How to open the lock of a metal entrance door: types of locks and methods of opening them

To protect the premises from unauthorized entry, a locking device is installed. Modern systems are reliable and easy to use. Sometimes problems happen to them. One of the most pressing ones is the impossibility of opening because the lock is jammed. It is important to understand what to do if the key does not turn in the door lock.

Many are faced with a situation where the lock on the front door is jammed and cannot be opened. Jammed - this means the locking system does not respond to actions; the lock of the front door is jammed. It is important to understand the cause of the breakdown, why the device stopped working. Then it will be easier to decide what to do next.

Can cause jamming of the locking device:

  • Well clogging. This problem is most often observed with metal door panels.
  • Tongue jamming.
  • Warp door structure. Observed during long-term operation and shrinkage of the building.
  • Breakage of the larva. When the lock is jammed, the craftsmen check the cylinder and, if it is jammed because of it, they replace it.
  • Defective locking device. When there is a manufacturing defect, the product sometimes turns, sometimes it doesn’t.
  • Insufficient lubrication.
  • The key is not used in accordance with its intended purpose. Trying to open a beer bottle with it may result in deformation.

If a recently installed lock is jammed, the reason may be due to improper installation of the locking device. For example, the installation was carried out by hand or by a low-skilled craftsman.

How to open a door without a key

Adults or children may encounter a situation where the key to the house or door is lost or broken and there is no way to get home. These situations are common and it is impossible to insure against this. This article discusses both situations: losing or breaking a key in a lock and actions that will help you get into the house.

What to do and how to open the door lock when the key is lost or the door lock is damaged?

Vandalism, wear and tear of the locking mechanism, loss, breakage or theft of the front door key are objectively critical situations that require an immediate and adequate response from the homeowner. Unfortunately, people often solve the problem without thinking - they aggressively drill out locks, knock down doors, and sometimes enter the home through windows. As a result of this algorithm of actions, the owner causes irreparable damage to the door leaf, destroys the functionality of the lock and incurs financial losses. At the same time, an open door to the apartment makes it accessible to intruders while the owner purchases the necessary materials to restore the functionality of the locking module. We will learn how to open a door without using brute force in this article.

Who to call if the lock on the door is broken

A stuck constipation must be repaired carefully so as not to aggravate the situation. If this cannot be done on your own, enlist the help of professionals. To pick a lock you can call:

  • rescuers;
  • private master;
  • professionals from a specialized company.

The rescue service is the cheapest, but it does its job too harshly. You can open the lock using primitive tools such as an angle grinder, a hammer or a drill. As a result, you will get into your home, but after that you will have to change both the locking mechanism and the door itself.

Private locksmiths open locks carefully and at an affordable price. But they can collude with attackers, so it’s better not to risk it and immediately turn to professionals for help. They will open the door with minimal damage using special equipment.

The main reasons for lock failure

Causes of lock malfunction:

  • lost the key;
  • the lock body is broken;
  • the key is inserted with difficulty and not completely;
  • well contamination;
  • how to open the door if the key is broken;
  • The key cannot be inserted into the lock.

Some breakdowns can be fixed in five minutes; complex breakdowns are difficult for non-professionals to detect. Therefore, we will describe typical causes of lock malfunction that you need to pay attention to.

Lost the key

What to do if the front door does not open and you have lost the key? Try to open the lock using available means.

  1. Take a hairpin. Although it is not always possible to open it with a hairpin, this method can help. It is necessary to break the pin into two parts, bend one part so that it can be used as a lever to turn the mechanism. Use the second part of the pin as a tool for recessing the pins. Naturally, other types of locks cannot be opened this way.
  2. Drill a hole above the key hole. If the doors are equipped with a mortise lock with a cross-shaped cylinder mechanism, you need to carefully drill a small hole above the key hole. Next, using a master key, lift the stopper and move the bolt hook.
  3. If the door lock has a cylinder pin mechanism, make a small hole in the cylinder, insert a wire and, turning the cylinder with a pick, open the door.
  4. If the built-in door lock is equipped with a tongue, you can use a screwdriver or other tool, the main thing is that the thickness of the tool allows you to insert it between the door leaf and the frame and press the tongue. After that, turn the handle and open the door. This kind of door can be opened even with the use of a bank plastic card.
  5. If you need to open a lever lock in a wooden door, do the following: for example, pull the door leaf away from the frame as much as possible, using paper clips or another tool, and move the levers away.
  6. If the door has a latch-type lock built into it, then using a screwdriver or other tool, unscrew the screws that secure the handle and remove the handle. After this, remove the metal socket covering the lock mechanism and use a handy tool with a sharp end to feel for the latch. We press on this latch and turn the door handle.

