Windows facing north: TOP 20 best design ideas for 2022 with photos

A bedroom in any home is an intimate, personal space, hidden from prying eyes. The quality of our rest, sleep, and, consequently, health in general is largely determined by the comfortable, harmonious atmosphere created in a room to which it is usually not customary to invite guests.

If its windows face south, the bedchamber will always be flooded with sunlight. Having decided to lie down to rest on a hot summer day, you can hide from the sun by covering the windows with thick curtains.

It would seem that placing the bedroom on the north side is more convenient, because twilight should reign here, inducing relaxation and relaxation, conducive to intimacy. However, with insufficient insolation, it can be difficult to create a positive atmosphere that makes the occupants of the room feel comfortable.

Professional designers - employees of the UNA design bureau, widely known in St. Petersburg - use several fairly simple techniques with which they can bring warmth and light to the “northern chambers”.

Experienced, creative specialists are ready to develop a custom bedroom interior design project of any complexity for their clients.

If the bedroom is on the north side

The colors of the wallpaper for the bedroom, which is located in the northern part of the house or apartment, deserve special attention. Because in this part of the house there is very little natural sunlight, and, therefore, natural heat.

So, when choosing shades of facing material for northern bedrooms, it is important to follow three basic rules.

  1. Choose predominantly warm shades - especially light ones, which will fill the room with light, visually expand it and add a feeling of warmth.
  2. It is also worth paying attention not just to light colors, but to rich, deep shades - they are perfect if the room itself is dark.
  3. You should not give preference to white, especially if there is little light in the room or there is only one small window.

In some cases, it is possible to wallpaper the bedroom in two colors - this way you can add light in one part of the room, visually expand it, and in another fill the room, albeit artificially, with much-needed warmth.

Light requirements prevent the emergence of a “concrete jungle”

From time to time, the authorities raise the issue of revising existing lighting requirements for residential premises. The last such discussion was in February 2015, when the Moscow Government planned, as part of the anti-crisis plan, to review the permissible lighting standards for residential projects in order to reduce restrictions when planning development areas. On the one hand, this will greatly facilitate the developer’s work, says Maria Litinetskaya (Metrium Group) , since construction sites are often surrounded by something or have irregular geometry, which greatly limits apartment planning. However, this will certainly lead to an even greater increase in building density, which will make life less comfortable.

In the meantime, the lighting requirements remain the same, the buyer of primary real estate has a pretty good selection of bright and comfortable apartments. The main thing is to choose housing taking into account your lifestyle (this includes, first of all, your work schedule), well-being and aesthetic preferences. The portal wishes you good luck in choosing a new apartment!

How to choose a color for a north-facing room

Hello dear friends! Today we will look in more detail at some principles when choosing a color (primary) for rooms facing north (north side). Many people are at a loss as to which color is best to choose because they receive different conflicting information from different sources.

Some, for example, say that “A light color will never be light in a dark room,” while others say that it is unacceptable to use any dark or rich finish (paint, wallpaper, etc.) that, in their opinion, will “absorb” all the available light (of which there is already too little on the north side). Still others suggest painting everything beige, and then praise beige because it allows light to penetrate the entire space of the room. How can we be here? Who to believe? It won't take long to get confused!

But first, let's find out how a room facing north differs from other rooms in an apartment or house. So, remember, if the window (or windows) in the room are oriented strictly north, then such a room does not receive direct sunlight almost all year round. And it is illuminated solely by the light of the sky. In the summer, when the weather is mostly sunny and clear, the sky is blue, and accordingly, a room oriented to the north will take on a bluish tint. In winter and autumn, in our latitudes, there is a mostly gloomy gray sky, and accordingly, in a room facing north, everything will have a gray “patina”.

And that is why, probably, many of you already know that for rooms facing the northern side of the horizon, it is recommended to use warm colors and shades to neutralize this effect of lighting. From this we can derive the first unspoken rule:

1. For rooms oriented to the north, warm colors are more suitable.

And this is certainly true, but if you already know this (and most importantly, have tried it in practice), then you can take the next step in the correct color design of rooms facing north. On the other hand, you probably also know that light colors visually add more dimension to a room. And here, it would seem, is a ready-made solution for a room facing north: use light colors and you will be happy. But for this rule to work, light colors and shades require a sufficient amount of lighting. Moreover, this can be not only natural lighting, but also artificial.

It again follows from this that light colors are also poorly suited for dark rooms, and we conclude:

2. The use of rich, deep colors in a room with windows facing north is preferable to light ones.

This (see below) and the previous photos in this post illustrate rooms that have a lot of light, and light (pale) colors “work” very well in them, and even the atmosphere of lightness and airiness of the interior is felt. But this definitely won’t work in interiors on the northern side of the horizon.

