What types of plastic windows are there - let’s break it all down

Plastic windows appeared on the construction market more than half a century ago. During this time they have undergone many changes, and today they are distinguished by a variety of species. The many models of different shapes and colors that manufacturers offer to consumers make it somewhat difficult to choose. What should you look for when choosing PVC windows?

Any type of PVC window has two required elements:

  • a double-glazed window consisting of several glasses, the inter-glass space of which is sealed along the perimeter of the contour;
  • plastic profile (frame), which is a fixed part of the window structure. It is installed in the window opening.

Types of PVC windows by number of sashes

The characteristics of the frame material and double-glazed windows make it possible to produce metal-plastic windows with any number of sashes. Most often there are one, two or three leaflets. The option is determined by the installation location, the exterior of the house and the size of the window.

If the window is small, somewhere around 1.5 x 1 m, then one sash will be enough.

Larger windows should be equipped with two sashes.

Three are equipped with wide and tall windows, the area of ​​which allows the use of fairly large double-glazed windows. The fact is that the design features of plastic windows require quite massive vertical posts between the sashes, especially opening ones.

In the case of three double-glazed windows, two mullions take up to 10% of the total glazing area; if there are more sashes, then there are more mullions, which means the light transmittance of the window will decrease, and its weight will increase, without particularly increasing functionality or improving design.

The best option for standard windows in an apartment is two sashes. But certain restrictions may be imposed on the appearance of the façade by urban planning regulations, especially if the windows face historical or central streets. In this case, the number of valves is regulated and changes cannot be made without permission from the relevant authorities.

Secondary characteristic – sound insulation

This characteristic of plastic windows is responsible for preventing noise from entering the room from the street. The level of protection provided depends both on the main components of the light-transmitting structure - the profile, number and type of glass in the double-glazed window, and on the secondary ones - seals and beads.

Blitz survey: When choosing a plastic window, what is important to pay attention to? From the articles you can learn how to choose plastic windows depending on the design and heat and sound insulation characteristics.

Also, the build quality of the entire structure has a significant impact on the degree of sound insulation.

Sound level scale, meas. in DB

As a rule, high noise-absorbing characteristics are required from windows installed either in the bedroom or in the children's room. In other rooms, the level of sound insulation of the structure plays a secondary role.

What types of windows are there depending on the method of opening the sashes?

By choosing the number of sashes, you can determine the options for opening them. Window designers offer a fairly wide number of options and their combinations.

Blind window.

The simplest window is blind. The glass unit is fixedly fixed in the frame. In terms of functionality, this is the most inconvenient window. Although it allows the maximum amount of light to pass through and retains the greatest amount of heat, it is quite difficult to clean the outside. Even on the ground floor you will need a stepladder or prefabricated scaffolding. But in most double-hung windows, one of them can be fixed, but the second must be turning.

Pivot doors.

Pivot doors can only open inside the house along a vertical axis. These can be both sashes in a double-leaf window, or two side sashes in a three-leaf window. This option is quite convenient if there are many windows in the house and one or two of them have tilt or tilt-and-turn opening mechanisms. In this case, there are no problems with washing windows or ventilating rooms.


Flaps - open only partially, by moving the upper part inward, while the lower crossbar is fixed on a horizontal axis. The opening angle is determined by built-in limiters. Very convenient for ventilating a room, a simple mechanism that reduces the cost of construction. But it is advisable to install such sashes together with rotary ones - it will be easier to clean.

Combined doors.

Combined, or tilt-and-turn, are equipped with complex fittings that allow you to both tilt the top part of the sash and open it into the room along a vertical axis. It all depends on the position of the control knob on the window. Some windows are also equipped with a slot ventilation mechanism. Such windows are the most expensive and are installed in combination with turning or tilting ones to reduce the cost of the entire project.

The principle of operation and design of modern windows

There is no need to talk in detail about the design of classic wooden windows - they are a simple frame made of profiled bars with glass installed in the gaps. Even modern “European” models differ from them only in the presence of sealed double-glazed windows and more advanced fittings.

