Blowing from a plastic window: how to easily fix the problem on your own

Why do plastic windows let the cold in: the main reasons

If the windows are leaking, this indicates a worn-out plastic structure or a manufacturing defect. Any problem can be eliminated; first, the cause of its occurrence is identified. The solution method and costs depend on it.

The main reasons for freezing of plastic windows:

  • poorly executed window design;
  • making errors in installation;
  • wear of insulation;
  • breakdown of fittings;
  • the formation of cracks in the slopes and between the window sill and the window;
  • dropped hinges.

If a problem arises, it is recommended to call a specialist from the company that manufactured and installed the double-glazed windows. Services will be free if the warranty has not expired.

Depending on the region, you need to choose suitable window designs. Available to order:

  • single-chamber;
  • two-chamber;
  • three-chamber.

Accordingly, the warmer the region, the fewer cameras will need to be installed. If in a northern city there is an apartment with single-chamber double-glazed windows, then the room will always be cold. A frozen window causes the temperature in the room to drop.

You can deal with most of the problems that arise on your own if you have basic knowledge about the device. You will also need to stock up on special tools. Otherwise, you should not skimp and call a specialist to the site.

What should the temperature be?

State standards establish microclimate indicators in residential premises at which residents will feel comfortable, without being at risk of getting sick:

  1. The air temperature in the room should be between 18 and 24 C, depending on the purpose of the room.
  2. Relative humidity is set by SES no higher than 60%.
  3. The speed of circulation of air masses inside a house or apartment is not higher than 0.2 m/s.

PVC windows are always several times colder than the outer wall, since their thermal resistance is only 0.75 C m2/W compared to the same figure for walls of 3.5 C m2/W.

This is what leads to the fact that at T = -20 C the window sill cools much more than the wall and will have a T of approximately +10 C. If during operation in winter this temperature is lower and even drops to O or even lower, then you need to look for the real reasons for this decline.

Problems and solutions

Why is there cold coming from plastic windows? The reason may be, as we have already said, poor-quality fittings, incorrect adjustment, or installation errors. The result is cold from the window. What to do?

  • First, inspect the fittings for damage.
  • If the fittings are cheap and of poor quality, then it is better to replace them.
  • Lubricate and adjust everything well.
  • If there is blowing from under the handle, it may also need to be replaced.
  • Check and, if necessary, change the window mode to “winter”.

After these manipulations, the problem should go away.

If the reason for this is the sealing rubber, then most likely there is no need to replace it. There is cold coming from the windows: what to do? First, check the condition of the seal. Its appearance leaves much to be desired, is elasticity lost? In this case, replace it.

  • Remove the old seal.
  • Clean your profile thoroughly.
  • Install a new one.
  • To create additional sealing, you can blow in the cracks between the glass unit and the frame with silicone.

It blows cold from a plastic window in the area of ​​the frame or window sill. This is probably due to improper installation of the glass unit. That is, the installers are to blame for everything. What to do?

  • Call a repair team and force them to redo everything.
  • Seal the gaps between the window and the sill with sealant.

Plastic windows began to let in the cold in the area of ​​the slopes. Here again there are installation errors. What to do?

  • Disassemble the slopes.
  • Blow everything out with foam.
  • Install everything back.

If the cause of the blowing is a defective window, then it must be returned under warranty. If the double-glazed window has lost its tightness, then there is definitely a replacement.

Blowing from under the bead

When air flows from under the bead, it can be concluded that the seal needs to be replaced. To do this, you need to remove the old rubber and remove dirt from the surface. After completing these steps, a new seal is installed.

Today, the best option is silicone. It has a high sealing performance and a long service life.

Sometimes the problem is using a defective glazing bead. In this case, replacement of this part is required.

Cover with sealant

This method is suitable if the gap between the window sill and the window frame is not very large. In addition, compared to other methods of combating drafts, this is the cheapest.

