“Anti-cat”: window mesh to protect pets

In the summer, for most apartments, it is time to open the windows. And many families immediately have a question about how to protect their pet so that it does not fall from a window or balcony. The problem can be solved using a special protective element of the “anti-cat” type: a mesh in an aluminum frame is attached to the window opening and reliably protects the animal from falling.

Anti-cat mesh can protect pets from falling out of the window

What is the “anti-cat” intended for: a net for animals

Families who have pets know firsthand that cats are very inquisitive individuals. They are interested in everything around them. They love to watch what is happening on the street from the window, and walk along the railings and handrails of balconies. Despite the fact that the animal is able to maintain balance, at any moment the cat can lose it and fall. If the apartment is located on the lower floors, such a fall will not harm the pet. If you fall from a great height, irreversible consequences may occur.

“Anti-cat” is made of fabric that has a high tensile strength

Therefore, pet owners, in an effort to protect their four-legged friend from falling out of the window, install an anti-cat grille in the opening. A standard mosquito product is not suitable for these purposes because it is lightweight and has weak fastening. This design on the window is not able to support the weight of the animal, and the pet’s sharp claws can tear the canvas in a matter of minutes.

In turn, the anti-cat mesh is made of a special stainless steel fabric. The product is characterized by high tensile strength and the ability to withstand significant loads. The metal fencing rods have a special soldered connection that even a person cannot destroy. The pet will not be able to damage the integrity of such a strong structure, so it can calmly climb on the canvas, clinging with its claws. The grate on the window for a cat can withstand significant pressure, so it will not fall out of the window under the weight of the animal.

“Anti-cats” are produced in gray and black versions. This is due to the fact that cats associate these colors with an obstacle. This mesh is 2-3 times larger in size than a standard mosquito design. It is installed on the window using a reliable, especially durable frame mechanism. It is able to ensure reliable fixation of the protective element with the window frame. Using brackets, the structure is attached from the bottom, top and sides.

Anti-cotton reinforced with metal fasteners.

We produce such nets in two versions: for 6 and 10 kg cats.
For animals up to 6 kg, standard components are used. But since manufacturers of components for mosquito nets, in an effort to reduce the cost of the product, annually deteriorate their quality, for cats weighing 10 kg we use non-standard components that increase the reliability of the product. Otherwise, 6 and 10 kg meshes are the same in appearance, installation method and requirements (necessary conditions) for installation. This type of anti-cat mesh has limitations on the design of the window and the physical capabilities of the user. They are like this: By the window. The window must not be a single-sash window and the sash adjacent to the one where the anti-cat is planned to be installed must be opening. By user. The person who will remove and install the mesh “for washing” must have the physical ability and not be afraid, standing on the floor and looking out of one sash, to touch the adjacent sash with his hand.

The nets are installed on metal fastenings at the top and bottom, and additional metal fastenings are installed on the sides. Price. For 6 kg.

Mesh fabric
Includes: measurement + manufacturing + installation
1 PC2 pcs3 pieces or more
Pet Screen 1x1400035003000rub/m2
Stainless steel 1x1500045004050rub/m2

Price. For 10 kg.

Mesh fabric
Includes: measurement + manufacturing + installation
1 PC2 pcs3 pieces or more
Pet Screen 1x1440039003400rub/m2
Stainless steel 1x1540049004400rub/m2

+ 600 rub. for each grid, if your glazing system is Provedal or analogues. If the glazing system is different, then the possibility and cost can be stated after the visit or a photo. Brown frame + 250rub/mesh. If the mesh area is less than 1m2, then the cost is equal to 1m2. Delivery:
1. 500-1500 rubles (depending on the size and quantity, address and delivery time) 2. Pickup (you pick it up, we come and install) - 0 rubles.

The main differences between the “anti-cat” window mesh and the usual mosquito net

The usual standard mosquito net, which comes complete with a metal-plastic frame profile, is designed to protect the room from the penetration of annoying insects. The product does not have increased fabric strength, so it cannot withstand significant loads.

The mosquito net has low strength, unlike the “anti-cat” net

The cellular tissue can easily break through under the sharp claws of an animal. In addition, a regular mosquito net is attached to the frame using plastic corners. Such a fixation cannot withstand the constant impact of a cat jumping and leaning on the canvas.

The “anti-cat” mesh on the window does not have such disadvantages. It is made from high-strength materials. The threads of the fabric are reliably intertwined with each other, their strength is further enhanced due to soldering of the joints. Thanks to the presence of special metal fasteners, the anti-cat mesh is securely fixed to the window frame.

