Windows in a wooden house - features of installation and adjustment to the external design (70 photos)

Modern wooden windows are presented in the domestic market with a wide range of models. They differ not only in appearance and cost, but sometimes also have fundamentally different performance characteristics - energy efficiency, durability, level of sound insulation and light transmittance. An unsuccessful purchase can cause quite a lot of problems during operation. In order not to get into an unpleasant situation and not to waste a substantial amount of money, you need to have basic knowledge about the design of bindings, the functional features of fittings and double-glazed windows, as well as the properties of the most popular types of wood. In this article we will explain in detail how to choose quality wooden windows.

Types of windows for a wooden house. Peculiarities

Currently, there are the following types of windows suitable for installation in a wooden house:

  • plastic;
  • metal-plastic;
  • wooden;
  • aluminum;
  • combined.

It is impossible in principle to answer the question of which of these types is definitely better. It is important to consider your own preferences and design considerations.

Wooden windows should be considered the most expensive option. This is the most environmentally friendly option and the undoubted advantage is the use of natural material.

Plastic and metal-plastic double-glazed windows have a number of undoubted advantages, which include their low price, practicality, absolute tightness and a wide range of color shades. Among other things, they are durable and require little maintenance.

The main drawback is the materials used in the window construction itself; how they will fully affect human health is still unknown.

Aluminum and combined windows also have their own advantages, due to the materials used in the construction, such advantages include durability, structural strength, tightness and convenience.

When choosing one type or another, look at photos of windows for a wooden house in advertising brochures, try to imagine how the window will look, how the structure will fit into the overall design and, based on your financial capabilities and subjective perception, make the final decision.

How to choose?

When choosing a wooden Euro window, you should pay attention to the following points:

  • The type of wood, the quality of its processing and paintwork. The most affordable products are made from pine. If you follow the production technology and subsequent proper care, pine windows will last no less than plastic ones. However, if funds allow, it is better to install at least larch . The performance qualities and appearance of this material are noticeably better than those of pine. In addition, hardwoods require less attention; they require re-varnishing much less often, especially on the inside. To minimize the impact of atmospheric factors from the street, you should pay attention to models with aluminum overlays or an additional contour.
  • Characteristics of the installed double-glazed window. The translucent part of the window is the largest in area in the entire structure. Therefore, the level of heat and sound insulation largely depends on it. For residents of apartments located near busy highways, active construction sites, or other sources of noise, it is advisable to select double-glazed windows with different chambers and glass thicknesses.

    Also important is the internal filling of the chambers, for which it is optimal to use an inert gas, such as argon.

  • Quality of fittings. If a window manufacturer claims to use branded fittings, it is worth checking for the presence of marked factory inscriptions on it. The color of the fittings must be uniform (except for specific design solutions). The presence of unnatural pigmentation, darkening or corrosion indicates the use of low-quality materials by the manufacturer. It’s definitely worth testing the doors – there shouldn’t be any play or sagging when opening.

Window installation

During construction, it is important to take into account that the installation of windows has some features, neglect of which can lead to undesirable consequences.

We are talking about the peculiarity of the construction of wooden buildings: as you know, wood shrinks to some extent, and therefore, over time, the geometric dimensions change downwards, which can lead to the appearance of gaps, curvature of the window structure, deformation of the double-glazed window, etc.

To avoid these troubles, take into account the following recommendations:

  • in log houses, window openings must be installed after the main shrinkage of the log house, which requires waiting about a year and a half. The installation should not be carried out immediately - it is impossible to unambiguously calculate the degree of shrinkage, it depends on the moisture content of the wood, environmental conditions, etc.;
  • if you choose a project using laminated veneer lumber, you can install window structures right away - the shrinkage of such a structure will not exceed 2%;
  • When installing window structures, use only sliding joints;
  • directly above the window frame, provide a shrinkage gap of 6-7 cm.

Another important point in the design of a wooden house, and in the context under consideration - in the calculations when installing window frames, is that a wooden building is constantly in some movement. This movement is explained by the properties of the tree, the characteristics and quality of the foundation, as well as other external factors.