Defects are eliminated using a transparent sealant. Before using it, the gap should be cleaned of dust and dirt, degreased, and dried.

The gap between the frame and the window sill must be cleaned of dirt

Then, using the tube nozzle, apply the maximum possible amount of the substance until it is completely filled.

For the easiest way to eliminate a defect, use a sealant

To get a beautiful seam, run the edge of a 10-ruble coin along it. Do this in a continuous motion to avoid crooked seams.

The advantage of this method is that all the work takes a matter of minutes. Disadvantage: fragility. After two years, the sealant begins to peel off and darken.

Closing the gap with a profile

This method is based on creating additional protection for the sealed seam using a plastic profile.

For work you will need the following materials:

  • Transparent silicone sealant;
  • Stationery knife, sharp scissors;
  • Plastic profile in internal corner configuration.

Armed with everything you need, get to work.

Algorithm of actions

  1. First, measure and cut the profile to the length of the window frame with a margin of 2-3 cm.
  2. Then cut off its perforated part so that there is a distance of about 1 cm from the curved plate, and 2 mm from the bend of the right angle.

The profile cutting line must be sharpened

  • Using a utility knife, sharpen the cutting line by scraping off the corners on both sides. This is done so that this part of the profile easily fits into the crevice, thereby creating a barrier for air entering the room.
  • Make holes in the lower corners of the window with a depth of one to one and a half centimeters.

Do plastic windows let the cold in? What to do? Useful tips

With the arrival of winter, people often pay attention to the cold coming from the window. And this is not just unpleasant, such cold causes a number of problems and gives a lot of headaches to the owners. If the windows allow cold to pass through, condensation may accumulate in places where there is air flow, which subsequently turns into ice. The windows leak, cry, and mold forms. Heat loss increases. But why is all this happening? Maybe the windows are broken?

Only a specialist can understand the reasons why cold is blowing from the windows during a local inspection. But don't despair.

The first thing you need to do is not to panic. You don't have to buy new windows! But the reason why the plastic window began to let the cold in still needs to be found. Where to begin?

The first thing you need to check on your windows is the condition of the sealing gum. In general, a high-quality seal with regular care can last about 10 years. However, it happens that windows are equipped with low-quality seals, which very quickly become unusable. And if the care was inadequate, then this happens even faster.

Why are we interested in the seal? If plastic windows let the cold in, then in most cases it is to blame.

The sealing rubber must be flexible, without cracks, and not dried out. The sash should fit tightly to the window frame, nothing should show through anywhere. This is how serviceable windows with good seals work.

Sometimes the reason for the appearance of cold from plastic windows is a malfunction of the fittings. The mechanism could break or become clogged with dirt. The sash could sag or move to the side. All this can cause blowing and, as a result, cold from the street into the room.

Depressurization of a double-glazed window

I can’t say that this is a very common problem, but it still occurs when it comes to such a question as “Why does plastic windows give off cold?” What is glass depressurization? This is when, due to damage, air from outside penetrates into the glass unit chamber. That is, initially there is either an inert gas or dry air inside the glass unit. This layer absorbs heat from the room and keeps the cold out from the street. When depressurization occurs, cold, moist air begins to enter inside. The window stops keeping warm!

If you feel cold from plastic windows, then it is likely that the metal-plastic structure was initially defective. That is, the manufacturer made a mistake at the factory. As a result, the window is not able to fully perform the functions assigned to it. The frame, fittings, or double-glazed windows may be defective. If the purchase of a window, as well as its installation service, was ordered from a reliable company, the defective window can be replaced under warranty. However, in this matter it is important to prove that the window was indeed initially defective. Sometimes you can’t do it without a good specialist.

Window installation

Why do plastic windows feel cold? Who did the installation of the window structure? The fact is that if you make a mistake during installation, then the window will inevitably draw cold. During the installation process, the window can be damaged, the slopes can be made incorrectly, or the frame can be bent. Even if the window design was initially good, of high quality and in good working order, improper installation will reduce all its advantages to nothing.

