False windows in the interior 2022: TOP-80 ideas for implementation

A false window represents beautiful landscapes framed with finishing materials. A window dummy will complement the interior of an apartment or country house, hide defects, and become the main element of home decor.


  • the ability to mask defects on internal surfaces;
  • unlimited number of artistic design options;
  • various drawings and scenes will complement the design of the room and make it more original;
  • can be matched to any style;
  • will make up for the lack of natural light.

This option for functional decor is worth adopting.

What is a false window?

A fake window is a realistic imitation of a window on the wall, created using a design (on the wall or on wallpaper) or a fake window that opens from mirrors, old frames, glass, etc.
False windows have no gaps behind them and do not let in daylight. To create a more realistic simulation with additional solar lighting, choose models with built-in lighting.

Painted windows change the space in a slightly different way: using the designated perspective, they expand the space and create the illusion of being in any place you choose.


After choosing the type of window and installation, you should think about the decorative design of the structure.

The materials used to decorate the window in the bathroom must protect and reliably close the opening. Curtains and other design elements also serve as decoration and complement the interior.

Window decor should be combined with the style of the entire room. To create harmony and unity of style, every detail is important: shape, decor of the lighting design, fittings on devices, finishing materials, colors.


Blinds are used to design light openings in washrooms.

Options for rooms with high humidity:

  • plastic;
  • metal;
  • made of waterproof fabric.

Roller or pleated blinds will reliably protect the opening from direct sunlight and prying eyes. You can choose a material that allows daylight to pass through even when the curtains are closed.

Roman or roller blinds

Owners of bathrooms with windows often choose Roman blinds.


  • easy to hang;
  • there are no difficulties during operation or maintenance;
  • various materials.

It is better to choose curtains from polyester or mixed fabrics based on synthetic materials (up to 85-90%). It can be acrylic, polyester, polyamide with the addition of natural fibers - muslin, cotton, linen, cambric. Such materials do not shrink after washing and can withstand high humidity and exposure to sunlight.

During hygiene procedures, roller blinds can be tightly closed, and when rolled up they will be invisible. Roman models are combined with all interior styles.


Translucent tulle will help fill the space with comfort and romance. Through the structure covered with a weightless fabric, diffused daylight enters the room. But, in the dark, with the electric lighting on, such material does not protect from prying eyes.

Textiles intensively absorb moisture, so curtains need to be dried and refreshed regularly. A bathroom with a window decorated with fabric curtains should be ventilated more often.

Glass blocks

Replacing transparent fabric with glass blocks is an interesting design solution. The material does not prevent daylight from entering the room, but protects the space from possible views of passers-by. The blocks come in different colors and shades, with fancy patterns and voluminous relief.

But such a window is blind and does not open, so it is necessary to take care of ventilation

It is also important that the joints of the structure are hermetically sealed. The bathtub can be installed next to a glass structure

Stained glass

Installation of stained glass and frosted glass is an effective design technique for decorating a room. Outlandish patterns made up of many multi-colored elements can be admired both from inside the room and when looking at the facade of the house.

The design with stained glass does not need to be supplemented with curtains; through such glass you can only see the silhouette of a person.

Frosted glass allows natural light to pass through well. A window in the form of an elegant stained glass window can become the main decorative detail of a washing room and a source of light. The opening may be blind or have a mechanism for opening the doors for ventilation.

A window is a decoration for a country house bathroom and an important functional detail. The light design allows you to ventilate the room and use natural light from morning until dusk. The type and shape should be chosen in accordance with the design style of the room. The bathroom is a place of comfort, so the window must be installed with high quality, not allowing cold air or moisture to pass through.

False windows: photo and device

When thinking about the design of a living space, everyone strives to achieve maximum ergonomics of the space and hide the disadvantages of the layout. For this, many little tricks have been invented, among which false windows are especially elegant. With their help, you can not only visually expand the space, but also create a certain atmosphere.

Panoramic window made of photo wallpaper with a landscape

A window with false lighting illuminates the dark space of the room

The main problem that a false window can solve is the lack of window openings, which is typical for basements. An original optical illusion allows you to decorate a bare and boring wall, creating an amazing and vibrant world that matches your desires and inclinations.

