How to wash vertical blinds at home

Classic curtains and curtains have long given way to modern options for decorating window openings. Vertical fabric blinds are an excellent option for protection from bright sunlight or the annoying curiosity of neighbors. They look aesthetically pleasing in both residential and office spaces. When purchasing this type of design, you need to know the rules for caring for them. Over time, dust and dirt from the surrounding air settle on the blinds. Professional washing turns out to be expensive in terms of money and effort. However, there is no need to go to the dry cleaner to restore a decent look to modern curtains. You can make them look attractive yourself, following some recommendations.

How to clean without removing

To remove dust, it is not necessary to wash window decor. How to wash vertical blinds:

  • Go over the fabric strips with a vacuum cleaner on low power. It is better to use a soft furniture nozzle.
  • Dissolve liquid soap in warm water, soak a cloth in the solution and wipe each strip.
  • Remove any remaining soap with a clean cloth.

Another option is cleaning with a steam generator. It will not only remove dust and small stains, but also remove unpleasant odors.

Installation of fabric blinds

After the cleaning and drying processes are completed, it is necessary to secure the strips from the blinds in place. To do this, you need to repeat the procedure for removing them in reverse order:

  • Place each strip in its place on the cornice.
  • Insert special weights back into the lower part.
  • Pass the chain into the guides on both sides.
  • Check the action of the guide thread and use the clean accessory to your satisfaction.

Caring for vertical blinds does not require much effort and time. The main thing is to notice in time that they need cleaning and carry out the procedure in compliance with the necessary conditions.

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How to wash vertical blinds


Fabric strips should be washed separately from clothing and other items to preserve their color. First, clean the slats from dust with a vacuum cleaner or a slightly damp cloth. If the slats have patterns on them, check to see if they are fading before washing. To do this, wet the fabric and wipe it with a napkin with detergent: if the rag remains clean, then the design will withstand washing.

Choosing a detergent.

Gels and detergent pastes are suitable for delicate machine washing: they completely dissolve in water without leaving streaks. But it is important not to overdo it with the concentrate: if you add too much product, it will be difficult to rinse out.

To wash by hand, you can take laundry or baby soap: rub it into shavings and dissolve it in water. You can also use a stain remover, but make sure it does not contain chlorine, otherwise the composition will ruin the fabric.

Do not use powder - large granules can damage the texture of delicate fabric when rubbed.


Before washing, roll each fabric strip and tie it with thread - this way the slats will not lose their shape. Try not to twist the fabric too tightly, otherwise it will not wash out. You can roll it in a stack of several pieces, but no more than five, to avoid creases.

  • Place the rolls in a deep basin with water (temperature no higher than 40°C) and add detergent. Leave the fabric to soak for 1-2 hours. If the material is very dirty, the soaking time can be increased.
  • Unroll the strips and wipe on both sides with a soft sponge soaked in soapy water. Make sure that the fabric does not wrinkle.
  • Rinse the slats with warm water. Do not squeeze them so as not to deform them.

Machine washable.

Roll the strips as you would for hand washing. Check that the thread holds well, but do not tighten too much.

  • Place the rolls in a special laundry bag. If this is not the case, use a regular pillowcase.
  • Set the mode to “delicate” or “hand wash”, select a temperature up to 30°C. Turn off the rinse and spin function.
  • After the end of the cycle, rinse the slats under running water, do not wring out. Place it in the bathroom to drain the water.

Cleaning blinds with steam

Owners of household steamers or steam generators can clean the blinds directly on the eaves without removing them using this device. It is able to efficiently remove dirt without damaging the lamellas. For cleaning you will need a special attachment for blinds. If this is not included in the package, it must be purchased separately.

Cleaning begins from the top of the blinds. The nozzle is carried vertically down the strip. At the same time, hot steam softens nicotine deposits, grease and dust. They mix with condensate from the steam and flow down like a dirty mass. All that remains is to wipe the strips with a microfiber cloth. If there are stains on the slats, they are treated with steam longer than other places.

Important! Steam cleaning should not be used too often, although this method of cleaning is preferable to washing fabric blinds at home. The reason is that steam can disrupt the impregnation of fabric strips. It is permissible to use steam cleaning only if it is no longer possible to remove dirt with a vacuum cleaner.

How to remove heavy stains

Oily spots.

Any dishwashing detergent, for example Fairy, Sarma, will remove them well. Straighten the strip, treat it with a soft sponge with the product, leave for a few minutes and rinse in warm water.