Quite often, the cold through plastic windows comes from the double-glazed windows themselves. How does this happen? In order to reduce the cost of their services, some companies purchase windows with cheap conventional single-chamber double-glazed windows. As a result, the window is inexpensive, and the installation cost remains the same. The overall cost of glazing is reduced, and people order the service more often. Such companies do not warn their customers that the windows they order will not retain heat. Moreover, they are not intended for year-round use at all.

When the temperature outside drops below zero. Single-chamber double-glazed windows do not cope with their responsibilities. They cannot retain heat and release cold into the room. Plus, they also start to “sweat” terribly. So if you are wondering why the cold comes from plastic windows, the reason may be in incorrectly selected double-glazed windows.

I would like to note that only a highly qualified specialist can accurately determine the reason why the cold comes from plastic windows through a detailed examination of the window structure. However, as practice shows, in most cases the culprit of the “triumph” is a leaky sealing rubber.

So, the first thing, as you probably understand, is to establish the cause. You can do this yourself, but it is better to contact a specialist so as not to aggravate the current situation.

  • If the seal is leaky, it needs to be replaced. In some cases, it is possible to restore old rubber. A specialist will tell you whether this is possible in your situation.
  • If the window fittings have become the cause of the cold coming from the windows, then perhaps everything will be limited to banal lubrication and adjustment. However, failure is quite possible. To find out for sure, you need to disassemble the window sash.
  • If you see that moisture has begun to accumulate inside the glass unit, then most likely you are dealing with depressurization. What to do in this case? The most correct solution would be to replace the glass unit.
  • If the window structure is defective, it can be replaced. But it's not at all easy. In most cases, people order window repairs from our craftsmen.
  • When errors are made during installation, it is very serious. There is a high probability that the window will have to be dismantled and installed correctly.
  • You can't do anything with cheap single-chamber double-glazed windows. There is no way to force them to keep warm and keep out the cold. Therefore, they will have to be replaced, at a minimum, with energy-saving double-glazed windows.

Check the hinges

Sometimes you can find that it is blowing from the hinges of plastic windows. Why is this happening? In search of an answer, you will have to examine the outside of the frame. Look for additional holes. These will most likely be technological gaps for attaching a mosquito net to the window. They are not needed in winter, so we close them until summer.

We hope you have now received the necessary clarification about why it blows from plastic windows. And like any problem, it is better to prevent this trouble in advance. Choose a company to install PVC structures meticulously, and choose profiles and fittings no less meticulously. Monitor the quality of installation. Don't forget to inquire about window warranty service. This will make it easier and cheaper to eliminate detected defects. Also, follow the rules for operating plastic window systems, monitor the condition of the seal, and eliminate any problems that arise in a timely manner.

This question really worries many people now!

We answer in detail:

This is a normal situation! Glass cannot be warm, it is not a heater, it does not heat up itself, and heat loss through it occurs constantly (up to 25% of all heat loss in the house). And there is no escape from this!

From the physics course we know that any material has a coefficient of resistance to heat transfer.

Heat losses in the house mainly depend on:

1. Temperature differences in the house and outside (the greater the difference, the higher the losses),

2. Thermal insulation properties of walls, windows, ceilings, coatings or, as they say, enclosing structures.

So, the main task is to maximize the coefficient of resistance of glass in plastic windows and reduce heat loss.

To do this, they first came up with a double-glazed window, with a different number of cameras It is clear that in this case, heat loss has become less due to the number of glasses, their thickness and the air gap between them.

But this is not the limit!

The next step was to use one of the glasses with a selective coating (i-glass) in the double-glazed unit, which is capable of reflecting heat waves into the room and at the same time transmitting solar thermal radiation outside. However, its use in sealed plastic windows often leads to discomfort in summer. Solar radiation penetrates the house, and most of it remains indoors, you understand what happens.

