What types of plastic windows are there: all types with photos, characteristics, advantages and disadvantages

  • May 12, 2019
  • Windows and Doors
  • Eugene

Any home can be imagined without modern renovation and expensive furniture, but without high-quality windows it is quite difficult to do this. However, people often think about interior decoration and changing furniture than about installing the “eyes” of the house. And this is completely in vain. These elements play a vital role in creating a cozy and safe atmosphere. Let's try to figure it out further what types of plastic windows there are.

Modern varieties

You can choose the type of structures under consideration correctly if you know the characteristics of the classification of manufacturing materials. What types of plastic windows are there based on the number of sashes? Based on this factor, three groups of products are distinguished: with one, two and three doors.

Single-leaf elements are made to open. Options with two doors are made with both or one opening door. The third type is much more difficult. Based on the principle of economy, three-leaf structures are made with one opening element, but this causes certain inconvenience. Experts recommend spending a little more money and choosing an option in which one opening door is mounted on each side of the central part. The most expensive version is with three opening elements.


Windows from the manufacturer Veka are also highly rated in 2022. Among their advantages:

  • Increased service life;
  • Excellent noise and thermal insulation;
  • Guaranteed tightness;
  • Latitude of lines offered;
  • A rubber version of the seal is used - resistant to low temperatures.

But these windows also have a drawback - they come with a very high price.

Opening methods

What types of PVC windows are there according to the type of opening? The first option is a blind design, which is relevant if there are several sashes. Otherwise, access to the outside will be difficult. Users choose such models because of their low cost; they are installed on lower floors and in private homes, when the element can be washed from the street.

The modification with a rotary type of opening opens into the room, like its wooden counterparts equipped with hinges. Folding models can work in a vertical and horizontal plane. There is also a combined opening method (down, side and up).

There are also sliding structures, but they are usually used for glazing loggias, verandas, etc.

Types of window profiles

Factors to consider when choosing:

  • the climate in which you live. Windy or rainy weather prevails, what is the average temperature, humidity;
  • the side of the house on which the windows face;
  • presence of a road nearby;
  • design of the entire building.


Just a couple of decades ago, the most popular type of window profile was wooden. And even now it remains quite in demand. Modern window designs are very different from the usual wooden frames.

They are made from different breeds:

  • pine, larch, linden, alder - for simple but reliable models;
  • hardwoods - oak, ash, exotic meranti wood - for more expensive windows.

Manufacturing technology has also changed. Previously, frames were made from solid pieces of wood. Nowadays the technology of laminated veneer lumber is used - the parts are glued together in such a way that the fibers are multidirectional. This structure increases the frame’s resistance to temperature changes, snow and rain.

Types of wooden frames:

  • Single. The coldest. Suitable for glazing a cottage or summer kitchen. However, if you install a single-chamber double-glazed window, the heat saving will be higher. On a cool autumn day the room will be quite comfortable.
  • Separate. The design is familiar to everyone - the doors open separately. There is a window. An air gap is formed between the inner and outer parts, retaining heat in winter.
  • Paired. The sashes are secured with screws and installed in one common frame. The hardest part is washing it. Dust gets into the cracks. To wipe the inner surface, the window must be disassembled and then reassembled.

Although PVC windows are widely available on the market, wooden ones are still loved by many. Advantages:

  • good thermal insulation. It’s worth making a reservation here. Yes, wood is a “warm material”, but over time, without regular maintenance, the frames will begin to crumble, cracks and cracks will appear. Therefore, if treated in time, then they will really retain heat well and absorb noise from the street.
  • long service life. Yes, this is true, but from time to time you will have to coat the surface of the frames with special compounds and varnishes to prevent the destruction of the wood.
  • simple repair. Replacing a sash or some other structural element is easy. Even scratches on the surface can be removed with virtually no problems.
  • appearance. The merit is debatable, but for some people the structure and natural color of the wood are important. The frames can be painted or varnished, which will somewhat reduce their “breathing” properties, but will organically fit into the appearance of any home.


  • regular maintenance - in order for a wooden window to serve for a long time, it is necessary to take care of it in a timely manner,
  • price. With equal characteristics, they are more expensive than plastic ones.

In general, if you install a suitable double-glazed window into a frame made of laminated veneer lumber, you will get a beautiful, eco-friendly design that will last a long time if handled with care.