Pen and felt-tip pen.

Traces will be cleaned with ammonia. Dilute the bottle in 10 liters of water, place fabric strips in the solution and leave for a few minutes. If stains remain, wipe them with a cloth soaked in alcohol.

Tea and coffee stains.

Citric acid can remove dirt. Dilute the powder in water, soak a sponge in the solution and treat the stains. Caution: acid has bleaching properties, so before using the product, test its effect on an inconspicuous area of ​​the material.

Stains on colored blinds.

To maintain the vibrancy of the color and pattern while still removing difficult stains, use baking soda. Dissolve 20 g of powder in a glass of water with shavings of laundry soap. Stir and apply the solution to the stripes with a regular sponge. Then rinse and rinse in cool water.

Bamboo blinds - what to do

Bamboo is not afraid of dampness. However, sudden changes in humidity can lead to cracking of the reeds. Dust and accumulated dirt can be removed using a vacuum cleaner with a soft brush. Traces of insects are wiped off with a damp cloth soaked in any suitable product for caring for wooden furniture.

Sometimes there are tips to rinse bamboo with a stream of water. Because the stems swell from moisture, the tie cords may become loose after the curtain dries. Therefore, it is better to refrain from showering and bathing bamboo and limit yourself to wet wiping.

How to dry vertical blinds

Dry the blinds immediately after washing: if they sit, creases will form that will be difficult to get rid of. Straighten and hang the strips over the bathtub to allow water to drain. To prevent the strip from bending, secure the slats to the rope with a clothespin using a plastic fastener. Do not dry the fabric on a radiator or with a hairdryer, this will damage the shape.

It is better to hang the slats while still wet. This will allow them to dry faster and expand better under the weight of damp fabric. But you should not open the window so that dust and dirt from the street do not stick to the material.

Proper drying

The last, but no less important step in washing vertical fabric blinds is drying them. Properly dried strips will remain smooth and continue to serve properly, protecting the room from bright light and heat.

  1. After washing, the rolls should be unrolled and hung upright in a well-ventilated place. This could be a bathroom, the main thing is not to close it so that excess moisture can evaporate. Or you can dry the blinds outside away from the sun's rays.
  2. The use of household appliances for drying lamellas is prohibited.
  3. You need to hang it using a special strip fastening.
  4. When placing the elements of the blinds, they should be straightened, avoiding creases and distortions.
  5. Manufacturers recommend drying the product by hanging it back on the curtain rod. In this case, a special weight is hung from below, removed before washing.

How to care for vertical blinds

Frequent washing will cause blinds to fade and lose their shape over time. To avoid having to constantly expose the fabric to water, follow the care recommendations:

  • clean the slats with a vacuum cleaner with a furniture attachment at least once a week;
  • wipe the material once a month with a cloth soaked in soapy water;
  • do not wash windows with aggressive compounds containing chlorine - if it gets on the fabric, it will ruin the color and damage the fibers of the material;
  • treat the strips with an antistatic agent - this way they will be less covered with dust;
  • Once a year, lubricate the cornice guides with a special silicone grease - this will make it easier to move the strips.

If you decide to remove the blinds and replace them with other or regular curtains, roll the strips into rolls and carefully tie them with thread. A dry and warm room is suitable for storage.

How to wash properly: tips and tricks

You won't be able to simply wash your blinds like curtains; you'll probably have to put in a little more effort. Horizontal and vertical blinds, fabric, plastic and metal, are washed differently. But there are also common features:

  • It is necessary to wash blinds regularly - this is the main secret of cleanliness and maintaining a presentable appearance;
  • you should choose a cleaning agent in accordance with the material from which the lamellas are made;
  • Antistatic treatment will help reduce the frequency of washing;
  • they start wiping from the top and move down; you need to remove the slats and hang them back carefully so as not to damage the mechanism;
  • Every time after washing, do not forget to wipe the glass from dust and stains with a window cleaner, this will help keep the curtains clean.


  • The blinds can be machine washed, but only on a delicate cycle at temperatures up to 30°C and without spinning. If you wash the slats by hand, it is better to first soak them in a basin with a solution for a couple of hours.
  • Before washing, it is better to roll the strips and secure them with thread, put them in a special bag or pillowcase. Do not use aggressive chlorine products or powders.
  • To dry the strips, you need to hang them in the bathroom, let the water drain and return them to their place while still damp.
  • It is advisable not to resort to frequent washing, but to clean the slats without removing them using a vacuum cleaner, rag or soft sponge, and remove stains locally.

