Rules for the transportation of plastic windows by road

PVC windows belong to the category of fragile goods. They are quite easy to damage during transportation. Incorrect load distribution, lack of proper fixation, inappropriate transport - all this can cause the formation of cracks, scratches, dents, and other defects. To avoid this, it is important to know how to transport plastic windows. This process has many rules, nuances and features.

If you need to load and transport plastic windows, then our company carries out loading and unloading work quickly, efficiently and at an affordable price.

Machines for transporting windows and frame structures with Pyramids

  • Gazelle with Pyramid
  • Pyramid manipulator
  • Flatbed vehicle 5 tons with a pyramid for transporting frames

Even for a large construction company, not to mention budgetary organizations, transporting windows for scheduled repairs of a premises or during the construction of a new one is a certain problem. The transport company CentralTrans provides specially equipped vehicles for the pyramid window transportation service. Transporting windows on pyramids is convenient and safe. With this method of transportation, a large number of structures can be transported. At our disposal:

  • Trucks, vans;
  • Pyramid Delivery Gazelle;
  • Vehicles equipped with special fastenings along the sides, load capacity 1.5 - 20 tons;
  • Vehicles equipped with a pyramid for transporting windows of 1.5 - 5 tons;

Transporting windows (gazelle or van up to 3 tons) is considered the most convenient, as it is the cheapest and most convenient.

Transportation of windows (pyramid) on a special structure is considered safe, due to the unique and at the same time simple system. Vehicles, machines for delivering blocks for openings, can transport plastic windows and various types of glass structures with equal comfort and safety:

  • made of aluminum;
  • made of plastic;
  • made of wood;

Be careful, fragile cargo!

Glass can be called one of the unique and most useful inventions of mankind. Its transparency, resistance to water and aggressive environments, decorativeness and plasticity during processing allow you to create amazingly beautiful interior elements, useful containers, and universal parts. One thing is bad: ordinary glass is a very fragile material. A small force is enough for a smooth surface to become covered with cracks, and a monolithic vessel to become a handful of fragments. But sometimes you have to transport glass things, for example, when moving. How to protect fragile products and yourself during such forced transportation?

There are two options for how to transport windows.

Transportation of goods up to 10 tons in Moscow

The first option is the simplest: if you have the financial opportunity, you can use the transport of the organization where the PVC product order was placed. In this case, the company that undertakes the transportation will be responsible for the integrity of the delivery of plastic windows. If the transported cargo is damaged, the damaged items will be replaced at the expense of the delivery company.

The second option is to ensure the delivery of window structures yourself. To do this, you will need a car designed to transport small loads. The ideal option for such a vehicle would be a Gazelle car. It is with its help that windows are most often delivered to the address. It is worth considering that the cost of renting a Gazelle for a short period of time will not cost the tenant that much.

However, here it is necessary to thoroughly calculate all the upcoming costs - whether such transportation of purchased windows will be economically feasible. You have to choose how best to translate the windows - yourself, or it would be better to use the first delivery option - by the organization.

The fact is that if you need to glaze a fairly large room with windows (an office, for example), then to save money, it would be better to use self-delivery of window products. If the goal is to install windows in an apartment, then the best way to transport cargo is to use either your own or a rented car.

If the choice fell on transporting plastic windows on your own, then, having a vehicle with the appropriate carrying capacity, you can carry out your plans. To do this, it is necessary to equip the car with a so-called “pyramid” - a special device-rack fixed in the body of the car. It is used to transport windows in a vertical position.

“Pyramid” design for transporting plastic windows. Photo.

Its design completely eliminates any movement of the transported cargo, as well as damage due to its friction against the inside of the body. The vertical option of transporting PVC windows is good because when it is implemented, the risk of damage to the double-glazed window is minimal, while transporting windows horizontally increases the likelihood that the delivered structure will sag due to excessive pressure of the material.

Before transporting windows by car, you need to make sure that it is equipped with either an awning or a closed body. This, at first glance, insignificant detail is necessary - compliance with this nuance will allow you to avoid random pebbles getting on the product. In addition, it is necessary to provide for the presence of belts in the body of the car, the task of which is to firmly fix the windows to the “pyramid”.

