How to get rid of wasps and wasp nests on the balcony on your own

Do you have an unglazed balcony or is it simply littered with everything “necessary”? Or did unscrupulous workers leave gaps in the seams? This means, sooner or later, you will have to ask yourself the question: “How to remove a wasp’s nest on the balcony?” In this article, we will try to reveal the secret of the appearance of wasps and methods of dealing with them.

A lone wasp itself is not a threat. One bite, although painful, will not lead to serious consequences (of course, if there is no allergy). But wasps defending their nest are extremely aggressive. Each individual will protect the uterus at the cost of its own life. Numerous bites can lead to serious intoxication of the body. Therefore, no matter how humane you are, the hive must be destroyed.


Sometimes uninvited guests settle right on the balcony. This becomes dangerous, because it becomes almost impossible to go out into the fresh air, even if one individual bites. They bite everyone nearby - adults, animals, children.

If arthropods often appear on the balcony, it means their house is somewhere nearby. It is important to remove it.

Taking the house in your hands is not the best idea. Arthropods will immediately attack a person. They defend their home to the last, are not afraid of anything, and will sting indiscriminately. A person can die from multiple bites.

Usually arthropods settle on the balcony before the onset of cold weather. The female finds shelter under old things, where she and her offspring can overwinter. In the spring she begins to build a nest. If you don't pay attention, it will become difficult to get rid of them, because their number is constantly increasing, as is the risk of being bitten.

Hatching rules

When a nest is discovered and it is established that it is located in close proximity to residential or domestic buildings, as well as simply places where people often visit, then its destruction is required.

Even if wasps do not show aggression, such a neighborhood can still be extremely dangerous, largely due to the unpredictability of the behavior of these insects when defending their shelter and their large number.

However, removing wasps is a complex and dangerous process, when performing it you must remember the following rules:

  1. It is strictly forbidden to use fire to remove wasps and destroy a nest if it is located on a tree, a wooden structure, or in close proximity to flammable materials.
  2. It is also undesirable to use gasoline or kerosene for removal in these places , even if it is not planned to be set on fire, since this will contribute to the creation of dangerous conditions.
  3. Provide protective clothing in advance , since if an attempt to destroy the nest is unsuccessful, its inhabitants will show the maximum degree of aggression.
  4. Before removing wasps, warn all neighbors and people living nearby about the planned event , so that they keep their windows closed at this time and try to refrain from going outside.
  5. Choose the most appropriate and safety compliant method for removing the wasp nest.

Where do they usually live?

Pay attention to:

  • ceiling from inside;
  • cornice;
  • pipe for removing sediment;
  • windowsill;
  • between walls and cladding material;
  • among the objects on the balcony.

There are quite a lot of places, but the nest is large, so it is easy to find. Just sit on the balcony for a few minutes and you will see insects flying to a certain place. There's a nest there.

Advice! If you can't find the house, look outside the balcony.

You need to be careful with the sheathing and objects on the balcony if you start touching them if there is a risk of being stung. Search with caution so as not to run into anything.

wasp nest

The shape of the nest is similar to a paper cone. The color of the house is grey. You need to look on the ceiling or various surfaces. Honeycombs are visible from the nest. It is well hidden inside the pipes, but you can see the pests flying towards it.

So, the nest has been found. We begin the extermination. The house needs to be completely destroyed; you can’t just remove it; dangerous insects will start biting you. With so many individuals, it is life-threatening.

Note! Simply driving away the pests with a newspaper or a stick will not work; they will defend the nest. You will also have to get rid of insects.

Prevention is the best solution

Dealing with a problem such as wasps on the balcony is an extremely difficult and lengthy procedure. And it is better to prevent this struggle, or eradicate it at the initial stage.

How to minimize the risk of wasps settling on your balcony:

  • the balcony should be glazed, ideally;
  • the seams between the sheathing and the wall are carefully sealed;
  • It would not hurt to protect the storm pipe with a grate;
  • do not leave open jars of jam or honey;
  • do not turn the balcony into a warehouse, or periodically arrange an audit.

By following these rules, you can free yourself from unnecessary problems. No one wants to destroy an entire population of wasps. In nature, they have their value, so let's be vigilant and not lead to the need for a fight.

