How to Make a Smart Doorbell with Notifications on iPhone


It all started when we bought a wireless doorbell.
It consists of a button and a separate battery-powered speaker. After some time, we noticed that the speaker was periodically ringing on its own. The last time my husband, returning from work, began to ring the doorbell, but the batteries in our speaker ran out and he was silent like a captured partisan, but the husband still heard the bell, but somewhere below the floors, he noticed that when he pressed the bell button, the melody was heard from the neighbors downstairs. He opened the door with his keys and called me wildly, then pressed the button again. On the 3rd floor, a melody began to play, the door opened, a dissatisfied man came out, not finding anyone on the landing, and disappeared into his apartment. As it turned out, the neighbors 2 floors below bought exactly the same bell. The range of the button signal was large enough that when our button or theirs was pressed, the speaker would simultaneously work for both us and our neighbors.

During our “experiment,” we annoyed our neighbor so much that he stupidly removed his button. But we have our own)) and until he removes the batteries from his speaker, it will continue to be triggered by our button. Ideal crime.

No duplicates found

I had it more interesting. neighbors also bought such calls. BUT!! when the neighbor on the left presses the button, the bell rings in both apartments, left and right. And when the neighbor on the right presses his button, the call is only his, on the right)

I don’t know how it ended with them, I went out onto the site, listened to their chime, got drunk and left.

I acted even more villainously: during the renovation, I threw out all the wires from the bell in the apartment, and left the button itself outside.

Yes, I confess, sometimes I look through the peephole as all sorts of agitators listen, trying to hear the bell)

Button with hub

The easiest way to implement a smart call in the Xiaomi ecosystem, and, if necessary, transfer it to Apple’s HomeKit, is to combine the hub with a regular wireless button.

The hub can already be used to connect ZigBee devices or to transmit commands between ZigBee and Wi-Fi gadgets. The hub in this scenario will act as a speaker through which we will hear the call.

If there are several hubs in your house, then you should choose the one that will be most audible from all rooms. Don't choose a hub in the kitchen or back room.

A smart socket like Aqara, which can also play a sound when receiving a signal from a button or switch, can also act as a hub.

The setup algorithm is as follows:

1. We connect the wireless button to the desired hub in the house via the Mi Home application or reconnect the already paired button.

2. Go to the Doorbell section and in the Doorbell Trigger menu, select the connected button.

3. Now you can select a ringtone and adjust its volume on the hub.

All that remains is to place a wireless button instead of a regular bell near the front door and use such a combination. It is better to mount the button not with the supplied double-sided tape, but with a screw through the back cover into the wall.

If you are worried that someone might rip or steal the button, you can disassemble it and connect it to the contacts coming from the old bell already in the apartment. I talked in detail about the connection diagram and pinout in the Aqara button in this article.

In any case, this method is the most universal and economical solution.

▸ Aqara hub with integration into HomeKit – from RUB 2,601.

▸ Aqara hub without HomeKit support – from RUB 1,522.

▸ Aqara button – from 523 rub.

Vital's grandfather

And here are some more stories from neighbors.

Back in 2008, we moved with my wife (then still future) to St. Petersburg. We moved just in the golden autumn, and fell madly in love with this city.

And everything would have been fine, but we moved into a rented room in a two-room communal apartment (Udelnaya metro station).

Vital’s old grandfather was a neighbor.

It was harmful, it made my teeth hurt.

One day my wife and I went for a walk. We walked around St. Petersburg in the evening and returned not so late... around 9 pm. I open the lock, pull the door - and screw you. The door is on a chain. I called the crap - zero results. There is silence at home. I'm trying to pry off the chain - the same heck to you - the chain is old, St. Petersburg-hardened, can't be picked up. After an hour of ringing and knocking on the door, the drunken grandfather crawled to the door and somehow opened it. When he saw a fist near his nose, he vowed not to do that again.

And what do you think? Right. The next evening, history repeats itself.

Yes, your neighbor really cares. I sat all evening thinking about how to wean my grandfather off. Beating an old man is out of character. Conversations are empty.

And then it dawned on me!

The whole next day, my wife and I loudly discussed how we would go and look at the drawbridges (hi Peter, they start opening from 12 at night onwards), we discussed it VERY LOUDLY!

In the evening, my wife went for a walk with her friends, I walked her to the door, took off one ring of the chain with pliers, closed the door and sat on tiptoe in the room. He hid, like a lynx in ambush. It was quiet for about 5 minutes... I saw slippers shuffling... a familiar groaning sound was heard.

Grandfather walked up to the door, looked back at our room - the light was off, silence... He took the chain and tried to throw it on the door... to no avail. He takes a sip of vodka... tries again... At this time I’m trying not to laugh, covering my mouth with my fist... After 5-10 minutes of time and countless phrases like: “Oh, fuck...” from my grandfather, I still laughed out loud. Grandfather, of course, was “offended” by us. I reminded him once again that there is no need to lock yourself away when we are not at home, or at least not to get drunk. Grandfather never touched the chain again.