To protect pets, the structure can be additionally equipped with a reinforced impost in the form of a crossbar. This element allows you to reduce the deflection of the canvas when an animal jumps or leans on it. Cat window bars are always made in a dark, mostly black design.

Antikot standard.

This is a regular frame mosquito net with pet screen fabric instead of the usual anti-mosquito fabric.
Protective reinforced fabric Pet Screen consists of threads intertwined and welded in places of interweaving. The thread is a polymer stranded material in a plastic braid. The thread is highly resistant to temperature changes and tensile strength (one thread can withstand a weight of 4 kg), so a domestic cat cannot tear such a net. Gnawing a hole in the mesh will also not work, since the mesh is stretched in the frame and there will be nothing for the animal to catch on with its teeth. But if the cat uses the mesh as a scratching post, then the formation of holes over time is quite possible. For the anti-cat standard mesh, the name anti-cat is the most appropriate, since it fully reflects its purpose - not to protect the cat from falling (to protect the cat), but to preserve the mesh itself, its fabric from breaks as a result of the animal’s activity. This is not cynicism; practice shows that this is also necessary, for example: 1. Residents of the first floors are thus protected from four-legged friends or enemies of a pet. 2. Residents of the upper floors protect themselves from pigeons and bats. 3. Sometimes neighbors feed pigeons and other city birds, and they damage (tear with their claws and beaks) the neighbors’ nets and tides. 4. Happy owners of country real estate protect basements and semi-basements from moles and ants. 5. There are probably other, but unknown to us, needs.

But, in our opinion, such nets are not suitable for protecting a pet, and are even more dangerous than windows without them. Firstly, they lull your vigilance, and secondly, they provoke the animal to jump or support or climb on it. As a result, the mesh (canvas) of course will not be damaged, but the fastenings may not be able to withstand it and the mesh, along with the frame, and, most likely, if you are unlucky, with the cat, will fly down. The material of the brackets does not affect the reliability of fastening the mesh in them. Metal ones, of course, will not break, but they can gradually bend if the load (jumping on the net) is repeated. Secondly, let us repeat what was said on another page - when a cat jumps onto the net, the “trajectory of the jump” completely coincides with the movements necessary to remove the net. Thus, when ordering such a net, you take full responsibility for possible consequences.

If you need a mesh with anti-cat fabric not to protect an animal, then its Cost.
Mesh fabric

Includes: measurement + manufacturing + installation
1 PC2 pcs3 pieces or more
PetScreen 1x1350030002700rub/m2
Stainless steel 1x1450040003700rub/m2

+ 600 rub. for each grid, if your glazing system is Provedal or analogues. If the glazing system is different, then the possibility and cost can be stated after the visit or a photo. Brown frame + 250rub/mesh. If the mesh area is less than 1m2, then the cost is equal to 1m2. Delivery:
1. 500-1500 rubles (depending on the size and quantity, address and delivery time) 2. Pickup (you pick it up, we come and install) - 0 rubles.

It is possible to produce anti-cat standard mesh without installation. If you are going to install the net yourself or replace a regular mosquito net with a net with an anti-cat cloth and are confident in the reliability of the existing fastenings, then

Mesh fabric
Includes: manufacturing
1 PC2 pcs3 pieces or more
PetScreen 1x1220020001850rub/m2
Stainless steel 1x1320030002850rub/m2

Brown frame + 250rub/mesh.
If the mesh area is less than 1m2, then the cost is equal to 1m2. Set of plastic fasteners (white, brown) - 50 rub. Set of steel (white/brown) - 100/120 rub. Replacing a regular mesh with an anti-cat one. If you need to replace a regular mosquito net in your existing mosquito net with a Pet Screen anti-cat cloth in a light gray color, then taking into account the cost of the cloth: - In the workshop - 1500 rubles/m2 (but not less than 1500 rubles / net), - At home - 2000 rubles /m2 (but not less than 2000 rubles/mesh), You cannot replace the usual anti-mosquito cloth in your installed net with a metal cloth at home, you can only do it in the workshop.

Buy anti-cat canvas Pet Screen. You can buy a light gray Pet Screen anti-cat canvas for independent replacement or fastening: - Width -1.4m - 650 rub/m.p. (cut from 0.5m, multiple of 0.5), - Width -1.6m - 800 rub/m.p. (cut from 0.5 m, multiple of 0.5). When attaching to wooden windows with a stapler, do not forget about a 2cm allowance on each side.