And then progress gave us multifunctional glass, currently one of the most advanced inventions in the window industry.

It works in two directions. Its inner layer reflects heat back into the room, and its outer layer reflects solar radiation back to the street, which creates an optimal indoor microclimate.

And now attention, some good tips for improving the conditions of thermal comfort in your home (suddenly you haven’t installed a thermal package for yourself yet or, scary to think, you still haven’t replaced the old cracked wooden windows with brand new plastic ones). 1 We increase the temperature of the inner surface of the window by blowing warm air through the glass unit

1 We increase the temperature of the inner surface of the window by blowing warm air through the glass unit.

We create rising jets of warm air - we drill holes in the window sill board, insert convection grilles into the holes. Heated air rises, this allows you to increase the temperature of the glass and reduces the influence of cold air entering through the window

2. We insulate the wall located under the window behind the heating device. On top of the thermal insulation we make a screen of shiny aluminum foil, reflecting the heat emitted by the battery into the room. Nice and warm.

3. We hang blinds on the windows. Yes, yes, they also have a heat transfer resistance coefficient.

How to determine where it is blowing from a plastic window

In order to eliminate the cause of the unpleasant draft that occurs in the area of ​​the window opening, first of all you need to find the place where it is blowing from. To do this, you need to pick up a lit candle and bring it to the window sash, where it touches the frame. You need to be especially careful at the junctions of the window frame and slopes.

If its flame begins to fluctuate greatly, then there really is a problem. If the vibration of the candle is barely noticeable, then everything is in order with the tightness of the double-glazed window.

Having identified “vulnerabilities”, it is better to contact a window installer to eliminate them, especially if they are still under warranty. Or try to get rid of the cracks yourself.

The frames are set to the wrong mode

Winter mode involves a tight fit of the sash to the frame. In warm weather, when warm fresh air is needed in the house, the window must be adjusted so that there is a gap. Of course, if you leave a window with a gap in it for the winter, it will blow. But this issue is resolved in a few minutes. And you don’t even have to call specialists. Step 1. Open the sash and look where the control line on the trunnion is turned. Step 2. Turn the line towards the room for a closer connection of the sash to the frame - or towards the street if you set the summer mode. How exactly turn the hook, depends on the mechanism. In some cases it is enough to simply pull the pin and turn it, in others you may need a hexagon.

Adjusting the window will take a few minutes. Photo from the pvhoknaeuropa channel. Adjustment is necessary not only to create a comfortable microclimate in the house, but also for the proper operation of windows in general. For example, if you install windows adjusted for winter conditions, the fresh seal can be seriously damaged. He will simply be pushed further than permissible. And then even the best quality windows will let in cold air. That is, you can set the window to winter mode only after installation. Before this, the settings should correspond to the summer version.

You can set up the window yourself - or you can turn to professionals

Plastic windows blow cold, what should I do?

By replacing old wood with newfangled metal-plastic, every apartment owner hopes to reduce heat loss in the living space. But alas, sometimes technology gives in to the winter frosts and the window starts to feel noticeable. There may be several reasons for this.

Why does a double-glazed window allow cold to pass through?

Incorrect installation. This problem can be suspected if it starts siphoning in the first cool days after installation. To clarify the diagnosis, simply run your palm along the slopes and window sill near the window.

And then compare the temperature of those surfaces with that of the glass unit. If the latter turned out to be warmer, then the source of the problems has been found.

Now all that remains is to remember exactly how the installation was carried out in order to assess the prospects for self-repair.

Metal-plastic windows are usually installed in two ways:

  1. At a depth of 1/3 from the outer edge of the wall, when on the outside it is possible to make a kind of step on a quarter of a brick. This means that on the side of the street the window frame is held by the walls of the building, and the mounting foam is protected from exposure to sunlight;
  2. In the center of the wall thickness, if it is impossible to make a step. In such a situation, the functions of the “quarter” are assigned to the outer slope, which completely hides the polyurethane foam and increases its thermal insulation properties.