Fastening windows into a pyramid for transportation

When loading/unloading structures, extreme care should be taken, since glass does not fully possess good strength characteristics. It should also be taken into account that these operations can only be carried out by two people. Having installed the windows in the body on a “pyramid”, they must be thoroughly secured with belts

After this, you should make sure that there is no chance for the load to move spontaneously when the car is moving.

Proper delivery of windows implies adherence to speed limits and a smooth ride, both along the highway and at the beginning and end of maneuvers.

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Options available for transporting glass

How ready-made windows can be delivered was discussed in the previous section, but it also requires transportation of small parts that cannot be tied to the pyramid and immobilized with fasteners. In the case of them, you will have to use alternative transportation methods, about which you should know all the details:

  • • Transportation of sheet glass is carried out by flatbed vehicles equipped with a canvas top. The material is laid one on top of the other and securely fixed so that it does not slide over each other during movement. It is also necessary to ensure a stationary state in the body itself.
  • • Transportation of glass in boxes involves packaging the parts in wooden elements that will protect the contents from any external vibrations. At the same time, the entire internal space is filled with a special soft material that will help the glass survive any shocks during travel. A small number of products are loaded into one box to completely eliminate the possibility of their collision while the vehicle is moving. The containers are transported in metal boxes, which are designed in such a way that they clearly separate cans and bottles from each other. This method is extremely simple and reliable.

There is another method for self-transportation, when the cans are wrapped in newspapers or soft cloth and placed as tightly as possible in the trunk. Then they won't have room to swing, and they won't be able to get beaten up on the road.

How to transport PVC windows correctly

Transportation of wheels and tires throughout Russia

If the dimensions and weight allow the plastic windows to be transported, we proceed to loading the products.

Secondly: inspect the products to see if they are damaged and make sure that the doors are in the closed position. Third: if you transport products in a passenger car using folded seats or a roof rack, first cover the surface with a securing strap and soft material, or clean cardboard

Lay the plastic window horizontally with the hinges at the top, then re-cover it with soft material or clean cardboard. Place and cover the next plastic windows in the same way, starting with the larger product and ending with the smaller one.

Third: if you transport products in a passenger car using folded seats or a roof rack, first cover the surface with a securing strap and soft material, or clean cardboard. Lay the plastic window horizontally with the hinges at the top, then re-cover it with soft material or clean cardboard. Place and cover the next plastic windows in the same way, starting with the larger product and ending with the smaller one.

If you are transporting plastic windows in a car with a professional pyramid, we recommend covering the horizontal surface with any available soft material and, after transporting the product to the car, remove the stand profile (since it can easily be broken during loading, and this is an important element when installing a plastic window). Install the products on the sides of the car evenly by weight. When loading between products, it is necessary to line them with cardboard or soft material.

Fourth: use a fastening belt (preferably a load of about 1000 kg).

In the places where the fastening belts adhere to the profile of plastic windows, especially where there is maximum pressure on the product, lay pieces of cardboard, or any available soft material. When turning the “ratchet”, the main thing is not to overdo it, so that the double-glazed windows do not break during the trip. After you have secured the products to each other (and in the second case, to the pyramid), put the “ratchet” on the safety lock and inspect the car

Be sure to pay attention to the products you are transporting during your trip. Enjoy your journey

Is it possible to transport plastic windows horizontally?

Only if there is one, but you need to take care of reliable protection. Firstly, it must be securely fastened. And secondly, not only below, but also on top there should be sheets of foam; just cardboard, even if it is corrugated, will not be enough.

Our company transports plastic windows throughout the Volgograd region. For this, we have special trucks with equipment, as well as professional loaders. There is no need to worry about the delivery of such delicate cargo. It will not take much time, and the cost of transportation will be suitable for each customer.

Transportation of windows

Transportation of glass and mirrors

For several decades, plastic windows were a novelty in our country. In all houses, both old and newly built (60-70), standard wooden windows with double glazing were installed. Little by little, in the late 80s, Western technologies began to penetrate our country. The first plastic windows were brought from abroad and they cost a lot of money. And those produced by us were quite expensive and were one of the attributes of success. Little by little, window production lines began to appear in Russia, and within 10-15 years, such windows became a common addition to apartments and country houses.