So, you now know that saturated colors tend to work better in a dark room, but the question that often arises is, “How saturated should a color be?” Dark red, dark blue, rust color? Or does a light or medium tone still qualify as a more saturated color?” In this case, there can be only one answer: “This can only be selected empirically, based on the specific situation.”

However, there is also white, which has always been very popular in interior design. How to use it in rooms facing north.

Since a room with windows to the north is always less illuminated (for obvious reasons) than the rest of the apartment or house, oriented to other sides of the world, white color will not be very suitable for these rooms.

3. Don't use white in north-facing rooms.

You should not use white in a room facing north, with one single small window and overhanging balconies above it (as often happens with us). However, not everything is so categorical, and an exception can be made to all the rules listed above if you know some of the subtleties of decorating rooms with windows facing north.

If, for example, you live in a north-facing townhouse, even with a balcony above the window, but your apartment has large windows, then the room may still be lit enough (even without direct sunlight) to use white or some other light color .

Sometimes I even came across such solutions when the north-facing room was painted white (with one dark and long accent wall), and the designer suggested placing a lamp or several on the other side of the living room, which would be constantly on when the owners were at home. So he wanted to create the feeling of a window that would additionally illuminate the room from the opposite side of the living room. However, this design technique has not become widespread. How do you like this idea?

Thus, in order to more carefully answer the question of the correct choice of color in a room with a northern orientation, it is necessary to say the following: if you have a room on the north side with a small, insignificant window, then it is still better to paint it in a rich, saturated color. However, if you also have adequate artificial lighting in the room, even choosing a light color (like beige) will add much more warmth and personality to the room than using pure white.

And I would like to finish this lesson with the following. One thing that I have learned well over the years of my architectural (design) practice is that we are always looking for some ready-made “rules” that we can easily understand, and expect them to work exactly one hundred percent (for example, choosing a color for rooms to the north). At the same time, completely forgetting that no rule can take into account absolutely all the criteria characteristic of any particular interior.

And that is why, when you ask an interior designer or architect a seemingly simple question: “What color is best for a north-facing room?”, he often cannot give a definite answer without seeing your room and analyzing your specific case. What color is your room facing north?

Color combinations for the northern room

Light, dark or neutral beige – there are many options, but the choice depends on the specific case. The task is to highlight the outlines of objects and choose a bright, saturated color.

Errors during repair and arrangement that prevent you from solving the problem correctly:

  • the division of northern rooms into dark and light rooms is not taken into account;
  • instead of adding sun and comfort, try to add lightness;
  • visual enlargement of a small room.

Solutions options:

  1. Add warmth and sunny atmosphere with warm colors. In a light northern room this will work with an orange wall, but in a dark room this color, on the contrary, will darken it.
  2. A light color won't benefit without plenty of lighting. For dark rooms, light shades are used with caution - they brighten, but the room turns out to have a deathly grayish tint.
  3. For a dark room, you should choose a rich, muted color using bright accessories.
  4. The wall opposite the window is painted 1-2 shades darker than the other walls to ensure even distribution of light.
  5. An interesting solution is multi-colored walls. In this case, the space is connected by an object in the corner that repeats both colors.
  6. It is better to paint the walls with a neutral - central shade of color so that harmony is achieved with the interior items.
  7. The palette of one color is formed by seven shades: two light, dark, medium shades and one central tone. Most often, the darkest one is chosen from the middle tones.
  8. A white ceiling in a room with richly colored walls looks lower and is comparable to a stretched sheet. In a room with a height of 3 m or less, the ceilings are painted in a lighter tone than the walls, about two tones. If it is higher than three meters, then choose a color two shades darker.


The tropical South American plant has no stems. Leaves in the shape of elongated ovals extend directly from the ground. Spathiphyllum blooms in spring; the flower looks like a small ear of corn wrapped in a graceful petal. The plant does not tolerate direct sunlight; its delicate leaves get burned. But the growing place should not be too shaded, otherwise the leaves will become small and pale. Therefore, the optimal growing location is a northern window sill or the center of a room with good lighting. Spathiphyllum calmly tolerates drops in temperature, but does not like drafts.

What color should furniture be placed on the north side?

To make the northern room look contrasting, furniture items are chosen in warm brown, chocolate, red or burgundy colors. Contours look softer with rich gold or honey-toned cabinets.

Such items will stand out against the wall if it is painted a different color, give off warmth and add coziness. For light-colored furniture, you should make the background dark or choose a furniture set with a contrasting finish.

Furniture painted red, yellow, pistachio or other interesting color looks original among the usual brown furnishings. This option is most often used for upholstered furniture.

On the north side of the apartment there are no tall dark cabinets, only low cabinets and chests of drawers.


The plant is sensitive to intense sun and heat, so the optimal place for it is a north window. Cyclamen is capricious and moisture-loving. It does not bloom if the soil is not sufficiently moistened, but the tuber should not be in constant contact with water, otherwise it will rot. Spraying is contraindicated; the best option for moistening is from a pallet.