Metal-plastic structures are more complex and interesting. Here the window block is a PVC profile with numerous cavities of different sections. They make it possible to lighten the weight of the frame, but maintain its maximum rigidity, and at the same time serve as heat-saving air pockets. To strengthen the window profile, metal U- or L-shaped slats made of galvanized or aluminum are also used.

Pure aluminum frames can have the same complex structure as PVC blocks. This profile is called “warm” because it has thermal and noise-insulating inserts that improve the protective properties of metal windows. The “cold” profile is simpler, thinner and lighter, but due to the high thermal conductivity of the alloy, it is not suitable for glazing heated rooms.

As for fittings, all modern windows use approximately the same set. These are opening mechanisms (hinges, lever systems, rollers and rods), plus locks combined with the door handles.

Types of windows depending on profile design

Having found out what types of plastic windows there are according to the opening method, you need to get information about the type of profile from which they are made. It has a very large influence on both the performance properties of the window and its price.

The main material for the production of metal-plastic windows is polyvinyl chloride - a polymer based on chlorine and ethylene, with the addition of plasticizers, modifiers and stabilizing substances. After melting the powdered raw material, the resulting mass is pressed and the walls of the future profile are formed - the main component of the window frame.

After obtaining a complex surface configuration of a part, a “U”-shaped metal profile or a square profile pipe is inserted inside it and the entire structure is glued together using thermal soldering. Modifiers and stabilizers transform polyvinyl chloride into a material resistant to mechanical stress, chemically inert, non-flammable and unaffected by ultraviolet radiation.

If pigment is added to the raw material, the profile will turn out not white, but of any given color. As a result of all operations, a rectangular or trapezoidal tubular structure is obtained, inside of which there are from three to seven longitudinal isolated cavities. The reinforcing metal profile is located in the central cavity.

When manufacturing window frames, the profile is cut into pieces of the required length and joined by gluing or welding into a rectangular or other spatial structure. The outer part of the frame is cut through at the top and bottom, connecting the first external cavity “chamber” with the external atmosphere - the holes serve for ventilation and condensate removal. The remaining chambers are sealed and are not connected either to each other or to the external environment.

Polyvinyl chloride (PVC) has a low enough thermal conductivity to be considered a good thermal insulation material. But the presence of chambers filled with air inside the structure increases the energy-saving properties several times more. The more such chambers, the lower the thermal conductivity of the window frame, the warmer the house will be.

Modern industry produces profiles for windows with a number of chambers from three to seven.

In mid-latitudes, it is necessary to choose profiles no lower than five-chamber, with at least four internal cavities.

Three-chamber ones can be installed in warmer regions or in unheated rooms - warehouses, outbuildings, garages.

Six and seven-chamber profiles are characterized by increased weight, but do not provide a sharp decrease in thermal conductivity. It is not advisable to buy them - the windows are more expensive, but are approximately the same in quality. It is better to install a wider double-glazed window - the gain in thermal protection will be greater.

With an equal number of chambers, for windows it is necessary to use a profile with an outer wall thickness of at least 2.8 mm and an inner wall thickness of more than 2.5 mm. This is a type “A” profile intended for residential premises. Profiles “B” and “C” can only be used in production or technical premises where there are no special requirements for the microclimate.

Which plastic window configuration is considered the highest quality?

The quality of workmanship is determined by the manufacturing company. Thus, the Kaleva company has its own factories. They are fully automated. All products are regularly tested in our own laboratory, KalevaLab. All products and installation services are covered by a quality guarantee.

A metal-plastic profile of any shape can withstand significant structural loads and temperature changes. If installed correctly, the frame will last at least 50 years.

We use high-quality double-glazed windows. They minimize noise levels and also help retain heat. Also, the Kalev production uses high-quality fittings. It can withstand more than 45,000 operating cycles.

