How to open a plastic window from the outside without damage?

Is it possible to open a plastic window from the street and what is needed for this?

Open the window! > Repair > Is it possible to open a plastic window from the street and what is needed for this

Open the plastic window from the outside

Hello, regular guests and new visitors! This year, the closing day of the mushroom season coincided with my wife and I’s window break-in day.

We came to visit relatives in the village for the weekend, and when we went into the forest to collect mushrooms, we accidentally left the keys in an empty house.

We found out this already upon arrival from the forest. The relatives have strong doors, and it was a pity to spoil them, so they decided to try opening the window.

There are situations when you need to open a plastic window from the outside. For example, the keys were left in the apartment or a child locked you from the inside, but you are not able to call the Ministry of Emergency Situations. From time to time, the owner of the house himself wonders how to open the window from the outside to get inside?

Now I know how to open a plastic window from the street, and I’m sharing useful tips with you further. In this article we will look at various methods on how to open a PVC window from the outside without damaging it.

Open the plastic window from the outside

Modern PVC windows are the dream of all burglars. Such windows are very inferior to old wooden structures, which could be locked from the inside with a latch. Although now various protective devices against thieves have appeared.

  • If you happen to have a screwdriver at hand, you need to press the window sash in the place where the latch is located, and then press the fittings to open the sash.
  • With a ruler or plate, the scheme is slightly different. You need to stick it between the frame and the glass unit, reach the latch, pick it up and pull it down.

Because plastic is flexible enough, this will not be difficult. The window should open. But all these methods are possible in this case if there is no handle with a lock on the window. Then it is unlikely that you will be able to open the window from the outside without the help of others.

But professional thieves manage this task well. Therefore, in order to secure your home, it is better to order and install anti-burglary accessories for standard fittings, which will be able to protect your premises from the penetration of thieves and robbers.

If the hacking is carried out by masters, they will be able to simply get into the house, opening the protective function in the fittings with standard equipment, without leaving any traces.

Therefore, many manufacturers of plastic windows have developed additional protection. This is especially important for those who live on the first and last floors.

As protection, they install a mechanism called a “mushroom trunnion.” The “mushroom pin” is an iron plate that can withstand tensile loads of up to 1.5 tons.

There are also other ways to protect a window from penetration from the outside, which, coupled with “trunnions,” will make the window virtually invulnerable.

When you leave home, do not leave the door open. In this case, all anti-burglary bells and whistles will be useless. When leaving home, you can install the so-called “slit ventilation”.

From the outside, the window looks tightly closed, and even when open, the “trunnions” secured with anti-burglary hooks will not allow you to open it. And with all this, the freshest air comes through the window.

If there are children in the apartment, take care of the hands. Otherwise, you can find yourself on a balcony with a closed window. The handle can be locked with a removable key, or the handle itself can be removable, which is inserted into the rosette hole. This will protect you from closing from the inside.

Try not to forget your keys, and put the highest protection on the window. It is better to think about this in advance, and not after installing plastic windows.

Ways to open a window from the outside

Almost everything happens in life. Sometimes we find ourselves in situations that we never thought existed. Not much more than that, we could not even imagine that we would have to take on their role.

When deciding how to open a plastic window from the outside, it should be noted that in order not to harm the object, it is important to use a special tool.

How can you open a plastic window from the street? Armed with a narrow iron plate or steel ruler, this element must be carefully placed between the frame and the glass unit.

Your next step is to get to the latch of the plastic window. Managed? Then we hook it with the inventory and slowly pull it down.

There is absolutely no difficulty here because plastic is a fairly flexible material that will not withstand metal pressure. The only disadvantage of this method is the likely occurrence of minor scratches and even dents.

How to open a plastic window from the outside with a screwdriver without damaging it. Determine where the latch is located. In that place, use this equipment to try to press the window sash.

You can open it by clicking on the fittings. Then, if everything was done correctly, the sash will open slightly. The next and final step is to turn the locking handle.

Is it possible to open a plastic window from the outside by drilling? It turns out that it is possible, but almost always only burglars resort to this method. If in previous methods the damage to the window was minor scratches, then in this case everything is on a larger scale.

So, by drilling a hole using a pen or the same screwdriver, a window is opened. Naturally, you will still get into the house, but your window structure will be damaged.

