What to do if the lock at the front door is stuck and there are other problems

When using the front door, problems may arise with the functioning of the locking mechanism. This may be due to either irreversible damage to the element or disruption of its operation due to the lack of proper prevention. If the front door lock jams, not in all cases you need to turn to professionals, since most problems can be solved at home.

Entrance door lock

Causes of jamming

Lock repair may be required for various reasons. Damage can occur due to manufacturing defects, improper installation, misalignment of the door frame and a number of other factors. The most common mechanisms for entrance doors are cylinder and lever mortise locks; owners most often encounter the following malfunctions:

  • The key does not come out. If it is stuck, do not try to pull it out using brute force. If you are inside or the door is open, you can try to lubricate the mechanism with a special lubricant, machine oil or other available materials. If the result is not achieved, you need to seek help from specialists to disassemble the core.
  • The key is not inserted. This problem occurs due to damage to the key or a foreign object, such as a match, toothpick or paper clip, getting into the keyhole. You need to carefully inspect the well and try to remove the object and clean the hole. If the well itself is damaged, only a specialist can help.
  • The lock jams when turning the key. The problem may arise due to debris getting into the keyhole, wear of the mechanism, or a key that has been ground down or is not processed well enough. Often this problem arises if the owner tries to use a “non-original” key made by a master.
  • The tongue gets stuck. The problem arose due to the worn-out design of the lock; it will require replacement. Any mechanism requires periodic maintenance, and if it has not been carried out for many years, this can lead to breakdown.
  • The tongue prevents the door from slamming. This situation occurs if the door leaf itself has shifted due to misalignment, and the tongue cannot fit into the corresponding hole. This problem often arises due to unprofessional installation of the door frame.

In all these situations, it is important not to panic and not try to pick the lock as quickly as possible by any means. Brute force can cause the key to simply break and a piece of debris to remain in the keyhole.

The most common causes of breakdowns

Repairing a door lock largely depends on the nature of the damage. It is not always possible to fix the problem yourself.

A common cause of door lock failure is failure of the locking mechanism tongue.

The most common problems are the following situations:

  • The tongue does not close. The reason may be the insufficient size of the counter hole. In this case, you need to bore it or move the iron plate. The tongue can be blocked by the pad of the lock itself at the end of the door. Misalignment may also occur due to frequent use of the door, due to wear and loosening of the mechanism. Its position needs to be adjusted.
  • It's difficult to open the door. It can be blocked by a skewed lock or door frame. The problem is resolved by adjusting these elements.
  • The key sticks, turns poorly, or cannot be inserted. This type of breakdown occurs especially often in metal door locks. The reason may be clogging of the mechanism or displacement of its individual parts. To repair, you need to disassemble the lock, clean it, lubricate it and install it in its proper place.
  • The lock is jammed. The reason lies in the state of the larva. Repairing the lock, replacing it, or completely changing the lock can help.

Troubleshooting Methods

The type of repair depends on the design of the mechanism and the situation. There are several ways to fix minor problems:

  • If the key breaks and a piece remains in the keyhole, you can try to remove it with tweezers or another device. Sometimes the method of tapping with short strokes helps: the fragment may appear from the gap, after which it will be easier to catch.
  • If the key is stuck and cannot be knocked out of the cylinder lock hole, you can try to knock it out with improvised objects. However, such actions do not provide any guarantee; it is much safer to immediately call a specialist.
  • If the front door lock periodically jams, it needs to be lubricated. To do this, use WD-40 liquid or machine oil. Any substance is applied with a lint-free cloth, but in no case should you use cotton swabs. Small lint can get into the mechanism, and this will only aggravate the problem.

Even if the lock jammed only once and you successfully managed to deal with the problem yourself, it still needs to be repaired or replaced. It may fail at the most inopportune moment, and then the problem cannot be fixed so easily.

What to do in such a situation?

Causes of problems

There are different ways to open the front door when the lock or the door itself is blocked. This depends on the complexity of the locking mechanism, the reason for the blocking and the nature of the door: knocking down an iron door at the entrance to a home is much more difficult than an ordinary wooden one.

Breakdowns are possible in both expensive and cheap devices. The most common include the following:

  • mechanical damage - for example, breakage and jamming of a key, jamming of moving parts in the absence of lubrication, etc. Some of them can be eliminated yourself and still open the front door. Repairing others will require the participation of specialists;
  • manufacturing defects - it is necessary to call not just specialists, but representatives of the company that produces locking devices;
  • incorrect operating mode - lack of cleaning, lubrication, sudden slamming, lead to partial wear of some elements of the mechanism, which causes the key to jam. As a rule, such problems can be resolved on their own;
  • sagging or misalignment of the sash is a problem that can only be solved by specialists. It is unrealistic to reinstall an iron entrance door with your own hands;

How to repair a lock?

If you managed to open the door yourself, but the lock is stuck, you can try to repair it yourself. You can deal with minor problems with mortise, rim and padlocks yourself, although the final solution to the problem will only be a complete replacement.