The lock body is broken

Repair door locks with broken housings using a screwdriver. To do this, unscrew the mounting screws and replace the broken housing with a new one. This approach is used when restoring overhead-type locking mechanisms installed on an interior or entrance metal door.

Sometimes the problem is rooted not only in the body, but also inside the locking device, so it will not be possible to repair the lock yourself without inspection.

If a breakdown occurs in the mortise mechanism, remove the parts step by step and remove the device from the “pocket”. To remove the spring, it is recommended to use a cloth, because the cloth will fix the spring. The lock removed from the metal entrance door is placed on a flat surface and the screws securing the housing are removed using a screwdriver. After removing the housing of the lock mechanism installed in the interior or entrance door system, it is recommended to remove the dust accumulated inside the device using tweezers. Then you should carefully inspect the mechanism to identify broken or bent parts.

Hacking lever and tongue locks

Lever locks are very popular due to their high degree of reliability. To open such a mechanism without a key you need to:

  • Find a similar key, a heavy object to hit;
  • At 75%, insert the key, pull and strike.

It may not work the first time, but the method is reliable.

Another type of lever lock - single-row and double-row “laser locks” requires a different approach to solving the problem:

  • Find a small metal plate, scissors (for metal), pliers.
  • Cut something like a key from the piece and use pliers to make waves.
  • Insert all the way;
  • To turn.

The first method is also suitable for solving problems with a pump lock - it is often used to protect a garage or driveway. There are more basic locks, but no less problematic when opened. A lock with a tongue: you can use a plastic card like in the movies, but most likely the door will not open, and the card will break. It is better to use a metal plate, a screwdriver, or a flat rod - the main thing is that the device fits into the opening between the door frame and the leaf. If it works, you need to press down the tongue and push the door.

A lock with a latch can be opened in this way: remove the handle (you need to find a device to unscrew the bolts), remove the plate that hides the core of the lock. Then feel the latch, press and turn the door handle fastening.

Practical recommendations for preventing the locking mechanism

  1. In order not to periodically waste time and think about what to do if the front door lock is jammed, do regular maintenance of the mechanism. When to lubricate the lock? - characteristic sounds - grinding, rustling when turning the key; — jamming in the cylinder when trying to insert or remove the key; - Difficulty turning.
  2. Special pads help prevent contamination of the keyhole. This is primarily necessary for street doors installed at the entrance to the building.
  3. The locking mechanism has a complex design, which comes with an original key. Practice confirms that if such a lock breaks, it is much easier to replace its cylinder (for a cylinder model) or the core of a lever lock (with subsequent recoding). Even an experienced master will not make a one-to-one duplicate of such a key, having only a sample of it. The result is increased wear of the material and clogging of the mechanism with metal dust. After some time, you are faced with the fact that the key in the lock does not turn.

Preventive lock maintenance

To avoid this problem again, use some expert advice:

  • To prevent debris or particles of any objects from getting into the keyhole, special protective pads should be used.
  • Do not use the key for any other purpose. For example, opening bottles, packages or boxes.
  • Observe the condition of the door to notice if the door block is misaligned.
  • Do not use low-quality duplicates or foreign tools to open doors.
  • Check the keyhole for debris.
  • If you hear unusual sounds when turning the key, or notice that the key has begun to slip or enter the lock with great effort, you should immediately contact a mechanic. Otherwise, you run the risk of finding your door lock jammed again.