Window illusion: role in the interior

False windows are used to solve many problems that designers face:

  1. Creating psychological comfort. If you decide to turn a tiny storage room under the stairs into an office, a window to the world is indispensable for efficient work and a feeling of comfort. However, it is not possible to cut out a real window opening in every room.
  2. Visual expansion of space. A false window with a sunny summer landscape will enlarge a small area and breathe light and joyful and bright colors in the dark.
  3. Decorative design. Optical illusions can become unusual decorations, for example, replacing traditional paintings or family photographs. The combination of false windows with lighting will be a winning solution for decorating stairs or long corridors.

The main purpose of window imitation is to visually expand the space

False windows can be a worthy replacement for paintings and photographs

Advice! If you place a false mirror window in front of the real one, you can visually lengthen the room and create additional natural light.

What types of false windows are there?

When creating false windows, mirror structures and ready-made “virtual” models are often used.

Photo wallpaper

The fastest and cheapest way to create an illusion is to use photo printing. Decorative window treatments are no exception. The advantage of photo wallpapers is not only in price and ease of application, but also in a wide range of subjects. Even if the desired landscape is not in the store, a printout of the image can be ordered individually.

Standard projects: overlooking a forest, beach, flowering field, city street, garden. Photo wallpaper can be used even in the smallest rooms, because, as you know, perspective visually expands the space.

Advice! To make the false window more realistic, add a voluminous window sill - it is used as a shelf.

In the photo there is imitation wallpaper and curtains


A way to create fake windows in the interior that do not require repairs is through mirrors. There are two main implementation options:

  • Take an old picture frame, sort the mirror cloth by size and shape, and attach it to the wall.
  • Buy several mirrors in frames, connect them, fix them.

The reflective surface of the furniture will create the effect of depth and help expand the area of ​​the room. This false window, unlike the first two, is movable, that is, when rearranging furniture, it can also move to another wall or to the next room.

The photo shows mirrors in window frames


Artificial fireplaces inside the living room
This type refers to windows with false lighting. The original transport frame is equipped with an LED display and is complemented by a remote control. The control allows you to change the time of day and the landscape outside the window, adjust the time and season to suit your desired mood.

Unlike other models, the images in virtual fake windows are dynamic, as close as possible to the real view.

Budget models do not have a display or a changing image, but are supplemented with lamps - illuminated false windows serve as additional lighting, replacing the missing natural source.

Important! Any variety of this category is connected to an outlet - for greater realism, it should be hidden behind a frame so that the wires are not visible.

Artistic painting

Paint a decorative window with your own hands or entrust the work to a master - it depends on your artistic talent. One way or another, painting allows you to realize any fantasy, because the size of the picture, texture and palette are not limited in any way.

Schematically outline a window opening or create a complex multi-level composition depicting the sky, living trees, and flowers. 3D images create a complete illusion of presence, visually expanding the walls of the room.

There is only one drawback of drawing or printing: the lack of three-dimensionality. It’s not always possible to create it using a window sill or curtains, so if you need a full-fledged false window, take a closer look at the next two options.

The photo shows a painted volumetric fresco

False window with backlight

A window with false lighting will help create the effect of natural lighting in a dark room.

A window-shaped lamp can be equipped with energy-saving lamps, single LEDs or solid ribbons and garlands.

When choosing a backlit product, it is important to pay attention to the shade of the glow. Cool white light is similar to warm daylight: it creates a feeling of home comfort and complements the main source of artificial lighting;


Decorative window structures can be installed not only on the wall, but also on the ceiling. There should be no unevenness on its surface.


You can mount such a window directly on the ceiling or make a more spectacular suspended structure that will create the feeling of being in the attic.

Installation of the suspended ceiling structure is carried out in three stages:

  1. Installation of a stretch ceiling with a prepared opening.
  2. Cover the window space with photo wallpaper.
  3. Installation of the frame with strapping and ceiling mounting.

False ceiling windows are installed in children's rooms, bedrooms or bathrooms.

With stained glass

An imitation window with glazing and LED lighting is suitable for rooms without natural light. This could be a hallway, a wall along a staircase, a basement, or an attic. The most impressively and harmoniously illuminated stained glass window will look in an arched product. The window can be one, full-size, commensurate with the area of ​​the room, or smaller.

Complex projects

The implementation of the projects discussed below is fraught with certain difficulties. The design and installation are thought out at the interior planning stage - they choose the place where they will be installed, and arrange niches. The “windows” look like real ones. But to remove them will require major repairs.

False window in a suspended ceiling

Due to the inter-ceiling space that remains after stretching the canvas, you can make very impressive compositions. The design can be different - in a frame, in the form of a spaceship or submarine window, a transparent roof, etc.

