Window hood: advantages and disadvantages, technical features

The main task of a window fan is to efficiently ventilate the room in which it is installed. Such a small device provides an abundant supply of fresh air from the outside, while simultaneously preventing insects from entering the room. In addition, the device effectively removes stagnant air in the house outside. Today, many varieties of moderate-power household and industrial fans are produced. The latter are distinguished by their considerable dimensions and high productivity.

A household window fan helps maintain optimal humidity in the room and prevents the formation of excessive dampness Source


A conventional window hood is a compact device with low weight. It is installed in a window opening and significantly improves air circulation indoors. Using such a mechanism, it is possible to organize full ventilation of the room and ventilation of individual zones.

A lightweight fan is attached in two ways: on top of a window (wooden, plastic) or replaces a small part of it. Often it is covered with blinds or curtains. The latter open during operation of the device.

This hood operates completely silently and allows you to quickly freshen the air in the room. Its use is considered more hygienic than opening a window, since it prevents dust from entering the room.

Operating principle of the inlet valve

In essence, the supply valve is a gap with dampers in the window structure. The ventilator is part of natural air exchange.

The device works due to the difference between the pressures inside and outside the room. For the “supply unit” to function effectively, it needs effective exhaust ventilation.

In the hot season, to ensure air circulation, you will need to turn on forced ventilation. The hood will speed up the flow of fresh air

Standard equipment for a ventilation valve for plastic windows:

  1. The air intake is the outer part of the device, mounted on the outside of the frame. The inlet unit has an insect screen and a canopy to keep out snow and rain.
  2. A through slot is a telescopic channel through which air flow passes. The element cuts into the window frame.
  3. Internal part - installed from inside the room. The outlet unit is equipped with a nozzle, a flow control valve and a filter.

Outdoor air enters the air intake, moves through a telescopic channel and exits through the nozzles. Then, under the influence of the convective flow from the heating radiator, the air rushes to the ceiling and warms up.

The heated air descends into the living area at some distance from the window, maintaining a comfortable indoor temperature

In general, according to building regulations, the installation of plastic windows in houses that are not equipped with mechanical ventilation must be accompanied by modernization of ventilation. For example, installing a wall supply valve, the features of which we recommend that you familiarize yourself with.

Advantages and disadvantages

One of the main advantages of a modern window fan is its low energy consumption. Among its other advantages it is worth noting:

  • compactness;
  • ability to control work;
  • invisibility on the window;
  • high efficiency (if the power of the device is correctly calculated relative to the area of ​​the room);
  • low noise level;
  • maintaining functionality in any weather;
  • protection against dust penetration into the premises;
  • simple installation and use;
  • affordable price.


  • the need to change the window design: this may subsequently negatively affect the strength of the profiles and the condition of the glass unit;
  • deterioration of visibility from the window, natural light;
  • heat loss cannot be avoided;
  • the incoming air flow cannot be filtered, heated, or cooled.

Attention! Not every glass can withstand a functioning fan. It may lose integrity as a result of exposure to vibration from a motor operating at high speed.

The service life of a window fan is 10-15 years Source

How to make ventilation in a dressing room without a window?

Rooms for storing clothes also need to be equipped with a ventilation system, otherwise things will rot and become saturated with unnecessary odors. Dressing rooms in apartment buildings are often located in the back of the apartment; they do not have windows or access to a common air duct system. For normal circulation, it is necessary to install a supply ventilation duct from any external wall, install a suction mechanism, and a system for cleaning and heating the gas mixture.

It is better to install such a system together with a renovation project for the entire apartment. Air ducts can be hidden above the suspended ceiling, but it will drop by 100 mm or even more. The equipment itself is also quite bulky; it requires a separate electrical line and installation space. If you are deciding how to ventilate a dressing room without a window, it is better to run pipes throughout the apartment and take a more powerful blower. This will ensure access to clean, heated or cooled air to the required temperature in all rooms and reduce heat loss to a minimum. The disadvantages of such an installation are the high cost of equipment and operation and the requirement for space. Not effective for small apartments with low ceilings.

Technical specifications

The average power of a household fan mounted in a window is 20 W. This indicator is quite sufficient to ensure proper air exchange indoors and high-quality air purification. The rotation speed of the blades of such mechanisms is 3 thousand rpm.