When the front door does not open from the inside or outside, there is not always time and opportunity to calmly assess the complexity of the breakdown and try to fix it yourself. In most cases, it is more advisable to call for special assistance, whose specialists will be able to carefully open the lock. Most owners of private houses have the opportunity not to spend money on professional help if the lock does not open for some reason; a back door is provided in many cottages, and until the situation is resolved, you can use another entrance.

How to open the front door with different types of locks

Which lock is harder to pick?

Let's consider 4 protection classes:

  • The first one is unreliable, which even a novice burglar can hack.
  • Secondly, a professional will open such a model in 20 minutes, but a beginner will not be able to select a master key and a hacking method.
  • The third one is not suitable even for a professional, since the models are mounted in iron doors. But if he finds a way, it will take at least 30 minutes to open it.
  • Fourth, no one will open this model. This requires special equipment and a lot of time.

Not only the level of protection, but also the internal mechanism is a selection criterion:

The crossbar is the simplest mechanism that can be opened even with the help of a wire. It is not recommended to install the model on the front door, since the mechanism has the first class of protection.

A deadbolt door lock is one of the most popular locking mechanisms.

Cylinder – A cylinder lock will baffle any burglar. The main mechanism is located in the cylinder and is not so easy to get to. It is better to install a model with the fourth level of protection on the front door, since the design has an armored tab that prevents the structure from being broken into.

The disadvantages of cylinder locks often include their low resistance to rough mechanical breaking. Indeed, it is enough to drill, knock out or pull the cylinder out of the lock, and access to the actuator opens.

Level - the design consists of levers that change position after moving the key. The complexity of the mechanism depends on the number of levers, and the more levers, the safer the model. The lever lock is interesting for the reason that it is impossible to open it: you need an exact copy of the key and make sure that the plates take a certain position. Choose this model for your front door.

Locks with a lever type mechanism are among the most ancient in the world.

Electromechanical - a reliable mechanism that opens with a magnetic card, remote control or by typing a code on the panel. All electromechanical locks are installed on the front door, but models that scan a fingerprint are undesirable, so they are opened using a photograph of the fingerprint.

Doors with an electromechanical lock can be opened using a standard key, magnetic card, code or remote control.

How to open a deadbolt lock

Rack and pinion locks with the bolt locked in the closed position can be opened very quickly using a universal master key made from any similar key.
The deadbolt lock used to be the main type of garage lock. Due to the fact that this type of lock is simple in design, it was manufactured by every organization that was engaged in mechanical processing. The locking system of this type of lock is based on a slider with oblique grooves. The inclination and shape of the grooves depended on the cutting of the key.

The most original way to open a deadbolt lock is with a screwdriver, an awl or a crochet hook.

To open such a lock, insert the key into the keyhole and press down. Force is applied to the slide, because of this the shutter tongue is pulled back, compressing the spring, thereby opening the door.

You can open this type of lock with a slotted screwdriver. It will take about 10 minutes to break such a lock. You can open all locks - rack, screw, escutcheon, padded, square, round or old Soviet. However, you need to know how to open it correctly, because the internal composition is not visible, which means it’s easy to break the larva. It is impossible to repair a broken lock, so if you do not know how to open the lock module correctly, it is better to cut off the latches.

Opening cylinder mechanisms

To begin with, we will talk about cylinder, pin, and types of locking mechanisms.

A lock with a cylinder secret differs from all other locking devices in that its crossbars are controlled by a small cylinder, in the center of which there is a keyhole. Inside the larva there are several secret elements - pins. Hence another name for such locks – pin locks.

The “English key” type, the butterfly key, is not difficult to open:

  • Find a hairpin, paper clip or piece of wire and divide it into 2 parts.
  • Bend at a right angle (the bent tip should fit freely into the hole).
  • Using a bent wire, apply tension at the top of the mechanism in the direction in which the key turns.
  • Use the straight part of the pin (wire) to lift the pins one by one. Turn the bent part of the wire.

Imagine that the key is irretrievably lost, and access to the premises is needed in the near future.
One of the most correct decisions in such a situation is to contact a specialized company engaged in opening locks. The same technique is used to pick a two-way English lock, but in addition to the top pins, lower the bottom pins.

The cross-shaped locking mechanism is opened using a screwdriver.

