Large Windows ~ The Most Creative Large Window Designs

A creative approach to window design allows you to make the overall architecture of the building unusual and interesting. It is not for nothing that the design of large windows becomes the calling card of many objects. Seeing such a building in the city, it is identified as a house with large, beautiful, round or long windows - depending on their configuration. And everyone immediately understands what object we are talking about.

Sometimes window design ideas are so creative that they make the house far from traditional architecture, turning it into an interesting project that you want to look at and study.

Practical design of large panoramic windows

The owners of the property wanted to install wall-to-wall windows in the house, but privacy and a comfortable microclimate were important to them. In this regard, the windows were recessed into the building, and terraces with sloping canopies were constructed in front of them.

As a result, we get panoramic glazing partially hidden from external views, which looks like a solid glass wall from the inside. The sloping canopy not only partially blocks the panorama from direct sunlight, ensuring microclimate optimization, but also turns the building into a unique architectural creation.

This unusual design of large windows added dynamics to the house and made it different from traditional cottages. The windows look like cutouts in concrete. It seems that it was a solid cube, which was delaminated and deformed, and openings were formed in the places of splitting.

Work on mistakes

The range of products and components for the installation of metal-plastic and wooden windows includes many hundreds of items and today will remain outside the scope of our brief review. But in any case, high-quality fittings and qualified installers are not something you should skimp on.

Particular care is required when installing windows in a wooden house that is subject to shrinkage: they are mounted in special casing structures that eliminate pressure on the frame.

If the profile is deformed, it will most likely not be possible to repair the window; you will have to order and install a new one.

Such a hidden defect, such as the absence of the argon filling of a glass unit promised by the manufacturer, can only be detected as a result of a thermal imaging examination. But, by the way, the manufacturer is not always to blame for this - a microcrack in the glass is enough for the structure to lose its tightness.

Unusual protruding design of large windows

In the presented project, the windows seem to be reaching out from the house, reaching out to the views and light. This creates an unusual, futuristic look for the building. It seems that this is a house from another planet. All that was needed was to make the slopes not inward, but outward, making them in a trapezoidal shape.

For even greater effectiveness and dynamics, the structures were made asymmetrical. Each window has its own, separate direction - although the glazing is made in the same plane.

The gray reinforced concrete walls of the building have been transformed from boring rectilinear forms into dynamic structures. The windows here attract the main attention and look like cells and accent elements of the structure.

This is the case when the building will clearly be identified by the unusual, creative shape of the window openings.

What should you consider when designing?

In any project, you should not install a window larger than 6 m2 in area, otherwise no factory will be able to produce such a structure, and if it is produced, its quality will not leave much to be desired, and the window will quickly fail. With the maximum possible or generally accepted standard size, your project can be carried out by any manufacturer of plastic windows, and you will not have to experience difficulties with their delivery and installation.

There may be a significant increase in the price of the window, included in the cost of the order, since the manufacturer understands that there is a high probability of damage.

It should be remembered that the larger the window and the thicker its profile, the greater its mass, therefore, when laying out the project, you need to take into account the strength of the walls. For example, for balcony glazing you cannot use profiles that are too heavy, since the load-bearing slab cannot always support it. The maximum size of a PVC window sash weighs about 80 kg, so you need to select fittings that are of sufficient quality and powerful, otherwise they will quickly fail and the sash will become askew.

Creative protruding large window design

In some ways, the presented options are similar to the previous project - here, too, the glazing extends beyond the building envelope. But at the same time they are enclosed in strict square and rectangular shapes.

The windows appear to be attached to the outside of the house rather than built into the walls. This creative design of large windows made it possible to visually enlarge the building, emphasize the glazing, and add dynamics and creativity to the architecture. Due to their unusual shape, the window sills seem to protrude outward. This technique helped create a connection between the landscape and the interior space.

Climatic comfort and heating costs

Completely blind panoramic structures are inconvenient in the summer. The opening options, in turn, improve the ergonomics of the building, and in summer they allow you to maintain the temperature inside within normal limits. The second type is more preferable for the winter period. No matter how dense the design of panoramic windows, it cannot provide protection from the cold equivalent to the presence of thick walls. There are many options for solving the situation: some are affordable, and some require significant costs. The most common means are long-wave heaters, warm baseboards, warm water floors, infrared and cable heated floors, and convector heating. Insulated floors are the most expensive. Operating costs will not be so significant, but you will have to spend a lot on installation. Depending on the type, the heating role will be performed by water pipes, special films or heated cables. Films with a graphite field are the most expensive.