Textiles and decor items

In a cold northern room, fluffy and soft textures are appropriate - cashmere, wool, corduroy, velor and fleece products, pile carpets.

Living plants will add coziness and a residential look to the room.

Wallpaper with an interesting floral pattern and the same curtains with pillows will add contrast and comfort to the northern room. Also, the room will become more comfortable with accessories in warm golden, copper and bronze shades, if this is a classic style.

Curtains are allowed to match the color of the wallpaper, but if there is a pattern on the wallpaper, then choose smooth curtains.

Light wallpaper, curtains and furniture benefit from bright accessories. The use of graphic wall decor, but not in black and white, will enliven the impression. The first place in images is the clarity and visibility of boundaries.

A mirror on the wall opposite the window can create additional lighting by reflecting light.


Under this fancy name lies an indoor fern. The plant is large, so it is recommended to place it on the floor near a large window. The fern is immune to light deficiency, but needs breathable soil, a temperature of +18 °C and clean, moderately humid air. Watering and spraying should be regular.

Color combination options

1). Opposite the window is a yellow wall. Dosed contrasting details in milky white, chocolate and black and white shades. The floor is warm in color. Greenery of plants. The accent is cool pink and dark blue decor.

2). The same, but with the addition of blue and green tones and without black details.

3). Sunny option: vanilla walls, brown floors with wooden furniture. Bright yellow curtains and a milky lamp. If desired, add a hint of pumpkin or light olive tone.

4). Option based on neutral shades: walls - light coffee with milk, bronze furniture, beige fabric chosen for curtains. For accessories – deep blue color.

Correct lighting scenario

The main task when arranging the interiors of rooms facing north is to compensate for the lack of natural light with artificial light.

The ideal option is multi-level lighting, which includes ceiling, wall, floor, table and built-in lamps.

It is clear that there are exceptions to any rule, and it is not necessary to use all types of lighting, especially if the room is small, and if it is a bedroom, overhead light and lamps on the bedside tables will be enough. As for the living room, the central chandelier must be complemented with several lighting fixtures - table lamps, a floor lamp or sconce.

Window decoration

Since we are talking about the fact that the room needs to be filled as much as possible with light coming from the windows, then the first thing to do is to provide it with this access.

That is why it is advisable to do without curtains at all, or replace them with light, almost transparent curtains.

Or do it differently if you have a weakness for curtains - hang them so that they frame the window only on the sides.

And to curtain the window at night, you can use roller blinds.

By the way, so that nothing prevents light from entering the room, the window sill must be cleared of indoor plants, if any.

Mirror and glass surfaces

As you know, mirrors reflect light best, so their presence in the northern room is not only necessary, but still desirable.

A good effect of filling the space with light is given by a large mirror placed opposite the window, as well as mirrored window slopes and... a mirrored ceiling, if you are satisfied with this option.

Glass surfaces also reflect light, allowing it to be evenly distributed throughout the room, so they should be included in the interior. This could be a glass coffee table, a cabinet with glass doors, as well as a crystal chandelier and sconces that will perfectly reflect both natural and artificial light.

Alternative lighting sources

Even if all the walls are light, this will not help fill the “northern” room with light.

Therefore, in this case, you should pay special attention to the presence in the bedroom of additional sources of artificial lighting located at different levels.

This could be original ceiling lighting, which is especially relevant for interiors in a modern style, sconces above the head of the bed, floor lamps, night lamps. You can install hidden lighting near the window. This technique will allow you to create a visual illusion of the presence of natural light in the dark.


The list of TOP 15 indoor flowers that grow well on a north window is completed by an evergreen coniferous plant. Araucaria in indoor conditions looks like a miniature Christmas tree, you can even dress it up for Christmas. The needles are tender, pale green. To prevent the crown from losing its symmetry, it is necessary to periodically rotate the pot around its axis, or place it away from the window. In winter, araucaria should grow at a temperature of about +15°C. The plant needs loose, drained soil. Summer watering should be moderate, winter - minimal.

Date: 11/29/2021.

Sunlight in the living room: what to do if there is not enough of it?

For apartments located on the ground floors, as well as rooms with access to a balcony or loggia, the lack of sunlight is a real problem. To “revive” a dark living room, you need to pay maximum attention to lighting.

Try not to clutter the room with unnecessary interior items. This way, sunlight will penetrate the room more freely and illuminate it.

Make sure the light is multi-level. Each functional area should be individually illuminated. LED lighting around the perimeter of the ceiling area copes well with the lack of light. The “floating” effect creates the illusion of no ceiling.

A good solution is to use translucent tension islands. They are perceived as huge lighting fixtures, but unlike bulky chandeliers they do not hide the space. Glossy stretch ceilings reflect up to 90% of light energy, so they can also be successfully used if there is not enough sunlight penetration.