The easiest way is to reproduce the window itself on canvas. Thanks to 3D photo printing, the drawings are quite realistic. Hidden lighting is installed between the base ceiling and the trim, adding volume and depth to the image. Another option is two-level structures. Photos are printed on the top film, and a frame-shaped frame is created on the bottom layer.

Double Vision technology allows you to apply a second image on the reverse side of the canvas, which will appear when the backlight is turned on. For example, during the day when the lights are off there will be a sunny blue sky, and in the evening there will be a reddish sunset.

With the help of stretch ceilings, a “starry sky” is often simulated. To do this, an optical fiber is passed through the canvas with a night landscape or pins are attached, recreating a semblance of the twinkling of stars. This design is often chosen for the bedroom or living room.

Imitation of a plasterboard window

A niche is installed in the suspended ceiling, the top of which is covered with photo wallpaper or similar materials. An installation similar to a window frame is assembled from below. The use of plasterboard allows you to make niches with rounded corners and create windows of unusual shapes.

The effect is enhanced if an LED strip is attached around the perimeter of the image. Then the false window turns into a light source. If the niche is large, LEDs are mounted over the entire surface of the ceiling, otherwise there will be a dark area in the center.

You can also install a combined gypsum plasterboard ceiling with tension fabric. A plasterboard box is installed around the perimeter of the room, and in the middle a PVC film with a photo print of a landscape or night sky is stretched, behind which a hidden backlight is placed.

Expensive plexiglass structures

This is one of the premium options for skylights. They are also called acrylic, glass or translucent ceilings.

The design of such false windows resembles stained glass. Plexiglas panels are available in white, colored and transparent. The frame profile joins at right angles or creates fancy patterns of broken lines. LED lighting is installed on top behind the panels, turning the entire ceiling into one huge lamp for the hall, dining room or corridor.

Such a structure can be created using an Armstrong-type suspension system and placed in the cells of the frame of acrylic glass panels of the appropriate size. Another option is to mount a wooden sheathing, to which you then attach plexiglass using a beading method. In this case, any shapes are available, since there is no need to be tied to the square grid of the frame for suspended ceilings.

False window from a mirror

This is a very interesting technique, the main purpose of which is to make the room taller. Such structures are usually attached to a base plate without a niche. The frame is made of plastic or wood. For the base use mirror tiles or full mirrors.

The imitation of a window on the ceiling is assembled in one of two ways:

  1. Mirrors and parts imitating a frame are glued onto the panel, and then attached to the ceiling.
  2. First, glass elements are glued to the ceiling, and then a wooden frame is made and installation is carried out.

Mirror illusions are often installed in squat rooms. The reflection from above creates a feeling of open space - a cramped room visually expands.

Photos of design ideas for implementation

How does a false window look in the interior of various rooms?

Having decided to equip a room with a false window, it is important to correctly determine its future location. Such structures can be installed in any room. When choosing the type of window opening and artistic content of the structure, it is important to pay attention to the style and color scheme of the interior. The product must be in harmony with the furniture and decor.

False windows in rooms: living room

The reception area should be full of light and full of energy. Interesting false windows in the living room interior can lift the mood of the homeowner and his visitors. Various designs and interpretations of compositions were used for this room. Let's look at the most popular and relevant images:

  • landscape of a magical forest, a fabulous sea, unique Alpine mountains;
  • image of a night metropolis, a beautiful waterfall;
  • impassable and colorful jungle, rare animals;
  • uninhabited island with tall palm trees.

You can spend days admiring the view of your favorite city by placing a fake window in your living room.

The painting is selected based on personal preferences and taste, and the general style of the apartment’s decoration is also taken into account:

  • For minimalism and modernism, calm black and white drawings are suitable - skyscrapers in New York, Tower Bridge in London.
  • For the avant-garde, it is better to choose a bright image outside the window - space, a parade of planets of the Universe.
  • For Provence, baroque - the ancient streets of Venice, sailing ships.

The frame for framing a false window with scratches looks ethnic and will easily fit into a Provence style interior

False windows in the kitchen interior

The cooking area is often small. False windows expand the space and inspire the owner. Thus, creating culinary masterpieces becomes doubly interesting. Seeing a beautiful composition in a false window, the desire to cook immediately arises. The following drawings are especially relevant for filling out the simulation structure:

  • deforestation after rain;
  • golden sand and bright sun at sunset;
  • birds of paradise in the flower garden;
  • small Spanish streets with colorful houses;
  • Odessa courtyard with a cat walking alone;
  • tropical trees with ripe fruits.

