Repairing a balcony door: can you do it yourself?

In this article you will find step-by-step instructions for replacing double-glazed glass in a plastic window. After studying it, you will be able to replace the double-glazed window with your own hands and learn all the subtleties and nuances of this matter.

It must be said right away that a double-glazed window is not a window. A double-glazed window is a window element that consists of two or three glasses. And this article will focus specifically on replacing double-glazed windows in a plastic window.

Before you begin to thoroughly study this issue, you must understand why you need it:

  1. For those who want to save on measurement, delivery and replacement of double-glazed windows. Savings in St. Petersburg will be approximately from 2500 to 4000 rubles for a small double-glazed window (measurement - 500 rubles, delivery - 1000 rubles, replacement - from 1000 to 2500). Outside the countryside, all items will be more expensive. The cost of replacing large glass units will also increase.
  2. For those who want to know what the correct replacement of a double-glazed window is and use this knowledge when installing plastic windows.

It must be said right away that there are several ways to replace a double-glazed window. But, all these methods differ from each other in only one way, in that the removal of the bead that holds the glass unit can be done with different tools. Such as:

  • Chisel
  • Putty knife
  • Special sickle knife or shoe knife
  • Axe )))

Well, removing the glazing bead with an ax is, of course, rather rude. Spatula - has soft metal, and therefore is not suitable for hard glazing beads. In order to use knives, you need a certain skill. All that remains is a chisel - this is a universal inexpensive tool that can be used to remove any glazing bead. It is this universal and simplest method that will be discussed in this article.

Why does a double glazing unit need wedging?

The plastic profiles from which modern windows are made have very solid strength, but it is not enough to maintain the geometry for many years while supporting the impressive weight of the sash. As a result, if the double-glazed window is installed incorrectly, the sash will soon begin to sag and may completely jam. Even if it is a high-quality profile from a well-known global brand, this problem will manifest itself over time. And if you do not have a very high-quality profile with a thin reinforcing insert, then this problem will manifest itself very soon.

But in the window design there is a rigid element that under no circumstances changes its geometry - a double-glazed window, and it is this that is the rigid frame that allows the flexible plastic profile to keep its given shape.
Thus, if the sash frame rests against the glass unit on all sides, it retains its shape. But you need to place the support points correctly and this procedure is called wedging. Typically, wedging is carried out at the factory when assembling the window on special stands, but in the case of very large windows or when replacing a double-glazed window, wedging must be done on site.

How to repair a balcony door

Wooden models, especially old ones, require the most attention. There are a lot of problems with them - over time they sag, the boxes become bent, etc. As a matter of fact, owners of metal-plastic options may also have difficulties, for example, they do not close. This is usually due to the fact that door hinges, as in the case of wooden ones, gradually begin to sag under the weight of the door or the operation of the fittings, the mechanism that ensures opening/locking, is disrupted.

The most popular material used in the manufacture of balcony doors is polyvinyl chloride. Most people buy balcony structures with a PVC profile 7-8 cm wide. The insufficient rigidity of such a structure is compensated by an impost or double-glazed window glued into the frame. However, minor repairs to a plastic balcony door may be required at any time, this is especially true during the transition from winter to summer.

There are more rigid and wider profiles (9-9.4 cm), which open in both directions and maintain their integrity even under heavy loads during operation. This is ensured by a steel profile, which is used to trim the plastic, and metal finishing of the corners. However, such doors are much more expensive, as a result of which they are not in great demand. They are mainly purchased when the balcony door is planned to be used as an entrance door.

During active use, the structure wears out over time, opens less well, adheres poorly to the doorframe, and handles and latches break. Therefore, when a plastic balcony door requires repair, many begin to look for specialists who will fix all the problems. It’s good if your purchase is still subject to warranty service.

Types of linings and their purpose

There are several types of linings, different in purpose and location. The most commonly used are straightening plates paired with seam liners and spacer pads.

Seal wear

On sale you can find seals of various manufactures and prices. The German seal is of the highest quality; its service life can reach 15 years. Naturally, such material is more expensive than those that become unusable after 4-5 years.

When purchasing a seal that looks like a rubber cord, you should pay attention to ensure that the material does not have any damage or cracks.

Repairing plastic balcony doors whose seal has worn out involves a complete replacement of this material. To do this you need to do the following:

  1. We remove the deteriorated seal from the grooves of the door profile;
  2. Using a damp cloth, we clean the grooves, removing dirt, dust and glue residues from them;
  3. Leave for some time until the grooves are completely dry;
  4. Carefully lubricate the grooves with glue and place a new sealing cord there;
  5. During installation work, be sure to maintain the original shape of the material, avoiding compression and stretching;
  6. We glue the joints formed in the corner of the profile;
  7. In order to extend the shelf life of the product, it can be coated with a special lubricant.