In the first case, self-repair is acceptable (if the warranty is invalid). To carry it out, it is enough to open the slopes from the side of the room and check the quality of foaming. All cracks must be thoroughly filled with foam.

It is also important to look under the window sill as the repair progresses. Quite often, the need to foam the space underneath is simply “forgotten.”

But when conducting an inspection, you should follow safety precautions and, at a minimum, ask your partner to protect you from falling out of the window.

If a void is discovered under the ebb tide, it is also carefully blown out.

In the same case, when the window was installed without a “quarter”, the maximum that can be done independently is to open the slopes and make sure that they are poorly foamed. After this, you should call the experts. Do-it-yourself repairs in such conditions will simply turn out to be more expensive and troublesome.

Deformation of seals is a natural result of their long-term use without proper care. This problem is revealed by visual inspection - cracks in the rubber bands indicate the need for their complete replacement.

Dismantling the old seal and installing a new one does not require special skills; the work can be done independently.

In the future, in order to extend the service life of this element, it must be treated with silicone-based products twice a year.

A loose fit of the sash also results in drafts. This can be eliminated by simply adjusting the fittings, which have summer and winter modes. If you have no experience in carrying out such work, it is better to call a specialist.

Changing the tightness of the sash depending on the season is an effective way to extend the service life of the seals.

In summer, the elastic bands expand and require more space, which is provided by increasing the gaps between the plastic elements of the frame.

Pulls from double-glazed windows most often occur when single-chamber windows were installed. Subjectively, this is felt as a stream of cold air “rolling” from the windowsill into the room.

To exclude other probable causes, it is enough to touch the glass and compare its temperature with that of the slopes in the area adjacent to the window. The wall in this situation seems warmer.

The only way to fix the problem is to supply heated air to the window. A window sill with ventilation ducts along the frame is well suited for these purposes.

Its visor captures the flows emanating from the heating device and directs them to the double-glazed window, thereby preventing the accumulation of cold air in the window opening.

Manufacturing defects are usually detected almost immediately after installation. But sometimes it is discovered only with the onset of cold weather.

A slight distortion of the frame, a violation of the tightness of the double-glazed window, or improper fixation of the fittings become noticeable when trying to adjust the window to winter mode or when there is a serious difference in the internal and external temperatures.

The problem can only be fixed together with the defective window - to do this, you need to contact the company that installed it.

Tips for use and selection

To avoid depressurization of window frames with the onset of cold weather, it is necessary to timely adjust the fittings. In addition to controlling the “winter-summer” positions, tightening the screws will also help get rid of sagging of the sashes.

It is also important to control the direction of heat flow.

If a protruding window sill and heavy curtains prevent it from penetrating into the window opening, this will cause an accumulation of air cooled by the glass unit, which will create the illusion of drafts.

When choosing windows, it is important to consider that single-chamber options are only suitable for warm regions. If in winter the temperature drops below -10 °C, then such windows will seriously blow cold. There are several ways to avoid this

  • choice of two or multi-chamber windows;
  • installation of double-glazed windows filled with noble gases;
  • tinting of internal windows with short-wave radiation filtering film.

The first two methods reduce the total thermal conductivity of a plastic window. The third reduces it to the possible minimum.

The fact is that the shielding layer easily transmits long-wave solar rays without affecting the illumination of the room. But short-wave ultraviolet radiation is not released outside.

As a result, even the glass itself feels much warmer to the touch than its counterparts without such a coating.

And finally: it is advisable to control the window installation process. After all, it is the results of improper installation that are the most common reason why cold bridges appear in the window opening.

If it blows from the hinges

It may leak in this place due to incomplete filling of the mounting holes. To fix the problem, you need to carefully inspect the sash and close them tightly.