This feature must be taken into account at the design stage and directly during the construction process. To solve these problems, the window frame is installed in a special design - a frame. In view of the importance of this element, we will consider its features in more detail.

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Frame brushing and patination

One of the interesting design solutions for decorating the interiors of wooden houses is artificial aging of window frames. The procedure allows you to emphasize the texture of the material, giving it a sophisticated and impressive look. Aging is used in both classic and country interiors.

Patination begins with stripping and sanding. Then the surface is primed and base paint is applied. This can be stain or acrylic coating. A patination composition is applied on top. The most commonly used coatings are black, silver, bronze or gold.

If you want to darken the wood, use a bitumen patina. In order to emphasize the texture - transparent acrylic, oil or wax. The composition can be applied to the entire surface or only individual areas. Then it is coated with varnish, glossy or matte.

Another way to age windows is brushing. It involves removing soft wood fibers to texturize the surface. Brushing is done with a stiff metal brush. Then the surface is lightly ground, removing burrs.

After this, the patination composition is absorbed deeper. You can simply coat the frames with a double layer of varnish. Brushing is used only for processing pine, ash, walnut, oak, larch and cedar.

Features of the pigtail

The frame, as a special structural element, is necessary for any type of window being installed, be it a wooden structure or PVC window. It provides:

  • the impossibility of vertical displacement of log logs in the opening without interfering with the shrinkage of the walls themselves;
  • increases the structural strength of the window opening;
  • the lower part of the pigtail serves as a window sill;
  • ensures subsequent convenience when installing cash;
  • an additional element is created in the insulation system of the entire window opening.

The pigtail can be implemented using two different schemes:
  • On the end part of the logs, after cutting out the window opening, a special groove is selected. A specially prepared timber is mounted into it. This option is suitable for installing wooden windows;
  • The second method involves creating a special tenon at the ends of the window opening, on which the so-called window “carriage” is installed - a special block with a groove.

When creating a frame, you must remember: the vertical height of the installed bars must be less than the height of the window opening by the calculated amount of shrinkage, otherwise you risk lifting the upper crowns of the frame with the appearance of a gap.

Window sills

Even at the window selection stage, they decide what material the window sills will be made of. Window sills made of wood or natural stone are best combined with wooden frames.

Stone window sills are made of marble or granite. The main shades of granite are black, red, gray. It does not absorb dirt or moisture, is resistant to mechanical damage and household chemicals, is not afraid of temperature changes, and is easy to clean. It can be restored and polished. The main disadvantage is the large weight of the slabs, which complicates installation.

The main colors of marble are milky, light gray, pink. It is strong and durable, withstands temperature changes, in winter it is evenly heated by radiators and prevents the formation of condensation on the windows. Due to its porous structure, marble absorbs moisture and dirt. However, it cannot be cleaned with simple detergents. In addition, he is afraid of acids.

You can also use window sills made of cast (artificial) marble. It is cheaper, does not absorb dirt and is absolutely safe.

Wooden window sills are reliable and durable. The best materials for them are cherry, beech, oak, mahogany, and walnut. For harmony, the color and texture of the window sill and window must match. Veneer is often used for this.

Features of installation of plastic double-glazed windows

Plastic windows are very popular and widely used, and therefore we will present some features of their installation in a wooden house.

Installation must be carried out at an ambient temperature of at least minus 10 degrees Celsius. Under no circumstances should you install a plastic double-glazed window without a frame.

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The gap for foaming of the structure must be within the following limits:

  • 4-5 cm at the top;
  • 3-4 cm at the bottom;
  • on the sides - about 2-3 cm.

Use special fasteners during installation. Fixing it through the frame using self-tapping screws results in the window losing its airtightness.

No. 7. Accessories

No matter how high-quality the glass unit and wooden frame are, if poor fittings are used, the structure will not be durable. Since the weight of a double-glazed window is quite high, and some types of wood are especially heavy, the choice of fittings requires special attention.