Placement of pads

Linings must be located strictly in certain places. In fixed windows, the linings are arranged as follows - two supporting ones at the bottom of the glass unit, and spacers on the sides. In tear-off doors, linings are placed according to the principle of a panel door - the diagonal pressure serves to keep the door in its position.

It is recommended to install no more than two support pads on any side of the glass unit.
In this case, you need to maintain the correct distance from the corner of the sash to the lining. Usually they are placed at a distance equal to the length of the lining - 10 cm. In some cases, it is permissible to reduce the distance to the corner to 2 cm, but it must be remembered that reducing the distance to the corner increases the stress on the edge of the glass since too much of the glass unit remains unsupported. And if you move too far from the corner, the entire considerable weight of the glass unit will fall on the middle of the profile and cause its deformation.

For very wide windows, it may be necessary to increase the distance to the corner in order to position the pads in areas where the frame structure can be supported to support the load. A distance of up to 250 mm is allowed.

The arrangement of support and spacer pads is described in detail in GOST 30674-99 “Window blocks made of polyvinyl chloride profiles”.

When wedging doors made of PVC profiles, the principle of placing the linings remains the same. The only difference is that when using reinforced locks, it is recommended to install additional pads in the locking areas.

There is debate about the need to wedge sections whose filler is sandwich panels, even among experienced installers, since it is believed that it does not have sufficient rigidity. Nevertheless, even a thin-walled panel, clamped on all sides, is capable of maintaining its geometry under significant loads, just as a fiberboard sheet with a thickness of only 4 mm fixed to the back of a cabinet successfully preserves its geometry.

In what cases is it necessary to contact specialists?

Repairing a balcony door with your own hands is not possible in the following cases:

  • The profile is cracked. Initially, it is necessary to assess the extent of the damage, and only then make a decision about calling a specialist. If the crack is through or its size exceeds 1 mm, then you should call a specialist (you may even need to replace the balcony door), but if the glazing bead is cracked, then you can cope with its replacement yourself.

  • In case of damage to double-glazed windows. Repairing broken window glass on a plastic balcony door with your own hands is impossible due to the fact that in all plastic structures there is air or inert gas inside the double-glazed windows for sealing. For these types of work, it is worth calling a specialist to take measurements of the double-glazed window and submit an application for the manufacture of a similar one.

    You can remove a double-glazed window, take measurements and order the same double-glazed window yourself (instructions below), but often such savings do not make sense, firstly, there is a possibility of making an error in the measurements, and secondly, most companies carry out measurement and installation as a gift to purchasing double glazed windows.

  • Damage to fittings. The first step is to measure the extent of the damage. For example, you can repair a balcony handle or lock yourself, but only a specialist can repair broken ventilation or alignment mechanism slats from the canopy profile.

Why are pads placed only at the corners of glass units?

The window profile and the double-glazed window mutually influence each other, but their reaction to external factors is different.
Under thermal deformations or dynamic influences, the plastic profile can bend, and if the double-glazed window rested directly on it, the bending profile could simply crush the glass. At the same time, the double-glazed window, with its weight, would also affect the profile, bending it outward.

Protection against this is provided by the compensation gap, into which the pads are installed. Moreover, they are installed in places least susceptible to deformation - closer to the corners.

Linings for double-glazed windows. Photo: Roto Glas-Tec

Replacing the lock

A situation may arise that the handle has rotated 360 degrees, thereby breaking the gear that moves the bar on which the axles are located. In this situation, it is necessary to change the entire bar.

Instructions for replacing the lock on a balcony door:

  1. The first step is to determine what kind of lock it is in order to order a new one. All the necessary information (name of fittings and specifications) is on the bar. Can be purchased at any company that sells plastic windows and fittings.

  2. It is necessary to move all the trunnions on the metal bar to the open position, that is, install it in the middle.

  3. Unscrew all the screws on the bar and remove the handle according to the instructions above.

  4. Remove the roller and microlift (handle opening blocker).

  5. We remove the bar itself.

  6. We take a new bar. The lock is initially locked for protection during transport. To unlock, you need to carefully break off the teeth with a screwdriver (see picture below).

  7. We install a new strip on the door leaf. The first fixation is made on the balcony handle (the handle should be in the open position).