A calm landscape in the kitchen lifts your spirits

If the kitchen is decorated in a Moroccan or Baroque style, it would be appropriate to place a mirrored window in a gold frame on the walls. This symbolizes aristocracy and adds luxury to the room.

For interiors in Italian and Provencal style, windows designed with a brick frame and a wooden window sill are suitable.

A false window in the kitchen can become a highlight of the interior and a logical continuation of the overall style


Increasingly, designers are installing false windows in the bathroom. When choosing a design, you should take into account that there is always high humidity in the bathroom. The pattern applied to the wall may deteriorate over time. The exception is water-based paints, where the paint is coated with a special protection on top.

The best solution for false windows in the bathroom is to imitate mirrors on the ceiling and walls; you can use lighting. Neon lamps will help you achieve an unsurpassed aesthetic result. An ordinary bathroom can be transformed into an exquisite spa. Water procedures will become a favorite pastime in your free time.

It is enough to install a false window with lighting in the bathroom to fill the room with originality and beauty.


A hall is a room without natural light. The owner rarely boasts a large hallway with many windows. Don't take the design of your hallway lightly. It is from this room that the journey through the house begins and the first impression is formed. You can place any false window in the hall. Ceiling and painted options look especially good in the hallway. In front of the entrance or near it, you can put an imitation composition, and put a bunch of keys on the windowsill and put an interesting lamp.

A large corridor can be turned into a fairy tale using a false window

To decorate in eco-style, you should take a strict wooden frame.

Mirror imitations in black and white are suitable for the Art Nouveau style.

Retro interiors will be decorated with fake windows with metal or wooden frames and artistic paintings.

Dining room

The whole family often gathers around a large round table. Eating in a comfortable room replaces going to an expensive restaurant. You can create a luxurious and unforgettable atmosphere by using several fake windows for decoration at the same time. Place them along the wall, on the ceiling or in front of the table. The imitation composition will add light to the room and make it truly unique. Popular Dining Room Images:

  • iridescent rainbow;
  • an endless field of sunflowers and poppies;
  • a serene lake in a mysterious forest;
  • ocean during a storm, pirate ship.

A faux wallpaper window in a dining room can look very natural.

Several options for false windows and their combinations are suitable for the dining room: mirrors and stained glass, painted and illuminated windows, photo and imitation wallpaper with frosted glass.


Fake windows can easily interest and surprise a child. The best reward for a homeowner will be a child's smile. There is nothing more beautiful than a happy child in the world. When decorating a children's room, cartoon drawings are mainly used. In the display cases of children's imitations you can see the following:

  • eastern kingdoms with many beautiful castles;
  • funny animals pass by;
  • a railway stretching beyond the horizon;
  • starry sky with “The Little Prince” on the moon.

It’s better to leave the choice of design to the owner of the room. Some people will like Tom and Jerry, while others will prefer the characters from Monsters, Inc.

False windows in the bedroom

The ceiling in the room can be decorated with heavenly clouds, stars or a mirror. Artificial windows with a calm pattern look good on the bedroom wall. The room is intended for relaxation; it is better to leave light colors for the living room or dining room. The most suitable paintings for filling in a fake picture:

  • desert landscape;
  • night city with many lights in the windows of houses;
  • starry and galactic sky;
  • blooming roses or other beautiful flowers.

In the bedroom you can place an imitation with lighting. When the main light is turned off, the structure will act as a night light.

For Provence, worn frames and ethnic images are used.

In a modern interior, any materials and colors can be used. It is better to focus on shades of orange and sand, they have a positive effect on the psyche.

Now you can admire the sea view every morning; an imitation window with photo wallpaper will fit perfectly into the bedroom interior

How to do it yourself?

There are a large number of models of false windows on sale, but almost any of them can be made independently. Choose one of two options and follow the step-by-step tutorial to create a masterpiece with your own hands.

Step-by-step instruction

Let's start with something simple: imitation of a window made of mirrors.

You will need:

  • mirror according to the size of the future window;
  • degreaser;
  • thin wooden slats;
  • jigsaw or saw;
  • pencil and tape measure;
  • glue for wood and glass;
  • glue for mirrors (liquid nails).