P.S. I installed a new chain, normal in length.

P.P.S. Grandfather turned out to be not so harmful, except for the fact that he periodically cooked salted herring in a saucepan, which caused the stench to linger for three days.

Red tail

From the series of stories “The Boring Stories of Nael Grachevski”

I once dyed my hair bright red. I went outside, and there my neighbor from the fifth floor was sitting on a bench. We had never really talked to him before, but then he suddenly says:

- How are you? How are you doing? Sit down. I'll tell you something.

I sat down next to him, a little surprised, and began to listen.

— There lived in our yard a red-haired boy named Valentin. He was then about 12-13 years old. Everyone laughed at him. And how can you help but laugh, not only is he red-haired and freckled, with the eternal rhyme that swirls in his tongue “killed grandfather with a shovel,” but also his girl’s name is Valya. A complete joke, not a boy. He was never offended by jokes, he was a joker himself and did not mince his words. He was a terrible hooligan, an unbearable tomboy and joker. Of course, he didn’t do anything serious, but my mother blushed for him more than once. He was always at the center of events and commotion, and more often than not he was the cause of this commotion.

His parents were educated, busy people, both academicians and careerists. His mother taught at the university, his father often went on business trips abroad. His grandparents lived in another city, and the boy needed a nanny. But as soon as Valya grew up, it became much more difficult to find a nanny, and they didn’t stay long, no one could cope with such a fidget. The parents were very worried that they could not find a permanent worker, at least for a couple of months, and not for two days.

At that time, a new girl appeared in our yard; she had recently moved from some distant village. It was hard not to notice her: tall, curvy, and most interestingly, with red hair like a carrot! Her name was Lenka. She was looking for a job, but couldn’t find a job. And so the neighbors, kind people, hiding their laughter, invited her to become a nanny for Valentin. Before she had time to reach her employers, the whole yard was already laughing at such a red-haired duet. Although - well, honestly! -What's so funny about that?

She was hired, but she couldn’t cope with Valya’s antics, but she didn’t give up. Lenka followed on his heels, not leaving him for a second, and was menacingly silent, not allowing him to commit mischief. Of course, this persecution irritated Valya very much, because he could not perform his eccentricities to the fullest.

One day he turned to her in front of all the people and shouted:

- Well, why are you following me around, huh? Well? Damn, I'm attached... like a red tail!

Now Lenka was never called anything other than “red tail”. They teased the guys for many years. They teased them kindly, in fact they were treated very well, with love.

The neighbor fell silent, and I asked:

- Good story. Why did you tell it to me?

“So this,” he chuckled, “so you won’t be upset that your hair was dyed red.”

Reply to the post "Neighbor"

My aunt, my mother’s sister, was such a neighbor. This aunt decided that she definitely needed to live next door to her sister so that... (she gave many reasons). Auntie asks us (me, my brother and sister) to come visit them at least sometimes, otherwise her daughter is bored alone at home, and she will look after us since she was a housewife, and our mother went to work. We didn’t really need this supervision, but my mother asked that her request be granted. At some point, it seemed to me that my aunt went crazy. Although I don’t rule out a cunning plan. At first she asked my mother to give her my daughter (my little sister), saying that it’s hard for you to raise the three of them alone. When the mother refused her request, the aunt ran to the guardianship with a complaint, allegedly her sister could not cope, the children were always with her, neighbors will confirm, and in general it is she who is raising these children. She offered the eldest (me) to the orphanage (I was 12 years old at that time), the middle one to the grandparents, and she would take the daughter. It’s good that at least adequate people worked in the guardianship at that time. And her uncle (her husband) was then sitting quite well on the grass and he absolutely didn’t care what was going on behind the clouds of smoke.

Can not argue with that

You’re sitting at home like this, on the ninth, highest floor in our house, watching a TV series, in the evening, the doorbell rings, a neighbor runs in.

- You've clogged my drain again!

- Well, you live above everyone else!

- AND WHAT! What floor are you from, madam?

- So if you have a clogged sewer on the sixth floor, it means there is a blockage somewhere below the floor.

- Oh, that's it! Lots of smart guys! I took you for a pencil, tygydyn, tygydyn, tygydyn.

I can’t understand what it was.


I lived my whole life with my grandmother. It was the end of the 90s, the beginning of the 00s. We bought an old house “cheaply”. The house was 4 apartments, one-story, probably like a barracks. Everyone had their own courtyard, and everyone did what they wanted with this courtyard. And we had a neighbor. She had a small vegetable garden and a couple of greenhouses, and she always “treated” my brother and me with her vegetables, carrots, cucumbers, and other little things. and always said: eat, kids, take in vitamins, you will be strong and healthy. And then it turned out that she complained to her grandmother that we begged her for these damn vegetables. Grandma, of course, didn’t believe her, because she had known her for a long time, and all her oddities were familiar to her, but she asked not to take anything else from her.