Such options appeared on our market relatively recently, but immediately gained wide popularity. They are strong and durable. PVC does not absorb water, so it is less susceptible to external influences than wood. Resistant to temperature changes. If desired, they can be decorated with wood or made in colors that harmonize with the interior. If a private house is located near a busy road, then the best option is metal-plastic windows. They reliably protect the owner from street noise. Another undeniable advantage is its affordable price. Therefore, PVC products are a more economical option.

A metal-plastic window consists of:

  • polyvinyl chloride profile. The frame and doors are made from it. Its feature is reinforcement along the entire contour to impart rigidity;
  • glass unit. This is a structure of several glasses, separated by chambers. Their number can be from one to three. By combining coatings, they make double-glazed windows with the necessary characteristics - protected from noise, sun, energy-saving, multifunctional;
  • accessories. These are handles, hinges, tilt and turn mechanisms, opening locks, etc.

Design features of profiles

A PVC window profile is a hollow structure divided into several air chambers. The heat and sound insulation of the product will depend on their quantity. There are several parameters by which you can determine the quality of a future window - wall thickness, profile width, number of cameras.

  • Class A. The thickness of the outer plastic is at least 2.8 mm, the internal partitions are 2.5 mm. Used in glazing of houses, durable.
  • Class B. External walls - 2.5 mm, internal walls - at least 2 mm. It is not recommended to install in residential areas. Sound insulation and heat saving properties are significantly lower.
  • Class C. The thinnest walls possible.

The heat-insulating properties of the profile are provided by hollow chambers.

  • three-chamber - consists of three different-sized sections. The central one is the largest, where reinforcement takes place. Small ones on the sides are separated by horizontal partitions. Gives additional rigidity.

Manufacturers recommend installing windows with this profile in rooms where people do not live permanently. For example, enterprise workshops, summer houses, verandas, utility sheds.

  • four-five-chamber - has a similar structure, just differs in the number of small sections near the walls.

It is suitable for glazing apartments and houses. It protects rooms well from noise from the street and maintains a comfortable temperature.

Profile width

Depends on the number of cameras. This parameter affects the noise and heat insulating properties of the window structure.

  1. Up to 60 mm. Most often this is a 3-chamber model with a single-chamber double-glazed window. Option for a gazebo, veranda, balcony, but a non-residential building.
  2. 70 mm. In combination with a 2-chamber double-glazed window, it is suitable for glazing an apartment or cottage in an area with a temperate climate.
  3. 86 mm. Durable, with a high level of sound insulation and energy saving. Installed in areas with harsh winters, as well as in houses near noisy highways or airports.


There are variations that combine two types of opening, as well as with a tilt-and-turn mechanism. This design is the most convenient, but also quite complex. A sash of this type can be tilted for ventilation or opened into the room. To open the window, the handle is placed in a horizontal position, and for ventilation and opening slightly, it is placed vertically.

This tilt-and-turn mechanism is very convenient for ventilation, since the element does not open completely, but only a small gap is obtained. At the same time, a comfortable atmosphere without drafts is created inside the room. To fix the window in the required position, a special alligator latch or similar configuration is attached to the frame. They require careful handling as they are prone to breakage.

When to install windows

If you want to order the installation of windows (no matter wooden or plastic) for a country house, plan this for any season except autumn.

Before the cold weather, people urgently begin to insulate their apartments, ordering windows so actively that even the best companies are not always able to maintain an acceptable level of quality. No one will refuse money, no one will say: “Sorry, we are overloaded with work, come back later.” During peak months, “window operators” take orders beyond measure and recruit additional teams. And they are very, very different...

I happened to unknowingly go through the nightmare of installing a plastic window in my apartment in the fall. Don't repeat this mistake.

The spring peak load at window companies is usually not as impressive as the autumn one, but in the summer there are fewer orders. This is the right moment to invite craftsmen to your dacha.

And if you are a craftsman, you can do everything yourself; anyway, autumn with its rains is not the best season for construction.

If you live in central Russia and plan to frequently visit your dacha in winter, you need triple glazing. The requirements for the windows of a cottage intended for permanent residence are exactly the same as for the windows of an apartment.

But a summer house can get by with simple, single glazing.

Configuration and number of glasses

What types of double glazed windows are there for plastic windows? According to this principle, structures are divided as follows:

  1. Single-chamber versions, when two glasses are separated by one chamber.
  2. Two-chamber modifications with three glasses.
  3. Three or more cameras.