Let's get started:

  • Measure the outer perimeter of the mirror.
  • Saw off 3 slats to the required length for the outer frame.
  • Degrease the mirror, glue the slats around the perimeter.
  • Measure the transverse distance between the slats, saw off the required amount, and glue it.
  • Measure the longitudinal distance, saw off the required number of crossbars, and glue them. This should be a window frame.
  • Leave the structure to dry for several hours.
  • Mark a place to mount the mirror on the wall.
  • Apply liquid nails to the back surface of the false window and glue according to the instructions.

Important! Skip steps 7 and 8 if the false window is attached and located on the fireplace, table, or chest of drawers. Another method involves gluing mirrors into ready-made frames:

Another method involves gluing mirrors into ready-made frames:

A more difficult option to manufacture is a backlit model.

  • To prevent the false window from “sticking out” from the wall, you will need to make a niche in it (where the luminous strip will be placed). The recess is cut out to shape or decorated using drywall.
  • The next step is choosing a frame. Make it yourself from wood or order a plastic model in the required size. The third way is to take a finished antique frame as a basis and do everything according to its dimensions.
  • So that nothing can be seen outside the window, but creates the feeling of going outside, the glass is chosen to be frosted, allowing light to pass through, or ordinary glass is painted with stained glass paints.
  • The most difficult thing is to install electrical appliances. Mark the location of the lamps or strip, bring the cable into the niche, connect it to the lamps. Lead the wire outside from the lamps and install a switch so that the lighting can be controlled.
  • The last step is decorative. Install the frame over the niche in a suitable manner. You can turn it on!

False windows: placement methods

The illusion of a window will look good in any part of the apartment, equally decorating the space of both a dark corner and a well-lit room. But how to choose the optimal location to place the illusion of a window?

False windows are especially relevant in rooms or individual parts of the house where there are no real windows/

Recommendations from experts

Dark rooms without natural window openings, which most often include the bathroom and hallway.

Imitation of a window will be very useful in a dark corridor

In modern city apartments there is no natural light, so the idea of ​​placing an artificial window in the hallway will look really fresh and original. If space allows, you can place a large window on a free wall, the dimensions of which are comparable to natural window openings in other rooms. If the hallway is small, you can arrange a mirror, a key holder or a shelf for indoor plants under the false window.

A large window with a landscape will visually expand a narrow room

Several windows on an empty staircase wall will be an excellent alternative to traditional paintings

This ceiling design will be an excellent option, especially in small, dark bathrooms. Agree, it is much more pleasant to take a hot and foamy bath, lying under a blue sky with light clouds.

Spacious rooms with empty walls

Sometimes a window literally requires a wall, but instead residents and designers only have a blank wall. In such a situation, it is usually recommended to make the false window as realistic as possible; curtains and curtains can be used to decorate it. If such a design solution is integrated with lighting, the window will turn into the highlight of the entire interior of the apartment or house.

In a large room, you can make an imitation of a window on the entire wall/

False window as a way to hide imperfections

A “false window” can serve as a lifesaver in case of unsuccessful construction or premises. So how to implement this design trick, how to create a fake window?

It is common to see windows closely positioned next to each other, where the partition between them becomes non-functional and inappropriate. Such design defects are hidden behind a common curtain for two windows. But if you decorate the pier in the form of a colored “false window,” the room will be filled with additional light and space.

Note! In the case of a wall, the space will expand even more if the false window is mirrored.

View of New York
Another case of shortcomings in the planning or redevelopment of a room is the appearance of certain corners into which neither sunlight nor artificial lighting penetrates. These spaces are usually equipped with a work station, library, alcove, or other work area. But if you create a false through window in such a place, the common room will receive additional lighting. Under the transparent glass of such a “false window” an image of any subject can be depicted. If instead of transparent glass you use stained glass, decorated or frosted glass, under which you install several spotlights, then this part of the room will attract the attention of anyone who enters with its originality.

Note! A feeling of further expansion of space and extraordinary realism from a fake window can be obtained if a fan is built into it.

The second function of the fan in the false window design is to create air movement in the remote and enclosed space of the room - also very relevant and important.

it was noticed that the more unexpected the position of the false window, the more emotions and reactions it causes.