The choice of plastic window configuration and its characteristics should be determined by the specific glazing tasks set by the client. Only in this case the result will be able to meet even the wildest expectations.

How windows differ by type of double glazing

Glazing of plastic windows is carried out using complex structures of two, three or four sheets of glass, fixed at a given distance from each other. The outer part is sealed. The resulting cavities inside, between the glasses, are called chambers.

Double-glazed windows installed on plastic windows can be:

  • single-chamber
  • two-chamber
  • three-chamber

Therefore, having learned that the window has two or three chambers, it is necessary to clarify which chambers are meant - in frames or double-glazed windows.

Single-chamber double-glazed windows

The thickness of a single-chamber glass unit (two sheets of glass and a cavity between them) is in the range of 14 – 32 mm. The space between the glasses along the perimeter is covered with a metal strip that separates the glasses and holds them at a given distance - a spacer frame. The section shows that the frame is not a strip at all, but a “U”-shaped profile, with the open side directed towards the inside of the frame.

Small diameter holes are made in the lower part of the frame, connecting the chamber and a special sealed volume inside the frame, in which a moisture absorber is poured. As a result of the action of the absorbent, moisture from the chamber is almost completely removed and the window does not fog up at any outside temperature.

But single-chamber packages are considered obsolete. They are installed on not very important windows in unheated rooms, on balconies, loggias, in shops, industrial premises, etc. In residential buildings, more complex structures are used - two-chamber ones (three sheets of glass and two cavities between them).

They are somewhat heavier than single-chamber ones, but in terms of heat and sound insulation efficiency they are almost twice as effective. At the same time, the light transmittance of both structures is approximately the same.

Double-glazed windows

When using glass 4 mm thick, the total installation depth of a two-chamber package ranges from 30 to 58 mm. Manufacturers often fill chambers with argon, xenon or other inert gas, but this is only justified when using energy-saving i-glasses with sputtering.

If they are trying to sell you bags made of ordinary glass filled with inert gas at a higher price, do not fall for advertising tricks. At best you will get a 1-2% reduction in thermal conductivity. When using I-glasses, the difference can reach 10–15% of the total heat-saving effect. This is already a pretty decent figure.

Compared to ordinary glass, double-glazed windows reduce the level of street noise several times. In absolute value this is more than 45 dB. Moreover, the cost of such a package is not much higher than a single-chamber one.

Three-chamber double-glazed windows

It is not advisable to buy windows with three-chamber packages; they are heavier compared to two-chamber ones, and the level of heat saving and noise insulation increases slightly due to the decreasing width of the spacer frames.

Special features of double-glazed windows

The properties of a double-glazed window largely depend on the properties of the glass. Leading manufacturers are constantly experimenting with glass, as a result of which you can buy windows with double-glazed windows:

Heat-saving . A metallized film, invisible to the eye, is sprayed onto the glass and reflects the thermal part of the spectrum, simultaneously transmitting all visible rays. Glass has excellent transparency and does not distort colors, but does not allow heat to penetrate inside in the summer, and in winter the heat does not leave the room in the form of infrared radiation.

Tinted . As a rule, glass is colored at the production stage by adding metal oxides or other chemical compounds to the mixture. As a result, the window, while maintaining transparency, takes on a very attractive, sometimes exotic appearance.

Shockproof . Instead of regular float glass, tempered or triplex glass is used. They do not differ in transparency, but are much stronger. Most often they are installed at production facilities, educational institutions, and stores. It is convenient to install such windows on the lower floors, protecting the glass unit from an accidental impact or a deliberate act of vandalism. Such glasses are completely safe; even if they break, they crumble into rectangular pieces that are unable to cause injury, or remain glued to a durable polymer film.

Noise-proof . As a rule, they use several technological techniques. In addition to sputtering thin films, the chambers are filled with inert gases, and the thickness of the remote chambers is made different. As a result, sound vibrations are actively damped, reflecting from intermediate surfaces. Compared to a conventional two-chamber window, a sound-proof double-glazed window reduces the level of external noise by 20% more.

