How to care for plastic windows at home?

Proper care of plastic windows or wooden models is necessary not only to maintain the aesthetic appeal of the structures. It is also required to ensure that the actual thermal characteristics of the products completely coincide with the parameters declared by the manufacturer. If you ignore the rules for operating windows, over time they will become worse at retaining heat, lose their airtightness and will look much worse. The care procedure consists of several stages and must be performed on a regular basis. Nothing complicated is required from the owners of profile structures - you just need to be pedantic and follow the recommendations of professionals. Our article will tell you how to care for plastic windows and what exactly needs to be done to maintain their optimal performance.

Rules for caring for plastic profiles

Despite the ease of use and durability of PVC profiles, their cleaning must be carried out according to certain rules. First of all, you need to know how to wash plastic windows. If you use inappropriate products, the surface of the profiles will quickly become dirty, turn yellow and collapse. To clean plastic, it is prohibited to use:

  • powders with abrasive particles;
  • compositions containing acid or chlorine;
  • nitrocellulose solvents;
  • acetone.

All of the above compounds corrode plastic, and abrasive powders leave micro-scratches on its surface.
This leads to the fact that PVC begins to actively oxidize and collapse. The profiles become covered with yellow spots and become fragile. To prevent premature wear of sashes and frames, you should avoid cleaning them with aggressive compounds. For regular maintenance, it is enough to first clean the profiles with a soap solution, and then rinse off the dirty sticky residue 2-3 times with clean water and wipe the plastic dry with a soft cloth. To remove stubborn stains, you can use an alcohol solution or tea tree oil. To remove paint marks, you need to purchase a plastic window care kit. It contains a special, powerful cleaning agent for PVC profiles. It can dissolve paint without corroding the plastic.

Modern steam generators clean the surface of plastic well and quickly. However, these devices must be used with great caution (especially in the cold season). If a jet of steam hits the glass, it may crack due to the temperature difference.

Briefly about the main thing

Even the most advanced mechanisms do not last forever, and their service life is determined by the intensity of use and the quality of care. Plastic windows also have constantly working mechanisms with which they are opened, pressed against the frame, and tilted for ventilation. If they are not cleaned and lubricated on time, they will become clogged with dirt, which increases friction and corrosion. Therefore, all window fittings, including rubber seals, need regular lubrication. These can be silicone-based water repellents, synthetic and highly purified mineral oils. For ease of application, they are equipped with special tips.

Caring for wooden frames and sashes

Compared to plastic, wood is a more vulnerable material, so windows made from it require more careful treatment. It is not recommended to place excessive loads on active sashes and vents. Also, all structural elements must be protected from hard contact with solid objects. In order not to damage the surface of the opening sashes, you should avoid their contact with the side slopes. Caring for wooden windows involves more than just cleaning them. To maintain aesthetic appeal and extend the service life of such models, the following is required:

  • monitor indoor humidity;
  • update paintwork;
  • regularly use cosmetic emulsion to care for wood;
  • ensure protection of the outside of the windows (read about the available methods on OknaTrade).

To maintain frames and sashes in good condition, it is recommended to use professional products. A wooden window care kit is selected depending on the type of protective and decorative coating. On sale you can find kits for transparent, translucent and opaque (covering) paint layers. Typically, such kits include a cleaning agent and a restoring glaze.

Wood is vulnerable to moisture; when there is excess moisture, mold or mildew begins to develop on the doors and frames. To prevent this, it is necessary to deal with condensation on a regular basis. The installation of energy-efficient double-glazed windows and insulation of slopes will help in this important matter.

How to properly lubricate PVC windows

It’s easy to lubricate windows yourself; anyone can do it. This procedure is carried out as follows:

  1. We purchase lubricant. You can use universal WD-40 or some special product.
  2. Open the doors and remove all dirt with a rag. We remove difficult stains with a hard sponge or a special brush (not too rough, as it can damage the surface).
  3. Liberally lubricate the brackets, bolts and all metal fittings.
  4. For hard-to-reach places we use the tubular spout supplied with the WD 40.
  5. If we use lubricant in a bottle, then apply 2-3 drops of the substance to each element.