The thicker the glass unit, the warmer the entire window will be.

The following modifications are distinguished by form:

  • standard rectangular configurations installed in most cases;
  • trapezoidal models;
  • triangular versions;
  • arched variations.

In fact, the shape of modern window structures can be almost any, depending on the characteristics of the building and the wishes of the customer. At the same time, rectangular modifications are the cheapest option.

Window bars for the garden

Shutters are usually very easy to unlock from the outside, which can be exploited by thieves. You can't pull out the grate so easily. Unfortunately, this protection has more disadvantages than advantages. With it, the view from the window becomes somewhat prison-like, and from the outside it brings back memories of the dashing nineties, which are not pleasant for everyone. Cheap grilles rust easily, becoming completely miserable. In addition, there are terrible cases of people dying during a fire, when the flames did not let them out of the door, and the window was covered with bars. What are the advantages? This is a relatively inexpensive protection that works well in your absence. You can also order beautiful wrought iron grilles. This is an expensive solution, but it goes perfectly with the wrought iron railings of the cottage porch.

What color are plastic windows?

In addition to the parameters indicated above, PVC structures differ in their color. Frame parts are often made in white, but can be of completely different shades. A special film allows you to imitate various materials, including natural wood or stone.

Glass packages also differ in their characteristics (regular or shockproof). A new product has recently appeared on the modern market - elements with high energy-saving parameters. In such designs, the glass is finished with a special film coating that reflects infrared radiation without releasing heat to the outside.

Why should you turn to specialists when installing windows?

Installation according to the rules is the main condition that there will be no draft from the window, condensation will not form on the surface of the glass, and the fittings and mechanisms will work without jamming. Therefore, it is recommended to entrust installation to specialists. This will avoid distortions, cracks and other defects that will require additional resources to eliminate.

performs a full range of work, including installation. During the installation process, special tools and membrane tapes are used, which improve the operational parameters of the structure; the technology developed by the manufacturer and SNiP standards are observed. The quality of work is confirmed by an official guarantee.

Canopies and ebbs

What kinds of plastic windows there are and which ones are best to order visors and ebbs for them, we will consider further. The entire structure includes not only the frame and glass unit, but also a number of additional elements. Without them, the system will not have a complete appearance and will not fully fulfill its function. For example, when installing PVC windows, you cannot do without ebbs and canopies, which are responsible for draining rain and melt water.

These elements are mounted from the outside, top and bottom, and are not visually visible to household members from the room. Additional functionality of ebb and flow visors is protection of the assembly seam. If it is not closed in a timely manner, damage from moisture occurs, destruction of part of the wall, even the entire structure falls out. Canopies and ebbs are made of plastic, aluminum, tin or galvanized steel.

Roller shutters for windows at the dacha

What are roller shutters? They are similar to horizontal blinds, but stronger. They hang not indoors, but outside. Like traditional shutters, they protect you from prying eyes and protect the glass from various types of damage. They just look much more modern. You can choose a design that can be partially lowered, which will help provide shelter from the sun in the summer without turning the house into a dungeon. But not everyone likes roller shutters because small shops use such window protection. If it seems to you that the dacha is becoming similar to a retail outlet, this comparison is unpleasant for you - choose something else. Roller shutters do not go well with very old country houses and look like a caricature on them.

Properties of the materials used

We looked at what types of plastic windows there are (see photos in the review), and then we will study the properties of the materials from which the ebbs and visors are made. For the manufacture of these elements, rolled galvanized steel with a thickness of 0.5-0.7 mm is used. A protective coating is applied on top of the sheets, for the production of which polyester-based varnishes are used.

The color range of the solution can be different, and the spraying itself helps to extend the service life and maintain its attractive appearance. The parts do not fade and are resistant to temperature changes.

Canopies and ebbs made of steel have a number of advantages:

  • insensitive to ultraviolet radiation;
  • look aesthetically pleasing;
  • resistant to temperature fluctuations and precipitation;
  • durable, not afraid of mechanical stress;
  • have an acceptable cost.

What types of plastic windows are there with plastic olives? Experts note that such structures can be used for both external and internal use. The use of the same material gives the façade of the building a finished look and also solves the problem of waterproofing. Plastic parts are durable, do not require special care, do not fade, and increase sound and thermal protection.

