Is it bad or good to install a mirror on the entrance doors to a room?


When we enter the apartment and find ourselves in the hallway, the first thing that catches our eye is the mirror. No interior is complete without this detail. Especially when a person takes care of his appearance. When leaving the house, before closing the door, he looks in the mirror.

There are many myths among people: “if you forgot something and had to go back, look in the mirror, try to smile at your own reflection.”

Where to place the mirror?

This question worries many owners who decide to install a beautiful mirror in the hallway. Is it allowed to install it opposite the entrance?

In books describing Feng Shui, a clear answer is given: it is strictly forbidden to hang such products in front of the door. In Eastern countries, a mirror hanging opposite the entrance was considered a bad omen.

Whatever they say, mirror elements remain one of the main attributes of the hallway. Before going out, they will definitely stand in front of them to make sure that their clothes look normal, their hair is styled and looks elegant.

Mirror mounted on a door structure

This problem, whether it is possible to install the product directly on the door, is much higher than the choice of the shape of the mirror sheet and its corresponding quality. Before you mount your mirror, there are a few important things to consider.

If the mirror hangs in the hallway, opposite the entrance, it can be moved to the door without buying a new one.

Tips for choosing

The presence of a mirror in the design of a room can change it beyond recognition. But the choice must be approached carefully, since the design is often quite weighty.

Sliding interior mirror doors

Experts recommend:

  • Look at the smoothness of the material of the entire door leaf. There should be no visible gaps or joints in the wood.
  • Stop your choice on high-quality fittings. Saving money on hinges and tracks may result in structural damage in the future.
  • Strength of fixing the mirror to the door. There must be a minimum of 6 fasteners on a medium-sized canvas.
  • The condition of the mirror cloth is free of chips, scuffs and scratches.
  • Prices and manufacturers. A high-quality interior door will not be cheap, so don’t skimp and give preference to trusted manufacturers of door designs.

When purchasing, be sure to ask questions to sales consultants. They must provide all the necessary information about the product - from door material to installation features.

Interior mirrored swing doors

Where did the fashion for hanging mirrors on doors come from?

The idea of ​​hanging a mirror on the door belongs to the designers. In their opinion, this design of a small apartment looks attractive.

Sometimes it is hung directly on the front door. One problem arises. Such a mirror covers the entire surface of the door leaf, making it impossible to use the peephole.

Designers advise using a video camera to solve this issue. It just needs to be mounted above the entrance. This is an original solution, especially for those who are interested in progressive technical devices. This design looks unusual, you will have to get used to it.

Mirror mounted on the door structure

Which interior is it best suited for?

Placing a mirror surface on the entrance structure can be recommended not only to the owner of a house with a cramped corridor. Entrance doors with a mirror can be considered universal; modern designers use them in the decoration of rooms made in various styles - from classic to high-tech.

Mirror canvases will add spaciousness to a cramped space and transform even the most boring interior. The mirror surface can be easily decorated by applying various patterns and toning. Doors using frosted or satin glass look stylish. A mirror decorated with patterns will add luxury to the room.

It is important to choose the right shape and color of the frame for the mirror insert. Thus, in the interior of a hallway made in a classic style, it is preferable to use massive wooden panels; for a romantic style, a frame with carved and forged elements is suitable; the space of a hallway in a minimalist style will be decorated with a geometric combination of a mirror with aluminum and metal elements

Folk signs

To understand why it is not recommended to cover the walls with mirror elements located opposite the entrance, it is worth turning to folk signs. Each nation gives its own explanation, but they all have the same background.

  1. Feng Shui says that the basis of the human biofield is the energy “qi”. The wind and its own energy help it get inside the room. If you place a mirror in front of the door, there is a disruption in this exchange. Energy flows begin to be distributed in a chaotic manner;
  2. Mirror surfaces will prevent the flow of positive energy. They will begin to reflect it and send it back. Therefore, the amount of such energy in the room will be much less;
  3. The mirror surface is considered an accumulator of negative energy. The teachings of Feng Shui say that it is capable of absorbing negative emotions, as well as any experiences of visiting guests. In addition, it attracts negative energy from outside the building;
  4. If you hang a mirror opposite the entrance panel, it will begin to invite unnecessary people, intruders into the house and attract evil spirits. The product becomes a kind of portal to the other world;
  5. When the surface opposite the entrance is completely covered with a mirror, it takes away all the positive energy from the residents of the house. This causes rapid fatigue, poor health, depression and a disgusting mood;
  6. Feng Shui claims that such an arrangement helps to waste money. A product installed opposite the entrance worsens human health. Luck leaves his house, he has to forget about his good mood.

Science does not provide any evidence for these signs. But still, before hanging a mirror opposite the door, superstitious people should familiarize themselves with the advice of experts. When objects are arranged correctly in an apartment, a person is charged with positive energy and gains confidence in his own abilities.

It is not recommended to install a mirror opposite the entrance to the apartment

From an aesthetic point of view

What do you see behind you when the mirror hangs opposite the front door? If peeling paint, a garbage disposal, or indecent graffiti on the walls come into view, then a good mood and a piece of positive energy will instantly leave you even before your foot crosses the threshold of the hallway. But if a person likes a decent staircase, then why not watch yourself against its background.

The mirror accumulates negativity, so you need to approach it in a great mood, with a smile on your face, in full dress.