Design options

As is clear from the previous sections, false windows can look completely different, but they have one thing in common: they should create the illusion of an additional opening, play on the imagination. To achieve maximum realism and at the same time correct the geometry of the room, follow the advice of designers:

  • Virtual reality windows or recessed backlit models look most plausible. If you are using a regular frame with glass, insert a landscape image into it. By the way, the latter can be changed to your taste at least every day.
  • To hide the wall behind the window, choose frosted glass or paint stained glass. Another option is mirror film.
  • In rooms with low ceilings, in addition to luminous panels on the ceiling, try high wall “fakes” in the Gothic style.
  • Pay attention to proportionality: it is better when the false window is larger than necessary than smaller. Approximate dimensions - a quarter of the wall.
  • Do not overdo it with the number: a maximum of two symmetrically located small windows or one large one in the center.
  • In the bathroom, opaque glass blocks can serve as windows. The second option is to decorate the transom between the kitchen and bathroom with a beautiful backlit landscape.
  • To ensure that the view from the window does not conflict with the design of your apartment or house, choose a landscape that is as close to the real thing as possible. Especially if the room already has an ordinary opening, which is not distinguished by the expressive landscape behind it.
  • When choosing a decoy sticker, complement it with a frame in a circle: this way you will increase the expressiveness of the imitation. By the way, to glue a false window, you don’t have to choose wallpaper for the entire wall: just a picture that fits the size of the window is enough.

False windows were, are and will remain an original decorative item. Choose the appropriate type and size, create it yourself or order a ready-made copy: additional reality is guaranteed when entering the room!

Ceiling lamp in the form of a window and new technologies

Such decorative lamps are light panels with a printed sky pattern. By design they are divided into two types:

  1. Individual lamps in the form of a window framed with a metal, plastic or wooden profile with backlight. Screen thickness varies from 17 to 25 mm. A diode strip is used as illumination. The frame can be of any shape. Such a false window is attached to the surface of the ceiling or wall in an overhead manner or installed in a niche.
  2. LED panels for installation in suspended ceilings and suspended ceilings. The plate thickness is only 10 mm. The shape and size correspond to the cells of an Armstrong type harness. Unlike the first view, you can use multiple panels to simulate a window that will form a single image. The design of the luminaires allows them not only to be built into pendant systems, but also to be mounted on a regular ceiling in a raised manner or suspended on cables.

The light window can contain a dimming function - remote brightness adjustment using the remote control. Some companies not only offer a large catalog of images, but also take the customer’s photo as a basis and even make a frame for a false window according to his design.

One of the most interesting options is virtual windows. LCD screens framed by a “frame” are installed on the ceiling. It is noteworthy that with the help of a special mood program, the “weather” changes: for example, in the morning in the living room or in the kitchen you can see the sunrise, and in the evening - a stormy sunset.

You can view any image on the screen, clouds will slowly float out of the window, birds will fly or treetops will move in the wind, the theme is not limited in any way. In some models, the image is accompanied by sound effects. It is also worth noting that the image moves realistically depending on the viewing angle, which creates the illusion of a real window. These devices are easy to install, but are not always available due to their high cost.

Making a false window with lighting yourself

Before making a false window with backlight, it is important to prepare all the necessary materials and tools. To do this, try to figure out what material you will use to decorate the facade; it could be a painting or a mirror. The easiest material to make is wallpaper. They can be stretched over a box and lights can be placed inside.

Preparatory stage

To work you will need the following tools:

  • spatula and roller;
  • screwdriver, drill, hammer;
  • dowels and screws;
  • pliers;
  • screwdrivers;
  • scotch;
  • sandpaper;
  • lighting transformer and mounting to it.

It is impossible to make a false window yourself without suitable materials:

  • drywall or plywood according to the planned dimensions;
  • putty for removing cracks and irregularities;
  • water-based or acrylic paint for processing protruding wooden parts. The color is selected based on the design of the room;
  • wooden or plastic platbands;
  • It is recommended to use a low-voltage LED strip as a lighting device. The more often the diodes are located, the more uniform the light will be in the false window.
  • to reduce the current, purchase a 450 or 600 W transformer, depending on the area where the window will be imitated;
  • a special painting, photograph or wallpaper cut to fit the frame;
  • colorless plastic no more than 0.2 cm thick or glass;
  • instant glue, polyurethane foam;
  • leatherette for covering and film.

Most tools are in every apartment. The necessary materials are low cost, so the finished structure is inexpensive. The main production costs are effort and time.

Assembling the box

If according to the project you plan to make a false window from glass, when purchasing, ask for cutting material in the store. To do this, determine the dimensions in advance, write them down and give them to a specialist. Otherwise, if you are not careful, the glass may crack or break in the wrong place. This material can only be installed in a wooden frame and fixed with silicone sealant. This design will be bulky, heavy and difficult to manufacture, so we recommend choosing transparent plastic.