In addition, the cause of a draft that occurs in this area may be technological gaps for attaching a mosquito net or other additional holes located on the outside of the frame. Since there is no need to use them in winter, they should be closed before warm weather arrives.

In some cases, wind in the place where the hinges are attached may occur due to improperly installed or poor-quality fittings. The problem is solved by replacing or adjusting it.

Why is it stuffy with plastic windows and how to deal with it?

The renovation is complete! The old wooden windows in your home have been replaced by shiny new plastic windows, very comfortable and freeing your apartment from cold, noise and dust.

But here’s the problem: having fenced off your home from the outside world with sealed double-glazed windows, you have deprived it of the most important thing - fresh air.

Don’t rush to despair: there is a way out! Simple and economical. High technologies will help make your home climate healthy while maintaining all the benefits of plastic windows. It’s not always stuffy with plastic windows - install a KIV air valve in your apartment and breathe freely.

Tightness or freshness?

The tightness of plastic windows leads to the fact that the percentage of oxygen in the home atmosphere decreases and harmful substances accumulate. This results in a feeling of discomfort and stuffiness, fatigue and headaches. “Wrong” air leads to a decrease in immunity, children get sick for no apparent reason, and indoor flowers wither. The windows begin to “cry”: the accumulation of condensation on the frames and wallpaper leads to the formation of mold. And, if you constantly keep the windows open, the point of buying new windows is nullified: again the house is cold, dusty and the roar of trams. Ventilation will help to avoid all these troubles and fill the house with freshness.

Choosing a ventilation method.

Supply or supply and exhaust ventilation unit? The best solution is when the air from the street is cleaned of dust and dirt and heated (if cold), but during the installation process you will have to break down freshly finished walls to lay air ducts in them.

Window valve. You will need to drill holes in the frame, which means damaging the window structure, and with the onset of winter you will still have to deal with condensation - in severe frosts the window valves freeze.

Micro-ventilation systems on plastic windows.

In winter, a window open for micro-ventilation quickly cools down the room without having time to ventilate it. Drafts are one of the main causes of colds.

Air valve KIV-125. The design of the valve prevents noise, dust, cold and drafts from entering the house. KIV-125 was tested in the frosty winters of Khanty-Mansiysk.

The air flow is easily adjusted using the handle. The compact device fits perfectly into the interior. Installation is easy and quick, without compromising the integrity of the finish. We can say that the KIV-125 is a modernized version of the window, its more functional, convenient and safe alternative.

There is always a healthy atmosphere in a house where a KIV is installed. You can breathe easily and freely, indoor plants and, of course, children, for whom a healthy climate is vitally important, feel great.

Fogging of windows in wooden houses

Let's talk about wooden houses separately, since there is a myth that they do not need ventilation and they always maintain ideal humidity and temperature for humans. Why do plastic windows sweat in a wooden house? Despite all the theories, the reason is the same as for other houses - the humidity and temperature of the glass unit.

But for wooden houses there are some nuances, since wood itself contains a certain percentage of water, in a house made of it there will always be a slightly different level of humidity than in the same building made of brick or concrete.

There are two construction technologies. Wooden houses are built from wood of natural moisture and after drying. If a house is built from timber or logs with natural moisture, then during the process of drying, moisture also enters the room, slightly increasing the overall level.

When using wood that has been chamber-dried, the situation is different: dry timber is able to absorb excess moisture from the air, maintaining humidity at a certain level. But in this case, the humidity changes slightly and is not able to significantly affect the formation of condensation on the windows. After clarifying the question of why PVC windows sweat in a private wooden house, we will also consider the option of using wooden windows.

Why do wooden windows in a private house sweat from the inside and what to do in this case? When using metal-plastic energy-saving windows, micro-ventilation through cracks and leaks is blocked, but condensation can also form with wooden structures. Most often this happens during severe frosts, or if the wooden window is of such high quality that its characteristics are close to those of metal-plastic ones. In both cases, you need to do the same as when using PVC windows: arrange ventilation in the rooms.