The main advantages of the anti-cat mosquito net

The anti-cat mesh has characteristic advantages. It is stable, which is a guarantee of safety for your pet. High-quality window protection against cats can easily withstand a weight of up to 20 kg. The mesh is also characterized by strength and durability. Even with constant impact on the protective element, it does not deform or sag.

Animal protection nets are absolutely claw-safe

Important! Despite its strength and durability, the anti-cat net is not capable of holding a small child.

The design has a stable fixation, which is ensured by three rows of brackets, which are characterized by increased resistance to mechanical loads. Therefore, such a net not only prevents the animal from falling, but also reliably protects the house from the penetration of even the largest birds.

According to reviews, the anti-cat mosquito net is absolutely safe for cat claws. The design is characterized by increased wear resistance. If the element is constantly exposed to sharp claws, the mesh will not tear, and burrs will not form on it, since it is created using anti-claw technology.

As numerous reviews testify, the anti-cat window mesh does not prevent the free penetration of air into the room, despite the millimeter-sized cells. High throughput ensures the creation of a favorable temperature regime and microclimate in the room. The mesh is characterized by ease of operation. The product can be easily washed using a sponge and soap solution.

Anti-cat mesh can support animals weighing up to 20 kilograms

Anti-cat mesh has a good price-quality ratio. It can be selected to suit any size window made of different materials.

Helpful advice! You should not buy a cheap product, which is mainly made from low-quality PVC and is not strong and durable.


The standard and most popular design of a mosquito net is an aluminum frame on which a mesh sheet is installed . The size of the frame exactly matches the size of the opening of the open sash, and during installation there are no cracks or gaps left.

Frame fastening can be implemented in different design options:

  • Z-shaped metal elements that engage with a rubber seal . The frame is tightly inserted into the opening from the inside, ensuring the tightness of the perimeter and the inability of insects to penetrate through the cracks;

  • staples or plastic "ears" installed on the outside surface of the window frame . The frame is inserted into the frame and the fasteners are rotated 90°, which resembles the operation of rotary-type door latches;
  • plungers . These are the most reliable types of fastening, consisting of metal rods on springs. They fit into holes pre-drilled in the plastic box and securely fix the frame in the opening.

Important ! The most popular are Z-shaped fasteners. They are simple and can be installed at the factory, unlike other varieties. For example, plungers must be installed on site, which requires specialist assistance. In addition, you will have to drill the window frame, which immediately cuts off many users (for example, residents of rented apartments).

Mosquito frame with flag clips

In addition, there are several options for frameless fastening of meshes:

  • canvas installed with Velcro . One part is glued to the outside of the box along the perimeter of the opening, and the second half of the Velcro is glued to the mesh fabric. The mesh is applied tightly around the entire perimeter and pressed lightly, achieving the strongest possible adhesion. In this way, you can install a mesh that you purchased separately from the window;
  • pleated _ These are meshes that can be moved to the side - they are assembled like a small accordion. This is a good option for large openings - up to 3 m. In addition to general protection, using a pleated mesh you can regulate the amount of sunlight entering the room;
  • rolled mesh . They are wound on a shaft located above the opening (like roller shutters). A special feature of these types of protection is their permanent installation (there is no need to dismantle them for the winter).

Meshes with magnetic fastening are also known . Sliding models require the installation of special guides, which makes them less in demand. In addition, some owners prefer to remove the double-glazed windows for the summer and install a mesh in the frame, obtaining the most effective ventilation without the access of insects. All installation options are universal and can be used on any plastic windows.

Weaknesses of window screens to protect cats

Despite its undeniable advantages, cat screens for windows have a number of disadvantages. The structure is installed in an open space, so it constantly interacts with the environment. As a result of the influence of atmospheric precipitation, aluminum and steel weaving will be subject to corrosive effects over time, which will lead to destruction of the integrity of the cellular fabric. To eliminate this situation, the mesh must be periodically treated with anti-corrosion compounds.

The canvas is made from dark-colored threads, so the product allows less light to pass through. This is a significant disadvantage in a room with low levels of natural light. The presence of a special fastening system makes it impossible to remove the structure. To do this, you will have to completely unscrew the bolts and screws. However, there are modern models equipped with a small window, using which you can wash the mesh and window.