We open the window quickly and perfectly, but with damage. If special anti-burglary fittings have not previously been installed on the window and all of the above methods have not been successful, then you can try to uproot the sash with a chisel or crowbar

Ruler, knife or metal strip against PVC window fittings

Plastic structures provide excellent protection from cold and noise, but they will not protect against penetration from the outside. In this regard, PVC windows are inferior to their wooden counterparts, which were difficult to open quietly without breaking the glass. A thin and durable metal strip or ruler will help you unlock the hardware if necessary.

As you advance the flexible ruler, try to engage the latch and move it out of place. If everything works out, the path is clear. This method has less impact on the window structure than squeezing with a screwdriver, so the chances of damaging the mechanisms are minimal

If you carelessly pull a metal strip across the plastic, scratches may appear, but these minor troubles will not ruin your mood when you have the opportunity to return home

Related article: Sink in front of the window in the kitchen

If there is a lock on the window handle, the listed methods will not work; there is a more radical method, but it will partially damage the structure. You will have to use a drill and drill a hole in the area of ​​the locking device.

How to protect yourself from hacking?

How to protect yourself from hacking?

With the right skill, you can open such a window from the outside almost as quickly as from the inside.

Opening a plastic window, as a recognizable character said, “without noise and dust,” is even easier than a wooden one, forensic experts say.

Reverse side of convenience

Opening an ordinary wooden window from the outside without breaking the glass is not so easy, forensic experts say.

Another thing is flexible plastic, which a specialist can quickly “squeeze out” and leave virtually no traces, using an ordinary screwdriver.

There are only a few scratches on the outside of the frame, and not always. The entire hacking operation usually takes a maximum of one or two minutes, but some craftsmen can do it in 5 seconds.

A more difficult method to open such a window is to drill a hole from the outside in order to open it through it with the same screwdriver or another handle. They are used less often. On average, this method takes half a minute.

Reports of burglaries involving the breaking of plastic windows often appear in crime reports across the country. In accordance with statistics from the past year, 21% of all thefts are broken into apartments using this method.

The capital is no exception. In June of this year, a group of thieves intensively “cleaned” apartments in Northern Tushino using this method. According to the press service of the Northwestern Administrative District Department of Internal Affairs, the district police department received seven statements from injured residents.

At the beginning of June, a similar story happened in Troitsk. In a similar way, jewelry worth 150 thousand rubles was stolen from an apartment in one of the houses on Oktyabrsky Prospekt.

Methods of protection

  • The cheapest method is to install additional locking devices. For example, two latches, similar to ordinary windows.
  • The more expensive and reliable method is to install additional anti-burglary fittings on the window, as well as special handles that are blocked when you try to open them from the back.

Naturally, if a thief gets to the window, he can break the glass unit. But it is very noisy and noticeable. Not all burglars dare to do this. And if you protect the glass by gluing a special film, then it will break only after about the eighth blow.

In general, as skeptics say, having “broken off” anti-burglary window fittings, thieves can give a tip to more experienced employees. And they will already be able to get into the apartment, for example, by opening the door lock, which requires more qualifications.

Therefore, if you are worried about your property, it is better not to get by with just additional window protection, but it is best to immediately set the apartment to a security alarm.

The pen is damaged

This problem can be fixed very easily. In closed mode, rotate the mounting plate ninety degrees and unscrew the screws under it. Remove the broken handle and install a new one, securing it with the same bolts.

Let's sum it up

During the operation of a plastic window, a situation may arise where one or another part breaks down. This in no way threatens you with a complete replacement of the structure. First of all, you should find out the cause of the breakdown, and then begin the process of eliminating it. You must clearly know how to properly repair the mechanism, otherwise ignorance can lead to even more serious damage to the window and its complete replacement.


In many modern houses, plastic double-glazed windows are installed: they are of high quality, easy to use and relatively low in price. Sometimes owners encounter the following problem: a plastic window is jammed. It does not open for various reasons, which can often be eliminated without major repairs. You need to know exactly what to do and how to restore the normal functionality of the product.

Tools for opening a window

Tools for opening a window

In some situations, you need to solve the problem of how to open a PVC window from the outside.