Our company transports windows throughout Moscow and the Moscow region at a high professional level. We transport products made of PVC, wood, aluminum profiles, etc. We have worked out the entire transportation process from ordering a vehicle, precise arrival at the site and careful loading to calculating the distance and unloading windows at the site down to the smallest detail.

Undoubtedly, the first place in delivery is reliable, specialized transport that transports windows and meets the necessary requirements. For example, our company transports glass and double-glazed windows exclusively on specialized gazelles with a metal “pyramid” installed on them. Our company produces such structures independently, in workshops, using special equipment. The average slope of a pyramid for transporting glass sheets is 15-25 degrees. This is the most convenient slope for securely securing transported materials in a truck. In our company, you can order such a car at any time.

It should be taken into account that when transporting windows, you may encounter such troubles as rain, snow, dust, and the release of gravel from under the wheels of passing cars. But most machines that work with glass do not have an upper cover. These are on-board vehicles, most of them gazelles (GAZ-3302). For the convenience of our customers and for the safety of transported items (window blocks, PVC profiles, etc.), we use special tent pyramids. A welded metal structure (for transporting windows) is located inside the awning, 220 cm high. At the same time, the length of the car itself can range from 2.4 to 6 meters. We have a very large fleet of cargo gazelles designed specifically for transporting glass display cases and other products, and we will be happy to place an order for delivery and arrive at your location at the specified time.


If you need to bring a window or a plastic door to a site in Moscow or the Moscow region, you just need to call our company and assign us a task. Our manager will listen kindly and carefully to your wishes, discuss the travel route with you, and determine the required number of movers (if you need them). It is worth noting that window blocks are quite heavy, and when ordering a gazelle or other transport for moving, you need to take their weight into account. Our manager will be happy to calculate all the necessary parameters for you, but for an approximate calculation you need to know that 1 square meter of the most common sheet glass 4 mm is 10 kg. Double-glazed windows come in two and three layers, so the weight of transported windows, even with a small number, can be quite significant.

It is also worth freeing up space in the apartment where the windows will be before installation. They are often left on the walkway and can get damaged in the heat of repair work.


Delivering the ordered glass to the unloading point is only half the task. It needs to be lifted into an apartment or office. Moreover, do this carefully and carefully so that it is not damaged during transportation. For such purposes, almost every new window is provided with special fastenings, on both sides or from the bottom. However, our professional movers who have been involved in transporting and transporting glass for many years always have the proper equipment for such work.

For example, the main working tool when delivering a window is a special glass jack (with suction cups or mechanical). With its help, it is convenient to lift even the heaviest windows. Also, the mandatory set of each of our teams includes a rigging belt for carrying glass and a special frame that is attached to its lower part.

We will be glad if you use our services for the delivery and transportation of glass and glass products (windows, showcases, stained glass, etc.) in Moscow and the cities of the Moscow region (Mytishchi, Korolev, Balashikha, Noginsk, Ivanteevka. Fryazino, Shchelkovo, Elektrostal, Pushkino and others)

We won't let you down.

Important Rules

The main condition for cargo safety is a conscientious attitude to the organization of work, as well as compliance with the speed limit during transportation. In this case, fast movement is not the best assistant when transporting windows.

Before deciding on delivery, you should analyze your capabilities and choose the most profitable method. Saving money on specialists and equipped equipment is not always economically feasible.

To safely and quickly transfer many windows, we recommend contacting our company. We have extensive experience and take each order responsibly, therefore we have earned a positive reputation among clients.

Delivery methods for building structures

Before starting the process, it is necessary to clarify the vehicle’s capabilities, travel conditions, volume and dimensions of cargo, distance and some other features. This will allow you to choose the right way to place building structures in the car.

Experts recommend the following cargo layouts:

  1. One or more windows can be placed horizontally. In this case, the structure must lie on a specially prepared surface, which will eliminate deflections and contact with hard materials that threaten the integrity of glass and plastic.
  2. If there are many windows, it is recommended to transport them in a vertical position. Most often, a special pyramid is used for this purpose. You can design it yourself.
  3. With the help of fastening straps and soft pads that soften impacts, PVC windows can be transported without a pyramid, for example, in a covered van. If they stand on their sides tightly tied and secured, this will protect the structure from damage.

Knowing how to transport PVC windows will eliminate unexpected costs, delays in installation or delivery of window structures.