How to fix a lock? There are several simple ways:

  • For cylinder locks, the simplest method is to install a new cylinder (cylinder). The necessary spare parts can be purchased at the store along with a new set of keys. It is also recommended to change the cylinder if you or one of your family members has lost the key on the street.
  • Cleaning the mechanism. If the problem is caused by debris and dirt getting inside, you can try removing the lock and completely disassembling it. Dust is removed with a hard brush, after which you need to apply a little lubricant to the lint-free material and treat all moving components of the mechanism.
  • Adjusting the position of the tongue. If it is jammed, you need to remove, disassemble and lubricate the mechanism, and then put the tongue in the desired position.
  • In interior door locks, you usually have to tighten a loose handle, change the latch or the entire cylinder.

More complex work options are a task for a professional armed with special tools.

If the turntable is broken

When you are indoors, the stuck tongue can be released. Try the following:

  1. Disassemble the lock using a screwdriver.
  2. Then use the same screwdriver to press out the door leaf in the area of ​​the latch.
  3. When the door opens, find out the cause of the breakdown.

As a rule, the turntable cannot be repaired. If you really need it, you will have to change the constipation.

If the internal latch turns or, conversely, periodically does not turn, buy a new mechanism. Otherwise, there will come a time when you won’t be able to leave your home.

If the lock is stuck

In such a situation, it is better to be inside the living space - disassembling the device from the street side, and not having the necessary tools at hand, is problematic. The preferred option is to call a professional.

If the problem occurs at home, then:

  1. Lubricate the lock with machine oil. If you don't have it on hand, any vegetable will do.
  2. Try turning the key. Be careful not to break it. If it doesn’t work out, take more decisive action.
  3. Remove all the screws you can find.
  4. Remove the bar and pull out the handle.
  5. Pull out the cylinder to get to the cylinders and, by manipulating them, try to open the door leaf.

If the lock cylinder of the front door has turned, this indicates that the mechanism can be repaired. This will require a new “core”. To avoid mistakes, write down the model of the locking device. After installing the new cylinder, the locking mechanism should work correctly.

If the lock turns, it means that someone tried to open the apartment (or house). It may be necessary to replace the lock with another one with a higher level of secrecy.

How to replace the larva with your own hands?

Replacing a cylinder in a cylinder mechanism is not so difficult; this work can be done with your own hands. It includes the following steps:

  • Remove the armor plate.
  • Using a screwdriver, unscrew the fixing screw that holds the lock in the door.
  • Remove the faulty cylinder.
  • Install the new part and reassemble the components in reverse order.

This work does not take much time and allows you to restore the functionality of the structure. You can purchase a new cylinder at any specialized store; it is selected according to the size and configuration of the lock. To make the right choice, it is better to first remove the old larva and go to the store with it.

Lever locks are much more difficult to repair, so it is recommended to call a specialist. Unprofessional repairs will cause new serious damage, as a result of which the mechanism will have to be opened with master keys. To avoid unnecessary problems, it is safer to use professional help.

Types and causes of damage

  1. Door handle jamming. When a person tries to open the door, it doesn’t work. You have to make an effort, push the door so that it opens.
  2. Door lock malfunction. The mechanism itself may be incorrectly designed and then installed. Difficulty occurs when opening or closing.
  3. Play in the door fittings is due to a loose fit to the base. The structure has become loose. The mechanism becomes unusable.
  4. It is impossible to turn the handle so that it takes its original position. When in good condition, springing is instantaneous, but if the design has flaws, then the handle or valve begins to jam.
  5. Tongue jamming. The problem is visible when the door opens and the latch tongue does not return to its original position. If he accepts his original position, it is with a longer time interval.

Before repairs, determine the specific causes of handle failure:

  • The door handle falls out. The lock is subject to increased stress during operation. The retaining ring moves, bursts, or becomes significantly deformed.
  • Sticking of the handle is a result of the accumulation of foreign parts or simply debris inside it. A characteristic jamming of the mechanism occurs. It becomes difficult to open the door.
  • The bar with four edges is damaged. The reason is poor quality workmanship, for example, defective materials used in production.

Cheap products are made from second-class raw materials, so their use is not recommended.

  • The tongue may be in the wrong position. This happens as a result of the inner square being too short. Over time, it moves towards the latch. Strong pressure prevents normal operation of the element.
  • Wear of fasteners. A very common cause of stuck handles on interior doors. In this case, they need to be pulled up to the required level to cope with the problem.
  • To do this, let’s figure out how the push handle works:

  • the pressing part that you grasp with your hand
  • plastic ring
  • door handle base
  • return spring
  • handle travel limiter
  • retaining screw
  • square
  • some designs also have a cylinder mechanism.

The design is not the most complicated, so you can handle some problems yourself.

