Caring for plastic windows, lubrication and do-it-yourself adjustment

Plastic windows, unlike wooden ones, are more reliable and durable. But they also require care. It would be a mistake to assume that they will retain beauty and functionality on their own. But it is important to do this correctly, otherwise the window may become deformed and the glass may become cloudy. Therefore, it is worth paying attention to the following care tips.

After installing windows in an apartment, we periodically check the operation and functionality of the window mechanisms. Every season we must evaluate the condition of the fittings, how the doors behave when opening and closing, and whether they jam. We can do this ourselves, with our own hands, without the involvement of specialists.

Recommendations and instructions for caring for plastic windows

Plastic windows have one feature - they are very airtight. Therefore, when the windows are completely closed, moisture accumulates inside the room, which over time can contribute to the appearance of mold. This problem can be avoided by regularly ventilating the room.

If we are talking about winter, then you can leave the windows in the “micro-ventilation” position - this will protect you from unnecessary drafts. You also need to make sure that the ventilation in the apartment or house is working properly, and the humidity does not exceed 45%. Otherwise, condensation may form, which will negatively affect the service life of the product.

A rubber seal is used to seal windows. To avoid problems associated with drafts or blowing, it is important to prevent solvents and other aggressive substances from coming into contact with this part of the window.

Rubber compressor

To ensure that the sealant does not stick together and the glass remains clean and transparent, the window needs to be washed approximately once every 6-7 months.

Features care

Despite the fact that quite often apartments have double-glazed windows and they require minimal care, you need to be careful not to wash them with inappropriate products:

  • Powders with abrasive particles that can damage the integrity of the coating.
  • Compositions with acid or chlorine, acetone.
  • Other household chemicals with aggressive components.

Ordinary soapy water is best suited for this purpose: it does not contain aggressive substances. And since the PVC surface does not have microcracks or gaps, a soft microfiber cloth will perfectly wash away the dirt and dust accumulated on the window.

Products for double glazed windows.

If you need to get rid of more serious contamination: marker or PVC foam, then it is better to use a melamine sponge. But she does not always cope with her task. If marks still remain, you can use a professional stain remover.

It will help get rid of dirt, but will destroy the surface layer of PVC, so this place will look untidy.

Washing technique

In order for plastic to remain aesthetically attractive for a long time, you need to know how to wash plastic windows at home and follow some rules for caring for them. The main point is the correct choice of equipment. Do not use abrasive products that may scratch the plastic surface or scratch the glass . It is worth using soft rags, sponges, paper towels and napkins.

To wash glass units, use soft cloths and sponges.

Also, remember some rules:

  • wash the windows on a cloudy day so that the glass does not dry out so quickly and you have time to wipe the surface before rainbow stains appear on it;
  • First of all, clean the frame, then only the glass unit;
  • apply the detergent evenly and in one direction, circular movements create streaks;
  • For glass, it is better to take special alcohol solutions of detergents.

For good quality cleaning, you should follow the correct sequence of actions. If the window was recently installed, you need to peel off all the film that protected the frame during transportation.

It is necessary to peel off all the film that was used when transporting the glass unit.

Wash the plastic from dust and dirt with a regular soap solution. If there are individual areas of severe contamination, they are treated with special means. Shallow scratches can be removed by applying polish. However, not all products can be used to clean plastic windows.

Important! Remember what you cannot use:

  • abrasive powder products will leave scratches on the surface, creating an untidy appearance of the plastic structure;
  • acid and solvent can change the color of the panel, so they should be used with caution.

Caring for plastic window fittings

Although PVC windows are easy to use, a complex fitting mechanism is hidden inside them. In order for this system to work correctly, and for the window to open and close easily, it must be properly cared for.

Lubricating hardware

During each ventilation, dust and dirt settle on the sashes and fittings, which accumulate and gradually complicate the operation of the units. Oil accumulates impurities that lead to friction, squeaking and grinding. If any of the parts fails, replacing it will cost a lot of money. To prevent such problems from appearing, you need to lubricate the seals and hinge connectors of the windows every six months. Silicone lubricants or regular machine oil for sewing machines are suitable for this.