On the topic of inappropriate neighbors

After reading stories about inappropriate neighbors, I decided to share my own.

It all started back in 2008. My friend’s sister and her mother rented a small but cozy apartment in a new building, and at that time they paid about 4k for pennies (5 minutes from the center of Kazan). Everything would be fine, but there was no luck with the neighbors. A woman of about 40 lived next door behind the wall. Constant drinking and orgies in her apartment were common. One day, even the neighbors from above came and started accusing my mother of her friends for these same orgies, until they realized that it was the neighbor’s fault. They lived like this for 4 years until they moved out and my friend moved there. So what? You can tolerate the screams and moans, fortunately the housing is cheap, at that time I was already paying about 6k. But even here he was disappointed. Another resident appeared in the neighbor’s apartment - her son, a criminal, who just sat back and apparently realized that he was now the owner of the entrance. My friend suffered so much, but student life did not provide the opportunity to rent better housing, because approximately the same apartment, even further from the center, cost 1.5-2 times more. At that time I myself was not aware of all these stories. And one day I had the opportunity to work in Kazan for a good salary, but I still needed to earn money to rent an apartment, so I asked a friend to stay for a week until I received a payment from my previous place of work and found an apartment. To which the friend said that he now lives alone and offered to rent an apartment together. On the same day I went to see him, in the evening we sat and drank beer, then a friend warned about his neighbor that he was allegedly violent and inadequate. I didn’t pay much attention to this, I thought, ok, we’ll call the cops a couple of times, it’ll be like silk. How wrong I was. After a week of my stay there at night at 2 o’clock the doorbell rang. Through the peephole I see a stoned bastard with an ax, yelling something unintelligible. OK. I called the police, they say so and so, come and calm down, otherwise they might kill you. Zero reaction. In the morning we check, the bell was burned, the peephole was hit with an ax, and it was broken. Well, at least I didn’t touch the door. In the morning the local police officer (U) comes.

(U) - Complaint about you, being noisy at night. (Me) - Okay? from whom? (U) - Yes, from the neighbors to the left. (the same neighbor) (Me) - So it was he who broke in on me at night, yours never arrived. And he threatened me with an ax, broke the peephole and the bell. (U) - Well, these are trifles, no one will initiate a case. So don't even think about writing anything. Now, if he were to break your door with an ax, that would be a different matter, but a bell with a peephole definitely doesn’t reach 1,000 rubles. (Me) - Well, what should we do?

(U) - Write an explanation why you made noise. Damn circus. I wrote and realized that there was no point in calling the police again. A week later, another neighbor on the right looked in and suggested installing a common door and separating himself from the neighbor on the left. It seems like for the first few weeks we didn’t hear anything from them, but then a neighbor put a camera in the entrance, and that’s when it all started. You leave the apartment and call the elevator. Runs out:

- What are you doing here? Why are you looking at the camera? Do you want to hug me? (Me) - Fuck you, you gave in to me, I’m waiting for the elevator.

(C) - Why are you waiting? Who is he, where is he from? (Me) - I live here. (I'm leaving by elevator)

A week later the situation repeats itself. In plain text I say fuck you. We are still living peacefully. Then I return from work, his mother’s body lies covered in urine (blue evil).

Six months later I eventually moved. And a couple of years ago I saw a post in one of the Kazan groups about how there is an inadequate neighbor in Kazan and a photo of that same freak.

Now, after so many years, I think there were so many ways to avoid all this, but young is green, as they say.

A wireless doorbell with no battery in the button.

Good day to all! A little over a year ago I talked about wireless calling. The comments expressed doubts about powering the transmitter button from a 12 volt battery. The bell still works well to this day and only recently the batteries in the receiver needed to be replaced. Today we are reviewing another wireless call, but one that works without batteries. The receiver is powered by a 220-volt network, and the transmitter button does not depend on external sources or batteries at all - it has a built-in unit that generates electric current when the button is pressed. Details under the cut. In addition to these qualities, the call allows you to select one of 38 melodies and set one of three signal volume levels. Additionally, there is a light indication that operates in parallel with the sound signal. Slightly corrected specification from the product page: “Manufacturer: CACAZI; Waterproof: IP44; Power: AC100-220V (receiver), autonomous power supply (button); Signal reception distance from the button: 120 m in open space; Operating radio frequency: 433 MHz; Ring volume adjustment: 3 levels (can be disabled); Power consumption: 820 mW (receiver); Dimensions: 80 × 60 × 47 mm (receiver), 79 × 44 × 33 mm (button); Ringtone: 38 ringtones; Color: white (ABS); Operating temperature range: receiver -10 ~ +40C, transmitter -40 ~ +60C Plug: EU / US.”

