You've never heard of double-glazed windows of this size before!

Although today window sizes are determined on an individual basis, these parameters cannot be considered completely arbitrary. The dimensions of all structures are regulated by GOSTs, and the standards must be strictly adhered to. Otherwise, there is a high probability of problems arising during operation. That is, it is correct to consider non-standard windows not those structures that are made with disregard of all standards, but products that fully comply with state standards, manufactured for openings with arbitrary dimensions.

What are the restrictions on window sizes?

In most cases, when installing windows in residential premises, their dimensions comply with generally accepted standards, since the openings themselves are initially designed taking into account the standards. Difficulties can arise only when equipping facilities built according to individual projects without the control of supervisory authorities. Since large windows are in fashion today, some property owners are losing their sense of proportion. However, there are boundaries that cannot be crossed:

  • the maximum permissible window area is 6 m²;
  • the maximum possible area of ​​the active leaf is 2.5 m²;
  • the maximum possible height and width of a blind sash is 0.8 m and 0.4 m, respectively.

The designated guidelines are basic and must be adhered to by both designers and property owners. For those who want to go beyond this scope, there are products in the “Jumbo” format. The area of ​​such structures can reach 18 m² - OknaTrade provides a detailed overview on this topic, allowing you to obtain all the basic information about these products.


The most important element of any window remains the double glazed window. It was he who was able to compete with ordinary glass. Sometimes it saturates wooden Euro-windows with the necessary functional abilities. In addition, today double-glazed windows are available in a wide range, and each of the available types differs in its purpose, size and functional properties.

Main types of double-glazed windows.

Single chamber

This product option is used for glazing loggias and balconies. Most often, these are rooms that are not going to be heated. A single-chamber double-glazed window contains 2 glasses. The width of the structure is 32 mm.

The thickness of one glass reaches 4 mm, and the thickness of the frame that is installed between them is 24 mm. You can purchase the structure at a price of 900 rubles per m2.

You can find out about the features of a plastic entrance door with glass here.

Double chamber or double

The double option is one of the most popular. And the reason for this success lies in the fact that it can be applied to a large number of regions. To obtain a universal double-glazed window, traditional M1 glass is used. It can create reliable protection against noise and heat. The design involves 3 stelae, with different types of double-glazed glass thicknesses.

The thickness of the glass reaches 4 mm, and the frame that connects them to each other is installed with a thickness of 12 mm. The main advantages of a double-glazed window with two chambers remain simplicity and accessibility. You can purchase it at a price of 1200 rubles per m2.

All information about entrance doors with glass for a country house is described here.

Heat saving

When using this product, it is possible to retain heat in a poorly heated room for as long as possible. Such double-glazed windows are actively used in private homes, as this is a great opportunity to save on heating the building. The design involves one or more glasses that have a low-emissivity coating.

Thanks to it, the heat transfer resistance increases. Thermal energy is reflected from the special coating into the room, and the sun's rays are able to penetrate into the room unhindered. You can buy the structure at a price of 4,400 rubles per m2.

How to adjust a double-glazed balcony door is described in detail in this material.

With multifunctional glasses

This design option involves the use of solar-protective heat-saving glass. If we compare it with a regular double-glazed window, this one is multifunctional. Glass is able to reflect approximately 61% of the sun's rays, protecting from heat in summer and retaining heat in winter. This is another way to save on heating costs. You can buy it at a price of 1600 rubles per m2.


In the production of this design, impact-resistant and laminated glass – triplex – was used. Thanks to the presence of a protective film placed between the glasses, the strength characteristics of the glass unit increase.

Advantages of impact-resistant glazing.

Anti-vandal design is used to protect residential private houses and ground floor apartments from entry by unauthorized persons. You can buy it at a price of 1900 rubles per m2.

You will also be interested in learning more about plastic windows with a window.


Tinted glass is used, the darkness of which is ensured using a special film. At the same time, the properties of glass are no different from ordinary glass. Tinted double-glazed windows are installed in those houses whose windows face the sunny side.

What you need to consider besides the size of the active sash

When ordering windows, not only the size of the sash plays a role, but also its weight. This figure should not exceed 80 kg - this is the weight most modifications of the fittings are designed for. If the weight of the sash exceeds the limit values, problems may occur during operation of the window:

  • sagging hinges and incorrect closing of the window - the sash clings to the bottom of the frame;
  • premature wear of fittings;
  • possibility of depressurization along the perimeter of the sealing contour;
  • misalignment of the sashes and possible damage to the integrity of the glass unit.

At the same time, the weight is directly influenced not only by the size of the window sash, but also by the type of profile, the presence of reinforcing liners, as well as the number of chambers in the double-glazed window. Since the use of each additional glass increases the weight of the sash, this must be taken into account when designing windows.

Sometimes the area of ​​the doors may exceed 2.5 m² and the weight of 80 kg, but in this case the manufacturer must have confirmation of certified testing of such products.

Dimensions of fixed windows

If the dimensions of fixed windows do not exceed 800x400 mm, then no restrictions are imposed on their use. In all other cases, you must be guided by GOST 23166-99, which states that the installation of any fixed windows in rooms above the first floor is prohibited if their dimensions exceed the maximum permissible values. The only exceptions are openings facing balconies and loggias. As for the possibility of installing blind structures on non-residential properties, issues are considered individually on the basis of design documentation.

Dependence of the number of sashes on the dimensions of the opening

The sizes of plastic windows, even in standard houses, do not match, but a slight discrepancy in dimensions does not have a significant impact when determining the number of sashes. When performing this procedure, follow these recommendations:

  • 2 doors – frame width 1300-1450 mm;
  • 3 doors – frame width 2040-2070 mm.