Aluminum anti-cat nets may be subject to corrosion

The prices of anti-cat nets for windows are an order of magnitude higher than the cost of standard analogues. The size of the mesh cells is 1x1 mm, so small insects can enter the house through them. Steel mesh, when cut, forms sharp edges, which are very dangerous and can cause harm to the animal. To eliminate such a nuisance, the edges of the wire should be bent or mounted into the frame.

It is better not to use such a net as child protection.

Pet Screen and stainless steel canvases are really very durable and can withstand any child, even an adult.
The question concerns the reliability of its fastening in the frame and the fastening of the frame to the window. PetGuard nets provide protection, but here’s the danger: the child will lean on the net, the net will spring (it’s almost a trampoline, only vertical), the child will like it, he will again... it can all end in falling on his back. Are you going to put a net on a balcony where there is a high parapet? The child won’t get it, do you think? But the child will put a chair and... paragraph above. Please also note that even if you solved this problem, now any other house (grandmother, friends, etc.) becomes more dangerous. After all, the child does not know that it is different there. There are a number of special devices for children's safety near windows (see the section “windows and safety (top left of the page)).

Materials for making “anti-cat” mesh for plastic windows

The anti-cat mesh can be made of steel, aluminum or polyester. The first type of product is a simple fabric made of metal wire, which is intertwined with each other in a cross pattern and fixed in a special frame, which is an aluminum frame. The size of the square cells of the metal mesh for the window is 1-5 cm, the choice depends on the size of the pet. Based on this criterion, fine- and coarse-mesh versions of the product are distinguished. The last type is made of wire with a cross section of 1.2 mm.

Important! The anti-cat metal mesh is characterized by great resistance to mechanical deformation and excellent ability to transmit natural light into the room.

The intersections of metal elements are reinforced with spot welding, which creates a durable protective fabric that can be used for a long period. The canvas is securely fixed to the aluminum frame using metal corners. The metal mesh for the anti-cat window can withstand significant weight, therefore it is the most acceptable option for owners of large animals.

“Anti-cats” are made of polyester, aluminum and steel

The anti-cat steel mesh is impervious to corrosion. The structure is secured to the window frame using metal corners, which ensure reliable fixation of the mesh around the entire perimeter. The product is characterized by high strength, so it can stop not only a cat, but also a small dog. The canvas is safe, so the animal’s claws cannot get stuck in the cells. In addition, such a mesh has an attractive appearance, and therefore will not spoil the interior of the room or the exterior of the window facade.

The main disadvantage is the high price of the anti-cat mesh. In addition, such a protective fence is not able to protect the room from insects entering it. To do this, you can additionally install a regular mosquito net.

Features of window mesh for cats made of aluminum or polyester

The most rarely used variety is aluminum mesh. This is due to the fact that its threads are not fixed to each other by welding. When exposed to an animal's mesh, after some time it will stretch and sag. Constantly climbing the cat on the canvas will damage it. In addition, the animal's claws can get stuck in the loops, which will lead to injury. At first, small holes will appear, and after a while the mesh may completely break through. The main advantage of this option is the low price of an anti-cat mosquito net for a plastic window.

Aluminum mesh is sold in rolls, which makes it possible to choose the product to fit the size of the window. This is especially true for private households, where window openings have individual sizes.

Aluminum mesh can be purchased in rolls, which makes it easy to adjust the product to the desired size

Important! Aluminum mesh is most susceptible to the adhesion of various debris.

The most popular option is the anti-cat mesh made of polyester. Such products are characterized by low cost and ease of use. The fabric is made of nylon threads with a thickness of 0.5-0.8 mm. They intertwine with each other, forming rectangular cells measuring 1x1.5 or 1.5x1.65 mm. Such threads can withstand impacts of up to 4 kg. Thanks to the small size of the cells, the anti-cat mesh on a plastic window made of polyester is a reliable protection of the room from flying insects.

Distinctive features of polyester anti-cat window mesh

According to numerous reviews, anti-cat nets for plastic windows made of polyester are characterized by good strength and the ability to withstand significant weight. This is due to the fact that the joints of the threads are additionally soldered. The canvas does not deform, which eliminates the possibility of traumatic situations. These products are available exclusively in black.

However, the polymer cellular fabric can be damaged by the sharp beaks of birds. In addition, the material, due to the effects of seasonal temperature changes, may crack after 5-6 years. The strength of nylon threads is designed for an animal’s weight of no more than 10 kg.