To better understand why windows in a new house sweat in winter, you can watch the video.

Tips for use and selection

To avoid depressurization of window frames with the onset of cold weather, it is necessary to timely adjust the fittings. In addition to controlling the “winter-summer” positions, tightening the screws will also help get rid of sagging of the sashes.

It is also important to control the direction of heat flow. If a protruding window sill and heavy curtains prevent it from penetrating into the window opening, this will cause an accumulation of air cooled by the glass unit, which will create the illusion of drafts.

When choosing windows, it is important to consider that single-chamber options are only suitable for warm regions. If in winter the temperature drops below -10 °C, then such windows will seriously blow cold. There are several ways to avoid this

  • choice of two or multi-chamber windows;
  • installation of double-glazed windows filled with noble gases;
  • tinting of internal windows with short-wave radiation filtering film.

The first two methods reduce the total thermal conductivity of a plastic window. The third reduces it to the possible minimum. The fact is that the shielding layer easily transmits long-wave solar rays without affecting the illumination of the room. But short-wave ultraviolet radiation is not released outside. As a result, even the glass itself feels much warmer to the touch than its counterparts without such a coating.

And finally: it is advisable to control the window installation process. After all, it is the results of improper installation that are the most common reason why cold bridges appear in the window opening.

Alternative insulation methods

In addition to all the methods listed above, some tricks can help prevent the cold from getting in. Let's look at a few of them.

Wool blinds

This is a slightly unconventional, but effective method of insulating windows with your own hands. Conventional blinds are simply wrapped in strips of woolen fabric, making them reliable protectors against the cold penetrating through the windows in winter.

Heat-saving film

Insulation of plastic windows can also be done with heat-saving film - a fairly budget-friendly and at the same time effective option. But you need to glue the film so that there is no air, that is, “bubbles,” left under it; not only the appearance of the windows, but also the quality of the thermal insulation will depend on this.

Electric window heating

This is the most modern way to insulate a room. With this system, an oil heater is placed on the window sill, and an electric heating coil is installed in the glass itself.

But if you decide to use just this heating method, then it is better to complete the installation while the double-glazed windows themselves are still being installed, but you can do this later by purchasing the system in a specialized store.


It may sound strange, but curtains can protect you from the cold. They serve as an effective barrier to air and keep out the cold in winter if it does penetrate through the windows. In addition, when passing through the curtains, the air, although not significantly, warms up.

Window sill insulation

Cold air can also penetrate through the joints between the adjacent parts of the window sill. They need to be sealed well. Also, if the work is done poorly, “black holes” may remain under the window sill itself, so it must be dismantled and the joint between the slab and the window block must be further processed.

To do this, we open the small plugs on the window sill, unscrew it with a screwdriver, and all possible cracks open to us from where cold air can come.

Will ventilation help?

Partly yes, because air humidity will decrease. However, when ventilating, a large volume of cold air suddenly enters the room. It cools the sash, frame and slopes - condensation begins to form even more actively.

Further aggravating the situation:

  • Improper foaming of slopes and window sills and their freezing
  • Contact of the frame with cement mortar in the seams
  • The window sill covers the radiators. Dry and warm air from the radiators does not enter the plane of the window
  • The glass unit is single-chamber, not double-chamber
  • Profile with insufficient number of cameras
  • Poor sealing of window seams

Installation of slopes

Sometimes the cold begins to penetrate into the room through the cracks that have formed between the slopes and the window frame. Most often this is a consequence of poor installation.

If your slopes are sagging because the house has settled a little, then it is best to dismantle the window and install it again. You can also insulate the joints. There are a huge number of different materials for this:

  • Drywall;
  • Mineral wool;
  • Foam rubber and others.

All these construction tools are perfect for solving the problem of uneven slopes.

