Large plastic windows. Possibilities and rules of decoration

In modern buildings, very large areas are designed from glass. The use of this material in architecture is not limited to the function of transmitting light into rooms; it plays an important role in design, giving the building an attractive appearance.

New technologies make it possible to produce double-glazed windows of very large, even gigantic sizes. Due to their size, such double-glazed windows are called jumbo glass, from the English word jumbo - giant. Large double-glazed windows are used for glazing the facades of modern buildings, shop windows, and the construction of glass partitions in the interiors of shopping centers and offices.

These glasses are distinguished by excellent light transmittance, ideal glossy surface, and durability.

What can be considered large windows?

First of all, it’s worth understanding what the largest plastic windows are and how they differ from ordinary ones. These are considered to be roof windows, the size of which can exceed two meters in width; Panoramic glazing is also considered this type. Designs can differ in shape, be not only rectangular, but also have a more complex design, for example, arched, trapezoidal, triangular, round, have a reverse fold profile and other features that depend on the architecture and design solutions for a particular building.

Safety of floor-to-ceiling windows in country and private houses

When ordering these products, many fear for the safety of their home. To admire the magnificent landscape and feel absolutely safe, you should take care of two things:

anti-burglary fittings

Install reliable anti-burglary fittings, because most intruders try to enter the room by opening the door;

impact-resistant glass unit

Use an impact-resistant glass unit that can withstand not only hooligan antics in the form of a thrown stone or bottle, but also withstand targeted blows for a long time.

What sizes can windows have?

The maximum sizes of plastic windows are not a whim of the manufacturer, but limitations caused by the technical features of the materials used to create them. The size is dictated by the quality of the profile, fittings, and the capabilities of the equipment installed at the plant that produces plastic structures. The limits of PVC windows are determined by engineering calculations and numerous technical tests. In simple terms, if the structure is too large, it will not withstand the load during operation and will quickly fail.

For example, the minimum size of a fixed plastic window is 330x450 mm.

If the structure is equipped with doors, there should be several of them, and the frame will have to be reinforced with additional partitions. The color of the profile also plays a role, since the colored profile is made from a slightly different composition, so for it the maximum value is 3000 mm if the window has a sash, and 2500 mm if fixed glazing is used.

In order to close a large window opening, the size of which significantly exceeds the permissible maximum dimensions of PVC windows , there is a little trick. Several structures that are independent of each other are inserted into it, and then they are connected using a special connection element. In this case, it is necessary to use thermal compensators, since at high temperatures the plastic expands, and at low temperatures it contracts. The joint between the windows will not be visible. In this way, you can get a visually holistic structure consisting of different elements.

If you need to create a structure of great height, you cannot do without jumpers. They will be required so that the mass of the windows located above does not affect the frames located below and does not crush them. In this way, the largest area of ​​​​the plastic window can be achieved, without having to reduce the window opening, but you will have to come to terms with the presence of jumpers. Using frameless glazing allows you to get rid of them. However, it is worth remembering that frameless glazing is not warm, so it is not suitable for windows in a residential area.

If the sashes are reinforced and have a width of 1.5, then their maximum size will be 900 mm in width and 2100 mm in height. If you increase the width to 1200 mm, then the height cannot be more than 1500 mm. The sash area when using such a profile should not be more than 1.8 squares. Reinforcement of 2 mm allows the use of large-sized structures; The maximum size of the sash will be 1000x2300mm. In this case, the transom should not be less than 450 mm, since when opening the sash will have a rather large turning radius, there is a risk that it will cling. The height of the transom should be no more than 1665 mm.


  1. What kind of troubles can you expect from glazing a large area?

Unfortunately, the list is quite long:

  • Significantly more heat is usually lost through a square meter of glazing than through a properly insulated solid wall of the same area. Heat loss will have to be compensated, which will increase heating costs;

Some configurations of double-glazed windows in terms of heat transfer resistance are close to main walls and sometimes even exceed them. I will talk about methods for reducing heat loss through glazing in the corresponding section.

Heat leaks through windows are clearly visible on a thermal imager.

  • In summer, large windows facing the south side of the house turn the living spaces into a greenhouse. Windows to the west and east work the same way, but only for part of the daylight hours. A small house with a significant area of ​​glazing on sunny days turns into a compact branch of hell. The air conditioning system has to deal with overheating, which again means increased operating costs;
  • Insolation on sunny days will also be excessive. The owner of a panoramic window is often forced to keep it tightly curtained for most of the day;

Most of the time you will have to keep the curtains fully or partially closed.

  • What is happening inside your home arouses involuntary interest among passers-by and neighbors. Another argument in favor of curtains or blinds;
  • The significant length of the window opening and its considerable height put forward rather unique requirements for a heating device that creates a thermal curtain in front of the opening. It must have a sufficiently high heat transfer to compensate for heat loss, and be low and long. Of course, radiators of non-standard sizes exist - the market reacts flexibly to demand, but the price of the corresponding heating device relative to the standard one will be inflated.

Installing a non-standard window entails the purchase of non-standard radiators.

Let me refer to my own experience. During the construction of the second floor of my house, huge skylights with a total area of ​​26 square meters were installed.

So, all summer long the light-proof curtains on these windows have to be kept tightly closed: overheating of the attic and excessive light on sunny days are quite annoying. The views of the surrounding area can only be fully enjoyed during cloudy winters.

Didn't you scare me? Have you changed your mind? Then let's move on.

Features of popular brands

The maximum size of a plastic window sash according to GOST is observed by many imported manufacturers, for example, the Rehau company, which produces products in accordance with state standards.

