Insulation of balconies and loggias with penoplex and penofol

Protection from low temperatures will be provided by insulating the loggia with penoplex and penofol while isolating these open elements of the apartment from the external environment. A loggia or balcony without glazing significantly limits the possibilities of their use in the autumn-winter period due to the ingress of rainwater and snow, which can not only spoil the things and furniture located there, but also cause damage to building structures.

The problem is solved by glazing, which has turned out to be such a popular type of renovation work that many new building projects include such a solution from the very beginning.

Types, advantages and disadvantages of penofol

Three types of penofol, designated by letter indices, are suitable for a balcony or loggia.

Type A has foil on only one side, as a result of which it is most often used in combination with other insulation materials.

Type B is foiled on both sides, which greatly improves its thermal insulation qualities.

Type C is convenient due to the presence of an adhesive layer on one side of the polyethylene foam sheet. This greatly simplifies and speeds up working with the material.

The ALP type is used in agriculture to make greenhouses.

Type NET – industrial penofol.

penofol type K on sale , characterized by the presence of one layer of corrugated foil. The presence of relief makes the material even more effective, especially as part of complex thermal insulation.

All types of this insulation are capable of reflecting 95-97% of heat and maintaining performance in the temperature range from -60 to +100 degrees.

Vapor permeability is very low and does not exceed 0.001 mg/mchPa. Moisture absorption does not exceed 1% in 24 hours when fully immersed. A cubic meter of material weighs from 44 to 74 kg, depending on its type.

More detailed characteristics of penofol can be found in the table:

The main advantages of foil insulation:

  • Fire safety ensured by non-flammable manufacturing materials;
  • Environmental friendliness,
  • High level of noise insulation due to the presence of a layer of foamed polyethylene;
  • Unattractive to insects and rodents;
  • Ease of installation;
  • The thin thickness of the material allows it to be installed in hard-to-reach places and in limited space;
  • Low thermal conductivity (20-25 times less than that of stone wool).

The disadvantages include the following:

  1. Difficulty in fastening. Penofol cannot be nailed down, as this will break the tightness of the material and reduce its heat-saving qualities. Installation is carried out only using staples (with the exception of self-adhesive type C);
  2. Impossibility of installation under wallpaper or as independent external insulation on facades. This disadvantage arises from the low mechanical strength of the material.

Mineral wool

When you hear the words “mineral wool,” what most often comes to mind is an unaesthetic and very prickly insulation material that makes your skin terribly itch. But this concept is more multifaceted, and materials have become more advanced in recent years.

Mineral wool refers to glass wool (the same one that cracks), slag wool (melt of blast furnace slag) and rock wool (molten rock). All these insulation materials are layered. In stores, materials are available in rolls or cassettes.

One of the varieties of mineral wool is Izover - sheets and rolls of high-quality fiberglass.

Insulation of balcony walls with penofol

When insulating internal walls, the following technology is used:

  1. The condition of the electrical wiring is examined and, if necessary, additional electrical insulation is made. The need for this stage arises from the ability of the aluminum penofol layer to conduct electric current;
  2. A lathing is made of wooden slats with a cross-section of 15-20 mm on the wall. It is necessary to provide a distance of 20 mm from the wall surface. The quality of insulation largely depends on the strength of the sheathing, so the dowels for fastening it must be placed no further than 100-150 mm from each other;
  3. The insulation sheets are laid end-to-end on the sheathing and secured with a stapler. Overlaps of material are not allowed, as they will contribute to the concentration of moisture on them. The joint can be sealed with tape and a layer of aluminum foil. The foil should be located on the side of the balcony.
  4. A second layer of wooden sheathing is installed, also with a distance of 20 mm from the insulation. Wall panels or other finishing materials are attached on top of this sheathing.

Scheme for insulating a balcony using penofol.

Video instructions for insulation with penofol and penoplex:

External insulation of a balcony more fully reveals the capabilities of penofol, since in this case the material will additionally protect the balcony walls from precipitation. For these purposes, perforated material is best suited, which will improve the removal of moisture from the wall material.

The sequence of actions here will be as follows:

  • If it has a wooden fence, then it is treated with an antiseptic;
  • Using self-tapping screws, a sheathing of bars with a cross-section of 20 mm is attached at a distance of 20 mm from the fence;
  • Penofol sheets are placed end-to-end;
  • The joints are sealed with aluminum tape;
  • Fix the material with a stapler;
  • The second sheathing is installed with an indentation of 20 mm.