The opening height usually varies from 1350 mm. up to 1500 mm. If this parameter significantly increases while the width remains the same, it is not recommended to change the optimal number of sashes - just add a transom at the top of the frame. If this element of the window structure is equipped with an active sash, then it is better to immediately equip it with an automatic opening system with an electric drive.

Large and small PVC windows: size restrictions

Residents of city apartments rarely think about installing plastic windows that are too large or too small. They have window openings with very specific dimensions at their disposal, which allow them to deviate from the standard dimensions of PVC windows by only a couple of centimeters. And not for the sake of aesthetics, but for the sake of proper placement of the window structure, increasing its stability, reliability and durability. As for the owners of suburban real estate, the situation here is completely opposite. You can think about installing oversized plastic windows both at the construction stage and during the operation of a country house, extension, or outbuilding. And since people can have a rich imagination, the question involuntarily arises of determining the minimum and maximum permissible sizes of plastic window sashes, as well as double-glazed windows. These are two different points, since double-glazed windows can be installed not only in opening sashes, but also within blind transoms.

Why do we need large sashes and double-glazed windows?

Large sashes, double-glazed windows, and plastic windows in general may be needed by the customer in two cases.

  • Aesthetics. If your window offers a gorgeous view of the surrounding expanses, then with the help of a large translucent area you can fully enjoy the beauty of the landscape. First of all, this applies to the second and third floors of country houses, which rise above the vegetation surrounding the building. However, large double-glazed windows may also be needed in structures such as a veranda or gazebo, where a large translucent area provides a feeling of unity with nature.
  • Filling with light. The larger the sash or glass unit, the more light will penetrate through the plastic window. Accordingly, if there is a need for maximum light filling in the room, the customer looks towards the maximum sizes of translucent window elements.

Why do we need small sashes and double-glazed windows?

  • Thermal protection. Since the window unit is the main source of cold in the room, with a weak or completely absent heat source, it makes sense to significantly limit the translucent area. This move is relevant in utility rooms or non-residential premises, where there is no particular need for a large amount of natural light from the window.
  • Ventilation. In the basement, bathroom, toilet or attic, a small window can serve not as a light-filling window, but as a ventilating one, being a natural source of fresh air when open. However, for the same purpose, you can establish well-organized supply ventilation.
  • Light filling. Surprisingly, a small window is much better than no windows at all in the room. Even at a minimal size, a window unit will still bring natural light into your attic or basement. However, it is worth considering the fact that a window with a small double-glazed window may look unaesthetic or even ridiculous within the framework of a furnished interior. In this case, it is better to use a combination of good ventilation and well-placed artificial lighting.

Minimum dimensions of a plastic window sash

The minimum size of a plastic sash is determined by the technical capabilities of the manufacturer, as well as the ability to integrate the necessary reinforcement and fittings into the limited sash space. As a result, the minimum size of the sash will largely depend on the type of fittings used in the sash. For pivoting sashes, the minimum dimensions can be 40x35 centimeters. In this case, the light opening will be approximately 15x10 centimeters. Smaller sash sizes are limited by the capabilities of the fittings. For tilt-and-turn sashes, the minimum dimensions are 45x40 centimeters. As for transoms, they are made with a minimum size of 50x40 centimeters.

Minimum dimensions of a plastic window glass unit

For double-glazed windows installed within the opening sash, the minimum size has already been specified at 15x10 centimeters. But, we repeat, such sizes will be available to the customer only if the manufacturer has the appropriate technical capabilities. As for the minimum size of a double-glazed window outside the sash, it is usually indicated at the average level of 30x30 centimeters for a fixed window. But manufacturers, as in the previous case, can change these figures in accordance with their own capabilities. It is worth paying attention to the fact that a small plastic window will cost you more than a standard window. This is not due to the consumption of materials, but to the technical difficulties of the production process, as well as increasing labor and time costs.

Maximum dimensions of a plastic window sash

Optimal modular sash sizes

There is another important point - the optimal ratio of the height and width of window structures.
These proportions are regulated by GOST 23166-99 and are recommended for the construction of residential and commercial buildings. It is very easy to decipher information from such a table - all designations are tied to the “M” building module. This value is 100 mm, so all dimensions can be easily calculated by multiplying the numbers from the code by 100. In this case, as can be seen from the table, rounding down or up is allowed.

Possible linear deviations

When producing windows, it is impossible to achieve a match between the dimensions of manufactured structures and the dimensions specified in the technical documentation.
This is due to some errors in the measuring tools that were used at different stages of production, as well as the fact that profiles tend to shrink and expand. The combination of these reasons prompted us to allow small deviations from the dimensions specified in the documentation. According to an excerpt from GOST 23166-99, deviations can be determined in the temperature range from 16 to 24 °C, and information about maximum deviations from nominal values ​​under the overlay and in the vestibule is established individually for specific types of structures.

What do large windows look like in the interior?

Before installing a large window, you should think about whether you will be comfortable in a well-lit room and through the windows of which you can clearly see your life. If not, this is not a reason to abandon the idea, since windows can always be ordered with tinting film, curtains, blinds or roller shutters can be used.

The color of the design may vary. It must be selected in accordance with the design of the room: it must be in harmony with it. If the facade is standard and you want to save money, you can order windows whose eraser is colored on one side and white on the other. Strength will not be affected by this. You can also use a large window for the bathroom. Its peculiarity may lie in transparency: from the inside you will be able to see what is happening on the street, but not from the outside, since the surface will be mirrored.

Large windows are quite beautiful, especially if they offer a good view, but before choosing a house design with them, you should think about the operating features and the high cost of the structures.

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