Transport requirements

  • The vehicle must have a wooden floor to prevent the load from sliding, hooks for securing to the sides and floor of the vehicle, and tightening belts to secure the load.
  • For the transportation of glass, double-glazed windows and translucent structures that are not packed in boxes, a transport pyramid is required. The dimensions of the pyramid must correspond to the products being shipped.
  • To avoid damage to products from precipitation and contamination, they should be transported in covered, covered vehicles.

What is a pyramid

Now let's talk about the design itself, which is called quite simply and obviously. This is a pyramid.

Are any of you familiar with a similar solution? Have you encountered this in practice?

A pyramid is a special rack device that is mounted and fixed in the back of a truck. This solution allows you to transport windows, glass, mirrors, etc. in a horizontal position. Due to its design features, the pyramid eliminates any displacement of the cargo during transportation, as well as damage due to friction against the internal walls of the body. Due to vertical transportation, the risk of damage is minimized. In terms of reliability and safety, this is the best way to deliver a whole set of new windows to the customer.

As you can see, the thing is truly irreplaceable.

The pyramid can have different sizes. This is already influenced by the drawing used during production. By transporting products horizontally, you don’t have to worry that the windows will arrive with defects or damage.

Structurally, pyramids can be divided into removable and stationary.

Stationary ones are installed to the body using bolted connections, which is why dismantling can cause some difficulties. Removable ones are based on special grooves that are inserted into the grooves of the car body.

Product packaging requirements

  • Stacks of glass or stacks of double-glazed windows are secured using strapping tape. When packing in stacks, each layer is laid with corrugated cardboard or cork. A stack of products should not exceed 5 pieces on each side of the pyramid. The final fixation of the stacks on the pyramid is done with stretch film in the horizontal and vertical directions. Products must be supported over the entire plane.
  • To transport glass in boxes, dry shavings are placed at the bottom in a layer of 25-30 mm, the stacks are placed tightly, the gaps between the stacks, as well as between the walls of the box and the stacks, are adjusted. The free space under the box lid is filled with a layer of dry shavings.
  • The packaging must be marked in accordance with GOST 14192-96. The marking contains handling signs (indicators of cargo handling rules), as well as basic (recipient, destination, number of packages), additional (shipper, point of departure, transport organization) and information inscriptions (gross and net weight, overall dimensions).

How to transport PVC windows correctly

If the dimensions and weight allow the plastic windows to be transported, we proceed to loading the products.

Secondly: inspect the products to see if they are damaged and make sure that the doors are in the closed position. Third: if you transport products in a passenger car using folded seats or a roof rack, first cover the surface with a securing strap and soft material, or clean cardboard

Lay the plastic window horizontally with the hinges at the top, then re-cover it with soft material or clean cardboard. Place and cover the next plastic windows in the same way, starting with the larger product and ending with the smaller one.

Third: if you transport products in a passenger car using folded seats or a roof rack, first cover the surface with a securing strap and soft material, or clean cardboard. Lay the plastic window horizontally with the hinges at the top, then re-cover it with soft material or clean cardboard. Place and cover the next plastic windows in the same way, starting with the larger product and ending with the smaller one.

If you are transporting plastic windows in a car with a professional pyramid, we recommend covering the horizontal surface with any available soft material and, after transporting the product to the car, remove the stand profile (since it can easily be broken during loading, and this is an important element when installing a plastic window). Install the products on the sides of the car evenly by weight. When loading between products, it is necessary to line them with cardboard or soft material.

Fourth: use a fastening belt (preferably a load of about 1000 kg).

In the places where the fastening belts adhere to the profile of plastic windows, especially where there is maximum pressure on the product, lay pieces of cardboard, or any available soft material. When turning the “ratchet”, the main thing is not to overdo it, so that the double-glazed windows do not break during the trip. After you have secured the products to each other (and in the second case, to the pyramid), put the “ratchet” on the safety lock and inspect the car

Be sure to pay attention to the products you are transporting during your trip. Enjoy your journey