A window handle can be made of metal, plastic or wood, and its functions are often not limited to just opening, closing and tilting the window. The handle can be supplemented with a lock that prevents the window from opening, but allows it to be tilted - a necessity when there are small children at home who can open the window, the consequences of which can be catastrophic. Removable handles accomplish the same task. Anti-burglary handles equipped with a special locking mechanism protect against entry by outsiders.

As for hinges , they can be standard overhead ones: they are clearly visible, but with a suitable design they become a window decoration. Screw-in hinges are attached to the sash and frame using several pins, providing a secure fit. Mortise hinges are invisible, they allow you to open the window wide and are used more and more often today.

Locks can be used if necessary . They will protect against unauthorized entry or become an additional security feature that does not allow children to freely open the window.

The fittings do not include a mosquito net, window sill and ebb, but these are also important design elements. A mosquito net will protect you from insect attacks in the summer, and in the fall and winter it will become a reliable barrier to poplar fluff, leaves, branches and other debris. Many users do not install flashing, considering it not so necessary, but with it you can maintain the waterproofing of the window for as long as possible.

The effect of "crying" windows

In order to avoid suddenly finding excessive sweat or heavily frozen glass on your windows on winter days, which subsequently begin to thaw and “cry,” certain conditions must be met, namely:

  • Install windows carefully. Think through all the points, carefully consider the installation process;
  • use energy-saving glass;
  • do not forget about ventilating the room;

These are, of course, only the most general tips, but even they will help you avoid unpleasant surprises in the future.

Approximate prices

Frame made of laminated veneer lumber with double-glazed windows (fixed window, without sash):

  • Pine – from 6,000 rubles per m²;
  • Larch - from 8,000 rubles per m²;
  • Oak - 11,000 rubles per m².

Double-leaf German type (one leaf opens):

  • Pine - from 10,000 rubles per m²;
  • Larch – 13,000 rubles per m²;
  • Oak – 18,000 rubles per m².

Wood-aluminum windows:

  • Double doors, oak trim on the inside - from 40,000 rubles per m²;
  • Solid, without doors, oak finishing - from 15,000 rubles per m²;

Finnish windows, made of oak with an external aluminum sash - from 35,000 rubles to 45,000 rubles.

Photo of windows in a wooden house

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Why don't they like PVC in Europe?

It's no secret that in Russia most families prefer to use PVC (plastic) windows. But in Europe this option was abandoned several years ago. The fact is that in the West more attention is paid to the ecology and safety of both the human body and nature. While PVC windows consist of harmful waste and toxic substances, and under the influence of high temperatures (30-40 degrees Celsius) they begin to be released into the environment. In addition, recycling PVC material is problematic from the environmental safety point of view. For the combination of these reasons, almost all European countries refuse to install plastic windows, opting for safer materials, such as wood. By the way, many Europeans believe that a wooden window looks much more aesthetically pleasing.

Where can I install?

In fact, you can install wooden windows anywhere: in a country house, in an apartment, on a balcony, in a gazebo, in a cottage, and so on. Moreover, now wood can be painted in any color, so you can always find a suitable option for the design of the room. In addition, wooden windows have always looked aesthetically pleasing and attractive, especially in private houses and gazebos. But for it to really look cool, you need to install them correctly.

Installation nuances and adjustment

First of all, you need to get rid of old windows. This must be done carefully, because you can cut yourself on both glass and the sharp edge of a wooden structure. In addition, the windows themselves are heavy, so it is advisable to take two or even three of them to the landfill. Then the window opening must be thoroughly cleaned and the surfaces leveled, do not forget to check the level of deviation.

After this, you can proceed directly to the installation of new windows. Spacer blocks can be installed between the wall and the frame, and the opening can be sealed with compression tape or foam. The frame should be secured with screws, the spaces between which should not exceed 60-70 centimeters, otherwise the structure may not support the weight of the window. Do not forget to adjust the sashes, otherwise the double-glazed window will soon become covered with cracks. And only after this you can begin installing the slopes.

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