Large Windows to the Floor / What kind of houses can there be with large windows to the floor?

Architectural bureau TAOA presented a new format for a panorama in a residential building. This is a project for a mansion in Beijing, in which the glazing consists of large floor-to-ceiling windows that replace entire walls. The glass structures are not framed and extend to the entire height of the room - from the ceiling to the floor. The facades of the house turned out to be completely glass. Canopies and living platforms placed outside of it visually and functionally expand the space.

Let's look at the features of a house with large floor-to-ceiling windows that replace entire walls.

House project with large floor-to-ceiling windows – Exceptional views and optimal insolation

Large floor-to-ceiling windows in the social areas of the house offer panoramic views of the surrounding areas. The building is located in an advantageous location in the context of the beauty of the landscape. Sitting in the living room or kitchen, you can admire the panorama overlooking the open area, park, lake.

The space looks open and light, as close as possible to the natural environment - this is a trend in modern home construction. Thanks to large floor-to-ceiling windows, the rooms receive sufficient sunlight throughout the day. To achieve an optimal microclimate, the windows are located under the canopies - the structures shade the space and protect it from direct sunlight in the heat.

On the verge of openness and privacy

The privacy of the house with large floor-to-ceiling windows and almost transparent walls was primarily achieved by its location. The courtyard is closest, the lake is a little further away, and the public park is even further away. Due to this, although the house remains open enough to outside views, it is too far from public areas and therefore not visible to strangers.

The private rooms also have large floor-to-ceiling windows. But in order for this space to remain closed and not visible from the outside, perforated enclosing structures were installed here. The original pattern on their surface subtly maintains the line between privacy and openness of space.

Ultra-modern building design

Glass is one of the trending materials used in modern home design. It is widely used in minimalism, hi-tech, techno styles. All these directions can be traced in the presented project, and the glass walls emphasize them, emphasizing the modernity of the space.

Glass in the mansion became the main design tool. The house looks modern, light and corresponds to the latest architectural trends. But the purpose of using large floor-to-ceiling windows is not primarily the modernity of design, but the proximity of indoor and outdoor spaces. Residents can fully enjoy the natural surroundings right from their living room or dining table. Terraces create a seamless transition from indoor to outdoor spaces.

The large panoramic windows in the TAOA project are no longer traditional panoramic glazing, but full-fledged glass walls. The architects made the structures as transparent and open as possible, but provided for their incomplete transparency in rooms that a priori should remain private.

PhotoLei Tao

Large Panoramic Windows in a Compact House

Architectural bureau Timmins+Whyte Architects presented a project of a small house, similar to a townhouse, with conceptual ideas for visual and practical expansion of living space. Large panoramic windows became one of the main tools for achieving this task.

Architects dispelled the stereotype that panoramic views are only used in luxury mansions, and integrated them into small traditional housing. Due to this, the building received not only a modern look, but also new opportunities. Let's take a closer look at the project of a house with large panoramic windows .

Increasing space in the house with large panoramic windows

The clients wanted to achieve openness and freedom of space, which, in principle, is not typical for classic townhouses. The architects realized the task by creating a second light with continuous glazing from floor to ceiling of the upper floor. A small living space becomes light, spacious and bright - almost merged with the outside space. Due to the latter, housing is not visually limited by gloomy walls.

Large panoramic windows on the first floor are sliding - due to this, the internal social space can be combined with an adjoining terrace and an outdoor recreation area. A few meters from here there is a swimming pool - thanks to panoramic sliding structures, it is easily accessible from the house. The interior space is closely combined with landscape design.

The peculiarity of the house is that it occupies the width of the entire plot, and you can only get to the backyard through the building itself. Due to panoramic glazing, a through view is created from one part of the yard to another - the area also seems not so cramped.

Softness and freshness of the interior due to panoramic glazing

From all sides of the house there are views of the local area. Due to this, the home receives a lot of daylight, and its level can be adjusted using blinds. The rooms create a feeling of calm and tranquility. Light decoration and interior in Scandinavian style help to emphasize this.

The living room area and kitchen seem to be attached to the garden - the atmosphere here will change as the nature outside transforms. Green foliage near the house with large panoramic windows seems to complement the interior, adding naturalness, natural comfort and coziness to it. Trees partially protect the house from the scorching rays of the sun and affect the comfort of the microclimate.