Distinctive features

Despite the fact that both insulation materials have good thermal performance, they differ from each other in many ways:

  1. The scope of application is the first distinguishing feature. As you can see above, penofol is a universal material that can be used almost everywhere, even for insulating or soundproofing cars. Penoplex, on the contrary, is used only for thermal insulation of rooms, roofs, floors and walls. However, penofol is not recommended for use as an independent insulation for external walls.
  2. Technical characteristics are the next distinguishing feature. Unlike penofol, penoplex does not have good vapor barrier properties, therefore it is used only with additional vapor barrier work (if necessary).
  3. Price . Foil insulation is not only universal, but also costs much less. If used correctly, especially if installed in a bathhouse, gazebo, or cottage, you can save significantly not only on the product, but also on installation, which is easy to do with your own hands.

Ceiling insulation with penofol

The process of laying penofol on a baklon ceiling is in many ways similar to laying it on walls. In the same way, first a sheathing is created at a short distance from the ceiling, penofol is attached to it with aluminum inside, after which the outer sheathing is stuffed and the ceiling panels are mounted.

This is achieved by laying a second layer of penofol. Also, the aluminum of the top layer should be on the top side of the soundproofing pie, and the bottom layer should be on the bottom.

The characteristics of penofol make it possible to use it with great success for insulating balconies of any type. Here, material and labor costs will be minimal, and all activities can be carried out independently, even without experience working with penofol.

How to prepare a balcony for thermal insulation

To ensure reliable and high-quality thermal insulation, you need to properly prepare the surface that you plan to insulate with your own hands. All cracks and gaps in the walls of the balcony must be covered with polyurethane foam. Polyurethane foam hermetically and tightly fills voids.

After the foam has hardened, proceed to clean the loggia from dust and dirt, remove the old paint with a spatula. Visible unevenness needs to be leveled; any defects require careful treatment with primer and putty. To ensure that the penofol lays flat, the grooves and bumps are smoothed out.

Penofol goes well with penoplex; polystyrene foam is rarely used. If you want to achieve an ideal result and make your balcony as comfortable as possible for living and relaxing with your own hands, experts recommend fixing two layers of penofol at once.

Step-by-step instructions for insulating a loggia with your own hands

To successfully insulate a balcony with your own hands using penofol, follow these instructions:

  1. Fix the penoplex to the wall using screws with a wide head on one side.
  2. The rolled material is cut and placed next to each other so that the joints coincide in the vertical direction. If necessary, you can move each sheet slightly.
  3. The cracks are treated with polyurethane foam.
  4. When the foam dries, armed with screws, secure the penofol.
  5. If only one side is covered with foil, position the material so that the shiny surface is inside the loggia.
  6. Proceed with the installation of the sheathing on which you need to fix the sheathing material. The best is considered to be a lathing equipped with slats, providing a plane between the penofol and the decorative cladding.

How to properly lay penofol on the balcony floor

To insulate the loggia floor, learn the step-by-step technology:

  1. The material is mounted on a lathing made of high quality wooden planks.
  2. Fragments of foam plastic are fixed between the wooden slats. Moreover, the thickness of the slats should correspond to the thickness of the foam panels.
  3. After the foam is laid, a surface of one level is formed.
  4. To prevent the plane from allowing air to pass through and trap heat, the cracks are filled with foam.
  5. Finally, it was the turn of penofol, depending on the size of the loggia; the dimensions of the material need to be adjusted exactly, and then take 50 cm more.
  6. All that remains is to lay down sheets of plywood, which holds well with screws.
  7. Decorative flooring will give the floor an aesthetic appearance.

Insulating the balcony ceiling

To ensure that penofol stays on the loggia ceiling for a long time, do not forget about the important rules for installing thermal insulation:

  • penofol is first laid in the longitudinal direction;
  • then the transverse layer is fixed;
  • installation involves butt joints, the cracks are carefully treated with polyurethane foam;
  • layer-by-layer fastening involves the use of strips and screws;
  • the slats can be laid evenly with your own hands only using a building level;
  • It’s the turn of the sheathing, do not allow distortions and depressions.

Balcony insulation with penoplex and penofol

To insulate the balcony, a sufficient amount of thermal insulation materials is used. Some of these materials are penofol and penoplex. A special technology for insulating a balcony with penoplex and penofol with your own hands helps to significantly reduce heating costs. Thanks to these insulation materials, even in winter the temperature on the balcony will be comfortable.