The window fan housing is usually made of durable plastic, which is extremely resistant to external atmospheric influences and temperature changes. It tolerates temperatures ranging from -50 to 50° C.

The use of devices with a lid or blinds allows you to avoid large heat losses. When lowering the latter, the device automatically turns off. In order to increase the thermal insulation characteristics, the strips of protective elements are equipped with soft rubber seals: they prevent the formation of cracks.

Other solutions

The market does not stand still, and today new solutions are being offered. For example, there are recuperation systems that immediately, through one hole in the wall, remove exhaust air and supply fresh air. This is an ideal solution if you have taken care of ventilation after renovation or if you need to solve the problem only in some rooms. The main thing is that these rooms have at least one wall facing the street.

There is a device that removes exhaust air through one hole and takes in fresh air. At the same time, it also heats/cools it

There is only one drawback of this method of organizing ventilation in a house or apartment - the price of such equipment. The cost of one such device is more than $400.


Exhaust devices for windows can be axial or centrifugal. The former are highly efficient and ergonomic. This easily explains their widespread use among users. The movement of air masses in such devices occurs along the entire axis of the engine, at the same time the blades form a circle. The latter are considered more powerful; their body is distinguished by considerable dimensions. It is installed indoors. The blades of the centrifugal mechanism are arranged in a spiral, therefore they draw in much more air.

Depending on the location of the blades and air movement, window fans are divided into axial and centrifugal Source

Based on the design and its functional purpose, the following types of window fans are distinguished.


The main purpose of such devices is to eliminate stagnant air and all kinds of foreign odors. They are recommended for use in bathrooms, laboratories, workshops, and also in kitchens. During the operation of such devices, fresh air masses enter from nearby ventilated rooms or through slightly open windows.

The exhaust fan is quite easy to install and does not require maintenance after installation. Source


Installed in premises (working, residential) where there is no need to eliminate polluted air. Their main task is to ensure the flow of air masses from the street. At the same time, they help to increase the pressure in the room, thereby speeding up the extraction of stagnant air through the channels of the ventilation system.

This type of fan is additionally used to cool rooms. It can replace an air conditioner provided the outside temperature is not too high.

It is recommended to install a supply window fan where there is no need for air purification or removal of unpleasant odors Source

Supply and exhaust

Modern reversible fans are convenient multifunctional designs equipped with a powerful electric motor. They simultaneously ensure the removal of polluted air, as well as its renewal. The performance of a certain function directly depends on the direction of movement of the blades. The current operating mode of the device is indicated by case indicators.

The supply and exhaust (reversible) fan operates in two modes: supply and exhaust; usually they change automatically after a certain period of time Source

What kind of ventilation is there?

Natural ventilation occurs due to the difference in pressure between warm air in the room and cold air outside. This method of air exchange is suitable for the winter season. With mechanical ventilation, the pressure difference for air exchange between the street and the room is created by mechanical devices - fans. In both cases, a working hood is required, through which room air is removed, and some kind of device that provides access to street air into the apartment to replace what is being removed. The simplest of these devices is a window sash, but there are also more advanced ones.

Micro-slit ventilation

Microventilation is carried out in the presence of a tilt-and-turn mechanism, with the help of which the sash is fixed in the “micro-ventilation” mode - it is almost completely closed, there is only a small gap between the frame and the sash.

Ventilating windows in this mode has several significant disadvantages:

  • inability to adjust the strength of the air flow;
  • a noticeable drop in room temperature in cold weather in just a couple of hours;
  • the risk of catching a cold in drafts and cold;
  • a sharp decrease in noise insulation.

Supply valves

For controlled air exchange in the rooms, plastic windows with ventilation are installed - a built-in supply valve. If the PVC windows were not equipped with a ventilation system, you can install a supply valve.

The supply ventilation valve consists of two blocks - street and room; they must be mounted in the upper part of the sash from the room side and the upper part of the frame from the street side. To do this, you will have to cut holes in the profile for installation. There are valves in one block, they cut into the frame entirely. It is better to entrust such work to professionals.

In cases where window ventilation is installed with your own hands, it is better to choose a device that operates through sealing contours. A valve of this design is easier to install, since there is no need to cut mounting holes in the profile. The device is installed on the sash from above in the area of ​​the seal, and the corresponding section of the seal is removed. Some models allow you to adjust the intensity of the air flow.