Locks with a cross-shaped key have a good degree of security - at least 20 thousand combinations, but an extremely low degree of resistance to the most primitive methods of hacking: the cylinder is attached to the lock body with only two small, fragile screws and is not protected by an armor plate.

Algorithm of actions:

  • Remove the outer part;
  • Instead of a key, turn the screwdriver a couple of times in the desired direction to scratch off the pins.

The Finnish type of locking mechanism is reliable and difficult to open, even with the help of professional master keys.

If this is not an expensive device, remove the outer part of the mechanism, pull out the plates and then try to open it with a screwdriver. If the model is expensive, take serious measures, call rescuers.

Opening a lever lock

Level locks were installed on safe doors - hence the second name - “safe lock”.
Today, the lever lock remains the most reliable mechanism. The lever lock is massive and heavy and requires a corresponding door. The secrecy of the lock is created by a set of spring-loaded lever plates with special notches located in a certain order. When interacting with the key, the levers are raised each strictly according to levels and, if they coincide with the lock coding, the levers unlock the rack that sets the lock bolts in motion. The key to such a lock is massive, often consisting of one central axis and two symmetrically located “wings” - like a butterfly key. The lock is protected with false notches. To do this, additional cutouts are placed on the levers; the cutouts do not interfere with opening the door with a key, but do not allow an attacker to “feel” the lock.

What to do

Once the main causes of breakdowns have been identified, it’s time to move on to ways to eliminate them. Each breakdown has individual recommendations for repair, but there are a number of general tips that are suitable for almost any similar situation.

General recommendations

Experienced citizens who have repeatedly encountered similar problems recommend the following actions:

  1. If the mechanism jams while turning, clean or replace the cylinder. This will cost less than completely replacing the lock and will require less time for manipulation.
  2. If the key is stuck in the entrance lock and does not want to come out, treat the cylinder with lubricant. Kerosene or machine oil is suitable for these purposes.
  3. At the first sign of an impending breakdown, do not be lazy to disassemble the mechanism and check its condition.

Cylinder lock failure

The following problems may occur in the operation of the cylinder lock:

  1. Due to contamination, the mechanism will begin to turn worse, requiring more effort from the owner.
  2. The key gets stuck in the keyhole and it is impossible to pull it back out.
  3. During interaction with the mechanism, extraneous sounds appear.

Level type

If complications arise during insertion of the key into the mechanism cylinder, it is recommended:

  1. Insert the key on the back of the door.
  2. Grind off longitudinal protrusions that interfere with comfortable penetration. In situations where you cannot grind off the tabs, try applying light pressure on the keyhole.

How to remove a stuck or broken key

If your key is stuck in the lock and causing it to not turn, try one of the following methods:

  1. Treat the keyhole with oil or special lubricant.
  2. If the door is not closed, disassemble the lock and carefully remove the key.
  3. Using pliers or tweezers will help you remove the broken key.

Force methods

In cases where careful methods of influence do not help, they move on to forceful techniques. They are more effective, but can cause irreparable damage to the door or locking device. Forceful methods include:

  • breaking out;
  • knocking out;
  • drilling;
  • call the Ministry of Emergency Situations.

Breaking out

If the need arises to quickly open a stuck door, breaking it out will help. Algorithm of actions:

  • take the gas key;
  • use it to clamp the secret;
  • we turn sharply.

The cylinder and the fasteners holding it are destroyed, thereby allowing the door to be opened.

Advantages of the method:

  • speed;
  • simplicity;
  • the door remains intact.


After such an impact, the lock will finally break. It cannot be restored.


To drill, you need to insert a drill of a suitable size into the keyhole, and then drill out the pin mount. It holds the bolt and prevents the lock from turning. If everything is done correctly, the lock should turn smoothly inside the lock.


When knocked out, the lock is completely destroyed, and it will not be possible to restore it, as is the case with drilling. To knock out the lock, you will need:

  • prepare a hammer and chisel;
  • place the chisel on the lock;
  • knock out the lock cylinder with strong blows to the chisel.

Try to use a heavier hammer, otherwise you will have to fiddle with the jammed mechanism for a long time.