And in such a way that it doesn’t appear that the plastic window opened incorrectly. Opening a plastic window yourself is not as difficult as it seems.

Similar cases occur when a child locks an adult from the inside or the keys are forgotten in an apartment (or house).

In this situation, one of the methods of opening a PVC window from the outside will be the introduction of a special object.

There are several methods for opening a plastic window from the outside. This can be done using a narrow iron plate or a steel ruler. You can also use a regular screwdriver.

Hacking a window in 6 seconds. How to protect a window from burglary?

Read more here: Window

"DEFAS" is a device that fully protects the frame.

How to open a plastic window from the outside

This is a fairly fundamental question, because everyone is concerned about their own safety, so you need to know the answer to it.


The sash opens outwards using a screwdriver. If you decide to use a screwdriver to open the window from the outside, then you need to do this in the place where the latch is located.

In other words, press out the plastic window sash. And then open the sash by pressing on the fittings (see the article “Fittings for plastic windows”). Now the sash will open slightly - you can turn the handle of the locking mechanism.


If you have a ruler or a plate, the diagram of a window opening outward will be completely different. So, any of these tools must be placed between the frame and the glass unit, getting to the latch. And then, hook the latch with this object and pull it down.

Using this method, it will not be difficult to open the window, since plastic is a flexible material. As a result of these efforts, the plastic window should open correctly.


Another, but much more complicated way to open a PVC window from the outside is to drill a hole. This is necessary to use a screwdriver or pen to open the window through the drilled hole.

But thieves use a similar method to open windows, since this damages the structure. Opening a window through a drilled hole is not the best method.

And the best way to open a PVC window from the street side is to call the emergency service. And in order to prevent strangers from opening it, use special anti-burglary fittings, for example, the so-called. "mushroom pin".

When does such a need arise?

In fact, there are several reasons when a double-glazed window needs to be opened without a handle. And not all of them are associated with a broken lever.

A window without a handle must be opened in cases where:

  • the lever was removed for safety reasons and lost;
  • the opening mechanism is jammed;
  • the window handle has become unusable;
  • the sash opened simultaneously in two positions.

The skills of opening a window without a handle from the outside can also be useful if the front door is slammed and you need to get home.

Windows opening outwards

There are designs of plastic windows whose sashes open both outward and inward. There are plenty of advantages. There is no need to remove flowers every time you ventilate the room.

And there's no need to worry about annoying insects. You can protect yourself from them using a mosquito net, although this may not always be possible.

In addition, this is a significant saving in space in your room. With a similar window design, you can place furniture flush against the window opening.

To protect such windows from strong gusts of wind, various additional fittings are attached to them, which allow the sashes to be aggressively installed in one or another position.

In terms of their functionality, plastic windows, in which the glass unit opens outward, do not differ from conventional window structures:

  • the doors can have micro-ventilation,
  • be shtulpovy (without a partition in the middle),
  • lean outward
  • have double-sided locking handles, etc.

plastic windows that open outward, just like double-glazed structures, have their own limitations. So, if the installation is carried out in a window opening with a quarter, then such a window should be reduced by this quarter.

Otherwise, the window sash will rest against the quarter and therefore will not open. And if the window opening does not have a quarter, there are no restrictions.

In addition, it is worth considering the fact that to close such a window you will need to lean towards the street through the gap.

If you live above the 1st floor, then this trick is quite unsafe, so windows with double-glazed windows that open outward are best used exclusively in rooms located at low altitudes.

Caring for fittings

It is a mistake to believe that window fittings do not require proper care. If you live by this principle, then in the near future you will encounter problems when a handle or sash gets stuck, or a window does not open or close.

It is advisable to inspect the fittings at least once a year and lubricate them if problems are identified.

For lubrication, you can use special care products for PVC profiles, any machine oils, and special silicone lubricants.

It is prohibited to use vegetable oil or solvent-based products.

Closing mechanism

The door in a modern double-glazed window is locked with a very ordinary latch, similar to those installed on interior doors. It does not serve as a security element.

Then the sash is pressed out, and all you have to do is press the latch for it to open. It takes a little more time to “hacking” using an iron ruler or a plate. It is also inserted into the slot and brought to the latch.

Because the plate is narrow, this is easy to do. Then they pick up the device with a ruler and pull it down. For windows, this method is the least traumatic.