Mirrored . Such glass is produced in two ways - by sputtering a metallized or polymer film onto the surface, or by adding metal oxides to the glass mass during manufacturing. In the second case, the color is extremely stable, and the amount of light entering the room is minimally reduced. The appearance of mirror glass is very interesting; you can choose different shades, from gold and silver to emerald, bluish or pearl.

What improvements can be made?

The production of plastic windows involves the use of additional functions. Regarding the issue presented, we can highlight:

1. A comb for plastic windows is a standard limiter that makes it possible to independently adjust the angle of inclination of the sash inward.

The opening limiter for plastic windows has 4 positions, which is why everyone will find a comfortable air supply. The positions allow openings from 10 to 77 mm.

2. Child locks on plastic windows are a mandatory safety measure if there is a child in the house. It is a standard lock located on the bottom of the sash, which is locked with a key.

If they are available, you can ventilate the windows by tilting the sash to the desired angle. The key blocks the ability to turn the sash - to open the window in the standard way, which increases the risk of children falling from a height.

3. Anti-cat on plastic windows - is a standard mesh, which is attached to the sash frames using self-tapping screws and more complex bolts.

You can only remove it with a screwdriver - you will need to unscrew the screws to remove the mesh.

This type of fencing has larger slots in the mesh compared to mosquito protection and can withstand up to 20 kg of a cat’s weight, even if it starts to climb the bars.

Today there are numerous variations with the manufacture of a special mesh protrusion - the animal can “go out” 30-40 cm into the street and sit in a kind of cage.

4. The supply valve for plastic windows is a unique and uncluttered analogue of an air conditioner, which provides air from the street to the room.

All plastic structures are installed in such a way that they block the natural ventilation of the room, making the room stuffy, but open windows worsen the situation with cold air.

To prevent this from happening, it is recommended to use supply valves, ensuring the flow of air without creating a draft or increasing noise from the street.

5. Mosquito nets are an additional element designed to protect residents of an apartment or house from insects.

The plates are removable, their fastening is insignificant, so you cannot rely on the mesh.

Cases of children falling out of windows due to pressure on the mesh are increasing.

These are the main additional elements that clients of companies producing and installing plastic windows purchase. Childproofing plastic windows also benefits cats.

There are many known cases when the flap closes due to a draft when the animal goes outside through the window. Animals often die from such injuries, as the incident leads to internal bleeding.

Making your own window frame

Drawings with dimensions that can be used when profiling timber

How to make a simple wooden frame with your own hands - we will tell you step by step in the table:

IllustrationWork stage

Manufacturing of blanks.
We cut out parts from a flat pine beam, the dimensions of which should be slightly larger than the dimensions of the future window.

Profiling of blanks.
Using a milling machine, we make cuts on the beams for installation of glazing.

At the same time, we align all planes of the parts.

Marking for connection.
In the places where the parts of the frame will be connected, we apply markings using a tape measure and a square.

If the marking is done accurately, and all the details can be cut out cleanly, then putty at the joints will not be needed!

Formation of spines.
On the transverse parts of the frame we cut out tenons that will be used to fasten parts. They can be done either using a router, or simply sawing off fragments with a hacksaw and then cleaning them.

Formation of grooves.
Opposite each tenon in the vertical posts, we select grooves, the size of which should be equal to or slightly smaller than the size of the tenon.

The most convenient way to do the work is with a wood cutter.

Frame assembly.
We assemble the structure by inserting the tenons into the grooves and pressing the parts with a mallet.

Fixation of parts.
We glue the joints with moisture-resistant wood glue. While gluing, we fix the frame with clamps.

Additionally, all corners can be tightened with self-tapping screws, twisting them from different sides.

Of course, this is not the only answer to the question “how to make a frame yourself.” But the described design organically combines sufficient reliability and ease of manufacture.

Option to assemble a structure from individual slats with reinforced corners with overlays

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