There are some inaccuracies in the specification and I will definitely mention them. Against the indicated overall dimensions 80 × 60 × 47 mm (receiver), 79 × 44 × 33 mm (button), the actual overall dimensions coincide with those stated in the illustration from the product page in the store.

The call is delivered in an unsightly cardboard box without any print, with only brief technical information.

The entire kit consists of a receiver, a button-transmitter, a button mount, instructions, a pair of screws, double-sided tape and a sticker asking you to ring the bell).

In the instructions, in addition to describing the bell operation algorithm and installation methods, the manufacturer included information about other receiver models.

To preserve the presentation during transportation, a film was glued to the front side of the receiver and transmitter to protect it from minor scratches. In appearance, we can say that they did not skimp on the injection molds and the cases look decent, there are no traces of burnt marks or other misunderstandings. It is made carefully and will not be embarrassing.

The button here is quite large, which is due to the presence of an “autonomous power plant”. This is what I wanted to get to first, but first a few words about attaching the button. In this version of the bell, a special mount is first attached to a wall, door or other vertical surface, and the bell button is then placed on it along the guides. The tabs (top and bottom) on the back of the button extend beyond the steps/teeth in the guide grooves and removing the button becomes a difficult task. Of course, everything can be uprooted, but the calculation is made to prevent accidental removal of the button, and anti-vandal structures do not always save you from thieves/hooligans. In addition to the option of fastening with self-tapping screws, there is also the option of fastening with double-sided tape, which is of course less reliable, but also less labor-intensive.

The button is easy to disassemble; you just need to use a wide flat screwdriver to pry off the back wall, which is secured with latches to the button body. The “power plant” and transmitter electronics are mounted on the back cover.

How it works? By pressing the button, we press on the metal tongue in the center of the composition. It, together with a spring-loaded plastic “horseshoe”, goes down with a soft click and most likely, during the reverse stroke, a current is generated, which is quite enough to generate a signal and transmit it on the air. The board contains a converter and transmitter on the CMT2150L chip, which allows you to build a transmitter with data encoding at ultra-low power consumption with switching up to 6 buttons. Thin tracks along the edge of the board are an antenna. On the bottom side there is only a quartz resonator.

But they didn’t worry about moisture protection well - there are no seals and it’s better to install the button outside of direct access to precipitation - in the entrance, under a canopy, etc. Even the indicated IP44 remains questionable to me, as well as the differences in the board design.

Now let's take a closer look at the receiver. The plug is installed in Europe, but another option is possible, which will be specified when placing an order. The contacts are slightly bent towards each other for better fixation in the socket.

On the front side, a speaker is hidden at the top behind the slots, a melodies selection button is at the bottom left, and a volume control button is on the right. The decorative red insert also serves as a light filter - an LED is hidden inside, duplicating the sound signal with its glow.

Unlike the button body, the receiver body is held together with self-tapping screws. Inside we find two boards installed with a sandwich.

On the bottom side, the most prominent parts are the MB10F rectifier bridge and a certain SXD077A chip, the datasheet for which could not be found on the Internet. I dare to suggest that melodies are stitched into it and an audio amplifier is organized (wires from the speaker, paths from the buttons lead to it).

On the top board there is a receiver on the CMT2210A chip and a certain TDH6303A chip.

The quality of the boards is quite normal, the flux is traditionally not washed off in places. And in the final part about how the call works. Despite the stated range of 120 meters in open space, stable communication remained within 55-60 steps. The reason is apparently in the changes made to the transmitter board - in the illustrations from the product page there is an antenna in the form of a spring on the board, but in fact the board is different and there is no such antenna. At the entrance of an apartment building, reception remained confident at a distance of three floors. The neighbors who had other wireless calls did not open their doors during the experiment, therefore, the observed call (or rather its transmitter) did not disturb their receiver calls. During two weeks of testing, there were also no false positives from other people’s transmitter buttons. The call can play 38 melodies. Here is the usual ding-dong and “Moscow Evenings”, “To Eliza” and “If only there were no winter”, “Katyusha”, “Antique clock”, “Come visit us” (Visiting a fairy tale), “Is it your fault me?”, “Antoshka” and much more, well recognizable. The sound quality is not Hi-End, but also not the hoarse-stuttering sound of cheap toys from the market. Melodies are selected by briefly pressing the selection button. The selected melody will sound each time you press the button until the power is turned off (or you plug the receiver into another outlet). After this, you will have to select the melody you like again. There is another mode - a mode where each time you press the button, a different melody will sound. To install it, you need to hold down the melodies selection button for three seconds - the speaker will play the pic-pic sound and after that the call will notify visitors with the next melody - an element of novelty, however). I did not find a complete mute. And finally, about power consumption. In the standby state, the wattmeter did not record the power consumption of the receiver. Of course, there is electricity consumption, but it is so insignificant that the device does not record it. At maximum volume, the receiver consumes 0.3 W.