How to choose

When purchasing a household window fan, you need to pay attention to the following important points:

  • Performance. It is selected depending on the size of the room and the intensity of its use.
  • Installation method. First of all, you should find out whether the device is suitable for installation in previously installed windows, whether anyone can do such work.
  • Possibility of adjusting the rotation speed. It is better to purchase a ventilation device that operates at several speeds: the initial one can be used constantly, the maximum one can be used when smoking or cooking.
  • Reversing. Models with it are often installed in kitchens; they cost a little more than “one-sided” models. It is advisable to buy just such a hood.
  • Anti-vibration gasket. Prevents vibration from spreading to the glass, necessary for reversible units.
  • Noise figure. The recommended limit value is 30 dB if the hood is located in a home or office.
  • Control method. Budget devices have only one speed and can be turned on and off. To do this, they are equipped with an ordinary pull cord switch. Expensive fans come with a convenient remote control.
  • The presence of blinds. Such an element prevents cold air masses from entering the room when the fan device is not working. Instead, there may be a damper that needs to be opened and closed manually.

It is additionally important to focus on this parameter: how many times within an hour the air inside the room is completely renewed. According to established standards, this indicator should be: for residential premises - 4-5, bathrooms - 6-9, kitchens - 10.

The more intensively the room space is used, the more often it needs to be refreshed.

Attention! High performance is demonstrated by an axial ventilation device with an extremely simple design.

A ventilation device consists of a propeller, a motor that rotates the blades, and a housing in which they are mounted. Source

Types of window filters

There are several types of window valves, differing in installation method, performance and, accordingly, cost. When choosing a device, you need to take into account the operating features, and it is better to consult with specialists. Below we will list the types of valves to help you understand which device is best to use in your situation.

Seam valves

The most budget option. They got their name because the windows are installed in the narthex, and the air enters through the folds of the profiles. Installation does not require dismantling the window or cutting a special channel, which explains the low price of the device.


  • Convenient installation.
  • There is a possibility of automation.
  • Equipped with humidity sensors.

The only downside is the low productivity – up to 5 m3/hour. This means that there will be little fresh air, you will probably feel it and you will have to open the window additionally for micro-ventilation, losing all the benefits of the valve. Therefore, sometimes 2 valves are installed per window. Otherwise, rebated valves are quite convenient devices that allow for a continuous flow of fresh air.


It can also be installed without dismantling the window. Air enters through a gap up to 16 mm high and up to 400 mm wide. It is either one universal block or two, one of which is located on the street. The outdoor unit is equipped with a filter that prevents the passage of contaminants.


  • Installs without removing the glass unit.
  • Heat and sound insulation is maintained.
  • The throughput capacity above the rebated valve is up to 20 m3/hour.

The possibility of automation is allowed, as well as the installation of a humidity sensor. In general, slot valves are the best option to ensure the flow of fresh air in an apartment, private house or office.

Overhead devices

It is installed on a window profile and therefore cannot be installed on a finished window. In order for the valve to fully perform its function, before installation it is necessary to calculate the width of the profile in which it will stand. Air is supplied along the entire length of the profile, thereby achieving high performance.


  • Equipped with filters that protect against dust penetration.
  • Productivity reaches 100 m3/hour.
  • There is a possibility of installation in a blind window.

The disadvantage of overhead valves is their low noise absorption. Therefore, such models are used where there are no high requirements for noise levels, but a constant flow of large volumes of air is needed - for example, in production.

Installation features

It is not difficult to install a fan in a window yourself; you just need to follow the technology and take into account certain nuances.


  • If you plan to install a reversing device, first of all you should replace plain glass with reinforced glass.
  • Make a hole in the glass sheet for the fan housing, several holes for its secure fastening.
  • Following the instructions, install the device.
  • Connect the connecting cord.

Correct installation of the product is half the success, the rest depends on the correct choice of window hood. Therefore, it is extremely important to carefully familiarize yourself with all available models and choose the best option.

Methods for installing and attaching an exhaust model to a window may vary depending on specific conditions, type of glass and fan parameters Source

DIY ventilation: action plan

To design a ventilation system yourself, you will have to perform a number of actions. It's easier if the sequence is known.