Contacting the Ministry of Emergency Situations or specialists

Opening doors yourself is not always a good solution. The owner of the apartment may incorrectly determine the essence of the problem and cause more damage to his property than necessary. To prevent this from happening, contact the Ministry of Emergency Situations or companies specializing in hacking. They will minimize damage and get the job done much faster.

How to pick a lock yourself

First of all, if the lock is broken, you have lost the keys or the door is slammed, try to find a bunch of keys, it happens that a similar key will open the lock, sometimes a master key helps to open the lock.
Don't know how to open an iron door without a key?

We suggest trying the following: try to open the keyless lock with a screwdriver if the lock is cross-shaped.

To do this, insert a screwdriver into the lock; the main thing is to select a screwdriver no thicker than a key and turn it clockwise with a sharp movement. If the lock is padlocked, then there are no difficulties.

As you know, opening such locks is not difficult. An ordinary crowbar will help in this procedure. Apply the crowbar to the lock, where the legs are attached to the lock itself, and point the other side down, this way you will open the lock. But keep in mind that after this procedure you will have to buy a new lock.

The cylinder lock is sensitive to dirt because its mechanism is miniature.

The cylinder lock opens easily; it is not difficult to find a similar key in the same price category. If you were unable to open the lock this way, then holding a screwdriver and pliers will definitely help. Using these tools, knock out the cylinder, open the lock cylinder and calmly use a screwdriver, inserting it into the resulting hole, and turn it in the direction of opening.

But, what to do if the door does not open, if nothing helps and there is no strength left to fight the opening of the lock, contact a special service for opening locks and opening doors. This service operates around the clock, 24 hours a day, and they will help you cope with the current situation.

The key is stuck in the keyhole or it is broken

If the key is stuck in the keyhole, you need to try to pull it out. To do this, lubricate the mechanism using machine oil, WD-40 spray or kerosene. After processing, try to remove the key by swinging it from side to side. This must be done carefully, without applying unnecessary effort.

If the key is broken, pliers will help you get it out.

In a situation where the lock does not open due to a key inserted into the hole from the back, you can try to push it out. But this can only be done if it has not been rotated.

If these attempts are unsuccessful, you will have to drill out the cylinder and install a new lock. If you managed to pull out the key, then you need to remember that it is no longer safe to use such a mechanism - it may jam again.

Types of locks

By type of key:

  • cylinder - with a small key with protrusions and notches;
  • level key – a long key with “wings” on the edges;
  • Phillips - with a key similar to a Phillips screwdriver;
  • disk - the key is small and semicircular with notches.

By type of insert:

  • the overhead lock is installed on the door leaf, closed with a key from the outside, and a latch from the inside;
  • mortise is built inside the door, the handle controls the tongue;
  • A padlock is installed separately from the locking element and is used for garage doors or gates.

The most popular are mortise lever locks.

Possible causes of the malfunction

  • Manufacturing defects.
  • As a rule, these are the consequences of its illiterate installation, and problems with the lock appear quite quickly.
  • Increased wear of parts. By the way, this often happens if “not native” keys are used, but duplicates. Moreover, they are made according to the sample without removing and disassembling the locking device.
  • Keyhole clogged.
  • Neglecting the requirements for periodic lubrication of the mechanism.
  • Gradual deformation (distortion) of the door block or leaf. This is the case when thinking about how to open a jammed lock is a waste of time. Most likely, you will have to either remove the canvas or cut off the loops (depending on their type).
  • The defects are in the key itself. Many people use it not only for its intended purpose, but also as an improvised screwdriver, bottle opener, and the like. Naturally, over time, such a key in the lock becomes more and more difficult to turn, and at a certain moment (usually the most inopportune one) it jams.
  • Hacking attempt.

Related article: How to make a door for a cat with your own hands
Next, you should evaluate the complexity of the malfunction and your capabilities. For example, if a metal door is jammed, then you obviously cannot do without a special tool. And you will definitely need outside help. If it is wooden and fairly new, then solving the problem by knocking out the canvas is also inappropriate.

And only after analyzing all the factors can you make a rational decision on what to do in the event that the door is deformed or the lock is broken.