In the setting itself, natural materials are also predominantly used - wood, stone, eco-friendly textiles. Accents are made using fresh flowers in flowerpots. Everything is done in a natural color palette - with enough daylight, such an interior looks especially advantageous.

Through panoramic glazing in the living room practically eliminates the boundaries of the space. The room is bright at any time of the day. In summer, this part of the house can practically be turned into a covered terrace, revealing panoramic structures on both sides.

Large panoramic windows in a small living space freed the premises from cramped structures, isolation and gloom. The space is as open as possible, filled with sunlight, and is distinguished by a modern design - floor-to-ceiling panoramic views are a trend in modern housing construction.

ArchitectsTimmins+Whyte Architects
PhotoPeter Bennetts

Large Windows on the Facade after Restoration

Amsterdam's Museum Quarter showcases superb Dutch architecture. Creative design is manifested in the non-standard expression of façade forms, which are dominated by filigree building models. UNStudio worked on the restoration of a townhouse, in which there are residential apartments on the upper floors and a retail space on the lower level.

Glass facade finishing

To express elegance and fashion trends, the architects took as a basis the large windows on the façade after restoration. It is this part of the exterior of the structure that creates the overall perception of Dutch art. The shape of the glass structure resembles the developing slits of a dress. Just like textiles, large windows have curved lines, voluminous shapes, and transparent texture. Flowing down from the top floor, three panels imitate the swelling and airiness of the entire panoramic glazing.

This project combines and combines classical fashion with architecture. The skill of conveying the geometry of the structure creates the aesthetics and functionality of the facade. Passersby can see the dynamics of the fashion industry, which reflects the social rhythm of the surrounding world.

Features of glass construction

The individuality of the facade is expressed in a three-window structure that runs along the entire wall. The engineered design begins with the living spaces and extends through the height of the building to the tile floor. The glass boxes are lined around with brickwork, which emphasizes the aesthetics of the architectural style. Box elements have a modular design, which consists of individual panels. The assembly is carried out directly on the facade.

The large windows are based on annealed glass with a low iron content. The binding agent is silicone, which ensures the strength of the structure. The connection of each element is made using stainless steel profiles. Due to the brilliant texture of the material, part of the curved shape of the windows is emphasized.

The edges of the glass boxes are made of a steel frame that serves as a protective base. Visually, all elements look like a single whole, without any divisions in form. Along the edges of the large windows on the facade, after restoration, they were made in a symmetrical form, and the central part was made in a mirror form.

Unlimited façade glazing possibilities

Traditional panoramic glazing uses solid floor-to-ceiling windows that are familiar to everyone. Using the example of the “Through the Looking Glass” project, a new opportunity to work with glass opens up. The silicone seam between stainless steel profiles makes it possible to produce curved shapes. At the same time, the steel profile prevents possible damage to the glass.

When restoring or constructing a new building, preference should be given to panoramic glazing. Large windows are not only a fashionable aesthetic trend, but also a powerful source of daylight.

The protruding glass boxes also serve as natural lighting by absorbing the sun's rays. The style of this facade corresponds to the non-standard architecture of Amsterdam, where each building is the embodiment of creative craftsmanship. Modern technologies and the development of industrial production are a definite plus for architects.

Designers and specialized planners can transform an old building facade into an ultra-stylish composition. Townhouse from UNStudio is fashion and architecture rolled into one.


Features of popular brands

The maximum size of a plastic window sash according to GOST is observed by many imported manufacturers, for example, the Rehau company, which produces products in accordance with state standards.

  • If you choose a PVC window, the reinforcement of which is standard, then the maximum possible width of the product will be 900 with a height of 2100 mm. If the height needs to be increased, you can order a structure with an additional partition, above which the blind part of the window will be installed.
  • If the window is arched, it should be taken into account that its radius cannot be less than 300 mm. Many Rehau window models require a minimum of 340 mm. This is explained by the fact that with a smaller radius the strength of the profile is lost and it can bend. The height and width of the arched window is limited to the standard dimensions given above.
  • If the window is triangular in shape, they have their limitations due to the characteristics of the shape. The maximum dimensions are equal to the standard ones, but there are restrictions on the minimum: they should not be less than 450 mm and 600x600 mm per side.
  • If a round window is used, the maximum allowable size will be 680 mm if a five-chamber double-glazed window is used.

According to GOST, the maximum dimensions of plastic window sashes should not exceed 2.5 m2, regardless of shape.