When purchasing plastic, do not remove the protective film until the frame is assembled. The reason is that the material is easily scratched, which is why the false window loses some of its attractiveness. The matte sheet diffuses light better, which will add realism to the images.

Ten identical parts of a given size are cut from the finished sheet. Use a cardboard template to ensure all pieces are the same width and length.

The box will consist of two parts, the assembly process takes place in four stages:

  1. The top should be 2 cm smaller in length and width of the prepared image. This is necessary so that the image is smooth and the edges are curved.
  2. The front side is framed on all four sides. The height of the walls depends on the selected lighting housing and the dimensions of the transformer. Typically this figure ranges from 10 to 12 cm.
  3. The bottom part of the box is reduced by 5 mm in length and width compared to the front surface. This is done so that the top can be easily placed on the base.
  4. The walls are made and fixed in the lower part, their height corresponds to the panels of the second paragraph.

If the box is wooden, install it and screw it with self-tapping screws. For plastics, dichloroethane is used, which emits caustic fumes. To protect your health, carry out all work outdoors using personal protective equipment.

A safer option is Titan glue, which can be used directly in the apartment. The walls of the box are fixed with plastic corners.

Wooden structures require more reliable material, so it is better to use metal corners screwed with bolts or self-tapping screws.

Assembly and installation of false windows

When assembling the box, make sure that all corners are right. Otherwise, you will not be able to connect the front part to the base, or the image will be pasted crookedly. Having completed the preparatory work, we proceed to finishing:

  1. The inside of the base is covered with reflective material. This can be special paint or regular baking paper. Using plastic with a mirror finish will help simplify the process, but unfortunately it comes at a cost.
  2. We cut the LED strip to the width of the box. We prepare the required number of pieces for the entire base area. We connect each three parts with a wire in series and pull them to the transformer. Next, we extend the twisted copper pair to the outlet. The strips themselves are fixed with glue on the inner surface of the base of the box.
  3. We attach our image to the front and, so as not to show any remaining glue, apply it only around the perimeter or after the photo is folded.
  4. The edges of the false window must be hidden with tape or leatherette. All imperfections, cracks and scratches must be repaired and covered with water-based paint.
  5. We make a niche for installing the box, fasten the base to the wall using self-tapping screws. It is important that the finished structure is flush with the plane of the wall.
  6. We install the front one and the box is ready. We close the edges with moldings, platbands or window frames, not forgetting to stretch the thread under them.

This simple tutorial will help you easily create a false light window. The finished decorative product will delight the whole family and guests. If you wish, you can change the picture, for example, insert a photo of snow-capped mountains in winter.

DIY making

Many people do not trust the work of decorating the interior of their apartment to strangers and prefer to do everything themselves. This has a positive effect on the cost of the final result. Despite the intricacy of the design, it is quite possible to make a false window with your own hands. Let's consider several manufacturing options:

  • A fake window with photo wallpaper is the easiest to make. We will make a flat window in a wooden frame, covered with plexiglass. Any work should begin with marking. If an entire wall is allocated for the location of this element, then it is better to place it in the center. By playing with shape, you can visually expand the room and raise the ceiling. A square, tall opening is suitable for these purposes. A narrow and long window will divide the wall into two parts, which will negatively affect the appearance of a room with low ceilings. Markings should be made using a level and plumb line to achieve perfect straightness. Now you need to glue a sheet of photo wallpaper onto the marked area, strictly observing its contours. Make sure that the surface is well smoothed and that the glue does not get on the image. After the canvas has completely dried, we will start decorating it. For the frame we chose wooden planks of small width. It is necessary to saw off four strips of the required size from them and make a bevel at the junction with each other at 45°. You can attach it more simply - first, two side ones, and the top and bottom ones will lie on top, but the first option is more aesthetic. The frame can be glued using liquid nails glue, so the screw heads will not be visible. Now you need to protect the image with plexiglass or plastic. If the latter material is used, it is better to remove the protective film before completing all work. Insert a sheet of plastic into the frame and secure it with window glazing beads. If you do not want to preserve the natural color of the wood, then carry out all painting work before installation and after the planks have completely dried. To emphasize the natural texture, open the elements with transparent or tinted varnish. Small partitions, which will make the window more similar to the real one, must be glued to the plastic with the same glue. You can also use polyurethane baguettes as a frame, which will fit into any interior. Both the painted window and the mirror one are designed in the same way. In the latter case, it is necessary to choose strong fasteners that can withstand the weight of the canvas, and it is better to secure the bottom of the mirror with a thin metal profile.
  • A ceiling window is the most popular type of decor, loved by many designers. Many people can do it themselves too. There are three options for placing a window on a stream. The first is the most rare - when the ceiling is flat and for its aesthetic appearance it only needs to be painted. It is as easy to install a window on such a ceiling as on a wall. To do this, follow the instructions above. The next option is to install the window on a plasterboard ceiling. This is the most common option. In this case, you can make a small niche for it and drown the entire structure in it. In addition, lighting can be placed on the side walls of the niche. Another option for placing lighting is directly on the ceiling. In this case, you need to cover it with a pattern pasted on the plastic. Think about the cable connection to the lighting fixture in advance. To do this, just make small holes in the side wall of the box. As you guessed, the box is mounted from metal profiles. So, the sequence: installation of the box, securing the backlight, routing the wires, attaching the image. Small metal corners packed around the perimeter of the box will help hold the plastic in the frame. After this, it is necessary to cover the rest of the ceiling with plasterboard in line with the window. The third option is plasterboard + suspended ceiling. In this case, the same thing is done, only the remaining part is covered with PVC film. At this stage you will need the help of specialists.