How to lubricate plastic windows for the winter? In order to protect product parts from the cold, it is better to take a semi-synthetic or synthetic lubricant with a density of WD-40, which is neutral to rubber and plastic. It is most convenient to buy oil in a spray can. Treating plastic windows before winter will only take a few minutes, but will extend their service life for a long time. [vote2x id=»152" align=»center»]

Why do you need to regulate?

There are several reasons why a person has to independently adjust plastic windows.

Incorrect setting during installation

The main reason for manual adjustment of PVC window products is incorrect adjustment when they are built into the opening. Often, when installing such structures, a pre-developed diagram is used, which helps to insert the window correctly. However, some people do not use it, and because of this, windows are often installed incorrectly.

If errors were made during installation of the structure, the window hinges will not be in the correct position. This leads to the fact that the doors begin to close worse. Sometimes even manual adjustment of the frame does not help to eliminate the problem, and you have to dismantle the structure in order to then install it correctly in compliance with all the rules for installing PVC window frames.

Natural wear of the seal

It is no secret that the window opening must be well sealed, especially in winter when frost sets in. Special seals made of durable rubber are responsible for sealing the structure. Also, such rubberized gaskets retain moisture, prevent dust from entering the room and are responsible for sound insulation. Therefore, all expensive plastic structures are equipped with rubber gaskets.

However, even high-quality seals fail over time. The following factors contribute to this:

  • improper care of rubber gaskets;
  • use of low-quality rubber in the manufacture of seals;
  • gasket damage.

If the seal wears out, you will have to adjust the PVC window products.

Sloppy and rough closing of the doors

It is known that plastic windows must be used carefully so as not to damage them. However, some people use them carelessly and close the doors roughly.

Such rough handling has a negative impact on the tightness of the window frames. Most often, this leads to minor or serious sagging of the sashes.

It is known that all sashes are held on the bottom hinge. If the window structure is not equipped with a special lock, then during ventilation mode you can accidentally move the handle incorrectly and the sash will sag. If such a problem occurs, you must immediately adjust the window and install the sash in place. If you do not do this, the bottom loop will come off the fastenings and you will have to install a new fastening loop.

Shrinkage of the window structure

Some owners of a plastic window notice over time that it has sagged a lot. There are several reasons that lead to window frame shrinkage:

  • Careless installation of spacer plates. Metal spacers are installed around the perimeter under the glass unit. If they are placed incorrectly, the structure may sag under the pressure of the metal plates.
  • Shrinkage of the building. A common cause of sagging and damage to installed metal-plastic frames. If the shrinkage is insignificant, the windows sag by a few millimeters.
  • Large gap between the window opening and the frame. When the window does not fit tightly against the window frame, it begins to shrink.

Wear of parts of the tilt and turn mechanism

If the window is sagging, it means that some parts related to the turning mechanism have worn out. To prevent them from wearing out for a long time, you must adhere to the following recommendations:

  • Regular lubrication. All moving parts of the windows must be lubricated periodically. The first lubrication is carried out when an unpleasant creak appears when opening or closing the structure. When lubricating such products, it is better to use special oil compounds used for lubricating sewing machines. It is enough to apply 2-3 drops of oil to the moving parts so that they stop squeaking.
  • The window mode needs to be changed. The structure cannot be left in one position for a long time. Therefore, you will have to periodically alternate the window opening modes.

Do-it-yourself care and replacement of seals

The elastic seal around the perimeter of the sash is very important - it ensures tightness and prevents drafts. Rubber bands most often fail because they bear a large load, and accumulated dirt causes them to stick together and lose their properties.

To reduce wear, it is not enough to simply wash them. Manufacturers recommend lubricating the rubber bands. The lubricant protects the material from moisture and cold and extends its service life. In the store you can purchase both professional products and universal silicone lubricants - any option will do.

How to change seals on plastic windows if they still fail?

Seals for windows.