As a result, the disadvantages include the lack of accuracy of the specification, issues with moisture protection and the range of communication between the button and the base. Otherwise, it’s a pretty good doorbell with a decent appearance, a large selection of melodies, minimal power consumption and does not require replacing the batteries in the button. Those who have a large home or need to install a bell not only in the house, but also in the yard or garage, can purchase the same bell, but with two receivers.

The product was provided for writing a review by the store. The review was published in accordance with clause 18 of the Site Rules.

Wireless doorbell, is it worth buying?

Posts: 1,352

Need a house call. There are two options: a) normal, but then you will need to stretch the wire through two doors and run it along the wall, which is ugly; b) wireless, inexpensive - from 150 rubles, but how it works is unknown.

Does anyone have experience using a wireless bell, is it worth buying one and, if so, from which company? How long do the batteries last? And if the neighbor has the same one, will the call go to both apartments?

Posts: 4 529 From: By the rivers of Bavel

The neighbors have one, some kind of Chinese. It’s been working for a year now, they don’t complain.

Messages: 11,677

in Jurata there is a large selection of such calls, both with one button and with two and a bunch of melodies and with one “ringing”. Available only with batteries, available with power supply from 220 V.

Messages: 6,067 From: Reutov

Posts: 1,352

So how long do the batteries on the bell button and on the base last, if it has a battery?

Post edited by Jevys

— Apr 3 2007, 11:17

Messages: 681 From: Cheboksary

Messages: 3,131 From: Cheboksary - districts

bought in Jurata it works only the batteries run out quickly, better IMHO from 220 W

Posts: 1,352

Posts: 2,612

It works for 1.5 years without replacing the battery! Chinese infection, bought at the market for 120 rubles.

Rarely (once every 3 months) it malfunctions - it rings on its own, or someone in the next entrance also plugged it in.

Messages: 488 From: Cheboksary

I had it for 2 years, the battery was not changed, the base was 220V. In winter, when it’s -20 outside and it’s cold in the entrance, sometimes it triggered on its own

Messages: 1,413 From: Cheboksary

There is also a danger that they will steal the button - it’s beautiful and it has a transmitter. I have it at my dacha. The button on the gate is a bell in the house. Everything is battery powered. It takes very far, 300-400 meters. Never glitched. Chinese. The price - I don’t remember - a penny. The battery in the bell lasted 1.5 years, and I change the battery in the button 2 times over the summer - 12 v. I remove the button from the gate when I’m not living. In general, it doesn’t matter how the bell itself is powered, but supply power to the button - why then buy a wireless one? The only thing I'm not happy with is the lifespan of the batteries in the button.

Messages: 488 From: Cheboksary

Sometimes he got this, after 10 unauthorized calls in 30 minutes, this happened 2 or 3 times in 2 winters

Posts: 4,451

No. By the way, why will it ring from the cold?

Kerui M525 wireless doorbell: battery-free call button

Today's review will be devoted to a gadget that no house or apartment can do without. Namely, a wireless doorbell, for which there is no need to drill walls or run wires to the gate. From the Kerui company, which not only offers home security systems, but also various useful household gadgets.

There are quite a lot of call options - CHECK OUT PRICES


  • Packaging and equipment
  • Button
  • Call
  • Entrails
  • Video review
  • Total

Packaging and equipment

The call is delivered in an unremarkable box without identifying marks of the brand or product name.

The equipment may differ, as there are versions with two buttons or, on the contrary, two “bells”, there are versions with batteries, and there are those that do not require a battery. There are also fully waterproof buttons for installation in a private home. We will consider the option for indoor installation. The package includes a reset button, a bell with a European plug, adhesive tape for mounting the button and instructions. The instructions tell us that there are 52 different melodies, 5 volume levels, and that the device has a memory, since after the light goes out the selected melody will not be lost. I don’t recommend throwing it away, since the call supports the ability to connect up to 20 wireless buttons, and you can set your own melody for each of them.

Double-sided tape allows you to secure the bell button in any convenient place.


On the call button at the top there is the Kerui logo and the call button itself.

The back is smooth for attaching tape, but if possible, I would attach it with screws directly through the plastic.

The downside of this button is the lack of moisture protection, here the protocol is IP55, while the versions with batteries already have IP65. But this button does not require batteries, since a piezoelectric element is used to send an impulse to the “brains” of the transmitter, which operates at a frequency of 433 MHz.

The bell button is quite massive, its dimensions are 48 by 21 and 84 mm.

To disassemble the button, you need to unscrew 1 screw in the back. Immediately we see a simple design consisting of a piezoelectric element, a coil, a transmitter and a fairly large antenna. According to the manufacturer, the range can reach 150-180 meters.

I installed the bell on the first floor, through one wall and a fence, and decided to check the range. Judging by Google maps, the call also worked at a distance of 180 meters. But the second time, it worked perfectly at 150 meters. 1 click = 1 operation.

The button is pressed with sufficient force and a good click. It works 10 times out of 10, there are no misfires.