1. Penoplex is an extruded polystyrene foam with cells measuring 0.1-0.2 millimeters.

2. This thermal insulation material is produced in the form of slabs. The thickness of the slabs ranges from 20 to 100 millimeters.

3. Penoplex can differ in density, flammability class, and also in the size of the slabs.

4. This material is used not only for insulating balconies, but also for foundations, roofing, and walls. Penoplex is also actively used in transport construction.

5. Thanks to penoplex, you can save a large amount of building materials. Penoplex slabs, which are only 20 millimeters thick, can replace a thirty-centimeter-thick brick wall in terms of thermal insulation. Calculation of penoplex for the balcony should be made before the start of installation of thermal insulation work.

1. Penofol is available in rolls. This insulation is based on sewn polyethylene foam covered with aluminum foil.

2. The thickness of penofol is available from three to ten millimeters.

3. Thanks to the layer of aluminum foil, the heat flow is reflected and stored indoors.

How to insulate a balcony with both penofol and penoplex

Insulation of a balcony with two thermal insulation materials at once is carried out using the following technology:

1. First of all, it is necessary to make a frame on which the thermal insulating foam boards will be attached. The frame is made of wooden beams.

2. After the wooden frame is completely ready, you need to measure the walls and floor to be insulated, and carefully cut the foam boards according to these markings.

3. You can attach penoplex to a wooden frame using disc-shaped dowels, a special adhesive, polyurethane foam or mastic.

4. The joints formed between the foam boards must be carefully taped with aluminum tape.

5. Penofol insulation is spread over the laid penoplex slabs. You need to lay it so that the foil layer is inside the room. You can use staples to attach penofol to the base.

After the insulation of the balcony using thermal insulation materials such as penofol and penolex is completely completed, you can begin decorating the room with decorative materials.


Referring to the above, we can note clear boundaries for the use of building materials. So, if you need to insulate a summer house, a bathhouse, a gazebo, or create a screen for heating devices that will trap heat in the room, feel free to choose penofol. Do not forget that installation is carried out with the foil side facing the energy source, and the ventilation joints ( 2-2.5 mm ) must be sealed with foil tape. The material is also perfect for sound insulation, waterproofing and vapor barrier of roofs, ceilings and floors. For work on external walls, it is better to use penofol as additional protection.

Penoplex will be a good solution for installation where vapor barrier properties are not needed. Otherwise, you should not forget to do additional work. Thermal insulation of external walls, plinths and basements is the most optimal option for using the material. Installation, unlike penofol, is best done with the help of specialists . This will help avoid unpleasant consequences and save money.

Do-it-yourself thermal insulation of the loggia

  • Characteristics of insulation
  • Loggia insulation technology
  • Laying penofol with an inner layer
  • Insulation of floors and ceilings using penofol
  • List of tools and materials

Currently, any apartment or private house needs insulation work. Insulation is one of the most important tasks. Insulation is necessary to maintain an optimal indoor microclimate. Loggias are in direct contact with the outside air, which can contribute to the appearance of drafts and condensation. All this can lead not only to a decrease in the temperature of the house, but also to the development of colds in residents. Very often, in the absence of thermal insulation materials, dust and dirt penetrate into the premises through the loggia, which worsens the sanitary and hygienic living conditions.

Scheme of proper thermal insulation of a balcony.

The insulation of the loggia can be carried out with a variety of materials. Today there is a wide range of insulation materials on the market. The most common of them include mineral wool, polystyrene foam, polystyrene foam, including extruded polystyrene foam, and others. They all have their own area of ​​application. Polyurethane foam is more suitable for thermal insulation of walls, mineral wool - for roofs, and so on. Insulation of the loggia is best done using penofol and penoplex. These are modern building materials. Let us consider in more detail how the insulation of a loggia with penoplex and penofol is organized, how the insulation of a loggia with polystyrene foam differs, the main stages of work, the advantages and disadvantages of these insulation materials.


Referring to the above, we can note clear boundaries for the use of building materials. So, if you need to insulate a summer house, a bathhouse, a gazebo, or create a screen for heating devices that will trap heat in the room, feel free to choose penofol. Do not forget that installation is carried out with the foil side facing the energy source, and the ventilation joints ( 2-2.5 mm ) must be sealed with foil tape. The material is also perfect for sound insulation, waterproofing and vapor barrier of roofs, ceilings and floors. For work on external walls, it is better to use penofol as additional protection.