  • If you choose a PVC window, the reinforcement of which is standard, then the maximum possible width of the product will be 900 with a height of 2100 mm. If the height needs to be increased, you can order a structure with an additional partition, above which the blind part of the window will be installed.
  • If the window is arched, it should be taken into account that its radius cannot be less than 300 mm. Many Rehau window models require a minimum of 340 mm. This is explained by the fact that with a smaller radius the strength of the profile is lost and it can bend. The height and width of the arched window is limited to the standard dimensions given above.
  • If the window is triangular in shape, they have their limitations due to the characteristics of the shape. The maximum dimensions are equal to the standard ones, but there are restrictions on the minimum: they should not be less than 450 mm and 600x600 mm per side.
  • If a round window is used, the maximum allowable size will be 680 mm if a five-chamber double-glazed window is used.

According to GOST, the maximum dimensions of plastic window sashes should not exceed 2.5 m2, regardless of shape.

There are restrictions on glass sizes;

  1. Tempered glass (thickness from 10–15 mm). The maximum size of a plastic window is 5900 x 3150 mm.
  2. Triplex on thick, tempered glass (from 13–48 mm). Dimensions 4700 x 2800 mm.
  3. Non-tempered glass (4 mm). Let's say the size is 3400 x 2800 mm.

Limitations in the manufacture of plastic windows and doors

For a fixed window, the maximum permissible and rarely used double-glazed areas are up to 2.4 m2 double-glazed windows with division of chambers

  • 4-10-4-10-4 up to 2.7 m2
  • up to 3.6 m2 6-10-4-8-4 up to 4.0 m2
  • 6-8-4-8-6 up to 4.5 m2 up to 6.0 m2

Typically acceptable (frequently used) areas of double-glazed windows:

  • up to 1.9 m2 4-10-4-10-4 up to 2.2 m2
  • up to 2.9 m2 6-10-4-8-4 up to 3.2 m2
  • up to 4.0 m2 6-8-4-8-6 up to 4.9 m2

It is not recommended to manufacture double-glazed windows with dimensions less than 300x300 mm, as well as with an aspect ratio of 5:1. The heat and sound insulating characteristics of double-glazed windows account for about 70% of the area of ​​the entire window unit, then the thermal insulation of the entire window as a whole largely depends on the heat-insulating properties of the double-glazed window. For effective thermal insulation characteristics of a double-glazed window, low-emissivity K-glass is used, which has the ability to reflect thermal radiation. During the heating season, it “returns” up to 60% of the heat waves emitted by heating devices to the apartment. And in summer it reflects the thermal infrared part of solar radiation. K-glass is a low-e glass coated with metal oxides.

At the intersection of rows and columns, symbol numbers for structures of given height and width dimensions are indicated.

Prices for panoramic glazing of a country house

Product price: RUB 37,350
Product price: 20,970 rub.
Turnkey price: RUB 60,980. Turnkey price: RUB 33,790.

* When calculating prices for panoramic windows for a private home, we took into account the Rehau Blitz profile with double-glazed windows with i-glass (energy-saving) with two chambers and German Roto fittings.

** The price is calculated with a discount.

What should you consider when designing?

In any project, you should not install a window larger than 6 m2 in area, otherwise no factory will be able to produce such a structure, and if it is produced, its quality will not leave much to be desired, and the window will quickly fail. With the maximum possible or generally accepted standard size, your project can be carried out by any manufacturer of plastic windows, and you will not have to experience difficulties with their delivery and installation.

There may be a significant increase in the price of the window, included in the cost of the order, since the manufacturer understands that there is a high probability of damage.

It should be remembered that the larger the window and the thicker its profile, the greater its mass, therefore, when laying out the project, you need to take into account the strength of the walls. For example, for balcony glazing you cannot use profiles that are too heavy, since the load-bearing slab cannot always support it. The maximum size of a PVC window sash weighs about 80 kg, so you need to select fittings that are of sufficient quality and powerful, otherwise they will quickly fail and the sash will become askew.

Panoramic glazing of extensions




Winter gardens

The choice is determined by the further use of the extension:

  • if you plan to use it all year round, you should prefer a warm one using plastic, wooden or aluminum profiles with thermal inserts;
  • if active use is planned only in the summer, preference can be given to cold ones by ordering frameless structures or products made from Provedal aluminum profile or plastic Slidors. The room will be protected from dust, precipitation, wind and insects, but in winter the temperature inside will not differ too much from the outside.

What do large windows look like in the interior?

Before installing a large window, you should think about whether you will be comfortable in a well-lit room and through the windows of which you can clearly see your life. If not, this is not a reason to abandon the idea, since windows can always be ordered with tinting film, curtains, blinds or roller shutters can be used.

The color of the design may vary. It must be selected in accordance with the design of the room: it must be in harmony with it. If the facade is standard and you want to save money, you can order windows whose eraser is colored on one side and white on the other. Strength will not be affected by this. You can also use a large window for the bathroom. Its peculiarity may lie in transparency: from the inside you will be able to see what is happening on the street, but not from the outside, since the surface will be mirrored.

Large windows are quite beautiful, especially if they offer a good view, but before choosing a house design with them, you should think about the operating features and the high cost of the structures.

Large double glazed windows

Such characteristics are inherent in large glasses due to the method of their manufacture. The basis for the production of large double-glazed windows is float glass, which is an alloy of tin and glass. During its production process, hot glass is passed through a layer of molten tin.

After cooling, the glass acquires a perfectly smooth surface, but it is also polished. Showcases made of float glass are durable and allow you to view the goods located behind them without any distortion. This type of glass is used to create the most durable type of double-glazed window - triplex technology.

This technology consists in the fact that two or more glasses are glued together under the influence of high temperatures. A special durable film is placed between the glasses, which guarantees safety when the glass breaks. It is very difficult to break such glass, but even if this happens, the fragments do not fly apart, but remain on the film. This makes float glass an ideal material for creating large double-glazed windows.

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