the average household's energy bills. You can cut your energy costs by as much as 15% by purchasing windows with double-pane glass, heat-resistant coatings, sealed frames, and Energy Star ratings.

The 828 meter tall building, Burj Khalifa, in Dubai, is 206 floors high and houses approximately 34,348 windows. It takes a team of more than 30 people about three months to clean all the windows!

The Old English version of the word "window" translates as eye door or eye hole.

Most manufacturers say that windows should be replaced after about 20 years. Signs of faulty windows include those that allow drafts into your home, are sealed or painted over, or window panes that collect condensation and frost.

The White House has 147 windows, and Buckingham Palace has 760 windows.

Light shades reduce solar heat gain from a window by 43%, and awnings by 77%.

On average, windows make up approximately 15% of the wall area in a traditional home.

Skylights increase natural light in your home by 30% more than vertical windows of the same size.

Fiberglass windows can be 10-25% more expensive than vinyl, but these windows are much stronger and last longer due to the nature of the material (a combination of fused fiberglass and resin). Fiberglass also adapts to extreme temperatures much better than vinyl or wood.

Double pane windows have been found in American homes since the 1800s and continue to be the most popular type of window replacement in the United States.

While you should avoid electrical appliances, wires, and metal during thunderstorms, you should also stay away from windows, as lightning can enter through cracks on the sides of your windows.

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Plastic windows in numbers

Every modern person knows what a double-glazed window looks like, but there are interesting facts that most people don’t even know about:

  • to install one window you will need 70 liters of polyurethane foam;
  • ignition temperature of a plastic double-glazed window is 390 °C;
  • every 40 years, the thickness of the plastic frame decreases by almost 1 mm;
  • an industrial machine produces 5-8 m of window profile in minutes;
  • a double-glazed window can reduce the loudest sound (for example, the rumble of an airplane taking off) to an acceptable 25-35 dB.

PVC windows with high-quality double-glazed windows are a modern product, the popularity and demand for which will not decline for many years. This is due to the technical qualities of the material, as well as the lack of competitive analogues.


PVC is a widely sought after material for various applications due to its extreme durability. Resistant to weathering, rot, abrasion and chemical corrosion, these key characteristics can be useful for many different applications.

Recent research by the European Council of Vinyl Manufacturers (ECVM) has shown that in some cases, PVC can last up to 70 years, providing reliable service throughout its lifespan.

In addition, it is inexpensive and lightweight; two reasons why it continues to be the material of choice for industries such as information technology, transportation and textiles.

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Rectangular classicism

The architectural era of classicism, on the one hand, seems modest and laconic, giving rise to rectangular windows. However, on the other hand, it is this simple form that has survived to this day as the most common model of modern windows and ideally adapted to the most convenient form of glass cutting.

At that time, the use of prefabricated elements for structurally unstressed walls became common practice, which became the prototype of the modern modular facade.

Who invented PVC and when?

Surprisingly, the main material for making plastic windows was invented back in the 19th century. The first samples of polyvinyl chloride (PVC) were obtained by the French chemist Regnald through laboratory research. Of course, the original formula bears little resemblance to what is used now, but it was this little-known Frenchman who laid the foundation for future window construction.

Antique window shutters

In the Mediterranean basin, where our civilization flourished, the warm climate encouraged the emergence of open windows. The production of wooden shutters was used mainly for safety reasons. Only after further expansion into areas of Western Europe and Asia did these window accessories also begin to protect against rain, wind and sand.

An interesting fact is that wealthy citizens could afford to fill their shutters with marble tiles. However, due to the high cost, it was seen as a sign of wastefulness and extravagance.

Renaissance window glass

A breakthrough in window design occurred with the launch of thin glass production technology. Improved in the 14th century in French Normandy, it made it possible to reduce production time and reduce its cost. An experienced glazier could blow more than 10 window panes a day. However, these windows were very expensive and therefore only the richest could afford them.

Only after the Industrial Revolution of the 19th century and the development of technology associated with it, it was possible to establish mass production of glass.

Plastic windows from the Guinness Book of Records

Double-glazed windows installed in PVC profiles are not only popular and in demand around the world, they are real record holders in the famous Guinness Book. It contains the largest plastic windows, which, by a curious coincidence, were installed in France. On the facade of the Parisian Palace of Industry there are three huge windows, each 218 m wide and 50 m high. Such dimensions attract the eye and fascinate with their originality. And most importantly, it’s scary to even think about how and with what equipment they were transported and installed.

"Discoverers" of plastic windows

The first plastic windows appeared in the United States of America in the early 70s of the 20th century. These were expensive and bulky structures that only the real rich could afford. In addition, during their use, critical defects were revealed - the plastic was too fragile and could not withstand prolonged loads. After some time, the Americans abandoned the further development of this business area, considering it unpromising. But the baton was picked up by German manufacturers, who have confidently held the palm ever since. Almost 70% of the modern global market for PVC windows consists of products from German manufacturers.

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