Penoplex will be a good solution for installation where vapor barrier properties are not needed. Otherwise, you should not forget to do additional work. Thermal insulation of external walls, plinths and basements is the most optimal option for using the material. Installation, unlike penofol, is best done with the help of specialists . This will help avoid unpleasant consequences and save money.

When it comes to choosing insulation for civil or industrial construction, a dilemma often arises. This happens because the modern market is overflowing with offers and choosing truly high-quality and safe material becomes difficult. Each manufacturer insists that its insulation is the best. Below we will look at two modern insulation options.

Characteristics of insulation

Scheme of insulating a balcony with penoplex and penofol.

Before you directly insulate the loggia. you need to remember that this must be done comprehensively, that is, finishing the floor, walls, and ceiling at once. Any thermal insulation must meet some basic requirements: be safe for humans, have a low thermal conductivity coefficient, not change its physical and chemical properties, and be accessible to buyers. Penofol and penoplex insulation technology will reduce the cost of heating an apartment or house. So, penoplex is extruded polystyrene foam. It contains many small cells filled with air, which provides good thermal insulation properties. It is available in the form of slabs of various thicknesses (from 20 to 100 mm). It belongs to materials with average flammability. Can be used to insulate walls and floors.

Penoplex does not absorb moisture, so it does not require additional waterproofing. In addition, penoplex is a lightweight, environmentally friendly and easy to install material. It has low vapor permeability, which is important for interior work. As for penofol, it is available in rolls. It contains a foam filler, covered with aluminum foil on top.

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Distinctive features

Despite the fact that both insulation materials have good thermal performance, they differ from each other in many ways:

  1. The scope of application is the first distinguishing feature. As you can see above, penofol is a universal material that can be used almost everywhere, even for insulating or soundproofing cars. Penoplex, on the contrary, is used only for thermal insulation of rooms, roofs, floors and walls. However, penofol is not recommended for use as an independent insulation for external walls.
  2. Technical characteristics are the next distinguishing feature. Unlike penofol, penoplex does not have good vapor barrier properties, therefore it is used only with additional vapor barrier work (if necessary).
  3. Price . Foil insulation is not only universal, but also costs much less. If used correctly, especially if installed in a bathhouse, gazebo, or cottage, you can save significantly not only on the product, but also on installation, which is easy to do with your own hands.

Loggia insulation technology

Scheme of insulating a balcony from the inside.

The insulation of the loggia, as mentioned above, should cover the walls, floor and ceiling.

Insulation of loggia walls with penofol is carried out as follows. First you need to clear the walls of debris, remove nails and screws, and level the surface.

It should be as level as the floor. If there are cracks or defects, they must be filled with foam.

If necessary, you can use plaster or putty for leveling.

Thermal insulation includes a layer of penoplex, penofol and facing material.

It is recommended to start insulation from the far corner of the loggia. To do this, you need to take a foam board and attach it to the wall. Next, secure it with dowels or glue it. In the first case, you will need to drill at least 5 holes for fastenings in the slab and wall.

Penoplex slabs must be fastened in such a way that the vertical seams do not coincide. The plates have grooves on the sides for tighter adhesion to each other. It is important not to leave any gaps. In most cases, when installing the final slabs, you will have to adjust them. To do this, first measure a section of the wall, and then cut out a slab of the same size. The material can be cut easily with a simple knife.

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So, we have studied in detail the properties, characteristics, manufacturing nuances and cost of two materials for insulating technoplex or penoplex, which is better, it is definitely difficult to say. The situation is approximately the same when answering the question - what is better than penoplex or mineral wool.

The conclusion is that these materials deserve the most attention, and reviews of their effectiveness are more than fair. The insulation materials are almost identical, the difference in parameters is minimal. In some places one material is better, in others it is superior to another insulation.

Another question: are you ready to give that kind of money to insulate your own home? If yes, then you are doing absolutely right. The material will last a long time, reliably and efficiently. As for which insulation material to choose, this is a purely individual question.

It’s worth taking a closer look at the penofol material. Today penofol is used quite actively. At the same time, penofol has weighty arguments in its favor.

Laying penofol with an inner layer

Scheme for insulating a loggia with penofol.