There are restrictions on glass sizes;

  1. Tempered glass (thickness from 10–15 mm). The maximum size of a plastic window is 5900 x 3150 mm.
  2. Triplex on thick, tempered glass (from 13–48 mm). Dimensions 4700 x 2800 mm.
  3. Non-tempered glass (4 mm). Let's say the size is 3400 x 2800 mm.

Limitations in the manufacture of plastic windows and doors

For a fixed window, the maximum permissible and rarely used double-glazed areas are up to 2.4 m2 double-glazed windows with division of chambers

  • 4-10-4-10-4 up to 2.7 m2
  • up to 3.6 m2 6-10-4-8-4 up to 4.0 m2
  • 6-8-4-8-6 up to 4.5 m2 up to 6.0 m2

Typically acceptable (frequently used) areas of double-glazed windows:

  • up to 1.9 m2 4-10-4-10-4 up to 2.2 m2
  • up to 2.9 m2 6-10-4-8-4 up to 3.2 m2
  • up to 4.0 m2 6-8-4-8-6 up to 4.9 m2

It is not recommended to manufacture double-glazed windows with dimensions less than 300x300 mm, as well as with an aspect ratio of 5:1. The heat and sound insulating characteristics of double-glazed windows account for about 70% of the area of ​​the entire window unit, then the thermal insulation of the entire window as a whole largely depends on the heat-insulating properties of the double-glazed window. For effective thermal insulation characteristics of a double-glazed window, low-emissivity K-glass is used, which has the ability to reflect thermal radiation. During the heating season, it “returns” up to 60% of the heat waves emitted by heating devices to the apartment. And in summer it reflects the thermal infrared part of solar radiation. K-glass is a low-e glass coated with metal oxides.

At the intersection of rows and columns, symbol numbers for structures of given height and width dimensions are indicated.

Large Windows in a Modern Country House

Panoramic glazing is one of the main architectural techniques in modern suburban construction. Floor-to-ceiling glass seems to erase the boundaries between internal and external space. Large panoramic in the project of the architectural bureau Lichtstad Architecten became an example of how a large glazing area affects the views and insolation of housing.


The presented cottage is located in a picturesque area, on an island near Grow in the Netherlands. There is an impressive landscape in every direction, and the architects took advantage of this. Large windows in a country house are provided in both social areas and bedrooms. Due to the remoteness and location in a natural environment, there was practically no need to worry about privacy, so the housing was made almost transparent.

The environment looks even more impressive due to panoramic glazing. The interior space of the first floor smoothly flows into the terrace, and longer into the lake shore. Sitting at the dining table gives the impression of being surrounded by nature, but at the same time you are in a comfortable, modern home.

Maximum light all day long

The living space remains open and bright. The house is not blocked by trees, fences or other buildings. The rays of the sun pierce it from dawn to the last minutes of sunset. From the rooms you can watch the picturesque sunrise and watch the most beautiful evening against the backdrop of the lake.

All functional rooms in the house, including the dining area, places for cooking, relaxing, working and playing, are located so that they offer views through large panoramic windows .

No barriers

The adjacent terrace around the house and the interior space are built on the same level, creating an almost barrier-free environment. Visually, this space is also practically not divided - the only element denoting boundaries is large sliding windows.

At every level of the house there is a close connection with the outside world. Each functional area has a unique appearance due to the fact that they all face different directions. Inside, the space is visually divided. Due to delineation through vertical zoning, it was possible not only to achieve an interesting design in the interior, but also to emphasize the visual characteristics. For example, due to the location of the cooking area on the podium, it offers an even more impressive view. And from the bedrooms located on the top floor, the panorama is visible to the horizon.

Uniting with nature

Integration of housing into a beautiful natural environment is a trend in modern country house construction. In the presented object, this was realized at the highest level. Moreover, the connection with nature can be traced at every level of the building - from social areas on the ground floor to private rooms and bedrooms upstairs.

Large windows for a country house have become the main tool for integrating housing into the natural environment. Panoramic glazing not only provided an impressive view, but also made it possible to literally connect the internal and external space into a single whole. It seems that the views are not just nature outside, but part of the house. It doesn’t matter whether the resident is relaxing in the living room, bedroom or on the terrace - he finds himself surrounded by wildlife.

ArchitectsLichtstad Architecten

By the water

If there is any body of water nearby, then you can take a dip in the water and relax at any time. Through the panoramic windows it is pleasant to watch the beautiful reflection of sunsets and sunrises on the water surface. This type has a positive effect on the atmosphere in the house and on the psyche of any person.


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