The call itself has a fairly simple design. Moreover, it will most likely not be possible to immediately identify a call in it the first time. At the top there are two buttons for controlling volume and melodies, and in the center there is an LED indicating operation.

The plug is European, but the seller has different options. The contacts are placed slightly at an angle to prevent the bell from falling out of the socket.

The bell itself is quite thin and does not stand out particularly well in a socket.

Consumption is 0, and at the moment of operation 0.2 -0.3 W.

The kit is ready to use, nothing needs to be paired. You just need to choose a melody and set the desired volume. The volume is adjusted with the left key in the direction “loud – quieter – silent – ​​quieter – louder – silent”. This is quite convenient, since you can switch from maximum volume to silent mode and back with just one click. When using silent mode, the bell will only flash its LED.

Unfortunately, if you remove the bell from the socket, it will not remember the volume status; the memory only applies to the melody.

To add a new button, we need to hold the volume button for more than 5 seconds until the LED turns green. After that, press the button. After the bell makes two short beeps and blinks twice, everything is fine. If there is only one beep, the button has already been added. After this, you can hold down the volume and melody selection buttons and assign the pre-selected melody to this button.

The call has quite a lot of melodies, from dog barking to classics. I think everyone will find something for themselves.


Inside the bell there is a fairly loud speaker, two “normal” buttons and receiver antennas. I was pleased to have a 500 mA CMD fuse.

Soldering is normal.

Video review


Overall, an excellent option for both an apartment and a private house. The disadvantages include the lack of moisture protection, but even in a private house, you can create a small canopy over the button on the gate, and disassemble the button itself and “plant” it on silicone. This is better than changing rather expensive 12 Volt batteries in the cold once every couple of months. For a private house, you can generally provide an option with two buttons, one for the door, the second for the gate, and assign different melodies so that you can understand your own from the site, or neighbors for matches =) In general, for your money this is an excellent solution when there is no possibility or desire to run wiring to a button or simply drill into a wall. There are no false alarms, button response is 10 out of 10, melodies memory and quick installation of silent mode are good advantages for this device. I can recommend it for purchase.

Wireless doorbell

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  • 13 November 2022, 05:51
  • kirogaz
  • 13 November 2022, 06:03
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  • 13 November 2022, 06:10
  • UKN
  • 13 November 2022, 15:00
  • ploop
  • November 13, 2022, 10:30

people have a standard action: if, after pressing the bell button, they hear nothing, then the bell is not working and they need to knock on the door

The action is quite logical, because on such calls the reception

The module's batteries often die. Although you can’t notice this by any sign, it either works as usual or it doesn’t.

Sometimes I call myself and they don’t open it, although I know that my wife is at home (the door is locked from the inside). I listen - silence. Great, let's dig in.

The call is the same, only bought offline about five years ago.

Setting up a smart call

In its simplest form, the smart call settings look like this: press the button - the Hub should turn on the melody.
But this is how a regular call works, and we need to provide for various subtleties:

  1. Regardless of whether the button is pressed once, twice, or held without releasing, our switch should play the melody to the end, and not cut it off and start over with each press.
  2. We don't want to be disturbed after 21:00 - at this hour, the switch should go into silent mode and only send messages to the smartphone. If the sound is turned off on the smartphone, the message will not bother us. In the morning, at 8:00 the call should return to normal operation.
  3. When we turn on the TV, the doorbell should also work in silent mode.

What to do if the wireless call does not work?

Almost every modern apartment or house has a bell. The most budget-friendly devices are those made in China, which include a block and a button. They do not require the use of wires, which makes their installation easy, which anyone can handle.

The button is installed outdoors and secured with double-sided tape to any convenient place - a fence, gate or wicket. The block itself is mounted directly in the room. It is important to read the instructions, which indicate the maximum distance that will facilitate normal operation.

Attention! Sometimes a problem arises that the device does not work. It also happens that he calls on his own. This may be the result of poor-quality equipment, installation problems, or simple wear and tear. It is important to understand the design of the equipment and correct the current situation.

Smart push-button call

If you don’t have a hub from Xioami or Aqara and don’t plan to buy one, you can get a hotel gadget. In the future, such a call will be seamlessly integrated into the Mi Home ecosystem.

Please note that there are two versions of this gadget: with and without a Wi-Fi module. The difference in cost is small; the basic version cannot connect to Mi Home.

The call consists of an external unit with a button and an internal speaker for receiving calls. The speaker is installed in a socket in any convenient place and will act as a bell.

The button does not require batteries; the kinetic mechanism ensures signal transmission when pressed.

You can attach the button as in the previous case with screws or tape.

The volume on the indoor unit is immediately adjusted and you can select a ringtone. There are five levels from soft to loud and 36 preset ringtones. This is convenient because you don’t need to launch the application to change parameters.

▸ Xiaomi push-button bell – from RUB 1,080.

It is included in the kit?