Window decor for a private house

When you understand which profile to install - plastic or wooden, it’s time to think about the decor.

Natural shades and textures often prevail in the interiors of a country house. If you prefer PVC windows, but want them to look like wood, then a laminated profile is suitable for you. In its production, a polymer film is used, which allows it to imitate the color of wood and its texture. Frames can be with single- or double-sided lamination. This way you can choose windows that will perfectly harmonize with the appearance of the house and its interior. In addition, it is easier to care for PVC products.

Another interesting design option is stained glass. These are geometric or floral patterns on glass. Stained glass elements look good in country cottages and city apartments. Such windows are sealed and resistant to the external environment. But manufacturing and installation will cost more.

About slopes

Regardless of what types of plastic windows there are, all types require the installation of ebbs and canopies, as well as finishing of slopes. These parts of the structure are equipped in the internal part of the product. The need for slopes is due to the fact that PVC structures are narrower than their wooden counterparts, and therefore an untreated area appears on the sides of the openings, the width of which is from 50 to 300 mm.

This problem is solved by creating a plaster finish that is suitable for any surfaces from which the house is made. In panel buildings, plastic slopes are preferable. Their advantages include speed of installation and enhanced thermal insulation. Such products do not require special care, do not fade or crack. The disadvantages of plastic include a limited range of colors in accordance with the profiles of plastic windows. What other slopes are there?

Sometimes drywall is used for finishing. This option is suitable for rooms where no finishing work has been carried out inside, and the walls are covered with plasterboard. This material has good thermal insulation parameters. Among the disadvantages are the fear of moisture and the need for regular painting and repairs.

What else can you save on without compromising the quality of windows?

You can reduce the cost of windows for your garden by ordering models with standard sizes. Such products have a lower price due to the fact that during their production a minimal amount of waste is generated, and the entire technological chain of the production process has long been optimized. In addition, there is no need to pay for the services of surveyors. In order for standard windows to be suitable for a dacha, it is necessary to take care of this at the stage of designing the house, providing for the appropriate dimensions of the openings.

It is unacceptable to skimp on installation. Installation of windows must be carried out in accordance with GOST. Only in this case, experienced workers from reputable companies will be guaranteed to securely fix the structures, take into account possible shrinkage of the building (casing) and ensure the tightness of all openings around the perimeter of the frames.

About window sills

Regardless of the type of plastic windows, they are all equipped with window sills. The construction market offers a huge range of products made from various materials (plastic, wood, stone).

The most common options are plastic models, due to their efficiency and practicality. Such window sills differ from each other in quality and cost. More reliable modifications are considered to be versions made from chipboard, which have a dense structure created by a combination of natural wood fibers and synthetic resins.

Options made of artificial stone are rare, they are heavy and cold. The main role of a window sill is functionality, as a stand for accessories or indoor flowers. For a more harmonious fit into the interior, it is desirable that the window sill be made of the same material as the window.

Material and color

Although now plastic energy-saving profiles, window openings, platbands and shutters made of wood are often used. These elements can be simple or finely carved. The wood used for production is beech, beech and oak. Any texture - stainless steel, metal - can be copied on laminated profiles with polymer film. You can order gray instead of a black seal in a plain white plastic window. The window will visually become larger. Increasingly, people began to choose profiles in the following colors:

  • brown;
  • milky beige;
  • steel;
  • black.

Many people like profiles with a metallized surface and imitation wood. Non-standard shades - orange, blue, red and green - are not yet particularly popular.

The advantages of plastic frames are that they provide absolute tightness. No noise or cold air penetrates into the room. They do not require any maintenance; they need to be systematically wiped with a cloth. Externally, plastic windows for a private home are very beautiful. From the outside, thanks to the large windows, the façade looks light and elegant.

All PVC models are environmentally friendly. Yogurt containers, electric kettles, and so on are made from this material. Although there are other equally nice windows, they are much more expensive. In terms of price-quality ratio, polyvinyl chloride comes first.

There are also disadvantages, one of them is that the damage and scratches that appear on them cannot be eliminated. Windows cannot maintain a good humidity level in the room. Due to the significant coefficient of expansion, when it is very hot outside they expand, and in severe frost they shrink too much. Plastic windows are electrostatic.