Having parked the car for convenient unloading of products, we inspect the plastic windows for external damage. Having prepared the car for unloading, we check the dimensions of the products, the entrance door opening, the dimensions of the elevators, and in the case of manual lifting, we inspect the flight of stairs. Having made sure that the products can be easily delivered to the openings, we begin to unpack the plastic windows. If the vehicle is designed specifically for transporting plastic products and has a professional pyramid, one person must stand on board the vehicle and hold the products. Having a special device or a thin nail and pliers, to make it easier to carry the products, you can remove all the existing sashes from the frames (get to the top hinge and place the nail on the latch from above, pressing or hitting the nail a couple of times, the latch will be pressed down and can be picked up with pliers, and remove from the hinge sleeve). Now you can transport products separately. Be sure to prepare material (usually cardboard) in advance in order to lay it in the entrance, in the elevator and near the openings for the products. Having successfully delivered the products to the openings, you can begin installation and preparatory work.

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Delivery methods for building structures

Before starting the process, it is necessary to clarify the vehicle’s capabilities, travel conditions, volume and dimensions of cargo, distance and some other features. This will allow you to choose the right way to place building structures in the car.

Experts recommend the following cargo layouts:

  1. One or more windows can be placed horizontally. In this case, the structure must lie on a specially prepared surface, which will eliminate deflections and contact with hard materials that threaten the integrity of glass and plastic.
  2. If there are many windows, it is recommended to transport them in a vertical position. Most often, a special pyramid is used for this purpose. You can design it yourself.
  3. With the help of fastening straps and soft pads that soften impacts, PVC windows can be transported without a pyramid, for example, in a covered van. If they stand on their sides tightly tied and secured, this will protect the structure from damage.

Knowing how to transport PVC windows will eliminate unexpected costs, delays in installation or delivery of window structures.


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Glass packaging options

Before transportation, products must be wrapped in a protective layer. For greater reliability, packaging is done several times. Previously, they used improvised means: rags, newspapers, a blanket or a towel. Now they can also be used. For example, for manual transportation of cans, dishes or decorative items.

But they are not suitable for large-scale tasks. For packaging large sheets the following are used:

  • bubble wrap;
  • corrugated cardboard;
  • scotch;
  • polyethylene film;
  • metal or plastic fasteners.

Each panel is wrapped in 4-5 layers and secured with adhesive tape. A fabric or other soft lining is also used between them. This solves 2 problems: the sheets are not adjacent to each other, each of them is protected from damage. The structure remains motionless throughout the entire movement.

Important! Before packing window or door panels, all hardware must be removed.

By the way, household products can also be wrapped in the listed materials. For rigid fixation, jars and dishes are placed in boxes. The space between them can be filled with cotton wool, foam rubber or shavings. Windshields and sheet glasses should be transported with their edges protected.

There are two options for how to transport windows.

The first option is the simplest: if you have the financial opportunity, you can use the transport of the organization where the PVC product order was placed. In this case, the company that undertakes the transportation will be responsible for the integrity of the delivery of plastic windows. If the transported cargo is damaged, the damaged items will be replaced at the expense of the delivery company.

The second option is to ensure the delivery of window structures yourself. To do this, you will need a car designed to transport small loads. The ideal option for such a vehicle would be a Gazelle car. It is with its help that windows are most often delivered to the address. It is worth considering that the cost of renting a Gazelle for a short period of time will not cost the tenant that much.

However, here it is necessary to thoroughly calculate all the upcoming costs - whether such transportation of purchased windows will be economically feasible. You have to choose how best to translate the windows - yourself, or it would be better to use the first delivery option - by the organization.

The fact is that if you need to glaze a fairly large room with windows (an office, for example), then to save money, it would be better to use self-delivery of window products. If the goal is to install windows in an apartment, then the best way to transport cargo is to use either your own or a rented car.

If the choice fell on transporting plastic windows on your own, then, having a vehicle with the appropriate carrying capacity, you can carry out your plans. To do this, it is necessary to equip the car with a so-called “pyramid” - a special device-rack, fixed in the body of the car. It is used to transport windows in a vertical position.

“Pyramid” design for transporting plastic windows. Photo.

Its design completely eliminates any movement of the transported cargo, as well as damage due to its friction against the inside of the body. The vertical option of transporting PVC windows is good because when it is implemented, the risk of damage to the double-glazed window is minimal, while transporting windows horizontally increases the likelihood that the delivered structure will sag due to excessive pressure of the material.