In conclusion, it is worth summarizing the main points:

  • there is no need to destroy one accidentally lost wasp; it is enough to help it get out into the wild with the help of a matchbox or glass jar;
  • If you do find a hive, do not try to knock it down with a stick, as you may provoke wasps and get seriously injured;
  • do not risk using extreme folk remedies;
  • when choosing chemicals, pay special attention to the safety of the product (it is more convenient to use ready-made aerosols and concentrates);
  • follow preventive measures - regularly, in the spring, check the balcony for the presence of wasps, so you will not miss the start of construction of the hive.

Follow simple rules and the question of how to get rid of a wasp nest on the balcony will bypass you.


An effective but time-consuming method. This will take several weeks, or maybe a month. To begin, take a plastic bottle and make holes in it. Pour some honey into the feeder to attract the bees. Add some boric acid. Stir.

At night, arthropods sleep and you can set a trap. Place it next to the nest.

If a week has passed and the poison has been eaten, but you still see live wasps, add more honey and boric acid. The latter is very toxic to insects. Usually, after a couple of weeks, all the wasps disappear, including the queen, which they feed with poisoned food. Suitable if insects have settled in the attic.


What else can you do to repel wasps? Reference products will help you get rid of uninvited guests at your dacha. Buy in store:

  • insecticidal lamps;
  • ultrasonic repellers;
  • devices that generate electromagnetic waves.
  • These repellers are designed to get rid of wasp colonies located in hard-to-reach places. They imitate another nest, and it is taboo for wasps to violate someone else’s territory.

    Burn the nest

    This method is fire hazardous, since the nest will burn strongly. Please note that the method will only work if the bees’ home is located far from other fire-hazardous things.

    Burn the nest

    We take a bottle and fill it with kerosene. Close the lid. On the last one we make small holes. The composition of a wasp nest is similar to paper and is also flammable. We spray it with the composition and set it on fire.

    Other folk methods

    Methods for getting rid of the nest will depend on its location. If the hive is located in a convenient and open place, then removing it will not be difficult. It is advisable to throw out the wasp hive that was found in old things along with them. If property needs to be preserved, you can use the following methods:

    1. Strong smell. Wasps are very sensitive to strong odors and cannot tolerate essential oils or vinegar. By treating objects and walls on the balcony, you can completely scare away wasps. It is advisable to use this option simultaneously with other methods, since it will require long-term use.
    2. If the location is known, construction foam is often used to fill all the cracks. So the insects that were in the hive at that time cannot fly out, and those who are outside cannot get into the nest. In order for the wasp family to disintegrate, it is necessary to kill the queen, which appears outside only in emergency situations. Worker wasps live for approximately one month. If there are no eggs, then they will not build a new honeycomb.

    Drown the nest in water

    Safe and fast method, but requires skill. It is important that the home hangs, we will put a bucket on it. If the house is located on the wall, the method will not work.

    Take a bucket and fill it to the top with water. We are waiting for the night to come. We go out onto the balcony. We put the bucket on the nest so that there is no free space between the edges and the ceiling. The house will be completely submerged in water. We keep the bucket like this for several hours, prop it up with something, for example, a stepladder.

    Before removing the bucket, hit it. If you can't hear the insects buzzing, they are dead. You can remove the water. The method is effective in any place and against any insects, but only for hanging nests.

    What preventative measures are there?

    If there was a wasp nest on the balcony or there is a fear that such neighbors may settle, then the following preventive actions should be taken:

    • It is better to treat furniture and the surface of walls, ceilings and floors with special substances against insects or with a detergent with a strong smell;
    • It is better to seal all cracks and places where insects can establish a nest;
    • It is better to remove all pots that are not used for flowers.

    This is how you can easily prevent the appearance of unwanted inhabitants; by following these steps, you don’t have to worry about biting insects.


    The most common method, but quite labor-intensive.

    Wasp control products

    You need to do the following:

    1. Take a strong plastic bag and add wasp repellent to it.
    2. We are waiting for the night. We put the bag on the nest. We wrap the bag with tape, it will not allow the wasps to fly away.
    3. Wait a few hours for them to die.