About mosquito nets

What types of PVC windows with mosquito nets there are, we will consider further. When ordering designs, you need to remember about high-quality mosquito nets. They are designed to protect the room from insects, leaves, and poplar fluff. The mesh can be easily removed, washed, and is made of fiberglass (fiberglass sealed in polymer). The element is fixed using a rubber cord in an aluminum frame connected by plastic corners.

The mosquito net is attached from the street side to special devices; its dimensions are selected individually for each opening. These products are also placed on the doors of balconies; they are fixed on the frame with side hinges and a magnetic latch. After 3-4 years, the nets sag and require replacement. This feature is due to insufficient rigidity between the aluminum frame and plastic corners.

PVC window configuration

They are manufactured in a wide variety of design options. They can simply additionally decorate the room or have a configuration of large glazing on the wall. To allow light into the attic, small items in the shape of an arc or semicircle are often placed there. Atypical arched frames are used to decorate bathrooms, bedrooms, and offices. Double-leaf structures are often used, less often with vertical opening. The purpose of the room affects the design of the windows.

When choosing the design of plastic windows, you must keep in mind that visually, structures of unusual shapes look much more interesting than standard ones. To design slopes for PVC windows of complex configuration, you will need a professional approach. The appearance, durability, and functionality depend on the finish. This applies to both windows and slopes. Standard forms are specified in all projects, but configuration changes are allowed for custom solutions.

About accessories

Regardless of what kind of plastic windows there are, all types (photo below) are equipped with special fittings. This group includes mechanisms and parts responsible for opening and closing the structure. There are several groups of devices under consideration.

Pivot-type fittings have a vertical hanging mechanism that allows the sash to be directed in only one direction in relation to the vertical axis. This variety is the simplest.

Tilt-and-turn options allow you to rotate the sash around the vertical, as well as tilt it. This design is the most popular, allowing for manipulations related to home ventilation. By changing the position of the handle, the window is opened in the desired direction without significant effort.

A rotating type of fittings with a horizontal hanger makes it possible to open the window 180 degrees relative to the horizontal. Such elements can be mounted on structures of various geometries and weights, including ellipsoidal and round systems on roof windows.

Sliding fittings are used for glazing balconies and loggias. Locking handles secure the window in the locked position. The package includes special hooks. If you plan to frequently ventilate the room, in order to avoid drafts, it is necessary to equip the system with a slot ventilator.

Regardless of the thickness of plastic windows, they can be equipped with new generation fittings. This includes devices that are characterized by high reliability and smooth operation. The main advantage of such mechanisms is a high degree of protection from climatic influences. The kit includes a device for micro-ventilation and a closer, which makes it easier to close the sash. Such fittings eliminate as much as possible the penetration of street noise and blowing.

Another new product is a tilt-and-slide system designed for window structures up to 2700 mm high, when glazing a wall from ceiling to floor. With the help of such fittings, you can tilt and move windows weighing up to 160 kg without much effort.

Selection criteria and design features of windows

The cottages themselves and the tastes of homeowners are varied, as are the climatic conditions in the regions where the houses are located. Consider the following factors:

  • weather conditions - average annual temperature, air humidity, wind load on the building, wind direction,
  • location according to cardinal directions,
  • proximity of the building to sources of increased noise - airfields, train stations, highways,
  • thickness and material of house walls,
  • architectural style of the cottage,
  • room area,
  • threats of hackers breaking into the cottage,
  • requirements for glazing functionality.

For cold regions, the installation of double-glazed windows with several chambers and “warm” frames with a high coefficient of heat transfer resistance is relevant. Glass with an ultraviolet filter will provide protection from sunlight. If the cottage does not have a ventilation system, you need to equip the glazing with ventilation valves and consider options for opening windows for regular ventilation.

Glazing features:

  • Doors. The sashes are standard and transom. They are necessary for ventilation of the room. There are usually 1-3 sashes in one window opening.
  • Frame. In cottages, frames of rectangular and complex shapes are installed. Often they order arched, triangular, round windows, in the shape of a trapezoid.
  • Opening methods. Movable sashes are installed: rotating, tilting, compartment, top- or bottom-hung, hinged, pendulum, accordion-folding. Transoms are convenient to use to ventilate a room, especially with large window openings. Rotating segments are the optimal solution for round windows. Folding doors save space.

What brand of plastic windows are there?