Preparatory work

Collecting information and basic calculations - this is where the independent creation of a ventilation project begins.

  • Calculate the exchange rate in the entire house/apartment. It depends on the volume of the premises (you need to calculate the cubic capacity of each room), their purpose, and the number of residents. According to sanitary standards, the air in residential premises must be changed once per hour, in technical premises (kitchen/bathroom/toilet) - at least three times per hour. There are different standards for boiler houses and they must be taken into account (depending on the type of heating). Adding up all the numbers, we get the required system performance, according to which the cross-section of the exhaust air duct is calculated, and the performance of the ventilation equipment is selected.

    First you need to draw how the air will move - from the inflow to the exhaust

  • Draw a diagram of the movement of air flows. In this case, you immediately have to estimate the position of the supply and exhaust channels.
  • Draw a diagram of the air ducts. No dimensions or details yet, just adhering to the rules and trying to fit into the system without complicating the design too much. This is where everything is complicated, since the air ducts can only be hidden behind a suspended or suspended ceiling. Otherwise they will be open.

Preliminary data is ready. Take some time to think about where and what devices should be located.

Parameter calculations and detailing

When all the issues regarding the scheme have been resolved, it has taken its final form, we proceed to detailing. First, there are also calculations, then you have to look for the components of the system, decide which company to use the equipment and reduce the budget.

  • Calculate the cross-section of the air ducts based on the exchange rate, the volume of the room and the speed of “silent” air movement. Otherwise it will be impossible to live.
  • Add dimensions to the diagram (can be redrawn).
  • Carry out detailing. That is, make a list of necessary system elements indicating the type and cross-section.

    Detailing - a detailed list of all required components with dimensions, performance, speed

  • Calculate the resistance of each section of the system, select fans (according to the operating point in the characteristic, taking into account the obtained system resistance). Take into account the noise level from the fan operation, take measures to reduce it (select a low-noise model).
  • Calculate the cost of system components. Try to combine “cash” with desires. Here you have to change components several times, moving from what you want to what is real.
  • We draw a final design with full detail. We must also remember about the units for the passage of ventilation ducts through the walls/ceiling/roof, consumables and insulating materials, ventilation grilles and diffusers, fasteners and all other “little things” that add up to a decent amount.

Installation and configuration

“All that remains” is to find, buy, install. Little has been written, but it will take a lot of effort, time, and nerves to implement this point. Only after this can we say that the DIY ventilation is completely ready.

But that’s not all. Self-made ventilation must be started and adjusted. This is also not the easiest process to achieve coordinated operation of the system as a whole. Then, during operation, reconfiguration has to be done frequently. When the season changes, the number of residents changes, weather conditions change. In general, adjusting the ventilation system is another responsibility of the home owner.

Such holes on the facade are left by supply valves/recuperators

By the way, we advise you to think about it. Do-it-yourself ventilation (meaning installation) will cost less, but it requires more knowledge and time. Knowledge can be gained, but if there is a lack of time, you will have to look for and hire performers, then accept their work.

Useful tips

When installing a ventilation device with your own hands, it is important to use special connecting elements. They are able to provide reliable fixation and complete sealing of parts. Additionally, it is advisable to use sound-insulating gaskets, which increase the ease of use of the fan.

It is not permissible to install the hood on ordinary glass. It may be damaged if exposed to strong vibration.

The installation of a ventilation device in a plastic window should be carried out during the manufacture of the latter. The manufacturer makes the necessary holes in it in advance for the selected hood model.

Attention! An attempt to independently make an opening for a fan in a double-glazed window most often ends in failure: the structure depressurizes and its valuable thermal insulation properties are lost.

Why window ventilation is important

Proper ventilation in an apartment with plastic windows will ensure:

  • rapid removal of excess moisture that is formed during wet cleaning, cooking, and water procedures;
  • the absence of condensation on double-glazed windows, the spread of mold and mildew, which not only spoil the appearance of slopes, window sills and other structures, forming difficult-to-remove black spots, but also have a detrimental effect on the health of apartment residents.

There is initially no ventilation in PVC windows, since a correctly installed structure, unlike old-style wooden window blocks, is completely sealed. In this regard, manufacturers of translucent structures offer various solutions for constantly supplying fresh air to the room.

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