This is how you lubricate plastic windows yourself. It is strongly recommended not to experiment with products. Sunflower oil, petroleum jelly and other household substances are not suitable for this task.

Operation of double-glazed windows

Not everyone knows how to properly wash plastic windows, so cleaning double-glazed windows often turns into a lengthy and ineffective procedure.
The biggest problems are caused by newly appearing smudges, which force you to wipe the glass several times after you finish washing the windows. This happens when the profiles on the street side remain dirty and cloudy drops flow from them onto the glass. To prevent this from happening, you must first wash and dry the frames, and only then start working on the double-glazed windows. The best way to wash plastic windows in such cases depends on the degree of contamination on the outside. In most cases, warm water is sufficient, which is recommended to be replaced with clean water several times. Street dust and organic matter can be easily removed from glass using ordinary heated water. For severe stains, it is recommended to first use a warm soapy solution. Double-glazed windows are washed from top to bottom, and after completing the procedure, you need to remove the moisture with soft microfiber. To avoid leaving streaks, clean glass is wiped dry with paper towels. Household chemicals are needed only to add shine or remove stubborn dirt. After all, after using it, there are almost always stains left that have to be removed with clean paper towels. If you don’t figure out in advance how to properly wash windows, this process will not only be long and ineffective, but will also force you to spend money on unnecessary household chemicals. However, as we see, with the right approach, expensive funds are not required.

Double-glazed windows must not only be kept clean, but also adhere to certain rules during operation. If the recommendations are not followed, the thermal performance of the windows will deteriorate. Depressurization of double-glazed windows is also possible. To avoid these problems, you must take the following precautions:

  • do not install double-glazed windows at a distance of less than 300 mm from heating devices and 200 mm from the floor level;
  • avoid sudden changes in temperature;
  • do not independently change the orientation of the glass units recommended by the manufacturer;
  • do not stick films on unstrengthened glass that can change its optical properties;
  • do not allow the humidity level in the interior to rise above 60%.

Only if all recommendations are followed, windows will be able to maintain their original energy efficiency and noise absorption level longer.

Windows fogging in winter: how to deal with the problem

The resulting large drops on the surface of the glass can cause moisture in the entire structure, causing mold to appear on the sides, which will gradually spread to the walls of the house. The main thing is not to ignore such problems and immediately begin to take appropriate measures.

You can influence this process by changing the temperature and humidity level in the room. Basic recommendations for preventing fogging of Euro windows:

  1. Install gravity ventilation, which ensures the removal of vapors and carbon dioxide.
  2. Maintain room humidity at 50 percent.
  3. Ventilate the room: in summer, leave the windows open for the whole day, in winter only for 10 minutes 3-4 times a day.
  4. Use supply valves to warm the structure or use profile ventilation inside.
  5. Use a container to absorb moisture. It should be purchased at any hardware store.
  6. Treat glass with products in the form of aerosols and liquids. Such mixtures are produced for cars; they can be used to wipe PVC windows to get rid of fogging.

Timely decision-making when plastic windows fog up will extend their service life and protect against the development of fungus on the walls of the house.

Caring for fittings

Lubricating the fittings of plastic windows is just one of the measures for caring for the mechanisms of opening and closing active sashes. To keep them in order and extend their service life, a set of measures is provided:

  1. Protection from contamination
    - this measure is especially important during major and cosmetic repairs, when small construction debris gets into the fittings. To prevent this from happening, you need to keep the windows closed and cover them with plastic film during work.
  2. Removing plaque from dirt and small solid particles
    is done with a moderately hard brush (or a toothbrush) and a soft flannel cloth, which are used to remove plaque from metal elements in turn. At the same time, it is recommended to remove clots consisting of old grease and dirt. It is best to use DW 40 spray for such purposes. It quickly dissolves such lumps, and they can then be removed from the surface of the mechanisms with a regular napkin.
  3. Lubrication of PVC window fittings
    - performed when the mechanisms are completely cleaned. Some experts recommend DW 40 spray. However, it is intended primarily to dissolve and remove old grease. Vegetable oils should also not be used. Special sprays containing silicone are best suited for these purposes. They provide excellent sliding of parts and additionally protect the metal from corrosion.