  • First you need to find out which part requires replacement. Most often the gaskets on the frame fail. When you come to the store, consult with a specialist - he will help you choose the thickness and profile of the seal you need.
  • Then you need to remove the old insert. Laying the new seal must begin from one of the corners of the groove. Then, pressing the material with your fingers, carefully place the elastic in its place.

Processing of sealing rubber

The rubber seal is located around the perimeter of the sash and frame. It ensures the tightness of the structure. Under the influence of sunlight and moisture, rubber breaks down and loses its elasticity. The most dangerous periods for it are late autumn and early spring. During the day it absorbs water, at night the moisture freezes and expands, leading to rupture and cracking. The use of special water-repellent lubricants that form a protective film on the surface can extend the service life of rubber by several seasons longer than without treatment. Therefore, it is advisable to maintain the rubber seal annually.

DIY instructions for servicing sealing rubber:

  1. Wash off dust from the seal with soapy water and dry.
  2. Apply a thin layer of silicone grease from a special kit to the entire surface of the elastic using a soft cloth.
  3. Leave for a few minutes (time indicated on the package, on average 10-20 minutes).
  4. Wipe off excess product with a dry soft cloth.

Important! The lubricant should not contain alkalis, alcohol or solvents.

If the rubber is already worn out: it has become dry and hard, cracks and tears have appeared on it - only replacing it will help. You can order this service from a window service company, but it is much cheaper to do it yourself; you just need to purchase a suitable type of seal. They have different shapes and the number of chambers, in order not to make a mistake with the choice, you need to pry off the old elastic band at the junction of its ends, cut off a small piece or photograph the cut. To calculate the required footage of the seal, measure the perimeter of the sash and multiply by 2.

Sealing contours on the sash.

How to install tires correctly:

  1. Remove the old rubber seal from the groove inside the frame.
  2. Rinse thoroughly and dry the groove.
  3. Cut off the rubber with a margin so that it is enough to completely cover the entire perimeter of the sash. The fewer joints, the better the tightness. The use of short sections is unacceptable.
  4. Insert one end of the rubber into the groove. It's better to start from the middle of the opening. You cannot make a connection in a corner.
  5. Place the elastic in the groove around the perimeter without tension. You need to work the corners especially carefully. The cord should not bunch up too much into an accordion.
  6. The junction can be glued.
  7. Replace the rubber seal on the sash in the same way.

Advice! You should not glue the sealing rubber around the entire perimeter - replacing it later will be problematic. If the seal is selected correctly, it will hold firmly in the groove even without glue.

Proper care of drainage holes

The drainage is a small hole that is located at the bottom of the profile. It is covered with a visor, so it does not require special care. Drainage holes allow you to remove moisture that accidentally gets inside the glass. Once a year you need to check if they are clogged. If there is dirt in the niche, you can remove it with a regular toothpick or an old toothbrush

Cleaning mechanisms from debris and dust

Here are several types of stains on plastic windows and their removal:

  • Dust on the glass and frame can be removed using soap or a special product.
  • Dirt on the sealing gaskets can also be removed with a soap solution.
  • If dust gets into the fitting mechanisms, it will not be possible to completely get rid of it. In this case, it is enough to simply lubricate the parts regularly.

Video: Tips for caring for plastic windows.

Photo examples of work

  • Departures: 1
  • Time: 1 hour
  • Cost: 6500 rub.
  • Quantity: 1 piece

The master dismantled the old and installed new fittings for the plastic window sash.

The total cost of materials and work, which included removing the sash, removing the old folding trim and installing a new tilt-and-turn frame, amounted to 6,500 rubles.

The measurement technician arrived at the site at the appointed time one day after the call.

Call a specialist

How to properly adjust plastic windows

After several years of using the product, the owner may encounter several problems:

  • there was air leaking from under the seal;
  • the handle turns with effort;
  • The window does not close tightly.

All these breakdowns can be easily solved by adjusting the product: you just need to tighten a few screws. Tools you will need are pliers, a hex wrench, a spatula, a flathead and a Phillips screwdriver.

All possible adjustments.