  8. Next, carefully hammer in the latches that secure the bar.

  9. We tighten all the elements that were removed during dismantling. It may happen that when installing a new strip, the trunnions and the latch will not match. In this case, all these elements must be reset to the required level. At this point the repair can be considered complete. We recommend that you read the video instructions below; everything is discussed there in more detail, with a consideration of the nuances.

Self-wedging of double-glazed windows

Despite all the nuances described above, the procedure for opening a double-glazed window itself is not at all complicated, and with a standard window configuration it should not cause difficulties for a home craftsman. All you need for this is a set of straightening plates whose width is equal to the thickness of your double-glazed window + 2 mm, as well as a plastic or wooden spatula.

Step-by-step instructions for wedging a double-glazed window

  1. The wedging of the glass unit begins from the bottom. To do this, you need to carefully lift it with a spatula and place a lining under it.

    If the profiles have a beveled rebate, the backing is installed on the rebate leveler that comes with the profile. The main thing is to choose pads of suitable thickness and width and install them at the points indicated in the diagrams above. Installing narrower pads diagonally is not allowed, since in this case the outer glass will have a minimal support point and may burst over time.

  2. Next, the remaining linings are installed. The thickness of the linings is selected so that they hardly fit into the gap between the folded liner and the glass unit. The basic rule is to use linings of the same thickness on one side so that the double-glazed window stands strictly parallel to the profile rebate.
  3. After completion of the work, the double-glazed window is pressed with glazing beads. First, glazing beads are installed on the long sides of the window, and then on the short ones.

Dismantling the plastic balcony door: the beginning of the repair

Sometimes repairing a plastic balcony door may require its removal. This is usually necessary when replacing a mechanism that has become unusable or worn-out fittings. Even if it is in perfect working order, sometimes it becomes necessary to temporarily remove it. This is relevant, for example, when it is necessary to carry a large item through an opening. When working on removal you need to be very careful to avoid damaging the profile.

When dismantling, follow the following instructions:

  1. Remove the decorative plastic plug from the top hinge;
  2. Using pliers or a hex wrench, grab the axial screw and lower it all the way down;
  3. We tilt the door slightly forward and lift it a few centimeters, removing it from its hinges.

After all the work has been completed, the door profile must be installed in place.

Checking the sash geometry

The easiest way to check the geometry of the sash is to measure its diagonals and compare them with each other, since the diagonals of a regular rectangle are always equal.
At the same time, for sashes it is allowed to increase the diagonal from the bottom hinge to 2 mm in relation to the other diagonal. If it is smaller, then the sash is probably not wedged, and there is a risk of its further sagging. It is wrong to measure the geometry of the sash relative to the frame, because the frame itself can also be skewed.


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Basic faults

Basically, balcony doors are displaced relative to the horizontal or vertical axis, which gradually leads to deterioration in performance, and sometimes even to breakage of the fittings.

  • The result of the door sagging under its own weight is the door hitting the threshold.
  • Blowing in cold air from the street is a consequence of a loose fit of the door leaf to the frame.
  • Lateral displacement is accompanied by contact with the upper or middle part of the door frame.
  • The turning of the door handle occurs due to the loosening of the fastening screw.

The door creaks

PVC plastic balcony doors creak for three reasons:

  • Adjustment of canopies and clamping is necessary;
  • metal fittings are rusty;
  • lack of lubrication.

Instructions for adjusting the door are shown in the instructions above.

Let's look at lubrication and corrosion control methods.

A universal and effective means of combating corrosion is a product called WD-40. Available in different capacities in the form of an aerosol can.

Inject WD-40 into the mechanism precisely and wait half an hour. Usually this time is enough for the product to eat away the rust. Next, use a rag or sponge to remove all dirt and apply lubricant precisely.

Replacing the seal

On average, the seal on a balcony door is replaced every 2 to 3 years, but a high-quality seal can last 5 years. The seals have different configurations, it is important to purchase an elastic band that will fit your door; to do this, you need to slightly remove the edge of the seal and cut off a few centimeters. Then take the cut sample and buy a similar one.

Seals are sold by the meter, it is worth taking with a small margin of 10-15%.

Instructions for replacing the seal:

  1. Remove the old seal.
  2. The groove is cleaned of dirt with an alcohol-containing solution.
  3. Next, insert the seal into the groove along the perimeter from the top corner.
  4. After passing the perimeter, cut off the edge of the elastic 10 mm larger and insert it into the groove so that it fits tightly with the beginning of the rubber cord.


You should not put the seal on the glue, otherwise cleaning the groove will be a problem the next time you replace it.

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