A standard wireless device includes:

  • door bell;
  • remote control;
  • screws (2 pcs.);
  • battery (12V).

The wireless doorbell can also be equipped with an LED indicator, which is especially useful for people with hearing loss. It is triggered along with the playback of the melody when the button is pressed. You can make such an indicator yourself. It will also come in handy during night visits, in low light conditions. In general, when pressing, a light or color indicator will simply be a beautiful addition.

The wireless call has several dozen melodies, so choosing the right one will not be difficult. It is worth giving preference to one that does not hurt the ears and does not cause any discomfort. Why? To exclude subsequent substitutions.

Wireless model diagram

Frequent breakdowns

These devices often break down, the reasons for the breakdowns vary. Among the main ones are the following:

  • contact closure on the microcircuit board;
  • sudden temperature change outside;
  • low battery charge, which is not enough to transmit the signal.

But often the main problem is the device’s weak signal or its activation only a few centimeters from the unit. The main cause of failure is a weak charge of the installed battery, which must be replaced in a timely manner.

If, even after replacing it, the signal does not reach the unit, it is likely that the frequencies of the transmitter and receiver have changed over time. In this case, it is necessary to prepare a screwdriver from dielectric materials (fiberglass or plexiglass). Then, with its help, you need to tighten the inductor trimmer. During this, you should periodically press the button, gradually moving away from the receiver unit. Once the maximum sensing distance of the receiver is determined, you can install it in the desired location.

The trimmer should be turned slowly and carefully. In this case, you need to remember its initial position and the number of revolutions made in one direction or another. This is necessary so that it can be returned to the standard position in case of failure.

Wireless bell model disassembled

An incorrect battery may also be the reason why the call does not work satisfactorily. As a rule, these devices use 12V (23A) elements. Often the frequency adjustment button can be placed directly on the device body. In this case, you need to hold down the button and adjust the required frequency by turning the adjustment.

Another reason for the sound signal not to sound is prolonged use of the device. In this case, you can disassemble the call yourself, trying to fix the problem yourself. Typically, such devices may not be assembled properly. Another way to fix the problem is to clean the board with an alcohol solution.


When pressed, the wireless button transmits a signal to Aqara Hub, which carries out the user’s instructions.
Aqara Hub has speakers for making calls. At the same time, the Hub can attract attention by changing the color of the built-in light bulbs.

Wireless button Aqara Wireless Mini Switch

Like other Aqara wireless switches, this button can simplify your smart home control. It can recognize single, double and long presses, each of which can be associated with a separate instruction.

However, to control multiple devices, it is better to use two-button switches or Aqara Cube, which can remember even more commands.

But the button will cope with the doorbell function perfectly: due to its simplicity and external similarity to ordinary bells in apartment buildings.

When installing a button in a country house, you need to take into account that the button is not protected from moisture and may not work correctly at temperatures below -5°C.

Smart home center Aqara Hub

The center receives a signal from the button and carries out user instructions: it will play a melody on the built-in speakers, send an alert to the smartphone, and change the color of the built-in light bulbs.

The Hub serves as an intermediary between the smartphone and the smart home. Communication with the smartphone occurs via the Internet; for this, the Hub needs a connection to a WiFi router. In this case, only the 2.4 GHz frequency is supported.

Communication with smart home devices occurs via the energy-efficient ZigBee protocol. Thanks to this, a wireless smart home is possible - ordinary batteries are enough to operate smart devices.

How to set up a wireless call?

When purchasing such a device, you need to find out how to install it so that in the future there will be no problems with its fastening. There are the following options for fixing it. The main one is on the door. Often there are problems with screwing screws into the wall, or double-sided tape does not adhere to the wall finishing material. In this case, you can attach the bell directly to the door leaf.

The second possible option is next to the doorway. Fastening occurs at some distance from the platbands. You can also choose placement on the gate. This method is intended for installation in private homes. In this case, you should protect the call from adverse weather conditions or the sun.

The sound unit itself must be placed inside the building. Usually this is a convenient place in the corridor near the door, or in those rooms in which the sound of the bell is difficult to hear. For a private house, the most suitable places to install an additional unit are the attic, workshop, basement, or outside the house if the residents spend most of their time outdoors, in the garden.

The doorbell can be installed next to the door. Installation, as a rule, occurs with adhesive tape or screws. This installation method is suitable for lightweight models located inside the house. On the street side, preference should be given to fixing elements in the form of screws. With their help, special protective canopies or stands are secured to protect the device from snow or rain.

If desired, you can change the location of the call. In addition, it is possible to convert it to a standard model, powered by an electrical network using wires.

How the wireless model works

Video call

First generation Xiaomi video call
The most advanced solution is a video call. This will allow you to see who is behind the door, record any activity on the landing and communicate remotely with guests.

The main disadvantage of such a gadget is the large external unit with a button, camera and batteries. On the one hand, it is much easier to install this way, but on the other hand, such a calling panel will attract the attention of intruders and hooligans.