  • If the sash is skewed, you need to loosen or tighten the upper hinge of the sash. When turned clockwise, it rises, and when turned counterclockwise, it lowers.
  • If there is a problem with drafts, it is necessary to adjust the sash pressure. To do this, you need to act on the eccentric system, which is located on the end of the window. For uniform pressing, it is recommended to adjust all mechanisms equally.


Why is it necessary?

It must be remembered that a timely lubricated window will save you from serious problems and help avoid breakage . First, the window begins to creak, make clicks, and over time it completely stops closing normally. If you do not pay attention to this for a long time, the result will be a breakdown and may require expensive repairs.

During operation, the factory lubricant becomes obsolete. If the window mechanisms are not lubricated, the moving metal parts will rub against each other and grind down. In addition, corrosion can form on the metal over time. In addition, street dust, together with the resulting metal dust, will interfere with the normal closing of the window: the handles will move tightly, the window will not close tightly, which will lead to a draft and heat losses in the room.


In addition to the moving parts of the window, you should also pay attention to the seal. This is another element that protects against dust, cold and noise. With regular care, it will remain elastic and effectively cope with its tasks.

It is likely that the installed model may have been discontinued for a long time and is outdated. In the event of a breakdown, it will be difficult to find the necessary replacement part. The entire mechanism will have to be replaced, and this can cost a lot of money. This is another argument in favor of regular window lubrication.

Eliminating drafts and blowing

The most common problem that owners of plastic windows turn to specialists with is drafts. There can be many reasons for blowing:

  • If there is a draft around the entire perimeter of the window, then most likely the window was not switched from summer to winter position.
  • Is the cold felt in the slope area? This was probably caused by a poor-quality installation seam. To correct this problem, you will have to completely rebuild the slopes.
  • If it shows through from the hinge side, then you need to carefully inspect the entire profile and make sure that there are no unsealed holes in the window. You can eliminate drafts using silicone for window frames.
  • Sometimes the cause of a draft is the misalignment of the sashes. This problem can be solved by adjusting the window.

    Adjusting the window when there is a draft.

Window handle repair and replacement.

Another part that often fails is the handle. It is this detail that people come into contact with most often. To avoid damage, you need to turn the handle gently and without pressure. If it fails, the easiest way is to replace the part.

Replacing the window handle.

1.First you need to unscrew the decorative plate at the base of the handle. Under it there are two screws on which the part is attached.

2. If you need to install a ventilation limiter, then before installing a new handle in its base you need to install a ventilation control plate - the so-called “comb”.

3.Then you need to tighten the screws and install the decorative plate.

Replacement of accessories

Wizard video: Replacing the harness

Replacement of accessories is necessary when, in the event of a malfunction or breakdown, its repair is impossible or when it is necessary to change its characteristics and functionality. Since the fittings from different manufacturers are standardized and have only slight differences, almost all of them are interchangeable.

Reasons for replacing fittings:

  • breakdown and malfunction;
  • physical deterioration;
  • changing brands from one to another;
  • change in functionality.

Mosquito net on plastic windows: choosing and caring for it

The mosquito net is a very valuable detail, especially during hot periods. We rarely think about her, but she also needs care.

It protects the apartment from midges, mosquitoes, flies, spiders and other insects that have no place in the house. Now on the market you can find the following types of meshes:

  • Velcro;
  • frame;
  • roll

    Frame mosquito net.

Frame meshes are the most popular: they are durable and easy to install. When choosing a mosquito net, you need to pay attention to the frame material. A more practical option is made of PVC, although you can also find meshes with an aluminum frame. The service life of the product is at least two years, but, as practice shows, with proper care it can last much longer.

How to care for a mosquito net? The most important thing is to take it off for the winter. Otherwise, the inexpensive plastic from which the product is made will collapse very quickly. You also need to wash the mesh with soapy water once a year.

Is it possible to wash plastic with acetone?

Instead of alcohol, it is possible to clean plastic from yellowness with acetone. Wet a dry, clean cloth or napkin with acetone. Gently wipe the required areas. Test it on a small piece of plastic first.