Method 1. Additional set of keys

If you have a second set of keys, you can simply open the door by ringing or asking someone to bring it. This method is suitable for those whose car is located close to the second set of keys. Do not leave the car with the keys inside unattended, as car thieves know many ways to open the car, and your car will also contain keys as a gift. Attackers can be anywhere, and especially in parking spaces and parking lots. If there is no one to bring you an additional set of keys, you should ask the parking security guards to monitor the car while you carry the second set of keys. This method is the simplest, free and fastest, but not always applicable for certain reasons.


A broken or jammed lock can create serious problems if you are in a hurry to get to work, have to go to an important meeting, or simply cannot get home. In many cases, opening a faulty lock turns into a big ordeal with drilling, sawing, grinding, hammering and other tools.

It is much easier and more profitable to timely service the cylinders, latches and other parts. And also give preference to quality products from global manufacturers of locks and door hardware.

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Alternative options for opening the lock

How to open a jammed door if the lock is broken and more gentle methods do not work? In this case, you will have to use “heavy artillery”:

  • Removing the door from its hinges. This is considered a good way to maintain the integrity of the door leaf and the iron door frame itself. However, modern designs have protective bolts that may prevent you from using this method.
  • Saw through the jammed locking tongue. It will take a lot of time and labor to cut it. This method will not work if there is a very small gap between the frame and the door leaf.
  • Calling a master or the Ministry of Emergency Situations is the only way to open the iron door if all of the above actions do not help. And in this case, there is hope that you will not have to completely change the doors or lock. After all, the master, with the help of his tools, will be able to deal with this problem much more carefully and quickly.

Brute force method

Sometimes standard measures do not help with the solution, but you still need to get home. In this case, who should I call? A person with an angle grinder will need it, but not every neighbor has one, so call a specialist to come and remove the door leaf. He will definitely have the answer to the question: the lock on the door is broken, what should I do? If luck smiles on you and you have a garage with a grinder nearby, then use it and cut the bolt hinges. After removing the blade, remove it and install a new one.

Don't miss: Replacing the lock cylinder of an entrance, metal or any door

Another way is to use brute force to cut the tongue of the device, if the lock in the blade is stuck and there is a small gap for the crowbar, but this can cause aesthetic damage to your property; before using brute methods, analyze well whether it is worth it.

What could be the reasons for the problem?

There are no perfect locks, but before they break, they always “signal” that there are problems.

Signs of imminent failure of the locking mechanism:

  • jams when opening and closing;
  • when turning, the key gets stuck;
  • does not always close;
  • key slipping;
  • suspicious clicks.

There are many reasons why the door lock does not close:

  • ingress of various objects into the structure;
  • incorrect manipulations when trying to open and close;
  • metal shavings, dust, plastic fragments got inside the rubbing parts of the mechanism (cylindrical locks are susceptible to breakage);
  • Regular preventive maintenance is not carried out - lubrication, washing with special means;
  • increased humidity, which causes deformation of the wooden door leaf;
  • constant closing of the sash with great physical force (slamming);
  • the key is not used for its intended purpose - opening bottles, etc.;
  • skewed door leaf;
  • replacing the original key with a low-quality duplicate;
  • manufacturing defects.

The reason for the lock jamming is also incorrect installation performed by a person without the proper skills:

  • insufficient number of hinges, which caused the door leaf to sag;
  • loop mechanisms are installed incorrectly, unevenly;
  • independent replacement of a high-quality rubber seal with a self-adhesive one;
  • if there is no gap between the frame/sash, the hinges will put pressure on the canvas.

Breaking into a jammed locking mechanism is only a last resort. After a break-in, you should go to the store, buy a new one, and install it so that the entrance does not remain open for a long time. Mortise models must be replaced with new ones. For example, electromagnetic locks of the new generation - they come in mortise and padlock types. More information on protective mechanisms can be found on the forum.

A little advice! You should carry a hairpin, a small screwdriver, and spare keys so that solving difficult situations does not take too long.

Lock jamming is a serious problem, the solution to which must be sought in the keyhole. The protective mechanism can break if operating conditions are not met, prevention is not carried out, and also due to physical impact. To open the lock, you should use the tips described above.

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