“Anti-cats” made of polyester are available with cell sizes of 1.5x1.65 and 1x1.5 mm

The disadvantage of a polyester cat window net is its negative impact on the natural light in the room. This happens not only because the fabric is black, but also as a result of the use of thick nylon threads for its production, which form small cells. However, such a disadvantage can turn into the main advantage, thanks to which reliable protection is provided for the pet.

The best protective model is the Pet Screen canvas, as seen in the photo. An anti-cat window mesh can not only withstand the weight of an animal, but also withstand repeated jumps. This became possible due to the fact that the product is made of thickened thread with the formation of small cells.

Average prices in the Russian Federation

The cost is calculated per 1 sq. m .
If you purchase a product with a profile, then its price including measurement and installation ranges from 1,900 rubles to 3,000 rubles. When purchasing mesh per linear meter, the cost is about 850 rubles per 1 linear meter. m (width 1400 mm). An aluminum mesh with the same width costs 600 rubles per 1 linear line. m.

There are reinforced models with a modern design, the cost of which can be about 6,000 rubles.

How to choose the right window screen for a cat

When choosing a cat screen for a window, you should consider some important requirements that the product must meet. The fabric must be characterized by increased resistance to point mechanical loads. It should not deform, sag or tear under any influence. It is necessary that the net can easily withstand repeated jumps and movements on it.

A quality product should be easy to install on any type of window, regardless of its material and design features. The canvas must be practical and durable, maintaining its original appearance for many years. The mesh should not interfere with insolation and air flow into the room.

When choosing an “anti-cat” you need to pay attention to the size of the cells

Important! You can attach the mesh to the window frame or make an external structure that will be removed from the double-glazed window.

When choosing an anti-cat mesh, you should pay attention to such product parameters as the material for making the fabric, dimensions, reliability and strength of the fixing elements, mesh size, color of the structure.

Mosquito net on the door: a multifunctional element of room protection

Features and Benefits. Material of manufacture. Varieties of mosquito door designs. Popular manufacturers and pricing policy.

Before purchasing a canvas, you must correctly take the dimensions of the window so that the structure extends beyond its perimeter. When choosing a fabric material, you should be guided not only by your own financial capabilities, but also by the reliability and durability of the product. Polyester mesh has an optimal price-quality ratio. The most reliable and durable design is stainless steel.

Helpful advice! The best option is a black mesh, since this color causes negative emotions in the animal and reluctance to approach an obstacle.

The mesh must be of high quality, not deformed or sag

You should also be aware that some unscrupulous manufacturers may pass off a simple mosquito net as an anti-cat fabric. Here you need to pay attention to how the product looks. The stainless steel blade will look like polished cutlery. It will not be attracted by a magnet. Mesh made of ordinary steel, on the contrary, will be magnetic. Aluminum products have a matte, non-shiny appearance. They are not magnetic. Plastic models will melt when exposed to fire. Different options are shown in the photo of anti-cat nets for plastic windows.

Installation instructions

Most often, owners purchase polyester nets on an aluminum frame with metal brackets for their balcony windows.

To work you will need to prepare the following tools:

  • needle nose pliers;
  • screwdriver and screws 1 cm long;
  • drill;
  • adjustable wrench.

Installation algorithm:

  1. Cut the mesh blank to the required size.

  2. Install metal profile corners onto the frame to secure the structure.
  3. Attach to the frame of the plastic window with self-tapping screws (fixation step 2-3 cells).
  4. Make aluminum plates.
  5. Perform side fastening with obligatory bending.
  6. Make a hole in the central part of the frame.
  7. Screw 2 curved plates on the inner surface.
  8. If necessary, add additional fasteners.

Installation of the finished mesh:

  • prepare the base for installation;
  • attach the frame from the inside;
  • install metal profile corners outside;
  • attach the mosquito to the frame.

If the standard set of fasteners is not enough, then additional fastening methods should be used.

The service life of an anti-cat mosquito net is 10-15 years. During the winter, it can remain on the frame. The product does not require special care. An annual wash with soapy water is sufficient. The fasteners are well preserved without cleaning.

The video will show you how to install and remove an anti-cat mosquito net for a plastic window:

Options for attaching an anti-cat mosquito net to a plastic window

To create a reliable and safe protective barrier for pets, the mesh must be firmly fixed to the window frame. For this, different fastening options are used.

The most popular window screen mounts are paired z-shaped brackets, which can be made of plastic or stainless steel. Plastic options are used mainly when installing conventional mosquito nets. This kind of fastening is not suitable for an “anti-cat”, since it will not provide adequate reliability of the connection, which is not able to withstand the weight of the animal.