Before transporting windows by car, you need to make sure that it is equipped with either an awning or a closed body. This, at first glance, insignificant detail is necessary - compliance with this nuance will allow you to avoid random pebbles getting on the product. In addition, it is necessary to provide for the presence of belts in the body of the car, the task of which is to firmly fix the windows to the “pyramid”.

When loading/unloading structures, extreme care should be taken, since glass does not fully possess good strength characteristics. It should also be taken into account that these operations can only be carried out by two people.

Having installed the windows in the body on a “pyramid”, they must be thoroughly secured with belts. After this, you should make sure that there is no chance for the load to move spontaneously when the car is moving.

Proper delivery of windows implies adherence to speed limits and a smooth ride, both along the highway and at the beginning and end of maneuvers.

There is a wide range of plastic windows available on the modern market. Choosing the optimal model depends on individual needs and is not difficult. After placing an order, the question arises: how to transport plastic windows, ensuring the integrity of the transported cargo? There are several options for solving this problem.

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Typically, manufacturers provide a service for transporting plastic windows. If you have the financial opportunity, you can take advantage of this convenient offer. For transportation, the organization provides special equipment, loaders and an experienced driver. The company guarantees the safety and integrity of the transported cargo. If a PVC window is damaged, the cost of replacing it is borne by the organization delivering the windows.


Many people are interested in whether it is possible to transport windows on their own without damaging them during transportation. This is possible, but for this you need to find a suitable vehicle. Transportation in a car or on the roof rack will not ensure the safety of the glass unit.

Your own or rented truck designed for transporting small-sized cargo is suitable. The best option is the Gazelle car, ideal for this purpose. The cost of renting it for a short period of time is relatively inexpensive.


When transporting double-glazed windows on your own, you use transport of appropriate carrying capacity. To ensure the safety of your windows, fragile cargo must be transported correctly. To do this, you need to take into account a number of important nuances:

  • Before transportation, a special device is installed in the body - a “pyramid”. It allows you to transport windows in a vertical position, eliminating their movement and scratching on the car body. Transporting horizontally may cause the profile to bend.
  • The windows must be fastened to the “pyramid” using special belts. Having secured the windows, you need to check the reliability of the fastening - the load should not move when the car is moving.
  • The car must have a closed body or awning. This will protect the glass units from dust and stones. Transportation in an open trailer does not guarantee the safety of the cargo.
  • One window can be transported without a pyramid. It can be transported lying down, while being securely secured. A sheet of foam plastic is laid on the bottom and top of the glass unit.
  • Metal-plastic windows should be transported at low speed. While driving, when starting or braking, you must avoid sudden jolts.
  • A special approach is required for loading and unloading plastic windows. A glass unit without a frame requires careful handling due to the inherent fragility of the product.

When choosing a transportation method, it is recommended to proceed from economic feasibility. Calculate how profitable a particular type of transportation will be.

The problem of transporting plastic windows

It is not worth transporting plastic windows without any experience, as this can lead to dire consequences. Therefore, it is better to entrust such work to specialists. There are some nuances and difficulties here that you need to know about.

1. You will have to deal with glass, which is fragile.

2. Double-glazed windows may become depressurized if transported incorrectly.

3. Transportation either in a car trailer or on the roof rack will not give a positive result.

4. Such windows differ in their weight, so loaders will definitely be required.

To transport such cargo you will definitely need special transport.

At the same time, you should not lose sight of the condition of the roads. This is especially true when windows have to be delivered outside the city, and partly along a dirt road. Firstly, due to potholes and pits, a homemade mount may not withstand the load. And secondly, there are a lot of pebbles on the road, which often fly out from under the wheels of vehicles. And what happens if such a pebble hits the glass of a window? Even tempered glass can suffer from such a blow.

Recommendations for transporting glass products

There are no regulations as such for the transport of glass, only that precautions must be adequate and sufficient to ensure the integrity of the product throughout its journey. So the seller himself can decide how it will be more convenient for him to deliver the goods to their destination. But if it crashes on the way, you will have to compensate for all losses from your own pocket, so it is better not to skimp on safety, especially since you don’t need to spend a lot of money to ensure it.

Do it yourself

If necessary or if you really want to, you can make a pyramid with your own hands. Moreover, it is not at all necessary to have a Gazelle at your disposal.

There is an option to transport a metal-plastic window without a pyramid.