Once you have purchased the necessary material, cut it to the width and height you need. When you install the slope, place insulation under it. But it is best to treat all joints and window frames with silicone (sealant) before doing this. This will allow the plastic structure to be sealed even better.

External slopes can be insulated as shown in the video. But in this case it is better to coat all external seams with silicone. This will prevent moisture from seeping into the room.

Who is to blame, who is to blame?

Campaigns for the installation of plastic windows promise that their products will perfectly retain heat in the room, keep out the cold and prevent drafts. Not everyone keeps such promises. Many companies save wherever possible. Starting from the use of the cheapest materials to the low level of payment for installers (which inevitably leads to their unprofessional work).

If the cause of the blowing is poor-quality installation or materials, the installer company is to blame. In this case, you need to contact the campaign, describe the situation that has arisen and demand that the mistakes made be corrected or the funds spent returned. In case of refusal, contact the Society for the Protection of Consumer Rights or assert your rights in court. Campaigns must be held accountable for the quality of their work.

It often happens that we ourselves are to blame for the problem of improper functioning. There are a number of recommendations for the care of plastic structures and certain rules for their operation. Consumers do not always follow these rules and recommendations responsibly. In order for windows to serve for a long time, not to blow out and to retain heat well, they need to be looked after.

  • Carry out preventive maintenance at least once a year. The best thing is to call a qualified technician. Believe me, the cost of a professional will pay off, and you will be sure that the window will not fail in the most severe frost.
  • After the end of the winter season, be sure to move the trunnions to the summer position. Constantly pressing the sashes tightly against the frame will lead to rapid wear of the seals.
  • Check all fasteners and tighten them if necessary. Lubricate the rubber seals with a special product for caring for plastic structures.

If you follow these simple rules, your windows will last you up to 2 times longer and will not let you down at the most inopportune moment.

Video: Window prevention

How to insulate

If all attempts to regulate and eliminate the causes of drafts have not been successful, you need to think: how and with what to insulate plastic frames for the winter?

You can insulate slopes:

  • Basalt or mineral wool;
  • Plasterboard;
  • Isover (steel fiber);
  • Sandwich panels.

The insulation material is glued with assembly adhesive, puttyed and painted in the desired color.

As a last resort, seal the cracks:

  • Masking tape;
  • Self-adhesive foam or rubber seal;
  • Silicone sealant;
  • Glue for plastic windows.

Attention! If all the measures have been taken, but for some reason the plastic windows still let the cold in, then the entire plastic profile needs to be replaced. Practical, convenient, comfortable and modern plastic windows are designed to retain heat and not let cold air into the room

Practical, convenient, comfortable and modern plastic windows are designed to retain heat and not let cold air into the room.

However, uPVC windows can cause quite a bit of trouble if they are not installed correctly and are not adjusted properly.

Watch a video on the topic:

To prevent such problems, experts advise contacting trusted manufacturers and entrusting the installation of window units only to highly qualified professionals with many years of experience.

By installing metal-plastic windows, most owners of houses and apartments hope that they receive reliable protection from cold, drafts and street noise. But not everyone’s hopes come true.

Old rubber seal

This is one of the most common sources of cold transmission. What to do in such a situation? It is best to replace the seal with another, whiter, higher quality one. This will help not only strengthen the profile, but also extend its service life. You can make such a replacement yourself or seek help from a service department for installing plastic structures. If you decide to carry out this process yourself, then follow these tips:

  • It is best to purchase a good seal that will last you a long time (pay attention to German manufacturers);
  • Using pliers, pull out the old rubber;
  • Remove all dirt from the grooves;
  • Install another seal.



Constant draft

Plastic windows are designed to keep heat out of the house and keep out the cold from outside. They must be sealed, strong and durable. If the structure is made of high-quality materials and installed correctly, then it will not allow cold to pass through and does not need additional insulation. Quite often, dishonest companies install windows that will blow through you all winter. If you find yourself in a similar situation, then there is no need to be upset. You can make them warmer yourself without much effort.

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