Below is a list of manufacturers whose window products are most popular in the domestic market:

  1. Veka. The company is one of the top three in sales. The German company's line includes six types of basic profiles. There are branches in the Russian Federation.
  2. Rehau. The brand's products are also among the leaders, combining German quality, reasonable prices and a wide range of profiles.
  3. KVE. Another German company with production facilities in Russia. The quality and technical characteristics of the windows are practically no different from the analogues mentioned above, but the price of the products is slightly lower.
  4. Salamander. The German manufacturer has representative offices throughout Europe and Belarus. The systems have decent quality and belong to the middle price category.
  5. "Mont Blanc". The brand has a wide dealer network throughout the CIS and produces seven product lines.

Rating of PVC profile manufacturers

Russian consumers give preference to German manufacturers. Their products are distinguished by quality and durability.

KBE is a company founded in 1980. The profiles are suitable for our climatic conditions. They retain their appearance for a long time, do not deform, and do not turn yellow. Can be cleaned with soapy water and a soft cloth. Well protected from the cold. This will allow the owner of a country cottage to significantly save on heating costs. KBE is designed to last for 50 years.

Rehau is a popular manufacturer in Russia. It has been manufacturing its products for more than half a century, having accumulated extensive experience during this time. The profiles fit exactly against each other, which ensures warmth and silence in the house. The windows are equipped with fittings that prevent the sashes from loosening. Additional anti-burglary mechanisms are also installed. The assortment includes models for every budget.

Veka traces its history back to 1968. The company is familiar and loved in many European countries. Produces reliable profiles that are easy to care for. High-quality fittings and adherence to production technologies are the key to the durability of products. You can choose a window of almost any shade or make a custom design that suits your interior.

Helpful information

We examined in detail what kinds of plastic windows there are, the photos of which are given above. Finally, here are some useful tips:

  1. If there are small children in the house, it is better to purchase handles with locks or a special “child lock”.
  2. In new mosquito nets, the design includes a crossbar that increases the rigidity of the frame.
  3. Installation of plastic slopes is carried out immediately after window installation. The opening is leveled using a building level and a wooden batten.
  4. When installing canopies and ebbs, first install the lower element, and then the upper one. First, silicone sealant is applied to the fastening site. The canopy is brought inside the room 300 mm and fixed with dowels.

Safety of country windows

One of the main requirements for these products is the ability to ensure safety. Since the dacha is often empty most of the time, and many families come there on vacation with small children and animals, it is recommended:

  • take care of children's safety;
  • ensure a high level of burglary resistance of windows;
  • install special mosquito nets for animals.

To protect children from accidents, it is necessary to install double-glazed windows with triplex and install special fittings, the types of which can be read in the feature article on OknaTrade. These recommendations are doubly relevant for owners of two-story dachas. As for burglary resistance, an alarm system can provide the maximum level of security, and the most effective way to detain intruders until the security guards arrive is with the help of metal bars or shutters.

The absence of animals is not a reason to refuse mosquito nets. You should not save on these elements of window structures and give preference to fumigators. After all, people go to their dacha to enjoy the fresh air, and not breathe in household chemicals in the evenings with the windows closed. In addition, the total cost of insect repellents will exceed the price of mosquito nets in a few years, so it makes sense to immediately install these protective elements on the windows.

Wishes to potential window buyers

When choosing a window installation company, you need to find an agreement between the quality of the material, a reputable contractor and the price of the final product.

You need to choose material from companies that have been working on the market for a long time and have good consumer reviews.

In utility rooms you can use windows without fittings or blind windows. Window sashes can open not only inward, but also outward.

Drainage above the windows can be external or built into the profile itself. The owner of the house is not limited in the choice of window shape, color scheme and number of double-glazed windows.

It is necessary to pay due attention to the exterior decoration of windows. Slopes for exterior finishing must be made of metal.

Approach the issue of filling a window opening creatively and get a decent product that meets all existing requirements.

Install windows yourself or hire specialists

The simplest, most reliable and proven way to install a window is to order it from the manufacturer along with services for dismantling the old structure and installing a new one. The procedure looks quite simple: you select a suitable company, call a surveyor, sign papers for ordering products and their installation, and within the specified period all work will be carried out in the house quickly and efficiently.

But if you have some knowledge and skills and you are confident that you can carry out all the work no worse than a qualified team, then you can install not only wooden frames, but also PVC with your own hands. This will save a significant amount, since the installation price sometimes reaches the cost of the product itself.

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