A regular passenger trailer is suitable for these purposes. Only the structure will be transported horizontally.

Often a layer of foam is laid. Thin fabric may not cope with the task.

But I’ll still briefly tell you how to weld and assemble a pyramid for a regular trailer. I won’t say that making it is very simple, but if you have certain skills, you will succeed. The process is like this:

  • decide on the dimensions based on the dimensions of your trailer;
  • make your own drawing indicating all dimensions;
  • the frame is made on the basis of a profile pipe, and the substrate is made of wooden boards;
  • According to the drawing, the pipe is cut, boards are cut;
  • the frame is welded using a welding method at a slight slope;
  • additionally, spacers are used to increase the rigidity of the structure;
  • the boards are mounted on the frame using self-tapping screws or bolted connections;
  • The windows are laid on the boards themselves and secured with straps.

At the same time, do not forget about the rules for towing a trailer with a car.

You get an A-shaped rack-frame with additional jumpers.

In fact, nothing particularly complicated. But is there a need to manufacture such a structure, if one-time delivery of windows is provided, is an open question.

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Transportation of Glass

Transportation of glass on the pyramid is carried out in the same way as window frames. The only difference is in the packaging, protective edge, and the presence of devices for loading and unloading glass from the pyramid. We have a Gazelle-pyramid, 3.5-ton machines with a pyramid, trucks for large quantities of glass, glass containers.

At your service:

  • Glass delivery
  • Gazelle and pyramid for transportation around the region
  • Glass delivery throughout Russia
  • machine with a pyramid for short distances, with loaders
  • Delivery for repairs and construction
  • Removal of old ones after dismantling

We believe that the window transport pyramid is more suitable for retail orders. Loading and unloading is faster; when one frame is removed from the car, the remaining windows remain in place. The design of the pyramid allows you to transport several large frames for display cases, distributes the load on the chassis, and prevents the loaded machine with the pyramid from tipping over. If you need a window machine, which you can order from our company, then contact us. To transport double-glazed windows placed horizontally in the body, it is necessary to remove the glass, or ensure a rigid frame and careful movement from production without shaking or bending, so that the glass does not crack.

Trailer tent for a car: possible options

  • Before transportation, a pyramid is installed in the body;
  • The products are fixed to the pyramid itself using special belts;
  • Be sure to check that these fasteners are secure before shipping. The load must not move;
  • It is desirable that the body be closed or have a protective awning. This is an additional protection measure for transported products;
  • Keep your driving speed low. Try not to make sudden jerks and braking;
  • Follow safety guidelines when unloading.

In terms of requirements for compliance with safety rules, this is no less responsible than loading and unloading a car from a trailer for passenger cars intended for transporting cars.

What is the best way to transport double-glazed windows?

Schematic drawing of the “Pyramid” for transporting double-glazed windows by car.

To successfully complete this operation, you will need a Gazelle car or similar. If there is a need for frequent transportation of double-glazed windows, you can think about purchasing a vehicle; even a “used” option will do. When organizing one-time transportation, the best solution would be to rent a car. Today, the most reliable way to transport double-glazed windows is considered to be a structure called a “pyramid” - a rack device mounted in the body of a car and specially designed for reliable transportation of windows in a vertical position.

It is worth noting that even when traveling on bad roads, for which the entire post-Soviet space is famous, the device for transporting “pyramid” windows has proven itself to be the best: in addition to its fairly large capacity, it does not have such phenomena as deflection and movement of the transported cargo. Thus, the chances of damage to transported double-glazed windows due to their friction against the inner surface of the body are reduced to zero.

Transportation of fragile goods: rules and recommendations

When organizing transportation, great attention should be paid to proper packaging of the goods. There are the most common types of packaging for fragile products:

  • wrapping paper;
  • cardboard;
  • Styrofoam;
  • foam;
  • air bubble film;
  • polystyrene granules;
  • air foam - sealant.

Standard technology involves individual packaging, placement in containers, filling the internal space with shock-absorbing materials to avoid movement and shaking of goods during transportation.

Traditional materials - paper and bubble wrap are needed for packaging individual items; corrugated cardboard boxes are used to accommodate individually packaged items. Foam plastic cut along the contour is used as a shock-absorbing spacer between the goods, or, less commonly, foam rubber; the voids between the goods are filled with cardboard, polystyrene granules or special foam. High-quality packaging protects the cargo from adverse effects during transit - dust, moisture, temperature changes.