How to remove slats

To wash the strips of blinds, they must be removed from the supporting structure. To do this, follow these steps:

  • Using the control chain, turn the slats to the open position.
  • Remove the guide chain from the bottom weight of each strip on both sides.
  • Remove the weights.
  • Remove each slats from the curtain rod.

Features of washing blinds made of different materials

Before you start cleaning, you need to know an important condition - manufacturers do not recommend frequent washing of products due to the presence of a special impregnation on their surface that prevents the settling of dirt and dust. With delicate exposure, the coating is washed out. As a result, the vertical slats will get dirty faster and lose their appearance.

How to tidy up blinds of different quality:

  1. Made of polyester - they do not cause difficulties in washing, withstand external factors and loads, which allows them to keep their shape for a long time and not deform. Machine washable.
  2. Made from fiberglass - cannot withstand wet cleaning. The dry method is suitable for removing contaminants.
  3. Wood, bamboo. Fragile products that cannot withstand exposure to water. If intense friction occurs, the plates may break or be scratched.
  4. Jacquard fabric, pleated with the addition of cotton and linen fibers. This type of blinds should be washed once a year. Be careful and maintain the temperature at 35-40 degrees, otherwise the material will shrink.
  5. Polyester fibers. Easy to care for. Not afraid of mechanical impact. The optimal water temperature is 35 degrees.
  6. Cotton. When in contact with moisture they shrink slightly. Clean manually or using an automatic machine, but in delicate mode.
  7. Plastic. Strong, durable, easy to maintain.
  8. Aluminum. This version of the material is used to make horizontal curtains. They quickly regain their lost shine and freshness under running water from the shower.

When you decide to clean your sun-protection window curtains yourself, be careful in determining the quality and choosing the cleaning method.

Machine wash

Automatic washing is suitable for slats made of synthetic fabrics. They will not shrink, will not fade, and will not lose their presentable appearance. But just in case, still read the instructions for vertical blinds and make sure that the manufacturer allows this cleaning option.

Before washing, roll the lamellas individually or in 3-5 pieces. To prevent the packages from unwinding, pull elastic bands over them. All rolls must be placed in a laundry bag or pillowcase. With this method, you don’t have to remove the weights.

When everything is ready, place the bag in the washing machine drum. Dry powder should not be used for blinds, as it leaves white streaks on the product. Instead, it is better to use a gel for delicate fabrics.

Set to hand wash mode or use the sensitive, gentle or delicate wash mode. If your machine does not have suitable programs, set the water heating temperature to +30 °C, reduce the number of revolutions to 500 per minute. Turn off the drying, spinning and rinsing mode.

After the automatic machine has completed its cycle, unfold the slats and rinse one at a time in water at room temperature. Remember that such blinds cannot be wrung out or twisted.

Chemical detergents

You should not use washing powder to wash blinds made of any type of fabric. It leaves whitish marks and streaks. Products containing chlorine and other caustic components are also not suitable for this purpose.

It is better to choose a liquid detergent for washing delicate fabrics or wool: BioMio, Sodasan, Vorsinka, Help, Lion Acron, Laska, Care and Repair . A neutral shower gel will also work.

Shavings made from baby soap are less effective for heavily soiled areas. If the curtains are moderately or lightly stained, this option will help to wash them without ruining the structure. You can buy shavings, but it won’t be too difficult to grate a piece of baby soap on a coarse grater.

Compositions for cleaning carpets and upholstered furniture help wash away stubborn dust and dirt: Shampoo 5+ Carpets, Drop Vox, Help, Vanish, Selena Carpet, Antipyatin, Nordland .

It is better to entrust expensive curtains to professionals than to experiment at home. Dry cleaning will remove all dirt and refresh the impregnation of the curtains.

Which blinds cannot be washed?

Fabric blinds are practical and easy to use; they are increasingly replacing the classic fabric curtains that have been popular in use for many years.

Fabric blinds require special care, because any bend will inevitably lead to loss of appearance of the product. Below is a list of fabric blinds that you should be especially careful when cleaning:

  1. Caring for roller blinds does not involve washing, as any incorrect action will ruin them.
  2. Jacquard curtains are hand washable only; using a washing machine may damage them.
  3. Blinds containing fiberglass can only be cleaned by dry cleaning.

So, products that are afraid of folds should never be washed. In this situation, you will have to resort to alternative methods of removing contaminants, described below.

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