Xiaomi took care of protecting the device. When you try to remove it, video from the camera will be recorded, the alarm will go off, and the stolen module will not be able to be linked to a new base without disconnecting from the old account.

Stealing such a module is pointless, but tearing it down or damaging it is quite possible. There is no anti-vandal protection here, the body is plastic, and the fastening is simple.

Xiaomi video call second generation

In the second version of the gadget, the developers have seriously reduced the size of the external unit, but its protection still remains the main problem of the device.

Otherwise, the gadget works simply and conveniently. You can purchase either an external panel for connecting to the hub or a complete kit for independent use.

The connection, although it goes through Chinese clouds, is acceptable, and the broadcast delay will be no more than a couple of seconds.

Those interested can acquire a special control unit for a smart home with a screen and receive calls through it. Such a module is designed for all kinds of Chinese services and it is not practical to use it in our conditions.

Separate video terminal for communication

I think it’s better to first make a smart call, which is easier to protect from pests and hooligans, and only then turn it into an intercom using a camera.

▸ Xiaomi call with a first generation camera – from RUB 2,416.

▸ Xiaomi call with a second generation camera – from RUB 2,416.

▸ Additional module for video communication – from RUB 2,142.

Choosing a wireless call: what should you pay attention to?

To purchase the most suitable device for your room, you need to pay attention to some features. Among the main ones are the following:

  • call type. Although all such devices have the same operating principle, they may have some differences;
  • design. To organically complement a door or gate, when purchasing, you should take into account its color, shape, type of body;
  • number of batteries. In the future, this will help reduce the cost of purchasing new batteries to ensure stable operation of the device;
  • signal reception. If the building is of significant size, a device of greater power is chosen.

Attention! In some cases, the problem may be that the wireless call or button has been stolen, the question arises: what to do? It should be borne in mind that the price of most wireless models is low, so if the device is stolen, you can purchase a new call without spending a significant amount.

A wireless door lock is convenient and functional. If desired, it can always be replaced with a wired version, but it is unlikely to be as comfortable during operation. It is worth noting that low cost is becoming one of the important advantages that allows you to purchase a wireless model. You can choose an interesting look, color and decide on a melody.

Wireless doorbell

  • Price: 4.33 USD
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  • doorbell wireless
  • 12 November 2022, 21:44
  • author: UKN
  • views: 7272
  • ikhbin
  • 12 November 2022, 16:41
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  • 12 November 2022, 21:52
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  • 13 November 2022, 03:59
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  • 13 November 2022, 08:57
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  • November 12, 2022, 10:14 pm
  • edan2
  • 13 November 2022, 04:05
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  • 13 November 2022, 04:37
  • Erelesse
  • 13 November 2022, 12:41
  • UKN
  • 13 November 2022, 14:57
  • Erelesse
  • 13 November 2022, 14:58
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  • November 13, 2022, 00:01
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  • November 13, 2022, 00:16
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  • 13 November 2022, 01:05
  • EskerGar
  • 13 November 2022, 08:42
  • keepitreal
  • 13 November 2022, 15:44
  • EskerGar
  • 13 November 2022, 16:33
  • UKN
  • 13 November 2022, 14:58
  • ikhbin
  • 13 November 2022, 01:36
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  • 13 November 2022, 10:55
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  • 13 November 2022, 04:39
  • vismyk
  • 13 November 2022, 05:51
  • kirogaz
  • 13 November 2022, 06:03
  • vismyk
  • 13 November 2022, 06:10
  • UKN
  • 13 November 2022, 15:00
  • ploop
  • November 13, 2022, 10:30

people have a standard action: if, after pressing the bell button, they hear nothing, then the bell is not working and they need to knock on the door

The action is quite logical, because on such calls the reception

The module's batteries often die. Although you can’t notice this by any sign, it either works as usual or it doesn’t.

Sometimes I call myself and they don’t open it, although I know that my wife is at home (the door is locked from the inside). I listen - silence. Great, let's dig in.

The call is the same, only bought offline about five years ago.

How to make a doorbell smart

In any of the presented options, you can add several smart chips for the doorbell.

The first thing you should do when setting up a call in the Xiaomi ecosystem is to set the time intervals for its activation. To do this, you need to configure the activation of the call button through the automation menu in Mi Home.

The condition will be pressing the call button, and the action will be playing a melody on the base or hub.

In the advanced automation settings, you can set the time of day when the script will be available. So, for example, if you specify the time from 9 am to 8 pm, you can disable the ringing in the evening and at night.

If you have small children at home, you can set several scenarios so that the call only works when they are awake.

Next, you can enable a notification on your smartphone when the doorbell is activated.

This can be done both when setting up a call through automation scripts, and when setting up a standard call through the Xiaomi hub menu.

Now, when guests arrive, you will receive a notification on your smartphone, which can be quite useful.

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