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Setting winter and summer periods

Plastic windows require periodic adjustments to help establish a comfortable climate in the room. Few people know that there is a “winter-summer” mode, which is regulated by the tightness of pressing the canvas to the frame. In winter, when temperatures drop lower, it is important to eliminate any possibility of blowing. But in summer, air from the street can circulate more freely.

We regulate winter/summer.

To set windows to “winter” mode, you need to adjust the locking mechanisms (trunnions), which are located on the side and upper ends of the sashes. This can be done using pliers or a hex wrench. How can I tell what mode a window is currently in? On round axles there is usually a point or mark by which you can determine how tightly the sash is pressed against the frame. In the summer mode, the risk is usually turned towards the street, and in the winter - inward.


In addition to cleaning all parts and carrying out lubrication work, it is necessary to adjust the mechanisms.

Why do you need to regulate?

The adjustment is carried out in order to reduce the noise level that comes from the street, as well as to maintain heat in the room. With sharp temperature fluctuations, the profile changes its properties:

  • When sunlight hits the profile on hot days, it begins to expand. As a result, the friction of the valves increases.
  • In winter, on the contrary, the profile narrows. As a result, the sash is pressed lightly, and cold air easily penetrates inside the apartment.

How often is adjustment needed?

It is advisable to adjust windows in autumn and spring. Seasonal adjustment involves moving mechanisms to a certain position. Change and adjust the mode of pressing the sashes to the profile. In addition to seasonal adjustments, work is carried out as needed.

For the winter

Before the winter cold, the clamps of each sash are tightened. As a result, when closing the window, the sash will be pressed tightly against the profile.

Plastic balcony door

When adjusting a plastic door yourself, you need to take into account the problem that has arisen, for example, the sash does not press well or there is sagging:

  • The easiest thing is to adjust the door handles. The cap under the handle is turned to a horizontal position and the screws are tightened.
  • Door pressure adjustment is most often done seasonally. In the summer, the clamps are loosened, and in the winter, on the contrary, they are tightened.
  • If there is a problem with the movement of the sash relative to the door frame, then the bolts in the hinges should be adjusted.

How to wash PVC windows without streaks

What to do if you want to wash a plastic window simply, safely and without streaks?

The choice of various products is wide: stores sell special sprays, gels and pastes. But even ordinary laundry soap does a good job of removing dirt and dust. In order to get rid of stains, you need to make a detergent without excess foam and after each flush, rinse the rag thoroughly in clean water. If you follow these recommendations, at the end of cleaning it will be enough to wipe the surface of the window with a dry cloth so that there are no streaks left on the glass.

When caring for PVC windows, you can get by with simple products (soap and machine lubricant) or purchase a whole set of professional products designed for window care - it all depends on your goals and capabilities. The main thing is to take care of the product, but how is not so important. Among the professional sets the following can be noted:

  • Window care from KBE and TROCAL.
  • Products from Rehau.
  • Professional set Cosmoklar.

The cost of one such set is approximately 500 rubles.

Product for lubricating plastic windows.

You can also get rid of dirt on windows and sills using ordinary products that every housewife has in her home. Here are some homemade recipes for caring for double glazed windows:

  • Special wipes (they remove minor stains well).
  • Regular newspaper (removes stains very well, even at the end of cleaning the glass).
  • Warm water with vinegar added. For 1 liter of water, add 3 tablespoons of vinegar. To make it easier to apply the solution to glass, you can use a spray bottle. It cleans effectively and leaves virtually no streaks on the glass. This product is also very good at cleaning tarnished glass.
  • To keep the glass shiny for a long time, it is recommended to wipe them with a solution of starch and water (1 tablespoon of starch per liter of water) - rub the glass, then rinse with water and wipe dry.

Salt water also gives shine to the glass.

Window care.

How to properly process mechanisms yourself: locks, hinges, seals, fittings?

Lubricating windows does not take much time; it is a simple procedure and every owner can handle it. If you follow all the rules, instructions and advice, the windows will perform their functions efficiently for a long time.