Important! Screwing or nailing a honeycomb mesh to a window does not guarantee reliable and safe protection.

The anti-cat mesh should be well fixed on the window

To install an anti-cat with your own hands, metal brackets are an ideal option. Such fasteners withstand any mechanical damage, as well as exposure to moisture and ultraviolet rays. They provide reliable and durable fixation of the cellular fabric. However, despite all the advantages of such a connection, it has one drawback. It will take a lot of effort to remove the mesh. The structure is pulled out by plastic ears, which often break.

Other types of fasteners for fixing the “anti-cat”

You can securely fix the anti-cat mesh on a wooden window or in a metal-plastic frame using a plunger fastening. The plunger is represented by a piston with a spring. The element is mounted in the mesh frame in a pre-created through hole. A counter element, which is a recessed metal sleeve, is attached to the window frame. To install one mesh, it is enough to use four fasteners.

To install the “anti-cat”, two plungers are pressed out and aligned with the corresponding holes. The rods are lowered for fixation. The second pair of plungers is connected in the same way. The disadvantage of this type of fastening is the need to create holes in the window frame and mesh profile.

Helpful advice! In order to improve the insulating properties of a window with an installed mesh, a brush seal is laid along the perimeter of the protective cellular structure.

Most often, z-shaped brackets are used to fix the “anti-cat”

Another type of fastening the mesh to the window is rotary metal hooks, which are hooks that are fixed to the window frame. Such mechanisms are characterized by durability, ease of installation and ease of operation. The mount is often used when installing anti-cat mesh on sliding balcony windows. The disadvantage of this option is that the elements are fixed using a self-tapping screw, which is the axis of their rotation. Even a medium-weight cat can turn such a hook, just hook it with your paw several times.

Anti-cotton reinforced with metal fasteners.

The mesh is installed like a regular m/mesh on metal Z-shaped brackets at the top and bottom. The clamps are attached with two self-tapping screws to the vertical sides of the window frame (in the center) and prevent the mesh from bending when an animal rests on it and from involuntary or intentional removal of the mesh. The appearance and principle of operation of plastic clips differs from metal hooks (described above); they cannot be bent or rotated. Features and disadvantages:
1. Cannot be installed on windows with a 125mm frame (wide frame). 2. At least two imposts are installed on the grid. 3. You should understand that the grid is not a smartphone and you won’t be able to do anything with two fingers. In order to remove and install it, skill is required. However, if removing and installing regular mosquito nets does not cause you any difficulties, then you can handle these easily.

Price. For 6 kg.

Mesh fabric
Includes: measurement + manufacturing + installation
1 PC2 pcs3 pieces or more
PetScreen 1x1450040003500rub/m2
Stainless steel 1x1550050004500rub/m2

Manufacturers, in an effort to reduce the cost of the product, annually deteriorate the quality of components, so this anti-cat net uses non-standard components that increase the reliability of the product. Otherwise, this is the same net as for 6-kilogram kittens. Price. For 10 kg.

Mesh fabric
Includes: measurement + manufacturing + installation
1 PC2 pcs3 pieces or more
PetScreen 1x1490044003900rub/m2
Stainless steel 1x1590054004900rub/m2

+ 600 rub. for each grid, if your glazing system is Provedal or analogues. If the glazing system is different, then the possibility and cost can be stated after the visit or a photo. Brown frame + 250rub/mesh. If the mesh area is less than 1m2, then the cost is equal to 1m2. Delivery:
1. 500-1500 rubles (depending on the size and quantity, address and delivery time) 2. Pickup (you pick it up, we come and install) - 0 rubles.

Which mesh should I choose?

The abundance of options often confuses inexperienced users - they need to choose the most effective and practical mesh, and according to the description, they all have excellent performance qualities. Often the choice falls on nets with a minimum mesh size - it is believed that such canvases are better at stopping dust and insects. This is true, but you need to keep in mind that small cells quickly become clogged and stop allowing enough fresh air inside. In addition, such meshes require frequent and more labor-intensive maintenance.

Expert opinion

Mezentsev Sergey Petrovich

Residential renovation and finishing specialist

Therefore, if there are no particular problems with insects in the region, it is better to use a standard canvas. It copes with its tasks quite well; there is always enough fresh air and light in the room. Moreover, reviews of newfangled nets are strikingly different from advertising promises, and the difference in price becomes an additional argument in favor of a regular mosquito net.

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