In order for the fittings to perform their functions without fail, they must be correctly adjusted. If the mechanisms are unbalanced, their further operation in this condition can lead to serious damage. In this situation, it is necessary to adjust incorrectly operating units as quickly as possible.

Why do you need lubrication?

During long-term use, a lot of dirt and dust from the street gets into the internal mechanisms. This is especially true for apartments located next to the road. Contaminants get inside, which makes it difficult for mechanisms and fittings to operate during opening/closing.

Outdated lubricant loses its quality and acquires abrasive properties, which contributes to accelerated wear of important parts. This can render them unusable. Repairing fittings will cost a significant amount, so prevention seems to be a more reasonable method.

The first sign of the need to change the lubricant is the appearance of crackling, squeaking or clicking noises when the valves open.

Manufacturers provide a warranty on fittings from 2 to 5 years. As a rule, factory lubricant is enough for such a period (but this still depends on operating conditions). After its expiration, an update must be made. Experts advise doing this at least once a year (the recommended time of year is mid-spring). Residents of large cities should do this more often. If the windows face the road, the fittings will become dirty several times faster due to the abundance of dust and smog.

Maintenance of the sealing contour

If you do not take care of the sealing contours, they will quickly lose their elasticity and begin to develop cracks.
This will lead to depressurization of the windows, as a result of which water, street dirt and cold will penetrate into the premises. To avoid such an unfavorable scenario, it is necessary to inspect the circuits twice a year. During preventive measures, it is necessary to check their integrity, and then carry out a set of measures to prevent premature wear of the material. Caring for plastic window seals consists of cleaning and lubrication procedures. Dirt from their surface is removed with a damp soft cloth. Lubricant is applied after the surface of the elastic profiles has completely dried. If you purchased a PVC window care kit to clean plastic profiles, it should contain a bottle with a composition for caring for the seal contours. Such lubricants are usually made on the basis of technical silicone. They protect the elastic material from moisture and cold, and also extend its service life.

If you don’t have a professional product at hand, you can lubricate the seals with regular glycerin. It is sold in every pharmacy. However, on an ongoing basis it is better to use specialized formulations.


In addition to cleaning all parts and carrying out lubrication work, it is necessary to adjust the mechanisms.

Why do you need to regulate?

The adjustment is carried out in order to reduce the noise level that comes from the street, as well as to maintain heat in the room. With sharp temperature fluctuations, the profile changes its properties:

  • When sunlight hits the profile on hot days, it begins to expand. As a result, the friction of the valves increases.
  • In winter, on the contrary, the profile narrows. As a result, the sash is pressed lightly, and cold air easily penetrates inside the apartment.

See also

How to properly iron a jacket at home

How often is adjustment needed?

It is advisable to adjust windows in autumn and spring. Seasonal adjustment involves moving mechanisms to a certain position. Change and adjust the mode of pressing the sashes to the profile. In addition to seasonal adjustments, work is carried out as needed.

How to regulate

There is nothing complicated about the mechanism's adjustment mechanism. It is enough to follow some rules.

For the winter

Before the winter cold, the clamps of each sash are tightened. As a result, when closing the window, the sash will be pressed tightly against the profile.

From winter to summer mode

In spring, the clamps should be loosened to reduce wear on the mechanisms. As a result, the pressing force on the sash will decrease.

Plastic balcony door

When adjusting a plastic door yourself, you need to take into account the problem that has arisen, for example, the sash does not press well or there is sagging:

  • The easiest thing is to adjust the door handles. The cap under the handle is turned to a horizontal position and the screws are tightened.
  • Door pressure adjustment is most often done seasonally. In the summer, the clamps are loosened, and in the winter, on the contrary, they are tightened.
  • If there is a problem with the movement of the sash relative to the door frame, then the bolts in the hinges should be adjusted.