Where can you hang mirrors?

Hanging a mirror opposite the door is not recommended. When there is still enough space left in the corridor to install the product, bioenergeticists say that if it is installed correctly, it will not have a strong impact on the energy of the house; on the contrary, it will attract only good things.

  1. It is better to place the mirror on the side, maintaining a small distance from the door. Such a gap will protect the canvas from accidentally touching upon entry. A mirror installed above a chest of drawers or bedside table where shoes are stored is considered ideal.
  2. With an impressive mirror area, it is much more convenient to look at your own reflection. Hence the conclusion, purchase a large product so that its surface covers the entire area above the entrance. You can install a wardrobe with mirrored doors.
  3. Floor structures look beautiful.
  4. It is allowed to install a mirror on the side of the front wall, but it should not reflect the entrance to the room;
  5. Installation can also be done at an angle relative to the door. As a result, the input will not be displayed.

Mirror design

In addition to the question of the correct arrangement of objects in the room, it is important that the product matches the interior and comes into harmony with other objects.

Designers prefer to use large-sized products. Large sizes will visually expand the area of ​​a small hallway. This is striking if the layout is made like a long narrow corridor.

Mirror corridor

Feng Shui signs and explanations prohibit installing a mirror if it faces the front door. However, what to do when the layout of the apartment simply does not allow you to secure it in another place.

To optimize energy flows, according to Feng Shui, it is allowed to hang the canvas on the entrance partition itself. For this purpose, decorative inserts are used. They are attached to the door leaf.

Do-it-yourself decoration must be done carefully and reliably. If it is not strong, the canvas will fall with strong sudden movements and break. To make it beautiful, the inserts are sometimes tinted or have a design made on them that matches the style.

Decorated mirror

Beauty is in the details. How else to complement the interior of the hallway

Feng Shui masters advise placing in front of the mirror something that evokes positive associations in you, thereby increasing your joy. However, no figures, symbols, talismans or trigrams should be placed in front of it, since the mirror will reflect their meaning the other way around. It is better to replace them with pleasant paintings with views of nature and fresh flowers.

How to place a painting in the hallway

Mirrors were endowed with special powers not only in China. There are a great many Russian folk legends about them. Even in the 21st century, when returning home to retrieve a forgotten item, many glance at the mirror at random. Similarly, Slavic tradition prohibits keeping broken, cracked and dusty mirrors at home. And when getting ready for a new life or moving, you shouldn’t take an old mirror, especially if it has seen a lot of grief, to a new place. To a new life with a new mirror!

You can have different attitudes towards signs and feng shui, but listening to the wisdom of generations can be useful. Moreover, modern designers agree with many of the ideas of their ancestors in arranging a comfortable hallway.

Additional recommendations

  1. Remember that it is prohibited to hang items with scratches, chips or cracks in the room. Not only will such products spoil the appearance and harmony of room items, they will attract misfortune into the house.
  2. Try to avoid sharp corners. The best shape is considered oval. To create additional protection for the ends from energy load, it is worth framing it with a beautiful baguette.
  3. Feng Shui prohibits the use of a broken mirror, even when the decoration is done using a completely different method.
  4. Place artistic paintings or flower arrangements in front of the mirror. In other words, something attractive. These beautiful products neutralize negative energy and attract only positive emotions into the home.
  5. The mirror surface should always be clean. No traces of dirt, streaks or splashes are allowed.
  6. Fill the mirror with positive emotions. Try to look at it and smile more often.
  7. Don't allow yourself to swear while standing in front of your reflection. It will absorb negativity and will constantly give it back.

Mirror located on the side of the entrance
Bad omens came to us from afar. Each person chooses for himself whether to be afraid of them or not to pay any attention to them. You can always find the optimal solution, make the interior of the room and its design meet fashion trends and at the same time find a source from which positive energy will emanate, spreading throughout the house.

How to replace a mirror in front of a door

In principle, a mirror installed in a small hallway visually adds volume. But when you constantly see your own reflection, it becomes unpleasant. That is why you cannot mount a mirror opposite the bed, or completely lay out the bathroom with mirror tiles.

Feng Shui says that water absorbs the energy of money, it will begin to flow away like water through your fingers.

If you want to admire your reflection at full height, you can put a small wardrobe with mirrored doors in the hallway.

Convenient, functional floor mirror

If there is no space for a wardrobe, install a floor mirror. It can stand anywhere, since energy does not apply to it.

Everyone decides for themselves where to hang the mirror. To believe or not to believe signs, this decision is made depending on one’s own beliefs. Therefore, when creating design in an apartment, listen to your own feelings.

Since placing a mirror opposite the entrance ceiling is highly discouraged, an excellent solution would be to install a partition with a full-length mirror. It will allow you to save space, avoid purchasing a floor product, and comply with all superstitious signs.

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Tips for choosing

Sliding interior doors with a mirror as a design element can visually change the room. Therefore, when choosing, you need to carefully study all the characteristics and features of the model.

Experts recommend:

  1. evaluate the quality of fabric and accessories;
  2. make sure the mirror is securely fastened (at least 6 fasteners);
  3. check the condition of the reflective surface (no abrasions, chips, scratches).

When purchasing, it is recommended to consult with the seller, who must provide all the information on the list of necessary components of the design.

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