    There are many types of insecticides. And most of them are suitable against wasps.

    Before removing the bag, check to see if there are still live wasps. Just knock on the house with a stick.

    Precautionary measures

    It is necessary to begin the fight against stinging insects after taking safety measures. They provide:

    1. Wear protective suit. This can be any clothing made of thick fabric with long sleeves. The head is covered with a hat or hood; the best option is to throw a mosquito net. Gloves are put on your hands; the cuffs of the sleeves should fit snugly to your hands so that wasps cannot get under your clothes.
    2. Act in the evening, when insects are minimally active.
    3. The use of any perfume is prohibited.

    Safety regulations

    Whatever method is chosen, the event cannot be called safe. Insects will defend the house to the last and can bite a person. Protection is important.

    We do the following:

    1. We put on closed clothing, protection for the face and hands.
    2. We do everything at night when the wasps are sleeping.
    3. We are preparing an escape route in advance.
    4. We react quickly before the insects come to their senses.
    5. If wasps attack a person, you need to quickly run away and close the door behind you. After half an hour the individuals will calm down, you can try again.

    Why do stinging insects appear?

    In the spring, insects awaken from hibernation, swarming begins, and the search for a place to form a nest begins. You need to find a quiet, secluded place where you can safely reproduce.

    Wasps often make nests in attics, spreading bushes, trees, stumps, hollows, and under the roof of private houses. Sometimes insects climb onto the balcony, especially if there are old things in this area that no one has touched for a long time, and you can safely build a nest.

    In most cases, a dark gray ball with brownish and black splashes with a small entrance is located at the top of the balcony

    While there are few wasps, many owners do not pay attention to strange “neighbors”, but after the appearance of offspring the situation quickly becomes critical

    If two or three wasps often hover on the balcony, you should think about the reason for their appearance, inspect all corners: perhaps there is a wasp nest on the balcony.

    In old brick houses, if there are problems with the tightness of seams in the masonry, insects climb deeper into the voids, and it is very difficult to notice and get pests. Often people become victims of attacks by stinging insects while repairing balconies and walls. It is easy to miss and accidentally disturb a few individuals hiding among the brickwork.

    Other reasons for wasp infestation:

    • in an open or glassed space there are flowerpots with soil in which the housewife has not been able to plant flowers for a long time;
    • The boarded balcony has cracks and dry areas where stinging insects can easily hide. Also, not only wasps, but also fleas, cockroaches, bugs, and ants may appear in the home;
    • the owners store old boxes, household equipment, buckets, rags, cups with soil and seedlings, and other devices for the garden and garden;
    • at the junction of the glazed balcony with the wall there are recesses, cracks, pieces of tiles fall off, and there are depressions in the bricks.

    Other methods of disposal

    The nest is a real problem, the insects eat the supplies on the balcony and bite painfully. Individuals are also a source of disease.

    Advice! Wasps live in families. If a group of pests is found under the window, it means there is a nest nearby.

    Try this:

    1. Chemical agent. Wasps are easily eliminated by poisons. You can buy them in special stores. We apply the drug directly to their house, the wasps themselves will spread the toxin, passing it on to the queen and relatives. All the wasps will get sick.
    2. Polyurethane foam. Try to close the individuals inside the nest using foam, which is used for windows. The wasps will be trapped. When the insects die, we take the nest and throw it away.

    You can get rid of pests using improvised means; you don’t have to resort to chemicals. Try using sugar. Just fill the bottle a third full with liquid and add sugar. Stir until the sweetness melts. We hang the bottle on the balcony. The water will begin to attract insects.

    In the bottle itself we make holes the size of a cigarette. We make them a little higher than the syrup level. The wasps will fly into the homemade trap, but they will not be able to get out.

    Bait is a delicate matter

    The practice of different generations has given people enormous experience, thanks to which there are no problems that cannot be solved.

    There are several ways to get rid of wasps: using the simplest options and resorting to the most dangerous ones.

    Choose the one that suits your desires and capabilities. You can do the following.

    1. Call a pest control service. It is fast, effective, reliable, but expensive.
    2. Use special means to kill wasps. Expensive, dangerous, but reliable.
    3. Use available means: sugar syrup, soap, vinegar, sweet poisoned bait.