Today it is fashionable to use light for its intended purpose. Decorative lamps and chandeliers fade into the background a little. In a modern interior, light seems to merge with the decoration, appearing out of nowhere. The lighting does not stand out from the general mood in the interior; it is its logical continuation and harmoniously combines individual design elements.

But not in the classic style, which has been relevant for decades. In this case, individual zones can be illuminated using floor lamps, table lamps, sconces, and wall lamps.

This will allow you to adjust the brightness of the light depending on the situation. The pleasant twilight will contribute to a comfortable rest after a busy day at work. But a home party will be more joyful if you turn on both main and additional lighting.

How can you strengthen a bedroom in the north according to Feng Shui?

If you want to enhance the Northern direction, add gold, silver or white colors to the interior. Combine these colors in the color of the walls, in the shades of wallpaper or curtains. Choose a pattern for curtains or wallpaper in the bedroom that contains smooth and curved lines - such a pattern will reinforce this direction.

Add natural metal to the bedroom:

- metal candlesticks,

- install a metal bed,

- add accessories such as metal vases, for example.

There is always little light in the north, so adding warm colors to lamps, floor lamps or sconces will be just the thing.

White. White color contains all colors, it is a universal color that can be applied in Any Direction. The color of the curtains or the color of the walls may be white. You can buy wallpaper with a white pattern. The color of the furniture may also be the same. Maybe the entire bedroom interior can be white. If you are a lover of white, this bedroom will suit you - it will have a lot of freshness.

You can enhance your money luck in a simple way - just by adding the colors of Fire (red and its shades) in the bedroom in the North. This will especially quickly bring results to people of the Strong Water element.


A South African tropical plant known as mother-in-law's tongue. There are no stems, thick and rough leaves stretch straight from the soil, capable of stretching up to a meter. Sansevieria blooms once a year; small flowers with white petals exude a faint aroma of vanilla. The plant is shade-tolerant, but once every few months it is recommended to temporarily move it to light to stimulate growth.

Who can benefit from a bedroom in the north according to Feng Shui?

  1. Element Strong Metal
  2. Element Strong Earth
  3. Weak Water Element
  4. Element Weak Tree

First you need to know your element, its strength or weakness. This is the very beginning. Learned? Now, using specific examples, I will analyze the favorable colors in the bedroom in the north according to Feng Shui for these elements.

Let's start with the element strong metal.

What color does a bedroom in the north need for the Strong Metal Element?

The Strong Metal element needs the colors of the Water element in the bedroom - black, blue, light blue, turquoise. The color black in the bedroom is perceived as difficult, I would even say depressing. I have never advised my clients to use this color in their bedroom interior. Blue and turquoise always look stylish and elegant.

Just don’t overdo it with these colors, otherwise relationships will begin to blur, you will start to reason a lot, start delving into life situations, delving into yourself or your partner, and you may come to disappointing conclusions.

According to Feng Shui, water cannot be placed in the bedroom - fountains or aquariums. Even if the North is favorable for you and you want to strengthen it, never place water in a bedroom located in the North.

For the Strong Metal Element, a bedroom in the North in blue or turquoise tones will help you reduce your excessive inner rigidity. Will help you become more flexible. It will improve your communication skills: it will be easier for you to find compromises and negotiate with partners.

What color does a bedroom in the north need for the Strong Earth Element according to Feng Shui?

We need the colors of the Water element. This way your actions will be more aimed at making money and gaining financial freedom.

What color does a bedroom in the north need for the Weak Water Element according to Feng Shui?

You need the colors of the element Metal, these are gold, silver, gray colors - read the article “Bedroom according to Feng Shui in the West” and use these tips. You can also introduce the colors of the Water element into your bedroom interior by combining them with metallic shades. By using this combination of colors, you will not break the rules: for the Weak Water element, these colors are the best.

The Weak Water element needs to train the will, the desire to win and achieve success. The colors of the Metal element can help you with this.

What color does a bedroom in the north need for the Weak Wood Element according to Feng Shui?

These are the colors of the element Water. Your Weak Tree, saturated with water, will become stronger - you will be able to express yourself more clearly in society. You will be able to convey your thoughts or projects to managers. You will be able to find a higher circle of friends.

When placing your bedroom in the North according to Feng Shui, you need to be sure that this direction supports you.

In 2022, the North is ruled by a favorable Star, the Star of Power. This is one of the few areas of this year where it is favorable to place a bed in the bedroom according to Feng Shui. You just need to do this on the day and hour individually calculated by the Master.

If you want to do everything according to the rules, use the advice of a Feng Shui Master: A bedroom in the North according to Feng Shui has its own characteristics that you need to know how to play correctly. A Feng Shui Master will help you do this.

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