Lubricating the lock is a preventive measure

If the key regularly jams, but the mechanism continues to work, try lubricating it. This method will restore the normal movement of the mechanism components, and the key will turn more easily. For lubrication, a special liquid WD-40 is used - this is a universal material. The most reliable way is to dismantle the device, disassemble it and gradually lubricate each working component.

Lubrication is recommended for preventive purposes. Periodic maintenance of the mechanism extends the service life and eliminates sudden problems with opening.

How to open a door if the lock is jammed?

If the door does not open, you should not try to turn the key in the hole at any cost. This will lead to its breakage, the fragment will remain inside, which will aggravate the situation. Specific actions depend on the type of structure and the situation, but a few standard recommendations can be listed:

  • Don't panic and don't use too much force to turn the key.
  • Spray the keyhole with WD-40 spray or apply a small amount of machine oil with a syringe.
  • Insert the key and gently rock it in the hole to distribute the lubricant.
  • Try to open the door.

If the lock does not open after lubrication, you must call a specialist. You can only drill out the cylinder yourself, but this will require time, tools, and will also lead to damage to the door leaf and additional costs. A specialist will be able to use a special set of tools to open even a heavily damaged mechanism and avoid additional damage.

Practical life advice

Latch offset

There are often cases when the latch built into the door lock stops latching as it should. In this case, when opening the door, it does not extend to the desired state and prevents the door from opening. This is where the question arises - how to open the latch of the front door from the outside?

A thin but durable object like a screwdriver can help in this case. It is enough to insert it into the groove between the door leaf and the frame and press lightly, moving the latching mechanism to the side. Thus, you will be able to press the door and get inside the home.

The lock tongue is jammed

It happens that even if the lock is open, you still cannot get inside your apartment. This happens due to jamming of the door lock tongue. They fight this with the help of improvised means.

Should you try to repair the lock yourself?

Repairing the lock yourself always carries the risk of re-jamming and new malfunctions that can occur at the least opportune moment. In order not to be left outside the apartment without the opportunity to get inside, it is better not to take risks, but to immediately seek professional help. It is beneficial to contact the experts for the following reasons:

  • Experience working with various types of structures. Employees regularly encounter breakdowns of lever, cylinder, and hinged structures and know how to handle them correctly.
  • A complete set of tools and special master keys. The technician will carefully open the damaged mechanism so that you don’t have to repair the door for a long and expensive time.
  • Quick response to requests. You don't have to wait long: our employee will arrive at the address in the shortest possible time.
  • Quality and professionalism. We are able to cope with tasks of any complexity.

In addition to opening damaged lock mechanisms, we provide repairs and installations. Call a locksmith to install a new lock and rest assured that the structure will function for many years. A warranty card is provided, it confirms the excellent quality.

Practical recommendations

  1. In order not to periodically waste time and not rack your brains over what to do if the front door lock is jammed, you need to do regular maintenance of the mechanism. What may indicate the need for lubrication?
  • Characteristic sounds (grinding, rustling) when turning the key.
  • It gets stuck in the cylinder when trying to insert/pull it out.
  • Difficulty turning.
  1. Special pads help prevent contamination of the keyhole. This is primarily relevant for street doors installed at the entrance to a building.
  1. Often the locking mechanism has a complex design, to which an original key is attached. Practice confirms that if such a lock breaks, it is much easier to replace its cylinder (for a cylinder model) or the core of a lever lock (with subsequent recoding). Even an experienced master will not be able to make a one-to-one duplicate of such a key, having only a sample of it. The result is increased wear of the material and clogging of the mechanism with metal dust. After some time, you are faced with the fact that the key in the lock does not turn.

Do not forget that any method of solving the problem of stubborn constipation requires care. Excessive efforts are unlikely to eliminate it, but they may well aggravate it. If the lock does not budge, it is better to turn to professionals.

Related article: How to install a sliding door yourself

We'll open it and fix it!

If the door does not open, the most reliable solution is to call specialists. The master arrives with a set of master keys, which can easily be used to open any locking mechanism. This will allow you to quickly solve the problem without cutting off the hinges and damaging the door leaf, which will save the owner from large additional costs.

We also offer professional lock replacement: call a specialist to immediately solve the problem with opening the door and install a new mechanism. We can install a structure of any type and complexity; the experience of our craftsmen allows us to cope with any task.

How to open the lock mechanism with simple improvised means

Some models of lock designs can be opened using a regular metal clip or hairpin.

The pin (paper clip) must be broken into two parts. One part is inserted into the well, the second part moves the pins back and at the same time the locking mechanism is rotated. You can also use a piece of metal wire for these purposes.

If a lever lock is embedded in an iron door, it must first be pulled back as far as possible. Then a piece of wire or paper clip is inserted, and the levers are moved back. It is recommended to do this carefully enough so that the wire does not get stuck in the locking mechanism itself.

You can try to open the cross-shaped locking mechanism with a screwdriver. The upper part of the lock is first removed and a hole is drilled with a drill above the keyhole. You need to insert a screwdriver into it and turn the shutter mechanism. This option is recommended if the door handle is broken.

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