    Also an effective way. We take the same bottle and pour water into it. Add liquid soap. We make holes on the lid. Shake the mixture until the soap dissolves. Spray the nest and the area around it. The soap will get on the insect, it will begin to lick it and die.

    Note! If the wasps begin to die rapidly, the survivors may become frightened and leave your home forever.

    Wasps vs hornets

    Hornets will help drive pests out of the balcony. The latter catch the wasps and feed them to their larvae. This method is not common for balconies, because hornets are also dangerous insects. Try using the method at your dacha.

    If you have destroyed the nest and chased away the wasps, don't relax. They may come back. A good way to prevent the recurrence of pests is a mosquito net. Try to cover the entire balcony, then insects will not be able to fly inside. But you should be careful, pests can enter through various small cracks.

    How to prevent the appearance?

    Eliminating an established wasp colony is very difficult. To prevent this problem from occurring again, you need to remember the following preventive measures:

    1. Starting in spring, it is necessary to inspect the places that wasps like to use for nesting - balconies, gazebos in the garden, sheds, a place under the roof of a residential building, etc.
    2. Unused building materials and debris remaining after repair work must be removed, since such places are often favored by wasps.
    3. If there are gaps in the cladding of a balcony or outbuildings, they need to be sealed.
    4. Food waste should be disposed of in containers with a lid.
    5. Fruits that fall in the garden should be removed promptly. Otherwise, they will serve as food for wasps and help attract them.

    Physical means

    We need to find out why the insects settled on the balcony. They like dry rooms with good ventilation. If the reason is sweet preservation, find another place.

    If an empty dwelling is found, it means that something frightened the wasps and they flew away. But rest assured, pests are close.

    Try this physics method:

    • We put on a suit for protection;
    • Place a garbage bag over the nest. We wrap the entrance with tape and tear it off from the mount;
    • Next, we burn the bag inside a metal barrel.

    Another way:

    1. Place a bucket of boiling water under the nest.
    2. Carefully knock down the wasp nest using a stick.
    3. The house will fall into hot water, all insects will die.

    A good way is to apply good glue to the entrance of the nest. The wasps will stick and as a result will close the exit from the nest themselves. Individuals will die of starvation.

    Features of removal under the roof of a house, barn, balcony

    Removing wasp nests under the roof is fraught with difficulties due to the inconvenient location and the inability to use fire.

    You can use the following options:

    • method with immersing the nest in water;
    • use of insecticides;
    • cleaning with a vacuum cleaner.

    It is important to prepare all the necessary tools in advance and make sure that they are suitable for the task at hand. For example, the ladder must be of sufficient height, the vacuum cleaner hose must reach the hive, etc.

    Humane method

    If you feel sorry for wasps, do the following:

    1. Place a thick bag over the nest.
    2. Unfasten it from the surface.
    3. Place the nest far from your home, preferably several kilometers away.
    4. Unclip the package there.


    The last method must be performed with good protection, because they will immediately begin to attack the person who disturbed them.

    Professional pest control

    The desire to get rid of dangerous insects on the balcony on your own often leads to the development of severe allergic reactions due to numerous bites. A special service will effectively deal with wasps and hornets. Advantages of turning to professionals:

    • the ability to quickly and relatively inexpensively get rid of pests and prevent their subsequent appearance;
    • qualified employees work quickly, efficiently, use proven means and specific tactics for exterminating wasps and hornets;
    • receiving recommendations;
    • there is no need to purchase chemicals, protective clothing, equipment, and then store them;
    • there is no risk of bites or injuries.

    Where should Muscovites and residents of the Moscow region apply for premises disinfestation services:

    NameTelephoneDisinsection methodsCost of services, rub.
    • physical (traps, nets, exposure to high/low temperatures);
    • chemical (use of poisons: gels, aerosols, powders, liquids and professional sprayers).
    Unified Sanitary Service of Moscow (ESS, SES)+7
    • physical;
    • chemical (treating the area with intexicides).
    Dez Eco-Clean+7
    • physical;
    • chemical (treating the nest with insecticides);
    • preventing the return of insects.
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