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. Open the window sash to the desired position so that all the mechanisms necessary for maintenance are easily accessible.
  2. If large contaminated particles are present, you need to wipe them with a wet cloth or remove them with a vacuum cleaner.
  3. You also need to clean the fittings from old oil with a brush and wipe everything dry with a napkin.
  4. The open sash and window frame are washed with warm water and soap diluted in it. After washing, you need to leave the window to dry.
  5. There is no need to rush, as when cleaning you can push dirt into hard-to-reach places and inside the profile.
  6. When using liquid oil, you need to drop a few drops on all the fittings - handles, brackets, hinges, locks. In order for the lubricant to be distributed throughout the entire mechanism, you need to switch the flap to the closed position and back. Do this several times in all window modes to ensure better blurring.
  7. When using a spray, application to the fittings should be done at a distance of 3-5 cm from the object being treated. The optimal dose is to hold down the spray valve for 2 seconds. The product is colorless, so it leaves virtually no marks or stains.
  8. Before treating the seal with a lubricant, you also need to wash it with soapy water and dry it. In order for the rubber seal to remain elastic and retain its water-repellent properties, it must be treated with silicone, glycerin or machine oil after cleaning.

Useful The lubrication procedure is recommended to be performed in late autumn and early spring.

After completing all stages of cleaning and lubrication, it is necessary to wash the window and sash to remove any remaining lubricant. Now all the elements are clean, well lubricated and do not creak. A tidied window can last a long time, maintaining warmth and comfort in the house.

An important question is how often should a window be lubricated? If your living environment is quite polluted and you often have to open the window, then you need to clean and lubricate it 2-3 times a year. In another, cleaner environment, doing this once a year will be enough.

Now everything is lubricated and the window is ready to serve us in the next season.

But it happens that cleaning and lubrication have not been carried out for a very long time, and after servicing there are still problems with opening the window and the tightness of the rubber seal to the frame.

In this case, it is necessary to perform additional adjustments to the window mechanisms - strengthen the pressure and adjust the height of the sash.

Increased pressure

The window needs to be adjusted so that it fits snugly against the frame. Using a hexagon, you need to turn the adjusting screw to the left. This position will allow you to press the window more tightly to the frame. If you need to loosen the pressure, turn it in the opposite direction.

It is not possible to accurately adjust the pressure at one time, so after each turn of the hexagon, you need to close the sash and evaluate the degree of pressure. Several such adjustments will allow you to find the desired position. As a result, the window will sit tightly and stop letting air through.

Sash height adjustment

In different cases, the frame may sag or, on the contrary, stretch. Even a few millimeters of deviation make it difficult to open/close the sash.

To adjust, you will need a hex socket that matches the size of the screw. Turning the screw counterclockwise with a wrench will raise the sash, clockwise will lower it. It is necessary to turn the screw in one direction or the other until the sash begins to open and close freely.

In order for lubrication work to give the highest quality results, you can use some tips:

  • Without experience and the necessary funds, it is better to refrain from working.
  • Carry out all work in warm weather.
  • Do not skimp on the quality of lubricant. The service life of the window depends on it.
  • In case of serious damage, it is better to use the services of a professional technician rather than trying to make repairs on your own.

Some tips for cleaning windows

  • For those who want to keep their apartment as warm as possible, experts advise installing energy-saving film on the windows. Thanks to its structure, it reflects rays in the summer, protecting the room from overheating, and in winter it retains heat by reflecting the rays inside. Energy-saving packages on windows can significantly save on heating costs in winter and on air conditioning in summer.
  • Always use rubber gloves when cleaning window glass.
  • We advise you to ventilate the room well after cleaning, especially if you used ammonia or vinegar.
  • Be careful when cleaning to avoid getting detergents in your eyes.
  • On high floors, be sure to follow safety precautions.

    We follow safety rules.

Any person can provide proper care for plastic windows with their own hands. With proper handling, the product can last about 40 years. PVC windows will provide an optimal microclimate in the house and protect from cold and wind.

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