As you can see, there is nothing supernatural in such work. It is enough to show a little patience, clearly imagine the desired end result, and in case of difficulties, find a couple of training videos on the Internet. Don’t forget to decorate your work beautifully and enjoy the unusual interior element. Be especially responsible when choosing an image. After all, you have to look at it for a long time.

The article was written for the site remstroiblog.ru.

Helpful advice

If you want to emphasize your style, select paintings for the false window to match your interior. For example, in the Provence style a landscape with a lavender field is appropriate, and in a marine style a beautiful view of the ocean is appropriate. Paintings with cars and skyscrapers look good in the industrial style. The theme of nature will fit into any interior.

Industrial style false window

Faux Rustic Window

A large mirror in a massive frame can also be used in the interior as a false window

Frames for false decor can be made from old windows, doors or wooden boards. In addition, moldings will cope with this task perfectly.

False window from an old frame with glass

Elegant false window

Fake mirror windows with solid wood frames.

Still have questions? Call!

We use an individual approach to each client. At a time convenient for you, our competent manager will contact you for advice or assistance in choosing components for your order.

A professional designer, together with you, will select for free which option to buy false windows would be more appropriate, so that it meets your wishes and the characteristics of the room (moisture protection, compliance with the overall style of the interior). All work is guaranteed. On the day you contact us, you will know the cost of the order, which consists of the size, complexity of the work, the presence of a window sill and slopes, and the cost of materials.

False doors in the interior

False doors are used in modern interiors to create original illusions and unusual furnishings. The presence of believable and colorful drawings on the walls will pleasantly surprise your friends and acquaintances.

To create the illusion of a door, you need to find a real craftsman who can work out all the details to create an optical illusion. With the help of an interesting painting on the wall, you can conveniently hide imperfections in the room and visually enlarge it.

Fake doors can be painted or printed on photo wallpaper. If you choose an arched door, it will imitate the entrance to a fairy garden, to the river bank, to snow-covered slopes. In other words, there is no limit to your imagination when decorating a hallway or corridor. Such doors will fit perfectly into any room interior and will become its main decoration.

The assembled finished structure can be supplemented with decorative curtains yourself. If you put plexiglass in the product, the image will look more realistic.

In conclusion, it is worth noting that with the help of false windows and doors you can transform the interior of any room, make it bright, interesting and unlike all the others. It doesn’t matter in which room you decide to install fake drawings, the main thing is to correctly approach the relationship between their subject and the overall interior of the room.

What's behind the stairs and cabinets?

If you put a secret door behind the stairs in the living room that leads to the office, none of your guests will even guess.

In addition, you can enter such a room unnoticed, which means you will have the opportunity to privacy if necessary.

However, to implement this idea, you will need a structure called an escalator.

Designers note that ideas with so-called escalators are very popular. They can be moved back manually or using a special control panel.

However, creating such a staircase is a labor-intensive and quite expensive process.

Therefore, if you definitely want to install a secret door in your home, but do not want to spend too much money, we recommend installing it behind a closet in the living room.

It is much easier to implement, and in this case the costs are minimized. You can install such a door right in the back of the closet.

It should be noted that a secret door in the living room is not only an interesting solution for hiding other rooms and passages.

Thanks to it, you will turn into a reliable shelter that will help you in case of thieves breaking into your home.

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