A metal-plastic window is easier to open than an old wooden structure. But if anti-burglary fittings are installed, the question of how to open plastic windows from the outside becomes much more difficult.

Is it possible to do this?

In case of emergency, a PVC window can be opened from the inside without much difficulty; all you need are available tools and skill.

Certain difficulties may arise when opening a PVC structure from the outside ; in some cases, it is impossible to do without the help of specialists and their use of radical measures.
This applies to situations where the double-glazed window is equipped with anti-burglary fittings. Also, if the apartment is not on the first floor of a high-rise building, it will be difficult to open the door yourself and get inside.

Protection methods

Residents of the first and second floors can secure their homes only by installing bars. Otherwise, the following devices are used:

  1. Handles with locks - the mechanism blocks the movement of the latch from the outside. In this case, it is impossible to open the sash even if the glass is broken.
  2. The locking pin is a mushroom-shaped iron plate. Its critical tensile load is up to 1.5 tons.
  3. Armored glass - thieves try to break into windows without attracting attention. But if this is a suburban house located at the end of the street, the noise from broken glass is not a problem.

Window protection cannot be considered complete if ordinary glass, rather than armored glass, is used in the double-glazed window.

Types of locks

The technology for breaking a lock is determined by the peculiarities of its construction and operating principle.

The main types of locks are the following:

  1. The pin cylindrical door lock is the most common, the characteristic feature of which is a key with teeth at the end.
  2. Level (safe) lock – reliable, high security.
  3. Finnish lock (semicircular disk key) - characterized by a high level of secrecy, reliability and the unlikely possibility of hacking, due to the absence of springs in the lock design.
  4. A car lock is often a pin lock, but has a number of burglary features compared to conventional locks.
  5. Padlocks and latches are the simplest mechanisms to construct and use.

Protection classes

Metal-plastic windows have 5 degrees of protection:

A 1 – opens with a screwdriver or ruler. This is a standard design without special fittings.

A 2 – for opening, a crowbar and a set of screwdrivers are used. Hacking time is on average 3 minutes.

A 3 – a crowbar or pry bar will be useful. Autopsy takes more than 5 minutes.

And 4 - here you need to use a saw or drill to drill out the locking mechanisms or frame. Such loud acts will inevitably attract attention.

And 5 - is opened with the same tools, but within 15 minutes.

Preparation for repair

The set of necessary tools is small; all of them can be found in a store or even at home. This is a 4 mm hex wrench and several different sized straight and Phillips screwdrivers. You will also need WD-40 fluid to easily deal with rusted parts if necessary.

To replace accessories, you must first purchase them. An important point: it is best to buy parts and consumables from an official representative of the manufacturer. This ensures that all elements are the correct size and shape. If this is not possible, you need to dismantle the part and go to the store with it. This makes it easier to choose an analogue.

Useful tips

How to strengthen doors and not provoke criminals?

Iron doors are the most reliable

The iron door frame must be welded around the perimeter to iron pins embedded in the wall, the distance between which is less than 700 mm.

The door should swing outwards

Install two locks of different designs (locking and mortise) on the door, at a distance of more than 150 mm from each other, also a personal internal locking bolt and an anti-burglary anchor system.

Mortise lock thickness

The thickness of the mortise lock should not exceed half the thickness of the door; otherwise, additional methods of strengthening the door leaf are required. Installing an expensive lock has less impact on the strength of the door, and in this case it is advisable to use iron plates.

The harder the key, the better the lock. The use of locks with multi-row security mechanisms is better because their security is significantly higher than that of single-row ones.

When placing door hinges on the outside, it is necessary to exclude the possibility of knocking out the axial rods of the hinges. Door hinges must be strong, made of steel. They should be fastened using self-tapping screws.

If you're leaving forever, ask neighbors to pick up mail frequently or sign up for a special mailbox at the post office. Store valuables in a safe deposit box.

In order to simulate presence in the apartment, leave the broadcast receiver on or purchase a special device that turns the lights on and off from time to time, imitates a conversation, or a dog barking.

If possible, install doorbells with your neighbors. If you open the door and there are strangers in the apartment, quickly close the door with the key, leave it in the lock, call the police and notify the neighbors. Don't try to stop them without the help of others!

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