Rules for operating the window sill

Window sills for windows made of PVC profiles can be made not only from plastic. Today, artificial stone and other composite materials are actively used for their production. The rules for operating window sills largely depend on their type. For example, the Möller and Werzalit models, thanks to their improved cladding coating, are able to withstand high temperatures and are wear-resistant. However, most windows are still equipped with inexpensive PVC window sills. Such products have several disadvantages:

  • change color and become covered with yellow spots when exposed to direct sunlight;
  • easily scratched if heavy and hard objects are moved over them;
  • melt on contact with hot objects, for example, with smoldering ash from cigarettes;
  • crack when hit hard.

You need to be prepared for all this when choosing inexpensive window sills and their further use. The only way to improve the situation is not to save money and choose products from well-known brands. Reputable manufacturers use an improved PVC composition, which withstands external influences much better.

Before washing plastic windows and window sills, you need to take into account that the same products are suitable for cleaning them from dirt. The list of prohibited compounds has already been published in this material in the section on PVC profiles. There is no need to purchase anything additional to clean window sills.

Caring for the drainage system

The drainage system must be constantly monitored to avoid stagnation of water inside the profiles and in the lower area of ​​the light openings. This is very simple to do - just clean and rinse the channels twice a year. To do this, use a flexible and durable wire with a slightly bent end to remove dirt crusts from the inside and outside of the profile structures. Read about proper care of the drainage system in the thematic review on OknaTrade. After cleaning the inlet and outlet openings, it is recommended to rinse the drainage channels with clean water. This will remove any remaining contaminants from the internal chambers of the profiles.

Mosquito net care

Mosquito nets should be removed from light openings in the fall, washed with warm water and stored in the pantry until spring. This will help extend the life of the protective fabric. Caring for your mosquito net also includes checking the plastic holders and handles. Over time, they become brittle and break, so they periodically require replacement. If this is not done in time, the frame will not fit tightly to the opening, and insects will be able to enter the rooms through the resulting cracks. To replace the holders and handles, you just need to unscrew the screws with a screwdriver and then screw in the new elements using them. You can do all this on your own without the help of a specialist.

After removing and washing the mosquito nets, you should check their fabric for integrity. If damaged areas are found, it is necessary to replace the canvas before spring. Find out how to do this without the help of a specialist from the instructions on OknaTrade.

Preparing windows for winter and summer periods

Caring for plastic windows in winter and summer is partially different. The difference lies in the implementation of some individual measures in preparing structures for the changing seasons. At the same time, the general points remain unchanged - washing frames, sashes, window sills and double-glazed windows, checking drainage, as well as cleaning and lubricating seals with fittings.

Features of preparing windows for winter

Before cold weather, mosquito nets are not only removed. Preparing windows for winter also includes a procedure to increase the pressure on the sashes. Such an event is necessary to prevent blowing in severe frost. To do this, you need to turn the eccentrics to the “winter” position.

Features of preparing windows for summer

In April or May, the eccentrics will need to be returned to their original position.
In the warm season, plastic profiles expand slightly, so increased pressure is not required. At the same time, you can immediately install mosquito nets in the light openings. If you do not properly care for plastic windows, you can very quickly ruin expensive products with your own hands. To prevent this from happening, you must carefully study the operating instructions for each of the elements of the profile structure and be sure to use the recommendations from our article.

Window handles

These window elements are also made of plastic. You cannot lean heavily on the window handles; their mechanism will quickly wear out even without it.

If it does not turn well or jams, the fittings are most likely clogged. You need to disassemble it and remove particles of dust and dirt from the frame sash.

If you hang something on it, lean your elbows, or a child pulls the handle and it becomes loose, then you need to tighten the screws.

It’s better to call a professional, but you can do it yourself if you have at least a little knowledge and skills.

Algorithm of actions:

  1. Raise the decorative strip under the handle.
  2. Rotate it from vertical to horizontal.
  3. Quickly tighten the screws, they are located under the handle.
  4. Then set the bar in place.

Window handles are very flimsy and break quickly. To prolong their performance properties and not break them, use them correctly.

Avoid leaning on the handle or using force when turning it into position.

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