As with floor insulation, in this case you will need penofol. This is the next stage of work. The rolls are laid on foam boards. Before this, you need to carefully seal all the joints. It must be remembered that penofol is placed with foil inside. It is fastened with self-tapping screws. In addition to retaining heat, it serves as a vapor barrier film. The seams are taped with special tape. It is advisable to lay it evenly and not overlapping. After this, installation of the sheathing begins. It is necessary to ensure ventilation of the insulation and to secure the facing layer.

For lathing, it is optimal to use wooden slats with a cross-section of 40 x 20 mm. They are nailed to the surface parallel to the floor, that is, horizontally, at a distance of 40-45 cm from each other. Lastly, they are nailed at the window. Levelness is checked using a building level. If necessary, you can use polystyrene foam when you need to level the surface. By the way, you can also insulate a loggia with polystyrene foam, but this method is more effective. Once the sheathing is ready, you can begin the exterior finishing. For these purposes, lining or plastic panels are suitable.

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Life time

Since foil insulation appeared relatively recently, it is not yet possible to determine the exact expiration date. However, after conducting experiments, we can say that the material does not lose its properties for 200 years.

The service life of the installed insulation depends on the adhesive used. If the adhesive composition has passed its expiration date, then you can re-install it with the same heat insulator.

There are a lot of insulation materials on the construction market. The choice is so wide that the question arises, which is better. To answer, you need to compare the characteristics of the thermal insulation material and the scope of application - street, living room, garage or agricultural building.

Insulation of floors and ceilings using penofol

Scheme for insulating a loggia with penoplex.

Thermal insulation of the floor is an important component of the renovation. The technology is similar to the previous one. First, you need to level the floor surface, remove old baseboards, and so on. Then the sheathing is made from beams. Their height depends on how many layers of insulation are required. The frame is attached, retreating 10 cm from the edge of the wall. The step between the beams is 50-60 cm. The sheathing is fastened with a puncher or hammer. First, drill a hole, insert a dowel and nail a self-tapping screw. At the next stage, the insulation is installed. It is important that the rolls fit tightly together. It is recommended to cut penofol sheets slightly larger than the distance between the beams. This will ensure they fit snugly.

After this, plywood sheets are laid. When attaching them around the entire perimeter, it is necessary to leave a small gap of 1 cm. The sheets are fastened with self-tapping screws every 45 cm. Thermal insulation with penoplex involves a concrete screed with a layer of about 4 cm. Insulation of the ceiling is similar to insulation of the floor. But there are also differences. Here, after laying the first layer of insulation, it needs to be fixed with a wooden strip using self-tapping screws. The slats are taken in length equal to the width of the loggia. The joints are filled with polyurethane foam. The second layer of penofol will be attached with horizontal slats.

Their length is equal to the length of the loggia. That is, you get a kind of lathing of crossed slats. The outer slats are placed at a distance of about 10 cm from the wall, and the third is placed between them. Penofol is overlapped with a margin. Next, the slats are fastened with self-tapping screws in increments of 50 cm. Finally, the ceiling structure, like the floor, is leveled and finished using panels.

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List of tools and materials

Scheme of insulating a balcony from the inside without installing a vapor barrier.

To organize the insulation of the floor, ceiling and walls of the loggia, you need to purchase the necessary tools and raw materials. To insulate the floor, walls and ceiling you will need: a building level, polystyrene foam boards, foam foam rolls, dowels, nails, hammer, screwdriver, drill, tape, polyurethane foam, primer (putty), glue. In addition, facing material (panels) will be required. When insulating a floor with penoplex, sand, crushed stone, water and cement are needed to prepare concrete. To insulate the floor, walls and ceiling of the loggia, you will also need wooden slats with a cross-section of 20 x 40 mm.

Complex insulation of the floor, walls and ceiling of the loggia with penofol and penoplex is the best option.

Polyurethane foam

Polyurethane foam, which is more often called sprayed foam rubber, refers to insulation materials that are gradually leaving the construction market, moving to other industries. Supplied in rolls, layer thickness from 3 cm.

Pros of polyurethane foam

  • Low price.
  • High thermal conductivity coefficient.
  • Ecological cleanliness.
  • Easy installation.

Cons of polyurethane foam

  • Flammability.
  • Destruction when exposed to ultraviolet light.
  • The polymer structure is destroyed by exposure to water and steam.
  • Over time, thermal insulation becomes less effective due to depolymerization.
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