Successful transportation of fragile cargo requires correct labeling, which determines the attitude towards the cargo at all stages of its journey.

There are special drawings, designations of the specifics of the product, warning signs - “caution”, “do not throw” and others. The top of the container must be marked to prevent the product from turning over

Special attention to fragile cargo is required during loading and unloading operations. Here it is difficult to overestimate the importance of the professionalism of the workers, the accuracy and slowness of the process itself

Important attention is paid to the placement of cargo in the vehicle, its correct fixation, and the absence of voids between the boxes. The driver is required to impeccably adhere to the speed limit and smooth movement, good knowledge of the route and features of the road surface

How to pack flat glass elements?

Let's take the classic move of an average apartment. Here are the glass doors from the sideboard, here is the large mirror from the bathroom, here is the “alpine pile” of dishes and rare granny crystal.

How to properly pack glass when moving? What should I pack in what? You will have to decide on the spot, based on the packaging materials at hand:

  • Mirrors, framed or unframed, with or without a rigid wooden backing, are wrapped in a layer of bubble wrap, then a layer of corrugated cardboard and another layer of regular plastic film. Each layer should be secured with tape.
  • To be sure, the mirror and glass surface of flat furniture elements should be glued with masking tape - this will prevent cracks, clouding and other troubles.
  • Then the flat fragments are placed in a stack of 4 pieces, trying to select options that are similar in size.
  • Each stack should be tightly wrapped with tape to prevent the layers from moving relative to each other. The hills must be laid in layers with thick cardboard.
  • It is easier to hide small glass things in home textiles, in any of the suitable boxes. It is advisable to make a note that there are glass items inside.

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Methods for transporting windows

In general, a trailer and a cargo platform for cars are irreplaceable things in modern conditions.

Using the same trailer, you can transport motorcycles, transport snowmobiles, plus do not forget about special boat trailers aimed at delivering various types of watercraft.

But today we are talking a little about something else. Although here too, trailers show their wide capabilities. There are 2 ways to deliver windows.

But when choosing the optimal method, you should first make calculations.

Trying to do everything on your own is not always financially more profitable.

In such a procedure as transporting windows, the pyramid plays an indispensable role.

Main advantages

I’ll say a few more words about the benefits you get by choosing a pyramid to solve your problem of delivering a set of windows.

There are several main advantages:

  • The transportation process is optimized. In production, pyramids stand in workshops and are filled with cargo, after which they are immediately sent to customers;
  • Accelerated unloading. Since many trucks use removable pyramids, they can be removed from the body by a crane, left at the site, and the truck will go for the next batch;
  • The versatility of the truck. Even if the pyramid is stationary, it allows you to transport not only windows. If the structure is removable, if necessary, a Gazelle or other truck can be used to solve completely different problems;
  • Safety. The most important plus, since it was precisely due to the safety and careful treatment of windows that the pyramids gained such wide popularity.

As you can see, sometimes a thing is truly irreplaceable.

All companies and stores involved in the production and sale of metal-plastic, glass and mirrors must have at their disposal a truck with a platform on which the pyramid is installed.

Transportation of glass by car: main nuances

Very often, motorists say that it is better to transport glass in the passenger compartment, since they are placed on a soft surface. However, this statement is incorrect for two reasons:

  • glass is a breakable load that creates a huge danger in an accident. Moreover, even a minor accident can lead to serious injuries due to fragments;
  • It is better to transport sheets of glass vertically, since vibrations in the machine cannot be avoided. At a speed of more than 20 km/h, the glass is most likely to break. There are ways to lay products horizontally, but they are not suitable for transportation in the cabin.

Important Rules

The main condition for cargo safety is a conscientious attitude to the organization of work, as well as compliance with the speed limit during transportation. In this case, fast movement is not the best assistant when transporting windows.

Before deciding on delivery, you should analyze your capabilities and choose the most profitable method. Saving money on specialists and equipped equipment is not always economically feasible.

To safely and quickly transfer many windows, we recommend contacting our company. We have extensive experience and take each order responsibly, therefore we have earned a positive reputation among clients.

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